Vanyel and Stefen Ch. 02

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Stefen does his best to fullfil Vanyel's needs.
9.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/23/2012
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The day after Vanyel and Stefen become lovers, an evil mage attacks Forest Reach. Vanyel is hit by a leech blade and rendered unconscious. Herald Savil decides to get the two Hawk brothers who have saved him before (Starwind and Moondance). They manage to remove the magic blade which was draining Vanyel and Stefen as well, through the life bond. They get Van started on the healing process, partly through energy provided by Stefen. Afterwards they reveal to Savil, that Stefen is indeed Tylendel reborn, but they decide not to tell the two lovers for fear of warping the new relationship. Some weeks later the Heralds and Stefen return to Haven (the capital of Valdemar), and on the way Van and Stef have a small discussion on whether it is safe for the Bard to be Vanyel's lover. In my version this leads to Stefen reminiscing about the time spent at Van's side during the stay at Forest Reach.


Vanyel and Stefen, part III

Vanyel had been brooding again, and finally Stef decided to ferret out the cause.

"Something's bothering you," Stefen said when they were barely a candlemark from Haven. "It's been bothering you for the past two days. Whatever it is, I wish you'd just spit it out and get it over with. You're givingme a headache."

"It's you," Van said quietly, "I have an enemy who doesn't want a direct confrontation, so he'll strike at me through others. Once it's known that you and I are lovers, he won't hesitate to strike at you."

Gods. I was afraid I'd shocked or offended him. He's so – virginal. And Kernos knows I'm not. "Ah," Stefen said, relieved. I was hoping it was just something like that, and not that – that I'd upset you or anything."

Vanyel turned to face him with an expression of complete surprise. "Stef, you've justhad a taste of what it's like to be a target! How can you brush it of so lightly?"

"I'm not treating this lightly, but why are you bringing your parents to Haven if it isn't safe there?" Stefen pointed out with remorseless logic. "I thought that was the whole idea behind making them move there."

Van looked away from him, up the road away from them.

It won't work lover. You're never getting rid of me. Stefen had already made up his mind to counter any argument Van gave him, so he used Van's silence as an excuse to admire his profile, the way his long, fine-boned hands rested on his saddle-pommel, his perfect balance in the saddle...

Of course, this led to thoughts about having Van's fingers resting somewhere else, and how his body looked, when it was balanced above Stef – or the other way round. After the initial night Stefen had anticipated the pleasure of being in Van's bed every night. Well, he had spent both days and nights next to his lifebonded, but of course there had been no chance of full scale love play while the Herald was recuperating from the leech blade. But that didn't prevent them from exploring each other's bodies with fingers and mouths.

And Van was much more frustrated than me! Stefen couldn't resist feeling a certain glee, when he thought about that. It was an unexpected revenge and reward for the patience he had been forced to exercise for the many months he had longed for Van's love. The Herald wanted to resume their physical loving, but he was too weak and sore to do much. And of course the Hawk brothers had been very strict in their admonitions, telling Van in blunt words that he was not allowed to do anything that Stef did not permit.

Stefen gulped a bit as he recalled the stern lecturehe had received out of Van's earshot, a talk which gave him every reason to keep Van to a slow increase of exercise. Starwind had given him one of those stares which felt like having one's innermost thoughts and secrets exposed: "Well, young Singer, I hope you realize that Vanyel's recovery depends almost entirely on you!" As Stef had stared nervously at the exotic Hawk brother mage, Starwind had outlined precisely what he expected in terms of getting Van to rest, relax and recover.

"He will not do it for his own sake, but if you ask to rest and refuse to engage in any activity, which is too strenuous for Vanyel, he will comply. And if you do not leave his side – indeed his bed – then Vanyel will have no great urge to do so either!" Stef blushed at the recollection, for some of the instructions had been almost too explicit: "You may fondle him with hands and mouth, till he spends himself, because he will be languorous afterwards and easily persuaded to sleep. But no intercourse until his wound is at least three weeks healed and clearly starting to knit. And even thenyou make take him, but not the other way round."

