You're Not Finished Yet Ch. 01


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She was wildly beautiful, no doubt, and her lithe little body proudly held her 34B-cup breasts, pert, and proudly standing high, not to mention, she also had a hot, ripe ass that openly screamed to be ravaged.

However, what affected me the most profoundly about her, were her piercing blue eyes, mixed with an olive complexion and long black hair that fell to her shoulders, all of which, after only having seen her once the night before, allowed me the opportunity to take a second look at her in the open daylight.


"Good, morning," she happily chirped, when I opened the door, "Let me start off by saying thank you, Mark, and I..."

"Hey, welcome home," I smiled, politely interrupting her and taking the suitcase she had in her right hand, "Let me show you to your new room."


After I'd shown Lynn where everything was, she handed me the agreed upon money, in cash, for which I was more than prepared, writing her a receipt on the spot.

"I hope you like living here," I smiled, "Jennifer speaks very highly of you."

"She speaks very highly of you, too, Mark," Lynn knowingly smiled, "Why didn't you tell me last night that you had a pool, you stinker?"

"I don't know, I didn't really think about it then," I chuckled, "But I figured it would be a nice surprise, am I wrong?"

"No, you're not," she delightfully giggled, her brilliantly white perfect teeth making me weak at the knees, "But I can tell that you're a brat so; a girl had better be on her toes around you, huh?"

"Nah," I teased, "You're as safe here as you would be in your mother's arms."

"I know, and I believe it, too," Lynn said, her eyes suddenly filling with tears. Then hopping up and sitting next to me, she gently placed her arms around my neck and said, "Don't be mad at Jen for telling me about your bad dream last night, but if I'm going to live here, too, then I want you to know that me and Jen are going to love those nightmares out of you, Mark."

To this day I still don't know, well, actually I do, why I did what I did next. All at once my heart began to feel like it was breaking wide open, and for reasons unknown to me at the time, I suddenly broke down and began to bitterly weep, while my beautiful Lynn held onto me, not letting go.

"Shh," she tenderly whispered, "You're around people who care for you, and you're safe.'s okay, sweetie."

I must've lain in the safe comfort of her arms for a good ten minutes before I took a breath and sat back, staring into Lynn's eyes, saying nothing.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" Lynn softly asked, as I nodded my head, "We're not going to let anything hurt you ever again, Mark, you can count on that."


After I helped Lynn get the bulk of her belongings into the house, it was getting time for me to have to leave in time to get to my last class of the day.

"Will you be alright getting the rest of your things?" I asked her, "I would stay and help you finish, but I've got to go to class."

"Go to class, sweetie," she smiled, "I'll be finished when you get back, and then we'll sit down and talk some more."


As I drove to class, I smiled at the thought about how Jennifer, and now Lynn, had both somehow managed to get under my skin in such a short amount of time, and I somehow and unexplicably knew that it wouldn't be long before they made their journey into my heart.

I know that it must sound insane, but that's what was going on inside of my head, and for the life of me; I couldn't figure out why my heart was feeling the way that it was. I mean, hell, I barely know these girls. Yet, all I thought of, no matter how strangely it sounds, were the comfort of Lynn's arms...a safe place for me to go when I felt sad. Little did I know what lay in store for me in the not too distant future?


When I arrived back home after class that evening, I was pleasantly surprised to find that both Jennifer and Lynn were in the process of making dinner for us; and the aroma coming from the kitchen was making my mouth water, to say the very least.

"Hey," I smiled, walking into the kitchen, "What smells so good in here?"

"We're making some chicken tortilla soup," Lynn happily replied, "And it's almost ready to eat so; go wash your hands and then come in here and sit down at the table."

"Okay," I grinned, "I'll be right back."


"Damn, this is good," I smiled, after tasting the chicken tortilla soup, "It tastes just like what you'd get at a restaurant."

"No shit," Lynn mischievously giggled, "Where do you think I learned the recipe?"

"Well, it sure is good, girlie," I teased, "You're going to make some lucky guy a great wife one of these days."

"Hmmm," she grinned, winking at Jennifer, "We'll see, won't we."


Mr. Jim, my landlord, had agreed to let me seal the doors and weather strip the inside of the garage. Then I laid indoor/outdoor carpet on the floor, knowing that it would also increase the value of the house when it came time to sell it. However, I'll go ahead and tell you now that I bought the house right after I graduated so; we can move forward and get that out of the way.

