All Comments on 'Seven Days Ch. 05'

by soular

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gemstone87gemstone87over 15 years ago
Can't Wait

... For the next chapter because this chapter was great and very emotional!

TangledinYouTangledinYouover 15 years ago
I love/hate you!!

Only you could have been balling like a little girl! lol. This chapter was phenomenal. So emotional, sexy, and well written. You're a fearless writer. Thank you, sweetie, for sharing your talent with us!!!

Bookend #1 :)

SecretFantasy69SecretFantasy69over 15 years ago
SOo good!

Poor Antonio. Plz dont let Nick kill him. That would be sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

phew!!! that was one awesoooommmmme chapter, and so heartbreaking. Keep up the fantastic work, you're a fantastic writer.

ghscrubbiesghscrubbiesover 15 years ago
So Saddddd

This chapter made me cry. I feel for Victoria. She loves Nic, thought they had a changing point in their relationship, she nows feels sexually safe with him and kaboom it's over. Her parents no redeeming qualities in either. Nic needs to man up and tell her how he feels. Update soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Oh hell no!!!!!!

I know that you did not just leave us with this fabulous chapter only to torture us and make us wait for what will happen next. Please tell me chapter 6 is going to be out later today...or tomorrow...or wednesday...or sometime this week? Why do you keep doing this to us soular?!! WHY?!! WHY?!! WHY?!! You and Tangled just loving torturing us, don't you? Anyways, keep up the excellent supercaliextrafabulocious (that's the only way I can think of describing your work) work. And stop torturing us like this!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Great writing, excellent ramping up of the conflict, great plot points. If this has 8, there's gotta be a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Another excellent chapter

You continue to write at an amazing level.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Never Stop.

You are such a good writer, this chapter truly came alive for me. I have been on this site for three years, and this is the first time I have ever felt compelled to comment. As I was reading the chapter, I realized I was crying and had to check myself before I went into full sobs. I love complex characters they tell the most powerful stories, and you aren't afraid to go there. Never stop taking chances in your writing, it works for you.

jennaheartjennaheartover 15 years ago

Lord, I dont think I can wait another week to know what Nic is gonna do!

He was so mean to her, but at the same time I feel bad for him because he is struggling with himself and his feelings. In the real world I dont know if their relationship could work, but I cant wait to see how youĀ“re gonna fix this.

And damn! why do her parents have to be so mean? dont they know their daughter? that she wouldnt have done that unless she didnt have a choice? that she did it for them? I wish they were real so I could knock some sense into them! lol

You are such a good writer :), youĀ“ve made me like things that I wouldnt have even taken a second glance at.

Keep up the great work! And try to have the next chapter out sooner! please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Terrific story! Very emotional. You really make us feel what the characters are feeling. Please hurry with the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great Update

Ok What did she expect she made the agreement to pay off her fathers debt buy being his sex partner.

Her father and mother need to be shot though with their self righteous bullshit. They were so wrong...their daughter sacrificed her selfesteem because she loves them and they turn their back on her like that oh hell they realize that if it wasnt for her that they would be on the same streets that they kicked her too..oh hell no Nic needs to put his foot up her fathers ass and slap the shit out of the mother that allows a fool to run their house hold.

As for Antonio. he is a dead man walking...but hopefully, onece he explains to Nic why he let her stay at his home he will forgive him and allevate him in his organization.

Thanks for a great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Poor Vic! I'm bloody cryin' for her. I better have a suicide if i have ungrateful dad like hers. ;)

Oh...i'm so emotional over this, maybe because i got kicked outta ma house before few times, n know exactly how it feels, feelin' alone with no place to go. ;)

U brought tears to me, gal! For those painful years. But that's ok. That's how life goes. =)

Thanks for this wonderful story. Keep it up!


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
this just proves most men are dogs!!!!

i mean for starters nik who does he think he is hsame on him that hes lost her but probably knowing its going to be a romantic story their going to end up together arghhh ( i wouldnt have it any other way but gosh hes annoyed me so bad) i had tears for the poor girl plus her dad is a total bastard gosh she did that for him so he wouldnt be injuired and a mother is just a mousewife for-godness sake. only antio's gelping her out. i wish things turn out better for her in the next chapter. wouldnt it be awful for her to find out shes pregnant know after all this well thats just suggestion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Can't Wait

This chapter was great. I can't wait to see what happens next to Nic and Victoria. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
well, damn!

