All Comments on 'A House Divided Ch. 01'

by coaster2

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Very interesting and realistic story line.

This situation has tons of built in stresses.

Looking forward to the rest of the story. Well done!

Regards, Jack

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
very decent story....

A lot of couples go through this change early or later on in their marriage. Usually, if it involves children, it kills the marriage and usually the spouse wanting to move is the guilty party. I think she did not give her husband the time, credit to his business, relatives and most important of all, their children the opportunity to voice their opinion before she had made a decision to accept the job and move to Chicago. It sounds like he had built a business from scratch and it took a lot of hard work. Now he is in a position to harvest the fruits of his labor and it is too late in life to start over. The children, as most, are close and moving away from what has always been home to a place far away in frightening. In Bloomington they probably new everyone and they could go see their grandparents at any time. By moving, it is going to be a new life and far away from friends and family.

I bet Jo gets hit on by so many men that she breaks her marriage vows and everyone will know about her reputation. I also predict that she will not be able to attend Pete's graduation because she will be away traveling or working on a project.

From what has been written so far, this is a bad and a serious mistake on Jo's part and it is also the fault of Mark for going along with her plan to up and move away in less than a week. Jo's boss's placed her in a hard situation by wanting her to move and giving her little time to think about the move.

I see no positive end to this except an unfaithful wife and a divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Very Good!

A wonderful life interepted, we all know how fast our lives can change. Wife is not a very likeable person so far, she has proubly started to kill this marriage and has not taken responsibly for her actions yet. Looking foward to the rest. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Looking forward

Looking forward to the next chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Very Interesting

Do we work to live or do we live to work?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Not sure you're writing what you intend?

But Im curious to find out. You've made the wife a pretty digusting selfish and self-centered person. At this point, your reader wants to see this poor marriage end. Is this your goal? You're certainly foreshadowing.. she going to go off to do her own thing harming all 3 of her family members without a second thought, she'll over night change from the intelligent strong woman who got this amazing promotion, and fall prey to some asshole's suduction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Looking forward to more of this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

got my interest. looking forward to the next chapter.

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
Excellent beginning

Great hook to the story. Good start. I agree with Anonymous who commented on the wife's character. I hope you'll shed some light on her snappishness and insecurity. Looking forward to Chapter Two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
You have already created a woman who is a whore/

the woman described in this story is self centered, self gratifying, and highly egotistical. She cares little for herself, her husband, her marriage, and her family. She is on the way to becoming a company slut for use by the higher ups, if she isnt already and that was why the job was offered. A shame, someone like this sees only thru their own eyes exactly what they want to see. You do it my way or the highway is the choice she gave to her husband and family, she had already made all the decisions that mattered. In truth, I have never seen a family survive this type of event..............

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Good so far...

great writing and build up. It's your story, but personally I hope there is some hot sex between the wife and her new co-worker(s). That would be very erotic.

Rob ConnerRob Connerabout 17 years ago
Kick Her to the Curb!

As Soon As Possible. Like one other poster described her as egotistical and self centered. Let her go. See how much fun corporate life is. Stay put and raise the children.This bitch is not worth keeping.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

When she showed her disrespect for her hubby by telling him to keep his opinions to himself, he should have booted her ass out of bed, and told her to go sleep in the guest room till she got her head out of her ass. God, I hope this isn't a wimp husband story! Four people in the family, and three are unhappy about this. Hmmmm, if it looks like a bitch, sounds like a bitch, acts like a bitch, then its probably a bitch.

Tim C.

The NavigatorThe Navigatorabout 17 years ago

First, your writing skill is outstanding! While reading this I had the feeling I was a fly on the wall, not only seeing and hearing what was going on, but I also got the vibrations the participants were giving off. Your ability to lasso the reader into the story is awsome.

Next, you have created a situation that can logically go in many directions. Here's a totally selfish wife who can encounter the epiphany of a lifetime -- while the CEO leads her to his bedroom -- and finally realize her family is the most important thing in her life. Or she can desert her family -- later to fail in her job -- as her family has great success without her. Or their daughter can run away from home. Or the husband can't find a buyer for his business; or does, moves to Chicago and they live happily ever after. I've imagined another dozen scenarios, all possible with the ground work you have laid. You have masterfully set up a situation where the reader is immediately a participant. Very clever!

Finally, you have left us hanging, without a clue as to where you are going with this. Give up your day job. You should be writing full time.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 17 years ago
A Sad but Realistic Story

If I were Mark, no way would I sell my business or my house. I'd just stay put and try to ride it out and be there for the kids and start protecting the assets. He's screwed no matter what happens; all he can do is damage control at this point. Jo already telegraphed the culture of her company with her comment, "I don't think these guys are into fun; except maybe after hours."

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 17 years ago
The hook is set.

The wife is less than admirable. Her problems will mount and the shit will hit the fan. Will we like her well enough to even want the marriage to survive? Don't sell the house, or the business! Start getting phone numbers of attractive, single women! This has me hooked.

EDYXXXEDYXXXabout 17 years ago
Watch Her

Very good writing, You've got my interest so I will look forward to your next part. I think that He should start to protect his company and other assets and let her hang herself in the future. She has no respect for his or the childrens feeling only her selfish ass. He should stay put,keep business and house then see what the future brings. Keep up the great work.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
Wife makes More than Husband= NO marriage can last

wife is #1.... her career #2 their Kid #3 ... He is #9 right afer the laundry


whats going to be the excuse this time? The wife's inner values are revealed... it is 100% ok for her to have THOSE values.


