All Comments on 'Rocket Man'

by StangStar06

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
the names have changed but the same story

Pretty much the same story as your last 10 or 12 submissions.

Wife is skank/ slut who is a total fuck up but for some reason her clueless husband loves her "more than life itself" until she is exposed. Once exposed skank/ slut realizes her hubby is the most wonderful person on earth but of course hubby will never touch her again. Hubby then finds the true most wonderful love of his life and he lives happily ever after while skank/ slut is miserable.

The end.

You write very well, but how bout a different scenario sometime?

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

and now he's the Piano Man.

funksofunksoabout 9 years ago

Stop it with the complaining that 'Stang has a formula. Sure. He does and it's a good one that we enjoy - it's like episodic television. Maybe it's not an opus, but he writes great stories that I enjoy the heck out of.

I wish he had some better editing that would pick up the more common errors though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Reas it first on SOL...

...and loved it! I really enjoy the the stories you do and was getting concerned over your silence. Surprised you didn't do something with a March Madness theme. Keep on writing and piss on the detractors.

Go Cats;


Sid0604Sid0604about 9 years ago
One of your best...

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story. Easily worth 5 stars.

sugnasugnaabout 9 years ago
Career Oriented

How many "career oriented" people put 16 hours a day into their jobs, and ignore their marriage and their families? When their marriage disintegrates it often takes one of them cheating to make them both understand that neither of them had really done the work or invested much in the marriage. Married since 20, now in their late 30's with no kids? What the fuck is that all about? Life is simple: survival and procreation. Deny the first and it is all over. Deny the second, and you do not have anything to show for your time here. Let anything stop you from fulfilling your biological and spiritual destiny and you are a loser. Remember, job is just a means to survive and to ensure the survival of your children. Get your head right. In short, Rocket man was just as much to blame for the outcome of his shitty marriage as his stupid wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

We get it already! Be fruitful and multiply.

I come here for erotica and great story-telling, not preaching!

drdetroit019drdetroit019about 9 years ago
Absolutely the best

Your stories are as good as any of the 5000 books in my library. King, Cussler, Preston& Child, all my favorites and you are as good as they are. It is why when I retire in two years I will not be bored. The internet stories I find keep me energized, and you are the best author so far.


dinkymacdinkymacabout 9 years ago
Super story!

Thanks for sharing another great read!

hoosierrebel76hoosierrebel76about 9 years ago
Glad you're back & another very good story

Thanks for sharing your tale. A little longer than most of your other stories, however I couldn't stop reading until the end.

To the detractors:

If the 10 - 12 previous stories were similar and only the names were changed, then that should have given you a clue as to the type of stories the author writes. Are you clueless enough to have not figured that out before now? If you had already figured that out, then why in the hell do you keep reading his tales?????

Marriage is not about procreation, it IS about spending the rest of your life with the one you love. (within predefined ideas, concepts, values, etc). While I have helped raise 3 wonderful children and have 1 grandchild. This was a CHOICE that we made. Not everyone wants or should have children.

5 stars thanks again!

dylan954dylan954about 9 years ago
another success

I just love this man's story telling ability. Yep same theme but the wrap arounds make it well worth the read every time. Another 5*

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 9 years ago
YES! Another great tale.

From one of my favorite authors.

Thank you, StangStar, I really enjoyed

this one.

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 9 years ago
King and Cussler

For Christ's sake, get real. Any fool can drone on and on and some can make a living out of it. Give us a break and try to get to the point.

dmhackdmhackabout 9 years ago
Seriously, Detroit?

As good as King et al? Please. April Fools Day is over.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

StangStar06 has truly lost it. When last seen he driving off a short short pier into icy Lake Michigan in a purple and black Dodge Challenger with white racing stripes and the MOPAR logo proudly writ in white on the side of the car.

JounarJounarabout 9 years ago
5 stars :)

Another great story from the master :)

LaneBagginsLaneBagginsabout 9 years ago
Another Great Read

Great story. To those of you who complain about him using the same basic plot in all his stories I am really confused by your complaint. If you look at this category there is only a few basic plots used in all the stories and the only thing that changes is the way it is developed and ended. SS06 has a style that works for him and I for one enjoy his writing. If you want something different then read another author and leave SS06 to those of us who enjoy reading his stories. To SS06 please keep up the good work.

rightbankrightbankabout 9 years ago
to infinity and beyond

another entertaining SS06 saga. thanks

Once again I found the names to be one of the most humourous parts of the story.

