Tucker's Studio Ch. 13


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Kelsey was one of the two. She'd intentionally left her bottoms on to ease Raymond into things. She didn't want the poor guy to have a heart attack right off the bat. She'd underestimated the power of her naked tits though.

"Hi Ray!" she yelled happily when she saw him. She ran over to him, tits bouncing, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She'd never kissed him before.

Raymond was speechless. For real. His lungs were locked up tight and he couldn't even muster a mumble. Kelsey smiled. She knew he needed a few minutes to get his head together before she introduced him around.

"Lets' go inside," she said. "I'll get you a drink."

Forty-dollar Bourbon and Pepsi was what almost everybody was drinking, so she poured one for Raymond. He was still shell-shocked, but starting to form words.

"Did you find the house all right?" Kelsey asked.

"Oh...yeah," Raymond said.

"I like your suit," she said. "We haven't been swimming in a while, have we? Not since I got these tits probably, right?"

"Yeah," Raymond said quietly, glancing at the beautiful things.

"You don't mind us skinny dipping do you? You know me, getting naked's like no big deal. Everybody's different though. I hope you don't mind. We'll have fun," Kelsey said with a twinkle in her eye. Her latent lust was just starting to bubble through, and Raymond was getting his first glimpse of it. It threatened to send him into shock again, but he powered through. The drink he was gulping helped.

"Be careful with that," Kelsey said. "You're not used to it and you've gotta drive home. You won't need it once you get used to everything. Real life's plenty intoxicating, right?"

She smiled and put her hands under her tits, holding the weight of them and jiggling them up and down a little. She giggled at Raymond's reaction. "Oh, sorry," she said when she noticed him trying to hide the rising tent in his bathing suit. "You can hide it in the pool. Let's jump right in, then nobody'll see you. You can meet everybody later, after that cools down," she said, gesturing toward his boner.

Raymond was amazed at how freely Kelsey was talking about...things. That, and the fact that she was standing there talking to him wearing nothing but a tiny bikini bottom. It was all so far beyond anything he'd imagined; his brain felt totally scrambled. He glanced out the big french doors at the other girls, tits bouncing as they danced to throbbing music. He felt like he was in way over his head.

"Take your shirt off. You can leave your glasses on the table if you want," Kelsey said, knowing he could see reasonably well without them. "Ready?" she said.

He gulped down the last of his drink. She took his hand and they went to the far end of the room, through a sliding glass door that was away from the throbbing speakers and the dancing kids. They skittered across the patio and plunged into the pool. Appropriately, it was the deep end.

They came up for air — Kelsey giggling, Raymond looking a bit more relaxed — and swam for the side. There was a little ledge there to stand on, and Kelsey moved in close to Raymond. With water still streaming off of their faces, she kissed him. It was a nice long kiss, with lots of tongue. It was Raymond's first.

"Nice!" Kelsey said softly when their lips parted. "You know you're one of my best friends, right?" she said, her twinkling eyes darting back and forth between his. "That's all this is, okay? You ever hear of friends with benefits?"

"Yeah," Raymond said, wiping his eyes so he could get a better look at Kelsey's radiant face.

"You okay with that?" Kelsey asked. "You're not gonna get all weird and think I need to be your girlfriend?"

"No," Raymond said. "Whatever you want. I'm...yeah."

"Good, 'cause I wanna do things to you tonight," she said, her hand gathering up the still mostly hard lump in his bathing suit. "Do you wanna do things to me?"

Her eyes were shining, and her latent lust wasn't latent any more. It was written all over her face. She kissed him again, long and lingering as his cock got even harder in her hand.

"Rayyymoooond! Gettin' some actioooon! Nice buddy!" one of the guys yelled.

Raymond's heart soared. He'd waited his whole life for one of the cool kids to talk to him that way. He'd gotten used to the fact that it would probably never happen, and he kind of thought sex with a girl would never happen either. Boy, was he glad he didn't chicken out and blow off the party like he'd wanted to earlier in the evening!

Out of nowhere he heard it. At first he thought he was dreaming, his mind regurgitating some porn he'd watched earlier in the day, but no, it was real and it wasn't coming from the speakers. It was behind him. Kelsey watched him as his mind worked, her face showing the excitement she was feeling as Raymond slowly realized what kind of party it was going to be.

"Looks like Trina's happy," Kelsey said.