<b>BUT she cant stay married and have those values. The values showed here in part 1 Means she will cheat if she has not already </b> For the wife to deny that there are men that will only look at her sexually...


The fact is that NO marriage can survive when the wife makes More $$ then the husband does <b>AND</b> they are both working fill time.


There is a new book out there called <b>BRINNGING HOME THE BACON...when wifes make more than their husbands.</b>


note I said AND


the two woman authros are FEMINISTS.... one from palnned Parenthood. The one BIG shock they found in researching 5,000 cases is


1 that If wife makes more than husbands does and is working part time... No problem


2 if the wife makes More and is the primary bread winner and the hsubands is a SDtay at Hoe dad (SAHD)... No problem


3 <b>BUT if they both work Full Time AND and she makes more than he does its a goddam disaster...</b> in over 800 cases surveyed almost every one he wife lost interest in the marriage... tempetation.... children felt the loss... etc etc

Orion623Orion623about 17 years ago

A great story line. Undoubtedly there are many professional couples who have faced this exact same situation which is what makes this story so interesting. I am familiar with the Eden Prairie area. It is a terrific suburban community that has grown to over 50,000 inhabitants over the last 30 years. A move from there to the sprawling Chicago area would be a huge upheaval. Mark and Jo's children as well as Mark have my sympathy.***** So far I find little in the Jo character that is likeable. The author has set her up to be the 'bad guy' so that it only remains to be seen how bad she will be (or how bad she already has been).*****Excellent writing and wonderfully slow plot developement. May the next two chapters be as good as the first one.

bruce22bruce22about 17 years ago
Shouldn't he talk to a lawyer?

My analysis suggests that it would be lot less painful

if they got divorced immediately. The kids are big enough

to make their own decisions about their futures. Otherwise

everyone is going to suffer a lot.

On the other hand, if the hero can find a few interesting buyers then he could think about a new career in Chicago. Afterall it only took Jo six years to move up to the VP post

in a national corporation and there is no way why he could not do something similar.

One thing is that based on her inability to foresee problems with her family she probably will not survive long in her new position! In fact at no time has shown any sensitivity or antecipation of problems except for her skill in getting the monkey back on her husbands back! My complaint is that she does not give the impression that she has the qualities necessary for the VP job. Her husband sounds much more qualified!

Oh for the good old days when there was a clear division of work! Then we always moved because of the husband's career.

I admit that I moved because my wife needed a career, but I was sure that I would find something interesting to do and did not have the investment that our friend here has. This is a tough one, even if Jo was not so nasty about it and was less self-centered. But, basically it is rare that an offer like this is made unless they are sure that it will be accepted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Good opening round

Very good opening salvo. I think the husband should have verbally slapped his wife for her blow up in the bedroom when she told him to keep his comments to herself. She showed a huge amount of ignorance there. If I were in his shoes I might have already started suspecting infidelity. He also could have brought up that they could be setting her up to fail especially since it was such a surprise to her. I'm waiting with baited breath to see chapters two and three. Finally to Anonymous who said he's seen this type of story before. Feel free to take your narrow mind, vision and ass and go elsewhere

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
Is it possible they Promoted her HOPING she fail?

this is speculation of course but it seems to me that this is very fast promotion and she really does not have the experience to handle a marketing depart after only 6 years... she does not know How many people will be in the depart.... who they are....

...all she knows is that THEY -- the corporation --expects the marketing dept to have huge succes and double in 3 years.


and of course if she fails she will be subject to pressure to keep her job or sexual blackmail

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
This is a long drive for a lousy cup of coffee

This is a long drive for a lousy cup of coffee. So you feel as though you've been mistreated in some manner and are passing that savings on to us. Here's a hint; What is the name of this website again?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Big Trouble

Your writing is excellent and the plot holds up so far. The wife is blinded by the promotion and can not or will not see the pitfalls. The real problem is that her family will pay heavily for her short sightedness. In the long run everything the husband forcasts will come true and probably end this union. The husband and kids will hate her. Maybe years later they will forgive. Who knows...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
men give us promotion all the time for family

this selfish lady is thinking about herself,i just hope hubby don't give her a free pass.her family wasn't the important thing in her mind from the was all about her.i say let her go and bye.if it this easy to leave then there was much there the start with as a marriage.

JoesephusJoesephusabout 17 years ago
Very well done

It's always usful in cases like this to reverse the gender. How many guys wouldn't expect the wife to follow him in his big shot at the brass ring? Yes, he did support her and the family, but what about the wife who puts her Dr. husband throuhg school expecting him to stay in the place where she's built a career?

My point is we can't make her into a villian just because she wants the opportunity to she what she can make of herself. However, she has handled this about as badly as it's possible to do it. She's under terrible pressure, but frankly, she's not thinking about her family first.

OTOH, the husband is painting a pretty bleak picture as well. Yes, he has to sell his business, but that also means he has the resources to buy a business. He also has skills and talents that have let him suceed. Will be be playing second fiddle in the marriage now? Why?

I don't know where this story is going. It has the potential for tragedy or by overcoming the problems being a modern day Horatio Alger story. Since this is in LW we might expect an affair... but why is she more likely to have it than he? Personally, I'm hooked. I'm hopping for a happy ending, but one that doesn't ignore the real life problems the author has outlined.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Character Traits vs Plot Path

Truly hook set and felt. Is she is a new bitch or just out of hiding. Respect either was never there or her selfish true colors are now challenged and in full bloom.<P>

He is one degree from being a wimp for not standing up for his family and himself.

