Trying to Reclaim My Marriage


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"Babes, you're my wife, the mother of my kids and I love you to death," I told her.

When she slurred something about their big tits I kind of laughed. When I told her she had the cutest booblets around I think she got a little upset.

"They may not be the biggest tits in the world, but they're perky and I still don't have to wear a bra if I don't want to," and she pulled off the one she was wearing. "See, they'll even bounce when I do this," then she started jumping up and down on the front seat on her knees. The only problem was the driver in the car next to us was getting a great show too as he cruised next to us at the same speed. I laughed, he laughed and gave me a thumbs up before finally speeding away.

I carried her in the house, stripped her down and we both hopped into the shower. There was a lot of kissing and finger action and I knew my window of opportunity was closing fast. I figured I had twenty minutes before she passed out or fell asleep.

I chased her to the bed and after a lot of foreplay kissing she took over. She gave me a not too bad a blow job, a great lap dance, and finally slipped me into her pussy and fucked the shit out of me cowgirl style. I only wished I had gotten this on fucking tape because the next morning she remembered none of the previous night. Tonight I was hoping for the same.

"If you put away that magazine maybe we could fool around a bit tonight," she said moving towards me. She was wearing a short top and had on almost see through bikini panties and best of all no socks like last night.

Jokes have a time and a place but the bedroom is normally not the place and when your wife is making ga ga eyes at you, it sure is hell not the right time.

We were getting into it hot and heavy and I decided to make a small joke. I must have been bitten by the stupid bug to do something this dumb.

Well, we were kissing and swapping a ton of spit when she started rubbing my dick. Ok, open mouth, insert foot and close mouth.

"Oh Donna, that feels so good," I whispered into her ear. She stopped, looked at me with a shocked look on her face; I had this stupid grin on mine. "Sue, it was a joke," I told her. All right, she didn't see the humor in it as she slammed her pillow against my head not once but at least three times.

Then, through clenched teeth she laced into me. "You son of a bitch, who in the hell is Donna?" Again I tried to explain it was just a joke, but by now she was seeing red.

"This is Donna," I said taking out one of the manila envelopes by the side of my bed. 'Beauty and the Beast.'

Sue recognized the bike from Bill's e-mail from Atlanta, but none of his pictures included Donna. She was there hanging out for the whole world to see.

"So this is what you did in Atlanta? You picked up some slut at the bike show?"

"Hon, it was the owner of the bike's sister," I said while she studied the picture even turning on the overhead light to get a better look.

"You like this kind of woman? More than you do me?" As I said, some men just go brain dead at certain times in their lives.

"Sue, think about it. I married you didn't I? I can't say she's not interesting to look at, but I'm in love with you. However, if you got a tattoo here or her," I said touching her breast and ass, "you'd look extra hot."

"In your dreams mister. I like this body just the way it is, and if you don't well I can think of ten or twenty guys that would love to see what was under my work clothes." She'd given it back to me, and then some. "So, shall we try this again or do you have any other stupid comments you'd like to make?"

I kept my mouth shut this time; that is until my tongue ventured out to reacquaint itself with Sue's pussy. We both got off, but it wasn't quite the same. It was going to take time for us to get back to where we were, but at least it was a start.

"I've got about an hour's worth of work at the shop I need to do this morning," I informed Sue Saturday during breakfast. "I've got two tanks to prep so I can shoot them Monday morning."

"Why don't we all go this morning and then hit the mall when you're done. I haven't watched you work in forever and it's stupid for you to go there and then come back all this way when the mall is on that side of town." I wasn't going to object.

I was wet sanding the two gas tanks by hand when I heard the bikes pull up. Sue was walking around the office and Kim and Danny were playing games on my computer when Sid walked through the door, and he wasn't smiling.

I'd brought the two magazine layouts back to the shop and wasn't sure how I was going to break the news to him.

I walked over to him. "Good morning Sid," I said tentatively.

"I already heard about it, but I understand you have the actual magazine layouts."

I went over to the table by my desk and grabbed both envelopes and handed them to him.

"Jesus fucking Christ," he said and not softly. Just at that moment Sue walked out of the office. Walking to the door, he opened it and bellowed, "Donna get your ass in here."

Donna came bounding in dressed in denim and leather showing more than a little skin. I watched Sue trying to take in what was happening.

"You dumb bitch, you just had to get in the pictures didn't you. It's going to be out there for the whole fucking world to see. No matter where I fucking go now, people are going to know because you couldn't keep your tits off my bike." Sue now was standing next to me looking at the two of them.