Perhaps the next song theme should be The Name Game ?

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterabout 9 years ago
What I find amusing

When anycuckold story comes out:

"What!? Why should I only be allowed to comment on stories that I like or that have subject matter that doesn't make me foam at the mouth and rant like a lunatic! That's stupid! And you can't know you won't like a story before you read it, which is why I read every single cuckold story and call the author a faggot and tell him to kill himself!!!!!"

When Stangstar releases a story:

"What!? Why do people who don't like these stories even read them? You know what you're getting, so it's your own fault for reading it! Go kill yourself faggot for daring to have an opinion on a story you shouldn't even have read!!"

Didn't read the story or rate it. Didn't need to read it to know it was going to be 13 pages of the main character being a saint, a woman being too stupid to have functioned in her life up until that point and serving as a proxy for the author's first wife who dumped him and how it was all her own fault and she probably regrets it so much because her life is ruined without a middle aged engineer with a mustang fetish, really obvious insecurities about his cock and his super vanilla and judgmental attitudes on sex, and an obvious desire to fuck his daughter around.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
a faggot story

for faggots.

the purple dodge challenger is very fitting.

1 star

NeuroBillNeuroBillabout 9 years ago
So Good!

This story as as good as any from StarStang06's 'ouvre'. It would actually make a good 'Lifetime' movie and with some tweaking, maybe a real movie. Other great authors at this site may be more philosophical in contemplating male-female relations but for a great narrative story, SS is tops.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
live long and prosper indead

Very good story as always

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

....but am finding that all your stories just merge into one big blur lately. Man loves wife, wife screws him, he gets bent out of shape, some perfect women rehabilitates him, ex wife does some stupid thing to win him back while continuing to screw around, doesn't work, happy ending. Throw in a mustang, blend then serve. Meh.

Pappy7Pappy7about 9 years ago
I am suprised that people complain

about the repetitive plots by this author. From the way most of their comments are written I would think that they would find comfort and solace in the familiarity. I mean, they obviously know it's going to be that way, yet they squeal like a pig in a gate after every story. I guess since they can't correct his grammar or his spelling, they have to get on something. It's really hard to sit in a basement day after day eating nothing but hot pockets and drinking the cocoa that your Mom brings down and then "kicking ass" in the comments section on literotica. It's a hard life.

I like this writer's style very much, I even like Mustangs although I feel cramped in the cockpit, but that's just me and no I don't weigh 500 pounds, just like a bit more openness. The only thing that I don't like is the authors tendency to have the women in his stories slap their men for any and all offences. If that is what you live with Stang, I am sorry for you. To me hitting someone that you know won't hit you back, while smart, does show a deep level of disrespect for that person. But other than that, it's your world, inhabit it like you want and I will enjoy what I can and ignore what I can't. Thanks for sharing!

elHosedelHosedabout 9 years ago
A Fun Tale...

...of extremes in character flaws.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Live long and prosper

May the force be with you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
It must take a really special talent ...

... to get so many errors in one story, and find 17 people so ignorant that they 'favorite' it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
same old.....

same old tired bullshit just warmed over a bit. And the use of old stars names or famous names is old and completely ruins everything. Then again the plot and characters pretty much had already ruined it. Use to look forward to your stories, now they're just pathetic......

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 9 years ago
Great Story

Mustang man was at the top of his game when he wrote this story. Well done...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Pappy7 Wrote:

" It's really hard to sit in a basement day after day eating nothing but hot pockets and drinking the cocoa that your Mom brings down and then "kicking ass" in the comments section on literotica. " Well, damn it all to hell, someone has to do it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Enjoyed it mostly

You are a very good writer and for the most part I enjoy your stories. The part I don't like and think it destroys an otherwise good story, is how you make out the first wife to be so stupid. Everyone is capable of doing stupid things every now and then and the first part of the story with her being angry and scared is plausible but her screwing the preacher is just too stupid for someone as bright as she is to have done. You lost me with that.

