Wonder Woman's Sex Adventures Ch. 10

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Amazon love between Wonder Woman and Artemis.
5.8k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/10/2023
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***My tenth entry of my Wonder Woman sexual adventures series. If you enjoy this story, please check out the others I have written.

Aspects of the character Artemis from this story does not coincide with what is written about her in the comic books.


Diana had just finished having lunch with her mother Hippolyta when they decided to take a walk around the palace grounds. She had arrived on Themyscira a few days earlier for a much-needed vacation. Things have finally calmed down for the Justice League, as there were no world-ending catastrophes for them to stop yet again, and a lot of the big supervillains were either incarcerated or on hiatus themselves. She was about to go on vacation with Steve Trevor, but he was still on mission for the U.S. government for at least another week. So she decided to spend this time with her mother before returning to the outside world to spend more time with Steve.

As they made their way towards the palace gardens to see the flowers in full bloom, they ran into a familiar face.

"Diana!" the woman happily called out to her.

"Artemis," Diana replied with a big smile on her face.

They walked up to each other and gave each other a traditional greeting of a hug with a kiss on both cheeks.

"It's good to see you again," said Artemis.

"It's good to see you too," said Diana. "It has been a while. You haven't left the island in a while."

"I'm not needed out there as much as you are."

Artemis was one of the few other Amazons to occasionally leave the island. She had joined Diana and other members of the Justice League on numerous adventures to help protect the planet, but she mostly stayed behind to protect the island from its own threats.

"You're looking good in these clothes," said Artemis. "I bet you miss dressing like an Amazon."

Diana was dressed in traditional Amazonian attire that was modeled after women's clothing from ancient Greece with some modernization. As much as Diana enjoyed the variety of clothing in the outside world, she did find some comfort dressing traditionally when she came back to the island. She also liked not having to wear a bra under those clothes. She gets roughed up pretty often in her battles, but it's the wrong type of bra that gives her the most physical discomfort.

"I do miss this sometimes," said Diana. "You also look good dressed this way. I almost never see you without your armor."

Artemis often wore her bronze armor and carried a few weapons. She wore it so often that sometimes people failed to recognize her when she occasionally dressed down. Although it was still hard not to know who she was on Themyscira, besides Wonder Woman, she was one of the most accomplished Amazon warriors on the island.

She asked Diana what brought her back to the island, and she got her up to speed with what was going on in the outside world.

"I'm glad things are calming down for once, long enough for you to visit us for more than a few days," said Artemis. "Since you're here, I'm going down to Lake Hera for a picnic and a swim with some of our old school friends; you should join us."

"That sounds wonderful; I haven't been to Lake Hera in ages," said Diana.

Diana asked her mother if it was alright if she went off with her old friends. She said she was definitely okay with it and then gave her a wink. Diana knew what that wink meant; her mother assumed, or at least hoped, that something would happen between Artemis and her daughter.

Diana didn't feel the need to correct her and just walked off with Artemis. She understood why her mother was hoping for something to happen between them. Hippolyta never approved of her daughter having sex with men or having a steady boyfriend like Steve Trever. She had always hoped that she would go back to women only and be with someone like Artemis.

Artemis and Diana were not just good friends and fellow warriors; they were former lovers as well. In fact, they had taken each other's virginities when they were younger, and many people thought they would marry at some point. But they started drifting apart as their paths began to diverge, and they decided to end things as friends. Artemis had some hope that maybe one day they would get back together again, but then Diana left the island and began her career as Wonder Woman, and they only occasionally saw each other after that in some adventures.

When they arrived at Lake Hera, it was just as beautiful as Diana remembered. It was a small but beautiful spot on Themyscira where many of the women of the island enjoyed visiting for a little fun and relaxation. The banks of the lake were a lustrous, flat green field where picnics were being held, some with groups of friends and others with Amazon couples looking to spend some romantic time with each other. There was also a wide variety of flowering plants around, which added to the aesthetic beauty of the area, and some fruit trees and bushes with berries, which the women could pick for a snack.

