All Comments on 'A Lack of Control'

by magmaman

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Thank you for the Flashback(s). Some of the readers do not know the real history of the 60's. But this is a mandatory read for all. 5+++

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
anon shot reality

After My Lai everything changed. You must have lived in a

bubble because servicemen being denigrated was nightly fodder for the national evening news.

In early 80s views changed, and many a sleazy pussy hound used false stories of his time ''in country'' to bed college girls

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 6 years ago
Thanks for the story.

Most of us have regrets

and that's normal.

The pill added more sex

and therefore more cheating.

I don't think that was a factor

for Sharon though.

As I see it, she was just a slut.

So you did the right thing.

Doing right isn't always a comfort.

But it is a good start.

Thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
too stupid

Normal guy would not having urged wife on. Normal guy would have tossed Donnie out after first time.

Normal guy would certainly not left wife alone.

Story is too stupid to be believed especially considering your other submissions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Boy there hasn't been a story in LW worth reading in a couple of weeks.

And this certainly is one of those stories; not worth reading. I will comment about a couple comments. One guy said it was false about people calling soldiers names when they got off the transports. It didn't happen at first.It did happen after the My Lai massacre was reported. That was sometime around 1969 or 70. More reports of atrocities by American soldiers fuled the fire after that and by the early 70's it was certainly the case that soldiers coming home from Vietnam were called "baby killers," "Rapists," and more.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 6 years ago
A strange time

The 60s and early 70s were crazy. The culture changed so fast that values could not keep up. The Pill was the main reason for most of the changes along with the drugs. Annony that said the hate against returning vets didn't happen, must have lived in small town America. On the left coast it certainly happened. I was a couple years too young (I volunteered any way) but my oldest brother went and came back in a box. He was a volunteer and my personal hero.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You're not alone, but storyteller was unfaithful, no two ways about it. It just seems a "thing" in many stories that, like our society at large, that's not necessarily ok, but it's just boys being boys.

'Kinda tired of men with no self control making light of their unfaithfulness...

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
Pretas of memory Shimmer as the Author's Lamp Burns Low, Beyond Good and Evil , Beyond Effabilitie's Pale.

You don't t ease even the mangiest, most servile stray dog with prime steak held just beyond its muzzle. Yet MGM did a crackerjack job of how the moral waters got muddied for that usually clearcut canon. Donny didn't fall in battle a virgin , thanks to narrator's unintended over-sharing of Sharon .

I enjoyed how Sharon's character started out a borderline zealot of virtue and modesty , but relaxed once she started getting laid with regularity. That pretty much explains the infatigability of resident anon moral majority trolls and Amy Yum 's cut and paste stalker-critic.

Trump too seems to go further and further neo - conservative with each day as his expanding waistline and junk food diet leaving him unable to jettison 3rd wife who does Frigidaire impression every time they make public appearance as a couple. I actually wish he could get it up and get laid . There's nothing like a pregnant mistress to make a hard core Right - to-Lifer reposuti6on stance to other side of reproductive rights aisle as ex- congressman Tim Murphy will attest to.

So it's grab em' by the pussy , make the armcandy trophy wife stay with the prenup..That's the reigning motto of impotent potenate. Oh no ! The lawyer forgot to insert mandatory smile and loving supportive, touch when out in public clause. Oops No adoring gazes for you Donald. .

Ranting again. I blame it all on multiple skilled nuances in MGM's fine story.

Full marks * * * * *

Oh yes. I thank my special anon fan who has mastered time management unearths my dusty, annums old comments for misconstruing. Here's some more fuel for your lunatic fire .You actually have finally merited a reciprocal mention and have of course therefore 'made it" just like Jimmy Cagney circa ' White Heat'.

"Top of the world " .

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
yeah i know what you mean...

unless you lived through the 60's, the war, the return... you'll never know what it is was like. we are still paying for it, some of us everyday. it played havoc on all of us and how it affected us all when we got home, it will never be understood by those who didn't go through it... thanks

aguyfromthe60saguyfromthe60sover 6 years ago
stuff like this happened

this happened all too often. women of the 60s and 70s found it easy to be sluts. The guys were just as bad or worse with a fuck them and forget them attitude. my own wife slutted her way thru college and now after 40 years won't put out for her own husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I'm not sorry, . . .

but as soon as I read that this is from the Old Man and Doctor Debra saga I just lost all interest. Just couldn't care less what this guy was doing when he was young. What was the point of using the old geezer as a jumping off point anyway? Guess there are those who tend to live in the past. Hope its good for you.

