When Katie Met Mitch


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'It's not far.' He told her as they pulled away. 'But there's something I should explain before we get there.'

She frowned, worried as to what he was going to say.

'It's nothing really bad, just something I think you should know.'

He glanced across at her and she nodded.

'Go on.' She told him

'Well, to begin with, you should be aware that I'm married.'

She nodded again.

He took her silence as a cue to continue. 'But that's not a problem, unless it bothers you?'

'I guessed you were.' She told him. 'But why is it not a problem?'

'Because Nikki and I have an arrangement.' He paused as if waiting for her to comment. 'We have kind of open marriage. She doesn't mind if I see other women as long as I don't mind if she does.'

For a moment his meaning didn't sink in, but then she understood. 'You mean she likes women too?'

'Yes.' He nodded, staring fixedly through the windscreen. 'I can't give her what she wants from a woman, but she knows it wouldn't be fair just for her to have girlfriends. So we have a kind of understanding, just so long as we are honest with each other.'

'So she won't mind if you see me?'

He shook his head. 'No, she won't mind. And I picked Tuesday because that's the evening she meets one of her girlfriends.'

Katie sat slowly shaking her head as she absorbed his information, slowly coming round to the idea that the whole set up suited everyone, and nobody was being cheated on. Then another thought crossed her mind as she realised he had said "one of her girlfriends".

'How many women do you see?'

'Only two.' He answered with disarming honesty. 'Bonnie on Thursday and now you on Tuesday.'

'So your wife - Nikki - has two girlfriends as well?'


Katie was silent for a while, trying to figure out if she could accept what he was saying before she voiced her one misgiving. 'It's never the same women as you though is it?'

Mitch chuckled. 'No, that's never happened so you don't need to worry.'

'Then I don't see a problem.'

Mitch and Nikki's arrangement seemed a civilised way of behaving as far as Katie's mind was concerned. As far as her instincts were concerned - they weren't quite so sure, but she could overrule them. She was strangely excited to have become part of such a set up, but confused because she thought she ought to feel used - but didn't.

The motel was only a short drive away, but then Katie voiced another thought. 'Do you always bring your women here?'

'No. My first time.' He shook his head emphatically. 'You're making it sound sordid, as if I have countless women one after another. To tell the truth I've been seeing Bonnie for about nine months and now you, and that's all. And that's only because I really fancied you at the party, I wasn't looking for anyone else before then.'

Strangely enough, Katie believed him.

The motel room was the same as any other, not that Katie had seen many, cheap and cheerful, plastic and chipboard, but with a comfortable looking double bed, almost as if the owners knew exactly what was most important to their clientele.

'Are you still cool with this?' He asked her as they stood in the room looking at each other.

The throbbing need in her pussy overcame any remaining doubts. 'Yes.'

'Then maybe we should undress.' It was a statement, not a question.

He began to unbutton his shirt, looking at her to follow suit. They fell silent as they undressed, the unfamiliarity of it inhibiting any conversation. She watched him undress as she took off her own things, a quick thrill reminding her of her missing panties. She glanced quickly at his face, unexpectedly glad to see that he was watching quietly. They each tossed their clothes onto the only chair as they undressed, the mixed pile seeming oddly meaningful.

He looked good, better than she had actually imagined. He was not over muscled but still well built, his dark chest hair somehow adding to the masculinity of his tanned and solid frame. She glanced quickly at his cock, disappointed that it was only half hard yet, a promise waiting to be fulfilled. Please let it recover soon, she prayed to herself, wondering foolishly if she shouldn't have sucked it so hard. Would she be attractive enough to work the magic on him and make him rock hard again?

Then she wondered what he was making of her figure, too scrawny perhaps, too flat-chested? Suddenly she was conscious of her skinny shape and wondered if he preferred more rounded girls. But then she saw how his hungry eyes fixed on her and his approving looks stifled any doubts.

He took her in his arms again and his mouth found hers. She could feel his chest hair against her breasts, his palms against her back and his cock twitching slightly against her bare skin. Then he was kissing her. His tongue was exploring her mouth again, probing, entwining with her own, licking and tasting her, turning her on even more, making her press herself against him, rubbing her skin on his. His hands roamed over her back, from shoulders to the first curves of her bottom, as far down as he could reach, she moaned softly in hopeful anticipation of what was to come.

