Supernatural Earth Pt. 05

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Vampiress, Mine pt 02
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Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/04/2024
Created 08/09/2015
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Vampiress, Mine – Omnibus 02: "Traitors and Patriots"

By: AlexClayton/DieselJester

Edited by: CuriousVisitor

Author's Notes: This runs concurrent and after "The Creature Below – Omnibus 02"

To date, the recommended order is;
"Vampiress, Mine – Omnibus"
"The Snow Maiden – Omnibus"
"The Creature Below – Omnibus"
"The Creature Below – Omnibus 02"
"Vampiress, Mine – Omnibus 02"

As always: thank you for reading!


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson, 1787



Y cada vez que me alejo te siento más
(and every time I get further away, I feel you more)
Y cada vez es más fuerte el sentimiento
(and every time the feeling is stronger)
De que algún día podrás volver
(that someday you'll come back)
A sanar nuestro amor
(to heal our love)

-Juanes, Día Lejano (Distant Day)

Carlos Vasquez was depressed as he leaned onto one fist and stared off into his empty beer mug. Not for the first time tonight he let out a long, drawn out, mournful sigh as he sat in the dark corner of the noisy, smoke filled hole-in-the-wall bar in downtown Metro. Everyone else around him seemed to be having a good time. He wished that he could join in their good spirits, but he simply could not bring himself to have a good time. Not tonight anyway.

The bartender, standing nearby wiping down glass mugs, looked at him. "Give it up man; she's obviously not coming this month if she's kept you waiting this long."

"Bite me, pendejo," Carlos spat. "She'll be here." Then lowering his voice to a mutter he added to himself, "she better be here. I need her to be..." When the bartender looked like he was about to say something else, Carlos beat him to the punch. "Chinga tu madre, cabron!" he said angrily. "She'll be here!"

"Alright, enough drinks for you, asshole." The bartender snapped, taking the empty mug away. He was done with the attitude; moping, angry, or otherwise. "Yer done for tonight. Get out!"

"Didn't like it much here anyway," Carlos sulked, grabbing his jacket and heading for the door. Which was true. He didn't like the bar and he only went there as this was the only place he knew that she'd come to. Just like she had many months before when he met her. Outside, the autumn chill was in the air and what few trees were around in Metro City were turning their various shades of brown and gold before falling to the ground. Night was falling and Carlos could see the recent rainstorm that left the ground wet here was now retreating up to the north to leave a damp, darkening cityscape behind.

Carlos threw his jacket on and leaned up against the nearby wall. Where the hell was she? It was like a monthly ritual of theirs that had been going on for some time now that he looked forward to. It was one of the few things in life that he actually did look forward to. Everything else was just ho-hum; his new private security job, his apartment, his bills. Often times he wondered why the hell he even bothered moving this far north in the first place. It was too damn cold up here. I should just leave it to the gringos and head back to Miami or even back to Cuba or something... he thought in his brooding.

That thought evaporated quickly when he caught sight of her. His heart leapt and he wanted to sing out. He maintained decorum and didn't let the slight buzz from his drinking show as the petite woman with the mousy brown hair that plagued his dreams for the better part of a year now walked up to him. He could smell her heavenly aroma once she got close. "Hi Carlos," she said with a radiant smile on her face. She kissed him on the cheek and slid her arm into his. Then she cocked her head as she saw his mood. "What's wrong?"

"Ah, Mi Emelina..." he said with a relieved smile, using his pet name for her as he ran his free hand through his jet-black hair. "I was just worried that you weren't going to show up, that's all."

"Liar, but okay."

Carlos smiled. "You always could tell when I wasn't entirely truthful. Look, I'll tell you about it later. I know it's late but are you hungry? We could get something for you to eat?"

"No," she said with a sly smile as she cozied up to him, "not yet anyway. I can get a bite at your place. How about we go there now?"


"Oui! Yes, Yes, Yes!" Emmeline DeChevalier, or just plain 'Emily' to her close friends, screamed to the heavens as she was riding Carlos' large cock in his studio apartment about a half hour later. "Oh mon Dieu... Oui!" she cried out again in her native French as the climax ripped through her. Her body shuddered, her nails dug into his chest, and she threw herself down onto Carlos's muscular body, her lips going right for the side of his neck.