After more admonitions, Stefen had sworn to do his best, and the exotic Tayledras had smiled at him: "I know you will, for I see that your love is boundless and patient and determined to act in the best interests of Vanyel. He is very lucky to have you, and I hope he learns to appreciate you properly. He needs you, Stefen, and never let him try to tell you otherwise!" Stef still treasured those words in his heart, the implicit approval and support were a nice confirmation of his own determination to stay at Van's side no matter what.

Stefen smiled dreamily as he recalled some of the pleasant hours he had spent with Vanyel recently. He would lie on his side next to Van and stroke the Herald's soft hair, tracing the outline of his beautiful face, letting his hand wander down the body which in spite of scars and bandages was totally desirable in the young Bard's eyes. While he was exploring his lover physically, he opened his mind to his beloved, telling him of his childhood, his dreams and answering any question, which Van might have. This subject fascinated the Herald, who forgot to fret about lying abed and became more concerned about the wounds and scars Stef had suffered in his short life, than his own injuries.

Then Stef told him of all the schemes, he and Meke had concocted to trap the unwilling Herald. Discussing how they had been perceived by Van, and the difficulties the Herald had had with not giving in to the temptation, occupied another couple of days. Those hours were filled with laughter and teasing, and at some point Stefen had told Van, that since he was now helpless and could not get away, he would just have to submit. Before Van could respond, Stef had dived under the blanket, and his mouth had joined his hand, which had been stroking the large, hard phallus of his lover for a while.

Stefen had spent a long time running his tongue around the swollen head, tickling the edges, dipping into the aperture with the tip of his tongue, enclosing the glans with lips and sucking gently. Van had groaned, and when Stef had kissed and licked his way up and down the hard shaft, and fondled the aching testes below, his lover was willing to promise anything. "So, you'll invite me for dinner and wine in your room, and get me drunk, and take me to bed, and make love to me, instead of sleeping on the floor?"

"Yes, yes, I promise!"

Stef rewarded him with a sensual rubbing along the throbbing shaft. "And you'll go with me to the hot springs again, and not disappoint me like last time?"

Vanyel was almost whimpering with lust and despair: "Oh, gods, Stef, I wanted you so much, your naked body made me wild with desire – I ached to kiss every part – I wanted your hands on me." His voice became a low moan, as Stefen finally coordinated his hands and his mouth, and within a matter of moments drove Van to a shuddering release. The Bard enjoyed the salty taste of his lover's semen, which filled his mouth in short bursts. He swallowed every drop, and when he had milked him dry, he sat up and gazed at Van with a satisfied smile. The Herald was panting hard, but otherwise the experience had not strained him unduly.

Stefen felt his own manhood ache; he slipped it out and began to fondle himself. Just then Van opened his eyes and tried to reach for him, but the Bard shook his head. "Oh no, you don't get to touch me. You can lie there and regret all the opportunities you missed due to your silly behavior, while I feast my eyes onyour naked body and enjoy myself." In fact, Stef was so close to his own climax, that even as he finished speaking, he felt the contractions begin. He cupped one hand in front of himself and delivered his seed, while the accompanying orgasm made him groan with release. When he returned from the wash room and slipped into bed next to Vanyel, his lover sighed.

"You are a terrible tease, Stef", he began, trying to look stern and disappointed. But as Stef just laughed and nodded, Van couldn't help joining him. Stefen gave him an arch look and informed him, that it was just the beginning of the revenge he was going to take for being forced to endure the longest dry spell since he became sexually active. This led to some candid talks about their previous partners. Van did not enquire directly at first, but Stef could easily see his curiosity. And since Van did not disapprove of his beloved being experienced, Stef was quite willing to relate how he had become such a prodigy.

Such bed talk kept Van from becoming bored for quite a few days, and often ended at night with Stefen giving them both release for the pent-up excitement the stories evoked. He would press his naked body against Van's and stroke him gently, not just his phallus, but fondling his testes and tickling between his legs and buttocks. But he would not allow Van to reciprocate, and the Herald soon learnt to obey, once Stef demonstrated that he would get up and refuse to return to the bed, until Vanyel had sworn to behave. When Van was almost crazy from being aroused by the words and fingers of the young Bard, Stef would use his mouth for something else than talking.

