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They both peppered me with questions, but I remained almost Sphinx-like. Finally they both grinned and said "Can't wait to find out."


During the almost eighteen years since I had seen her last I really had no idea what Beth looked like since she stopped sending me photos after Lucy's birth. I knew that she was now 54 -- I was 52 -- so I wondered if she had stayed in shape. Actually, in some ways I was in close to the best shape of my life since I worked out rigorously five days a week and tried hard to keep up with two big, strong, active boys (now young men).

When I saw Beth at the airport I recognized her immediately. Although she had some lines on her face, obviously was now coloring her hair since it was darker than when I say her 18 years ago, she looked like she had the same hard body that I remember. We gave each other real, liplock, kisses, after which I lifted her feet off the ground and spun her around. "You look great Beth," I honestly said.

"So do you, Ajax," she chuckled.

Fortunately I had packed light so there was room for my bag in her latest Ferrari "Don't you get tired of driving the same old type of car?" I chuckled.

"Hell no," she snickered, "this one's a hybrid and is even faster, 0-60 in two seconds flat." She apparently thought that I had a skeptical look and floored it. I felt like I was taking off in the cockpit of a fighter jet. "I believe you, I believe you," I yelled, but by the time I got those words out we were at 60 mph. Then she throttled down while laughing her ass off.

Beth didn't waste any time in introducing me to her daughters. As soon as we pulled up to her mansion Lilly and Lucy came outside to greet us.

I know that I'm prejudiced because they're my daughters, but they were the two hottest young women I had ever seen in my life. Fortunately, they had my blue eyes and not their mother's violet ones. Otherwise they were taller versions of Beth only with more beautiful faces. They looked close enough almost to be twins; Lilly is 5 feet 11 inches tall, Lucy 5 feet 9 inches (and Beth is 5 feet 7 inches).

I extended my hand to them. "None of this shaking hands shit, Daddy Ajax," Lilly said as she hugged me followed by Lucy. "Shit," I said to myself, "looks like they inherited Beth's out-there personality."

We had a very informative and light-hearted conversation over lunch, served by a maid, for the next 90 minutes. After that short amount of time I felt like I had known them for years. They had lots of personality traits in common with Beth -- but also some of my traits too. I asked them to call me Ajax, and if we ever got comfortable with each other in the future we might move to something else -- but that Jake was the one that raised them.

After the 90 minutes of introduction the hard-nosed questions started. "So Ajax," Lilly said staring straight into my eyes, with Lucy and Beth following suit, "are you and Mom going to get together. She seems to think that you're compatible, especially since you're her best fuck ever."

Beth almost blushed at that; I would have choked except for the fact that by now I was used to their out-there personalities. "Actually, Lilly, it is possible but our relationship has to have a different dynamic for it to work now. You see, when your mother and I interfaced 18-20 years ago she was strong and I was weak. I never wanted to have an affair with her but I was too weak to resist. In essence, I did whatever she wanted. I've finally gotten some kahunas so if I have a relationship with her now it will be as equals."

"How could you be weak around her?" Lucy chuckled, "She said that you could bench 300 pounds and looking at you and feeling your biceps when I hugged you, that sounds right."

"I was never a physical weakling. I was just morally, emotionally, and mentally weak when it came to your mother. I cheated on my wife with her, which I constantly felt guilty about. If your mother and I have a relationship now I'm no longer going to be morally, emotionally, or mentally weak. I'll be as tough as she is," I said with a determined look on my face looking first at Lucy, then Lilly, and then staring at Beth as I spoke.

Beth and I just glowered at each other, like we were having a staring contest, while Lilly and Lucy watched amused. Finally Lilly broke the ice. "OK, Ajax, why don't you show me how physically strong you are and play me in tennis."

"Don't bet her," Lucy cackled, "she plays Division I tennis."

I changed into my tennis duds, Lilly and I went out to the tennis court on their property, Beth came to watch, and Lucy said she was going to swim 200 laps in their 1/2 Olympic size pool.

When Lilly and I warmed up Beth said on a bench right next to the court with a short skirt on and her legs apart, flashing a beaver. I went up to her and in a voice loud enough for Lilly to hear said "Beth, go put some panties on."

