Unhappy Accidents

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My sister asks me to impregnate her wife.
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Disclaimer: All characters portrayed indulging in sexual activity are 18 years of age or older. Reviews are welcome, flames will be snickered at and deleted. Enjoy!


I guess Connie and I had always been close. She was five years older than me, so by the time I came around, she understood that babies needed a lot of attention and she needed a different type of attention from my parents. Maybe I was a doll for her at first, but she readily assisted with looking after me. As I grew up, I was probably annoying, since I followed her around constantly, trying to do everything my big sister did.

Connie seemed to enjoy my company as I got older, she didn't treat me like an insect or irritation. Sure, when she was with her friends, she would gently impress upon me the need to give her some space, but she was never mean about it and I did what I could to respect her wishes. I liked her too much to make her mad at me.

I was thirteen and Connie eighteen when I was talking about being interested in girls. Connie took me aside when my parents weren't around and taught me how to kiss. Somewhat eagerly, I asked if there was anything else she could teach me about what to do with girls, but she laughed and said I'd be on my own from hereon in, her work done.

I also became acutely aware that she showed a preference for girls rather than boys. She may have publicly identified as bisexual, but she almost never dated guys and had plenty of girlfriends through high-school and when she began attending university. My parents were supportive of her choices and Connie was a quietly confident young woman, even if she wasn't possessed of an assertive or forceful personality.

Perhaps in contrast to the normal division of personalities between children, I was the one with the dominant and assertive personality. I was good at academics, but I also was very athletic, belonging to many teams in middle and high school. I grew quickly, approaching the six-foot mark by the time I was in Grade 9. I exercised vigorously, possessing a rangy, muscular build before graduation. Connie was graduating as I was entering high school, but everyone knew who we were and not to mess with either of us, for fear of the other.

Case in point- I once punched a senior guy in the jaw so hard that I dislocated it, because he wouldn't take no for an answer from Connie about a date. Even though I was only in Grade 9, it established my reputation as someone to not cross. Connie once beat up several sophomore girls who were trying to fight with me, because they knew I wouldn't fight back. We always looked out for one another.

Connie's kissing lessons paid off and I had plenty of action throughout high school. Messing around with girls never interfered with my academics or sports activities, mostly because I wanted to make my sis proud of me and attend university like she had. I jokingly told her to pick a major that would take many years to achieve a doctorate in, so that I could spend more than a single semester at the same institution with her.

Now I'm eighteen and in my first semester of university, while Connie is working on a doctorate in her selected field of astrophysics. Our university is in-town and I am living at home still while she lives on-campus. Mom and dad said that if I aced my first semester, we'd look at getting me some on-campus residence too.

Perhaps I would have enjoyed rooming with Connie, but she had a steady girlfriend, Denise, who she was already living with. She was a nice girl, and mom, dad and I all liked her. Denise was perfectly happy letting me visit their apartment and studying with Connie. Sometimes I even helped her with her studies, at least in terms of quizzing her on some subjects. By now, Connie had more or less come out as lesbian and we were expecting them to get married soon after they graduated. I was happy for her.

When Connie had lived at home while I was growing up, she'd been casual about walking around in various states of undress, probably because I was considerably younger than her. By the time my hormones were really kicking in, she'd already headed off to university, so it wasn't a concern. But she also knew how much I respected her, so when I visited her and her girlfriend at their apartment on campus, it wasn't unusual for Connie or Denise to be less than completely dressed upon my arrival.

It's not like they walked around buck-naked while I was there, although seeing them in long shirt and panties or bra and underwear was not uncommon. Sometimes they'd be heading back and forth between their bedroom and bathroom and I would see their breasts, but nobody said anything about it. I respected their home and they returned the favour by not making a big deal of it.

I was sitting on their couch one night, laughing and joking with the two of them. Connie was sitting in her favourite plush chair, her legs curled up under her while she wore a long shirt and pink panties while reading some astrophysics report on her tablet. Denise was sitting next to me, wrapped in a towel and nothing else while drinking a glass of wine.

Denise and Connie were both laughing at a joke I'd just made and Denise gently pinched my cheek.

