Wife Meets Former Lover

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Threesome with her husband and boyfriend.
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Linda was shopping in the mall on Saturday morning. She had plenty of time to be on her own because her husband Lloyd would be gone from home most of the day helping a friend repair his garage. Their old queen size bed was about worn out and they needed a new bed. She was looking in furniture stores for a good bed at a reasonable price. Lloyd and Linda wanted a new king size bed.

She had looked in the two furniture stores in the mall. She rarely bought anything that expensive until she had looked in several stores. She drove down the street to find another store. She parked and went in. She sat on one bed, then another until she found one that she liked. She hadn’t seen a sales person as yet, although there were a couple of other customers looking around. Then she noticed a man in the back of the store. He started walking toward her.

She suddenly recognized the man. It was Jim.

Jim said, “Hello, is that you, Linda? I haven’t seen you in a long time”

Linda was caught off guard and a little embarrassed.

“Oh, hello, Jim, I didn’t know you worked here.”

“Yes, I’ve been operating this store for five years. It’s been longer than that since I’ve seen you. And how is Lloyd?”

“He’s OK.”

She wasn’t sure if Jim was really interested in Lloyd. At one time Jim and Lloyd were best friends. Then she came between them. She had dated Jim for quite a while before things turned sour when she broke up with Jim and ended up marrying Lloyd. She remembered that Jim was very bitter over the situation and refused to see Lloyd anymore.

“Jim, are you married?”

“No. I finally found a girl to marry, but it didn’t work out. A divorce soon followed. I have been dating some lately, but guess I can’t find a girl to love as much as I once loved you.”

Linda felt sorry for him when he said that. At one time, Jim was the love of her life.

Jim and Linda sat on the edge of the bed to talk. She thought he was still very handsome. They had been on a bed years ago, but that was when they were naked and in love. Now that several years had gone by, she wondered why she broke up with him to marry Lloyd. She knew she loved Lloyd very much and was going to stay married to him..

Jim moved his hand along the surface of the bed to comment that the bed was very soft. His hand touched Linda’s hand sending a warm feeling though her body. He told her that their breakup was all in the past and he had no hard feelings toward her or Lloyd any more. He was willing to be friends again.

Jim started showing her a variety of beds along with the prices. Then he suggested he had some more in the storage room. They walked through a door brightly painted with a sign that read Employees Only. She was interested in looking at a variety of beds, but she was a little apprehensive about being in a place with no one around. She didn’t trust herself to be alone with Jim. What if he made a pass at her? Would she respond? She looked around for another human being, but saw no one.

Jim picked out another nice looking king size bed and sat down. He suggested she lie down on the bed to see how it would feel. Once she was stretched out on the bed, he commented that he remembered when they used to be in bed in each others arms. He said he remembered the first time they sex. They were in his apartment and stayed awake all night. They were so much in love they didn’t want to part. He mentioned they should have married right away. But, he felt that it was his fault because he didn’t want to make a life time commitment.

Linda’s resistance was weakening and wanted to touch his hand to console him. Once she did that, Jim immediately laid down beside her to hug and kiss. Jim’s tongue protruded into her mouth seeking her tongue. Her mouth opened wide for several long kisses. She could feel Jim’s hand massaging her breasts. She knew she was losing all control to resist. She reached for his cock, the one she knew so many years ago. She remembered that Jim could always give her very intense and long orgasms.

Jim tugged at the buttons on her pants. She cooperated as he pulled them down and off her legs. Jim removed his pants, pulled his cock out of his shorts and moved on top of Linda. She reached down to move the narrow width of her panty material at her crotch to one side and guided his cock toward her hole. She could feel his cock pushing and spreading her pussy lips, then it slid in. Both were breathing hard as he started rapid back and forth movements as if he couldn’t wait any longer to fill her with cum. She was pushing up to meet his thrusts. Both were moaning and soon exploded. They briefly relaxed in the afterglow. Jim mentioned that they had better get up just in case someone came in the back storage room where they were.

They quickly dressed. Jim held her for a long kiss. Then he mentioned that was probably the quickest sex they ever had. They both laughed.

Linda stood back and looked at Jim, “I came here to look at beds, I didn’t think anything like this would happen today.”