Now, back to the story...After I got the garage in usable shape, I used it as a rehearsal room, meaning I had all of my electronics set up in there so that I could practice anytime I wanted. I also sound-proofed it, not only because I didn't want to disturb the neighbors, but I also was getting ready to invest some money in some recording equipment; and this would be a perfect room to record in.


After dinner was over, I began cleaning the kitchen when suddenly; I was literally being physically shoved out of the way, while at the same time, I heard two female voices heartily giggling behind me.

"Get out of here," Jennifer giggled, "We're going to clean this up."

"Come on," I protested, "You guys did all this work, I should at least clean up the mess, because I ate, too."

"Who do you think we did all of this for?" Lynn softly asked, placing her arms around my waist, "Tell him, Jen."

"She's right, Mark," Jennifer confirmed, placing her arms around my shoulders, "We did this for you, sweetie."

"You guys didn't have to," I smiled, placing an arm around each of them, "And I really appreciate it, thank you."

"It was no problem," Jennifer smiled, "We enjoyed it, huh, Lynn?"

"That's right," Lynn softly spoke.

I stood there with my arms around them, feeling something magical taking place. And while I didn't know how I knew, I somehow knew that to say something right then would irretrievably as well as irreparably shatter the moment forever. So; I simply closed my eyes and smiled, holding two women who, and I didn't now this at the time, I would eventually be willing to lay down my life for either one, or both of them.


Later that evening after the girls had finished cleaning the kitchen, I was out in what I now called, the rehearsal room practicing my chops, as I had Julie Hanover's class that next morning; when the door opened followed by a smiling Lynn, as she stepped down into to where I sat playing.

"Hi, handsome," she smiled, hugging me from behind, "I've heard Doctor Brown talking about the new prodigy that hit campus this semester. Is he talking about you?"

"I don't know," I knowingly chuckled, "Could be."

"Oh, you shit," Lynn giggled, playfully swatting my arm as she stepped around in front of me smiling, "Play something for me...please?

She was giving me that stare that I've learned is the same one she gives me when she wants something so; of course I complied, and played, as well as sang, "I Won't Hold You Back" by the group "Toto".

"Oh, my God, Mark," Lynn sniffled smiling, once I was finished playing, "That was beautiful. Does Doctor Brown know that you sing, too?"

"No," I warned, "And he doesn't need to either."

"I don't see why not," Jennifer said, now standing in the doorway, "You've got a beautiful gift, Mark, I think you should share it."

"She's right," Lynn impishly giggled, "And if you don't tell him, then we will."

"We sure will," Jennifer laughed.

"Shit," I said, the girls laughing their pretty little asses off, knowing that I'd given in, "I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Nope," Lynn laughed.

"Not in this lifetime, baby," Jennifer smiled.

I just shook my head and said, "Aw, man, this sucks."

"Yeah," Lynn giggled, "It does, doesn't it?"


That night, as I lay down to go to sleep, I thought about these two strangely beautiful girls, both of whom I'd allowed to take residence in my home. They were both extremely beautiful, no doubt, but the strange thing about it was that they seemed to know just what to say to make me do what I knew was right for me. Was it coincidence, or was it divine intervention? Only time would tell, I guess. Soon thereafter, sleep overtook me, and luckily, this time it left no nightmares in its wake.


The next morning found me in Julie Hanover's class helping her teach piano to my peers. I discovered that I really enjoyed teaching and gave serious pause to perhaps following that same path myself one day. Still though, I wanted to at least get the opportunity to put together one of the best rock bands that the world had ever seen. But then again, doesn't every musician?


Next was Dr. Barnes' class, and this day turned out to be the day that my life came to a crossroad. We were talking about conditioning and the effects that it had on the mind. And using Pavlov's theory as an example, Dr. Barnes explained that if the human mind were to undergo the same type of conditioning, or training, that the same effect could be expected as a result of the conditioning, or training.

"Pavlov used a dog," a girl in class pointed out, "You can't expect me to believe that a human could be made to do the same thing."

"Maybe not the exact same thing," Dr. Barnes smiled, "But the human mind can be conditioned, I assure you. Let's use combat veterans as an example," as he quickly winked at me, "A lot of our guys that came back from Vietnam were pretty messed up in the head."