"You're so witty," she giggled, her cheeks slightly flushed, although whether this was from the shower she'd just had or her third glass of wine, I didn't know. "You're a real catch, John. If I didn't like girls, I'd totally date you."


"D, don't embarrass him." Connie chided gently from her chair, looking up and smirking. "Don't you think it's a little odd to hear that your sister's girlfriend would boink you?"

"Oh, please," Denise snorted in response, taking another sip of wine and peering at my sister. "You'd totally sleep with him if you weren't brother and sister, you said so yourself."

Connie almost choked on her own glass of wine and looked at her girlfriend in shock. "Denise!"

"What? You did," Denise continued, shrugging while I just sat there, looking straight ahead and saying nothing. "He's cute. And we know he's got a big dick, we saw it that one day at the campus aquatic cent-"

"You! Shut your cake hole!" Connie hissed as she crossed the floor in the blink of an eye and dragged Denise off the couch and toward their bedroom. Denise lost her towel in the process and my eyes widened as I saw her naked, staggering away behind my sister. She had a pretty nice body, I had to admit. The bedroom door shut and there was an extended bout of intense whispering that followed.

I waited awkwardly, drinking my beer and trying to not let what I'd heard overwhelm me. Connie wanted to sleep with me? No, she didn't, she just found me attractive enough that if we hadn't been related she would have sex with me.

And that thrilled me in a way it shouldn't have.

The quiet but heated argument took on a different tone, punctuated by occasional muffled giggling. Finally, the door opened and Denise poked her head out.

"John?" she called quietly, getting my attention. "Don't go anywhere, I still need you to finish helping me with my studying. This might take a few minutes, though. Help yourself to anything in the fridge!"

She then closed the door and I tried to shut out any further noises I heard. Eventually, though, I could hear moans of pleasure and gasping, so I turned on the television to muffle the sounds and got myself another beer. The panting and moans got more regular until half an hour had passed and there was one stifled cry of delight and another guttural groan mingling with it. I tried not to think about which of them made which noise.

They both eventually came back out to the living room, a white coverlet wrapped around each of them. They were both a little flushed, slightly sweaty and had sex-hair. Connie flopped down on the couch on one side of me, gazing at the ceiling, while Denise sat back in her former location to my right. She picked up her wine and took another sip as if nothing had happened.

"Sorry about that," she said finally, smiling. "Your sister and I had a... disagreement... that needed resolution."

"Count on you to somehow turn it into sex, you harlot." Connie muttered, still staring blankly at the ceiling. "And don't listen to her, she's not sorry. I'm sorry, though, John. Accept my apologies."

"Nothing to apologize for," I said easily, hoping I sounded like I meant it. There wasn't anything to apologize for, I just didn't want Connie to feel embarrassed. "If what Denise said is true and she's not just teasing, then I guess I'm flattered."

Connie turned her head to look at me, eyebrow raised. "You're not weirded out?"

"Well, it's not anything I ever expected to hear," I admitted. "But yeah, flattered. If a woman found me attractive, sis, I'd want her to be like you."

Connie's eyes glassed over and then she threw her arms around me in a hug, her body pressed into my side. I didn't move, especially since I could feel her impressive breasts against my ribcage.

"Told you he was awesome..." she murmured. Denise leaned in and hugged me from the other side, her face buried in my shoulder. "Couldn't agree more."

Yup, that's me, John the Lipstick Lesbian Sandwich.


Nothing quite that awkward (for me, anyway) happened for the next few visits over to their place. Sure, Denise pinched my cheek occasionally and teased me a little, but nothing out of the ordinary. If anything, she was a little quieter than usual around me. Every once in a while, I thought I saw her sort of observing me, but I didn't think anything of it. Maybe Connie had told her to not embarrass me so often. Connie was maybe a little more tactile with me, but once again, I thought nothing of it. I'd found she often was like that when it got to be 'that time of the month'.

Then I got a call asking me to come over and see her, she wanted to talk to me about something. I headed on over after all my homework and other various chores were finished and knocked on their dorm door. I might mention that these were not crappy little dorm rooms they were housed in, but apartments in a building that the university had purchased and reserved for senior students working on their doctorates. It was a nice place, at least by dorm standards.