"Sid, it's not like you don't have another fucking bike," Donna yelled back at him.

"Ok, now what am I suppose to do with this fucking bike. Anyone who sees it will be looking for me," he shot back at her. "I don't need the fucking notoriety that'll go along with the bike now."

"Why don't you sell it to us?" Sue said watching the two of them argue. "Sell the bike to my husband and he'll tell both magazines that he owns it, not you. That way you'll keep your privacy and we'll have something to display at the shows."

"Sue, please stay out of this." I was surprised at what she had just suggested.

"How much can it be worth? Ten to fifteen thousand?"

"Sweetheart, I've got twenty-five in the customization alone," Sid snarled back at her.

"Well, we'll give you twenty-five and Steve will do another custom paint job on any of your other bikes free of charge. But this time we won't publicize what we do."

Everyone was looking at Sue.

"It's a good business deal all around. Everyone gets something out of it and no one gets stuck." I noticed our kids were standing next to their mother or more so just behind her. I wasn't sure how this was going to all play out. I like the idea; hell, I loved the idea of buying his bike but wasn't sure what Sid thought of the idea.

"Can you design something similar to what you did last time?"

"Anything you want," I said with a smile on my face. Sue started talking to Donna about something.

It took over an hour to get all the details straight and how the money and paper work would change hands. In the end I'd have to design something pretty special to makeup for the problem Donna had caused.

"Did they hurt?" my daughter Kim asked Donna as she touched the tattoos on her stomach.

"Just a little," she said with a smile.

"You sure have a lot of them and my mommy doesn't have any," Kim was trying to raise up Sue's shirt while Donna started to laugh.

"If you want, I'll take your mommy with me and we'll put a whole bunch of pretty ones on her tummy." I could read Sue's eyes from across the room. That wasn't going to happen, well, not in my lifetime anyway.

With the negotiations done, Sid left with Donna on the back of their other bike. I wheeled in the new addition to our family and just stared at it; it was mine.

"I can't see what is so special about this bike outside of your paint job," she said throwing a leg over it.

It was a custom shovelhead with a rigid frame and a hard tail. It had a Springer front end with about a thirty-nine degree rake. It had three spoke mag wheels front and back with a set of California handle bars. The only gauges it had were a tach and speedometer but the high bars worried me. I'd ridden a bike with them on just once, and after about a half hour my arms started to get awfully tired. The passenger's seat was nothing more than a pee pad attached to the rear fender. And it was all mine.

"Look, a picture of mommy," Kim said pointing at the girl on the front fender.

"No honey, that's not mommy," Sue said looking at the naked woman wearing just a thong on the fender. Then she took a second look. "Holy shit!" I was dead meat.

All right, the brown hair was longer and Sue sure as hell didn't possess the attributes of that girl, but Kim was right, it was her face on that girl. I had used an old picture of Sue and embellished it.

This is how you see me in your warped mind? This is how you'd like me to look?" she asked.

"I guess I'd leave off the harness."

Sue couldn't take her eyes off the picture and finally admitted it did look hot, in a slutty sort of way.

Little by little we struggled our way back. I worked harder on my business and she cut back on her hours. Was everything perfect? Not by a long shot but neither one of us was giving up at this point. Thursday night Sue announced that the kids were spending the weekend with her parents, something about theme parks and the beach.

"I need you to make sure you're home on time, because you're taking me to a new restaurant for dinner tonight."

Crap, the last thing I wanted to do was get dressed for dinner at the end of the week. However, I sucked it up, smiled and told her I would be honored to escort her to dinner maybe with a bit of sarcasm, but also with a big smile on my face. There was no way I was going to push my luck today especially looking at a kid free weekend.

I'd been riding my new bike on and off to work most days and today was no exception. On my way home I filled up with gas and everyone there ogled the bike and especially the paint job. I always made sure I had business cards on me because Sue found a way to write off the bike totally as a business expense.

"I pulled into the garage walked into the kitchen and about had a heart attack at what I saw. There before me was the hottest motorcycle momma I'd ever seen. Long brown hair tied back in a ponytail, jean shorts that were just high enough to hide her jewels, knee high leather boots, and a tube top that covered just the essentials. She had more tattoos than most hard-core bikers. She was sipping on a Corona but best of all she was standing right there before me in my own kitchen.

I walked up to her, grabbed the beer and took a long swallow before taking her in my arms and kissing her. She stuck her tongue all the way down my throat telling me that she knew other tricks with that tongue.

