All Comments on 'To Love a Stray Ch. 14'

by Mygypsy

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LadeesageLadeesagealmost 12 years ago
I have mixed feelings...

On one hand, I really want to see where the love story goes, but I'm not sure I can stand to see the continued rape and torture of that poor girl. She's been brutalized enough. Let her find some peace...

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 12 years ago

Wow. No one can ever say that Mygypsy writes formulaic stories.

The twist caught me completely off guard. Although on reflection, you can see that the groundwork for the development was laid early on. It certainly pays to have read the tale from the very beginning.

I'm VERY grateful that the chapter included the whole chain of events and didn't break in the middle for a cliff hanger.

This section of the story underscores why the werecats' in this world rely on brutal law and fierce warriors. The similarities to human existence are a thin veneer over a society were brute strength and relentless hold to territory reign. Wow.

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 12 years ago
I have to add one thing.


If there was ever any doubt about the strength of Rosie's character, that should be over for the rest of the characters forever. Those too dense to see her courage and devotion in pulling the stunt that saved Jazzy's life will have to acknowledge her heroism in protecting Donovan over the course of their captivity. Through her strength, determination and her own ferocity, she protected her unborn baby, his young uncle and herself. That clan owes her everything. Maybe now Marissa will find the words to champion Rosie's good name and finally tell Wade to stuff it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
You're a very talented writer

When you receive reactions such as the ones below, us hating fictional characters, hoping that Rosie will finally have something go right for her, that Micah won't be scared away by her issues.... You really are so gifted. Please continue to write - @

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
thnk u

I remember I wrote a comment few chapters back critisizing the are very good for now I finally understand why rosy wanna stay with clan toms.but still I hope she gets a very good ending to make up for all she has suffered.ppl should start realising her worth. Plz. I want her to be appreciated. There should be regret atonement. by wrongdoers and forgiveness. Plz. I luv this story.

mesohmesohalmost 12 years ago

If there was ever a need for a happy ending Rosie surely qualifies. She is so very brave and trustworthy, this chapter broke my heart is so many ways. I really love your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Wow, what a great chapter

Great pacing, it cranked up the tension and kept it taut until the end. Brava. It was also a good look at Rosy at her toughest. She showed her survivor side, protecting herself and Donny with whatever means popped up.

I ditto the above; I'm so glad you didn't cliffhanger us, Mygypsy. You may be on the other side of the world but, believe me, you would have heard the scream. :-D

MedgemonMedgemonalmost 12 years ago

Great chapterso much information it is good character development and I like knowing that rosy has such a strong backbone and morals to protect someone younger and weaker she rocks

itsasecrectitsasecrectalmost 12 years ago

Excellent chapter. So glad everyone made it. Poor Rosie - the strength she possesses to not just completely lose it after all that has happened to her is unbelievable. Perhaps Wade will stop being such an ass now. Hoping she will be able to recover and build a relationship with Micah.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

That was an intense chapter..Keep up the great work. I'm going to need a stiff drink after reading this one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Loved the chapter, love character and story development that shines through in the strength of your writing.

I thoroughly enjoyed that you gave not only the characters in the story but the readers as well, an even clearer insight into how Rosy's mind ticks in regards to the Strays. I like the attitude change in Donovan, and in Wade too, the way in which you ended the chapter with Donovan's growing compassionate nature and Wade's thanks actually had me choked up with unshed tears of happiness lol :)

Keep up the good work. It's an awesome story!!

KiwiKingKiwiKingalmost 12 years ago
Oh My God.....

This chapter was simply amazing! The tension. The fear. The sheer guts of Rosie to protect Donovan at all costs.

I hate this story! Have from the very first chapter. The emotions are all so raw and in your face. The constant confusion around Rosie's behaviour. The male thinking that they all know whats best for her.......AT ALL TIMES!, like she doesn't have a functioning brain of her own.......treating her like a second rate person. Thank god Wade has finally come around. He was one of THOSE characters to me.

This story makes me feel, (as a reader, on the sidelines) each and every emotion as if they were my own! The constant emotional rollercoaster is exhausting yet terribly thrilling. Every time I notice an update in this series, my breathe hitches, my pulse starts racing and the tension builds from there.

You have an amazing talent and I am constantly thankful to you for writting it.

Please, please, please keep up the GREAT work!!!!!

I'd give 10 stars if i could!


ready2bgoneready2bgonealmost 12 years ago

What can I say? Top of the line. Thanks!

PoisonlovePoisonlovealmost 12 years ago

you've found the way to make us all live each detail. Hate the bad cats, love the good ones and even in between feeling compassion when a bad one is really hurt.