"Hi, Johnny, c'mon in." Connie said, smiling warmly as she answered the door. She was wearing a t-shirt that didn't do much to conceal her considerable bust and some snug jeans. Her dark, Dutch-bob hair was looking pretty tonight, not that it didn't regularly. She gestured for me to come in and closed the door behind me. Before I was in the apartment, I could smell Italian food.

"Wow, nice," I remarked as I looked at the dining table, seeing three chairs and dining arrangements set out. My sister's amazing spaghetti with meatballs, one of my favourite foods in the whole universe, awaited. "What's the occasion?"

"Connie and I had something to discuss with you." Denise said as she gestured for me to sit. She poured a glass of red wine for me and put a hearty helping of spaghetti and extra meatballs on my plate. "So we're just buttering you up ahead of time."

"Jeez, do you need me to write your doctorate or something?" I asked, a little perplexed. "Do you need someone bumped off so you can get a staff position?"

"Nothing that illegal," Denise giggled. "Although you might find it every bit as weird at first. Let's just enjoy and eat before we get down to business."

And so we ate the wonderful food and made small talk, mostly with them interrogating me about my courses and my social life. We made our way through two bottles of a stout red wine that Connie loved to serve with her spaghetti and we were all suitably mellow when we were finished and having tartufo for dessert.

"Wow, I'm stuffed," I sighed, leaning back in my chair. "I thought I could never get enough of Connie's spaghetti, but this came close."

Connie smirked. "Well, we ate all of it, so trying to exceed your capacity will have to wait. More wine?"

I accepted another glass and she poured more for herself and Denise. We went over to the couch and sat down, my sister and her girlfriend turning in to face me, legs tucked underneath them. I guess there was enough wine in me to think nothing of this arrangement. Connie took a sip of her wine and then a deep breath.

"So," she began, looking into her glass at the deep, ruby-red liquid. "You may recall that we asked you over so we could discuss something."

I nodded.

"Well, first thing you need to know is that I proposed to Denise and we're getting married." Connie continued.

"That's wonderful, sis!" I exclaimed, turning and hugging her tight. She held me for a moment and then I turned and hugged Denise. "Congrats! Do mom and dad know?"

"Not per se," Connie admitted as I turned my attention back to her. "But they've both been bugging me for a date, since it's fairly obvious. But I didn't bring you here to talk about that, at least not just that. Denise and I are both doing so well in our fields that we're likely to be offered positions here at the university once we finish our studies. Our grades are as good as anyone's, but we want to cement in people's minds that we're the right candidates for the job, ready to commit to the institution and settle in."

I nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"There's a good-sized house on campus that's up for sale and we're thinking of buying it," she said. "But it's got four bedrooms and we don't want to seem greedy or grasping by taking it for ourselves. We need to fill it up with a family."

"Are you asking me to move in with you?" I queried, my hopes rising.

"No, although I think we'd like that too," she said, smiling and shaking her head. "You're always free to come and stay, but we need a family-family, as in one of our own. Having kids would show the university that we mean to stay."

"Well, the two of you aren't exactly equipped to start a family in the standard biological sense." I pointed out, intrigued. "You'll need to go find a donor."

"Exactly," Connie agreed, nodding. "And here's is where I'm hoping I've fed you enough spaghetti and wine that this won't seem weird..."

She drew another breath and looked at me intently. "We were hoping you'd agree to be the father of Denise's baby."

I said nothing. I freely admit that I hadn't been ready for that. At all. I was silent for several seconds, but it probably felt to the two of them like a thousand years. Finally, I blinked. "You... want me, your brother, to get your girlfriend pregnant?"

Connie nodded and I felt Denise put a hand gently on my shoulder. I turned to sit straight and stare at the wall opposite us, trying to process what I was being asked. Connie placed her hand on top of mine and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I know it's a lot to ask and extremely weird, but... we talked about it and we think it's actually not a bad idea."