"Yeah, I heard," she snottily quipped, "It was because they smoked a bunch of dope over there instead of doing their jobs."

"That's such bullshit," I seethed, "You don't know what the hell you're talking about, little girl."

"Mister Haynes," Dr. Barnes smiled, "Would you care to comment."

"I just did," I replied, "She doesn't know what she's talking about."

"No?" he chuckled, "Then, why don't you enlighten us?"

I knew that I'd stepped in it this time, when the girl looked at me and sneered, "Well, what about it, Mister Know-it-all?"

She pushed the right button just then as I proudly stood, and after glaring at her, I hatefully asked, "Have you ever been in a hot landing zone, or served in combat?"

"Of course not," she arrogantly spat, "And I never will either.

"Until you do," I angrily, but softly replied, "I suggest that you keep your shitty little opinions to yourself."

"This is a free country," she snottily quipped, "I can say whatever I damn well please."

"Yes, you can," I said, the veins in my neck bulging because I was so angry, "But it's because of not only the brave souls that served in Vietnam, but also because of the people who served in every other war this country has fought, that you have those rights; so if I were you, I would watch what the hell I say about them."

"Oh, yeah," she hatefully asked, "And what would you know about it, asshole?"

I quickly pulled my shirt off and dropped my pants in front of the whole class. Then after showing this stupid assed girl the scars from wounds I'd received, as well as explaining how I received them, I pulled my pants back up.

And then after I put my shirt back on, I glared at her and hatefully told her, "I've been there, you little snot nose so; don't you dare say another bad thing about anyone who has served this country in front of me again. Do you understand me, little girl?"

By this time I had silent, but angry tears pouring down my face, and it was clear to me that the girl I had just verbally accosted was clearly unnerved, as she silently nodded her head.

Then looking at Dr. Barnes, I wiped my eyes and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but I need to leave so; if you'll please excuse me."

"Go ahead, Mark," he gently smiled, "I'll see you next time," and then I walked out the door, leaving a stunned and silent class room full of my peers in my wake.


I was too upset to go to my creative writing class so; I went home instead, knowing that Dr. Briggs would let me make up anything that I missed.

As opposed to going home, I decided to go to Jericho's and get a drink. Hell my nerves were a little frayed after the experience I just went through in Dr. Barnes' class, and I figured that a healthy shot of Jim Beam™ would work wonders at this point.


"Hey, sweetie," Lynn greeted me, from behind the bar as I sat down in front of it, "Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?"

After I relayed to her what had just happened, she leaned across the bar, and after gently kissing my lips, she smiled and asked, "Jim Beam on the rocks, baby?"

"Thank you," I smiled, "I really appreciate it, Lynn."

"It's no problem, sweetheart," she gently replied, "I told you that Jen and I were going to take care of you, didn't I?" and then she placed the drink on a coaster in front of me.

"Yeah," I smiled, giving her a quick wink, "You sure did, sweetie, thanks again," and then she simply smiled and patted my hand.

"Let me know when you're ready for another one," she told me, "Okay?"

"Okay," I grinned, "I will."

I sat there and silently sipped my drink, smiling as I watched Lynn while she worked. Every male at the bar all had their eyes locked on Lynn's hot little tight ass in the extremely short shorts she was wearing that day, and I must say, they had good reason to.

When I finished with my drink, and I only had the one, I paid my tab, making sure that I left Lynn a nice tip, and then went home, with the promise from Lynn that I would see her later on that night.


"Hi, handsome," Jennifer smiled, as I walked through the front door, "How was your day?"

"Okay, I guess," I halfheartedly replied, "I'm just happy that it's over with, that's all."

"Uh-oh," she knowingly said, "Something happened today, didn't it?"

I told her what all had taken place in Dr. Barnes' class, as well as how I reacted to it, and then once I was done, she looked at me, and placing her arms around my neck, Jennifer pulled me close, holding me tightly against her, and softly told me, "It's alright now, Mark. You can relax, sweetie."

And once again, I felt the same sense of peace that I'd previously felt in Lynn's arms; and in doing so, I once again stood there holding her, remaining in the comfort of her arms for a good five minutes.

"It's okay, baby," she tenderly whispered, "You're safe here with me, and I'm not going to let anything happen to you."