InsigniaInsigniaover 6 years ago
A slice of life

With a nice twist at the end. The abuse to returning service men did indeed happen. The tale itself could have played out in lots of places. Lots of Jodies out there.

honeylicker1124honeylicker1124over 6 years ago
Looks like a lot of '60s and '70s guys read this one and commented...

I would be 9 years younger than Dan at 65. I could have went to Nam out of high school at in 1969, but I was able to go to college and stayed there, graduating right as it had stopped. Yeah, the times were different back then. We have a different culture now, but you described it well. Never been stoned on weed, but hey, he should have had more control and stopped them. 5 *'s

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
It Happened!

Poster "73" Zoo is a liar. I was personally spat on while in my Uniform at Orlando/McCoy in front of my parents. In addition, no one called it the "Zoo". It was the "Nam" and the US was the "World". Veteran Infantrymen served in the Big Red One or the 173rd or 2nd Field Force or something specific. This guy never served. He is a pretender. Thanks Magmaman for your service and for your story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I have no idea, though, why the writer would want to divorce such a wonderful wife.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 6 years ago

A good story by one who apparently lived through the upheaval that resulted in the way our nation is today. I’m from that time also and I often wonder what the hell happened. The generation who became of age during those years, and the ones following, seem to have had their wiring crossed, or something. When the history of the "Late Great USA" is written, surely it will name those times as the beginning of the end.

We have now deteriorated to the point half of our people don’t have the ability to separate political crap from reality—I offer LordSlamdawgg’s Trump comment on this story as evidence. President Trump ran on promises, which he has tried to keep. Due to a GOP establishment joining the Dems and leftist media he has been less than fully successful, but he has done a lot more good than the man who gave us the “CROTCH SALUTE” during the playing of the anthem, managed in eight years.

Politics aside, another legacy of the sixties are those who score and make asinine comments about a story they don’t read, (their claim, not mine) apparently somehow thinking their ‘cradle to grave’ government support includes free reading material such as we find on LIT. Rather than encourage writers to continue submissions, they ridicule them. But I guess that makes sense in this upside down world the progressives have given us.

MM, you did a fine job showing these “young lions” how it was 'way back when'—maybe folks like us are lucky to have seen what life could be like and know we won’t have to suffer though the ‘Brave New World’ much longer.

5 stars from the dreamer!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Those dang whippersnappers!

Why, back in my day... Christ, what a pathetic tour of the fossilized neural pathways of the relics of yesteryear. Why, when I came back from Nam... Jesus, move on. Go sailing, pet a dog, paint a picture, go fishing. Tomorrow, not yesterday. Boring as fuck trip down memory lane. Yeah, yeah, you're old, your wife is a doctor, you fuck up a storm, yada, yada. Two stars.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 6 years ago

I am so very sorry you chose to reveal your vicious and mistaken politics. From your stories and comments you seemed like a reasonable and mature person. Now you are fully exposed as neither. Very sad.

Mr. Trump will be recorded as one of the worst presidents in our history, but also as the very worst character to be president. Don't you see that a man who cheats the people who work for him and who you could not seat your wife next to at table will inevitably commit some gross mistake? He has no policies and keeps no promises because he has no soul. And you follow this creature???

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
5! Stars!! Just to say fuck you annony

you're the biggest asshole on here. you should be dead!!

bruce22bruce22over 6 years ago
Another slice of life

Interesting Story. Sounds like a reflection of those times and human nature.

HankWTullamoreHankWTullamoreover 6 years ago
Yes, the 60’s anti war protesters were violent

Lived in Oakland, Ca when dad did his 2 Vietnam tours (next to Berkeley). Between the black panther movement, the “peace movement” and the “free speech” movement the violent left took real grievances as excuses to attack anyone who did not agree with them or concede to their extortion. Yes the protesters did harass returning servicemen- and their families. More so in ‘68 than in ‘73.

The crazy thing, in ‘67 Dad went to war with the community supporting the effort- even in California. But when he returned, we had to drive through screaming, violent punks to get on base for his return. While waiting at the main gate our tires were slashed, no this was not just free speech.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What? How did we get to Trump?

Thanks for the story. Brought back a few memories, both good and bad as I was there too. I wasn’t shot, and didn’t have a wife to leave to the sexual revolution, but most of us had crazy, and yes, stupid experiences back then.