As was practice for her when she fucked Carlos, she bared her fangs at the last possible moment so that her lover... and food source... couldn't see. She sank her teeth right into his jugular and sucked hard, tasting the rich coppery blood as it flowed from his neck into her mouth. As she drank, Carlos convulsed underneath of her as his cock suddenly exploded deep inside of her pussy. She felt him throb and pulsate inside of her while a string of incoherent Spanish profanities flowed from him. His hands gripped the sheets as he rode out the most intense orgasm of his life.

Once Emily had her fill, she retracted her fangs, closed her mouth and licked the puncture wounds for it to instantly heal. When she felt Carlos's cock finally loosed one last spurt of his cum inside her, she rolled off of him and cuddled up against him. "Mmmm... That felt really good," she purred.

"My God, Emelina, that gets better every time," Carlos panted as he stared up into space. "What do you do to stay so tight? Jogging? Yoga? Pilates?"

Emily smiled. "Trade secret, my dear," she said, flipping her long brown hair back for it to lay properly behind her before draping her arm across his body. "You can't expect a girl to tell you everything."

"I don't know what it is about you," he continued on, rubbing the side of his neck where she bit him. "I swear you're going to draw blood one of these days." That prompted a fit of giggles out of Emily. "What? What'd I say?"

"Nothing..." she said quickly, craning her neck up to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "You're adorable, you know that?" She shifted gears in the conversation before he pressed the issue and she'd have to do something drastic to continue to keep the fact that she's a vampire using him as a monthly food source a secret. "So what has you down today, my love? You're not your usual, chipper self."

"Ah," Carlos ran his free hand through his hair again. "It's that new job of mine outside the city. There's just something about my boss that's off, I guess."

"You guess?"

Carlos half shrugged, using the shoulder she wasn't laying her head on. "My boss keeps on ranting and raving about protecting the human race or something... like we are the guardians of humanity or some shit. We have this mission that we're preparing to do this weekend, so this was the only time I could get to Metro to see you."

Emily frowned. "Mission? Sounds like you're in the Army. I thought that you'd gotten a new private security job somewhere?"

"Nope," Carlos shook his head. "PMC: Private Military Corporation. It got reclassified right after I applied. But since the job market sucks, I have to go with what I can get. But I got assigned to their Hunter Division."

Now Emily laughed. "What? Are you going to go out hunting deer to feed the masses?"

"Got me. I just... I just have a weird feeling about it all."

"It's just pre-employment jitters; new job, new changes, et cetera." She shifted up onto his body and then slid down until she was nestled between his legs. Lowering her head slightly, she kissed the top of his cock. "Maybe I can do something to relax you before your 'big first mission'," she said suggestively as she cupped her breasts and brought them up along each side of his reviving cock. Then she lowered her lips over its head, taking it deep into her mouth, as she slid it between her breasts.

Carlos moaned as she fucked his cock with her tits and her mouth. "Yeah... that would do it..." he sighed as all worry ebbed from him. He arched his back as she worked on him. In the past other girls tried to do this with him and every single one failed miserably. Only Emily could do it just right to get him off. "AH DIOS MIO!" he shouted when she nipped her teeth into the base of his cock and sucked hard, taking his cock fully into her mouth and all the way down her throat as far as it would go as his seed suddenly erupted. His semen blew out in streams all the way down her throat and she managed to swallow it all with ease without ever having to come up for air.

Emily drank down the mixture of cum and blood quickly before running her tongue all around the base of his cock to seal and heal the puncture wounds before Carlos was wise to her. She wondered how long she'd be able to keep this up as she'd never gone this long with a single human before; nearly a year now. Usually she had to change food source and she'd either have to erase their memory of her or just kill them outright.

She didn't want to do either with Carlos. He was something else. He was... special.

As Carlos sank back onto the bed, Emily shimmied up his body to kiss him tenderly. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back with equal amount of passion. "Feel better?"

"Absolutely," Carlos said with a smile. "I don't know how you do that every time."

