You’ve Got Mail Ch. 02


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I pulled her close and whispered softly in her ear something I had been thinking about for weeks − something that I couldn't get out of my mind.

"Why don't you have Nancy Harris set you up to fuck Ben?"

"I told you I wasn't gonna fuck any guys to turn you on," she said.

"No darling," I replied. "What you actually said was that you were not gonna fuck any STRANGERS. But Ben's not a stranger. He's an old friend. You fucked him a lot and you still get horny thinking about him. And so do I. It will be very easy to arrange it."

Erika didn't say anything. She reached down and started stroking my pecker again. Jesus she was getting horny! She wanted to fuck some more.

"Fuck me," she whispered. "And don't be gentle! Fuck me like a whore! I need to think."

I crawled in the saddle again and started pounding her real hard.

As I fucked her I said, "Well? Will you fuck him?"

She didn't answer my question but she started to pump her ass real hard and grunt like an animal. She's thinking about him, I thought − fantasizing that she's fucking that hairy bastard.

The next night was Thursday. After work we were having our usual cocktail on the patio and, when I asked her about her day, she finally answered my question. She chuckled in a sexy manner and spoke softly.

"Well I did it," she said. "I called Nancy Harris. We talked about Ben Ziegler. I told her I might want to fuck that hairy bastard without you knowing about it."

I started to get an erection sitting there at the patio table.

"I couldn't very well say that it turns you on to think about your wife fuckin another man and you wanted to play with your skinny little peter thinking about him shoving that thick cock into me."

Jesus I thought it's true but saying it out loud sounds so perverted.

She chuckled, "I just said I was horny and wanted to feel that thick cock again, which is true of course. But I'm not sure this is a good idea. I'm really not."

"What did she say?" I asked.

"She'll help. We had a long talk about Ben. He's interesting," she said. "He tried marriage but that didn't work so he's been single, living in an apartment. He's fucked a lot of gals over the years. Some like Nancy that he fucked in college and kept on fucking afterward. Two he fucked in college now live in other towns and travel to see him every month or so."

"He won't fuck a gal unless she's got a husband because he's afraid she'll get pregnant. He never uses rubbers. He claims he's had three kids for sure and maybe more. It turns him on to fuck another man's wife. He makes the wife wear her wedding ring and take hubby's picture out of her wallet and prop it up on the bedside table so hubby can watch the action."

"Jesus," I said. "He takes cuckoldry seriously and he's just a fucking machine."

Erika laughed. "That's exactly what he was in college and has been ever since. So far none of the husbands has found out, although one husband, a guy named Jim Rogers, likes to watch his wife get fucked and Ben lets him watch. Says hubby masturbates several times as Ben fucks his wife."

Thinking about watching Ben fuck Erika was exciting. That would be a total turn on. But he would talk about me like he talks about Jim Rogers. No, I thought, that's out of the question. He's got to think she's cheating on me.

"I don't think I could do that," I said.

"And I wouldn't let you do that darling," she said softly. "I could never let the man I love watch Ben turn me into his private whore -- just a foul mouthed little slut."

"But you'll tell me about fucking him won't you?"

With a sexy chuckle Erica said, "Of course my love − every sordid, erotic, dirty little detail. I want to get your pecker rock hard and throbbing and then use it myself."

"Did you tell Nancy to set it up?" I asked.

"She checked and Ben is free this weekend. She said she'd set it up for me to go to his place tomorrow if I wanted her to. I told her I needed to think about it some more and I'd call her back later tonight. You and I need to have a serious conversation about this."

"I want you to think about it carefully darling," she said very earnestly. "This is different from just remembering stuff that happened in the past. This is doing new stuff. I'm not at all sure that this is a good idea. This must be YOUR decision and yours alone. And there are some things you need to know before you decide you want me to fuck him."

"What things?" I asked.

"Are you ready to hear some things you might be sorry I told you? Things you might not want to know?"

"Tell me," I said. "I can take it."

"Are you sure? Once I've said something I can't take it back."

"I'm sure," I said.

"Okay, here it comes!" Erika said, with determination. "First, I really DO want to fuck him. I'm not just doing it for your pleasure, but for mine too. Of course I want to please you by making your fantasy come true. But mainly I want to fuck him for MY pleasure"

"These last few weeks, remembering how much he pleased me in the past has aroused me more than you can ever know. I ought to be ashamed of myself for feeling like a whore and wanting him to fuck me like a slut, but I'm not. I'm so damned aroused by thinking about him that there's no room for shame."