This the table you have set and it is an interesting one however, should you fail to maintain the character traits you have established thus far without acceptance of your readership - well a good start will likely fall from the high shelf.<P>

Valuing life's realities, respect and credibility are a writers tools for acceptance and growing appreciation. Contortion isn't appreciated regardless of the great beginning as it's the closing of the race that counts in the end.<P>

A great start - Thanks Author - Please Be Real [from the foundation thus far established].

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusabout 17 years ago
Interesting comments..

Excellent writing. I wonder how many of the commentators would give give different opinions if the roles were reversed? If hubby were offered the big promotion and wifey were expected to clean the mess and move to Chicago, would we feel the same impending doom was inevitable?

Hey, what's the big deal? People get promotions and move. Tennagers have their lives changed through no control of their own. The real tension in this story is the new VP's reaction to hubby's suggestion that she will be more of a sexual target. Rather than laughing knowingly and assuring hubby that she was wolf proof, she bites his head off? HMMM.

By the way, most insurance agencies are not dependent on personal meetings so much any more. People do like to have 'face time' for the first meeting, but that is manageable. A good staff in Bloomington and a little invention called a cell phone would go a long way toward keeping the business a going concern.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
im enjoying your story

im enjoying the story, my comments are just about the wife being so selfish and not thinking of anyone but her self, not even her kids, she didnt even care what her wimp husband thought. i hope the hubby changes even if he has to kick her to the curb. marriage is suppose to be 50-50. in this decision its 90-10. that is receipe for a marriage to fail no matter who is 90 and whoever is 10

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
I actually did Move b/c of Wife's work

Mr Bolus


I DID move b/c of my wifes' carrer... once in 1995 -96 from eastern VA top central MD... and last NOV from RIC to Leesburg (she works in DC metro area). She left that job and we moved to central VA when she got pregnant.


So I can relate. But she realized -- we realized that if WE stayed in DC metro area the kids would be in the daycare 40+ hrs a week never mind the stress and cost of licing and traffic. It is not WE wanted.


It was and is a shared value.


I run a full time business on the Internet and have since the kidws were born. I make as much as she does but the Net enabels me to be Mr DAD when I have to be when and if they get sick or have soceer or baseball games. And she can the career she wants... and when she comes home dinner is on the table the homework is done the house is clean and I am ready to fuck the hell out of her the momemt she she needs it


but I have to tell ya I am a RARE and odd fish. But I did this and do it all for her and the family. If she ever cheated on me I would probably kill myself.


HarryHaversackersHarryHaversackersabout 17 years ago
Both selfish

How can anyone claim that the wife is the selfish one here? It's both of them. The husband is resisting change, and in doing so is looking after himself. It's a situation where compromise is required. *** The way I see it, the husband has had a long and successful run at his career, and it's now the wife's turn. This scenario is played out everyday as people no longer stay put and move around the country.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

I thought this was a fine story showing a couple facing a very difficult decision. I am somewhat amazed at the overwhelming volume of male chauvinists who are accusing the wife of being selfish. Apparently it doesn't occur to these presumed males that it takes two to tango. Why is the huband not equally selfish? The author indicates that wife's new job will generate more income than both of them currently make. Why is she so selfish while he is not? Disregarding Harryin Va who as usual,generates his own speculative plot, I would like to see author continue his fine story and see what happens.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Bad times a comin'

Good story and good writing. One can only expect a lot of heartache from how the story has been set up.<br><br> The wife has taken a "you're either with me or against me" attitude for everyone effected by the relocation. She has very little empathy for others' feelings and also doesn't seem to realize all the consequences of playing with the "big boys".<br><br>Being away from her husband and family, especially given the strained relations at her leaving, one can only assume that there is an affair lurking in her near future.<br><br>I look forward to the remainder of the story.

Risq_001Risq_001about 17 years ago
This is an intresting read, and HarryHaversackers

<p> couldn't be more wrong in your asessment I believe (^_^) </p>

<p>If they were starting out and she was offered this job while he was starting up his company, I would totally agree with you. If the wife stayed at home to raise the kids and once they were old enough to go to school this came up, again, I would agree with you it would be her turn to take a job and the family, while still young, could work around this change. But to take an established <i>family</i> unit, regardless of if this type of offer was offered to the husband <b><i>and/or</i></b> wife, and one of them made the decision that come hell or high water they are taking this job and thier family isn't getting in the way of their individual happiness, then they <b>are</b> the selfish one. That's what selfish means. To think only of yourself. The fact the husband keeps bringing up who all this decision effects <i>besides</i> himself lend to the belief that he's <i>not</i> being selfish at all. While it might have started motivated by immediate selfish need, the fact he keeps dwelling on it, and trying to find an answer while the wife's character keeps saying "I'm going regardless" says he's not remotely selfish by the halfway point in the story.</p>

<p>I disagree with you HarryHaversackers that the husband was selfish. He was being realistic in the story. The children didn't need him to raise them. One of the kids is a senior in high school and the other is 15 (freshmen or sophmore in high school). And to suggest that the characters in the story should all basically give up thier lives, so the wife could take a new job, not because they needed the money, but because she wanted to take on a more challenging job, at the expense of the childrens future, the grandparents getting to see their only grandchildren growing up, the children moving (to me) needlessly from their home and their friends, and finially the husband giving up his buisness, all so the wife's character can accept a higher paying job, when she doen't need the money? You feel the husband is selfish for trying to point all this out?</p>

