Wife Agreed for Threesome

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Carl films a friend having sex with his wife.
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Carl and Cindy were at home on Saturday afternoon preparing for Bill to arrive for a cookout in their back yard. Carl was thrilled that he had finally convinced his very pretty wife to go all the way with another man. Cindy was preparing food while Carl was in the backyard getting the charcoal burner ready for the steaks. He had already arranged the liquor bottles in the kitchen to easily fix the drinks.

Prior to this day, Carl and Cindy had talked about this at length. Cindy was not happy with the arrangements, but she loved her husband enough to give him what he wanted. He wanted to see her with another man. She had finally agreed. But who would be the man? They often saw Paul at parties now and then. His wife had divorced him when she finally found out he was a skirt chaser. She caught him in their own bed with another girl. Carl had suggested this man. Cindy wasn’t sure she wanted to have sex with him.

She said, “That guy’s personality is too forward. He has come on to me at parties and I don’t like his attitude. He always looked at me as if I didn’t have any clothes on. I don’t think I want to give him a chance to see me naked.

“Well, here is a chance for him to see your beautiful body. Aren’t you proud of your figure?”

“Yes, but can’t we find a better choice?”

“OK, we’ll wait.” Carl didn’t want to make her mad by continuing the conversation, but thought she might change her mind.

A week later, Carl and Cindy were invited to another party. About a dozen couples along with a few singles were present. Drinks were plentiful and everyone was conversational along with varying degrees of flirting. Cindy was introduced to Bill, a single guy. He seemed a little shy, but she thought he was handsome and had a nice personality.

Cindy needed to find a rest room. She met Paul when she walked down the hall. He acted rather drunk when he said, “Hi, beautiful. I haven’t had a chance to have a private talk with you as yet.”

“Sorry about that. What do you want to talk about?”

“You are so sexy, I’m going to kiss you.”

Paul then hugged her and planted a short wet kiss on her lips. She lightly responded and pulled back.

“We shouldn’t be doing this. I think you’ve had too much to drink.”

“I don’t need to be drunk to think you are sexy. You’re the sexiest girl I know.”

Paul hugged her again and moved one hand down to her bottom as he kissed her. This time she kissed him back, but then pulled away as she didn’t want to encourage him too much. She didn’t want to make an ugly scene.

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

“After another kiss, I’ll let you go.”

As he kissed her, one hand roamed her breast. She decided to give him one last sexy kiss, then break away. She could feel his tongue trying to penetrate her mouth. She opened her mouth to cooperate. He then moved one hand down to feel her crotch.

“That’s enough of that.”, she commented as she pulled back from him. She quickly went in the bathroom and shut the door.

While sitting on the commode, she was thinking about Paul who just kissed her and rubbed her crotch. Would she like to have sex with him? She would much rather it be someone else, but who? She assumed Paul would be gone by the time she left the bathroom.

Cindy opened the door to see Paul waiting for her. He put his arms around her for another kiss. Her husband, Carl, looked down the hall to see them. He walked toward them but was please she was responding to Paul’s advances. He didn’t want to scare Paul for kissing Cindy, so he smiled, then said, “I see you are sampling my wife’s charms. How do you like it?”

“Man, your wife is so very sexy. I’ll bet she is really good in bed.”

Carl quickly responded, “Yes, she is like a wild tiger in bed.”

Paul looked at Cindy, “Man O Man, would I love to sample that.”

Cindy quickly responded, “I still have my pants on and they are going to stay that way. Carl, lets join the rest of the people in the other room before we go off the deep end with this Romeo.”

Carl and Cindy went to the bar to get another drink. Then Carl maneuvered Cindy to a spot where they had a little privacy to talk.

Carl eagerly said, “Are you about ready to invite Paul to our bedroom? Looks like you were not resisting him very much.”

“No, I’ve decided it can’t be Paul. If you insist that I have sex with another guy, what about that nice guy, Bill, we met tonight.”

“Bill. That guy standing over there by the door? I hadn’t thought much about him, but he seems like a nice clean person with a pleasant personality. Honey, if that is the guy you want, I’ll go talk to him.”

Before Cindy had time to change her mind, Carl walked to the other side of the room to talk to Bill. Now she was wondering if she was making a mistake. She watched as they talked and noticed they both glanced over her way.

Carl came back to Cindy to tell her, “I’ve invited him for a cookout in our back yard Saturday evening .”