“Well it did, and I am happy about it. I want to be friends with Lloyd. What I’m going to do is deliver a bed of your choice to your house as a gift. Maybe Lloyd will be more receptive to be my friend again. That way, I’ll have the opportunity to see you now and then. Select the bed you want.”

“This bed right here, the one we were on is a nice comfortable one.”

“I’ll have it delivered this afternoon.”

Linda was at home when the driver of the truck brought the new king size bed into the bedroom and took the old queen size bed away. She laid down on the bed to see how it would feel. She then reminisced about her affair with Jim earlier that day. It made her horny thinking about it. What was she going to tell Lloyd? Would he think it was strange for Jim to give the bed? Maybe not. She couldn’t tell Lloyd about having sex with Jim. Then again it might turn him on. Lloyd had been making comments that it would be fun to share sex with another couple or even a single guy. Would Lloyd like to watch Jim fuck her? Probably not with Jim because she had been in love with him. Lloyd might think she would leave him for Jim. She knew she was happy to be married to Lloyd and would never leave him. Could she convince Lloyd of that? There were many questions in her mind about the new relationship.

Linda heard Lloyd’s car drive in the garage. She greeted him with a kiss and suggested he accompany her to the bedroom. Lloyd was surprised to see the bed. She explained about Jim operating a furniture store and that he wanted to be friends again. Let bygones be bygones. It rather surprised her when Lloyd seemed to be very receptive to accept the gift and to be friends again.

Lloyd agreed to Linda’s suggestion they invite Jim over for dinner that same evening. Linda called Jim at the store to say the bed had been delivered and he was invited to dinner. Jim joyfully accepted the invitation.

Linda told Lloyd she wanted to shower and clean up before Jim arrived. She took a shower, then put on a matching lacy bra and panties. She sat in front of the mirror to fix her hair and apply makeup. She was wondering how this evening would turn out. She stood up to admire her shapely body clad in only the bra and panty. This afternoon, she had given herself to Jim. However, she never removed her top for him to kiss or feel her breasts. She didn’t even have time to take her panties off. Guess they were lucky that no one came in the back room while they were having a quickie.

She looked in the closet trying to decided what to wear. She wanted to look nice and sexy, but not too sexy to make Lloyd jealous. She wasn’t sure how he would feel. She picked out a blouse that showed some cleavage. Then she decided to wear a skirt that came down to her knees instead of a mini skirt. Lloyd couldn’t accuse her for trying to be too sexy looking. The one she picked was made of thin material. She would not wear a slip so that if she was between a bright light and a person, that person could see right through her legs.

Lloyd answered the door when Jim rang the door bell. The two guys shook hands and seemed happy to see each other. Linda greeted him with a light friendly kiss on the lips. She glanced around to see her husband still smiling and was not objecting to the kiss.

She headed back to the kitchen. She was thinking about when she used to give Jim much more than a light kiss. Her lips had kissed his cock many times as she opened her mouth to go down on him as far as she could. She loved to feel him shoot spurt after spurt in her mouth and throat. Would that ever happen again? She wondered about it. Would Lloyd like to watch Jim do that?

She made drinks in the kitchen and returned to the living room to serve the guys. The conversation was pleasant with Jim and Lloyd talking about old times.

After dinner and a couple more drinks in the living room, she noticed both Jim and Lloyd looked at her when she was up, back and forth from the kitchen. She assumed they could easily see her legs and crotch through her thin skirt. One time she stood between them and a strong table lamp light for a couple of minutes. She noticed both the guys shifted in their seats as if adjusting hard cocks.

She excused herself to go in the master bed room to use the bathroom. She was still sitting on the commode urinating when Lloyd entered the bedroom. He asked about her feelings for Jim after all these years. She explained that was in the past. She did like Jim a lot, but she was truly in love with her husband and wanted to stay married.

Lloyd mentioned that he noticed she was not wearing a slip and he could see her legs right up to her crotch. He knew Jim could see the same. If she was trying to tease them, she was doing a good job. It surprised her when Lloyd then brought up the subject of inviting a single man for a threesome. He explained they had talked about it in the past, but she had never agreed to it. Her main objection was that she didn’t want to do it with a complete stranger. But Jim was different. She had been in bed with him before. He would not be a stranger to her.