"No, I like to feel cool."

"Beth, get some panties on or I'm going to tan your hide."

"No, suck it up Ajax, it gives my little girl a one beaver advantage."

I grabbed Beth, lifted her up, sat down on the bench, pulled her over my knee, lifted up her skirt to expose her bare ass, then gave her four hard swats on the ass as she squirmed and swore. Then I put her on her feet and stood up. She tried to slap me first with her right hand, then her left, but I blocked both without hurting her.

"I told you to get some panties on and if you don't and you stay here flashing your beaver, I'll spank you again," I said staring into her ethereal eyes.

"You bastard," Beth snarled as she turned and walked away toward the house.

Lilly was laughing so hard I thought that she might fall to her knees. "What's so funny?" I asked with a smile.

"Mom has never, never, ever, been treated like that before. I wish Grandma was here to see it; she always says that Beth needs some swats on the rear to keep her in line."

We started playing. Lilly really was good. The first set was at 4-3 in her favor when Beth returned, wearing a bikini and cover-up. She sat on the bench and cheered loudly for Lilly. "Beat that mean bastard, girl," was one of her favorite taunts.

The match came out just like I wanted it to. She beat me 6-4, 7-5. I wanted to put on a good show, but wanted her to win. Actually, I didn't have to throw more than one point to get that result she was so good.

Lilly was all smiles. "You really play well for an old man."

"Did you see what happened to your mother? The same thing could happen to you, little girl," I replied with a smile.

"You'd have to catch me first," she taunted and then started running toward the pool. I was right behind her as she shocked the shit out of me by diving into the pool with her tennis outfit on, including her sneakers.

I hesitated, but then dove in and started to swim after her. Lucy caught me from behind and grabbed my head and started dunking me. Then Lilly turned on me, and Beth jumped in on top of me. With all three of them laughing hysterically trying to dunk me I decided the best way out was to surrender; I sure as hell wasn't going to take the chance of hurting any of them. When I finally plead "Uncle," they wouldn't relent until they each dunked me once.

I took my medicine and then pretended to swim after them as the all split up and laughingly got to the edges of the pool. I did catch Beth. As I held her with her face pointing away from me I tightened my arms around her and whispered into her ear "I'm going to fuck you unconscious tonight you succubus."

"You think after your spanking tantrum that I'd let you fuck me," she snarled.

"You won't have a choice," I snarled back, then turned her face toward mine and gave her a zealous minute long kiss while Lilly and Lucy hooted.

We met Beth's parents at their mansion for dinner. I had never met them when I lived in Cary. They were both cordial, but a little wary since they were new to the idea that their daughter had cheated on her husband with me and thought that I might be a gigolo. However, about ten minutes into our conversation on their veranda while being served drinks by two staffers Lilly piped up.

"Grandma; you would have loved it. Mom wouldn't do what Ajax told her to so he picked her up, put her over his knee, and gave her four swats on her bare butt."

Lucy and Lilly laughed, Beth stared daggers at me, Arnold (Beth's father) looked perplexed, and Ruth (Beth's mom) got a big grin on her face. She got up off her chair, came over to me, and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Ajax, I've said for the past 40 years that what that girl needed was to get her hide tanned, and I'm glad that someone finally did it."

Beth snarled "Don't encourage that animal. I'll probably kick him out tomorrow."

"Then he can stay here," Ruth replied.

I was pleasantly surprised at how well the meal turned out. Both Arnold and Ruth seemed to warm to me, it was obvious that Lilly and Lucy had great relationships with their grandparents, and Beth seemed to vacillate between coy and aggressive.

As we were leaving Ruth gave me a sincere hug, Arnold genuinely shook my hand, and Lilly and Lucy each grabbed one of my arms and walked out with me, with Beth trailing.

Lilly drove and Beth sat in the front seat with her in Lilly's SUV because Lucy had quickly gotten into the back with me. Beth was almost silent on the five minute trip back to their mansion while Lucy, Lilly and I yucked it up.

When we got back Lilly and Lucy immediately went to their rooms, obviously to text or talk to their friends, male and/or female, while Beth stiffly led me to one of the guest rooms. "This is your room for the night; I haven't decided yet if you can stay longer."

"Where's your room?" I asked.

