All Comments on 'Animal Lover Ch. 09'

by KemMyst

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donaldedonaldeover 13 years ago
great chapter

great chapter can not wait for the next one

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Love it! More!

nonnienonnieover 13 years ago

Great chapter! I cant wait to see where they end up and how they will keep hidden from the pack. I hope there is a way to get around the bite from Thomas and that there is hope for her and Emmett. There is just no way he can let them give her to Thomas!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Your story is very original

which is's a nice change to have an alpha couple that's not as golden as those in other stories but is rather easy to dislike. Your story would be a bit better if you were a bit more consistent with your punctuation when mental conversations are being held. Also some kind of indication when you are changing locations/scenes/points of focus, even just a spare line or a * would make it easier to follow at some points

canndcanndover 13 years ago

I liked this chapter alot. I like that the pace picked up a bit. I also like that everything isn't coming up roses for the couple. I am frustrated that Randall would not be even slightly understanding but I get that it's his rules. I don't know why Emmett wouldn't have marked her knowing the risk. He brings her to the compound where he knows any male can mark her and make her his? Why would he not mark her. He'd at least be assured she was his whether he liked it or not. Why does it not count that she called in her mind to him? Why would that not mean she is connected to him in some way? And why don't they lie and say he marked her before she came to the compound? She coulda healed by now. Why would Randall force a human who didn't know the rules to be held accountable to their rules. She hadn't even chosen to be a part of the pack yet, though death would have been a poor choice. So, why did he hold her to rules when she may not have wanted to be a part of the pack. Lyssa is a bit of an annoying character. She knew her life was either there with Emmett or death. In those circumstances (and I acknowlege the fact that her life has been thrown upside down) why would she not have accepted Emmett who clearly had shown nothing but caring for her. Why would she kiss Thomas? She spelled out her how fate when she did that. I just think she's a bit annoying frankly, there she was questioning how he felt when he'd sent her a dozen roses that morning? I mean, come on. Well, I'm not sure how you'll get them out of this since Randall is clearly not understanding at all. I guess we'll have to see so I hope you get a new chapter out soon!

willieonewillieoneover 13 years ago
Did not really like this chapter

The alphas don't give a shit about anything but themselves.They have a complete lack of consideration for her and the fact she is human and had no idea one little stupid kiss would cause this much trouble and the fact that Thomas took her against her will and attacked her and bit her on her breast not her neck against her will should mean something. I thought they were sorry for stuffing up Ems mating and then they go and give her to the man that attacked her. This story is really starting to turn me off!!!

MizTMizTover 13 years ago
Fast Paced

This is no longer the soft and fuzzy story it started out to be, or should I say Lyssa and Emmitt are no longer the same characters they started out to be. Emmitt is more than just a wolf content to sleep in Lyssa's bed, and Lyssa is no longer the woman Ronnie could push around. You have developed these two at a fast pace, one that seems to lead the flow of the story. I can't wait to see what adventures they get into from here on out. The Wyeth Pack will have to follow them if for nothing else than the fact that Emmitt disobeyed Alpha Randall. I can't wait for more.

lili82lili82over 13 years ago

im not feeling this chapter like the others. nothing was explained fully to her and now she belongs to her rapist?! WTH? didn't like this at all

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 13 years ago
Why present tense?

I find it so annoying to read. It's good for a sense of immediacy but not for whole chapters, especially when the other chapters have been in past tense. That bothered me the whole chapters. Also, Lyssa is an idiot and the pack rules are surprising and somewhat barbaric. At least Emmett stayed true to character.

Please return to past tense for the next chapter. It would be much more enjoyable. I also wouldn't mind if the pack showed their more human side.

HexiseHexiseover 13 years ago

I didn't particularly like what happened in this chapter, but that isn't to say that it wasn't good. This is rather different from all the other stories I've read, a bit more realistic if you will. I hope Lyssa realizes the mistakes she's made before things take a turn for the worse.

kspainkspainover 13 years ago
No! No! No!