Please, don't leave us behind! when I'm older I want to write like you ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Utterly fantastic!

Horrific events leading to extreme character changes, if I had only read this chapter in the series I would hate you. You can literally control every emotion I feel when Im reading... my breath hitches when Rosy is in trouble, a smile comes across my face when Rosy and Micah spend time together, and I hold my breath every time Rosy gets an ultrasound. You are the only writer YET, to be able to manipulate my emotions so freely from being sad, angry, happy, or content.

Comments that demand why you write horrible events into this story, you're obviously doing something (more like everything) right to make them feel this strong anger. They're just directing the anger the story evokes at you for writing it, when they should direct it at the strays or the story!

You deserve to be among the top 20 writers not just the months you post, but ALL the time! Willing to kill her own kit to save it from being raped, Rosy will make a fantastic mom. Your stories are my motivation to get through a long day, get on this site and read new chapters or re-read them all. Never stop. Please, your like air , I NEED you!

Hope that wasn't too desperate but i can't have you stop writing! ;)

hakdrakkenhakdrakkenalmost 12 years ago

That was the best and most intense chapter of fiction I think I've ever read. I'd love to offer some constructive criticism but I just have nothing negative to say at all.

claireacquiredclaireacquiredalmost 12 years ago

Awesome chapter! On one hand I'm anxiously awaiting the happy ending but on the other, I don't want it to happen because I am so not ready for this story to end. I feel so invested in your characters! Thank you for another great read.

oneboobeeoneboobeealmost 12 years ago

This was an awesome chapter!!! I can't not wait for the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
So amazing

I am completely in love with this story!! I know it may take awhile but I hope Rosey gets a happy ending

Sadie15Sadie15almost 12 years ago
Manipulating Brillant Bastard

The minute I see an update my emtions get all out of wack. I love this story and I am on pins and needles waiting for the next great chapter.

kiwiplumkiwiplumalmost 12 years ago

Really intense. Fantastic the way you grip us with this story, thanks so much for the effort you put into bringing us into their world.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Wow is RIGHT!!!

I am so on edge with this story. It is amazing what everyone is learning from the fight in Rosy. She is NOT an abuse victim if she can help it. This story keeps me on pins and needles because there is no guessing where you will take us. Do I want a happy ending? I think I want an ending that will show how folks evolved and a place where Rosy feels safe secure and free within herself. I want her to be able to communicate with her family-clan and I want for all of them to learn from each other. Everyone has to change their way of thinking. For better after a whole lot of worse, I would love for growth and peace. LOL It's the same thing I ask for when I watch world news. HA! I will be waiting for the next chapter and I look forward to your prose.

poisedpencilpoisedpencilalmost 12 years ago
Great work

I think it's awesome how you turned things around. I've noticed Rosy didn't always have the time and patience to explain her view of things. The Clan cats are good guys, like that guy Conner - but how can he get up in her face and kiss her like that (even if he is offering protection)? She's just had weeks of rape and terror behind her! The Clan cats couldn't understand her, but now that Donny has experienced these things with her - and emerged unscathed to tell about it, the Clan has a better chance of hearing and learning what Rosy has been through.

You took me through all the emotions in one chapter. Great work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
rosy's feelings

what a chapter, love reading this story, can read and reread each chapter, thank you, hope there is a happy ending for rosy and micah,

NicoleAmyNicoleAmyalmost 12 years ago

Amazing chapter!! I love your story!! More soon please:)

lelocreelelocreealmost 12 years ago

"With you"....awesome! Whole chapter was great. More insight to Rosy's past and now one on the inside to help all the others understand better her strengths. Very ready for next chapter...!

NightpleasureNightpleasurealmost 12 years ago

I love this story but hate what happened to rosy.

BoundlifeBoundlifealmost 12 years ago

I have no finger nails left...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

It took four tries, and one sleepless night to read this chapter. Why I cared so much, I've no idea ( but I'm blaming you ).

ShadowsungShadowsungalmost 12 years ago

I love this series so much! What has habbened to Rosy is hard and sad and it is horrible, and I did cry but it shows the depths of their strengths and endurance. They will get their happy ending and it will be very much deserved!

Keep up the great work! I wait with baited breath!

ladybug71ladybug71almost 12 years ago

You had me on the edge of my seat.....I was anxious until I read the bottom of page 4......I am upset that Rosy went through the strays, then came a long way to accepting the clan toms in touching her, etc.....and now she has reverted. I just hope she can push through and completely mates/marries Micah!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Can I make a request?