There was a beautiful waterfall at the far end of the lake, coming off a 100-foot-high cliff. There was a stone walkway on each side of the waterfall for the women to go up and down from that cliff. Some women go up there to have their picnics beside the top of the waterfall, while many others go there because they enjoy the challenges of diving off that cliff into the lake and showing off their skills to each other. The bottom of the waterfall hit a stone walkway that had been built there many centuries ago for the women to walk through under the fall. It was put there because the waterfall was not strong enough to hurt anyone but was enough for the women to have a nice little shower. They could swim in the lake to get clean, but some preferred the relaxing pressure of a waterfall shower.

"Just as beautiful as I remember it being," said Diana.

"It's only the second most beautiful thing on the island," Artemis said as she gave Diana a sexy look.

Diana just smiled in appreciation of that comment. She was still very attracted to Artemis, but she was with Steve now, and she was trying to be faithful to him. She had already cheated on him numerous times with Superman and other members of the Justice League. Lately, she realized that she needed to focus more on her relationship with Steve and decided to be more faithful to him, no matter how much her sexual desires tell her otherwise.

"Where are our old friends?" Diana sked.

"Right over there," Artemis said as she pointed to the left.

Diana saw a group of five naked women sitting by the lake on a picnic blanket. They walked over to their old friends, greeted each one of them, and before they joined them at their picnic, they both took off their clothes to be naked with them. Diana hadn't been with a naked woman in a long time that didn't end in sex. Today, she just wanted to spend some time being naked with her old friends.

One of the most interesting things about the lake was a particular law built around it. When entering the lake, all women must be naked. Even when it was just to wash your feet, you had to be naked. Although it was not an official law of Themyscira, no one is sure it was ever a law. It was more of a long-standing legend that the Olympic goddess Hera had put in place about the lake. Since no one was sure if it was true or not, just to be safe, no woman in centuries has ever entered the lake, or even spent time around it, with any piece of clothing on them.

The group of women were having fun eating, drinking wine, and telling jokes. They got Diana caught up on everything that had been happening lately on the island, and she told them some fun stories about the outside world that intrigued them. One of them, Tara, who was new to the group, kept flirting with Diana, which made her girlfriend, Leyla, an old friend of Diana's, very jealous. Diana didn't want to cause trouble for those two lovers, so she didn't flirt back.

During this time, Diana and Artemis couldn't help but steal glances at each other. Although they have admired each other's bodies for years, they have never seen each other naked. Diana was a tall, olive-skinned brunette with a perfect hourglass figure. Artemis was just as tall, with long red hair and bigger breasts than Diana's. It had been years since they had seen each other naked, and it was bringing back memories of their time together as lovers. Diana wondered if Artemis had a girlfriend; besides Diana herself, she was the most sought-after bachelorette on the island.

After some time had passed after they ate, they all decided to finally go into the lake. Diana walked slowly into the water, letting it cover her body little by little until she sank herself completely into the lake. She stayed underwater for a little while to enjoy the feeling of her body being engulfed by the sensuality of the water. She then brought her head up from the water and began swimming.

After they each had a good swim, they began playing some old games they used to enjoy when they were younger and had more time to spend together. They showed off their diving skills, played a tagging game in the lake, and bet on who could collect the most rocks and items from the bottom of the 100-foot-deep lake. They even had chicken fights, a game they invented centuries before the outside world heard of it, but they called it water wrestling. Diana was always the one holding the woman on her shoulders; she felt it was unfair to use her demi-goddess strength to win these matches. Diana even introduced them to the game Marco Polo, which they loved, but they didn't like to call out a man's name even for a game, so they changed it to Maria Polo to make it more fitting for their culture.

They even had swimming contests to see who could do the most laps. Diana easily defeated several of them, of course. But when Leyla challenged Diana, she decided to let her win their swim race. She felt bad that she took Tara's attention away from her and thought she would help her impress her by showing she could beat Wonder Woman in something. It worked, as she saw them kiss, and then Tara dragged Leyla away into the forest to make love. Leyla looked back at Diana and mouthed the words "thank you" to her, showing that she knew what Diana had done and was appreciative of it. Diana was glad that she got to help out two young lovers that way.