It was almost seven o'clock when Lynn came in from work that evening, and the first thing she did was to lean down and give hugs and kisses to both Jennifer and myself.

"What was that for," Jennifer giggled, "And why are you in such a good mood?"

"You're looking at the new assistant evening manager at Jericho's," she said, "Lance, my boss, told me right before I clocked out. Isn't that great?"

"Congratulations, girl," I grinned, standing up and giving her a hug," I'm very proud of you, and very happy, too."

"What, are you kidding me?" Jennifer giggled, standing up and hugging us both, "We're both proud of you...way to go, girl!"

"I think that this calls for a celebration," I grinned, "I want you two to get all dolled up, because I'm taking the two of you out tonight."

"Oh, no," Lynn protested, "You've got a morning class tomorrow."

"So?" I smiled, "It's not until ten-thirty tomorrow morning...everything will be alright, trust me."

"Okay," Lynn giggled, "But you can't say that I didn't try to talk you out of it, tomorrow, when you're hung over."

"Oh, hush, girl," I smiled, swatting her on her cute ass, "Go get dressed," and then almost as an afterthought, I added, "I want you two to look hot so, I can show off my beautiful room mates to the world..."

"Ooo, Mark," Jennifer cutely giggled, "If I didn't know better, I'd say that you were asking us both out on a date tonight."

"As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I'm doing," I confidently grinned, "Do either of you have a problem with it?"

"Nope," Lynn giggled, "Not me."

"Hell no," Jennifer knowingly grinned at Lynn, "I think it's hot."

And then the two girls disappeared down the hall, leaving a trail of female giggles in their wake.


I decide to break out on the leather clothes I'd had made for me when I was in the Navy and took leave in Spain. I had two pairs of leather pants, one black and the other a deep, dark brown. Each pair came with a vest of the same color, also leather. This particular night though, I chose the black pair, sans the vest.

My whole unit got R & R in Japan once, and while I was there, I took advantage of the opportunity to get some shirts custom made for me out of silk. I bought three shirts; one white, one that was a type of crème color, and the last one, a deep, dark shade of burgundy, or crimson, as it's called in some regions of the world.

I opted for the burgundy shirt, which was long sleeved, and wore it unbuttoned all the way down with a black tank-top shirt beneath it. Before I put my clothes on, I made sure that my boots, which were also black, were polished to a high gloss. And then once I was dressed, I stood to look at myself in the full length mirror that had been mounted on the inside of the closet door.

"Mighty sharp, dude, "I laughed, to myself aloud, "Mighty sharp indeed..."


"Oh, Mark," Jennifer gasped, when she first saw me, "My God, you look so damn hot."

Of course Jennifer was wearing the classic "Little Black Dress" and with her long honey blonde hair flowing down her bare shoulders because of the spaghetti straps on the dress, which looked undeniably smoking hot on her. It hugged her waist perfectly, and her breasts, while not totally viewable, were definitely outlined.

And with her standing tall, it was pleasantly obvious to anyone who looked, that she was indeed braless. Her long smooth legs looked as though they had been bathed in buttermilk, making them brightly shine as they flowed from beneath her dress, which tastefully covered her ass, but just barely. And because she was wearing black pumps with two inch heels, she looked almost statuesque.

"Holy cow, Jennifer," I smiled, trying to keep from drooling, "You look pretty hot yourself, sweetie."

"Thank you, handsome," she softly smiled, leaning over and kissing my cheek, "I wanted to look hot for you tonight."

"What're you talking about?" I smiled, her beautiful blonde hair hanging perfectly around her even more perfect face, "You've always been beautiful in my eyes."

"Oh, Mark," she smiled, tears beginning to pool in her eyes, "That's about the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me."

"Here," I smiled, giving her my handkerchief, "I don't want you to ruin your beautiful face when your eyeliner runs down your cheeks."

"That's another thing I love about you," she giggled, as she took my handkerchief and dabbed her eyes, "Most guys wouldn't think about that kind of thing."

"I'm not most guys," I chuckled, "But I think you already know that, Jennifer."

"I wanted to tell you something," she smiled, "You can call me "Jen" like everyone else does...only my parents call me Jennifer."

"Okay, pretty girl," I smiled, "I'll call you whatever you want me to."

"How do I look, Mark?" Lynn suddenly asked from behind me, making me turn around, almost fainting at what I saw standing before me.