She was in favor of his suggestion, but decided to act as if Lloyd needed to convince her into doing it. As they talked, she finally told him she would if that is what he wanted. Lloyd then told her to go back to the living room to flirt with Jim while he checked the E-mail in the other room.

Linda returned to the living room to sit on the couch with Jim. . She told him, “Lloyd is checking the E-mail and will be detained a few minutes.”

She put her arms around his neck to kiss him. Jim nervously glanced around to verify that they were by themselves.

“We better stop this before Lloyd comes back.”

She quickly responded, “That’s alright, it’s OK with him. He has been wanting to find someone for a threesome for quite a while. We talked about it in the bedroom and he wants you to make love to me while he is in the room with us. I want it too.”

Jim could hardly believe what she said. He held a long sexy kiss with her as his hand roamed up under her skirt searching for her crotch. A sexual shock went through her body as he fingered her clit though her panties.

He said, “You’ve been walking around here all evening wearing this pretty skirt. I could see your bare legs all the way to your crotch. You probably knew you were turning me on.” She laughed.

“Let’s go in the bedroom where the beautiful bed you gave us is ready to be initiated. Oh, I forgot, this is the same bed we initiated today in your store.”

He laughed, then said, “We won’t mentioned that to Lloyd.”

Once in the bedroom she suggested they get in the shower together. She planned to take his cock in her mouth and wanted clean bodies. Once they had stripped off, Lloyd came in the bedroom to take off his clothes.

“OK, you there in the shower, I’m coming in too.”

He opened the shower door and stepped in. Linda was soaped with four hands roaming over her body.

Once out of the shower and drying, Jim said, “Lloyd, I hope you are alright with what we are doing. I don’t want to fowl up our friendship again.”

“That’s OK. We’ve been looking for a man to share our bed, and you are the best guy for it.”

Now that everyone was dry, Jim felt a little shy about getting on the bed with Linda. Should he wait until Lloyd invited him to fuck her? He didn’t have to wait long. Linda took the initiative, took Jim’s hand and tugged him to the bed. She had him lie on his back while her face hovered over his face to have a long kiss. She was on her hands and knees, then moved up a little to allow her dangling breasts to rub over his face. Jim kissed the hard nipples as she let her breasts dance over his entire face. She moved down to kiss his stomach, then took his very erect cock head in her mouth without using her hands.

Since she was up on her knees and her butt was facing him, Lloyd saw an opportunity to feel her crotch and insert a finger. He watched as Linda’s mouth engulfed Jim’s cock. It had been many years since she had his beautiful cock in her mouth. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lloyd sitting on the side of the bed watching her suck Jim. She not only wanted to give Jim a thrill, but wanted Lloyd see it all. Her lips swirled around the large head often sucking the whole head into her mouth. Then she took him deep into her throat and back out to lick around the head again.

Jim was pushing up to her and moaning. She started working vigorously up and down until Jim’s body stiffened and erotically jerked as he started shooting in her mouth. She held it with her hand to keep it in her mouth until his body relaxed and his cock became very small. She sat up and smiled at both Lloyd and Jim as if she had completed a great feat.

Jim finally said, “That was wonderful. Lloyd, I think you already know you have a wonderful sexy wife. I missed out on having her long ago, but you won out. She is your wife and I won’t forget that. I’m so appreciative that you have invited me.”

Lloyd responded, “We were good buddies long ago, there is no reason why we can’t be again. Now it is my turn.”

Jim got up and sat on the edge of the bed while Lloyd took Linda in his arms. He kissed her breasts, moved on down to lick up and down her slit, then sucked her clit. He laid on his back and rolled her up on top so that she could sit on him. She started gyrating on his cock. Lloyd was very turned on after watching her give Jim a blow job. He knew he would soon blast in her, but he wanted to give her an orgasm.

He couldn’t hold back and loudly groaned as he filled her with cum.

“Sorry, I couldn’t hold off long enough for you.”

“That’s alright, Jim will take care of me like he used to do. Come on Jim, I see you are hard already.”