She loved the look of surprise and wonder on Raymond's face as it clicked in his mind — Trina, the long-legged captain of the cheerleading squad and probably the hottest girl in school, was getting fucked!

"You can look," Kelsey said to him, her voice calm and reassuring. "There'll be a lot to see tonight. Everybody else is watching."

Raymond turned around. There were whoops and cheers above the throbbing music, and Trina's rising cries of love were shockingly visceral as one of the boys fucked her doggie style on a lounge just ten feet away. Raymond had seen such things on porn, but in real life, seeing a girl he knew embroiled in that way was breathtaking.

"She's hot isn't she? Did you ever dream about her? Or Brie or the others? We're all fuck buddies. You can play with any of 'em. And me," Kelsey said, her voice seductive and hypnotic. Her hand had shifted inside Raymond's suit, massaging his cock flesh-on-flesh.

The girls ended up liking Raymond. A lot. No, he wasn't a great lover, and he didn't have a super nice cock. But he was a fun guy, with a great personality when he loosened up, and the girls kinda got off on fucking someone so good-heartedly geeky.

He didn't have any stamina at all until he came three times, but he did pretty well after that, playing enthusiastically late into the night. He texted his worried mother at two in the morning, telling her he was okay and he'd see her in the morning. Damn the torpedoes. He wasn't going anywhere.

Kelsey made sure his first time was with her. She kinda loved that it was, after being friends with him since they were four. It happened right there at the edge of the pool, Kelsey riding the stunned looking boy after swallowing his first load. Action had broken out all around the patio, so no one was really watching, but Raymond still felt exhibitionist thrills as Kelsey rode him wild and free, her tits bouncing and her vocalizations hanging in the night air with all the other moans and cries. The whole thing felt surreal to Raymond, like he had fallen into one of the alternate realities in the sci-fi books and movies he enjoyed.

One of the highlights of the night was Trina's request for a gang-bang. Five eager boys gave it to her good while the five girls egged them on. The guys went round-robin on her, bringing her to multiple orgasms, and then the double penetration got started and she flew off to the moon. Raymond couldn't believe it when he had his cock deep inside the hottest-girl-from-high-school's ass. Flat out couldn't believe it.

Needless to say, Kelsey fucked her brains out that night. She made sure she sampled all the boys, and all the girls too. It was a fitting end to a remarkable summer. She'd had a strong feeling standing on the stage on graduation day that her adult life was ready to start. Losing her virginity was the biggest step along the way. She lost it all right. Oh boy did she lose it!


Bobby and Kay drove Kelsey to the University in late August and helped her get moved into her dorm room. It was a different dorm than the one where they had met, but they'd been to a few parties there back in the day.

"Don't forget to be careful honey," Kay said to Kelsey when they were leaving. "You don't wanna end up pregnant like I was sophomore year."

"I will Mom," Kelsey said. "I mean I won't. I'll be careful."

"Have fun," Kay whispered as she hugged her daughter tight. "College is where I learned how fun love can be. But you're way ahead of me, aren't you."

Kelsey looked at her mom, wondering how much she knew.

"It's okay honey," Kay whispered as she squeezed her tight again. "Mothers know things."

The first night in the dorm was chaotic, but by night two the parties had started. Kelsey wandered into a particularly wild one on the floor above hers. The boys almost fell silent when they saw her. Tight, faded jeans and a shrunken t-shirt with no bra will do that to a guy. Someone handed her a drink — a multi-liquor punch of some sort.

She didn't talk much. The boys seemed intimidated by her looks and effortless sexiness, and the girls, well, it was pretty much the same story with them.

"How 'bout some strip games," she said, blurting it out of nowhere when no one was talking. If there was one thing Kelsey was good at, it was being naked.

So that was how she started yet another orgy, breaking the ice in a big way with her new crowd. If that dorm didn't already have a reputation for wild sex, it surely did after Kelsey's freshman year.

In the weeks after the first party, there were other gatherings of drinking, listening to music and sex play. They were often a bit more mellow and laid-back than the first blow-out. Kelsey reveled in lounging around naked with her friends, having nice conversations, and fucking quietly on the bunk beds while the others talked. It all seemed so decadent and delicious.