Cindy was a little shaken to know plans were being made so quick. “Did you mention the word sex?”

“Yes, he was very excited about that. He could hardly believe his good fortune.”

Cindy was rather perplexed. This all happened so sudden. When she had briefly said she might consider Bill, her husband instantly left her to invite Bill. She hadn’t actually agreed. Now it would be difficult to cancel the invitation.

Saturday arrived and Carl was getting very excited. On the other hand, Cindy was a little nervous most of the day wondering just what would happen. They discussed their plans for the evening. She would dress in shorts and halter before Bill arrived. Then after dinner before any action would start, she would change to a mini dress that accentuated her figure. She should look her sexiest when she came back into the living room. Carl wanted to show a video he had taken of Cindy when she was stripping. Cindy tried to talk Carl out of showing the film as it would embarrass her. Then they decided she would stay in the bedroom until the movie was over.

Carl shook Bill’s hand when he arrived.

Bill looked quizzically at Carl, “Any change in plans.”

“Nope, everything is fine. Come on in. Cindy is in the kitchen.”

Bill gave Cindy the bottle of wine he had brought. She gave him a smile and kissed his cheek which warmed him all the way down to his crotch.

Bill kept looking at Cindy in her brief shorts and top. He could hardly believe his good fortune. Her top was tied in the back with just one small slip knot. All evening he kept wishing he could secretly pull the string and let her beautiful full rounded tits be free.. He knew he would have a perpetual hard on all evening waiting for the big event. He wore a jock strap to help restrain his hard cock in his pants.

Drinks were served, the steaks were great and another round of drinks were served after dinner while sitting on the back deck. It was now getting dark.

Carl excused himself to go in the house. He entered the master bedroom to pull the drapes over the window, then opened them just a crack. He had done this in the past so that he could spy on his wife when she was not aware of it. Of course, he could always be in the bedroom to see her nude, but he had just enough voyeur spirit to excite him to look when she didn’t know he was watching.

When he returned outside, he suggested Cindy go in the house while the two guys tidied up the deck. She knew what that meant.

Cindy said, “Carl, come in the house a minute.”

Once inside, she continued, “I’m very nervous since it is about to happen. Don’t you think we should call the whole thing off?”

“Honey, please let’s do it. We’ve talked about it for many weeks and months. You have nothing to worry about. Bill is a nice guy. He won’t hurt you in any way. I’ll love you even more. Please, plans are already made, now it’s time to follow through.”

He took her into his arms to share a very sexy kiss.

“Alright, I’ll do this for you.” She started walking toward the bedroom.

Carl returned outside. He looked at the bedroom window to see that Cindy had turned on the light.

“Bill, be very quite and let’s walk over to the bedroom window.”

Bill didn’t quite understand, but he walked with Carl to the window. Then he saw a small gap in the drapes which allowed the bedroom light to shine through.

When they moved up close to the window, Bill clearly saw Cindy. He then realized they were going to watch Cindy change clothes.

First, Cindy untied the knot holding her halter. Then she leaned forward allowing it to fall off over her arms. Her beautiful breasts were fully exposed in the bright light. Then she undid her shorts allowing them to drop to the floor leaving her standing in her thin panty briefs. Quickly, she hooked her thumbs at the sides of her panties to lower them to the floor and stepped out completely nude. Bill’s jock strap was having a difficult time restraining his erection.

The two guys watched as she stepped in front of the full length mirror to view her body. She turned completely around a couple of times to admire or inspect herself.

While Cindy was turning around in front of the mirror, she was wondering what Bill would think of her once they were in the bedroom together. Of course, she had no idea he was getting a preview of her right now. She hoped he would like her nudeness. Maybe she would keep the light low in the bedroom so that he couldn’t see her like this. She decided she would leave that up to her husband since he wanted to see her in action with another man.

The two guys watched as Cindy opened the dresser drawer to pick out a lacy panty and bra set. They watched her cover up her breasts with the bra. Then she bent over to step in the panties. Both guys got a good view of her pussy and ass while she was bent over. She slipped the panties up her legs to cover her crotch. Next they watched her put a mini skirt on over her head and let it drop down her body. Then she sat in front of the mirror to comb her hair.

Carl said, “That’s enough, let’s go inside. I have a movie to show you.”