"A little trick I learned from my friend, Zoe," Emily smiled sweetly at him. "Only difference is that she likes biting right here," she pressed a hand into his inner thigh. "I found it much better for my partner if I do it right around his cock."

"Be sure to thank your friend for me."

"Maybe someday I'll introduce you to her." Emily waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Maybe make it a threesome?"

"Even better!" Carlos smiled, even though in his heart she was the only one for him.


It took my bitch of a wife long enough to get knocked up, Raymond Tillis thought as he brooded in his study. After trying time after time, Becky finally got pregnant with his heir. No matter, it is finally done and to hell with those damn doctors that said it couldn't be done. He was still pissed at Becky for keeping him waiting the other night and for not opening the door when he demanded, but he didn't dare lay a hand on her... not while she was now carrying his son that would take over after he was gone. Instead, he sent her away to her parents' house to stay for the next year under the close eye of her family and all of their doctors. She'd receive the best prenatal and postnatal care that money could buy and he could buy it ever since he inherited everything from his deceased mentor.

Fucking breeders... he now thought at the memory of his fallenmentor, Spence. Raymond vowed that he'd find a way to bring them down or, at the very least, punish them for what they have done. In the year since being beaten by the Prime Creature's breeders, Raymond went to work systematically exterminating those minor Creatures that he could find while at the same time cultivating business contacts, investors and political protection. Even now there was a mission about to launch with another Creature on the hit list.

Raymond looked up at his chief of R&D, Edward Barents. As much as he would've liked to, Raymond couldn't think of the man as a doctor. One of Edward's doctorates in Genetic Engineering had been revoked as he had been caught in mutation experiments. He was just the type of man that Raymond wanted on his staff. "What can I do for you today, Ed? Did you find something new, I hope?"

"That, and then some," Edward said, smiling brightly behind his mirrored eyeglasses. The man was tall and willowy, in his mid- to late forties, with dark brown hair that was starting to go grey at the temples.

"So could we create any of those... things?" Raymond asked, looking up from his work.

Edward shook his head. "Sadly, no." He held up a hand to forestall Raymond as he saw his face reddening. "While we could essentially clone and grow our own, all that we have created are nothing more than empty shells. It would be great if we were breeders and we needed a transplant organ for an adult creature, but for us, it is useless for what you want to accomplish."

Raymond folded his hands in front of him and leaned forward, staring at Edward intently. "I hear a 'but' lingering in here."

"Indeed," Edward nodded. "In the year since you brought me the body of one of those creatures, we've found a way to actually electrically stimulate parts of its body. Remarkably enough, the different parts of their bodies, especially the tentacles, retained certain instinctive reactions."

"Instinctive reactions?" Raymond arched a bushy eyebrow.

"Yes. For instance, we found the portion of their brains that deal with its tentacle control." Edward let out an evil laugh. "You should've seen one of the tentacles shoot across the floor to dart up the skirt to one of my female interns. The tentacle had ripped through her panties and blew a wad that had been left in it into her before the poor girl had even known what hit her. She was quivering on the floor from a sudden orgasm before you knew it."

Raymond was intrigued by this development. He got an idea from some of the research that he'd done on the internet on possible breeder activities. The less cautious of the breeders, he found, tended to frequent Hentai sites and forums. It seemed to be a perverted fetish of theirs. "So, do you know what each of their tentacles do? Like we know that they can supply air through one since the creatures keep their breeders underwater for some time while they spawn their young."

Edward gave him a curt nod. "Of course, we've been systematically mapping them out and experimenting."

Raymond smiled and he pulled up some images on his computer. "Since dead breeders are of no use to us, I want to find a way to make them useful. I want to have an organic prison of sort to keep them. Thankfully, the online art community is full of ideas." He beckoned the rogue scientist over to look at the monitor.

Adjusting his glasses slightly, Edward looked at a few images of some nubile cartoon girls lined up, breasts inflated and lactating, while secured to a wall. Each either had a blank look on their face or had their heads covered completely; a veritable prison that would be self-sustaining. "I think that my team and I can do just that," he said after mulling the challenge over in his mind, he started nodding. "We could possibly even induce lactation into a human subject if you wanted them to do this. Maybe in time we could do a collective consciousness so a creature of our own could think on its own. But my only question would be, for what end?"