WTF? I was liking this story until now. Yes, Lyssa was getting on my nerves, but still this is a load of crap. No, she should not have kissed Thomas, but that did not mean a damn thing. An the Alphas are not what I am use to. They have no honor in this chapter. If there is a rule that women are not to be hurt then it should not matter who they are or what rank. No one has sit down with Lyssa and explained the rules. Also, since when does biting a person on the breast mean you are marked. In all Were/Shifter stories I have read to be classified as marked you need to be bitten on the neck.

I don't know what you are thinking, but it seems to me you are about to mess up a great story you had going on. Please, please correct the situation ASAP!!!!

DoctorWolfDoctorWolfover 13 years ago
Came to the story late...

but LOVE where it is going. This is unique! Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I agree

that this is not like the other were stories on here...but it's very good, and unique, which is difficult to find as many of the stories seem to run together. Please don't let those readers that can't accept something new sway your story.

uchenauchenaover 13 years ago
WOW what a twist!

I can't wait to find out what happens next!

Happy Writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Well this was unexpected twist to a familiar theme and I wait to see where you are taking this story. Like some of the others this is not turning out to be a traditional were story where the Alpha's follow the same rules but it's your interpritation and thats what matters. I hope Lissa does not end up with Thomas who seems like a bit of an ass but with Emmett who seems to love her for herself.

willieonewillieoneover 13 years ago

What a pathetic healer the pack has,he seemed so how can I put this stupid,dumb not to know how to treat her wounds weather human or not he should have know and then not knowing what medical supplies he has so that a non medical person has to help her somewhat and then they let her shower after he wounds are supposed to be dressed I would have thought that should have been done first. One of the many things I disliked about this chapter but then it is your story and if you like it good for you up till chapter I had hoped the Alphas would have help Em to make up for their stuff up but now I am just so....

shifter91shifter91over 13 years ago

loved the twist! so glad you updated - I kept checking in for more chapters.

Mermaid2189Mermaid2189over 13 years ago

on the edge of my seat the whole time cant wait for the next chapter

maybe u can have lyssa like idk kill Thomas some how or something

Cuz honestly i dont think that the alphas would let him get away with that

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

you have a chance for redemption in the next chapter... if thomas so much as gets his hands on her again its /unfav and /ignore... and im pretty sure a bite where she was bitten doesn't count as a "mark" of being mated... not only that but of all accounts, it was a forced mating, the leader of the pack needs to die for not upholding his own ideals...


LadyB06LadyB06over 13 years ago
I'm starting to hate the Alphas!!!!

I'm really hating them both. First they show up and mess everything up for Emmett, then they tell Lyssa she has to join the pack or die, and now they are trying to give her to some asshole that first tried to rape her and then marked her when he knew thats not what she wanted...What kind of Alphas would let him get away with a forced marking and then try and give her to him after what he did to her not to mention that clearly her and Emmett have some kind of bond if she can call him with her mind...And poor Emmett, The Alphas mess up his relationship, His pack is going to come after him, He has no rightful claim to his mate, said mate is upset with him, im sure his feelings are hurt over her kissing someone else, and on top of all that he has find away to keep them safe....And all of this is the Alphas fault's and I hope that they can find a way to fix this...But i think their heads are to far up their own asses to see what they are doing to other's.

But on another note...You are a really great writer keep up the good work :) .

lucianloverlucianloverover 13 years ago
Aready hate the alphas!!!!

This is like the worst pack ever.Lyssa is realy unfortunate and I don't know how they will make it since they are now rogues! I hope they find a pack that will take them in(Latro pack!!!) HINT!HINT!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Worst alphas ever

Im agreeing with others here, these alphas dont seem to care about others, and seem intent on ruining this womans life, as well as Emmetts while defending a rapist.

Exellent writting and a good story, but im not liking where its, going but thats purely personal opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I don't get it

The pack has a rule to not hurt women but Thomas threatens to kill Lyssa. When she tells the truth that he attacked and threatened to kill her if she fought back. Then giving her to her attacker? Em should turn her and then she can challenge Thomas and kill him and be happy with Em. by allowing this to happen Randal shows a huge weakness in his character i hope you fix this because the story was great up until now

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
What Happened To This Story?

