When You Least Expect It


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"Did you like me?" she asked.

I drew in a deep breath. "I have no words, Buckley."

She smiled and burrowed her face into my neck. "I was afraid I wouldn't be any good," she murmured.

"Well, you can forget about ever having that thought again," I said. I combed my fingers through her long silky hair, continuing downward, lightly running along her back and tracing little circles on that fantastic ass. She squirmed, goose-bumps appearing on her for a moment, roughing her satin smoothness.

I rolled us over, taking care to keep most of my weight off her. When I tried to kiss her, she turned her head. "No... I..."

"Shh, it's okay," I said. "If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me." I turned her head and claimed those luscious lips. She began to stir beneath me, little motions of her body, her hands moving over me. I would never get enough of those lips, but other treasures awaited.

I kissed my way to her tiny ears, nuzzling her lobes, kissing behind them, working down the smooth column of her neck to where it joined the spread of her shoulders. She shivered and moaned as I tickled the little hollow over her collar bone. I continued, kissing my way across her chest to the mounds below.

God, her breasts were just spectacular. I rose above her and she tried to pull me back. "Let me look at you," I murmured. I knelt between her spread thighs and just drank in the sight of her. She was a goddess. "Jesus, baby, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," I said.

She blushed a little, just a warm glow, but I could tell she liked hearing that. Her body matched the perfection of her face. She was lush, no other word fit. Her breasts were heavy and full, nipples erect and puffy. Her lines swept in to a narrow waist, belly ribbed with muscle, before swelling dramatically into her hips. There was that little tuft of flame on her mons. It should be a crime for redheads to go bare. Below, her legs were muscled, full thighs and calves, tapering to slender ankles and small feet. Even her feet and toes were perfect.

I moved back over her, kissing those pillowy lips and quickly moving down until her lush breasts felt my tongue. Her areolae were a little puffy, making their own little peak, just a shade darker than her skin, topped by small beautiful nipples another shade darker. They tilted up and inward just a little and they were very erect, causing her areolae to pucker and thicken a bit, too. I ran my tongue around them and she groaned. I felt her fingers in my hair, gently guiding my head to her right nipple. I swiped it with my tongue and her guidance became a little firmer, pulling me to that delicious little nubbin.

When I sucked it in, holding it firmly inside my lips, lashing the tip with my tongue, she became very vocal, murmurs of pleasure, moans and a shudder passing through her. I gave it all the attention it deserved and she writhed beneath me, almost trembling.

The twin was evidently in need of attention, as well, because she moved my head there. I feasted on that gorgeous little nubbin, and her sound grew to a small crescendo as she stiffened, then went wild under me. She was coming! God, she was hot. She shook for a few moments, then began to gradually relax, never quite still, but calmer.

"God, Ben, you're making me... I'm melting!" It was a soft murmur.

Her breath sucked in as I left her breasts and nibbled my way down her belly, stopping to probe the tiny declivity of her navel, making her giggle. It was as perfect as the rest of her. Lower still, was that little tuft of flame. I tugged at it with my lips and she giggled again.

I slid down until I could kiss the inside of one knee and she shuddered at my touch. I trailed kisses and let my tongue feel its way up the inside of one muscular thigh, then the other. I could now smell her arousal. It was the warm musky smell of an aroused woman, clean and ripe. I nipped at the tendons, stretched taut on the inside of her thighs. She was becoming vocal again, just soft moans escaping. I nibbled at the juncture of her thighs and felt her hands again, guiding me toward the object of my desire.

It was perfect. Bare, pink lips small and tight together, forming a perfect line that swept up to peak at the clitoris. I could barely see the tip peeking out of its sheath. I had to taste her, and she obviously wanted to be tasted. I began at the bottom, probing, and she jumped as if from an electric shock when my tongue touched her.

"God, Ben... no one... I've never..." She couldn't finish a thought.

I probed and felt her opening. Delicious scents, textures and tastes assaulted my senses. I collected moisture seeping from her, sweet, a hint of musk and all Buckley. Running my tongue upward, parting that seal and touching the bump at the top brought her hips into motion. She thrust upward, seeking more contact, and I slid my hands under her, cupping that spectacular ass and controlling her motions a bit.

I had made love hundreds of times, both before, during and after the time I was married to her mother, I used every bit of everything I'd learned, heard or imagined to make sure my baby was going to remember this for the rest of her life. I worked her lips, plunged my tongue inside and exerted every skill I knew on her little clit. It emerged from its hood and became stiff and prominent. When I sucked it in and worked it with my tongue, she exploded, coming, every muscle straining then relaxing in a wild writhing. She screamed hoarsely when she came, her cry choked by her passion, and she came for a long time, her motions finally slowing to twitches. When I felt her relax a bit, I slid a finger into her tightness. She gasped and her motions began again.

I curled that finger upward, searching for that spot. Her reaction let me know I found it, jerking against me, quivering and then exploding again. She cried out hoarsely again, and I kept her going, working a second finger inside, coating it with her slickness, and inserting it into her tight little ass when I felt her beginning to slow.