Carl slipped the video cartridge in the VCR and hit the start button. The two guys watched as they saw a fully clothed Cindy. Then she started removing each item of clothing. Bill had just seen her nude in the bedroom, but this was exciting, too. After she had removed all her clothes, she laid on the bed to spread her legs. The pictures showed her picking up a dildo and slowly entering it in her pussy. She was rubbing her clit with one hand as she used the other hand to move the dildo in and out. Her hips began to get in rhythm with the dildo as she massaged her clit. Bill was wondering if the video would show her having an orgasm. He didn’t have long to wait as she was beginning to thrash around more. It was very exciting as he watched her body go through sexual spasms during the orgasm. Wow? It was a very hot film.

“Carl, that is a very erotic film you have of her. She actually let you take a picture of her during an orgasm?”

“Yes, she knows I like to take pictures of her and she doesn’t mind. We often watch them together while having a drink before we have sex.”

“Wow, that is the hottest film I ever saw. She is one super sexy girl.”

Now that the film had finished, Carl was wondering if his wife was ready to join them in the living room. He walked to the bedroom door to lightly knock.

“Honey, are you ready to join us in the living room?”

“Come in a minute, I want to talk to you.”

As Carl entered the bedroom, he saw his wife dressed in a mini dress and spiked heels.

“Honey, you look so pretty and sexy. I could just about rape you right now.”

“Go ahead, then you could tell Bill to leave.”

“No, let’s continue with our plans. Are you wearing panty hose or garter belt?”

Cindy lifted the skirt hem to expose her hose being held up by a garter belt. He could see she was not wearing panties.

“Wow, you are really dressed for sex. I can hardly wait for Bill to see you, too.”

“Carl, this is your last chance to call the whole thing off. If you don’t tell me to stop right now, I’m going in there and be very aggressive. Bill seems a little shy, You wanted to watch me fuck another guy and that’s what I’m going to do. I’ll try to give him some of the best sex he ever had. I’m a little nervous, but I’m going through with this and I’ll try to enjoy it too.”

Carl’s reaction was to look a little perplexed, but he took her hand to lead her to the living room. Bill stood up to stammer, “You’re beautiful.”

“Thank you, Bill, you are a very nice guy. Let me sit on the couch with you.”

After they sat down, she put her arms around his neck and kissed him with her mouth practically wide open. This abrupt action caught Bill a little off guard, but he responded likewise to the kiss. Carl watched as their lips and mouths were locked in a long sexy kiss. He knew their tongues were searching for sexual bliss. He could feel a little jealousy, but it really turned him on.

She started unbuttoning his shirt and helped him take it off. She smiled while using one hand to rub his manly hairy chest. Then she leaned into him for another long sexy kiss. While holding the kiss, she moved her hand down lower to feel his hard cock through his jeans.

Carl had been mesmerized by watching them and had forgotten to get the camera running to record anything as yet. Now he started taking movies of his wife and Bill on the couch. He could see through the lens finder that Cindy had now put her feet up on the couch away from Bill and leaned back into his arms. Her short dress had ridden up to expose the garter snaps attached to her hose. Bill leaned down for another long kiss. Cindy spread her legs allowing one foot to touch the floor. While kissing, she took one of his hands to place it at her crotch. Carl took the hint and felt her pussy. When he touched her clit, he could feel Cindy’s body slightly flinch.

Carl could see that Cindy was very aggressive, just what she had earlier told him she would do.

Carl moved around in a position to film Bill entering a finger in her pussy while they were still holding a long kiss. He knew he was getting some very good movies to watch later on.

Cindy got up and pulled Bill to his feet. “It’s time we went to the bedroom.” Cindy led Bill to the master bedroom while Carl was gathering up his camera equipment.

When Carl entered the bedroom, he saw Cindy pulling Bill’s jeans off. Then she pulled his shorts and jock strap down which allowed his very hard cock to jump straight out at her face ready for action. She took the opportunity to plant a quick kiss on the end of it, then looked up at Bill’s face to smile. By now, Carl was taking pictures again.

Cindy stood up and smiled at Bill, “Would you like to take my dress off?”

Bill was so excited he didn’t say anything but reached down to the hem of her skirt. He slowly lifted it up and over her head exposing her lacy bra and garter belt. She unsnapped her bra to release her very ample breasts. Carl immediately lowered his head to kiss and nibble. He raised back up to kiss her mouth. Bill covered her mouth with his and thrust his tongue to search for hers while he cupped her breasts and rubbed her nipples.

