Virginia Plain


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'Fuck!' I yelled in my mind.

She was the queen of the bitches, but she was desperate. She had to be to ask for my help. I knew she didn't have any family, and I assumed her friends went away when her money did.

I knew I had to do something to help. I couldn't leave her homeless; it wasn't in me to kick an injured dog like that. I surprised myself by making the decision so easily, however.

"Fine. I have a guest bedroom you can use until you're back on your feet. The first sign of disrespect, and your ass is out the door."

I could've just given her some money and sent her on her way, but that would only be a temporary fix. She may have had to come back again.

She didn't answer; she started sobbing uncontrollably.

I stood and walked out to see what I was dealing with in her car.

I saw the temporary tags and wondered how much she paid for the rusted-out late '90s shit box.

I expected to see piles of clothes in the back seat, but there was only a large suitcase.

She walked up from behind and explained, "The bankruptcy court liquidated everything we had of value. I was allowed to keep some older jewelry which I sold to buy that car and had a few dollars left over with which to eat."

I turned and asked, "Everything is gone? You were fucking loaded."

"When it all went down, all of our money went to lawyers and fines."

"I can't believe you were so stupid. You dared to look down on me from your ivory tower, and you..."

"Viv, there is nothing you can say that I don't deserve. I promise I'll give you the chance, but can I please have a shower and a meal first?"

I shook my head and opened the door to get her bag.

"Thank you," she said as I walked past her to my house.


While she showered, I ordered Chinese. I didn't ask what she wanted and didn't care. I also opened a bottle of wine Jane couldn't take with her to jail and poured us each a glass.

Thirty minutes later, the food arrived, and she was still in the shower. I wondered how long it would take for my hot water to run out, but I didn't care. I knew she had a lot to wash away, both literally and figuratively.

I had taken my first bite of an egg roll when she walked into the kitchen.

"Thank you again, Viv. You have no idea..."

"Eat before it gets cold," I growled. I didn't care about how good the shower felt. "I ordered you chop suey, or you can have some of my sweet and sour pork."

"The chop suey is fine, thank you."

"Here you looked for a job? I mean, you've got a college degree, right?"

She nodded and swallowed.

"I haven't found anything yet. I swear, I'll get one as soon as I can and get out of your hair."

After she put her fork down, she asked, "Viv, may we talk about, um, how I..."

"Not yet. I'm too sober for that conversation."

"Okay. Mm, this is excellent. I didn't know you were a wine drinker."

I shrugged, "What do you actually know about me? It's not as if you were ever interested in having a conversation with me."

She frowned but didn't respond. I was glad as we would be having the conversation for which I didn't want to have while sober.

I chugged the last of Jane's expensive bottle of Cabernet and put away the leftovers.


I opened a beer, lit a cigar, and sat on my deck.

The night was warm for that time of year, and I liked sitting outside. I had a chipmunk buddy I named Dale who came around for peanuts when I sat outside.

I tossed a handful onto the grass and heard the sliding door open.

"Viv, I hope you don't mind, but I bought Jane this bottle for her birthday a few years ago. May I?"


A minute later, she sat beside me as I watched Chip eat his peanuts.

"Go ahead," I sighed.

She began, "It took my fall from grace, so to speak, before I understood how horrible a person I was. When my friends pretty much laughed at me and told me to fuck off, I got a cold hard slap to the face."

I didn't look over, I continued to watch Dale. I wouldn't do anything to make her more comfortable.

"You did nothing to deserve the way I treated you. I was so caught up in my own bullshit that I became a horrid person."

I couldn't argue, so I tossed some more peanuts to Dale.

She continued, "You won't believe it, but before college, I was a good person."


"Huh?" She asked.

"I don't believe it," I answered.

She shocked me when she got off the bench and dropped to her knees before me.

"Viv, I'm begging you to forgive me."

She dropped her head onto my lap and cried. I was stunned and frozen. The worst part was I started to get hard.

You couldn't blame me. She was a beautiful person on the outside and I hadn't been with anyone since my divorce.

She said, "Viv, I'll do anything for you to forgive me. I'm humbled now."

She sat back and looked at my erection.

"I'm sorry. I...uh..."

She stood and hurried into the house. I looked at Dale and asked, "What the hell am I supposed to do, Bud?"

Not surprisingly, he didn't answer.