Just when it looks as if Nic is finally going to get his 'stuff' together.......Not so much. Antonio is coming across as a better person than I recall from his earlier appearance, less of an opportunist. Definitely, I'm looking forward to Ch.06; try to make that a short week in development, please.

-- KK in Texas

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

she finally grew a damn back bone! praise the lord. great installment dear

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

My emotions was off the chain when I read this chapter. I can't believe what Nick could he. I know he wants to man up but damn. But damn did you have to hurt the woman you love. Victoria girl I feel for you but stay strong. Don't let this get you down. Victoria's parent are weak mind fools. That is your baby and you kick her out. Nick go get your woman and do right by her. Antonio is good guy. I hope he does not get hurt. Stay strong Victoria stay strong and Nick man up be the alpha you are......

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

What a pendulum swing of emotions packed into this chapter. I could not help but cry over Victoria's dilemna. To realize your love for someone who then treats you like hell,damn, I so wanted to smack 'ole Nic myself. Nic needs to find away to get his woman back, but I can see a very hard road ahead. I hope that Victoria didn't jump from the frying pan into the fire by asking Mr Marcone for the money. By being Sonny's father, I hope that Vic did not put herself into a precarious situation. Soular, thanks for another well written, thought-out chapter. I'm going to go through withdrawls waiting for each chapter. I'm sooooo addicted to your stories. YOU GO GIRL

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I'm seriously hating on her so called parents. I'd go take the money back and let them be on their own.

MilkChocolateAmazonMilkChocolateAmazonover 15 years ago

Made me angry and tearful at the same time. Ive read the others but was being lazy so didnt comment. Shame on me! sorry lol This story is so amazing both in terms of being well written and keeping ur reader drawn in. Absolutely love it. I soooo wanted to slap her dad! Talk about ungrateful!!! And as for Nic... well. what a dick lol. Hope he gets his shit together soon! Ive just realised I now have to wait for the next chapter grrr!! lol. Cant wait for the next one, I'm sooooo excited!!! Thank you loads for sharing ur talents!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Wow! Such an emotionally packed chapter. Nick treating Victoria the way he did, especially considering how he feels about her...angered me. I was pleasantly surprised she turned to Paul Marcone for help, and more so that he obliged...but then, he seems nothing like his son. Her father and mother, well, they don't deserve her as a daughter, after what she did for them, because of his debt. God bless Antonio for being a friend. I can't wait until the next chapter is out. Excellent!! SZ

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
so full of heartache

Wonderful! Wonderful! I love this story. Where is the love for Vicky. I know it is coming but she has had too many heartaches. Jimmy and Raymond need to rough Nic up a bit since they seem to have a soft spot in their hearts for Vicky. Even if he can't be with her because of his business dealings why can't he admit he loves her.


chocolatepink2010chocolatepink2010over 15 years ago
It gets better and better

My god this was gut wrenching, i have been waiting for this chapter since i read the partial at sweetest taboo, I have to say you have the makings of a great writer, not just interracial but since thats my favorite keep doing what you do, I feel for Nick and I feel for Victoria, he was so cold but he has a lot of walls because of the business he is, and there are moments when you know that you hurt someone so deeply but you can't open your mouth and say I am sorry but I also think that Victoria knows that this is a man who is influenced by the kind of business he runs, and she is a fantastic distraction but a wonderful loving one at that, and his heart craves it but it logical mind denies what his heart knows its real, and you captured that effortlessly, i am really in love with the story, I think you should try and publish some of your work...Thank you so much for sharing your imagination with me, us, it really does provide escape,and enjoyment and thats a wonderful thing to do if you can write as creative as you do




savannuhsavannuhover 15 years ago

Damn... this is a good story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I can breathe

Thank you for pumping this next chapter out...I've been checking here almost everyday hoping to see it!! And it did not disappoint, but now I am on the edge of my seat (aka computer chair) again until the next chapter posts! Thank you for all of the effort and care you put into your writing - it isn't just about the sex scenes because everything else around them makes the "dirty bits" all the more exciting. : )

VampiresLotusVampiresLotusover 15 years ago
I cant even type!

