Whitewash High Ch. 12

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Porno Shoot Flashback.
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Part 12 of the 38 part series

Updated 12/29/2023
Created 04/05/2016
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Sometime in the Past

"Okay, set up the shot right there...Perfect!" the director said. "Now, when you fuck her I don't want you to hold back. Just nail her. And you, squeal like you normally do. This should be academic. You've been together before," the fat Asian man said.

"Shouldn't be too hard. I quite enjoy these period pieces," Nik said as he made adjustments to his stylish kimono.

There were a couple of samurai swords on his hip, and nearby was a beautiful Japanese woman dabbing perfume on her more intimate parts.

"Remember, you're just a barbarian to her, so treat her like a barbarian would," the director said as he got into his chair.

Nik positioned himself off camera behind the doors. His partner, Yuko, sat gracefully on the mat as she practiced writing kanjis. When the director said action, Nik sliced through the paper and weak wood with his samurai sword. Yuko acted in shock and horror at the foreign man breaking through. Yuko spoke Japanese while Nik spoke English, giving the illusion the other did not know the language.

Roughly, he took the girl by the waist and tore open the top of her kimono. Her large, pale tits fell out for him to feast on. There was no grace or romance, just animalistic domination and rape. She meekly tried to slap him as he sucked on her puffy nipples but all the slaps confirmed was the power difference between the two.

Unlike a lot of pornos, Nik didn't go for a blowjob immediately. He went for Yuko's ass. Pushed down on hands and knees, dress hiked up to her waist, that famous 'Ivory Tower' that sold like hotcakes on store shelves, shoved raw into her asshole. No lube, no spit, just raw. Yuko screamed out in legitimate pain as she could feel her tender hole get gaped open violently. This was not the first time they did anal but it was the first time done raw.

She swore at him in Japanese but couldn't help moaning while doing it. Juices trickled down long, luscious inner thighs. Each thrust hurt a lot but also turned on the masochistic AV star. Reaching over to grab her tits, Nik pulled her upright, while also biting down on her neckline. He molested and ass fucked her simultaneously. The man in charge wanted a barbarian so that was what he got.

The director didn't say anything. Nik's specialty was long shots. He could do entire scenes without a quick cut or stoppage. All the porn star needed to know was the sequence of events and the trust of his director that all the spots would be hit. There was a reason he won JAV Male Star of the Year. But no one ever saw his face. The foreigner was smart enough to know porn was not the most stable of careers, and so when doing his first film had told the director he'd wear a mask. It meant a pay cut but it also meant security in the real world. One sniff of porn, even something softcore like a nude magazine spread, meant the axe to his real profession: education.

Yuko moaned out dirty words in Japanese, telling him to fuck her harder, faster. She had already gushed onto the tatami mat once. A large puddle of womanly juices gave evidence as to how good she was getting it. After five minutes of raw, dry anal, Nik finally pulled out and slapped his smelly shaft against her face. Meek, slanted eyes looked up at the white man, and hands rubbed up his large, muscular legs. The woman recoiled from the smell of her own shit on his cock. But both fear of punishment and a whorish hunger made the woman lick the tip tentatively.

Yuko was playing the wife of a Daimyo, chaste and pure for her husband. Any other film she'd be the eager slut for her favorite co-star, but it was a welcome challenge to her to play a weak submissive woman that had to be led around even when doing sexual basics.

For the next half an hour, Nik used Yuko like a fucksleeve and she just took it. Face fucked, cunt split open, face humped, tits molested, her body was humiliated for the pleasure of this gaijin barbarian. By the end of the scene, she had been cum in twice and left spasming on the mat as a heavenly orgasm coursed through her body. Part of it was acting, part of it wasn't. What made their scenes together so believable was it wasn't an act most of the time.

"Cut! Good job. I smell an award with this video," the fat director said to the pair.

"My ass is so sore," she whined, feeling how gaped she was. "You know I can never get normal AV work after fucking you, Nik. I can never feel anything." She sopped up some of the gunk in her butt and sucked it off her finger with a smile. "You're lucky I like working with you so much."

"Next time I'm going to need a raise for any raw anal scenes. It was starting to hurt by the end of the time goal," he said to the director.

"You're the best in the business kid. Five minutes should be cake for a young guy like you."