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

one must have strong moral fiber and fortitude, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
re:Forensic Fossil

I agree with you a hundred per cent. Carolinadreamer has finally shown his true colors, by supporting a liar, cheat, bigot and racist. Always knew that swamp rat had issues, now they're coming out.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 6 years ago

for the topic, i believe this story should have been more than one page

HankWTullamoreHankWTullamoreover 6 years ago
Lol, politics on a pron site

Gotta love the sour grapes name calling that surfaces every time anyone comes out to the right of JFK (who was more a racist, sexist abuser than any president since).

How’s about this, not every breath taken needs to implicate partisan politics.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The Spitting Image is a Myth

" Of course, back home the politics of the day meant nearly everyone hated us." Not really. Nearly everyone in the anti war movement had the attitude of "hate the war, not the warrior." It wasn't expressed that way, but close enough.

I returned in 1969 and had no problems at all. We didn't arrive straight to our home of record. We flew back on chartered commercial aircraft and landed at either Travis AFB in California or McChord AFB in Washington. We then boarded military buses for transport to either Ft Lewis, WA or Oakland Army Depot, CA. At least this was the case for the Army. We were processed, issued dress greens, paid, and then usually hired an airport limo, or sometimes a cab to the nearest civilian airport. My trip was totally uneventful.

Those showing the greatest disrespect were those who supported the war, as long as they didn't have to go. They thought we were suckers for not getting deferments. Vietnam vets who participated in the anti war movement, were warmly received.

Liberals and leftists had no monopoly on deferments. Just to name a few conservatives who availed themselves of that option: Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Ted Nugent, and conservative Democrat Bill Clinton.

26thNC26thNCover 6 years ago
Liked it

I too was in the "Nam" from 1969 to 1972. Flew O1 Birddogs in support of 1st Marine Div in 1 Corps. I Came home through McChord AB in May 69 and was verbally attacked by protesters at SeaTac and again in Chicago. WTF is the "Zoo"? Only wish more of the deferred ones who took such good care of our women could have been drafted and seen combat and ended up like the friend in this story. I was able to visit a little justice on the guy who took up with my girl. It wasn't over her cheating ass, but felt good all the same. Been 45 years, each of which he he used a cane.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 6 years ago

It strikes me as curious that the narrator would be so remorseful about this incident. It was merely the final straw for a marriage on life support.

FirstwithUFirstwithUover 6 years ago
Good story, history needs to be learned......

Politics aside, good story. By the way the younger set should watch David Burns "Vietnam war " series. Learn your history or be doomed to repeat it.

It was a very confusing time that was filled with misunderstandings, fear, and hate. If you served in the Nam you where "in country" or just the Nam. The USA was the "real world ", or "world".

I dd not serve but witnessed the hate of returning Marnes frsthand. It did happen and was filmed by the press over and over.

I want to explain that I had just decided to join when the draft ended and the draw down began. I regret to this day not serving.

Thank you to those who did serve. All are brave hero's and deserve respect.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Oh, if we could only go back in time

My first wife and I were perfect together. Then my parents were tragically killed in a house fire and I had to fly back home. It was up to me to take care of the arrangements and before I flew home, over a month passed. My wife (of 3 years) had to stay behind because of her job.

I knew something was wrong when a few guys looked at me weirdly. Finally after about 2 weeks, during which time we never had sex, a buddy called and asked to have coffee with me. That was cool, we did it periodically.

Turns out a few other 'buddies' weren't quite as buddy as I thought. While I was gone, four of them spent their time mounted up on my wife, in singles, pairs, triples and sometimes all four at once. A few videos got out and my real friend produced them for me. When I confronted her, my wife swore she was taken advantage of until I produced the moving pictures shows. She conceded it was something she always wanted to and while I was gone was the perfect time to get it out of her system. I explained fairly harshly the time to do it was BEFORE we married.

We divorced, not having accumulated much. This was back in the late 70s when Jimmie Carter gave us 17% interest on any home loans. Because of buying a house was so unaffordable, we lived in a basement apartment. Allison moved home to her parents, I kept our place for a few extra months before rebuilding my folks place and moving in.

I took my ol' buddy old pals down one at a time. Busted 'em up pretty good. Took all of two months to do it without bringing much attention to me. Fortunately my real buddy gave me a great alibi the two times police wondered if I had anything to do with it. None of the four lived a really physically comfortable life afterward.

Allison stopped by my place 22 years later. She didn't know I lived in my parents old place and was in town. After swinging by and checking the place out, she knocked on the door. I'm not sure who was most surprised when I answered. The woman I'd married at 5'10 and about 140lbs was replaced by one about 5'4" and 200lbs. She was suffering from a degenerative disk disease that was slowly eating her spine away--leaving her to appear like a humpbacked lady.