<p>Your not a parent are you? Have to say, having three kids under 13 and working out who should get what and when someone is truely being selfish and when they aren't, I have to tell you the husband's character isn't. Sure he's reserved, but when the wife's character has planned on taking the job no matter who it effects, because she wants the job and isnt'willing to let anyone (the husband, the parents or even her kids) keep her from it, that's <b>clearly</b> the more selfish of anyone therefore mentioned. To even suggest that because the husband resist the change because he's looking at the bigger picture.... Just WoW! I clearly wouldn't want you to have raised me or my kids.</p>


<p>Well Coaster, since you've created a selfish person in the wife to this degree, I'm curious how the story ends. I see it ending only one of two ways though, but I guess I'm curious how your going to lead up to those two ways. (^_^)

Risq_001Risq_001about 17 years ago
60 year old George, read my comment to Harry

<p>And I'm glad I never grew up around you either x).</p>

<p>Your spouting off comments like "the <b>male</b> readers are chauvinists", and taht because the story has this opportunity happing to a women that this is why most of the <b>male</b> readers object. Totally ignoring that the wife in the story starts to snap and treat members of her family like idiots when they point out to her how she may not have thought what she's trying to do all the way out. That's not chauvinistic that common sense.</p>

<p>Are you trying to say that female readers wouldn't see a problem with a someone, regardless of gender, taking a job that would basicly uproot a family, when they are already quite well of fincially, and all while telling their mate "If you don't give up everything we've worked for, for me then your the only selfish one here and don't really love me. Oh and by the way I'm going to take the new job and move to a new city no matter what you decide to do", wouldn't be seen as <i>remotely</i> selfish? Or did you say that to just earn some brownie points with the female readers? You sir amaze me!</p>


ohioohioabout 17 years ago
story has generated a rich collection of comments

And that means that you've hooked people--great job so far! I look forward to the continuation.

I do have two comments: first, I find the wife's behavior (not her desire to take the job, but the way she interacts with husband and kids about it) surprisingly selfish and short-tempered. At times I thought you were trying to carefully balance husband and wife, making neither of them perfect and neither of them "to blame". If that is what you were trying to do, I don't think it fully succeeded--I think the husband comes off far better than the wife.

My second comment is a suggestion about the story-telling: I found the insertion of a lengthy backstory, how they met and so forth, a bit too long and a bit dull. I suppose that we need to know some of that to understand what will happen now, but it seemed like a somewhat indigestible digression from the flow of the story in the present.

Thanks for your writing--I will eagerly await the next two installments! Best, ohio

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
60 year old Must be trying to get a DATE LOL

once again we find the truly stupid people of the world -- in this case 60 year old George -- being unable to tell the difference between shit and Shinola



I am somewhat amazed at the overwhelming volume of male chauvinists who are accusing the wife of being selfish. Apparently it doesn't occur to these presumed males that it takes two to tango. Why is the huband not equally selfish? The author indicates that wife's new job will generate more income than both of them currently make. Why is she so selfish while he is not? </i>


the wife decided in the car on the way home that:


1) EVERYONE is going to Chicago with her or


2) SHE is going alone


Exactly what did the husband arbitrarily DECIDE ?

<b> heys lets discuss this? </b>


yet somehow 60 year old George thinks the Husband is being EQUALLY selfish?


Again the wife DOES have every right to run off to chicago...


she does NOT have the right to expect her gown kids to drop eveything with No discussion


she does not have the right to expect her husband to agree with NO discussion


<B> The wife does not have the right to expect the marriage to work ***IF *** she does not discuss it. </b>

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
My Goodness -- A Real Story!

I was going to withhold my comments until the whole story was posted, but the first chapter was so good, I figured I'd make my contribution right now. What's been posted so far looks very promising. The characters are being fleshed out very nicely, the story line is being developed logically and plausibly, in a well done emotional context. I would have rather the wife not be the caricature that’s standard out here these days … 45 and still beautiful … but I guess I can let that go. There’s so much else to recommend the story. Good stuff so far, Coaster. Now keep the story going.

Zeb40Zeb40about 17 years ago
Wow! Finally a potentially good story.

I just hope it finishes as good as it started. I think that the wife was rather portrayed as an unfeeling person, for the most part. She had already made up her mind before discussing it with her husband, so no matter what he offered in the discussion, it meant nothing. It was going to be her way or no way. She also doesn't appear to care what her children think about the decision, as evidenced by her wanting to put off telling them initially. I'm glad the husband decided to keep the house, because I suspect that he will be back living there in the future, either with her or without her. As some of you know, I'm a great fan of happy endings, but I can't see this one headed in that direction. I can only hope.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Nice start

I grew up in Minnesota (Apple Valley, actually), so I'm sure my enjoyment of this was increased by those references. Still, you have an obvious talent for writing, tension, and characterization. Hopefully the sexual plot will advance in the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
I seldom make two comments, but

Mr. Anon in the US (below a couple comments) stated that it is a caricature to use women in their forties and still beautiful in stories! I don't know what part of the US he lives in, but I see a lot of beautiful 40something women and often, even older. It is his loss if he feels only the young are attractive and/or desirable!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Good start

<p>Like Zeb40 said, it looks like a potentially good story. But, I have lost count of the number of times a story has started out good and ran down hill from that point on. And, in addition often times ending with an unjustified “reconciliation at all costs”, as well as the story running downhill. However, this first chapter is very good. </p>

