Unexpected Help


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Shirley started bawling. "I had no choice, Grandpa! He drugged me the first time it happened. He made a video and told me he would show Matt and Marla if I didn't continue fucking him. He said if I did good, he would be sure I had a raise and Matt would never know about any of this."

"I know my Dear. I know all about how it happened and why. You need to fix this before it ruins your life. Only you have the power to make changes that are necessary. Now remember my dear, we're always watching over you and we love you. Expect your final visitor at the stroke of 2." With that, he faded away to nothing as Shirley sobbed for him to come back.

The third visit

It was 2 AM precisely when she sat up in her bed. Shirley knew by now what she had to do and quickly made her way down the stairs to the doors. She slowly slid them open, and there before her, "Mr. Bell?" Mr. Bell was one of her least favorite teachers when she was in high school. She had heard he died 10 years ago.

"Ahh Mrs. Chase, tardy as usual I see. Come now child we don't have much time left," He extended his hand to her. She slowly walked to him, extending her hand, almost afraid. She never liked Mr. Bell; he was always mean to almost all of his students. Reluctantly she grabbed his hand, and the blackness took them over.

Then she reappeared inside a tiny efficiency apartment. One small room with a bathroom attached. The place was a disaster, it was small and cramped. The walls had holes, as well as pipes sticking out and leaking, dripping to the floor. The floor was dirty and creaky. "Where are we, Mr. Bell? Whose place is this."

Mr. Bell laughed. "This is your place, Shirley. We're in the future, and if you do not fix your life and your marriage this is how you are going to end up. After your divorce, your boss had no more use for you. So he fired you, all you could find for work was part-time waitressing at a diner downtown."

"No... No... No... This can't be. I was so careful; he would never find out."

"Oh, you stupid, stupid girl. They always find out. He got so angry he threw you out of the house and filed for a divorce. He had enough evidence that you lost everything. Marla wanted nothing to do with you," he said. "Come let me show you her fate. He grabbed her hand as the blackness once again took hold.

They reappeared in a large room. It looked to be some kind of common room that people would share and do activities in. Shirley looked around the room and saw several people dressed in white walking around. She saw Marla a little older, she was just sitting in a chair staring out a window and rocking back and forth. Shirley let out a gasp and ran to her. "Marla! Baby, what's wrong? Please baby, what is it?"

Marla turned her head as if she was looking at her mother, but said nothing. She just stared right through her. Shirley sobbed, "What is wrong with her?"

"She can't see you. She fell into a deep depression after discovering what you had done. It got worse after the divorce, and she just shut down. Matt had no choice but to put her in here after she tried to kill herself," he told her.

Shirley fell to her knees wailing. "No... Please no."

"You can still fix this Shirley. There is still time," he said as he put his hand on her head. Blackness ensued and she screamed sitting up in panic.

The Confession

She was screaming and sat up in bed. She realized that daylight was streaming through the windows. Matt quickly sat up, terrified that something had happened to his wife. "Honey, what's wrong?" He asked as he pulled her to him, hugging her tight to his chest.

She sobbed, trying to pull herself together but found it hard. After a few minutes, she gathered the courage to talk. "Oh Matt, I've screwed up so badly. I've made such a mess of things I just don't know what to do."

"Tell me, Darling, I can help you fix it, whatever it is," he said.

He was always so sweet like that, wanting to fix her problems so she wouldn't have to deal with them. "I'm scared Matt. I'm afraid that you will hate me, that you will leave me forever."

"Oh Darling, I Love you so very much. I could never hate you.

She let out a sigh and sobbed a little. "You just might. This whole thing has been eating me up inside, I can't take it anymore. Do you remember the party I told you about for my promotion? Well, there was no party. What really happened...." Shirley told Matt everything about the drinking. She told him how her boss had paid the bartender to double the alcohol and how he drugged her drink. Then she told him how he basically raped her in a hotel. She told him she was so out of it she thought it was him then her boss showed him the video that he had edited and threatened to show him and Marla.

"Oh Matt I have been so scared for so long, that's why I have been so distant. He has been forcing me to have sex with him anytime he wants. I was so scared Matt I didn't know what to do. I was so afraid to lose my family."