"He's the best fuck I ever had. And that includes you. You fuck me like a loving husband and I need love, but that's not enough for me now after what I've been feeling these last few weeks. You don't turn me into a trembling slut begging you to do every dirty thing you want to do to me."

"You're my husband and you fuck me with love and I can't live without you. Ben Ziegler is an animal that only gives me raw sexual pleasure. I've lived without him for fifteen years now and could live the rest of my life without him. You've asked me to fuck him so I will but only if you understand what's gonna happen. I want you to remember that if you say it's okay, I'll enjoy every minute he spends between my legs. It could change me. Got that?"

"And second you need to know that Ben is habit forming."

"Habit forming? What does that mean?" I asked.

"I tried to stop fucking him after we got engaged. And I couldn't. I cheated and kept on fucking him because he was there and I needed him. I think it's possible that if we hadn't moved up here after we got married that I might have kept on fucking him in secret just like Nancy did."

I was shocked to hear her say that but she had even more to say.

"When Nancy fixed me up fifteen years ago I planned to fuck him only once for old times sake. I ended up fucking him every night for two weeks. And I might still be fucking him if we lived in the same town. Hear me darling! You're my husband and I love you, but if we lived in the same town I might still be fucking him. He's that good!"

I thought about that. Jesus! Still be fuckin him? She had a powerful need for the sex he could give her.

"So remember, if I fuck him now it might not stop. You think about that, darling. I won't start without your permission but you need to know that once you allow me to fuck him I might not be able to stop even if I have to cheat on you in secret like I did before."

Then she said very softly, "Understand me my love. I cheated on you twice with him. I'm over him now, but if I fuck him again I might get hooked again -- just like on drugs. So be very sure you want me to fuck him."

I thought about it and got very aroused at the thought of her spreading her legs for that hairy bastard. If I enjoy it now why the hell would I ever change my mind?

"How often would you be fucking him?" I asked.

Erika chuckled, "Like Nancy, I guess, as much as I could. Nancy's hubby travels two or three times a month. I'd probably go down there two or three weekends a month, if he wants me that often. And shit! He's got pussy standing in line. Mine may not be good enough for him to invite me back!"

"Each weekend I'd be in his apartment from Friday afternoon till Monday morning -- three nights, three mornings, and two full days. And that's two days naked in my chase-me-catch-me-fuck-me shoes. And that horny bastard is gonna catch me a lot."

I concentrated and tried to understand exactly what she was telling me. She was not just doing this just for me but because she wanted the pleasure he could give her. And if I changed my mind later she might keep on fucking him anyway.

I downed my single malt and had two more quick ones as I thought about what Erika had said. I was getting horny. Real horny! It could happen tomorrow night! Then I got that same picture in my head of two big hairy balls slapping my wife in the ass as she spread her legs. The more I thought about it the more I wanted her to fuck him. Shit! I WAS a pervert!

"I'll wait for your answer, darling. I won't call Nancy and have her set it up without your permission. You understand?"

I nodded and said, "I understand."

Erika saw me getting drunk and horny and took me in the bedroom and helped me undress.

We started to fuck and she screamed at me to, "Pound that pussy like you're fucking a whore."

And I did. She was grunting and pumping her ass. I was the guy between her legs but I knew in her head she was already fucking Ben Ziegler. I finally passed out pounding that pussy.

And the next thing I knew I woke up late Friday morning with a bad headache and tried to remember what happened the night before. I remembered fucking till I couldn't fuck any more and drinking till I couldn't drink any more and then suddenly I remembered the last thing I told my wife before I passed out.

Oh shit! I remembered saying loud and clear, "I want you to fuck him baby. You have my permission to fuck that hairy bastard as much as you want to -- starting tomorrow."

My God! Where's my wife? I leaped out of bed and called her name loudly. There was no answer. I ran naked into the kitchen and living room and she was not there. I ran back to the bedroom. I checked the closet and her favorite overnight bag was not there.

And shit! Her red spike heeled shoes were gone. I remembered how beautiful she had looked parading naked in those spikes around my bed a few weeks ago.

Still naked I ran into the kitchen and opened the garage door. Erika's car was gone!