We had a good visit. She apologized and took all of the blame. If only we could go back in time, she lamented, everything would be different. To that my wife who sat next to me during our talk, made sure Allison understood she was happy my ex threw me away. About that time our daughter and her husband arrived with our only grandchild. Turned out Allison never remarried, never had kids, and spent her time working until she could no longer do it.

I felt sorry for her, Allison died only a few years later. My wife and I attended her funeral, she said it was only right. It just about killed me to find there was hardly anyone there to mark her passing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

cuck shit.

SeeingEyeSeeingEyeover 6 years ago
A decade later

He saw her a DECADE later and thought her SEVEN year old might be his? Is your sense of time really that terrible?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Some kind of controversy here about how things were in the 60's? I was there, in liberal cities being in uniform could be dangerous, in other areas, no prob. Women? Some went nuts once freed of fear of pregnancy.

The writer gets pretty close.

Then some idiots manage to get their Trump hate into a tale like this? Now that IS nuts.

Then we have those that can't read, like the guy who thinks the author was off on timelines, talking about some seven year old. Talking about there being a 7 AND 10 year old was clear to me.

Interesting little tale here, probably true.

Amazing how many nutcases this site attracts.

oatzaboatzabover 6 years ago
I want to publish!

@Oh, if we could only go back in time Anon

Your story is excellent. You were very successful because your first wife cheated on you, because you divorced and found your second wife!

You found here some posters that they think this life situation is FETISH, that somebody gets happiness with other woman after cheating first wife!

Because you are Anonym I will publish your story on other website.

If you do not want me publish your true life story you should write feedback to my Nickname! I will wait for some day! If you do not write anything to me I will publish your Anonym story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Yes it is interesting how many nut cases this site attracts. You're one of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Ah, another one of them "I grab them by the pussy" supporters. Astounding observation for sure. Feel better now?

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
@ Hank Tullamore cc JFK a racist

Let's be clear here. JFK was a stone hound for women and had little compunctions harvesting the benefits with women avid to tryst with wealthy, charismatic war hero in position of power. Trump was like this as well in his prime, except for war hero part ( darn pesky bone spurs ). Trump is a germophobe so that kept his numbers down.

But JFK a racist ? ? Evidently you know nothing of Civil Rights act of 1960, then 1964 ( enacted after his death but foundation was laid during his era ) . You are ignorant of National Guard called to implement integration of Alabama educational system ( lone state holdout ) where Governor George Wallace futilely stood in door to confront Deputy Attorney General.

JFK was no saint and had multiple flaws. But he fought heroically in WW2 and suffered lifelong back trauma from injury there ). He did not try to ramrod thru tax law boon for 1 % ( check proposed inheritance tax waivers for billionaires ).Rest assured , he and Trump are very different in respective racial outlook ( DT settled housing project racial discrimination suit with father for millions and by many accounts got off easy thx to sympathetic Republican administration ) .

JFK may well have aged badly with mini-cooler for gut as he hit 70 and botoxed faced 3rd wife slapping away his hand at public appearances because holding hands in public isn't in prenup. But he never would have marginalized Neo-Nazis culpability in Charlottesville riot. Believe that.

green117green117over 6 years ago
Let's see... the 60's....

I was there, a bit young though... yes, left coast as well...

Harassing returning service people? It happened, but was driven mostly by those desiring a confrontation. Certainly the massacre du jour would change the frequency. More recent examples of the phenomena would be the Westboro Baptist events. Provoking violence is a common tactic - the marches through Londonderry became such, if memory serves... and we have seen provocations even more recently.

I'm not sure that harassing people you don't agree with is that uncommon, or politically assignable to one party or another. Flowers in gun muzzles were an interesting image, n'est ce pas? And there was Tiananmen square... not to speak of these pages.

I would think that harassment would make reintegration into society of the returning service people much harder - condolences to those it happened to. I think it is no coincidence that harassing service people these days wouldn't fly. However, that happens by assigning responsibility to those that control the military - which should be a caution to those who control the military.

As for sexual mores, part of the problem was that there were two different elements to the counter culture - some folks were trying to create a more sexually equal society, and others who just saw a bunch of sluts they could take advantage of. I was more than a little grossed out when I ran into a guy who wore a wig to be a hippy, and then went back to his job as a straight.

What is interesting in this discussion is that both the liberals and conservatives have representation in the armed forces. It is not wise to assume that military means conservative, or that non-military is liberal. My right wing (let's be kind - abrasive) father-in-law with a high level retirement from the Army couldn't stand Reagan because he wouldn't keep veteran benefits high.