Matt held his crying wife for a moment, unable to say anything for about two minutes. Then he got out of bed, went to his closet, and started getting dressed. "Matt? What are you doing? Please don't go. I'm sorry Matt. I didn't know what else to do. I just couldn't keep doing this. I love you too much, I can't lose you. Please, Matt," she cried.

"I need to think Shirley. I need some time to process. I'll be back some time." He walked out of the room, and she heard the front door slam shut. She started bawling her eyes out, unable to stop. She was so loud that Marla heard her and came running.

She ran into the bedroom looking scared, "Mom!!! What happened? Are you ok? Why did Dad leave?" She saw Shirley crying on the bed and immediately ran to her mother hugging her and crying with her without even knowing why she was crying.

Shirley sobbed holding her daughter tightly, "Oh Marla sweetheart I have made a terrible mess of myself. Your Dad and I are, well I don't know what we are right now. I have been blackmailed by my boss to do things at work. Unspeakable things, and I just couldn't hide it anymore I had to tell your father. I was so scared."

Marla wiped her tears. "You mean that asshole made you screw him." She practically yelled.

Shirley was shocked to hear that kind of language come from her daughter. "Marla!! Where did you pick up such language, young lady?"

Marla hugged her mom and let out a half chuckle half sob. "Mom, I'm 16. I have friends and the internet. I'm not living in a convent."

"Well still you shouldn't be using language like that," she chided her. "You're better than that."

"Sorry Mom, but if the shoe fits; I never liked that jerk. You were never really my mom when he was around, you were more like some robot. I couldn't stand that. What are you going to do?" She asked.

"I don't know honey. I don't even know where your father has run off to," she sobbed.

They lay in bed for several hours talking and crying when they heard the front door open and Matt coming up the stairs. As he walked into the bedroom Marla ran to him crying and hugged him, "Don't be mad at her Daddy. It wasn't her fault. That scumbag A-hole needs to pay for what he did to her."

Matt kissed his daughter on the head and said, "I know sweetheart, and he will pay. Now why don't you go and play some of those video games you like so much and let me talk to your mother."

"Ok, Daddy." She gave her parents another hug and said, "I Love you guys." Then she went to her room.

Matt went and sat next to his wife on the bed, and she started crying again. She had never cried so much in her entire life as she had this day. "Oh, Matt, I'm so sorry. I was so stupid."

Matt took her in his arms and hugged her tight. "I know Darling. It's not your fault. You should have come to me immediately when it happened. However, it's done now and we will fix this."

"I was scared, Matt. Scared that I would lose you and Marla forever. I couldn't take that risk, you both mean way too much to me."

"I just don't understand this. How he could do this? He was always so good around me, so pleasant and nice. I guess I should have seen the signs a long time ago. I was just to stupid and blind to see them," he sighed.

"Here's what's going to happen......"

The Confrontation

Shirly had Invited Mr. Deetz to come to her house for dinner that night. He arrived on time knocking on the door. She opened the door for him. "Good evening Mr. Deetz," she said with a fake smile on her face. "Please come in."

Her boss entered the house and looked around. "Where is everyone?" He asked with a slight grin on his face.

"Marla is at a friend's house and unfortunately Matt got called away to work at the last minute so it will be just us," she said.

"That's perfect then my little slut," he said as he started to undo his pants.

"Sir could we at least eat first?" she asked.

"Well, I suppose we could wait a while," he complained. "But not too long."

"The food will be ready shortly sir. Perhaps a glass of wine while we wait," she said.

"Why not," he said as he sat on the couch.

She got them each a glass of wine and sat next to him on the couch. Knowing he would be upset if she sat too far away from him. His hand immediately went to her leg rubbing her thigh.

"Sir, there is something I just don't get. That first night, I only had a few drinks yet I was really drunk. I never get that drunk, and I don't usually get that horny when I drink," she said.

Her boss laughed, "You mean you still haven't figured that out? I thought it would have been pretty obvious. It was quite easy to turn you into my little slut. I just paid the bartender to double the amount of alcohol in your drinks. When you were distracted by the TV I slipped a little something into your drink to make you a little horny and make you a bit more compliant."

"So you paid to get me drunk, drugged me, and raped me. Then videotaped me, I thought the whole time I was with my husband so you edited the video. You really are despicable. Did you do the same thing to poor Greta too?" she asked.