<p>Since, this is in the LW category; most likely there will be betrayal by one spouse or the other. Indications at point in the story it will be the wife. I look forward to how you handle the outcome of this story. Personally, I would like to see someone explore a situation like this and have no cheating; and instead examine the how selfishness of the spouse led to the dissolution of the family. </p>

<p>Several years ago I occasionally worked with a government guy who in having pursued the next big government promotion had decided to temporarily leave his wife and kids in place back in their hometown. From what I gleaned from conversations it was a one-sided decision on his part with his family having very little input. The plan, at the time, was for when the oldest kids graduated High School for the family to join him. Apparently he only reluctantly agreed to letting the oldest kids graduate as his initial plan was to uproot the whole family regardless. </p>

<p>Even though he flew home as often as he could and they came out and visited him as often they could, things were not quite working out very well. He then basically gave his family an ultimatum “to join him or else” and the family chose the “or else option.” I was not really surprised since he had indicated to me that his family really did not want to leave where they all grew up and leave behind all their relatives and friends. There were more details like him being “overly ambitious”, “them not really needing the additional money”, etc….. He ended up divorced because his career was #1 to him over his family. </p>

<p>What is kind of funny is that at the same time my wife and I were discussing returning to her hometown so that our children could grow up knowing their cousins, aunts, uncles, etc….. We eventually did return to my wife’s hometown and the move did stall both our careers, however, my wife and I have always put our family first and our careers way down on the list. </p>

<p>In having known a person who made, in my opinion, the wrong decision; I am very interested on seeing how this story works out. </p>

bornagainbornagainabout 17 years ago
The Divorce

I bet she screwes up and the husband divorces her becaquse i bet she has been fucking the board just to get this position and she is scared to tell him that she has been unfaithful to him .

MinigalesMinigalesabout 17 years ago
Wife Set up to Fail

<p>So far it is a great start.

<p>The wife's decision was definitely a rash decision. It is strange that she decided to accept such an offer before she researched it. Also it is as strange she was given that offer. She clearly has no idea about the new job, the new department and even her industry. I cannot believe someone would take the responsibility of doubling the size of the company without even knowing whether it was reasonable or crazy.

<p>As everybody else except one or two commenters observed, the wife did not give a damn about how her decision would affect the family. She did not give them the due respect or attention to consider their issues before telling them of her decision. It was like "This is what is going to happen. Deal with it."

<p>As one reader noted, the best option for the husband is to end the marriage immediately, but unfortunately that is not practical and it would put him to blame. He should have told her you either find a way for this to work out or walk away from the marriage immediately. Your family should not take the brunt of your rash decisions. I hope he somehow does not sell the business before he finds out how his wife fares. Not selling the house was a brilliant idea. Not selling the business would be even more brilliant.

<p>All that before we know the wife cheats, and that is, we suppose, why this story is here. It would be really unexpected if the husband ends up cheating. Then we would have to deal with a shitload of psychocrap. So far we do not know what the husband's opinion of cheating, i.e. wimp or not.

AnonymousCriticAnonymousCriticabout 17 years ago
What's sex got to do with it?

Why is this (from many commenters) all about sex? If she never considers doing anything with another man, the forces working to tear the marriage apart are as strong as the tectonic forces that lead to earthquakes.


He has built a business that depends on relationships and trust. He started meeting people when he worked for someone else. In Chicago he has no relationships and he is getting into the age range where he may not be able to get a job with someone else to start developing the relationships that could lead him to the same kind of success around the time he’s starting to consider retirement. He’s in insurance. Shouldn’t he plan for an accident in their marriage to protect against an economic disaster for him? What if the job takes so much time and travel that she has no time for him or anyone else? She cuts him loose and his income plummets 80%, how does he manage? Perhaps he can limp back and work for whoever owns the agency he built. But, they may fear he will be able to take back clients and refuse to hire him.


What protection do they have if she cannot meet the unrealistic expectations of a public company? Will she have to resort to illegal tactics like Enron and others to keep up the stock price in order to keep her job? What is their protection if she winds up in jail? What if she resists and winds up with no job? How long can they live on no income?


Are we seeing chauvinism because he’s losing a job and she’ll be making more? I don’t think so. If you reverse the scenario and her business was built on personal relationships with his promotion exposed to the vicissitudes of a public company, I’m betting the readers’ sympathies would be with her, especially if he presented her with a fait accompli as she has done to him.


There’s no reason to suspect ulterior motives by her upper management. The only place that kind of sexual predation takes place with any regularity is on these pages. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but her failure to perform her job in such a situation could easily result in the predator winding up unemployed and unemployable. The magnitude of the risk keeps it from happening very often. With the money involved, they could find a younger woman not involved in the business with little risk and negligible costs.


Until they fully understand how much time she will have to devote to the family, there isn’t any reason for them to move with her. He can hold the business until they are able to recognize it is a tolerable situation for them. She is being given a magic money-paying box without knowing what is inside. They, not only he, would be better off saying, “Let’s see what happens and make plans when we understand our situation.”