"It's a helluva lot to think about." I murmured, still stunned. "So, what, I go to a donation site and you guys would get my donation and-"

"Maybe that's why so much wine was involved in this," Denise giggled, interrupting me. "I'm a virgin John, at least in the traditional man-and-woman sense. I've never had sex with a man before. Connie and I discussed it and if we're going to use you as a donor, we think you should at least be allowed to have sex with me and be my only male ever."

My eyes widened and I looked at Denise before gaping at my sister. She nodded her affirmation of the statement. My mind was practically whirling at the point. I pinched my eyes as I tried to sort things out. Connie kept her hand on top of mine, waiting patiently. Clearly, she intended to give me all the time I needed to process this.

"So, let me get this straight, pardon the expression," I said finally. "You two want a family. Not only that, you want me to be the donor who gives you a child. To top it off, my sister wants me to fuck her girlfriend to give her the baby?"

"Well of course it's going to sound crazy when you say it like that," Denise pointed out, still keeping her hand on my shoulder. "Johnny, I'm a lesbian, but I'll admit I find you attractive. It's possibly because I'm so in love with your sister and I see a lot of her in you, who knows, but she and I agree you'd be a great donor who would give us an exceptional kid."

"But... what if I don't want to be a dad?" I asked, trying to not make it sound like a protest.

"That's absolutely your choice and your choice alone," Connie said gently, smiling. "But will you at least hear our entire reasoning for all this before making a decision?"

"Yes." I said simply, meaning it. I loved my sister and owed her that. I agreed to listen without hesitation, simply because she was Connie. She could've been asking me to have sex with a cactus and I've had heard her out. She no doubt felt the same. This weirdness would never change that devotion.

She took another sip of wine and continued. Doubtless she had told Denise she'd be the person making this pitch. "I wasn't terribly crazy about the idea of a donor, simply because you can never know for certain about all the genetic traits of the man you end up choosing, no matter what the clinic may tell you. But with you, I already know in embarrassing detail. I know your complete medical history and can account for the fact that we have no major medical or psychological flaws in our family."

I nodded, letting her continue. She was right, we were reasonably genetically sound as a tribe. Sure, there'd been a relative with diabetes and another few who died of cancer, but nothing in our immediate family that jumped out as a risk. Grandma smoked herself to death, but that wasn't inherited.

"We were despairing of finding a donor we trusted and ever justifiably getting that house, so we got drunk. Denise bemoaned not being able to find someone like you, because you were pretty amazing and sex with you would be tolerable."

"And that's when you both realized that I could, in theory, be a donor." I stated.

She nodded. "My adopted child would actually be my niece or nephew, meaning I'd be more emotionally dedicated to them than ever. You and I had always agreed to be legal guardians to one another's kids if anything happened to us, anyway."

"Fair enough," I allowed. We had indeed agreed to that. "But what the hell would you tell mom and dad?"

She drew a deep breath. "If they ask, we'll start out by saying donors are anonymous, for the most part. If they press, we'll just lie. Your name will never come up."

"And if the kid looks unmistakably like me, like no question it's my kid?"

"Then we'll break down and admit you were the donor," she sighed. "Don't worry, we'll buy you bullet-proof body armour in that event. And knowing mom and dad, they'll come around."

I looked at the far wall again and squeezed my eyes shut. Was this almost making sense because of all the wine?

"And no, we'd never ask for a thing from you as the father," she added, squeezing my hand. "With any luck, no one would ever know, and in all likelihood, we'll both be making more than enough money to raise a kid comfortably."

"But I'm going to know," I reasoned. "Even if everyone else on earth, including the kid Denise has, thinks I'm Uncle John, I'm going to know that's my child. If I get married and have my own kids, I'll still have another family. What do I tell my wife?"

Connie smiled, her eyes deep with warmth and love. "And that's why this is your decision. John. Because only you can work that out. Whatever you decide, I'll respect it and love you as much as ever. So will Denise. Your saying no won't change anything."

"Are you sure?" I asked, perhaps a tad worried she might resent me if I said no.

She smiled again. "Johnny, any marriage is built on trust and understanding. If you are falling in love with some girl, I imagine you'd tell her about the kid you have with Denise and why it happened. And if she's the awesome girl I know she'll be who's worthy of you, she'll understand and even celebrate it."