This story is tooooo much! The whole time Im reading this my heart is beating in my chest and i can hear it in my ears! You are going to be the death of me lol This story can go in soooo many directions! Sonny could find out what happened with his fater and kidnap victoria and ransom her ass back!(drama) Nick could find out where she is and go after antionio (drama) or victoria could offer her life to nick antionio's (more drama) OR.... all this COULD happen in the next chapter!!! (yay) Idk if you dream this story or if you hear it in ya head or whatever, but you paint such a clear picture that everyone feels like they are standing in the room with the people in the story! You are just beyond talented!!! :)

hotcocoa6904hotcocoa6904over 15 years ago

This was sooo fucking intense!! Damn you are talented...sorry for the language but this chapter just deserves some harsh language. Nic is crazy...but at the same time he has redeeming qualities. I don't know what to think...I can't wait for the next chapter.

rockshorty30rockshorty30over 15 years ago
Way to go

Well im telling you now i am crying it was so strong and scary at the same time, everything that happens from here out should hopefully be alot more fun! heehee

I hope no gets hurt in the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
holy hell

that is one excellent story. I love the intensity of the whole situation. But i must add that Victoria's dad is one ungrateful prick. I wanted to run him over myself. Cant wait for the next chapter, completely bloody brilliant. Surina.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Victoria Made Me Wanna Punch Her When She Was Acting Like She Was, But She Noticed It And That Made Me Love Her Again. Her Dad Is An Asshole, I Wish Victoria Would've Punched Him In The Face. But I Really Like Where Its Going.


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

This story has me sitting on the edge of my seat at every twist and turn. The way you've woven the characters into each other. I just love it. Can't wait until the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Absalutely amazing

This story just gets deeper and more complex. You are a very talented writer. I can't wait to read your published novels. You've really created angsted ridden situations and emotional mazes for both Nic and Victoria. Inside I simultaneously cried and applauded Victoria as she dealt with her pain and tried to return home. The father's character very much showed a slimier side to what you'd already alluded to. The mother I was disappointed with -I'm walking out the door with my daughter or chucking the spineless shit out! Antonio's such a star the kinda friend you want in your corner when the chips are down and crumpled. Cant' wait for the next chapter.

michchick98michchick98over 15 years ago

Her father is such an ass. Her mother needs to grow a backbone and stand up to her husband. Idiots. Anyway, I know Nic ain't gonna let her go, just can't wait to see what happens next. Another great chapter, Soular.

pixie1775pixie1775over 15 years ago

Absolutely amazing writing. I was so caught up in the story I forget everything I had to do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
i almost cried!

it just keeps getting more gripping. my heart wrenched for Victoria through this hard chapter... i can't wait to see what Nic's next move is...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I have got to say that this is probably the only story I have kept up with. I never even rate stories but I feel this story really deserves a rating. Please keep coming up with the chapters. I usually am not a fan of romance and all that but this is a really great story and I can't wait to see what happens. You are very talented and hopefully your next story will be coming out sometime this week or sooner! I'll keep checking everyday cause I really think you wrote an awesome story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
How Sad

I completely bawled my eyes out when Victoria went to visit Paul. She was just so sad, it made me sad. Paul is a decent guy to go out of for her this way, hopefully it's all on the up and up. I have no words for Victoria's father but he's only a sperm donor not a father. Victoria deserves so much better than him for a dad and the mom is not much better. Soular, you did a fantastic job with this chapter and I just wonder what's going to be Nic's reaction when he learns where Victoria is living. This definitely needs to get published. Great, great story, I cannot sing your praises enough.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

GIRL!!! You got me crying and yelling at my damn computer! You put yo foot off into this one!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I really enjoy your work. I agree with everyone else that you need to get published. Girl Victoria reminds me of the Alicia Keys song Superwoman....She definitely has an S on her chest to put up with her parents and Nic's bull....I know good things are coming.