After about a minute, she broke the kiss to say, “You can take my hose and garter belt off or leave them on. They won’t be any problem if I keep them on.”

Carl spoke up, “Leave them on. I want to get pictures.”

Bill and Cindy moved on to the bed. She moved into a position for his face to be near her crotch. Bill took the hint to kiss up her thighs to her crotch and bury his mouth on her pussy. She had rolled over on her back with her legs pulled up and feet pointing to the ceiling. She was still wearing her spiked heels. Bill was positioned between her legs and his shoulders were pressed against her thighs making it easy for her to keep her legs up.

Carl was now taking pictures of Bill’s tongue licking up and down the folds of her pussy lips. Cindy’s legs strained as her feet were still pointing to the ceiling. A soft gasp was coming from Cindy as she thrilled at what Bill’s tongue was doing. Then she could feel Bill’s finger searching her hole as he continued to suck her swelling clit. His finger began moving back and forth and her hips were moving against his face. Bill was thoroughly enjoying licking and sucking on her now very juicy pussy. Carl had moved the camera to get a good close up picture of Bill’s tongue working on her pussy. Cindy’s thighs were straining as she was rapidly approaching an orgasm.

Carl could sense an orgasm was building in his wife’s body. He was shaking with excitement with camera in hand waiting for her to explode.

Cindy very loudly moaned as her body tensed. Her hips were bucking into Bill’s face. Her body shook and shuddered as Carl was taping. Her eyes remained shut as she drifted in a dream world of pleasure. She seemed to be floating on a cloud.

She reluctantly came down from her high and looked down at Bill’s face as he raised up. His face was all wet with her juices. He bent back down to slowly lick up and down her slit as she relaxed in the after glow.

Cindy spoke, “Carl, did you like that? Is that what you wanted to see?”

Carl gleefully said, “Honey, that was great. I got it all on tape. You were wonderful. Now why don’t you give Bill some relief. I want to see him cum in your mouth.”

She reached down and began fondling Bill’s very hard cock. He laid on his back giving her plenty of space to take his cock in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around his engorged purple head then went down on him as far as she could go. All at once she could feel his cock jerk and feel the cum shooting in her mouth and throat. Bill was so sexually excited he came with very little stimulation. She held on to his jerking cock to keep it in her mouth while she consumed all of his cum. Finally, his small cock slipped out of her mouth with a slight plop.

Carl said, “Honey, my cock has been on the edge of exploding all the time I was taping. I can’t wait much longer. I’ve been getting some really good pictures.”

Carl quickly took off his jeans and shorts to expose his very hard erection.

“Come on over here by the bed, I’ll take care of that.”

Carl gave Bill the camera, “Take some pictures.”

Cindy sat on the edge of the bed while Carl walked up to her. She took it in her mouth. She cupped his balls as he started back and forth movements. It didn’t take but a few strokes until Carl became very vocal and shot spurt after spurt in her mouth. Bill had taped it all.

Bill had watched Carl fuck Cindy’s mouth. That was enough to cause his cock to become hard again.

Cindy knew what her husband wanted. He wanted to see and tape Bill’s cock spread her pussy and fuck her with long strokes. She rolled over on her back and spread her legs while pulling her knees up to her breasts. Her pussy and ass were exposed for the guys to see. She was in a position that practically said, Come Fuck Me, Please.

Carl thought his wife was so sexy looking in this position of submission. Her legs were encased in her dark hose being held in place by the garter belt. Her spiked heels were still on her feet. Carl had the camera running to film her in this position waiting for Bill to mount her.

Bill was now on the bed getting in position. He inserted two fingers in her juicy pussy and let his thumb grind on her clit. . She looked at his face as her hips moved up as if to push his fingers even deeper. Her eyes glanced lower to see his hard cock which would soon replace his fingers. She felt his fingers slip from her hole. She took a deep breath when she felt his cock spread her lips and push a little inside her. Her knees were touching her chest and her spiked heels pointed to the ceiling. He pushed his body against her thighs as his cock penetrated her a little deeper. She tried to lift her hips to take more of his cock. His hands were now feeling her nipples as he slowly shoved his cock all the way in. She groaned as she was fully stretched to take his cock. Bill was in heaven, he had his cock buried in this pretty girl’s pussy.