All the best going forward.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

One of your very best !. I've been catching up on your stories over the last few months. I thought you'd stopped but I'm really glad you haven't. Please, please, please keep writing. Your story lines are so much better than mine.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
really starting to get formulamatic

Over-the-hill wife cheats with idiot and has terrible sex, husband finds out, wife turns into a psycho, husband remarries some babe. Pretty much the summary of every one of your stories

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

nice read ---live long and prosper ss06

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Once again...

You're just having us on...right?

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilabout 9 years ago
I keep hoping

People ask why we bother complaining about SS06 telling the same story over and over and why we bother reading them if we know everything ahead of time.

For me it is hope. I keep hoping to see another O.I.N.D GILF. And there was another like it recently, I just don't remember the name. Both managed to break the mold that SS06 seems so comfortable with.

In fact, through the first half of this one, I was hoping to see the first tale of reconciliation from his pen. The elements were there that I thought it might work. She was literally being tortured by his work. She loved him too much to ask him to stop. She made some very stupid choices to drive away the pain. I really hoped that she would get the chance to talk to him and at least clear the air. He should at least get the chance to see the pain he caused her without knowing so he could be more careful in the future with others.

But he was just too manly to talk to her. And then we got the standard, " I really am too dumb to breath" wife appearing as she almost always does in these and everything fell apart.

And that ignored the technical issues. Beyond the absurd re entry and iPhone things, what judge wouldn't order councilling if she admitted to the adultery in court and explained her suffering? It may have gotten nowhere, but it would have gotten her message to him. And once he heard that, would he really deny her a chance to get closure at least?

SS06 is a fine writer but sometimes he is not very creative. This was one of those.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
One itty bitty mistake

But you are one of my favorite writers so it is overlooked.

You can't be married and attend or be in a service academy. It said they got married after their junior year in college.


shadowjack17shadowjack17about 9 years ago
To the "formulaic" comment from (wait for it...) ANONYMOUS!!!

Duh? Work with me here. Formulaic, perhaps. (Personally, I disagree with that comment, but...) ALWAYS with some odd plot twist that centers on some REALLY OBSCURE song, yes. A disturbing fixation on Mustang automobiles, obviously. Soooo why is SS06 popular and you, Mister/Miss/Ms/who cares not? Because he's got something you don't. Just like John Wayne played the very same role over and over and over (when you get bored watch all of his movies and then tell me I am mistaken--by the way, I have; also have a degree in history and another one in sociology, so good luck arguing the point).

Here's the MAGIC SECRET to why SS06 is successful with his stories:

Because we like it.

Ah. Not complex enough for you? How about this: It's escapist fiction that we identify with on a primal emotional and group consciousness level, that supports our innate beliefs that right is right and wrong will be punished, and coupled with a seriously maladjusted legal system that punishes men 85% of the time regardless of the circumstances...

and your eyes are glazing over. blower thingy GOOD!!! Make-um car go FAST!!! Football. Women BAD.

Working yet?

Look, foolish "Anonymous" commentators: If you don't like the stories don't read them. If you think you can do better, go for it. If you can't...shut up and let the real people who really identify themselves have a good time escaping into fiction for a while.

Jest sayin'.


And yes, I WILL give my actual address to "anonymous" if you wish to discuss this further. Just be careful of that for which you wish, nicht wahr?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Hey shadowjack

I would think that someone who boasts about having two degrees in higher education would be open minded enough to allow other commenters their right to comment on a story the way they see fit.Pretty closed minded dont you think college boy.Guess what?I have an engineering degree and think this story was great.I love SS stories even if they are a bit repetitive at least they are well written with a hint of fun to them.I also think if people don't like it then let them rant and move on.Its not like this isn't a free porn website it it? Oops it is.Way to go SS go read.One of your best!

yowietooyowietooabout 9 years ago
Re story

Well done another great story. I wait with anticipation for your stories. This one works extremely well. Keep up the good work.

cap5356cap5356about 9 years ago
great story again

loved this story how it twisted and turned through all of the emotions of life. keep writing

gara5289gara5289about 9 years ago

Liked the story but my only complaint is the POV scenes of Elizabeth later in the story. You'd give us glimpses after they broke up to remind us of her but in comparison to the first 4ish pages of the story it was very bare bones. She went from what would have been a fully developed character to almost a caricature of a person. I felt like you cherry picked scenes for her and, to me, that took away from the story. She appears to go from a woman who made a dumb ass mistake and took her anger and frustration about her husband in the absolute worst way to an absolute moron. Regardless of tunnel vision, she seems to get stupider as the story goes on and that's not how i thought she was portrayed in the beginning.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 9 years ago
Where does the Stangster get these things?