"At the end of the hall," she replied, pointing to the left.

I picked her up and started walking to her room. "What do you think you're doing, asshole?" she asked.

"I collecting my bounty," I said. "If I'm going to get kicked out tomorrow I'm sure going to take advantage of the hottest fifty-year-old in America tonight," I continued with a smile.

I couldn't tell for sure if Beth was real or acting in trying to repel my advances when we got into her room. However, once I started earnestly kissing her and stroking her bare twat with my right hand it was clear that her standoffishness wasn't going to work. Ten minutes after we entered her room we were naked on her bed and I was eating and fingering her pussy with a vengeance.

It was almost like my 52 year old body was 29 again as I ravished Beth for hours before we passed out more than fell asleep. We fucked in five different positions, I made three sperm deposits in her pussy (the first time more than one a night since I saw her last), and she had a good dozen orgasms in total.

Just before we passed out Beth mumbled "I missed you"

"I missed you too, goddess," I mumbled back.


The next morning Lucy gave Beth and me loads of shit for being so loud. "God, mother, it sounded like you hadn't fucked for two years; Oh wait, you hadn't," she laughed at her cleverness. Beth ignored her, I grinned.

The four days we had at the beach house were great fun. Some of Lucy and Lilly's friends -- both male and female -- visited us for a while. When I was introduced to them as "Our biological father," there were lots of raised eyebrows.

Of course one reason the days at the beach were great because the uninhibited sex with Beth was my best sex ever, even though we were now in our fifties instead of late twenties or early thirties. While of course we didn't have the stamina of our youth, we made up for it by actual cuddling, massaging, and tenderness. Even though the sex was athletic and tense for the first time since I had met Beth I also felt some real emotion in our coupling. There was no mistaking that she did too.

Of course the other major reason things were so great was because I was actually pursuing a relationship with my daughters. Our personalities seemed to mesh, and I never tried in any way to tell them what to do, but would honestly answer them if they asked for advice. There was also one bonding instance on the beach that though it was nasty at the time I ultimately was grateful for because it demonstrated unequivocally that I was fully on their side.

The four of us and four of Lilly and Lucy's friends had been playing beach volleyball near their beach house. As we were getting ready to leave and go back two big young, seemingly drunk (or near-drunk) guys came up and started making comments to Lucy and Lilly -- who were, as unbiased as I could be, the two hottest young women ever, not just on Wrightsville beach. When one of them grabbed Lilly's ass I got in his face and told him to leave while he still could.

The first asshole was thirty pounds heavier and thirty years younger than I was, but I do not get intimidated (except in the past by Beth). He swung at me with his right hand. I was anticipating it and moved toward him as he swung, making his punch ineffectual, and then head butted him in the face and kneed him in the groin as he was stumbling backward.

The second asshole -- who was about the same size -- came at me from my left. I swung my right elbow at his nose with all of my might, breaking it, and then as I twisted back swung my left elbow at his left cheek, apparently breaking the cheekbone.

As they were moaning and groaning on the sand, with blood spewing out everywhere, I said to Lilly "Call 911."

"No, please," the first asshole mumbled out of his bloody mouth. "We're not going to cause any more trouble. Just let us go."

"Apologize to these classy young women," I snarled, kicking the first asshole although not enough to hurt him.

"We're sorry, won't ever happen again," the first one said.

I lightly kicked the second one to prod him. "Yeah, sorry gals, I don't know what came over us, really sorry."

With what little dignity they had left they scurried away, holding their bloody body parts.

When they were almost out of sight Lilly came up to me, with her beautiful big eyes smiling, said "My hero," and then kissed me on each cheek. Lucy did the same thing moments later.

"Nobody messes with my little girls," I said.

As we walked back toward the house Beth grabbed my arm in a death grip. "You are going to get so fucked tonight," she growled at me. When we got back to the house the plan was for everyone to get ready for dinner right away. "Give us a half hour," Beth told Lilly and then dragged me toward our room to the catcalls from Lilly, Lucy and their friends.

I thought for sure that Beth was going to rip my dick off when she rode me cowgirl she was so active. When we came together like B-52s taking off she collapsed on top of me. After we gained awareness she mumbled "Was that a suitable reward for sticking up for my little girls?"