The next morning, I woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. I momentarily forgot I had a houseguest and wondered who was cooking. Then I remembered Ginny was there and still wondered who was cooking. I wouldn't have believed she knew for what a kitchen was used.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Ginny standing at my stove, shaking her ass, and dancing to her air pods.

She looked sexy as hell in a t-shirt that barely covered her ass. Her legs were beyond belief and glistened as they swayed.

I watched her for a minute or so until she spun and screamed in surprise.

She said, "Sorry, I didn't know you were there. I made you breakfast."

"Thanks. It smells great."

I tried to avert my eyes, but she caught me looking at her sexy bare feet.

I already knew she was an amazing-looking woman, but I'd never seen what she was offering up that morning.

"Eat before your eggs get cold," she grinned.

"I can't believe you know how to cook," I said, then regretted it. It sounded too harsh.

She sat across from me and frowned.

"I can cook. We didn't always have our meals out."

"Sorry, I..."

"It's okay, Viv. If I may, what did you hear that made you suspicious? I mean, I had some misgivings about how close they were, but..."

"He implied that my dick was too big for anal sex and someone else would fuck Jane's ass. I figured she might have told him. She wouldn't let me anywhere near her butt.

She looked down at my crotch, but the table blocked her view.

"I was stupid to believe he was faithful. I never would have thought my own sister would betray me though."

"Life's a bitch, ain't it?" I mused. "The eggs are good. What did you season them with?"

I scooped up the last of my veggie omelet, and she answered, "I remembered you liked them with vegetables. Just salt, pepper, and a little bit of seasoned salt."

"Well, they're very good. Thanks again."

She proudly smiled and sopped up her egg yolk with a piece of toast.

"Look, Ginny. I have a tee time in an hour. They're hiring a couple of cart girls at the course, and I know it's not much, but at least you can make a few bucks while you're looking for something better. I'm a member, and I'm friends with Sara the manager, so I'll put in a good word for you."

"You have a country club membership?" She almost sneered.

I sighed and stood, "Forget it. You..."

"Wait! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like that."

"Fine," I shrugged. "It's not a country club, though. It's just a golf course."

"Thank you, Viv. How far is it? My car isn't..."

"Not far. Come with me this morning and talk to the manager. You can take my truck home and I'll get a ride."

I wondered what was wrong with her car. I got that it was a piece of crap, but it wasn't like she was driving it across the country.


After we finished, I walked out of the locker room with my friend Jake and saw Ginny sitting in the lounge.

Jake said, "Check out the hottie in the lounge."

"That's Ginny," I answered. I had told him about her staying with me. He called me an idiot for not making her apologize with her pussy.

I wondered why she didn't leave.

"Dude, she's smoking hot. You have to..."

"Not a chance, Jake. She's a world-class bitch."


"You didn't have to wait for me," I said as we approached her.

She smiled, "I was hired on the spot, so I got a tour of the facilities and she said to have lunch on the house. I've only been done a half hour or so."

"Hello, pretty lady," Jake said and extended his hand. "I'm Jake." He looked at her tits instead of her eyes.

She ignored it and said, "If you call me anything other than Ginny again, I'll cut off your..."

"Okay," I said intervening. "Jake's sorry, Ginny. Let's go home."

She spun and hurried away.

I looked at Jake who stared at her ass, "Told ya. You didn't have to look at her tits like that."

"I think I just met my next ex-wife," he said and laughed.

I groaned and followed after Ginny.

"They think very fondly of you there," Ginny said as we got into my truck.

I didn't have anything nice to say, so I didn't say anything.

"Thank you for vouching for me. Your recommendation sealed it."

"Well, just make sure you don't make me look bad," I said.

"I think Sara likes you," she said quietly. "She asked a lot of questions about you and how well you know me."

I ignored her. I knew Sara liked me. I wasn't looking to get into anything with anyone, and one-night stands weren't my style. Sara still flirted with me mercilessly.

"Viv, I needed to buy my first two club shirts. I didn't have the money, so Sara put them on your account. I'll pay you for them, I promise."

"It's fine," I said.

I was just glad she got the job. That meant she'd be working on the weekends, and I'd see less of her. Fifty bucks for shirts was worth that.

I asked, "Do you need anything from the store? I need to stop at Wal-Mart. Unless that's too far below you."

I was sure she frowned when I said it. I realized I needed to work on my attitude if we were going to be able to live together. She'd been making an effort, why shouldn't I?

"Sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"Yeah, you did. But I deserve it. Wal-Mart will be fine, thanks."

She got some basics and asked if I could buy her some shorts to wear at her new job. I obliged and was surprised when she asked me to tell her what I thought after she tried them on.

She looked good, of course. Beauty wasn't her problem. She could make a potato sack look good.

"What's wrong with your car?" I asked as we got out of my truck.

"I don't know. It runs poorly, and the check engine light is on."

"Let me take it for a ride. I'll see if it's something I can fix for you."

"You know how to fix cars?"

I shrugged and took her keys.

It started fine, so I drove it to my friend Sanchez's auto shop. His given name was Ken Marsh, and he wasn't Hispanic, but when we were in high school he had jet-black hair and a thin mustache.

One of the jocks started calling him 'Spic' until Ken broke his nose and said, "I'm Irish, you asshole."

We all laughed and started calling him Sanchez. We were kids, what did we know about being politically correct? He called me Chick, and what could I say? It sucked to have a girl's name.

"Hey, Sanchez," I said as I walked up to the stall he was working in.

"What's up, Brother?"

"Can you check the codes on this piece of shit?"

As he took a look, he asked, "You buying a beater?"

"No, it's my ex-sister-in-law's. She's staying with me for a while?"

"I thought Jane's sister was a rich bitch. Did she have another?"

"Nope. She's just a bitch now."

"Wow!" He grinned.

"Yeah, that karma train is a stone-cold bitch."

He hooked up his equipment and a bit later he said, "It's the mass air flow sensor. It'll be about $300 or so. I can add a PITA fee too if you want?"

"No. As much of a pain in the ass as she is, I'm paying for it."

"Ok, Chick. Friends with benefits discount it is then. I can have it done tomorrow if that's okay. I'm working anyway."

"Thanks, Bud. I'll leave it and see you tomorrow."


"Can you fix it?" She asked as I walked in the kitchen.

"My friend is fixing it tomorrow."

I looked at the stove and saw she was cooking a porterhouse steak in my cast-iron pan. There was some kind of sauce covering it.

"I can't afford it, no matter what it costs."

"I know. What did you do to that poor steak?" I whined.

"Oh, you're gonna love it. It's mushroom gravy made from scratch. The steak is rare, just like you like it, and it's ready."

"Where's yours?"

"I'm just having a salad," she said softly.

"Look, Ginny. You can have some steak. I used to give Jane the filet side anyway. You don't have to eat like a rabbit here. You can have what I have, and you certainly don't have to cook for me."

"I just wanted to do something nice for you. You're doing so much for me."

"Thanks," I said and sat to eat.

She kept looking at me throughout the meal. I was getting annoyed and groaned, "What? Do I have something in my beard?"

"I was wondering if you liked your steak."

I nodded, "It's good. Not something I'd ever think of eating, but it's good."

"Next time, I'll get some cream and brandy to make you steak au poivre. It's even better."

I shook my head and sopped up the last of the sauce with a piece of bread. I held back saying I didn't want to eat like her rich friends, but if that was better, it'd be fantastic.

I stood too quickly and groaned at the stiffness in my back.

"Are you okay?" She asked rushing to my side.

"I just overdid it today with golf and the walk back from the auto shop. I'll be fine."

"I'll run you a hot bath to soothe those muscles of yours. Give me a sec."

Before I could argue, she hurried off upstairs. The last time I took a bath was with Jane on our honeymoon, so I'd never used my tub. I was a shower guy, although my house had a large bathtub. Maybe I'd give it a shot.

"Put that down," she demanded when she returned and saw me wiping out the pan. "I know how to take care of a cast-iron pan, and you need to get off your feet and relax."

"Okay, okay. You can do the dishes. Just stop yelling at me."

"I didn't mean to yell; I'm sorry. Now let's get you settled."

"I'm perfectly capable of taking my own bath."

"Oh, I, um, didn't mean..."

"I'm sure you didn't. I'm just a commoner."

I walked away unsure of why I said that. She didn't imply she was going to give me a bath, and I wouldn't have let her anyway.

I shook off the momentary vision of her naked and rubbing soap all over my body. What can I say, she was beautiful.


I woke in the tub to Ginny knocking on the bathroom door.

"Viv, are you okay? Answer me, or I'm coming in."

"I'm fine. I dozed off," I yelled.