I was enjoying this story until you wrote them into a corner. These weres are not supposed to tolerate mistreatment but yet condone rape, and forced mating. Since running is punished by death I guess the story ending with them perishing together is the only way it can end.

jimbodenjimbodenover 13 years ago

What happen to these alpha's? Are they stupid? Now Lyssa just thinks they are just a bunch of animals and that they are too stupid of human's. I know Lyssa was just trying to make Emmett jealous but this is too far. It just about turned me off from this story.

willieonewillieoneover 13 years ago

It is Lyssa who is pissing me of with her attitude, what great life is she giving up to be with Em! Mmm? She has no family to love her like Em does, she has an EX boyfriend who almost killed her but for Em he would have by now and loosing a house and job is not as important as finding the love of your life! Emmet has done nothing but protect her and show her how much he loves her and has even told her how much he loves her. Then just because his stupid,uncaring Alphas show up and he has to inform her she needs to come live with him at the compound as her life would be in danger otherwise, she turns on him and treats him like shyt then has the nerve to act as if he has neglected her by not coming to her, when she is the one who keeps pushing him away with her hostility toward him, talk about giving he guy mixed signals, then she kisses a known womanizer and is surprised when he still doesn't come to her.

I really hate the Alphas and am amazed that they have lived for hundreds of years amongst humans and still know nothing about them and are so consumed with their own self importance and lust they don't even worry about what happens under their own snouts. Even their daughter has more sense and I still think a bite to the breast in an attack does not constitute a claim. I will be interested to see if this can be fixed by the poor excuse for Alphas or not...Maybe Em should challenge Randall for the job.

punkin1077punkin1077over 13 years ago
worst alphas ever...agreed

i pretty much agree with everyone else about this. i pretty much enjoyed this story until this last chapter. i'm not sure if i will continue reading:(

wall13666wall13666over 13 years ago
Ass Hat Alpha

To allow an Omega to mark the intended mate of a Beta is just stupid after he had submitted in a challenge and forced himself on an unreceptive mate. Your depiction of an Alpha is just stupid. How ever i do like your depiction of the pack ranks system. your concept of law with in the pack is just stupid however.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I really loved the way the story started but I do not like the turns it's taken and the entire situation where a low ranking asshole pack member is favored over the beta of the pack is very unbelievable.

Rudegal74Rudegal74over 13 years ago
I am not feeling this at all......

Not only is Lyssa turning out to be a complete douchebag, but so too are the Alpha's. I am not one for criticizing ones writing endeavors, but I have to say that I am seriously losing interest in this storyline because of the unstableness of all of those involved bar Emmet.

ShadowedDreamsShadowedDreamsover 13 years ago

Controversial Chapter, I like.<br/>

A wise man once said that events have to be judged not only by the times but by the cultures. Rules have to be strict for beings as powerful as werewolves.<br/>

People have said that you've painted these two into a corner, and indeed, I can see how they have ended up in said corner.<br/>

Now is the time for Emmett, Lyssa and Joanna to find a way out of this quagmire. For sure there are ways, logical and practical ways, they have but to find one. <br/>

Take your time on the next chapter, avoid plot devices, and above all, enjoy writing the story.<br/>


While your writing is of a reasonable standard, I have noticed that a number of typos are slipping through, It may be worth finding someone to proof-read your story before posting. Such people can be found through the volunteer editor program here.<br/>

Takes what you find useful from the comments and use it. Ignore that which annoys you. Do Not bend your story to other peoples conception of a setting - I for one find it nice to find a were story with a different set of base assumptions (only a bite on the neck counts? says who???)<br/><br/>

I'll be watching.<br/>


-- <br/>


willieonewillieoneover 13 years ago
To ShadowedDreams

So when you wrote the following.....

"Do Not bend your story to other peoples conception of a setting - I for one find it nice to find a were story with a different set of base assumptions (only a bite on the neck counts? says who???)"