As I closed the door to the garage I saw her cell phone on the kitchen table on top of a note neatly written on her pink stationary. The note read:

"My Dearest Rob: You are a thoughtful, considerate, and loving husband and I love and adore you more than you can ever know. I want to please you so I'm leaving now to do what you asked me to do. I'll work hard to please Ben so he'll invite me back."

"I hope that you will have as much fun fantasizing about what I'm doing as I have doing it. I'll tell you all about it when I get back Monday and you can have even more fun then."

"All my love and affection to a wonderful husband from his loving wife Erika."

"P.S. I took my red spikes."

Shit! I thought. She'll get there this afternoon and those huge testicles will be slapping her in the ass before the sun goes down. I gave her my permission and I can't call her to change anything now. She's gonna fuck that hairy bastard all weekend! What the hell am I gonna do? There was not a damn thing I COULD do!

The moment I knew it was really gonna happen was the moment I felt those special emotions I had never before experienced, sweep in wave after wave through my body: overwhelming jealousy of that hairy bastard my wife wanted to fuck, intense arousal at the thought of another man fucking her, and abject humiliation at being sexually aroused by thinking about my wife giggling as she spread her legs for another man.

I had asked her to do it, but now I felt trapped. Helpless to change anything and I almost cried out in anguish as I trembled from my arousal, jealousy, shame, and helplessness. She was gonna fuck that hairy bastard and I was helpless to stop her. What was I gonna do?

I just stood there in the kitchen naked. Then I looked down at a throbbing erection and knew exactly what I was gonna do and keep doing over and over again all weekend. I took the roll of paper towels next to the sink and headed back to the bedroom. My skinny little pecker was gonna get black and blue pumping as many loads into paper towels as that hairy bastard's thick cock was pumping into my loving wife.

I laid on my back in bed and started stroking my erection wondering where Ben was gonna pump his first load into Erika. The only thing I knew for certain was that the dainty hand that guided that fat cock into the orifice of his choice would be wearing a plain wedding band and an engagement ring with a little diamond. The very same rings he'd made her wear when he last fucked her -- wear to remind them both of the loving husband they were cuckolding.

That weekend was one long booze-driven fantasy. I imagined Erika giggling and fucking and sucking that hairy bastard in every possible way as I masturbated again and again all weekend.

Monday morning I was lying in bed masturbating when the telephone rang. It was my wife.

"He just left for work," she giggled.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Laying here naked in bed with cum dripping out of my pussy, looking at your picture on the bedside table − the one with that silly grin on your face that I always carry in my wallet. Ben said the picture made it look like you enjoyed watching us fuck."

"Shit! He made you put my picture there?"

He did this with all the wives. The horny bastard wanted to look at the cuckold's picture as he fucked the cuckold's wife.

"Yes he did and I kinda liked it," she said laughing. "I discovered that looking at you when I'm pumping for my orgasm with him turns me on. He fucked me twice this morning before he left for work."

She liked looking at me and fucking him! Jesus! That turns me on too.

"Are you okay honey?" Erika asked.

"I'm exhausted and drunk," I said. "I been jacking off over and over ever since you left thinking about you two fucking. Every floor in the whole damn house is covered with sticky, jism-soaked paper towels."

"I've got some good news," she said laughing. "That horny bastard wants to fuck me again next weekend."

"Well," I said, "You wanted to be good enough for him to invite you back. It looks like you were."

"Honey, I'm really sore. I'm gonna get in a hot bathtub and soak my pussy and asshole. I'll call you from the bathroom phone."

"Okay," I said.

I hung up and five minutes later the phone rang again.

"You're soaking in the tub?" I asked.

"Yeah and it really feels good. I've got some good stories to tell you."

"Tell me one," I said eagerly.

"Okay. We lived on pizza the whole weekend. Rico the pizza delivery boy came Saturday night and Ben just invited him in with me buck-naked. Lucky I was wearing my spikes. My legs look better that way. The kid was nineteen years old, built like a linebacker, and hairier than Ben. He's seen Ben's women naked before so he just looked me over, smiled, and gave me a thumb's up."

"You just stood there naked and let him look?" I asked.

"What the hell else could I do? He knew we'd been fuckin all day. He delivered pizza several times and I was naked every time he came in. Last night when Ben was scrounging around looking for his money the kid walks over and starts playing with my tits."

"You let him play with your tits?" I said, shocked.

"Of course I let him play with them. He's a real hairy guy and his man-smell turned me on. Anyway, Nancy's hubby will be on the road Thursday and Friday and Ben's invited her over. He said if I came up Friday he'd do Nancy and me both on Friday night. You want me to do that?"