This one is hilarious - could have been posted in humor. What a wild ride. Stang monster, pay no heed to your detractors. Your stories are great, including this one! I envy your creative ability.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
very well written as always

and seeing how i have never contributed to this site i hate to criticise but it just seems like if you read one stangstar story youve read them all. They all follow the same plot of husband finding out wife cheated, wife acts like she has no brain, hubby meets and falls in love with sexy younger girl with big boobs and a fat ass.... Still a better read than the wimpy cuck stories on here though, thanks for the addition!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I see interstellar fever in this one. Not that I'm complaining. Could you write interstellar continuation for your fans?

TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistabout 9 years ago

You know how Star Trek took risks? How it stood wildly out from other 60's television by doing something novel and profound? How, as crazy as it seems now, compared to its peers it was remarkably intelligent and dramatic?

Remember how it created characters that were memorable for how unique they were in their time (and in some cases, across time), and how it could take a submarine-like battle in space and make the most interesting part the developing mindsets of the people on board?

I wonder what it would be like if you reached for those stars, Stang.

Many_MemoriesMany_Memoriesabout 9 years ago
You asked SS06....

FAN -effin- TASTIC, as usual!! You stated that you didn't know B.. about space, but - I think you did DAMN good on it! Only thing I noticed was a minor OOPS. A person attending any of the service academies cannot be married. The weddings occur after graduation. To get married is a cause for removal from the adacemy.

jacsrjacsrabout 9 years ago

Just loved the whole story, definitely one of your best stories even with the added comical side, just could not stop reading it, waiting for what was next.

This story ranks right up with Billy Jean another favorite of mine.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
couldn't get thru it

Sorry but as a BTB it was way too long and didn't have the proper build up for the theatrical exploits you put us thru in the first 10 pages.

Maybe if I have a month, I'll try to read how Beth ended up in the end, but so far Jack isn't the main character (based on the first half). The build-up of Cargill was something that dropped off the face of the story. He seemed to be written as having this big part but again the people on the ISS and the Senator got relegated to the dung heap only to get pulled out to solve the inherently poor structure of the story.

Sorry, but not one of your "better" ones.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
As a Courtesy...3

The second I read your comment on Obama - I stopped reading...Sorry!

Fan of yours = YES, Obama - No Thanks!

Still, I'm looking forward to your next submission and, as always...Thanks!

kdcee79kdcee79about 9 years ago
Totally great

Most enjoyable read on this site I've had in the last 2 years. LLAP Spock. 5 huge * * * * *

TizWinTizWinabout 9 years ago
Another good one!

Always enjoy your stories, but since you never deviate your format I am starting to skip read them. If you just once changed things up, your readers would be rewarded by not knowing the outcome of every submission. We all appreciate your efforts and your talent, tanks for your efforts!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
The was a Big Mac for sure. Loved by many, but in essence, mostly crap.

Should have been in the Humor section. Not a bad plot, but the caricatures, play on words, whiskey names, contrived antics of unbelievably stupid characters, and meandering rabbit trails regarding subjects irrelevant to the story, just made the whole tale tedious and ridiculous. If the first wife was as stupid as you portrayed her, then Jack got what he married, and deserved. Bet when Cassie tells him she's not happy, he'll listen a lot more and better than he did to Elizabeth. Yeah, Beth should have divorced him before seeking comfort from strange cocks. But her fears and stresses are common among the spouses of emergency and service people. And you kind of belittled that stress. Glad you had such fun lampooning the fear stricken women who spend their marriages wondering if their husbands will come home today, or die. This story does no credit to your real talents.

pumpop201pumpop201about 9 years ago

Thanks for another great story. It was worth the wait.