Jim was definitely hard again after watching Lloyd fuck her.

Jim then took Lloyd’s position by lying on his back. As she raised up to sit on him, some of Lloyd’s cum was dribbling down on Jim. Jim and Lloyd watched as she took Jim’s cock and aimed it at her very juicy hole. She easily settled all the way down on him. She sat still so she could pulsate her pussy on his very hard erection. Jim felt that he had died and gone to heaven to have her again like this after so many years.

Lloyd intently watched as his wife fucked Jim for quite awhile. Jim had already cum once and was in no hurry to cum again. He wanted to give Linda a good orgasm. Linda made faster movements as there was an orgasm beginning to build up in her body. The orgasm was getting stronger and she knew it would approach a peak very soon. She muffled a scream as her orgasm hit the top and continued for a long time. As she was coming down from her high, she slumped over on Jim’s body with her breasts pressing into him. She remembered she used to have very intense and long orgasms with Jim just like this one. She had been so preoccupied with her orgasm that she didn’t realize Jim was cumming until she could feel his cock jerking in her as he shot each spurt.

Lloyd was watching and was wondering how much longer his wife would be prostrate on Jim’s chest before recovering. Finally, she raised up enough to hold a kiss with Jim, then sat up. Lloyd took her arms to assist her in getting up. When Jim’s small cock slipped out of her, cum ran down on his cock and balls and onto the bed sheets.

Lloyd picked up two towels from the bathroom and passed them to Jim and his wife to clean up enough so that they would not mess up the floor. They both went to the bathroom. Lloyd waited and watched his wife sit on the commode to let the cum drain while Jim washed his cock and balls in the sink. She wiped with toilet paper, got up and came back in the bedroom. She folded a couple of tissues to place at her crotch, then put her panties on to hold the tissues in place. After that, she put on her thin sexy robe. Once the guys put their clothes on, they all went back to the living room. Linda put the coffee pot on, then served coffee in the living room.

Jim smiled and said, “It’s been a wonderful evening. I’m so glad you came by my store looking for a new bed.”

Linda responded, “The bed is very good. We thank you for it. We were all so comfortable on it tonight.” That last comment brought a chuckle from everyone.

Jim then added, “I’m so glad we are all friends again. Our new relationship is wonderful.”

Lloyd spoke up, “Jim, you are welcome to come back, soon.”

Goodbyes were said and Jim left for his apartment.

Now Lloyd and Linda were alone to face the reality that Linda had fucked Jim while Lloyd watched. They seemed a little embarrassed to talk about it, not knowing for sure how each person felt. Lloyd suggested they go to bed. Once in bed they hugged and kissed.

Linda said, “I hope you are alright with what happened tonight. Are you jealous?”

“No, I’m not jealous. No doubt I was very turned on watching you on the bed with Jim. First, when you were going up and down on him with your mouth, I was so excited I just about cum and I wasn’t even touching my cock. I just don’t want you to get so attached to him that you will leave me.”

“No, you are my husband and I’ll never leave you for Jim. I love you. I did enjoy my time in bed with him, but I think I enjoyed it so much because you wanted to watch. I wanted to please you. We can invite him back again if you like to watch him fuck me.”

“Yes, that’s what I want. Let’s invite him this weekend. Maybe he will stay all night. That way we can party longer. Do you think you can take two guys cumming several times in one night?”

“I don’t know, but it will be fun to try. I probably won’t have an orgasm every time. You and Jim can satisfy all your fantasies, have sex in any position you want with me, and do it as long as you want to.”

Lloyd and Linda cuddled and went to sleep in each others arms.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I hope she at least got a free mattress frame, king bedding, and a pair of king-size pillows, too!

Lumpy2Lumpy2about 2 years ago

Perfect marriage.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

This whore was very accommodating. She'll fuck anybody and anything.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

Just cuckie fucking garbage with a cheating cunt that needs to divorce and fuck over someone else. Real men don't share their pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
good and loving wife

I liked it because they didn't stop loving each other as husband and wife. Good overall story. I just wish there was one guy willing to eat a cream pie from the sexy wife. This probably brought them closer together as husband and wife.

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