Suddenly his arms released her and he placed his hands on the top of her shoulders. Then, with a quick look to see exactly where it was, he pushed her down so that she sat involuntarily on the edge of the bed. For a moment she wondered what he intended, but then he suddenly knelt before her, pushed her knees wide apart and stared hungrily at her pussy. For long moments he just gazed at her, increasing her arousal so much that she felt sure she was opening like a flower before him.

'I like looking at you.' He told her. 'You have a beautiful pussy.'

'Thank you. And I like you looking.' She told him truthfully.

Mitch stared at her again, his silent gaze fixed on her pussy until she began to feel embarrassed, then suddenly, without warning he hooked his hands behind her knees and pulled up, tipping her backwards before pushing her legs wide and back, leaving her on her back with her legs wide open, even more exposed than before. Confused, she tried to move, to instinctively pull herself upright, but before she could do more than lift herself onto her elbows he had lowered his mouth towards her pussy and she understood. She let herself slump back onto the bed, full of elated amazement. The sensation of his mouth on her and the feel of his tongue making tentative contact was something she had never expected. Because of her former husband's attitude to any kind of adventurous sex, it had never occurred to her that anyone else would go down on her. But it felt so damn good.

He nuzzled at her pussy with his lips, pushing his tongue between her labia, exploring her, probing at her entrance and then skating along her labia to brush against her clit. He did it again, and again. She had never felt anything so exciting. She hooked her hands behind her knees and pulled her legs right back, exposing herself to him as much as she could. He glanced up at her and winked in silent acknowledgment of her action, sliding his hands along her legs so that he could use his thumbs to hold her wide open. He could really get at her now, and as far as she was concerned that was fine because he could do whatever he liked.

Now when his tongue found her entrance he pushed it into her as far as he could, thrusting in and out in imitation of a miniature cock and then licking around just inside her passage, She groaned in appreciation only to feel him move away, sliding his tongue in a flat sweep along the length of her slit. Up and down he went, the flat of his tongue pressing against her all the way from the start of her perineum to the very top of her slit. Very soon the tip of his tongue found her clit again and started licking it so lightly that it felt like a soft moist fingertip. She gasped with the sudden realisation that it would not be long before he made her come. Her hips began to react to the sensations and she started to thrust back at him, making the subtle contact feel firmer.

Mitch understood, she could tell. Unlike Hugh he wanted to give her pleasure and he was awake to the nuances in her reactions. He began to lick her clit harder and more rapidly, flicking his tongue over its tip, up and down, up and down. Her climax grew nearer and she moaned more loudly, her hips gyrating slowly under his ministrations until, almost unexpectedly, she came, crying out loud, pushing her pussy at his mouth, feeling a hot flood of intense pleasure spread rapidly all the way through her. She could feel her pelvis bouncing involuntarily on the bed, and his mouth having to press harder against her to maintain contact. She wanted to say sorry, to tell him she couldn't help it, but all that came out was a strangled groan, and then it was over and she slumped back, spent and panting on the bed. Mitch was still licking her clit, but with a gentler and slower touch, just enough to bring little aftershocks that made her gasp quietly until they eventually died away altogether, her climax over. Her hands slipped from behind her knees to let her legs fall either side of his head.

She expected him to pull away, job done, but she was wrong. Instead he caught her legs, stopping them from dropping, and pushed them back again, all the time continuing to lap gently at her pussy. For a moment her climax-bewildered mind wondered if he had noticed that she had come, but then she realised that he had but that he intended to keep going, perhaps to make her come a second time. She moaned softly, not sure if she could take any more right then. She could climax several times in succession from her vibrator, but she wasn't sure if she had anything left after the sheer intensity of the climax he had just given her. Somehow it never occurred to her to tell him that enough was enough, instead she just let him carry on, still trying to get her breath back from her first climax as he led her inexorably towards another.