Diana was laying in the water at the edge of the lake when Artemis swam up beside her. She watched as Artemis pulled back her long, wet hair so it wouldn't be in the way. She loved the way the water was falling off her body, especially over her beautiful round breasts. Diana's mouth was watering as she remembered how wonderful it used to feel to have Artemis's nipples in her mouth. She yearned to be with her again, but she resisted.

"Enjoying yourself?" she asked.

"I am," said Diana. "I haven't had this much fun in ages."

"I saw what you did. It was nice of you to let Leyla win the race like that."

Diana laughed. "You noticed?"

"Of course I did. That was very sweet of you to help those two lovers. Is that what the outside world calls wing-manning?"

Diana chuckled. "Close, it's called being a wingman. But I suppose we can call it being a wingwoman in our case."

"I don't blame Tara for flirting with you. As the most beautiful and fearsome warrior on the island, I suppose you should expect that kind of thing to happen a lot."

Diana slightly blushed at that compliment, which Artemis thought was cute.

"Thank you for the compliment," said Diana.

"Speaking of which, is there someone in your life right now?" Artemis said as she playfully touched Diana's hand to show that she still had some interest in her.

"I'm still with Steve, if that's what you're asking," Diana replied.

Upon hearing that, Artemis let go of Diana's hand.

"You mean that man you like to play with," she said with disdain.

"Yes, my boyfriend," Diana replied.

Artemis rolled her eyes when she heard the word boyfriend and Diana found it amusing.

"Well, when you get tired of experimenting with men," that comment made Diana laugh a little. "Just remember, I'll still be waiting for you here."

"Can't we just be friends, Artemis?" said Diana. "I loved our time together, but that was many years ago. You must have had many girlfriends since then."

"I have, but none hold a candle to you," she replied. "But you're right. It's been too long to think anything could still happen between us. You and I have been the best of friends and fellow warriors in battle many times. So, I can let go of the past and just enjoy being your friend."

"Thank you," Diana said with a big smile.

"Maybe we can be friends with benefits."

Diana had a bigger laugh this time. "Where did you learn that term?"

"From the Flash, last time I was in the outside world."

"Do you even know what that means?"

Artemis shook her head, and Diana explained to her what the term meant. Artemis then laughed, realizing what she had suggested to Diana and that the Flash was trying to hook up with her.

"Well, I have to admit, he's not bad-looking for a man," said Artemis. "If I ever considered trying sex with a man, I supposed he would do."

"I wouldn't if I were you," said Diana. "I heard from other women that he's not just the fastest man alive when it comes to running, but also when it comes to the bedroom."

Artemis laughed. "Thanks for the warning. Now I'm definitely never trying a man."

They both laughed so hard that it made the other women around the lake look in their direction. A few of them who knew of their past relationship were already beginning to gossip about them possibly getting back together.

The two women began swimming around the lake, playfully chasing each other. They both suddenly stopped in the middle of the lake when they noticed there was a sudden, eerie silence.

"Why did it suddenly get quiet?" Artemis asked.

"I believe that's the answer," Diana replied as she pointed in the direction of the problem.

It suddenly became quiet because the waterfall had suddenly stopped flowing. This caused mass confusion among all the women visiting the lake. A few of them were calling out to Diana and Artemis, pleading with them to figure out the problem. They began swimming back to the shoreline when, all of a sudden, they were forced out of the lake when the entire water shot out like a tidal wave. Diana was so surprised by this that she didn't even consider flying away and just landed on the grass outside of the lake, right next to Artemis.

They both stood up and looked around to see that the lake was completely empty. Everywhere else around the empty lake was drenched from the water that came out of the lake, including all of the women who were in the area.

Before Diana could say anything, several objects came crashing down around them, startling everyone. The objects were large 15-foot robots, each armed with clawed hands and laser cannons mounted on each shoulder. On the center robot, there was a person on its back when it landed. The person jumped off that robot and began walking up to Diana.