Do you mean that it is ok that Thomas attacked her and marks her that he should be given her as a reward for his attempt to rape her? Even though everyone there knew she was destined to be Emmet's mate!

willieonewillieoneover 13 years ago

That would mean that any were that was in a fight no matter the reason and was bitten during that fight would be claimed.

There has to be a particular spot to bite if they are claiming a mate!

mokkelkemokkelkeover 13 years ago

i liked the twists but the alpha's re so falling down of their precious pedestal.

they don't allow woman to be hurt, yet when T kidnaps L, abuses/hits/almost rapes her, they still decide to "give" her to T? come on, seriously?

they put her in this position in the first place with dropping by her house, destroying all progress E had made with L into accepting him and his wolf.

i really hope you're going to let them see the light but right now they're not worth to be alpha's in my eyes.

another thing to add is, there was always said L had to choose being turned or killed, after she's been told she'd be "given to T, she asked to be killed and R just shakes of the request as if it's nothing? some consistency would be appreciated, don't you think?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Like The Story, But...

Emmett has done so much (saved Lyssa from her dumbass former boyfriend, protected her) and given up so much for her (trespassed on another pack's territory, disobeyed his pack, lost his mind for love apparently) and she's portrayed as kind of a flake. How could she not know how he feels about her? As for Thomas, all the females in the pack should be allowed to kick his ass. I hope Emmett and Lyssa's relationship is allowed to move forward and he gets the girl and please give her some sympathy for what he's going through. Still, I like your story, hope to see your next post soon!

willieonewillieoneover 13 years ago
I know, I know

but I have one more little point to make.

Emmet has already challenged and beaten Thomas in the circle should that not count as Thomas losing any claim to Lyssa and having her being able to call out to Emmet mentally should have shown the pathetic Alphas that she already has a bond to Emmet there. They need to rethink their position on this. I thought they were supposed to be such great friends of his and now they are losing him because of their bad judgements, why isn't their daughter pointing these facts out to them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I would get on a plane and move to the coldest most crowded place in russia. I would wear the muslim garmnet to hide my face and I would stay there forever and they would never find me because the snow and the city would hide my scent. It's a brilliant plan. If I ever run away you know where to find me. :)

pasca1pasca1over 13 years ago

To spite Emmett, Lyssa kisses another man. Now she belongs to him. Serves Em right. After everything he just ignores her? He got tired he says. He didn't ask her how she was doing or make any contact. If I were her, I'd think he'd lost interest too.

Now let's see how they get away or not. Where's that alert button??

WaltzWaltzabout 13 years ago

I liked it up until this chapter.

Now I feel physically ill.

Lyssa was stupid, as was Em, but the idea of her having to go to that bastard makes me sick to my stomach.

I'm really like the story, but it's going to be a while before I can finish it; I need to let my stomach settle. :/

Canis_CrazyCanis_Crazyalmost 13 years ago
What I Would Do In Their Case

Salt Lake City, Utah or a boat in the middle of the ocean, here I come. lol

I love this story. I'm re-reading it for a second time, and the entire plot draws me in.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Wow Seriously.

Man this series was amazing until i read this chapter. before coming to the den she an em damn near fuck an there was some serious kissing might i add. then all the sudden she kisses thomas once out of anger an emmett for letting her have her space an suddenly she belongs to him? dude that doesnt make sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I kept reading and reading this story only wishing that it will get better. But I'm gonna be honest with you I have never read a story as awful as this. tenses shifts again and again. Hell it doesn't even gives you the feeling of reading a story it's much more like hearing the news! this did that and that did this! Nothing in this story really makes sense. He says he's tired of her. he ignored her for several days . she kisses another man and not just any man a real disgusting filthy BASTARD! and she doesn't even sense he is bastard! and then the dumb alpha just says she's Thomas's mate?!! I'm really confused here how does things works there!! a man attacks a woman literaly kills her threatens another's mate and then the alpha instead of punishing him just goes ahead and offers her to the aggressor? what type of mentally fucked up animals are they?!! Up to now I always loved the stories about the WERE and wolfs but now I'm really really disgusted. I don't even want to read another story of this category, a big thank you to you. Such a talented writer are you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I kept reading and reading this story only wishing that it will get better. But I'm gonna be honest with you I have never read a story as awful as this. tenses shifts again and again. Hell it doesn't even gives you the feeling of reading a story it's much more like hearing the news! this did that and that did this! Nothing in this story really makes sense. He says he's tired of her. he ignored her for several days . she kisses another man and not just any man a real disgusting filthy BASTARD! and she doesn't even sense he is bastard! and then the dumb alpha just says she's Thomas's mate?!! I'm really confused here how does things works there!! a man attacks a woman literaly kills her threatens another's mate and then the alpha instead of punishing him just goes ahead and offers her to the aggressor? what type of mentally fucked up animals are they?!! Up to now I always loved the stories about the WERE and wolfs but now I'm really really disgusted. I don't even want to read another story of this category, a big thank you to you. Such a talented writer are you!