At first she was on that plateau of arousal that follows an orgasm, still hot, still highly aroused but not yet able to come again. Even so his tongue was sending random little barbs of pleasure through her, making her twitch and gasp each time. Then slowly they began to become stronger and more frequent and she knew that she would really make it for a second time. She hooked her hands behind her knees once more and pulled her legs right back again, an unthinking signal that she was ready to come for a second time.

He did as he had before, using his thumbs to spread her labia wide apart and then running his tongue right along the length of her slit. She closed her eyes and surrendered to him again, enjoying his actions, happy to let him do as he wished. He returned to her clit, this time clamping his mouth over her button and sucking it inside, nibbling gently at it with lip-padded teeth. She flinched anxiously beneath her enjoyment, wondering if he might hurt her, but he knew what he was doing and his teeth pulled at her gently, nipping just tightly enough to grip. He tugged at her and she felt the tip of his tongue flicking at her captive button, causing her pelvis to jerk just a little and pull at his grip. It wasn't painful; it hurt just enough to be arousing, bringing her closer and closer to coming, until finally one stronger jerk sent her over the edge and she climaxed. Just as before she cried out the unintelligible sounds that expressed her happiness, and pushed herself at him, almost grinding herself against his teeth, making him pull harder on her clit until he finally released it and let her rub herself on him. She knew what she was doing but she couldn't stop, never in a million years had she ever dreamed that she could be so out of control from pleasure. But she was, and she just had to ride with it, feeling his tongue trying to keep up with her as she rubbed her pussy on his face.

This time he didn't try to catch her legs when she let them drop at the end. He just raised his head and smiled at her from between her thighs as her feet found the floor. She looked down at him, seeing his face shiny and wet from her juices, and felt guilty.

'Oh, I'm so sorry.' She gasped.

He grinned widely. 'Don't be. I enjoyed it.'

'Thank you. So did I.' She told him, meaning it.

'That's all right. Now, lie on the bed.' He indicated with a quick movement of his head.

She swung her leg over him and rolled onto the bed to lie flat, wondering what he had in mind - but not really caring because it was bound to be wonderful. He climbed onto the bed beside her, propping his head on one hand and watching her breasts rising and falling as she struggled get her breath back. She licked her lips and smiled weakly, unable to be annoyed by the supercilious smirk of triumph on his face.

'Are you going to fuck me?' She asked breathlessly, trying not to feel too subservient.

'When I'm ready.' He nodded, still looking at her, his eyes travelling the length of her body and making her feel both uncomfortable and proud at the same time. He leaned over to kiss her briefly on the lips, his hand reaching out at the same time to settle on her breast. At first he just gently stroked her flesh, fingertips skating lightly over the surface of her skin, catching her nipple as they went past, but soon he was fondling her more firmly, feeling her, caressing her, his hand going from one breast to the other.

'That's nice.' She told him, her voice almost returned to normal.

He looked at her and smiled. 'Good.' He told her. 'Just enjoy it.'

She glanced down at his cock again, delighted when she saw that he was fully erect again. She was enjoying his touch, but she ached to be fucked. She'd come twice and she wanted the third time, if there could be a third one, to be with his cock inside her. He was ready now; maybe he would roll on top of her in a minute. She felt satisfied at her prediction and relaxed under his touch, waiting. She would do as he said and enjoy it.

He was good. He knew exactly what he was doing and she hated to think how many girls he must have practised on. She told herself off for her flash of jealousy, telling herself that it was she, Katie, who was reaping the benefit. She wondered if it was possible to climax just from someone playing with her breasts, rapidly coming to the conclusion that it probably was. But she wasn't going to find out, for almost as soon as the thought crossed her mind his hand left her breast to begin a slow journey down her front.

She looked up at him quickly; he smiled back at her and leaned to kiss her once more, his fingers tracing their gentle way over her skin as he did so. This time the kiss was long and slow and tender, and before it was over his fingers had found her pubic mound, sliding softly between her legs to play just lightly with her clit. She moaned into his mouth, her arms fastening themselves around his back and pulling him close.