RedPillRedPillabout 9 years ago
Perhaps it's not a surprise that SS06 needs Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, or Johnny Walker ...

to make a story. But all three?

Seriously, fairly entertaining in the usual SS06 formula, as some have noted. It would have been more interesting if Beth had been not so stupid. But maybe that would make it less satisfying to see her miserable and humiliated at the end. But if reconciliation was not to be, perhaps she could have been less a caricature, more able to learn and put together a life, even if it didn't include Jack any longer.

Started off strong, but kind of coasted in with the predictable formula.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Nicely done...

and I appreciated the Leonard Nimoy notation as well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
As a Dr,

I have concerns for the mental state of anyone who could dream something like this up. 1

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I think this is your worst story ever!

cpetecpeteabout 9 years ago
Another winner

A nice mix in this tale of action , adventure, betrayal, redemption, romance even some sex.

Whats not to like?

Thanks for posting another fine story

Rhsc1Rhsc1about 9 years ago

Winner. I always look forward to your stories. They are very entertaining. As usual, a 5 and that's because the system does't allow higher.

h4751h4751about 9 years ago
As good as ever

I love the character naming, and really appreciate the ode to Spock, Star Trek, Elton John, and NASA. LLAP

KAIJFKAIJFabout 9 years ago

The story was very entertaining and quick moving. I'll be using LLAP for a long time.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
sorry but nothing new

Sorry to say that there is very little point in reading your tales.

They all follow exactly the same course without fail.

Try writing a different beginning middle and end, as all your stories have identical ones.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
not to nit pick but...

how can a space capsule be airtight if its not water tight?- i tried to read it all but i just couldn't finish it- i usually like your stories but not this one

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 9 years ago

Stangster managed to channel 'Petticoat Junction' into this opus! Can't figure out Adala, yet ... don't believe it is Arthur,.. (a Fox contributor.)

Good enough for me ... yeah - Stang admitted to not having researched (or consulted) on space activities ... and, yes, he was right about being wrong. That should count for something!


Jack99Jack99about 9 years ago

@ anonymous - Easy. Airtight is pressure pushing from the inside out to vacuum. Watertight is pressure pushing in from outside. It's very different structurally. That's why jets aren't submarines.

Richie4110Richie4110about 9 years ago
One of your best

I don't care about any of the technical mistakes about space exploration or farming that may have occurred in the story. The drama and the hero path made it one of the best ever on Litero. Thanks for this magnificent effort to entertain.

jimkg1jimkg1about 9 years ago
Excellent story

Ignore the comments about your stories all being the same. I find about 90 % of your stories entertaining and hope that you continue writing for the enjoyment of all of your fans. Thanks for the great stories.

bobajotbobajotabout 9 years ago
@Anonymous re Sorry

I'll give you a clue this is the loving wives section. Admitted LW has too many wimpy cuck stories but their appeal is reflected in the score they get.

This author writes stuff about betrayal, spins a good yarn and has a fetish for Mustangs. His stories are popular and I like them - 5 it is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great stuff

I have a Porsche affinity, but clearly understand your Mustang thing. I thoroughly enjoyed the story as I have all your other other stories. I loved the character build as well as the the entire story line. Please continue to write. Your stories are very enjoyable. Thank you.

zed0zed0about 9 years ago
A little long.

But who's in a hurry? Another great StangStar Story!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 9 years ago

Excellent tale. A long read but well worth the time. Seemed to be a classic good versus evil take with good winning out. It's just the evil probably were good once upon a time. Nice reliving the hillbilly characters of the 60's.

Five Stars

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 9 years ago

I'm a Pontiac man myself.

RePhilRePhilabout 9 years ago
Absolutely perfectly balanced story!