"You'll have to do that several more times before I can be sure," I smiled at her.

"Bastard," she chuckled before pushing herself off me and then she quickly showered and dressed, while I moved much more slowly.

The last day at the beach and on the way back both girls peppered me with questions about their half-brothers. They were anxious to meet them. I promised that I would arrange it within the next month. They were particularly pleased that Alex was going to Duke so he would be local.

When I gave Lilly and Lucy hugs goodbye I really felt that I had bonded with them, and my heart soared.

Beth insisted on taking me to the airport alone. On the way she asked "Do you have any interest in moving to Cary. You can stay in my house rent free," she grinned.

"Beth, I'm going to give serious consideration to that offer. I need to work it over in my mind."

"Well I hope you decide before September because I'm now head of Special Olympics for the entire Southeastern United States and I sure could use your help for an event in Atlanta in September."

I smiled. "You really are a complex person, Beth. We're going to talk in detail when I bring my sons to meet their sisters."

The kiss Beth gave me as we parted could have set off a smoke detector.


When I got back to Nashville Kyle and Alex started the questioning even before we got into the car for the drive home from the airport. I told them that the next day, a Sunday, we would set aside the entire morning, going into the afternoon if necessary, to talk it all out. They seemed satisfied with that, and they double-dated that night.

Despite being out until 2 a. m. early Sunday morning they entered the kitchen bright eyed and bushy tailed. After we wolfed down omelets and toast we got cups of coffee or glasses of seltzer, as was our want, and went into the living room.

"First I want to start out by admitting that when we lived in Cary I was a weakling. I wasn't weak physically, but morally, emotionally, and mentally. I was pathetic. There was a woman there by the name of Beth Reynolds that had the reputation of being a succubus," I started out.

"What the hell is a 'succubus' Dad?" Alex piped up.

"Well, the classic definition is 'a demon in female form, said to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep.' Well obviously there is no such thing as a real demon, but this woman was close. She has violet eyes with an ethereal quality that is impossible to believe unless you see her, a perfect hard body, and a personality so out-there that it is beyond your experience. For some reason she desired me and there was nothing I could do to stop her from seducing me." I sighed. "Cheating on your mother was the worst thing I ever did in my life, but I was powerless."

They both looked on me like I was crazy, a wimp, a liar, or some combination thereof. That did not deter me from continuing.

"Beth intentionally got pregnant by me twice, and had two girls, Lilly and Lucy. Here are photos of them," I continued, pulling 8 x 10 glossies of them out of an envelope, one in a dress, one in a bikini, and the third in shorts and a top. As Kyle and Alex were looking at them with their eyes bulging I said "Don't get any ideas because they're your half-sisters. But as you can tell they are the hottest girls you've ever seen..." I continued until I was interrupted by two perfectly timed "Fuck yeahs."

After telling them to calm down I continued. "I was with them, and Beth, the last six days and really bonded with them. Their personalities are as great as their looks. They're 20 and 17 years old, Lilly -- the taller one -- the oldest. I told them about you guys and they're anxious to meet you."

Until I showed Kyle and Alex the photos of their sisters I could sense that they were not OK with what I was telling them. Suddenly that seemed to turn around. Even though they couldn't have a romantic relationship with them because they were kin, knowing my red-blooded sons they were thinking "Girls this hot have to have hot friends too!"

We talked the rest of the morning until we had hashed out everything I knew. One of the final questions from Kyle was "Are you planning on a relationship with the succubus? She looks awfully hot for someone 54."

"I'm not sure; I think the spanking may have gotten her to realize that if we have a relationship it's not going to be me being led around by my nose. I'll have to see," I replied.

"Sounds like you've got the hots for her Dad," Alex grinned. "From everything you've said, reading between the lines, she's your best ever, and maybe worth it."

"No comment, and watch your mouth or I'll have to spank you," I said laughing.

That resulted in all three of us wrestling around until I gave up. Both of them are my size and thirty years younger, and significantly stronger, but we still need to have a little juvenile bonding on occasion.

They were excited to travel to Cary. I made arrangements that afternoon to travel there for the week after the next and stay a full seven days; since the boys worked for me, they could get time off.