Good story so far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Kerblammo the monkey on my back just turned into a

gorilla. The best line I have read in awhile. Seriously, this looks like a very good story so far. As others have said, the story can go in alot of different directions so it will be interesting to see where it goes. The characters are well written and the plotline is believable, even the wife's behaivior can be explained as sheer nerves..afterall she is taking a huge chance at a new job where the expectations of performance are astronomical...excellant writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Continue the story without putting the subject of cheating

torchthebitchtorchthebitchabout 17 years ago

Your writing is extremely good as is the composition of the story. I'm looking forward to more stories by you. The situation is very realistic, however I would disagree with commentators who castigate the wife's character. She is not a bad person. She has the modern woman's expectations and coaster2 accurately portrays these. Husband has given up his boyhood dreams to be part of a family, Then, just when the kids become more independant, wife goes back into the workforce. She has been seduced into thinking it is the exciting place epitomized by by the moneyed feminist lobby who sit around affirming each others prejudices without experience of the realities of the workplace. Advice from husband, who has the scars, is seen as failing to support wife. Wife discovers husband is right (and it doesn't help that it means she was wrong), but has the marriage been damaged irreparably? This situation is compounded by the move. This story is an excellent rendition of a modern problem. As many have said, this story can go in many directions. Reading other stories Coaster2 could lead us in any of these. I say again, great writing C2.

oldwinooldwinoabout 17 years ago
Great Start

Great start to a real life story. A great story doesn't need a cock erupting every six limes.

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 17 years ago
A very well done story line, so much to consider

I will now go to chapter two as this has my whole attention as my mind is wrapped up in your yarn. Thank you for this great effort.<p>PT

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Non Erotic Story

After reading all 3 parts, I find this to be a Non Erotic story. Pretty good story, but it belongs in the Non Erotic area. The lead is also misleading. If you are looking for a story with sex, don't bother reading this!!!

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
Real Life

This is a comment on the attitude of the wife. I have no sympathy for her position. She is blinded by her ambition which is a direct result of her insecurities. She shows contempt for her husband and her family. She expects the entire family to drop their lives for her. Her husband has a successful business, built over the last twenty years. The fruits of which have allowed her to live the lifestyle she does.

"You have no bloody idea of what our industry is about. You're just spewing the usual bullshit you see on T.V. From now on, keep your opinions to yourself."

Give this quote I would allow her to move to Chicago but I would not follow. Nor would I tell her of my intentions. She made a unilateral decision. Without consultation and that brooked n argument. My life and the life of my children would go on without her. And when she wished to return, as long as she had done nothing else to damage the marriage and apologized for that statement I would allow her to return. Family comes before ambition, it comes before everything. If she has to be alone to learn that, then alone she would be.

VickieTernVickieTernover 13 years ago

This is the clearest, strongest, most intelligent, least compromised or sentimentalized, yet felt portrayal of this conflict-of-careers issue I have encountered. Extraordinary is the only suitable word for it. Now on to the remaining sections, and God help what they may do to me!

demantoiddemantoidabout 13 years ago
Loved the set up

Such a delicious pace and rhythm. Thanks, so far.

chytownchytownalmost 13 years ago

Different!!! Thank You!

KenjinnKenjinnover 12 years ago
are you fucking kidding me DWornock?!?!

what other age do you expect two parents of teenage kids to be?

seriously, quit your negative comments.

nobody likes a troll

TalonsreachTalonsreachover 12 years ago
Very astute, Coaster.

Coaster, this story is a great start. There is a ton of reality here that is continually being faced by couples across the globe. Your articulation of the thoughts of doubt, the anguish of non-communication, and dealing with the betrayal that comes from a spouse not having any input into a major life decision is extremely insightful. I look forward to the next installment.

With Dwhorecuck's continued insistance of automatically downgrading all stories with characters that have any age at all, I can only assume at this point that Dwhorecuck is actually a pedophile. DW, please leave the site and don't bother us any more with your pedophile predilictions. Sorry if this is offensive to you but your inane chatter about age is also offensive to the rest of us. Age of the characters has not one thing to do with how well a story is written. Therefore, either grow up or go away. I really don't care which way you decide as long as you take one of the roads outlined.

SkibumSkibumalmost 12 years ago
Sub-urban to urban

Any parent who even considers moving teenagers from a sub-urban community to a shithole like Chicago is deranged. I made the move from a small town in Vermont to Los Angeles and can hardly wait to retire and get out of this sewer. I'm just glad that my kids were grown and on their own when I made the move. The woman in this story is deluding herself if she thinks any added prestige or money will benefit her 15 year old daughter, and the good of your offspring has to be your first consideration.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
urban, suburban

Our kids blossomed when we moved to the city. While their suburban peers went druggie and worked at Mickey D's one oldest joined a ballet company and travels the world while the youngest is a translator at the UN. Tract home or brownstone, it is the parents, not the place.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago
Interesting Start

Will the family survive the move? We'll see...

checkaho013checkaho013over 10 years ago
It's all about her!

What's good for Jo is good for the country.

LaroneLaroneover 10 years ago

What a total bitch. Even if someone smacks her up side the head and restarts her brain she has already horribly wounded her marriage and family. Hubby seems incredibly spineless to me so far and I really hope that changes.

Now I have to read the other parts before going to bed and see if Hubby gets his head out of his ass and stands up for the family before it's too late.

So far though it's well written and is an easy read. Nice work.

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago

"I don't think these guys are into fun; except maybe after hours." she said cryptically.

How does she know what kind of after hours "fun" these guys are into?

And why so defensive when he warns her about the guys she may run into? Methinks she doth protest too much!

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
so far it is all about her

and nothing but tension.


this is not a pleasant read.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

Retain a divorce attorney NOW, with her attitude you're sure gonna need one sooner or later.

kdcee79kdcee79almost 10 years ago
A good read

Glad I'm not in his shoes. This has all the hallmarks of a marriage disaster; Jo will get hit on all the time, she'll try to stay loyal but at some time in the near future she'll cave & cheat, meantime hubbie will sell his business, be loyal whilst gradually getting the feeling the shit is going to hit the fan soon cos Jo can't make it home for many weekends. So, how'd I do, close??