Can u update enter the cat? I started reading that one first Im worried I'm going to ruin the story somehow reading the Other version

SenieceTaOSenieceTaOalmost 12 years ago

I was so upset when Rosy got kidnapped I thought to myself there is no going back for her now she is gonna go insane so why not just put a bullet to her head and be done with it. I had to force myself to read on and im so glad i did. Some where inside herself she found the strenght to fight to forsake herself for the life of someone else to give her purpose to live. I think without Donovan she would have crumbled. Thankyou MyGypsy you had me on the edge of my seat tearing my hair out.

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 12 years ago

Young Donovan certainly grew a great deal from this experience. But Rosy just can't seem to catch a break. One bad experience after another with so little time to recover in between. I hope Micah can turn that around for her and help her make her life into something much better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
When will Wade/Edmund be punished?

Rosie has been sacrificed again. This time to save Donny. Rosie saved Jazzy and Wade had Edmund rape Rosie as punishment when in reality Wade used Rosie saving Jazzy's life as an excuse to have her raped and impregnated with a Williamson kit in order to control her lands. The meeting was the perfect place to expose Wade and Edmund and no one did anything even when it was noted that Wade went behind Rosie's uncle's back to keep Rosie's land.

WTF? Now Jazzy is getting "better" and as Alpha female she will then control Rosie's land. No wonder Jazzy doesn't want Edmund punished. She profited, gaining not only her life but gained additional lands from Rosie's rape. Wade is using the fact that Rosie might desert the kit as to why she shouldn't be given her lands. Why didn't anyone speak up for Rosie and say that if Rosie abandons the kit it won't be a surprise as the kit was forced on her, she didn't choose to be pregnant.

Wade is now Rosie's champion since she saved Donnie (maybe Wade can arrange for an additional rape to keep Rosie in line) and Marissa is preparing for her "grandchild". Being raped for several weeks would have been the perfect opportunity to have Rosie miscarry but since the author (after all it is her story) has decided that Rosie has to have Edmund's rape baby then...

When will Rosie realize that she is the only one that can get justice for her since no "Williamson" is serious about punishing Wade, Edmund and Marissa? When will she realize that Wade (no matter how nice he is acting now) had her raped to control the lands she was entitled to? When will she realize that Jazzy and Marissa are NOT her friends, they only want to control her? When will she realize that even Micah has his own agenda, seeing as he is now Alpha and has not made a move to punish Edmund? When will Rosie grow up and take control of her own lands and not depend on "clan" cats since they as just as bad as strays.

And last but not least, since rape is such a part of of were-cat culture; why is Rosie the only one being raped?

KittybalooKittybalooalmost 12 years ago

Wow! Excellent chapter as always. So much going on. Can't wait to read more. =)

AnomandarisAnomandarisalmost 12 years ago

You are evil. The things you do to your charachters are horrible. But it does make for a most excellent story. 5/5.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
simply amazing!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Amazing as always

I was wondering when we would see the Darnels again and I have to say that was an amazing chapter. Yes Rosy needs a break but you showed how devoted she is to those she loves and protects, like an Alpha female should. And to put her with Donovan was a great idea! She has always felt close to him so naturally she would want to keep him safe! Well done!! Cannot wait to see whats next!!

FortheloveForthelovealmost 12 years ago
wow ........

I really enjoy this story, it is reality mixed with fantasy and I hang out eagerly for every chapter!! One thing I don't understand is why people think that every single story needs to be all sunshine and happiness?? Rosy, in an abstract way represents many realistic situations in real life; hmm think Germany and crazy father with his daughter in a dungeon under the house ......... She is strong, she is a survivor and life is never fair so why do you think it always has to be? I love to read fiction that has a stronger tie to reality from time to time, I applaud the author for a story that has dragged me in from the first chapter and I still impatiently await the next chapter. Thank you for a great read!!!

TheHuntersMistressTheHuntersMistressalmost 12 years ago
not everything works out happily

I think that's whats so alluring about your series, people get so used to reading stories in which the characters don't have any negative events to overcome, repeatedly.

This story is more realistic like Murphy's law which states, anything that can go, will go wrong, describes Rosy's life perfectly. That's what draws me in, the dark things you write about that no one else dares to but shit happens and the world isn't such a happy place.

This series goes past Rosy's darkest hour, when you don't think it could get any worse yet it does. She keeps trying even when people are against her, she gets back up and dusts herself off.

Yeah there are things about some characters that angers me, like Wade and his actions and never apologizing, or Jazzy's indifference to Rosy's rape, but real people ARE flawed. Nobody handles situations perfectly.