"Oh, God!" I heard her cry, and she went off again. When she began to settle down, her motions became those of escape.

"Please... Ben... stop! I need... Oh, God! I need to rest! Please..."

Giving that little clit a final swipe, I withdrew my fingers and slid up over that luscious body, claiming her lips. She was limp beneath me, just experiencing occasional shudders as aftershocks shook her. I felt her recovering and her hands fluttered against my sides, sliding down to cup my ass, moving up my back and then on the back of my head, pulling me into the kiss.

Loving this beauty, the sight, sound, feel, smell and taste of her, had me as hard as I'd ever been in my life. I could feel her heat and moisture against my cock and I shifted until I slid into place, poised at her entrance, the head of my cock between buttery lips.

She gasped when she felt me. "Please..." she gasped. "I've never..."

I cut her off with a kiss, cupping her face between my hands. I looked in her eyes. "Never?" I asked.

She shook her head. "There was never anyone I loved enough. I've never done any of the things you did to me. God, Ben, I'm so in love with you. Tell me you love me."

"I, love, you, Buckley Carmichael, with all my heart, for the rest of my life."

She kissed me fiercely, then moved her hands to my sides. "Take me," she said.

I moved forward. I knew from earlier that she had no virgin barrier, but she was extremely tight and inexperienced. I exerted pressure, then more, and the head of my cock popped through. She stiffened. "Oh!" she gasped. "Stop!"

I froze. I used my hands to cup those spectacular breasts, rolling her nipples between my fingers and she began little circular motions with her hips, thrusting a little and moving me inside her. After her movements became stronger, I moved forward, sinking into her a little, maybe a couple of inches. She froze again, and so did I. We repeated the dance and I was maybe halfway in her.

"My God, Ben! How much is there?" she gasped. "Damn, you have a big dick!"

I laughed. "Yeah, you've had so many."

She giggled. "Well, it feels like a damn fence post!"

I drew back and reclaimed the lost territory. She moaned. I did that, over and over, and she made a little moan, each time. We got a little rhythm going, and I would go deeper, occasionally. She would stiffen and draw back, and we danced like that: me trying to advance and her drawing back. She lost it at the motions and giggled insanely. I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"You're killing the mood, here, Buckley," I told her.

She just laughed some more. "I can't help it, Ben. You're just huge!"

I slowed down, just easing in and out, and she didn't seem to be as uncomfortable. After five minutes of that she was pushing back against me with just the occasional wince. I increased the length and speed a little at a time and she became very active, pushing up to meet me, moving to change angles and she started her sounds again. We had been at it for a while, and she was becoming very dynamically responsive. With that face, that body and her responsiveness she was something to inspire men's dreams.

She orgasmed, crying out that hoarse cry, then again, and the look on her face, the love in my heart for her, who she was, that flaming curtain that slid like silk across her face as her head whipped from side to side in her ecstasy, combined to push me toward the edge. I knew she was safe, she'd seen a doctor the second week she'd been with me, and it wasn't going to be long.

"I'm gonna come, Buckley," I whispered in her ear.

She went wild. "Yes, come with me, Ben! Please, come with me."

I felt my toes curl, the sensation of that agonizing pleasure filling my body as I filled hers, pumping inside her as she came again, filling her. I plunged deep and held her tightly, embedded in her sweet body and time stopped.

Eventually, I regained the composure to roll with her until I slid from a place I never wanted to leave. She rested over me and I could feel our heartbeats slowing. She got a bottle of water and we shared it, then a glass of wine. She stood, that glorious body and face filled with satisfaction and that freshly loved look that women always have. "Care for a dip?" she asked.

That sounded very good to me, so I let her pull me up and we waded out, chin-deep, holding hands into the coolness. She plastered herself to me and kissed me, then looked up into my face.

"Are we okay?" she asked.

"I've never been so okay in my life," I said. "Is my baby okay?"

"Very okay," she said. "I don't want anything to change what we have, except I am going to sleep with you and we're going to do that ten times a day," she said.

"God, I'll be dead in a week!" I laughed. "I'm old, little girl. You'll break me."

She punched me lightly in the chest. "You're the youngest old person I know. We're stocking up on vitamins."


Nothing did change, except for her moving into my bed, and we didn't make love ten times a day, but she was nearly insatiable. We made love constantly. I couldn't keep my hands off her, and she had a very high libido. She wore just panties around the house and the sight of her would give a zombie wood.

She had leased a building and ordered supplies for her practice. I knew a lot of people who kept horses, sheep, goats or cows. She would be the only vet within 50 miles, and I knew she'd have a nice practice. There weren't as many pet owners as in the US, but plenty of people had valuable working dogs.

She kept after me about going to see Alicia, and finally wore me down. I agreed to go, but I wouldn't be flying with her. I'd land in Atlanta, and charter a private plane from there. I didn't want to go through the airport checkpoints, and I paid the pilot to hang around so I'd have a way out if I needed it.

