Trust Me


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He had already dealt with the murder of the woman he knew as Carolyn Meldrum, his wife. She had died in the arms of her lover and it was only afterward that her secret life in the witness protection program was revealed. It was a blow that he was a long time recovering from. Now, out of the blue, his wife ... his newly pregnant wife ... was admitting that she had been intimate with another man ... a man who had tried to kill him. He was completely bewildered at what he had just heard.

"Mr. Tomlinson, Mrs. Tomlinson, we have arrested Terrance Wilford and charged him with attempted murder. Naturally, your testimony will be required as to the nature of your relationship to the accused. You are a material witness. You might want to consult a lawyer," the Captain said in a somber tone, looking at Marshall as he spoke.

Antoinette sat stunned into silence as the Captain spoke. His world was coming unraveled and there was nothing she could think of that would prevent it from happening.

"Am I under arrest?" she asked meekly.

"No. However, please do not leave the local area. The prosecutor will want to talk to you to discuss your testimony. It will be some time before this case goes to trial. The FBI has handed over jurisdiction to us and I would like to thank Special Agents Patrick and Tabler for their cooperation. It was their resources that helped us find the suspect and the weapon. You and Mr. Tomlinson are free to leave. The District Attorney's office will contact you to discuss your testimony, Ma'am."

A shocked and saddened Marshall Tomlinson rose, turned to Antoinette, offered his hand, and helped her rise. They walked slowly out of the interview room. Neither said a word as they left the building and made their way to his truck.

"What's going to happen to us?" she asked as they rode silently toward Ridgeview.

"I don't know," Marshall said, he eyes staring straight ahead. "You allowed another man to have sex with you after we were together. Even after we were married, if I can interpret what the Captain was saying. What am I supposed to think?"

"No Marshall. Not after we were married. I would never allow that. Before ... I didn't want to, Marshall. I swear ... I didn't want to," she said in a voice pleading for understanding.

"Why couldn't you come to me and tell me what was going on? Was he blackmailing you?"

She shook her head, hearing the anger and frustration in his voice. "No ... I wish I could say he was ... but ... no ... he wasn't."

"Then why?" Marshall demanded, raising his voice.

"I don't know," she cried. "He was very ... powerful. He scared me sometimes. I didn't love him. You've got to believe me ... I didn't love him. I love you. I didn't want Terry in my life ... but ... he wouldn't go away. He kept coming back. I didn't have the strength to break away from him. I was afraid of him."

"Well, based on his actions, you had a right to be. But for God's sake, Antoinette, why didn't you get help to keep him away? You could have got an order of protection, or come to me. We could have put a stop to his crazy stuff before it got out of hand. Now look at the mess we're in," he snarled in frustration.

He pulled up in front of her parents' home and sat looking through the windshield and not at his wife.

"Are we through then, Marshall? Is it over already for us?" she asked, tears streaking her cheeks, her voice trembling.

"I don't know. You say you didn't have sex with him after we were married, so ... I guess that's something ... if I can believe you. I think it's best if we spend some time apart so that I can think about what I might do. Right now, I'm angry and disappointed and ... a lot of other things that don't help me come to a rational decision. I'll call you when it's time for us to talk," he said quietly as he got out of the car and moved around to open her door.

Antoinette stumbled on the sidewalk before making her way slowly to the front porch of her parents' home. She didn't look back, her body stooped over, her hand wiping her eyes as she continued to shed tears. Marshall watched her go with sadness, wondering just how this was going to be resolved. Their separation would not go unnoticed in their small town.

Chapter 11 The Life We Choose

Marshall was miserable and chose to work at home as often as possible. His drawn appearance from the lack of sleep was easily seen by everyone. His partners met with him over lunch four days after the fateful meeting in Salem.

"Talk to us, Marshall. Something's happened and it can't be good," Tom Pierce begged. Tom was the elder of the two original partners and was a solid supporter of Marshall. He had been exactly what their small-town practice needed, and the fact that he married into a well-known and admired family just cemented his status as a "Ridgeview Man."

"It's difficult to talk about," Tom. "I've been trying to figure out how to tell you both what's going on, but sooner or later it's all going to come out, so I guess now is as good a time as any," he sighed.

And with that, Marshall told the complete story, beginning with the visit from the FBI, the gunshot attack, and now the revelation that the threat was from a local man who had been close to Antoinette.

"Have you decided what you are going to do?" James Browne asked.

"No ... no, I haven't. Right now I'm not doing a very good job of concentrating. Coming back to work would probably be the best thing I could do to take my mind off my problems. I've got a lot to think about. First and foremost is my marriage. Beyond that, this partnership can't be allowed to suffer from rumors or whisper campaigns. I've got to decide what to do to prevent any damage to you two men and this practice."

Tom was shaking his head. "Forget about that, Marsh. We'll survive no matter what. From what you've told me, saving your marriage is not beyond a possibility. You haven't been married that long, and you've got a baby on the way. Think about that. Antoinette's reputation in this town is well established and if she says she hasn't broken her marriage vows, then I tend toward believing her. Sometimes you have to put your faith in people you believe in. Jimmy and I believe in you. You have to decide if you believe in Antoinette. It's the age old question. Are you better off with her ... or without her."

"There's nothing going on here that Tom and I can't take care of," James added. "Take some time off to decide. I know enough about you that you'll come up with the right decision."

"Thanks, guys," Marshall said with a sigh of relief. To have the partners wholly on board took one of the pressure points off. Now it was up to him to decide.


Six days to Christmas and Marshall had long since finished his holiday shopping. The presents for his parents had been shipped earlier and the rest were wrapped and ready for ... what? It seemed like everything hinged on his decision on what to do about Antoinette. It was almost the only thing he was able to think about in the past few days. He'd talked to her on the phone each evening, but the conversations were awkward for both of them. Thankfully, Antoinette had not pressed him to make a decision. She was being patient, although she left little doubt that she wanted him back ... permanently.