"It would actually go to feed some new pets that I have in mind... well, their young at any rate. Anything extra can be shipped overseas to underdeveloped third world countries that could use milk for their children and would be an excellent source of revenue and it makes the parent company look good to the press." Raymond said, now beaming brightly. "I can finally turn these breeders into slaves that will actually be useful to the human race as opposed to some damned alien race." He looked at Edward. "Do what you have to. I'll secure you some female breeders to test the process on."

"Consider it done."

"Good," Raymond said proudly. Things were coming together. "While you're at it, look into something like this," he said, pointing at another series of pictures. "Why should men do all the work when we can engineer creatures to do our bidding for us?"

Edward looked it over and nodded. "Sure, get me a new creature body to work with and some human hosts and I can do that quite easily as a first project."

Raymond nodded back. "Keep me apprised. I have an important meeting to attend to. There's this new... 'group'... of people that I am interested in bringing in as an addition to our arsenal."



I drove all night... crept in your room...
woke you from your sleep... to make love to you.
Is that alright?

-Cyndi Lauper (or Roy Orbison... whichever), "Drove All Night"

"This is it, gentlemen," Raymond Tillis said, standing up next to the cab in the back of the surplus troop transport truck the next day. He stood proud to address the men and women of his newly formed Hunter Division of his brand new corporation: T.D.I. "This is the first official operation of Terran Defense Incorporated in which we take the fight to the scourge that has been plaguing our planet for so long. This has been a long, hard year in the making. But tonight we send a message that Earth is for Humans and no one else!" he said with anger in his voice, grabbing a handhold to steady himself as the truck rumbled and bounced along the back woods road a bit east-northeast of Metro. "You will use live ammunition on the monster that we are hunting. You are NOT to harm the human breeders that believe themselves to be the thing's 'Caretakers'. Use non-lethal force to subdue so that our people will be able to get them the therapy that they need in order to free their minds."

Closer to the back door, Carlos couldn't help but wonder if Tillis was trying to emulate the President from Independence Day amid the ragged cheers of his cohorts. He was then jerked to the side as brakes squealed and the truck lurched to a stop. "Alright! Everyone out!" Tillis ordered. Spurred into action, Carlos reached out with his free hand to unhook the chain on his side while his squadmate on the opposite side, another Latino fellow named Angel did the same. Carlos was paired up with Angel and the two of them jumped out of the back of the truck as one into the pouring rain.

Carlos and Angel were directed to proceed to the nearby lake while other teams, about fifty men in all, were dispatched to flank around the lake and to go directly for the cabin. "What the hell are we doing here?" Carlos wondered aloud as he flipped down the night vision on his combat goggles. "What is it that we're looking for?"

"Beats me," Angel said in a Latino accent as thick as Carlos's. If Carlos had to guess, the man was from Southern California, Arizona or even Mexico. He wasn't entirely certain as he was still getting to know everyone. "Boss says it's some kind of huge monster that lives in the water according to the briefing."

"What are we supposed to do other than make sure it doesn't get loose? Go spearfishing or something?" Carlos asked. Angel laughed at that as they cautiously made their way forward.

Then all hell seemed to break loose as there was gunfire at the cabin. Carlos and Angel both turned to look for a threat with their assault rifles up. The front porch of the cabin went up in flames like a roman candle. Off to their side over at the lake, something breached out of the surface of the water and went running the moment it hit the shore. Was that the creature? Carlos wondered.

"Vasquez! Bell! Get that breeder! Make sure you use stun rounds to capture her!" their squad leader said over the radio.

"Got it boss!" Angel said while ejecting the magazine from his rifle and shoving a new one holding the stun rounds in its place. Carlos did the same and then the two of them were off chasing the girl that they could now see with her hair swaying in her wake as she ran hell-bent for the horizon. Carlos and Angel got a glimpse behind them as something else broke the surface of the water and let out an unearthly roar of anger. A moment later it was silenced as a team of Hunters threw large barrels into the water that exploded while another team fired at it with shoulder mounted bazookas. The creature let out one final roar of pain before falling to the ground dead.