The subject of porn came up once in a while. One day a student who grew up in the city mentioned a local porn studio. No one believed him, but he said it was true. He said he'd driven by it one time and it was nothing much to see, just a yellow door on an old brick warehouse in the heart of the city. The conversation shifted and no one mentioned it again, but Kelsey was intrigued. She had just spoken to her mom on the telephone that day, and Kay reminded her she needed to get out and look for work, to help with the expenses. Kelsey did some Googling that night, and made a phone call the next day...

"Hi. I'm a student up at the University and I'm looking for a job. I was wondering if you ever hire girls?"

"Do you mean office work honey?"

"No. Doing the movies. Acting? Do you call it acting?"

"Some folks do," Tucker chuckled. "I prefer to think of it as performing. Do you have any experience?"

"Not with movies, no. But I know how to...do sex, you know?"

Tucker could tell Kelsey was young. When she told him she was eighteen he was intrigued. He'd been wanting to add a teen girl to his stable of talent, but hiring them was difficult for him. He never felt comfortable approaching young-looking girls and propositioning them with an offer of work. It was dangerous unless he already knew their age, so he didn't get many opportunities with 'barely legal' girls.

"All right honey. Well, why don't you come down to the studio and we'll talk. I can't promise you anything, but we'll talk and see where things go."

Tucker wasn't sure why, but he thought Kelsey was a heavy girl, as in rather round. It was something about her voice. Not that it mattered much — he'd been wanting to add a 'full bodied' girl to his stable too.

Kelsey buzzed the intercom later that day. Tucker let her in. She was nothing like what he pictured on the phone. To say he was stunned by her looks was a huge understatement. Almost microscopically petite, with the curves of a voluptuous woman and wild, windblown, cinnamon-red hair hanging all the way to her ass like a sexy lion's mane. He knew he'd found his girl. Even if she was terrible he had to use her for the visuals alone.

As he talked to her though, he realized she might be a porn producer's dream come true. Young, stunning looking, with a free and easy attitude toward sex and nudity that was totally refreshing; she seemed to be one-in-a-million. She was even a real, honest-to-God cheerleader for Christ's sake.

"Shit, you cheerleaded with those tits?" Tucker said. Kelsey giggled.

"They made us wear ugly sports bras for a couple years. But senior year we got a new cheer coach and she said we didn't have to. I think we turned her on," she smirked.

"I'm guessing all the fathers in the stands celebrated when she got that job. I hate to ask honey, but how do you think your parents will react if I hire you?"

"Oh. Well, my mom'll probably be jealous," Kelsey chuckled, "and my dad...I don't know. I can almost picture him saying it's cool. I told you about their lifestyle. I don't think they've done any serious porn, like commercial stuff, but I know there's been lots of cameras around, and I've seen their friends taking video before. I don't know what happened to it, maybe it was just for them, but it could be out there I guess. I guess you kinda know by now they're kinda different than most parents."

Tucker pulled a contract out of his desk drawer, gave her a thousand-dollar signing bonus and hired her on the spot.


Cinnamon Sugar. That's the name they settled on for Kelsey. Her wild, way-to-long but awesome mane of cinnamon-red hair was the inspiration, and she was sweet like sugar, both to look at and to talk to. It was the best name Tucker had come up with yet.

Tucker scheduled her first scene with Jamar. Kelsey had met him the day Tucker hired her. Jamar was smitten with her immediately, and she with him. They looked amazing together — the tiny, freckled redhead and the tall handsome Jamaican. Tucker had always loved the way a mix of white and black skin looked onscreen. It seemed like a no-brainer to get them out of their clothes and see what would happen.

Friday afternoon Kelsey took a bus down to the warehouse district. Tucker had the full staff on hand — Chip to get Jamar ready, and Marsha to take care of Kelsey. Tucker would be handling the camera duties after Jamar set up the lighting.

"Good Lord girl!" Marsha said when she met Kelsey. "That hair! Wow!" she laughed.

"Is it awful?" Kelsey asked, twirling a big gob of it around her hand and forearm.

"If you cut it I'll fire you," Tucker said kiddingly to Marsha.

"No! It's awesome!" Marsha said, running her fingers through it. "I mean it's wild, but, yeah, I'm not doin' much, that's for sure. Oh my God, you naked, with this beautiful stuff hanging all around you? Jesus Tucker, can I do a scene with her?" Marsha chuckled.

"Absolutely!" Tucker said, suddenly realizing he might get to see Marsha naked and orgasmic again. "Hubby won't mind, if it's a girl, right?" he smiled.