His fingers entered Van and found the magic spot, and his lips and tongue worked on Van's phallus. The desperate Herald had to give in almost immediately and fill the sweet mouth with his semen. Afterwards, Stefen would 'torture' him some more by fondling himself, while he told Van what he was going to do to him, when the Herald was well again. Sometimes, Stef would let Van caress the firm buttocks or even press two fingers into his rear opening, while he gave himself release. It was totally erotic and frustrating for the Herald to watch the Bard's beautiful hands rub the hard phallus, making it spray and not being able to participate. Except for those few times, when the Bard relented enough to let Van feel the simultaneous contractions in his lover's tight tunnel.

Van had been told by Savil, that Stef had supplied a lot of the energy to keep him alive and bring him out of the coma. So he did not at first wonder that Stefen needed a lot of sleep. In fact, the Bard would often tire, just as Van himself ran out of energy, and they would both drift off to sleep. But after three weeks of this, Van suddenly woke one day from a much shorter nap than he usually took and found Stef sitting and reading in a chair next to the bed. The young Bard looked up at the slight noise of surprise from the older man and blushed slightly, as he met Van's knowing gaze.

The Herald immediately realized that his lover had been deceiving him, feigning to be tired, in order to tempt Van to sleep. But he was very easily distracted from his anger, when Stef reacted to his improved strength by asking him to undress and turn over. First, however, he had quite calmly gone to the door and locked it, while Van was grumbling and scolding. Stef ignored Van threatening to get up in order to show the Bard that he did not appreciate being treated like a bedridden invalid. He just fetched something in his pack and shed his clothes,

As Stefen approached the bed, Van fell silent at the sight of his naked and erect manhood. The Bard pulled the blankets and upper sheets away and showed his lover the bottle of oil, he held in his hand: "If you are well enough to get out of bed, then you are also able to fulfill my desire for you. So take off your clothes and turn over!" Van began shaking, but got hold of himself with an effort. But he could not deny the lust which suffused his whole body at the thought of what his lover wanted to do to him. With fumbling fingers he began to remove his nightshirt, soon Stef was helping him and caressing him at the same time.

The sore and only half-healed side where the leech blade had hit him, forced Van to move slowly and carefully. His lover helped and supported him, but when Vanyel was finally on his knees with his head and shoulders resting on the mattress, he was shaking from fatigue and pain rather than desire. Stefen seemed to be perfectly aware of how the Herald felt and enquired gently whether he had better lie down again. But as Van very well knew, his wound was still holding together and in no immediate risk of reopening, so he refused and said that he only needed to catch his breath.

The Bard did not try to dissuade him, but just moved around to sit behind his lover. His hands ran over the firm buttocks and began fondling, massaging, and caressing. Soon the oil came into play, and Van forgot pain, exhaustion, anger, his irritation at being kept in bed. Why then – being in bed with Stef was the most wonderful experience – so why be so eager to leave it? Especially as he had a perfectly good excuse to stay in bed and relax, and everybody was urging him to do so. Van thought he might pass out from pleasure, as he was penetrated and given a short but very efficient dose of the best relaxing treatment invented.

Somehow Stef was able to stroke Van's throbbing phallus in time with his short stabs, which made the engorged head of his own member move back and forth in the tight outer tunnel and hit Van's sweet spot every time. The intense massage of the most sensitive parts of their bodies drove them very quickly towards mutual ecstasy. Towards the end, Van took care of himself, while Stefen gripped the slim hips and took them both over the edge. When the Herald's orgasm made his sphincter contract, the young Bard cried out and matched the rhythmic spurting, pushing deeper inside for a short while. It was their first simultaneous ecstasy, and both lovers knew that they would crave this unique pleasure again and again.

Afterwards, Stefen gently eased them down on one side, making sure that it was Van's uninjured side. He pulled a blanket over them and held his beloved close, until he felt him relax completely. Then he carefully withdrew, which made Van moan slightly and express how much he had enjoyed their lovemaking. Stefen removed the soiled nightshirt which had received his lover's semen, wiped Vanyel down and washed himself. By the time he climbed back into bed and settled against the still naked body, the Herald was almost asleep, and the Bard had no difficulty in inducing a contented slumber by humming softly and caressing the soft skin at the nape of Van's neck.