KatLadyKatLadyover 15 years ago
I wouldn't have went to look for his triflin' ass

I would've waited for him to come to me or until my time ran out. I was so mad at Victoria for breaking down at his house but then I had to think--this is just her second relationship and she's been kinda of a shut-in as far as relationships and friends go so naturally she wouldn't know how to "play the game." I was so proud of her when she left his ass but I worry about where she got the money--not Paul but Sonny. As for Nic? He thinks his mind was messed up before . . .wait until he can't find her and starts thinking about what she's doing and WHO she may be doing it with. Asshole. I think she should go back to school and her and Antonio should become roomies--platonic of course. I do think Antonio should cover his ass by telling someone--maybe Jimmy, that Victoria is with him so the crap won't hit the fan when Nic finds out.

Great chapter. Can't wait for the next.

eroticanewbieeroticanewbieover 15 years ago

This was an amazing chapter Soular. I'm not a big crier but I certainly broke out the tissue boxes on this one. I agree with everyone here - Victoria is a superwoman, I'm just hoping Nic really is her superman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Talk about an emotional chapter!

I'm speechless, In a good way of course. All Hail SOULAR!


grunabonagrunabonaover 15 years ago
Thanks, soular

I appreciate your generosity in acknowledging my help, but I want everyone to know that this story, just like Damn Dress, is yours, beginning to end. I am proud of any small contributions I may have made along the way, but bow to you as the creative genius whose talent shines in every page.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Ok girl, You got me crying over here.

You are truly a talented and gifted writer. I didn't see that coming in this chapter. This was a turn I wasn't expecting. Please, Please, Please can we have the next chapter sooner. I can't wait a whole week before finding out what will happened with Nic and Victoria. I love your style of writing, the way you describe your characters, and how they all seem to blend together. I have to agree with the other posters, I do see Victoria as a Superwoman like the Alicia Keys song. Just keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Bawled my eyes out

I totally just started bawling like a baby, how one person can go through so much and still come out of it at the end sane is amazing. I totally agree with another commenter that Antonio totally needs to cover his ass on this one. Cause regardless of the fact that it's completely Nic's fault there is no telling what a man like him would do. I probably speak for more than myself on this one but Nic totally needs to beg and grovel, the man was just downright cruel.

ebonygriotebonygriotover 15 years ago

I am amazed that you keep coming up with morelayers and twists to each scene. Even your secondary characters continue to show depth and detail. Girl you must have found the Elixir for talented writers!

I can't wait to see where Victoria's book of poetry turns up. Nic's going to have to face himself soon.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 15 years ago
Wow. That was intense.

Nic is being such an ass but you can understand his point of view. He wasn't exactly raised to be open with his emotions or to develop meaningful relationships. He doesn't know what he's feeling or what to do. But he was just cruel to Victoria. She'd better make him crawl and beg and grovel before taking him back. I also hope that Jimmy and Raymond give Nic a talking to and that he doesn't kill poor Antonio. Wouldn't mind if he smacked some sense into Vicky's parents, though!

Please update soon! I don't know if I'll survive a week without chapter 6!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

This is an amazing story. You're talented. I can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

This update was sooooooo Goooood. I cried almost throught the whole chapter! Please do let Antonio get hurt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

You had me in tears. It has to end happy... please hurry with the next part!

BigAz79BigAz79over 15 years ago
What amazing Chapter

Man, you are so talented. The emotions that this story brings out are amazing

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I love this story but I'm so pissed a Vic...

This was a great update can't wait for the next chapter. This was such an emotional ride. I came so close to crying but I was so pissed at how Vic completely fell apart I could not bring myself to crying. I am so disappointed in her. I love the characters but I wanted her to be strong and I felt a little let down when she laid it all out there for him to see. The minute she saw Kim, she should have walked away. Instead she made a fool of herself.

Nevertheless, you are most talented. I am anxiously (biting my nails hereā€¦) waiting for the next fabulous chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Keep up the great work!

Girl keep the text flowing! U r working this story!

Love it!