Never a dull sentence and perfectly paced. It's amzing how you guys can just lay down stories like this. It has to be a talent and not a learned skill. Thanks for sharing with us Appreciative readers

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Good story but as much as I lothed cheaters I think she should of had a chance to tell her side of the story because she was built up with things that lead her to a night of getting drunk before she slept with that slime ball. It's no excuse and I don't think they should've got back together but if hubby heard what she had to say about how it all lead up to that one night how she felt maybe they both could've moved on quicker as friends. After all they were together their whole lives. I get the hurt he had he lost his wife and his best friend all in one shot. I'm 99% about revenge but in this case a peaceful divorce would have been nice

leviayersleviayersabout 9 years ago

damn you're good 5 thanks for the story


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Flawed hero

What sort of hero doesn't even have the balls to confront his wife over her behaviour? Your writing skills are great, but the coward hero who wins everything and the whore-wife who must be damned to hell is far too black-and-white for me. And asshole or not, Jethro was right: forgiveness is everything. A hero would forgive, not accept or condone, but he would forgive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I quit

I got as far as her talking with the preacher about hooking up with him, and decided her being that stupid stretched me farther than I was willing to believe. Write about flawed people with brain power for a change.

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyabout 9 years ago
Thin Thin Story Line

She had one drunken mistake. He immediately initiated a nuclear response. And the rest of the story is built on this little pile of sand. He is supposed to be a bigger than life hero, but you portray him as a selfish little man with no hint of wisdom. Meantime, she evolves quickly from a sophisticated and intelligent lawyer into a one-dimensional bimbo. Sometime I'd like you to write about a real woman.

maddictmaddictabout 9 years ago
Looking forward. .....

The past is the past. This one is past. Elizabeth should of hung on half as hard as she did while she was married.

Star Trek what a show I like the fixed up effects. Did you mention" Johnny Walker, his brothers Blacky and Red". GeorgeThorowgood. I do like your use of names brings in familiarity.

MaximguyMaximguyabout 9 years ago
Gotta agree with sparkswillfly...

The way you wrote this, Jack has a huge part to play in the dissolving of his marriage. Beth continually wanted him around and told him so, but his job was more important. She fucks up, yes. But his response was rather ridiculous too. And on top of that, this smart successful woman falls for a preachers line of crap. I'm all for burn the bitch stories, but I found Beth more tragic and flawed than a bitch. The husband ignored her; she stepped out. For the way this was going, I'd rather see them at least both recognize their flaws and she end up at least at peace.

I still gave it a high rating, just because it was well written and entertaining as always. I just felt you stuck to your formula a little too much. It turned a story which was shaping up to be amazing into just another tale.

artykay63artykay63about 9 years ago
stars shine brightly

So much better thanyourrecent stuff,much more like your earlier ones. sure its the same plot but nicely detailed create a different feel

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketabout 9 years ago
Ran out of rocket propellant

About two thirds of the way through it this story really began to drag and become boring.

vazkor13vazkor13about 9 years ago
a bit disapointed

I'am among your biggest fan, and I love most of your stories,as they are usually balanced, no wimpy ass cuckold, no rabbit BTB female hater.

That one did not delivere, as the so-called hero, after more than 40 years of love could not forget and even talk with the women he is supposed to love.

It was just a stupid mistake, the sort who would never happen again.

Well, anyway, it's still a 3 star.

DepopuloDepopuloabout 9 years ago

Well even with your self cuck stuff, when you put something out i still give it atleast a quick once over to see if its worth reading or just more 1 star useless pansy self cuck dribbel.

This one was decent though your hero was one of your more wuss variety for all the more his career would wash a man like that to the side let alone have him rise to be what you made him out to be.

That said i'd give it a 3.5 but i'll round this one to 4.

As for the *he abandoned her* and *40 years blah blah blah throw her away* comments I just saw in the most recent comments..... so she spent 40 years knowing he wanted to go into space and you wish to prout that crap.... hmm... Lets remember marriage is a human construct and a contract... what both sides bring to that contract is expected to be upheld. If you see things like this in the its ok to fuck others... more power to ya. Though that kind of stuff is self cuck and an automatic 1 star from me because if your going to agree to the contract even though it goes against our very nature.... then you better damn well be willing to uphold your end of the contract or be willing to terminate it. Violation of said contract is reason for termination.... hes not throwing away 40 years.... hes terminating a violated contract. If marriage was handled as a legal contract in truth, not just when it serves some purposes.... things would be alot less messier. Though people like you wouldnt get their jollies out of a woman cheating over and over, the guy getting fed up, throwing her out, and her getting to then buttfuck him with the courts. Violation of said agreement should see the contract voided with large penalties to the guilty party... thats the way divorce law should work :)