"Yeah, but I won't be making more films if I tear my cock."

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to the boss about it. You're getting a lot pushier these days. What happened to the laid back, I'm just happy to get pussy guy?"

"He grew up and didn't have to work off a crazy debt."

"You know you could always just jet out of the country. You are a foreigner, Nik," Yuko said.


Present Day

"Welcome home, Daddy! I'll go and get your bags. Just sit down on the couch. Nurse's orders!" Gale said cheerfully.

"I'm feeling a lot better now, Gale. You don't have to...baby...me...What the hell is all this stuff?" he yelled out to the car.

"Just some of my stuff. And if I wasn't babying you then you'd be moaning about that. Just be a good Daddy and accept it, okay?"

"Did I ever tell you that you're bent?"

"Yep, but that's my charm," she giggled. "Now, I've already got dinner ordered so just sit down."

Nik cocked an eye brow at her, making past the minefield of a half dozen boxes of clothing.

"Seriously, how much clothing does one girl need?" he thought to himself.

"Your niggers are coming by later. Valerie gave me a call to let you know, but the Punjabi bitch is going to be busy with a half-dozen surgeries scheduled for the rest of the week."

"Nurse and a secretary. Have any other hidden skills I should know about, Gale?"

"One or two but I like to be a mysterious girl."

She plopped down on the couch next to him, snuggling into his chest like a traditional girlfriend. Her hand softly caressed his stomach, worshipping him, making him feel special. Why should the girl be the only one to get petted, stroked and made to feel special?

"You know you're the most territorial girl I've ever met?"

"Good. I want the other bitches to know who is number one in your book. I'm going to have your baby and the others can cry about it."

"Slow down there, Gale, who said I wanted a kid?"

"You didn't, but when you do, this oven will be baking it."

Ding Dong!

"I wonder who that can be? The others would just walk in," Nik commented.

Opening the door, Nik saw Suzy standing there in her usual Goth setup.

"You're alive!" she exclaimed. "I'm so, so sorry. Really. I didn't mean to get you stabbed. I just didn't want to be a loser. I didn't want to lose my gang, my friends. Please don't hate me."

The words came out of her mouth like a waterfall, unable to hold her pent up emotions inside any longer. She hugged him suddenly, face buried into his chest, and blackened tears soaking his shirt.

"Whoa, whoa, settle down."

"I tried to see you in the hospital but I couldn't face you. I know I caused you a lot of trouble at school. I...I...I needed to take responsibility for my actions."

Nik brought the girl inside his house and shut the door, lest the neighbours see the commotion and get suspicious.

"Just relax. I'm okay. That thug stabbing me in the back wasn't your fault."

"But it was. I picked a fight with them and ran looking for you," she sniffled. Tears kept flowing, making the black makeup run awkwardly down her face. "We had less problems when you took down the other student to save me from getting raped. I figured if you wouldn't be our enforcer officially, I could keep setting you up."

He stroked the girl's hair to help calm her down.

"Your intended outcome was just a coincidence. Didn't you hear what they said before the fight?"

"No," she said, shyly.

"They said there was already a price on my head. Nothing would have changed. I would have had to fight them sooner or later. I'm just thankful they didn't have a gun."


"No buts. Look, you're a pain in the ass at school for me but this was just an unfortunate situation. Want to make it up for me? Live up to your potential in class. Try and be something other than a glorified pimp. There is a brain in your head. If you can think of a creative way to force me to help solve your gang problems, you can do something easy like pass a history test."

She shyly nodded. The entire situation was hard for Suzy. Nik...Mistah Cracka-man...had inadvertently become a father figure to her. He cared about her, didn't give up on her, and as much as she hated when he disciplined her it was something she needed from a male authority figure.

"I'll be back at school tomorrow. Just go home, do your homework, and we'll talk more tomorrow, okay?"

"I kinda...can't go home right now."


"Mom has customers. I don't want to be there...can I stay here? I'll be good, I promise. I normally stay with Sammy when I don't want to be at home but she is at her boyfriend's place, you know...doing it..."

Despite being a hardened pimp, suddenly mentioning anything sexual to Nik made the Mulatto girl shy.

"It wouldn't be right, Suzy. You're my student and you still live with your mom."