When we pulled into Shady Oaks the other fifty bikers couldn't take their eyes off us. They gathered around to look at my bike while I took my date inside and found an empty table way in the back. Her big breasts felt good in my hands. We traded spit until our burgers came. We shared two beers and left when she told me that she was warming up dessert rubbing her almost bare pussy on my leg.

I felt her naked arms around me as she pushed her tits into my back. These weren't thirty-four A cup breasts, more like thirty-eight double D's. When we got back to my place I went to get one last Corona. She stopped me and said she has something a lot tastier to suck on and she scooted up on the kitchen table.

I stripped her and ate her right there on the kitchen table. She'd been right; her pussy was warmed up and the juices flowed down the back of my throat. I was just about to put the meat to her when she slid off the table, leaving a wet trail, and went down on her knees.

All right, I don't have a ten-inch cock but what I do have disappeared down her lovely throat. Did I think she would swallow? I didn't have a clue but I never gave her the chance to pull off my dick as I pumped two loads into her hungry mouth but she never let up.

She licked and sucked me until I got hard again. I bent her over the table and took her from behind. Damn this girl was tight. I gave her everything I had. When she started to yell for me to fuck her harder, I grabbed hold of her hips and slammed her even harder. She was like a bitch in heat when she finally let loose and clamped down on my dick. I gave her what I had left in me. We sprawled across the table starting to come down.

When she did a one eighty and started eating my face I knew I wouldn't be ready for at least a half an hour. I licked her pierced nipple and pulled on her clit ring and asked if she wanted a shower.

She led me by my dick to my shower, lathering me up paying particular attention to my dick. When she dropped down on her knees and tried to get me hard I told her she was wasting her time, give me twenty more minutes I pleaded.

She led me to my queen size bed and pushed me back. "If you can't get it up, I hope at least your tongue can." She put her shaved pussy on my lips. I licked, sucked and fingered her until she begged me to stop, but we continued for about five minutes more. With both of us totally drained we finally took a breather.

"Was it as good for you as it was for me?"

"Better," I said kissing her again tossing her hairpiece onto her dresser. How long will the henna tattoos last?"

"A couple more days depending on how often they're washed."

"Well they do look hot. By the way, nice touch with the boobs. How did you keep them up?"

"They're built right into the top. You can find the craziest things on line if you know where to look," she said giving me another kiss. "Did you see the looks we got tonight? I thought for a while a couple of guys were going to fight you for me."

"They would have had one hell of a fight on their hands," I said with a grin. "Next time not so slutty. You're supposed to be my girl, not some ho off the street. Maybe I'll have someone take pictures of us next time and send them up to Bill in Atlanta."

"Over my dead body."

"Don't forget, tomorrow is dress up night with the senior partners in my office. No grit, no grime and a lot of spit shine." I guess one good turn deserves another.

We're a couple again, and is Sue going to get a boob job for me? Not a chance in hell. But like I just said, we're happy and we're both working on it full time for a change. We went back to where we first started all those years ago and got back some of the magic that was missing in our marriage. We now know what is really important in our lives and make family decisions together for the good of the family. Will we make it, not a doubt in my mind especially after she told me that she'd quit her job if it came to a choice between the two of us.

So now when my friends ask me what I see in her, I tell them I see a loving wife and mother and a badass biker chick under that three-piece suit. They think I'm nuts and they probably are right but I wouldn't change a thing now that I've got back the woman that couldn't tell the difference between a swap meet and a car show.

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xtremeddxtremedd15 days ago

Still a "Classic!"

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

This is SirCuck's MO: set up issues, but court the absolutely braindead part of the audience by explicitly not resolving the issues he so painstakingly set up, but instead rely on the magical memory and emotion reset button pressed during a sex scene where two people who are described as feeling injured and betrayed by the other, instantly get aroused by the thought of each other.

StubbyoneStubbyone20 days ago

3rd time reading this little gem and every bit as good as the first two times. Respect goes right along with love and letting your spouse know how much you appreciate what they do and how much they contribute is important. One of my all time favorites. Well done. 5-😊😊😊😊😊’s

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

HARDUP1957 AND BardnotBard are what I like to see, people who read for the enjoyment. Too many have some other agenda in mind whether it be mistake hunting or taking potshots at various things; marriage, women /men, what have you. Thank you Slirpuff for one of my favorite tales (Think of Laura and Never Welcomed Home are a couple more that I recommend) 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

OlefishermanOlefishermanabout 1 month ago

The author had him change for her and her change for him just enough to remain there own person. As it should be.

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