She didn't let him go, she couldn't let him go. She just didn't want the kiss to end, even when the warmth of an approaching climax told her that she was going to come she just pulled him down harder, needing to maintain the contact. All the time as he rubbed softly at her clit she kept her mouth clamped to his, her moans and gasps all directed straight between his lips, clinging on to him through the involuntary jolts and jerks of an imminent orgasm.

She wondered vaguely if he minded, but he seemed to be taking his cue from her instinctive reactions, rubbing just that little bit quicker as she got closer. She was thanking him in her mind for being so considerate of her needs when, just a second or so before she actually came, he stopped. For a split second she panicked, sure that she was to be left high and dry, but then two fingers rammed themselves into her pussy, slamming up inside her and wriggling as they did so.

It was pretty much the last thing she was expecting, but, as she thought about it later and realised, it was deliberate and turned her climax into an explosion. She didn't so much come as detonate. She screeched from the power of it, crying loudly into his mouth, her fingers gouging into his back as her pelvis danced wildly on the bed, instinctively pushing her vagina harder onto his fingers.

It wasn't a long orgasm; she couldn't have coped if it had been. As it was, when it was over she just collapsed onto the bed, fighting for breath, gazing up at him in awe. He smiled silently back at her, giving her time to recover, propping himself on an elbow as he enjoyed his success. Then, finally, when it seemed she her breathing under control again, he broke the lengthening silence.

'Was that good?' He asked, knowing all the while what the answer must be.

'Was it ever?' She smiled happily, her chest still heaving slightly.

'That's good.' He told her. 'Roll over and kneel down.'

For a moment she gazed at him uncomprehendingly, knowing what she had heard but seemingly unable to take it in. He didn't repeat himself, instead he made a circular movement with one hand indicting for her to turn over. Now she did it almost mindlessly, automatically obeying him, going onto her hands and knees in front of him, knowing now what he intended but having to take a quick glance at his erection to confirm it. She had been waiting all evening for him to fuck her, but, she told herself, he sure as hell picked his moments. As she waited on her hands and knees she just hoped she would be able to handle it.

He shuffled into place behind her, using his thumbs once more to open her to his view, this time spreading her cleft for him to gaze at both her anus and her pussy. He had seen her before of course when he had gone down on her, but this much more submissive posture made her feel just slightly embarrassed, an embarrassment that to her surprise she found she enjoyed. He moved forward a little and she felt the head of his cock come to rest at the base of her spine, right at the very top of her cleft. One hand left her bottom and then she felt his cock slide up and down her cleft, over her anus and down to her pussy, and then back, teasing her, making her long for him to enter her. He wiped his cock up and down her again, but this time he let it come to a halt at her rear entrance, pressing gently as if preparing to penetrate her there.

'Should I?' He chuckled, teasing her. 'What do you think?'

'I've never done it.' She told him truthfully. 'But you can if you like.'

He chuckled again and moved on, explaining carelessly. 'Not today. No lube.'

He guided it now to her vagina, easing it into her and then gripping her by the hips. For a moment he remained still with his cock just inside her, but then he abruptly pulled her backwards, impaling her on him and making her groan with the sudden delight. Again he remained motionless, getting erotic pleasure from the sensation of being buried deep inside her for a moment or two before he began to move. She knelt still and let him, enjoying that same sensation even though her body cried out to be fucked.

When he did begin to move it was with long powerful thrusts, pulling back until he was only just inside her and then thrusting forward deep and hard. She wanted to move with him, to help magnify his actions, but his grip on her hips prevented her. She just had to kneel submissively and let him take her.

Initially his movements were slow and measured and she was able to enjoy the feel of him pistoning in and out of her slippery hole, but then, as he got closer to coming, he began to thrust harder, quicker, and more erratically, until soon he was plunging into her, ramming himself deep, his body slamming into the meagre padding of her bottom. He still held her by the hips, preventing her from being pitched forward as he fucked her, and it was his grip, going from firm to downright painful, that told her when he was about to come. His nails suddenly dug into her flesh and his quiet moans of pleasure turned to urgent gasps, and she set herself ready. She didn't have to wait, his grip tightened, his thrusts turned into hard insistent pushes and she felt his cock shudder inside her as he came.