"Fuck her, she is a dumb whore anyways. I make more money than her and I don't even spread my legs."

"I also have company coming over soon."

"Fine, I get it, you don't like me. Just come out and say it, Mistah Cracka-man," she spat at him, getting defensive again. "I should have known better than to cry over you. I wasted my time coming to apologize."

Suzy stormed out of the doorway and onto the front walk before a commanding voice called out to her.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, brat?" Gale said, walking after her. "The man saves your life and you get all pissy because he has a modicum of ethics?"

"Who the fuck are you, Chinagirl?" Suzy said, fronting off with Gale.

Although they were similar heights, the difference in physique was obvious. Suzy was thin and beautiful, despite being caked with Goth makeup, but her body looked much less like an athletics cover girl. She looked like she could run a marathon while Gale looked like she could punch a hole through a wall.

"I'm a close friend, and I was by his side when he was in the hospital. You think he doesn't care about you? One of the first words out of his mouth was 'How was Suzy doing'? Do you think he can just open his house to every student with a shitty home life? He'd have your entire ghetto high school living with him."

"But I'm different...I...I...li..." The word stopped mid-syllable before Suzy could finish, embarrassed.

Gale put an arm around Suzy's shoulder.

"Now, I have this apartment that is barely used. It is mostly a tax write-off but it is fully furnished, kinda like a getaway pad. If you walk back and apologize, like a proper woman, I'll think about letting you stay there for the night."

Gale was uncharacteristically charitable. The first thing she did with anyone who got a sliver close to her Daddy was curse them out or throw a slur around, especially when it came to Michelle and Valerie. Suzy acted hesitant. She didn't know what to do and was confused, emotions running on high gear inside her head. Slowly, she turned and faced the doorway where Nik, Mistah Cracka-man, was standing.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm just confused about everything. I'll...I'll try to be better."

Nik nodded and waved the girl back inside. No doubt the shouting caught the attention of a neighbour or two by now, and the last thing he wanted was unneeded attention or the cops.

"So letting Suzy stay at your place won't be a problem, Gale?"

"Sometimes it gets a bit lonely at night. It'd be nice to have someone to girltalk with."

"We'll talk at school, Suzy, and sort through this whole mess. Everything will work out. Trust me on that one, and don't worry again about the war wound. I've had worse than you can imagine, and some punk trying to earn his bones won't get the best of me, okay?" he said to the young girl, cupping her chin sensitively to make sure she looked him in the eyes.

Suzy melted a little inside. Every part of her wanted to retract, to run, to just go back to the shithole of an apartment. It felt odd that she was shown concern and affection, even if it was plutonic, fatherly affection. Year after year she had to look after herself, survive on her own, with only Sammy as a true friend.

"Let's go, Suzy, we'll pick something up to eat on the way. My treat," Gale said.

Suzy waited to leave, suddenly hugging Nik and burrowing her face into his hard, muscular, powerful chest. She could only start weeping again, causing the white man to stroke her long, straight hair to calm her down. Reluctantly, Suzy parted and left with Gale. Nik could only run a hand through his hair and take note of the insanity that his world had become in only a matter of weeks.


"Phase 2 of the plan will be to integrate the schools by the end of summer. There should be initial resistance but we have the standard left-wing media outlets on standby to write up dozens of race baiting articles to cower the average person. Those with more fight or clout, we'll just peg as being racist and put a stop to them that way," the black lawyer said in the boardroom. "Amanda, how is everything going with PS 69?"

Amanda was only half-listening. Her head was still in the clouds from yesterday. At first she was ashamed of how long she watched the dirty porno videos, and how many different ones she watched. So many white cocks, so many white men hung like horses, she couldn't admit her pussy wanted to be stuffed full, creamed, left drooling galleons of white seed.


"Yes? Yes...yes, the principal at the school is a hard case to crack. She is fully behind her staff and won't give up the white teacher at all. I've tried talking to her on a professional level and as a proud black woman but she won't budge. She supports him fully."

"I heard rumors that others on staff support him too, one of them being your wife, Ty," Jerome said from across the table.

Ty fiddled with his necktie, hesitant to reply.

"They work in the same department and have to coach together. Nothing out of the norm there, Jerome. Trust me, their relationship is only professional."