FionaVolpeFionaVolpeover 15 years ago
Words can not express...

well yeah they can but it looks like they've all been used already by your other adoring fans. Guess I'll have to make up my own one about your amazing stories. How 'bout stupendarificous? Scrumptentatious? You get the gist. Thanks for the entertainment!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
uhh.... I the only reader who has SERIOUS problems with the whole premise of nic & vic's relationship? Don't get me wrong, I'm actually enjoying this story and check for it often. However, I cannot suspend disbelief enough to understand how this seemingly intelligent young woman is "falling in love" with this criminal. And not just some neighborhood, petty criminal, but a full blown mob boss, murdering criminal.... who she's sleeping with in a somewhat forced/slave-ish arrangement to pay off a debt. In the small chance that there are a few women who could actually fall for this man, I wish you would have provided more insight for the rest of us into what it is about Nic (other than he took her to the movies one day and held her hand, and that she likes having sex with him) that has Vic falling in love with him. Unless it's plain lust from the sex, I'm just not seeing/believing the why and the how.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I'm not one to comment but... I couldn't help it... this has been by far the most intense and riveting chapter I have ever read on this site.The raw emotion expressed by Victoria when she went to Nic's house...indeed, love sometimes can be stronger than pride.When he came for her that night and uttered those vile words... her pain was so tangible. In the end when she decided to leave,for one so young and untrained in the ways of the world... she handled herself with such immense dignity.

Nic, you've lost a good one. Find a way to get her back and spend the rest of your life making up for your calloused ways.

Paul Marcone... Knight in shining armour.

Antonio...another good guy.

CaramelAppleBottomCaramelAppleBottomover 15 years ago
Whew...that was emotional to say the least ;)

Wow...if I could I would have rated this even higher :). Keep up the amazing storytelling.

And to Anon in US i'm not trying to pick on you b/c many other people say similar things on other stories as well but, is it so unimaginable to think that good girls like ourselves some bad guys ;). Nic is alluring, handsome, confident and leads a lavish lifestyle. He clearly has a hardened exterior from the life he's lived, but he showed Victoria his softer side. The relationship was solely physical at the start, but isn't that how many relationships starts? with some sort of superficial-physical attraction(her specific circumstance are extreme). Plus, if the author detailed every day that they were together everyone would be up in arms that the story was moving too slowly...just continue to enjoy the creative writing the author is providing...not everything must be 100% logical....because love sure isn't.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
You Continue to Amaze

Wow! Your writing is deep and soulful. Thankyou so much for taking the time to unlayer these characters for us in such a way that we feel as if they are people we know. Your writing style is off-the-chain! Please keep writing. Can't wait for the updates.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Oh my God

oh my god. i can't believe i actually cried. PLEASE update soon. Vic's father is just a sperm donor that brainless twig. I can't wait to read what nic does next.

elisaemejuluelisaemejuluover 15 years ago
great chapter

I felt so bad for victoria.great writting, intense..I love it more that you are going to have more than Chap 8

UCJUCJover 15 years ago

I agree with all the wonderful things said in the previous 61 posts! You are truly a gifted writer and I am so glad that I stumbled on to your stories. I won't even comment on where I think this story should go or what should happen next because this chapter proves that your talent is above and beyond anything that I can imagine. Please keep writing and I promise to keep reading ;op

me2gme2gover 15 years ago

I loved it, I hope nic dont kick Antonios ass, he kind of reminds me of an italian Ian from damn dress , but I heard this song by R.kelly calle I don't mean it and it reminded me of Nic so you should listen to it, but yea i can tell shit is finna go off, and since she left her journal who has it?, or did she leave it, I love Nic so much, I feel bad for Victoria though, he needs to tell her how he feels, please , oh god please do not let her end up pregnant like Sienna that would fuck everything up, .....damn please! ...I hope Nic comes to his senses and dosen't hurt Antonio ...but damn he is sexy when hes mad....Jimmy needs to talk to him or something...I love Nic so much...please let him come to his senses. ....great chapetr loved the drama, ...daddies a dick ...mothers a punk... Antonios sweet....paul was nice, to give her the money.....Antonio is a sweet heart(ian) ...and listen to I don't mean it r.kelly....Loved the chapetr...keep it coming

riverrockriverrockover 15 years ago

Thats all I have to day. Cant wiat for more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
To CaramelApple