Her boss looked stunned. "How did you know about her? Ah well, it doesn't really matter. I simply told her if she didn't let me fuck her I would end her visa and send her back here. You were not the first slut I've made and you won't be the last. Now I think it's time you quit stalling and start sucking on this dick."

Shirley looked at him with a huge smile on his face. "It's about time you got in line," said her boss.

"Matt, did you get all that?" as Matt and his friend Don walked out of the room.

Her boss's face turned white in an instant when he saw the two men coming out of the back room. He stood up to leave and Don drew his pistol. "I wouldn't go anywhere just yet if I were you. Mr. Deetz stood there pale as a ghost dumbfounded looking around the room trying to think of what he could do just as there was a knock on the door. Shirley opened it to two uniformed officers. Don handed him over and told them what had gone down and handed them the evidence.

Matt shook Don's hand and thanked him for the help. Shirley wiped the tears from her eyes and gave Don a hug thanking him as well. Matt hugged his wife as they watched the officers put her vile boss into the back of their car and drove away into the night.

Earlier that evening

Matt had bought several surveillance cameras and set them up in the kitchen and living room. He then told Shirley to invite her boss to the house for supper that night. He would be hiding in the bedroom with one of his friends who happens to be a cop. Shirley hated the thought of having her boss in the house, but they needed to get him to confess to what he had done with recorded evidence and witnesses.

Later that evening Matt's friend arrived wondering what was going on and why he had to hide his car around the corner. "Don't worry Don, we have a little show for you to see. Make sure you have your department keyed up on your phone. You're going to need it," said Matt as he guided him to the back bedroom.


So, you can see dear friends that this tale of woe and misery had a happy ending for all involved. Well, almost all involved. After the news came out several more women came forward about what had happened to them. Mr. Deetz was not having a very good day in court. He was convicted of dozens of counts of rape; which is a felony and holds a prison sentence of up to 20 years per count. Multiple counts of 'sexploitation' or simply blackmail for sex which is a first-degree misdemeanor could be a sentence of up to 5 years in prison and a 10 thousand dollar fine per charge. Needless to say, dear friends, Mr. Deetz was going to be in jail for a very long time.

As for the Chase family, well they all went on to live happy lives. Although Shirley did need some therapy to get over the trauma of the horrendous things her boss did to her, in the end, all was well, and she would go on to grow old with the only man she would ever truly love. Marla went on to have a prominent acting career and married a nice guy. She gave her parents 3 grandchildren.

There was one incident at night, Shirley had awoken to a noise at around midnight. It came from downstairs. She quickly threw on her robe and went to see what was going on. She thought maybe Marla was making noise. Once she got to the top of the stairs she looked down and stood looking down and just smiled. Looking up at her with smiles on their faces was her best friend Marla, her mom, Grandfather, and Mr. Bell. She felt such happiness and joy seeing their faces once again, she said a simple "Thank you." and then blackness all around her.

You must ask yourself, dear friends, were these apparitions simply Shirley's subconscious helping her to cope with what happened to her and helping her to deal with the problem? Or were they really there for the one they loved to help guide her to a better life and make sure her future turned out bright and happy? That, my dear friends, is for you to figure out.

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Chimo1961Chimo1961about 1 month ago

For a fictional story that had multiple ghosts, you sure picked a lame revenge. You could have drugged him and had a train run on him, could have him eliminated by zombies. Anything except that short ending

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Shut up Randog

RanDog025RanDog0255 months ago

Your last statement cracked me up about the apparitions. The Bible is clear, there are no apparitions or ghosts as questioned. In my years of study it is plain and clear. You die, your body is put into the ground and decays but your spirit goes to one of two places depending on who you belong to, there is no lingering in this plane and if you see ghosts, they aren't ghosts but demons of Satan to trick you. 5 BIG ASS STARS FOR YOUR STORY! Very enjoyable, thanks!

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit5 months ago

Sorry but for this poor little sensitive soul, this clumsy Dickens-parody fell flat on it's tender little bum! As Dickensian plagiarisms go, this was far more a Bleakly-housed Little Dorrit than a Festively Redempt Scrooge! Unfortunately I Wince-Pied too often, and so flicked from the middle straight to the end, without passing go OR picking up $200, just so I could deride it with some festive scorn, this starry night-before-Christmas-Eve and award it it's very own festive Lone Star!


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