"It better be, Ty, especially with her bitchy attitude at lunch last week," Jerome countered, embarrassing the young law partner in front of the others. "Any loose ends would ruin all we've built here, especially if that loose end was close to home. Understood?"

Ty nodded uneasily. He guessed something was going on with his wife and the new white teacher, and if not him someone else then. He wasn't stupid, or a cuckold like his wife thought he was. The gay man just pretended to fit the role so as to not arise suspicion about his own sexuality. Being gay was one thing but being a gay, submissive black man with a lust for dominant white men was a scandal in itself. He'd become even more of an outcast among the black community than he already was.

"I'll have a talk with her tonight," Ty replied.

"You better tell her who is boss and that you wear the pants in the relationship," Jerome said, glancing towards his own wife.

Amanda was still only half paying attention to all the bravado, her mind filled with anticipation for watching more videos the moment she got home. A few were bookmarked from last night just before Jerome got home, and she wanted to enjoy them to the fullest. One about a black protestor getting gangbanged by a posse of white cops had made her pussy moist.

"Well, if that was all on the agenda, we'll end that here for tonight. We have a lot to get planned and finished for phase 2. Oh, before you go, Amanda, I need you to do something for me today," Jerome said as the others were leaving.

"Yes, dear," she commented, looking at her watch.

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no, just wanting to get some paperwork finished before I forget about it. What do you need?"

"There is a person you need to pick up for me at the prison."

"The prison? Seriously? You can't get someone else to do that?"

"The feminine touch would smooth things over more with the warden, show off that feminist charm."

"Fine, I'll pick the person up. What is his name?"

"Jimmy Jack."


"So you're a friend of Mistah Cracka-man's?" Suzy asked, getting back into the groove.

"Funny name. And I'm Chinagirl, eh? Do you always name everyone with a racial slur?"

Suzy shrugged her shoulders. "I'm a bastard Mulatto, half-cracker and half-nigger. What does it matter to anyone else, Chinagirl, if I call them like I see them? So why are you being so nice to me? You don't know me."

"Nik cares about you so that means I should try and help him out. He is a good soul, a nice guy, but looking after the emotional train wreck of a teenage girl is outside his realm of expertise at the moment."

"And you know how to handle the emotional train wreck of a teenage girl?"

"I am a girl, and I was a teenager. Makes me a better expert than a man."

Suzy laughed at the comment. More so, she laughed at where she was right now, in the passenger seat of a car worth more than her life. The teenager could live in the backseat and it'd be nicer than her entire bedroom.

"So this place far away?" Suzy asked as they pulled through a Chinese takeout.

"Nope, closer than you think," Gale said, ordering for the two of them.

"You know how stereotypical it is that you took me to a Chinese restaurant?"

"Would you have preferred KFC?"


"Takes one to know one."

Suzy crossed her arms. One night. It wouldn't be that bad. Just one night to get her act together.

"How do you know Mistah Cracka-man?"

"Call him a family friend," Gale replied, taking the food from the window and driving off. "He was friends with my father years ago."

"Huh, I didn't know he was that old."

"He is not. It is a long, complicated story."

Suzy shut up and watched the car speed through a more affluent area of the city than she was used to. It was surprising how quickly a city can change as the squalors of her ghetto were replaced by the tall, glimmering towers of opulence. Inside of Gale's tax write-off apartment was the same. It was all shiny, new, clean, and quiet. No one batted an eyelash when they walked in the front doors, no hoods hanging around pimping or selling dope, and no cries of business.

"Take a load off and make yourself at home," Gale told the girl as she went to get plates.

"If you're not living here, I'm curious how much richer your other apartment is," Suzy asked.

"I don't live in an apartment. I own a house."

"Rich kid, huh."

"You could say that, but a lot of this I earned myself."

"Still must have been nice to grow up without a worry."

"I had lots of worries," Gale shot back, "Money just wasn't a big one. I had expectations put upon me, family obligations."

"Maybe, but not having to worry about where your next meal is coming from or not getting beat up by a crazy customer shifts the column a lot."

"Is that why you have such a huge chip on your shoulder?" Gale said, the table all set. "I grew up in the hood so I get to act like a punk and no one can criticise me because everyone had it easier?"