This first chapter was a very good tale. 4 ****

Pappy7Pappy7over 9 years ago
Very good presentation, as always but

I think that the fact that she placed the responsibility to "make it work" on him, even though he makes it plain as day that he is against it or at least has major reservations about the rapidity of the decision and the lack of responsible thought on her part, shows that she has no respect for him or their marriage. I would assume that someone will note that this happens to women all the time and I don't disagree but if the process is like the one in this story then that is not right either.

As for the fact that she knows what these types like to do after hours should indeed raise a red flag. It is time for him to think back over the last little bit and try to decide how she got such a big promotion and he didn't know to expect it. She has had some degree of secrecy involved for some time, evidently. Doesn't mean she has been unfaithful necessarily, but it does mean that she has been part of the "club" at least from the observation stand point. I think that this whole scenario as it is playing out is toxic to him and his family. Won't turn out good, probably on may levels.

cap5356cap5356over 9 years ago
good story

great story so far and so like so many instances that it has happened. there are many ways that the marriage can fail if they lose site of each other. seems like she is already thinking only of herself here though.

fifteen16fifteen16over 9 years ago

Just a story but, many years ago governments both sides of the Atlantic legislated for female equality and quite right to, equal opportunity in education, in the workplace and of course equal pay. In the nineties to encourage more women into politics one party ordered many of their constituency parties to field only women candidates, "positive discrimination" they called it. It was also said by some that more women in higher positions would have a changing effect on society for the better. I was sceptical. There are today many good and capable women doing a good job, a couple of years back there was the "House of Commons expenses scandal" where it was discovered MP's had been fiddling their expense by making exaggerated and sometimes false claims, amongst those revealed were women. You see it's not about gender it's about personal integrity, greed and ambition and in those things some women are no different to some men. What we have here is a woman putting ambition first and extols the virtue of having more money as a legitimate reason to move, just a minute, that's what men have done for centuries have we not, so what is different. A good and well written story that brings in the whole family and one can imagine. this scenario being played out in our new and better society.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago

Yes, to a certain extent they are BOTH being selfish.

The BIG difference is that HE wants to discuss things, whereas SHE has already made up her mind AND has placed the burden of making it work all on him.

And as I said in my earlier comments she seems AWFULLY defensive about the possibility of "extra-curricular" affairs!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

one of the very best stories on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well written but...

One of the worst and most unsympathetic characters I have ever read about in the woman. What kind of bitch does this and why should I read about her? Won't be reading any more. You'd be brilliant with a character with the tiniest spark of charm.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 8 years ago
Dealing with a modern problem

For at least the last 50 years a problem between husbands and wives has been getting worse and worse and far more frequent. That problem is my career vs your career. How do we accommodate the demands of both in a marriage. There is not one simple answer, it is case by case solution, or no good solution to be found.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

What a selfish person this woman is. Compared to most, she has everything. She has a faithful husband, stable children, a home paid for, both have good jobs and enough money to live comfortably. Both children are at a stage in their life that relocation would have more of a negative affect on them than if they were younger. It would be more understandable if she accepted the job for financial reasons. This is not about gender, but about the most important thing in life: Family. This would be just as bad if the man in the family did this. Get both kids in college before destroying the marriage. No matter what decision is made, one of them is going to be unhappy enough to end the marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Terrific (thus far)

A not uncommon and genuine dilemma, where the survival of a couple depends on both of them understanding and accepting the full implications -- as apparently she does not, at least not yet (and ignorance does not lead to bliss when radical compromises are called for but not dealt with). Though I greatly admire the ignorance and simplicity of the two "Anonymous" writers who think she's selfish, bitchy, etc. -- may you be wedded to women who make you think at all times that they worship the ground you walk on (so you'll never notice where they're walking)! First rate! Now on to how you see this working out or culminating!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

"I'm going to take the job, Mark. If you love me, you'll find a way to make it work." – If SHE loves HIM she wouldn’t put this burden on him!

Texas_Air_ForceTexas_Air_Forceover 8 years ago
Dancing in a lightning storm....

Jo might as well be running around on a golf course, holding a steel golf club during a lightning storm. The only question is not IF she gets hit, but WHEN. And, who cheats first, her the selfish corporate ladder climber or the husband she is leaving behind?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Totally self centered, selfish woman

Why is there any question about what to do? She only cares about herself and her career. That's fine. Just realize that fact and move on. The kids stay with him in the family house and she gets to go have her career - just can't have her family too. What a bitch.

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
Piece of shit annony hates the stroy, so it has to be good

anything this asshole hates means it's a great LW story. gave you a 5

MullendersMullendersover 8 years ago

is it so hard to say fuck you and your job i am not comming with my familie is more inportent then a job and it obiously isnt to you

EdwardalanzoEdwardalanzoabout 8 years ago

As far as structure goes, Part. 01 is a success.

However as far as the story line goes I agree with most of the comments.

To be blunt about it, Jo is a BITCH. She cares nothing about her husband, her family, nor her marriage. All she cares about is the job.

And I also agree that it won't be long before she spreads her legs to either climb higher on the corporate ladder of for some guy she meets at a bar. Either way it's going to happen.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago

Very minor point: You have Jo saying "tah tah!". the actual exclamation is "ta da!"

"We'll talk when I get home tonight." - What's the point? Your mind is already made up!

"You think we have a chance to make this work?" - The problem it isn't "we",it's him!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story so far...