Stefen even took a short nap himself, but soon he woke feeling quite refreshed and very satisfied. He slipped out of bed, got dressed, unlocked the door and went in search of some food and clean clothes for Van. When the Herald awoke, he found Stef sitting on the bed waiting patiently for his lover to climb out of the sexually induced stupor which had claimed another couple of hours for the necessary healing. He helped Van take care of various other bodily needs, then sponged him down and assisted him in getting dressed. When Van had moved into the comfortable armchair next to the bed, Stef tidied the room.

The Bard joined Vanyel at his meal by sitting on the bed and taking little bites from his plate and sips from his cup. Somehow this made Van eat and drink more than he normally would bother to do. It became a game, where Stef would reach for a certain tidbit, and then Van would snatch it and eat it to tease him. Stefen looked adorable when he pouted in mock anger and then pretended that he did not care after all, while searching Van's tray for something else to pounce on. And all the time he was telling little snippets of gossip and observations, which kept the Herald amused and distracted.

So when the Healer came to inspect him, he could find no fault with his behavior, as the patient was clearly doing his best to replenish and conserve his energy for healing. After that visit Van had a string of others, but they were kept short, seeing as Savil, who was the first to enter, stayed and glared at people, if she thought they were tiring or bothering him unduly. Meanwhile Stefen went out for some fresh air, and as always he went to visit Yfandes. He knew of course that she had just as good an insight in how Van was doing, as he did, but somehow telling her how much better the Herald looked made it more believable. The Bard fancied that Van's Companion agreed and gave him approving looks, and this time she even nuzzled his hair, as he leaned against the fence.

He had been lost in contemplation and almost jumped into the air when he felt the warm breath and soft touch of her nose. He looked into her blue eyes and blurted "Oh, Yfandes I love him so much, I don't know what I would have done if I had lost him just as he finally admitted that he cared for me too." Somehow, all the worry and anguish came pouring out of him, all the emotions that he kept deep down when in Van's company, so as to keep his lover content and happy and relaxed. He laid his head against the warm skin of the Companion's neck and cried, not even questioning the fact that the person offering her shoulder for comfort was shaped like a horse rather than a human.

Savil found him there; she paused some distance away, long enough for him to become aware of her presence, which was betrayed by the greeting of her Companion. Kellan had been standing a bit to one side, staring at the Bard with compassion and a good dose of approval, but now she moved up to the fence and made a noise. Stefen gave a start and moved away from Yfandes. He rubbed his face and took some deep breaths, while Savil completed her walk down to the fence. She gave him some extra time by focusing on greeting her own Companion and presenting an apple for both Kellan and Yfandes.

When she finally looked at Stef, the Bard was able to show her a composed and polite face. She delivered her message, as if it was just normal conversation: "Van is asking for you." The Bard's face lit up, and he immediately turned to go back to the Hold. Then he remembered his manners and turned again to take his leave of the two Companions.

Both of them nodded at his courteous words: "Thank you for your time, ladies, I'm much obliged for your kindness." Savil smiled a little, as Stef's eagerness warred with his obvious wish to stay on good terms with Van's oldest friends. He looked at her and remarked that it was nice to see the Herald well enough to get out of bed.

Fortunately, Savil had a reputation of being gruff, so she could cut him short with the tart observation that in her opinion Van had been up for long enough by now and needed to get back to bed and rest. "So run along now, boy, and work some more of your magic on him, so he'll get a good night's sleep!" With an effort she held back her laugh, until he was out of earshot; well, now, she had not seen such a delightful blush on a young man's face for quite a while. But Stef was tough and could take a bit of teasing, even if he was lifebonded and infatuated.

Stefen hurried back, but made sure to walk slowly and breathe deeply the last bit along the corridor to Vanyel's room, so as to seem calm and casual. When he entered, the Healer was at his lover's side; Stef felt his insides contract, was something wrong? Then he relaxed, as the man just asked him to assist in helping the Herald-Mage back to bed. It was a good sign of how tried and sore Vanyel was after just a couple of hours in a chair that he did not protest, when both men supported him and helped him lie down very carefully. As soon as he was prone, the Healer vanished, though not without a significant stare at Stef.