On the spur of the moment, Marshall grabbed his heavy, dirty yellow raincoat and climbed into his big Yukon truck and headed toward the coast. He didn't stop at Newport, but drove directly to Depot Bay. He had fond memories of his first date with Antoinette and this particular place. Today featured a cold, wet wind from the south-east, yet it didn't bother him particularly. He was hoping for some inspiration as he gazed at the breakers pounding onto the shore. There were no whales to be seen in the rough waters this day, but alone on the viewing platform he was content to just allow the forces of nature to beat on him.

He had quickly realized after moving to Oregon that the west coast was where he belonged. Not just for the scenery, but for a fresh perspective on life. Carolyn ... or Cynthia ... wouldn't have understood just how different and invigorating it was to him. Antoinette did. She felt the same way. It didn't have to be a sunny day to appreciate the closeness to nature that he felt here. Whatever decision he made about his future, he knew he would be staying here ... or somewhere near here. This was where he felt he belonged.

He stopped at a tavern in Newport for a late lunch and a beer. The place was almost deserted, but lost in his thoughts, it really didn't matter to him. The time had come to make a decision, and he hoped and prayed that it would be the right one.


"Antoinette, I'd like to meet with you. I think we need to talk ... about us," Marshall said on his usual evening phone call.

"Yes ... okay ... I do want to see you, Marshall." He could hear the tension in her voice. "Where should we meet?"

"I think it's best if you come here ... to our house," he said quietly.

"Yes ... yes, of course, our house. When?"

"When can you come?"

"Now? Is that too soon?" she asked carefully.

"No ... come when you are ready. I'll be here."

He didn't have long to wait. She rang the door chime less than a half-hour later.

"You didn't have to ring," Marshall said as he let her in. "This is your house too."

"Is it? I want it to be," she said carefully.

"Come ... let's sit and talk. Would you like something first? Perhaps some tea?"

"Yes, please," she smiled weakly.

Marshall rose and went to the kitchen, returning with a thermos pot and poured them both a mug. They both preferred their tea clear, with no sugar.

"Come and sit beside me, please," he said as he handed her a mug. Antoinette looked surprised before rising unsteadily and moving to sit beside him on the sofa.

"I've had a lot of time to think about us ... and what's happened in the recent past," he began, taking her hand. "I met with Tom and James and while that had little to do with our situation, I wanted them to know what was going on since it could impact the firm. They were very understanding and supportive. But it was Tom that asked the most important question. I had to think long and hard to come to the right answer. Antoinette, I want our marriage to continue. We have created a child and I want it to grow up in a loving home. I trust you and I love you and I can't think of a single reason why we should not grow old together."

The look on Antoinette's face was first one of shock, then relief, then tears. He took her in his arms, kissing her forehead first, then her lips as she relaxed and melt into him. It took some time before she calmed down, but she would not let go of him, feeling the warmth of his body and the calm in him. That was the only message that she needed.

"What was Tom's question?" she asked as her composure slowly returned.

"An age old question. Would you be better off with her or without her? It was really an easy question to answer in the end ... but I had to get to the end to realize it."

"I can't express how I feel right now, Marshall. I thought I'd lost you. I thought this meeting was to tell me that you would be divorcing me. I didn't expect you to forgive me," she said, looking at him with a steady gaze.

"There was nothing to forgive, Antoinette. You broke no marriage vow, and you were being intimidated by a man who was not in control of himself. I had to understand the kind of pressure you were under. I'm somewhat ashamed of myself for putting you through this ordeal. I should have trusted you unconditionally. I have no excuses. It was entirely my bruised ego. Somehow I had elevated you to virginal status. I should have understood a beautiful woman like you would have admirers ... and even stalkers. I've learned my lesson."

The first hint of a smile appeared on Antoinette's face. "Marshall ... shut up," she chided gently. "I told you when we first got to know each other I wasn't a virgin, so you can forget that idea. I know ... or I think I know ... just what kind of ordeal you went through with the death and deception of your first wife. You were blameless and I was so certain of that it never entered my mind to doubt you. If I'm accused of being a naïve, I'll admit it. I love you, Marshall. Please have no doubt in your mind."

Marshall returned the smile before kissing her again. "Do you think your parents will mind if you don't come home tonight?"

"I am home," she smiled, "and I don't ever want to leave again."

"I'm in favor of that," he said as he picked her up and carried her to their bedroom.


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AnonymousAnonymous13 minutes ago

The ending ruined what was a fine story. He should DNA the child.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Nooooooo. A fumble at the goal line. Antoinette explicitly told Marshall they were exclusive even when they were dating. She faced no consequences at all. You don’t have to burn someone, but they have to face consequences. This is the main driver of human behavior. Bro…. All that effort to crash and burn on the last two pages. 1-star.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Absolute crap about buying the rifle over the internet. While in places you can order them they must be delivered to a dealer (FFL) who fills out the same forms as any other gun shop with the ATF. The .243 is a nice light hunting rifle but in no way would ever be considered a sniper rifle, it simply doesn’t have the range. That and the ending knocked it from a 5 to a 3

stan234499stan2344992 months ago

The ending did not fit the rest of the story . Too many unanswered questions.

Waldteufel61Waldteufel613 months ago

Wow, what a disappointing turn of what had been an Interesting story which i feel the author bungled terribly with introducing her infidelity during their “exclusive“ relationship and engagement, and no explanation for what she was doing in the hotel just weeks earlier, and then him accepting it. I’m not one of these angry BTB at all cost commentators, there are stories where reconciliation seems to be well thought out this was just not one of those. Went from a five star rating to a three.

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