I fully understand that the author can't detail everyday (and we wouldn't want to read that level of detail anyway). However, all I'm saying is that for Nic to be soooo extreme on the bad boy end... c'mon Caramel, you must admit he is beyond the typical rebel/bad boy deviant that some women are attracted to... and the mention of his lavish lifestyle doesn't play in this story since that is no something that Vic has been attracted to. All I'm saying is that given these extremes (extreme bad boy, vic returning diamonds and havin no ijterest, etc etc) it would be great if at least part of one chpt could be dedicated to the actual building of the relationship (and sorry, having nic ask if she likes italian food so he'll cook for her after a hot, steamy sex scene doesn't count). Clearly I'm different from the vast majority of the respondents, but still think a portion of a chpt could be dedicated to conversation, events, etc that focus on her seeing Nic as a great person, etc, that helps her justify looking past his criminal ways. and right now, I don't feel we have it (one line stating he held herhand, and another saying he'd cook her dinner don't cut it for me). But just my two cents in a wealth of loose change! Either way, quite entertaining read.

innocent_angelinnocent_angelover 15 years ago
Loving it.

Wow there are some serious debates going on in here. Like someone else who commented before me, I am not usually the comment type, but this time, I just couldn't resist. Though I agree a little with both sides of this debate, I'm going to have to lean more in the direction of Caramel Apple. I understand how some of you ladies (and guys if there are any, don't want to be sexist) have a problem with this Vic falling for Nic (ha ha, I rhymed) thing, but at the same time, I sorta agree with Caramel Apple and, reading this story, I totally find the love that they feel for each other but won't admit to, believable. I think the little things that Vic's seeing and experiencing with Nic, such as the hand holding, the promise of cooking dinner, kissing her on the mouth, taking her to that intimate party, and him doing all those other things that he wouldn't normally do, are definite catalysts for any girl to fall in love with him, hell I'm starting to fall in love with the dude my damn self. I just don't believe that love has to be all roses and chocolates, and discussing feelings and shit, talking is overrated and a lot of time, it doesn't happen for everyone that way and if this story were spun in that direction, I think that it would become generic. This story has more rollercoasters than Six Flags, and more drama than The Bad Girls Club, and to me that's one of the most appealing factors (though I am a little upset that you left us hanging like that soular). Sometimes looks, touches, gestures, seemingly infinitesimal actions are all you need to fall in love with someone. And another thing is, Vic hasn't actually been in contact with Nic's criminal side; oh she's felt that cold distant attitude he has, and she knows who he is and what he does, but she hasn't seen him kill anyone, shake anyone down, break some knee caps etc., so what she does know is that he can cook, he likes movies, he is good at scrabble, he likes kissing her, he likes to give her things, he has a slight sense of humor, he's good in bed, he can't resister her, and so on and on and on. IDK, that's just my opinion. I think you're doing a great job soular, keep it up and hurry up, I can't wait for whatever happens next.

raunchyrareraunchyrareover 15 years ago

I am just speechless girl!

I cannot get wait to read what comes next.This story is unbelievably GOOOOD!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
great stuff

perhaps you should create a website devoted to this story: maybe an online romance epic site that people can tune in to like a soap opera... I would be sure to check it out weekly or even daily.

you have great characters and a great sense of making it all believable- you know, JK Rowling had the same kind of appeal. If you're not making a living doing this already, I strongly suggest that you try. You already have a fan base in all of these posts.

Looking forward to the next chapter! Please hurry!!!

C_girl225C_girl225over 15 years ago
both stories

it took me anout 3 days to read all of both stories. i like the first 1 a lil better, but this story is AWSOME 2. more soon. i like it more more more =)

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

omg,i can't wait to see what Nic does!

bout wow!thats sum fckd up shit her father&Nic did..

she was right to leave..he was dumb to let her leave

i can't wait for chapter 6!!!


PrincessErinPrincessErinover 15 years ago

Can't wait to read the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
this is sooo horrible!!!

This is HORRIBLE. I was crying the entire time, after he broke up with her. What an A-HOLE!!! Come to think of it, all men are JERKS!!! If he had the emotional maturity of... I don't know... a 7 year old girl, he would have told her the truth and not hurt her like this. What an idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
MAN OH MAN!!!!!!

i am so pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!! i balled like a baby for Victoria, that bastard Nic, but pay backs for him, tho' he didn't show it, he was in as much mess as Victoria, and as for her, what a woman of strength, and as for Paul Marcone, doe's he want to adopt me?? :p Soular, you are one smoking writer, you sizzle baby!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
MAN OH MAN!!!!!!