Anyway had to rant a little, alright story, hero still a bit of a pansy, but well written and no self cuck... 3.5/5 rounded to 4 (just for summary)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
5***** from me

@frontlinecaster You injure Stangstar06 from story to other story, because you are enviouse that he found a better second wife and you eat stranger men's creampies from your only one wife's pussy!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
1 star

that is it

MorganDeWolfeMorganDeWolfeabout 9 years ago
There are writers and then there are authors.

There are many writers on Literotica, some poor, some good, some great. Then there are just a few real authors here. StangStar06 is my favorite author. Yep, he has his haters and his fan boys, I'm neither. I enjoy his stories, the quirky humor, the inclusion of his personal obsessions ( Mustangs anyone?) and the hilarious mixture of famous/obscure names in the stories. I'ma definite BTB kind of guy but the stories are his and he is the author so I'll live with the reconciliation ones. Not all of his stories are agreeable to me but every one has entertained me. I truly hated Who Knew! I've come to expect a happy ending for the protagonist and there wasn't one! Didn't stop me from reading the next story though.

Anyway, I'm loving Rocket Man and 5* because I can't find the 10* button!

auhunter04auhunter04about 9 years ago
Well well well

I say this is a cut above your usual offerings

You led us down a twisty trail, plenty of sights to see


retmstrretmstrabout 9 years ago

Good story, SS6. Enjoyed it. You think Opra was dumb enough to help Obama get elected. What's the Country coming to? Cheers!

oldwayneoldwayneabout 9 years ago
Live Long And Prosper indeed!

Outstanding story Mustang Man...Five Stars!

aptonthe503aptonthe503about 9 years ago
Very Nice Tribute

To our men and women who set out to expand our universe!

And to Leonard Nimoy:

A life is like a garden," he wrote. "Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory."

laguna783laguna783about 9 years ago
Great Story As Usual

Another great but different story from you, but as you are StangStar06 you can get away with anything you write, you always seem to give us your best and as always we will be all waiting to see what comes next, all I can say is hurry up with the next one as we are waiting. Another Great 5 Star

jackh1962jackh1962about 9 years ago
Did everyone read the same story?

It seems that we are reading two different stories here from some of the comments below.This was not a one off,one time thing with the wife.She admits that she had been cheating for years,it was just the first time she got caught at it.Bret was just one of a string of times where she cheated and while it was the the first time Jack knew anything about them that dose not obligate him to tolerate,condone or forgive her for it.He realized on that last trip his mistakes in their marriage and had already decided to retire after that last mission before it all hit the fan,so don't lay it on him for reacting the way that he did. He did what he felt was the best thing for him to do so as to recover from it all.If that means walking away without talking to her then so be it.As for marriage being a contract,it's just not that simple.There are,or should be real human emotions involved than just an agreement and a piece of paper to make a marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Who stalkers SS06

According to frontlinecaster who does not like to eat creampie from stranger men in his wife's pussy that man is mysgynist rape supporter pedophil homphobe.

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsabout 9 years ago
gave it a 5

Great story

rcrmonte3rcrmonte3about 9 years ago
I Gave The Story 5 * but...

As good as the story is, I really feel like I have read it before. Hubby & wifey are happy (supposedly). Wifey cheats. Hubby & wifey divorce. Wifey dedicates her life to "getting hubby back". Hubby finds another woman who makes him happy, has a kid with her, lives happily ever after, while ex-wifey lives terribly ever after. Kind of like doing the same thing over & over hoping the results change.

Pappy7Pappy7about 9 years ago
Another comment.

Live long and proper indeed. I watched the very first episode of Star Trek while in college and have really enjoyed it ever since. Took a while to warm to Shatner, but I did, but took to Nimoy from the start. I liked his talent and his sense of humor. Came through in ever single performance that he did. So, thanks for the tribute to Spock and crew and keep on keeping on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I liked it

This was a great story. Thank you for another great one to enjoy. U are one of my favorite writers on here. Keep up the good work.

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