And so - politics are divisive, and I'm not sure productive here in the comments pages unless the story is specifically political in nature.


(@LSD... "JFK was a friend of mine, and you sir are no JFK" ?? where is Dan Quale when we don't need him...)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Sad. When the well runs dry.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Now back to the story...

So who had 'a lack of control'? His wife or him for being drunk out of his mind and pushing his wife to expose herself? Then he dumps her for being a cheater?! Story was not erotic, but it was plenty stupid. Not up to your usual quality.

fifteen16fifteen16over 6 years ago

This is a site of entertainment not for politics but please indulge me for one minute. As a Brit i am well aware of the thousands of young Americans who came to europe to help us in that terrible war. Did they have a choice?, no, their government sent them and many made that ultimate sacrifice. In the sixties the same, weather serving or conscripted they had no choice, any disagreement about a war should be with the government not the serving soldier. Those people who insulted them should hang their head in shame. Another good yarn from magmaman.

magmamanmagmamanover 6 years agoAuthor
People still amaze me

This one was just a short tale about the tail end of a marriage. That evening with Donnie we were already headed for the inevitable breakup, and just going through the motions.

An overly sexed wife left alone and to her own devices, the husband sent to a war.

Everything changed, there was no control. The end results were not even uncommon, it happened to so many of us.

What is interesting is people argue instead about how the public reacted to those of us forced to go fight.

I remember being ordered to attention as we walked together, along with several others from different military also coming home as we were insulted, yelled at in the Portland airport.

I really had no idea what was going on, it was a complete surprise. None of us got much news of that out in the mud where we were. Instead, our "news" was generic, they wanted to keep our morale up, of course.

I remember the police escort that got those of us in uniform out of there..

Portland Oregon has always been a bit nuts, the place is far worse now than then if anyone takes the time to watch the news.

Way it was. Way it is.

This short tale really was an "It happened."

Sharon changed. But then, so did I. And so did our world.

Yes, you folks sure do amaze this old man.

Jim44444Jim44444over 6 years ago
Memory lane.

Another fine 5* tale Dan. I knew it would be good based on the number of moronic comments from "Anonymous".

I liked that you acknowledged your role in this fiasco. Too many writers just want to 'burn the bitch' and pretend that they were innocent victims. In any relationship there are 3 stories - his, hers and the truth.

I question your wisdom in dumping a hot wife, she could have been a lot of fun at parties.

chytownchytownover 6 years ago
Good Read****

Thanks for sharing.

prinnaveaprinnaveaover 6 years ago
Truth be it known

OMG! I have read only the first 10 paragraphs/section. Thank God/or whatever, that I found someone, and I am not the only that looks behind the curtain of life and sees much of the truth.

LOL keep on writing.... this shit (goodway) is getting real interesting with a nice plus of eroticism.

desertdog43desertdog43about 6 years ago

Special place in HELL for wives cheating on a man taking fire from the enemy....T Chu-Lai 1965-66....

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Enjoyed it

Good.flash story. I enjoyed it. It wasn't very a very happy story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
The comment about...

...everyone hating us when we got back from Vietnam, it should be clear the haters and people spitting on our returning soldiers were 100% liberals. Especially in a filthy third world crap hole like portardia. Mr. Slampuppy. You forgot to mention JFK voted against the equal rights ammendment in 1957 as a senator. Or that it did finally pass with 80% Republican support, and 50% Democrat support. What would you expect though from Democrats who gave us the kkk, and segregation. Libtards have been trying to rewrite history for quite some time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Re: Magmaman

Worked with and for a man who's unit was one of the first combat Marine units sent to Vietnam. When they rotated home to San Diego, they had literally been pulled out of combat, still with all of their gear. They stepped off of the plane to find Hell's Angel's meeting them to act as security. Think about that, Marines shipped straight back to the world, still with All of their gear, people screaming, swearing and throwing things at them with no clue these guys had real, live ammunition for those weapons. If one of them had been injured there wouldn't have been enough bikers in the world to save those idiots. The only thing I ever saw Mike afraid of was snakes. He died of a massive heart attack while refereeing a kids basketball game. A hero in all manner of the word. Signed: BTW

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Still a good story. Wonder if she was still cheating on her husband?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He stayed way longer than me. I would have been gone once I knew she cheated once.

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6', 186#, published writer. I have worn many hats. As a young man I was crazy, carefree and making wads of money. Then along came a messed up war and I was cannon fodder. From there I came home even crazier, and survived a 120 MPH crash which got me 15 years in a wheelchair...