cutterbutter85cutterbutter85over 12 years ago
so much potential

This story has so much potential!!! But the way you write and jump around is extremelyhard to follow! Everything is basically written in 3rd person point of view I don't know if you do it intentionally or if you just don't know any better you really really need to find a good editor to help you. Like I said this has so much potential and that is the only reason I will continue to read it I am just hoping you grow in your writing style

curiousfemmecuriousfemmealmost 12 years ago
I tried

I tried to keep going with this story, but it seems to get worse with every chapter - not just the plot, but the writing. The characters are less and less reasonable, the relationships are flimsy, the perspective bounces around, the grammar is devolving, and the whole thing is starting to feel like some strange, stream-of-conscious nightmare. I'm not sure if I can bring myself to read the remaining 3 chapters.

hotmama20092011hotmama20092011about 11 years ago

I love the intensity of the pack! Awesome so far

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I'm not buying that the Alpha would just give her over to an Omega when she is supposed to be with his second in command. It seems too far fetched!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Far fetched??

We're talking werewolves here. Let's be realistic.

And Thomas clearly marked her, said "Mine" right before Emmett tackled him, and she's had no interaction with Emmett the whole time she's been in the den. I don't see why exactly he's so keen on her, since her non rank will lower his rank just the same as it would Emmett's, but still. Them's the breaks.

But holy shit, this story is just sucking me in. When Randall said she had been marked, that she belonged to Thomas... my heart stopped.

Damn. This story better have the right ending. Just saying.

nxixkxkxinxixkxkxiover 9 years ago

I just wanted to ask how she is Thomas' mate? He didn't bit her on her shoulder where the mating / binding mark goes ????

JohnSpiritWolfJohnSpiritWolfabout 9 years ago
To nxixkxkxi

Doesn't matter where he bites her, he bit her with enough force to draw blood, that is all that's needed. They normally bite on the junction of neck and shoulder because that is a highly visible spot. Everyone can then see it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This story is so fucking infuriating and frustrating. Emmett deserves better, especially as beta! Lyssa is nothing but a subjective, weak minded insolent whore! What the actual fuck. Freaking emmet you idiot! You fucking deserve better than that lump of shit. God damn it. It's not your fault author, it is a well written story but the character and plot is infuriating. I really really hate Lyssa

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Woo Hoo!

Now I'm nervous!

sweetness295sweetness295about 8 years ago

It doesn't matter that he bit her. To mate successfully he must bit her when they have intercourse and she climaxes

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

this story is shit... barely has anythiing to even do wirh sex, it was a waste of time

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
How can a kiss be a mark?

The Alphas have to remember that Lyssa is a human. And in the human world, kissing someone is saying "I think I may like you" but is in no way, a commitment. They can't expect her to abide by wolf rules when she doesn't know the rules.

On the other hand, Emmett clearly loves her if he is willing to put his life in jeopardy to help her escape.


princesssenpaiiprincesssenpaiiover 2 years ago

The story premises is already good why did you have to ruin a good story!!!

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Oof. Yeah, I think this is where I dropped the story last time I started it. Was headed to the annoyingly dramatic already, but a cad molesting and abusing her doesn’t equal a mating mark in any kind of canon. It’s just infuriating. Thomas obviously should have been eliminated.

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