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"We need to sit down and talk, John."

"About what?"

"Matters pertaining to the four divorces you are responsible for. Our house. Midday on Saturday. Bring George, James and Richard with you. They will be involved as much as you are."

"And why would I want to meet with any of you?"

"I'm sure you've realised we have the evidence, John. You don't meet, I burn you all. Natalie has told us everything, and we believe her much more than we would believe anything out of your mouths."

"And if we don't come?"

"Everyone finds out what you did to Natalie, we send out the video and pictures to everyone you know and do business with, and I make sure everything you've built is burned to the ground."

"What about Belinda?"

"I have no problem with the fact she would be burned as well. I still owe James for his involvement."

Mum was aware of the conversation, sitting her down with my two sisters and explaining what we would do. Natalie didn't want a court case as she was scared of a 'he said, she said' scenario, even though showing further video could prove it was her father and brothers. Natalie still shook her head. "I don't want my face or name all over the news," she said.

"As it's your father and brothers, they'll give you anonymity," I assured her.

Taking my hand, she squeezed it gently. "I don't want any of it, Mark. Please believe me. But I want what we're owed. He might not see time behind bars, but he's going to pay in other ways."

"What are you thinking, Mark?" Mum asked.

"He's going to agree to pay you maintenance, a high amount every month for every year as long as you were married. He will also hand the title of this house over to you. The bank accounts will also be handed to you. The only thing he's really going to get out of it is the business. You can hand back the shares you have." Turning to Natalie, I added, "As for you, he's going to give you a lump sum of cash, but we will hold onto the discs. Let us dangle them over his head like the sword of Damocles."

My father arrived at the requested time on Saturday with George, James and Richard in tow. Sitting at the dining table, I couldn't help smiling at my brothers as they were quite clearly worried. Dad tried to look unconcerned, but his eyes gave him away. Richard simply glared at me in silence. Behind me stood my mother, two sisters, and Cathy had also joined us. She'd been a regular visitor as she'd always liked my mother.

"I'm going to write some figures on a piece of paper. John, once the divorce paperwork is being started, you will be paying our mother the figure written down every month, and that will continue for as long as the years you were married. You will hand over the house to her. Where you live, I don't give a shit. Take Belinda as a roommate for all I care.

George, I'm sure your colleagues, bosses and friends wouldn't want to see evidence of you fucking your little sister. Every cent in your bank accounts? It's now Cathy's. You're going to sell the house and give Cathy two-thirds of whatever you make off it."

"You can't..." he started to say, rising to his feet.

"Sit down," John stated with a sigh, "You know as well as I do that we'd be ruined if he carries out his threat."

"Watch your back, Mark," Richard growled.

I met his eyes and smiled. "Think I don't have contingencies in place? I might be young, but I've already sat in on multi-million negotiations, those across the table with decades of experience. Don't take my youth as a weakness. I was hired to do the job I do because I proved how good I am at it. You really think I wanted to waste my talents working with these three idiots? Trust me, I know George and James are going to run the business into the ground. As for you, Richard, I think I might just take pleasure in ensuring your name is burned to the ground. Want to test me on this?"

"House is sold, I get everything. Bank accounts are mine. You get your clothes and your car," Katie stated, "You fight me on this, your entire family is going to know what a piece of shit you are."

Glaring across the table, I simply ignored James for now as I focused on the man I once called 'Dad'. "You raped your own daughter, you piece of shit. You got her drunk, drugged her, then you fucked her with these three. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Dad smirked. "The little bitch wanted it," he stated with a shrug of his shoulders.

I near enough leapt over the table, Mum and Katie resting a hand on my shoulder to keep me in place. "Regarding Natalie, the figure is a lump sum you will be paying her by the end of this week. Failure to do so will see the evidence sent to not only friends and family but every news organisation in the nation. I will burn you and the rest of your family."

"After today, I never want to see any of you again," Natalie stated softly behind me, "I only have a mother, older sister and younger brother from now on. You three are dead to me."

Moving my eyes across the table, James probably thought I'd forgotten all about him. I couldn't financially hurt him, so I leaned forward and grinned. "As for you, fuckhead, watch your back from now on. You won't know where. You won't know when. And yes, I am threatening you, but it comes with a promise. You fucked my wife. You were the one responsible. I know John's always hated me. Not sure what I did to ever earn your ire, but I promise the hate is now returned in full."

"You don't scare me, Mark," he replied.

The smile didn't fade as I gestured at George. "This fuckwit thinks he's god's gift, yet I've put him in his place every time since I was sixteen. I've hit you once and you proved to have a glass jaw. Next time, it will be your crotch. By the time I'm satisfied, you'll barely be capable of getting it up ever again."