"Wow," Marsha said, looking Kelsey over. "I might have to ask him."

Kelsey smiled. She'd never been with a woman older than her college friends. She got tingly thinking about all the possibilities at her new job.

Marsha had some wardrobe choices laid out for Kelsey to try on. Typical 'teen hanging around the house' clothing and some little string bikinis, to go with the scene Tucker was staging. Kelsey ended up barefoot, with short, cut-off sweatpants that you could see right up inside when she sat down, and a loose white t-shirt. It showed off her bra-less tit jiggle and draped over her nipples beautifully. Marsha brushed out her hair and then messed it up again. A little eye liner brought out her blue eyes. Cinnamon Sugar was ready for her debut.

She wasn't nervous at all, but her excitement level was off the charts. Jamar turned her on more than any man she'd ever seen. He was standing behind the cameras discussing things with Tucker when Kelsey walked onto the set, her white shirt and red hair almost glowing under the lights. Tucker had decorated the set to look like a college girl's bedroom.

The first part of the scene was just Kelsey, lying in bed, talking to a girlfriend on the phone...

"Spring break? Yeah, I can afford it I guess. I've been saving up. Where do you wanna go?......Jamaica? That sounds cool!......Black guys? No, have you?......Really?......Oh my God!"

Kelsey falls asleep after the phone call, and has a dream....

She walks into a hotel room, leading Jamar by the hand. It's filmed in soft light, with a misty, almost blurry quality. He's wearing a colorful bathing suit. Kelsey's in an insanely sexy string bikini. Her tits seemed to be moving even when there was nothing making them move.

Up until that point in Kelsey's brief sexual life Brie's dad had the biggest cock she'd played with, but she was hoping — and pretty sure based on the way he filled out his tight pants — that Jamar would be her first really big cock, as in, huge. She dropped to her knees and pulled down his bathing suit — the same way she'd pulled down Austin's at the first pool party — and was astonished at the size and perfection of the black meat hanging in front of her face. She didn't touch it at first. She just looked at it with wide, unblinking eyes, her mouth open a little, curling into a delicious little smile. She looked up at Jamar's big brown eyes and back down. She giggled a little. Her small hand wrapped around the growing appendage and looked up into Jamar's eyes again.

"What's your name?" Kelsey asked.

"Elijah," Jamar said. "What's yours?"

"Cinnamon," Kelsey said. "My friends call me Sin."

It was a powerfully seductive line reading, worthy of an Academy Award. Tucker was over the moon. As he stood in the shadows monitoring the cameras, he shook his head and smiled at Kelsey's comfort and natural talent. He was dying to see if she was as natural with a cock deep inside her. Then he'd know he had a real star on his hands.

Kelsey examined Jamar's cock for a few more moments, letting every detail sink into her brain. She wanted to remember everything about it. She raised it up high and extended her tongue, licking the smooth balls before lowering the long shaft onto her tongue and letting it slide into her wet mouth. It was fully hard, and fully huge. Kelsey moaned. It was an almost musical moan, and it made Jamar smile.

"You're as sexy as a little girl gets, aren't ya," Jamar said, gathering up her wild mane of hair in his hand.

"Mmm hmm," she moaned, her mouth full, and getting fuller.

"Ohhh!" Janmar groaned when she had taken more than he thought she could. "Damn girl!" he sighed.

The blowjob was slow but intense. Deeper and deeper Jamar went, bringing up stringy phlegm that dripped off Kelsey's chin down to her tits. She couldn't get him as deep as she wanted with her throat at that angle, so she pulled off, stroking the slippery cock with both hands while she took a breather.

"I'm not done yet," she said breathlessly, looking like a girl on a mission.

She wiped her wet chin with the back of her hand and took off her bikini top, giving everybody their first look at even more of her magnificence. She got up on her feet, bent at the waist with her legs spread wide, and took the monster in her mouth again. The new position straightened her throat, and everyone was stunned to see all of Jamar's considerable length disappear into the tiny girl's gullet. She even held it there for a while. It was a pose that was breathtaking — her mouth stretched wide with Jamar's balls right up against her chin, her crazy nice tits hanging under a perfectly arched back, and the sweetest little ass and pussy Tucker had ever seen, spread wide and spectacular. He looked at Marsha and they both shook their heads in awe.

"Fuuucck little Sin!" Jamar groaned as his length slid out of her throat. "You a little wild girl, ain't ya?"