"Hello, Wonder Woman," said the woman in a feline tone.

Diana stepped closer to the woman covered in orange fur with small black spots around her. She looked right into her feline eyes, seeing the hatred the creature had for her.

"Hello, Barbra," said Diana.

"You know I prefer to be called Cheetah, you bitch."

"What are you doing here?"

"I believe my partner can answer that," said Cheetah as she pointed up to the sky.

Another woman appeared, this one slowly flying down from the sky. She had long purple hair and a matching color uniform with a V-shaped neckline deep enough to show plenty of her large breasts.

"Circe!" Diana yelled. "You used your magic to empty the lake, didn't you?"

"That's right, Wonder Woman," said Circe, looking very smug. "I'm sorry to catch you off guard like this. I mean, all of you definitely don't look prepared to do anything."

"See, I told you attacking them while they're naked like this would give us an advantage," said Cheetah. "Wonder Woman may give us a problem, but without their armor or weapons, the Amazons don't have a clue as to how to fight us. Already, they're fleeing the area."

Cheetah was referring to how all the other Amazons in the area have fled into the forest around them, leaving Diana and Artemis alone.

"What are you two doing here?" Diana demanded to know.

"There's something at the bottom of the lake we need," said Circe. "So, while Cheetah and these armed robots keep you busy, I'm going to retrieve it."

Circe flew down to the bottom of the empty lake; her hand began to glow with balls of mystical energy as the dirt and rocks around her began moving away.

"Don't count us out yet," said Diana.

Diana began spinning around very fast, and a bright light appeared around her. When she was done spinning, she was completely dressed in her Wonder Woman uniform; she even had her sword and her lasso by her side.

"Why did you spin like that?" Artemis asked. "I never saw you do that to get dressed before."

"I'm trying something new here; we'll discuss that later."

Diana flew out into the empty lake, but three of the robots stopped her. She began battling the large robots; she tried to get away from them, but they were fast and strong, and their lasers hurt like hell when they hit her.

During this time, Artemis attacked Cheetah, and despite being naked, she was holding her own against her fierce opponent. Cheetah laughed as she fought Artemis. She let her get a few good shots at her just for fun, but then put her in a tight headlock.

"You have some good skills for a naked woman," said Cheetah. "But without your armor, you're just a naked woman who can't defend herself. And without your army, you can't defeat us."

A second later, Cheeta was taken completely by surprise as an arrow struck her shoulder. This made her loosen her grip on Artemis enough for her to get out of that headlock. The three more arrows hit Cheetah's body, with several others landing around her.

Cheetah looked around and saw all the Amazons that had fled the area back in the fray, this time covered in bronze armor and attacking the robots with a variety of weapons.

"What? How did they get their weapons so fast?" Cheetah asked. "We're too far away from the city for them to get back here on time."

"Amazons are always prepared for everything," said Artemis. "We have armor and weapons hidden throughout the forest. These women weren't fleeing when you attacked; they were getting ready for war."

The Amazons in the area began attacking the robots as three of them began fighting Cheetah long enough for a couple of soldiers to bring Artemis some armor and weapons. After years of practice, she knew how to get dressed incredibly fast to be ready to fight at a moment's notice. Now armed with her sword and shield and protected by her armor, she ordered the women attacking Cheetah to help fight the other robots because she wanted to fight Cheetah herself.

Diana had destroyed several of the killer robots before the Amazons entered the fight. She trusted the Amazons to finish off the robots themselves, so she could go after Circe.

Circe was at the bottom of the empty lake, using her magic to open up the ground beneath her. Her magic dug up several feet of dirt and stone before she got to the object she was looking for. It was a large, cylindrical stone with an unknown language written all over it. There were many multi-colored gems embedded in the stones that began to light up as soon as they were exposed to the sunlight.

"You foolish Amazons had no idea what you had here all along," said Circe. "I now have the Stone of the Titans, which will grant me the powers of all the Olympic gods. And with this, I shall rule--"