"I'll just go to the police."

"Then I'll ensure all the evidence is released, we'll be behind bars together, and that's where I'll bury you completely." I then ignored him immediately as I returned my attention to John. "Okay, John, that's all for now. I will contact you in one week. Make sure you have the money ready to go. When each of us gets our divorce, the figures on that piece of paper will simply be authorised by the courts."

Rising to my feet, that signalled the exchange was over. I was careful as the four opposite got to their feet. Walking behind them, Richard called me a 'fuckwit' but simply stalked off to his car. James looked like he was about to swing, George grabbed him by the collar and dragged him off to their cars. Dad stopped and turned around. "Can I talk to my wife?"


"We need to sort other things out."

"Then send an email to me. You will have nothing to do with my mother or my two sisters from this moment on, John. You managed to pull the wool over my eyes for a long time. I can almost applaud you for that."

"You realise your wife was nothing but a slut. It was pathetic how easily James got her into bed. Silly bitch still loved you though."

Shrugging, I admitted I didn't care any longer. "If James wants her, he can have her."

John laughed. I managed a rueful smirk as I knew why he laughed. "He never wanted her, Mark. But since we're being honest, I never wanted you."

"I'm more than aware."

"Good. At least we know where we stand." He turned and walked away, stopping a dozen or so paces away. "Smart move getting the evidence. Didn't think that Natalie would try and get it. Shows I'm nothing but an amateur at this myself. Do I have your word they'll never see the light of day should we meet your demands?"

"My word means something, John. Natalie doesn't want the embarrassment nor having to go through the turmoil again when it is in court. Do what I said, and we'll put this whole sorry saga behind us."

He managed a nod before walking away. I didn't see him again until the day he and Mum divorced.


A few months later...

When I woke up for work, Katie was already awake, watching me sleep. Her blue eyes sparkled with mischief as I ran my fingers through her long brunette hair. She'd let it start to grow as soon as she moved back home. Richard had made her cut it shorter. Her firm little body was pressing into mine, and she smiled as she felt my erection pressing into her.

We'd shared a bed nearly every night since I'd moved back home. That was months ago, but we'd never done anything more than sleep together and lots of cuddling. We were both still married. She was my sister. There were lines I didn't think we should cross, but I knew how much I loved her. And I had a feeling her love for me was just as intense.

On the few nights I didn't sleep with Katie, Natalie still needed to be shown as much love as possible. She had become somewhat of a recluse, only leaving the house in the company of close family, and she would occasionally head out for a night with friends, but more often than not, she'd be calling her little brother to come pick her up after only a few hours. Her friends were aware something had happened but didn't want to pry too much.

As for Mum, she was heartbroken about the collapse of her marriage and break-up of the family, but there would never be forgiveness for her husband, and I knew the chances of any reconciliation between herself, and her other two sons was minimal at best. On occasion, she'd walk into the living room and ask Katie if she could have my company in her bed. Natalie would giggle, Katie would state I could be loaned out, and Mum would happily snuggle into me.

Each of our divorces was now only a few days away from being confirmed, the Divorce Order received through the mail. Belinda had been served with the paperwork and agreed to a joint application. She was living back at home with her parents and, to her credit, admitted the reason for our divorce was due to her infidelity. We'd sat down a couple of times over the past few months and although she was just as responsible as those she loved, I did learn more about my wife and the past she'd kept hidden from me. No, she wasn't any sort of ridiculous gangbang slut. She'd just had a larger sexual history and thought I'd hate her for it.

No, I hated her for a little while because she'd lied about it. Everyone has a sexual history when you're at university. When it came to James managing to seduce her, it was a slow and methodical process that eventually worked as they met 'by chance', he got enough booze into her that she was rather agreeable, and after that... She admitted to enjoying it, and when my father wanted to join in, she found that she couldn't say no. As for George, she figured in for a penny, in for a pound. Plus, his dick was small so anal wasn't as painful.

The only thing she did admit to was having had group sex before she met me, so having fun with men and women at the same time wasn't something foreign to her. I knew everyone had their own interests and kinks, but I admitted it was something I could never agree to. I didn't share.

As for Dad and George, they were smart and agreed to terms, not fighting the divorce. Richard thought about doing it before I sent a single photo to his parents of what he'd been doing. He wisely backed off after that.

And there was my dear brother James. I'm sure he thought I'd forgotten all about him after a few months, that he'd gotten away with it. After three visits to the hospital for various injuries, he packed up and left the city. Last I heard, he had settled in Darwin. Dad called me up and was pretty pissed off about it. I laughed and told him that it was less than the prick deserved and that he should be thankful I didn't handle him the same way.