Oh and btw, what an A-Hoele Victoria's dad is, after all she sacrificed and all she went thru',he treats her like the way he should be treated, and as for her mum!! what a wuse!! But Antonio is a babe and a knight in shinning armour.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
the best yet

so good i cried

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
i second that

comment below! best part. sooo intense. i could feel my heart squeezing in pain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I cried too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I freaking love this story!

This is great. I can't stop reading. Shame on Nic! Her father...WTF?! And I don't want anything to happen to Antonio. Gotta read chapter 6 now.


Your parents are to have Agape (unconditional love) for their children=ALWAYS!!!

Never saw this coming. Speeding ahead to read the rest.

QUAMEY_TQUAMEY_Tover 13 years ago

I so did not expect that from her father....and no wonder she didn't have that much of a backbone(look at her mother).....those ungrateful pieces of shits....Please oh' please let Nic save her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

That mom and dad are @ssholes.

fancyastory06fancyastory06over 12 years ago

WOW!!!..i have never felt the need to leave a comment before but i HAD to for this chapter. I literally started to tear up when nic was the worlds biggest ass to victoria. you have done a wonderful job and i want to thank you! :)

MadameblaqueMadameblaqueover 12 years ago
One Of

The best stories I've ever read on this site!!! You need to write a book and get published!!!

ChurosChurosabout 12 years ago

My chest never tightened just by reading. LOL. This is a first. Good job ^-^b

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I freakin love this series. You need to publish an ebook for them or hell publish this. It would sale for real. And you've got to continue the series with Sonny's story while also giving us more Victoria & Nic by including them in his book. I'm telling you this is the dopest thing I've read in forever. Their chemistry is burning up the page.

I Salute You.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Omfg! I am so wrapped up in this damn story!

When he told her she wad fucking him for money

I started crying! (don't know y but i did!) Omg i

Could feel everything she was feeling!

I fucking love this story! Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Innocent_Angel is right on!!

Innocent_Angel's comments, more than anyone else's, expresses my feelings on this chapter, with CaramelAppleBottom (your name made me laugh because I just got it lol) coming in a very close second!

Thanks to you Innocent, for putting it down for me, so succinctly!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I cried!! Nic is being a first rate penis!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

It's about TIME she got a backbone! Daaaaamn! I hate Nic! I've hated him from the beginning! I hope she hooks up with Antonio!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
So good

This girl will owe everybody, she needs to get a job fast.

LotherielLotherielalmost 10 years ago

I am completely in awe of this story! Your writing is excellent and he character building exquisite, while still keeping it firmly in the erotica genre.

Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
soo sad

everytime I read this chapter it makes me cry over n over so sad the way he treated her

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
i've read this story a few times

and i still cry like a bitch with Victoria, wanna rip Nics heart out!!! the best story on here!! BTW. hope all is well with you soular.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

My second time and his harshness always gets me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Fifth time reading this

It still gets to me of his harshness

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
8th read...

Good Lord I love this story. This is the chapter when my chest has that same feeling with Nic. Hard to put your personal and your professioal boundaries up, when LOVE takes a hold. Keep writing Soular.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Up till now you have made this story credible. Strangely enough. Well done.

near1111near1111over 8 years ago

i see myself as a guy who rarely cries. 1.92 meter and 85 kg and consider myself as a bear.

BUT i had some tears in my eyes when nic told all the mean stuff to her and as her asshole parents throw her out. man i would clean the ground with the face of that fucking so called father.

I read a lot of stories here and rarely a Story goes under my Skin like this one. mate you deserve not 5 stars but 500!

chocoqueenchocoqueenover 8 years ago
third time

This is my third time reading it and I can still feel the pain of his harshness. Still get emotional when he tried to stop her. Still feel angry at her father for being a dick. So we'll written. I enjoy it over and over again.

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3/2/24: Oh, goodness people. I'm sorry I have taken this long to get back to Gabriella. I know many of you have sent me feedback and I have not responded, and I do apologize for that. I just wanted to post a reminder that any works you see of mine posted anywhere else but Lit...