The water cooled, and I had no idea how long I'd been in the tub. My hands were pruny to be sure, and when I stood I was even more stiff. So much for the muscle relaxing.

"I worried about you. I thought you might've drowned," Viv whined as I slid by her.

"Well, I'm all right. You don't have to fuss over me."

"I'm just trying to help."

I nodded and said, "Thanks anyway."

"What's the matter? Don't you feel better?"

"Honestly? No. I guess sitting in the tub for too long makes things worse."

"Come on, Viv. Lay on your bed so I can rub your back."

I laughed, "Ginny, no offense, but I don't want your hands anywhere near my body."

I walked into my bedroom and sensed her following me.


She pushed me back until my legs hit the bed, and I fell into a sitting position. With the cat-like grace of a ninja, she spun around me and began to rub my shoulders.

I couldn't get out the word--stop--it simply felt too good. Stop became a guttural groan of pleasure.

"There, isn't that better?" she asked.

I ignored her and let her continue rubbing whatever knot she found.

Her hands were surprisingly strong. I wondered if she rubbed her ex's shoulders often. It certainly couldn't have been from her doing any sort of manual labor.

"Lay down," she softly said, while guiding my shoulder down towards the bed.

As she straddled my hips, I felt the warmth emanating from her pussy on my back. The leggings she wore did nothing to hide the dampness from her arousal.

"Your back is so muscular," she cooed as she pressed her palms into my shoulder blades. My eyes drooped and a moment later I was asleep.

When I woke the room was dark. I realized I was on my back and she had her head buried into my chest. The largest surprise was that her hand was slowly stroking my hard cock.

I moved my hand to remove hers from my offending member, but she whispered, "Let me do this, Viv. You deserve it and more."

"Ginny, no."

"I know you hate me, but you've done so much for me, I have to show you I've changed. I'm not who you remember."

She slid down and took me into her mouth. The moist heat felt amazing as her tongue circled my glans.

"Jesus, Ginny."

"Mm," she moaned, the vibrations caused felt incredible.

She slurped and sucked, never taking more than half of me into her mouth. She moaned constantly. It was as if she were getting pleasure herself from giving me the blow job. I didn't realize she was rubbing herself over her thin leggings, which for some reason, disappointed me.

She moved in-between my legs and looked into my eyes, "Your penis is beautiful. My sister always raved about it, but I never realized it could be so perfect."

How does one respond to a statement like that?

I said, "You've seen it before."

She popped off my wet cock and said, "It was dark, and you weren't this hard."

I stroked her hair which she took as a request to continue. When she licked by sac, it felt like she had ten tongues all working in unison. She was amazing, it was as if she were making love to me with her mouth.

After several fantastic minutes, I pulled her up.

"Ginny, I want to..."

"No, Viv. This is about you. If you want to have sex with me, it will be another time. Just lay back."

"Ginny, if there's one thing I've never been, it's a selfish lover."

"I don't deserve it yet. I haven't earned the right."

I laughed and slid out from under her. She gasped when I pulled her legs around and removed her leggings. I smiled seeing she wasn't wearing underwear and her shaved mons glistened.

"Oh, shit!" she shrieked when my tongue hit her swollen clit.

She tasted divine as I lapped up her juices. Slightly different tasting than her sister, and her clit was larger and easier to find.

Her inner lips protruded like petals framing her entrance, and I nibbled and sucked on each making her moan. My tongue probed her hole, and my hands squeezed her ass as I licked and sucked her.

"Cum for me. I want to taste you," I demanded.

"Lick me, Viv. Oh, God! Please keep licking me."

I assaulted her clit while I moved my index and middle fingers into her surprisingly snug hole.

After a few minutes, her body began to tremble. Her legs shot out as they quivered, and her walls clamped down on my fingers before she squirted her juices all over my hand and bed.

The squelching sound of a squirting woman always turned me on, and it was no different with Ginny. Where she differed from any I'd been with before was her silence while she came. She was almost in a daze as I pumped my fingers in and out of her body.

Her closed eyes shot open when she realized I was lining up to enter her.

"Oh, Christ! Please be--gentle," she ended that statement in a scream as I inserted tab D into her slot P.

She was too tight to take it all in one thrust, so I eased back and forth as her tight ring relaxed. Her juices flowed and slurped as I moved, filling the room with a symphony of sex.

I reached the depths of her limits and leaned forward to kiss her.