Keep writing! Love it;)

mrpervy46mrpervy46almost 12 years ago
Getting Better

Rosy is getting better. This experience will show her she needs a mate like Micah who can be an alpha male to her alpha female. They need to send out a hunting party to get the remaining stray.

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 12 years ago
It's horrible to read...

but I keep coming back for more. Even though I know that your characters will always go through the worst possible scenarios, I am ever hopeful that a happy ending is in their future. Another uncomfortable but entrancing chapter. Thanks for writing.

FlutterbyButterflyFlutterbyButterflyalmost 12 years ago

Another brilliant chapter. Hope this story doesn't end soon. I am sure you can take us, the readers on a long roller coaster ride.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
love this stupid story

it's the only one i check for updates almost daily. It's amazing really, to hold people attention like that. Bravo

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

This is a wonderful chapter. Seeing Rosy with the strays explains why she acts as she does with clan cats. Donny understanding what she went through with the strays will help the clan understand her. Maybe he can get her to open up more, when she is scared or confused, instead of getting angry or running. Maybe Donny's habit of asking questions about everything and anything will have rubbed off on Rosy. Rosy needs to start asking questions about her rights under clan law.

So Wade has been "cookin' the books" with regards to the strays in clan territory. Does Jazzy's interest in clan security mean she suspects something or is she just asserting her rights as clan Matriarch? From what Kurt Black said, it looks like Wade not only has control over half of Rosy inheritance but also Jazzy's because of her illness.

What is Wade up to?

Since Rosy first arrived at the Williamsons, Wade has not only insisted she be treated in a way that prevented her from integrating into clan life and keeping her with "stray" status, he's tried to prevent Micah and her from forming a relationship and tried to push Edwin and her together. It's like he's always known or suspected who Rosy really was and was looking for any way to keep Jeddah's lands in Williamson hands.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
A REAL Tear jerker

I love this storey, you have a great talent. Keep on writing. PLEASE

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Simply put...


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

You can't stop there, I feel as if I have been waiting forever for the next chapter as I am hooked on this story and I am thourghly enjoying it and have been reading here to distract myself from the constant worry over my own book sales.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Please write more!!! I Loved it. <3

This is beautifuly written. PLease continue. What happends next? There has to be more between Rosy, Miach and Jelly - Bean. This that to be one on my favorites next to Stolen that one i really loved i'm loooking forward to reading more of this one.

ElhazElhazalmost 12 years ago
Original and wonderful, please more.

Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful story, it is original and engaging. I have read it through twice and enjoyed it as much both times. I too would love more, even just another chapter to find out how things went, just because I love the characters so much. You have woven a beautiful story. Having both Micah & Rosy's view in the one story was definitely much easier to read.

canndcanndover 11 years ago

Great chapter. I can't believe Wade still can't say he's sorry. I love the growth in Donovan. What a good mate he'll make someday. how old is he anyhow? I thought older than Jazzy? But maybe he's the baby. Anyhow, He's so cute. He did help her survive as much as she protected him. I hope they help him after all he had to see happen to her. I am glad she's turning to Micah. What an idiot Connor was for not thinking of what she's been through. My biggest hope is that Micah is open with her and really explains shit to her like the bond etc.

Lo_PanLo_Panover 11 years ago

Donovan is 18 years of age. It was his idea to move to the warriors quarters, too. He's of legal age, and Jazzie is 19.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

but excellent.

Gizz4mo1Gizz4mo1over 11 years ago
scary, but good

im so glad wade finally got the stick out of his butt and that she didnt lose the baby....great chapter

ScarletPussScarletPussalmost 11 years ago
Loved it! But...

It's come to my attention that the children or teenagers act younger than you're claiming their ages are... Almost like they're immature or something...

But I couldn't have done any better if I had wrote it myself. I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat and biting my nails waiting to see what waited for me around the corner... I was mentally telling myself "OK. Inhale. Now exhale. There you got it. Now repeat"

evebroughtanaxthistimeevebroughtanaxthistimeabout 8 years ago

Stunning story. Wade still sucks. And so do her patriarchal boeties. Include in there all of her so-called little buddies, who, to the last man, basically backed poeskop Wade and his 'desperate-for-a-fuck' son up when they waited in the house next door while Daffodil was being force fed penile ejaculate. Even Donovan sucks, as he doesn't seem to be able to grasp what his father has done. According to this bunch of losers, rape is not so bad if done in a 'controlled' environment by people who bath every day. I'd pick them off one by one if I was her, blame it on the strays, get my land back and then, just to piss off the oh so mighty lords of the sphincter, marry a human.

Still an absolutely stunning story. I just love being mad, so now I'm at my happiest. Shot!

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