
Mature long-time reader here, now beginning to share some stories of my own. Warning: all stories here will most likely include descriptions of bodily fluids and excretions, including defecation and urination, sometimes in extreme form, as well as subjects such as menstruation, voyeurism, incest, and seduction of young men by mature women. Oh, and then there are the weird religious rituals. If you find any of this offensive or distasteful, please skip these stories and find stories more to your liking from other authors. These stories are total fantasies and are not based on real life. All characters are 18 years or over.

I now have three main series here of linked stories. "The Toilet Club" chapters are numbered in reading order (duh!), while the Bohemian church stories are in reading order alphabetically by title. The Mrs. Letchworth stories are ordered by chapter numbers. The series involve considerable character development and plot twists, so I encourage that they be read in order. The erotic elements are pretty eccentric and sometimes border on the ridiculous or tongue-in-cheek. I am writing these for my own entertainment and for that of my followers and readers who get what I am up to. These are not for everybody, needless to say.

20 Jan 2023 update: My two story series remain in an extended "pause", awaiting further inspiration, which has been elusive. I suspect that I will return in due course, so if you enjoy my curious tales, I'd advise following me, so that you will receive notice when any new stories are posted. Thanks for your support.

03 Nov 2023 update: I have some good news to share. After a long dry spell, (hey, these things happen), I finally got inspired to start a new series and have 4 chapters worked up so far. I am still polishing them and getting feedback from a couple of fellow authors who I like to share my early drafts with, so these may not start going up until another week or so, but they <i>are</i> coming. Thanks for your patience!

19 Nov 2023 update: As I should have guessed, my time estimate for posting the first chapter of the new series was quite optimistic. The good news is that I now have 5 chapters done, but I am still polishing them and trying to sort out minor plot details. (Never let it be said that I don't work hard on my stories, to provide you with top quality quirky fetish smut.) Please bear with me, and I will get chapter 1 up ASAP.

02 Dec. 2023 update: I've now gotten chapters 1 and 2 up and chapter 3 has been approved and was scheduled to go up on 30 Nov., but has been hanging in Pending limbo ever since. Hopefully someone in the admin will take pity and get it up in the new Fetish stories listing ASAP.

21 Dec. 2023 update. I now have chapters 1-5 up online in the new Letchworth series. Chapter 6 has been submitted and should hopefully be up by or before Christmas. Happy holidays.

11 Jan. 2024 update. Real life has gotten very busy, plus I have a not-Lit writing deadline breathing down my neck, so my latest story series is momentarily on pause, while I take care of business. Please have patience. I do have a chapter 7 half-finished, so more will be coming, but probably not 'til February.

11 Mar. 2024 update. I hope my beloved readers will have patience as this story keeps taking longer than expected to expand. I am farther along in chapter 7, but my inspiration keeps coming and going. Bear with me, and you will soon (!) be rewarded. Exactly when, I can't say, as any estimate is bound to be wrong. Soon, I hope! Thanks.


West Coast USA



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Anal, Scat, Mature, BDSM, Big Natural Tits, Water Sports, Voyeurism, Bodyhair

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