With all respect, I'll have to disagree with an earlier comment about Jo: I don't see her as a bitch - at least not yet. Just a woman who, like many men, becomes enamored with her career and, at least temporarily, places the importance of everything else somewhere further down the list. The future is unknown to all but the author, could go either way. She is a Mom though, and those instincts are difficult to overcome, so I'm thinking that will weigh heavily in helping her make the right decision - tough to say for now. Her anger, the snappish behavior, is, I believe, due to her guilt of knowing that what she's doing is NOT helping her family, but hurting them. Somewhere deep inside she knows she's placing her needs over those of her family. The temptations in Chicago will be numerous and strong - I hope she will prevail, but I thinks the odds are against her for a good outcome.

Great story and characters, good sensible flow, feels realistic. Looking forward to seeing how this all turns out. 5 stars.

MullendersMullendersover 7 years ago

she puts her job career before her husband and before her kids sorry but me personly would never had made that move for her ego and yes its for her ego

she did not realy say it you dont do move to chigago with me then ill go with out you but she implied it enough that i would have said fine piss of you bitch go seek your fortune there just dont come crawling back when you realize how uterly pathetic this is

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
So pathetic!!!

Not only is she a selfish bitch, and he's just dick-less wimp! He lets he dictate the situation! And his friends advise is pure bull shit. Reality is, if he goes along with this, it will be hard to start his business over again in Chicago! His wife will begin traveling and the will begin to resent that she forced him to do something he really didn't want to do. With her spending more time traveling, he will become jealous and worry that she is cheating so that it will affect their personal relationship!

The fact that you write that he's able to make love to her over these few days is sheer bullshit. If he was the man he should have been, his depression and angst over the situation would have prevented any real closeness. The story is just all fucked up!

Ocker51Ocker51over 7 years ago
A Selfish Bitch

She gives not one shit about her marriage or her children, all she cares about is herself & what it means for her.

The husband needs to grow some balls, if he was any more of a wimp, he would be bent over the table & with her behind him wearing a strap on😂😂😂😂

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
great so far 5*

a deep betrayal of their family unit, she is unbelievably selfish, its only a matter of time before she "leaves" the family alltogether. she is already seeing them as less and herself as more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
She was already gone

He's stupid to sell his business, she never gave her family any consideration when making her decision to accept she's already out on her own. Why waste two more chapters on this week ass husband who's not very vocal in his objections.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 7 years ago

that self centered arrogant bitch.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 7 years ago
Turnabout is fair play

You decided you were going no matter what I thought so I decided I'm staying no matter what you think. See you on the weekends. Adios.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 7 years ago

I think the problem with this guy is not that he didn't put his foot down and insist she not take the job- he was being the supportive husband. His real problem was revealed during that last conversation in bed. He should have put his foot down on her arrogant attitude. She was placing the demands on everyone else and treating her husband like an employee.he should have told her that the attitude stops immediately and she starts working with him, or he doesn't go with her and the marriage is over. Frankly, for a couple married this long, the obvious chip she has on her shoulders reveals deeper problems.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Actually, let's face it, as you've written him, he's a fucking wimp!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Thats the start of a true cuckold/wimp story!!!

What a selfish action by that mother and wife!!! 3 people suffer for the personal fulfilment of one!!! And all he has to say or to do is sell his business or sell the house ??!! What an idiotic way of handling that problem!! But your direction is to wimp may be cuckold/wimp!!!

Ib_SaysIb_Saysalmost 7 years ago
passive doormat

He really came across as a doormat, considering how he took her selfish ultimatum.

He should have been more assertive and asked her not to take the job rather than letting her put all the burden on him to make things work, and have him sacrifice a 20 year career and business, just because she wants a job opportunity. When she told him that if he loved her he would make it work, he should have turned it around on her.

Their marriage is no longer a partnership.

She might regret not taking the job, but I expect there will be plenty of regrets stemming from her taking it.

Frankly, he should probably have suggested a separation to maybe shake her out of whatever fantasyland she's living in.

Seems obvious though that this will be yet another of the author's stories where the guy will end up taking the cheater back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
She no longer wants his opinions

When she basically said shut up, keep your opinions to yourself, that would have been it. Bye, enjoy Chicago, the kids can stay here

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Unsure at this point

The author has done a marvelous job of portraying an extremely selfish woman and her husband who is doing his best to keep things together.

I think I would have started preparations for the end when I realized she decided on the job with absolutely no regard for the family or marriage AND stating "if you loved me you will make this work.". I would have immediately responded with "if you loved me you would think about us before your job". Or something like that. So many things could have been said.

And she gets irritated at him for questioning things, or stating his thoughts. Obviously she wants complete aquiescence to her decisions and authority, and unquestioning loyalty all while taking no responsibility for what is happening or could happen. Sounds like a great wife. NOT!

And she threatens the marriage if she doesn't get her way. Definitely shows her priorities, although I would give this a bit of time thinking it was an emotional response. If she continued to think this way in the next couple of days then formulating Plan B should be a priority.

If it was me I would be working on Plan B. Part of that would be delaying the sale of the agency. It seems he is the only one trying to work on the marriage and family. I would give her a shot but not for very long if she didn't change her tune. Plan B would be about minimizing damage to the family in the long run.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Decent start

This story is now eleven years old, but very new to me. A lot of tension building. Wife is selfish, and inflexible. Husband trying, but being quilted by wife. One great thing about older continuing stories is that you don't have to wait weeks to read part two.

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