She met me at the airfield, and I checked into a hotel. She was staying with her grandmother, but she made the call to Alicia from my room. We got her one of those disposable cell phones with minutes, and she put it on speaker so I could hear.

Alicia seemed very happy to hear from her, but things changed a bit when Buckley hit her with the news.

"Mom, I found Dad. I know the truth. Why did you lie to me? You even lied about the DNA test. Why would you do that?"

There was silence. "Mom, are you there?" Buckley asked.

There was the sound of Alicia clearing her throat. "I'm... yes, I'm here. Buckley... I don't know what Ben told you, but..."

"Save it, Mom. We had the real DNA test done."

"But... Buckley, where are you? I know you're in town. Please, can you just come over and we can talk about this? We can't talk about this right on the phone. Please, I need to see you. I promise I won't... I'll tell you the truth. Where is Ben?"

"Right, Mom, like I'm going to tell you that. I'll meet you somewhere, but it's not going to be at your house. I'm staying with Gram. You need to come there, and Gram needs to hear this, too. I'm not the only one you lied to, am I, Mom?"

"No, please, Buckley," she was sobbing on the phone, now. "Please, I know you may hate me, but I'll just die if Mom hates me. Don't make me do that."

I could see Buckley softening. "Okay, Mom, but you're going to have to tell Gram that this is your fault, not Dad's. I'm not going to have Gram hating Dad for something that you did. I don't care what you tell her, but you're going to tell her something or I'm leaving and I'll never speak to you again. I'm still not coming to your house. I'll meet you at Cowiche Canyon at one, tomorrow, and we'll have lunch, okay?"

"Yes, okay." Alicia was getting herself back together. "Thank you, Buckley."

"I swear to God, if you tell me one lie, I'll walk out and you'll never see me again, Mom. Don't even think about it."

Alicia sniffed miserably. "No, baby, I won't lie, I promise."

"You can't promise me shit," Buckley said. "You've lied to me all my life. I'm just telling you. Don't make me any promises."

"Okay... I'm sorry, Buckley. I'll... no, okay. I'll be there."

Buckley ended the call and came over to me. She pushed me down on the bed and took up her favorite position: half on top of me with her cheek pillowed on my chest. "Just hold me, Dad," she said. "I need to be held. I don't know how this is going to go. I'm afraid I'm just going to be weak." She began to cry.

"How could she do this to me, to us? I love her so much, Ben. It hurts so bad."

I squeezed her tightly and stroked that beautiful hair. "I know. It's hard. You're going to be okay. We both know how tough you are."

She nuzzled her face into my chest. "I don't feel tough," she said. "I feel little and weak and miserable."

"Well, you're little and miserable, right now," I told her. "You aren't weak, though. That is one thing you'll never be. You'll be fine. Just do what you have to do. I don't have any idea what she's going to say, but just go, listen to her and move on. No matter what she says or does, nothing is going to change with us, right? We're going to be okay."

I could feel her nodding. "Yeah, we're going to be okay."


She went to that meeting, and I could tell she was relieved when she came back. She immediately grabbed me, dragged me to the bed and tried to kill me, as soon as I opened the door. I was lying there with her in her place, just as limp as a noodle, barely having the strength to pet her.

"I take it you needed some love," I said.

She chuckled. "You think? That was stressful as fuck, Ben."

"Did you get anything?"

She nodded again. "Yes, she knew she was busted. She just told me she lied because she didn't want me to hate her. She never thought I'd find you, so she just kept lying. She cried a lot, and I could tell she felt really bad about... everything. She made it possible for me to have a relationship with her. I'll come back here, sometimes. She wanted me to move back, but you're my life, now. I'm staying with you. You want me, right?"

"More than anything," I said. "I don't think I can live without you, Buckley, now that you found me."

"Me either," she said. "Pack up, lover. We're going home tomorrow."

I held her tightly. Sometimes life throws you a curve. Sometimes it's the worst possible thing you can imagine. Sometimes it's the best possible thing when you least expect it.

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AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Great story but I like all your stories I have read! DerMtMan

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A Die Hard Romance. Such pathos to find unconditional love. A compassionate daughter, how rare. Nice story. Now he can live and die in peace.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Hi Randi:

BJ ... again.

I have read ALL your stories, several times, and to me this is your best ever with the women and her daughter on a Xmas night (Someone to love us). Vagabonds come in close second. You remember the name "Sahara". I borrowed it for my own story that will be on kindle shortly. You remember the notion of "recessive genes"? I used it in my fictional story about "The Other Side", that will be on kindle. Thank you for the pleasure and I am looking forward to your next story.



AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Just couldn’t come up with a reason the wife did what she did. Next time you don’t have an ending don’t publish until you do.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

After all this the question of why her mother cheated on her dad with a gang bang still is not answered for the dad or daughters closure!

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