"Jesus," I said. "Can your pussy take it?"

"My pussy can take it. It took a lot this weekend," she said.

"I'm glad you got well fucked," I said.

"That bastard was insatiable. He's a regular fucking machine. But the last fuck was so different from all the rest that I have to tell you about it now."

"Tell me," I said eagerly.

"We woke up this morning and he fucked me as usual like a slut," she said. "Then as we rested he asked me about how you fucked me and I described the loving fucks you have been giving me since we were in college. I told him how much I loved you and how much you loved me."

"He asked me why I wanted to fuck him if you and I were in love and I said that he brought out the whore in me. He laughed and said that a lot of women were like that. They love one man but want animal sex with another."

"Then he did the most beautiful thing."

"What was that?" I asked.

"He began to make tender love to me, caressing me and kissing me. There was no animal sex at all. He fucked me gently and lovingly. He was very tender. It was just the way you fuck me and I put my arms and legs around his body and pumped my ass gently. And then I got the strangest feeling. I felt like I was fucking you."

"Like you were fucking me?" I asked.

"Exactly! I began to fantasize it was you. I tasted the sweat on your shoulder and smelled your man-smell and felt like I was making love to you. Then I had a gentle, loving orgasm just like I have with you."

"I lay there expecting you to cum but you just kept on fucking me steadily and tenderly. You were ... I mean HE was so long lasting that I felt my arousal grow until I started to pump my ass to cum again."

"You fantasized it was me?"

"It WAS you. Except he lasted a very long time and when I had my orgasm my pussy grabbed on to a much thicker cock. My second orgasm was even more wonderful than the first. He pumped his load gently and then I just lay there under him feeling a passionate love for you. Feeling how lucky I was to have a husband who understood MY needs and let me satisfy them. It felt like it was YOU on top of me."

"Jesus," I said. "That's hard to understand."

"He left me very gently and I heard the shower but I just laid there feeling love for you until I heard the front door close as he left for work. Then I realized what he had done."

"What was that," I asked.

"For three days he had let the whore out of me to have her fun. Then he put that whore back in her bottle and tenderly prepared me to return to my loving husband. Ben fucks like a stud but he really understands women. It was the most considerate, wonderful sexual experience I have ever had. He made me horny for YOU. I can't wait to get home and make love to you."

"Ben is more complex than I thought at first," I said. "I guess that's why so many women want to fuck him."

"And darling," Erika said softly, "Thank you so very much for letting my whore have her fun. I wasn't sure at first but now I'm really glad that me having pleasure with another man turns you on. I think we are gonna have some really good sex with Ben and maybe we can ... well you know think about trying some other guys and see how it goes. Just as long as we love each other what ever we do will be okay. Right?"

"Right. And we'll keep on loving each other," I said.

"This hot bath has really helped my pussy feel better," Erika said. "I'll be on I-71 in an hour heading north and I'll tell you all the details when I get home."

"I can't wait," I said. "I love you my darling. I love you very much."

Then she giggled again like a college girl as she hung up. She sounded as young and vibrant as when she was in college. This weekend of fucking was just what she needed. And she was invited back so she was gonna keep fucking that horny stud. Her sex life and mine were both gonna be in good shape for a while.

I'm glad I gave her permission. Art Lloyd's stunt had been good for us both. It corrected our bland sex life. We were young again. I remember her saying that the direction our sex lives took was not important so long as we still loved each other. And I think she has learned to not just live with my fetish, but to have fun helping me enjoy it.

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SlomoverSlomoverabout 1 month ago

I get really annoyed by all the anonymous comments that are nothing more than demented dribble. If they can not offer constructive criticism, they should remain silent. Attacking the authors character adds no value. I would like to see Literotica ban anonymous comments.

SlomoverSlomoverabout 1 month ago

This is a great story and have enjoyed it so far. One loose end in the story is Art Loyd. He is a very important element in beginning of the story. I think it would be important to discuss what actually happened in dealing with him. I know the wife suggested how he be dealt with. But that does not provide closure.

Looking forward to reading his the remaining chapters.

YouamiYouamiover 1 year ago

This is some seriously fucked up shit that glorifies the cuckold wimp fetish. Why did you bother? There are so many better written stories on the same theme. Why not do something totally radical and come up with something original?!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


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