It was the last time I spoke to my father during the divorce process.

"Mark?" my sister asked softly, bringing me back to the present.


"I love you."

Pulling her closer, I left a soft kiss on her lips. "You know how much I love you, Katie."

"I'm going to be honest about something. I'm never going to want to sleep with another man now." Feeling my eyebrows raise, Katie's eyes never moved away from mine. "Might make it difficult if you met someone."

"Maybe I love having my sister in bed with me too? I do love it when we snuggle."

"Your friends going on about finding someone?"

"A little bit. They don't know the whole story with Belinda, but they know she was cheating on me."

"My girlfriends are the same. Of course, I can't tell them how much I enjoy snuggling with my little brother most nights."

She was still looking at me before I asked, "Would you ever want something more than just snuggling?"

I figured, with what loomed on the horizon, it was time to bite the bullet and see if she genuinely felt the same way about me. We'd always been close, always been affectionate, and our own mother had suggested more than once that Katie had some rather intense feelings for her little brother. But that was the crux of the issue. She was my sister. I was her brother. We would be doing something that polite society would frown upon and that the authorities would put a stop to it should we be found out.

"Are you suggesting that you want to date your older sister?" When she left a soft kiss on my lips, it lasted far longer and when I pulled her tight to my body, she was smiling while kissing me. When we finally broke apart, her blue eyes simply sparkled as her hand rested on my chest. "Mark... There's a reason why we're always together now. When I was married, I couldn't allow myself to give in to feelings, and when you were with Belinda, I could see how in love with her you were. I would never have done anything to affect your marriage to her."

"Things are different now, Katie. If we feel the same way about each other, the only question is if we're both brave enough to take the next step."

"I don't know. After everything that has happened, part of me just wants to give in to temptation. But I don't think I ever loved Richard as much as you loved Belinda. Everyone thought that you and she were truly a forever couple."

"Yeah, lesson learned there," I muttered.

"Can I be crude for a second, Mark?" Managing a chuckle as I knew what she was sometimes like, she left another soft kiss on my lips before whispering, "My pussy was only ever on loan to Richard. There was one thing I wanted more than anything when you turned eighteen and that was to be your first. So I might not get to be your first, but I now want to be your last. But we can't just leap into this because we've both been hurt."

"We do love each other."

"We do, but we both have to think about the consequences of being together. Mum seems to know and understand. But Natalie... She's still hurting after everything, and I have a bad feeling if we were together, we couldn't hide it from her as that would be unfair, and I hate the idea of my little sister being left alone."

"But you think Mum will accept?"

That question made her chuckle. "I know she's talked to you more than once, Mark. Mostly insinuation rather flat-out telling you, but I think she's always been aware of our feelings for each other. I know Mum loves snuggling with her little boy as much as I love it."

"You think she'll ever be with someone else?"

"Probably not. Mum has put a brave face on, but her heart was shattered by everything."

She might have been shattered, but the night Mum received the Divorce Order through the mail, she told my two sisters and me to get dressed up as we were going out to celebrate. Mum looked gorgeous in the black dress she chose. She might have been in her fifties, but I knew my mother could still turn heads. What she seemed to take great pleasure in the past few months was teasing me, making me blush, then giving me one hell of a cuddle.

Rather merry by the time we got home, Katie and Natalie hugged me before suggesting I take care of her. She wasn't falling over drunk, but she was giggling a lot as she didn't hesitate to undress in front of me. The fancy underwear was a surprise, Mum noticing the look on my face as I took a moment to look her up and down. "I might now be a single middle-aged woman, Mark, but I still want to look good."

"Understatement, Mum. You've always looked after yourself. Then again, like your daughters, you are a petite little thing."

Mum smiled as she stepped towards me, resting both hands on my chest. "You're the only man in our lives now, Mark. And part of me is so happy about that. You're going to look after the three of us now, aren't you?"

"Of course."

"And you'll definitely look after Katie?"

Making sure we were in bed first, Mum shuffled closer. I'm sure most would have thought it awkward to be cuddling your mother in such a manner but having done it quite often since everything that happened, I actually enjoyed how close we were. "How should I look after her, Mum?" I finally asked.

"I've never been blind to your feelings for her, nor her feelings for you. I know you loved Belinda with all your heart. I know how her betrayal shattered you at heart. And despite what she says, I know how much Katie loved Richard. I tried to warn her that he wasn't good for her... But now you're both soon-to-be single and I'll have no problem if you give into the desires you have for each other."

I probably stared at her for a good few seconds in surprise before I finally asked, "You're serious?"

"Absolutely. I would never have said this should your father still be in your life. Then again, he was fucking his daughter and daughter-in-law, so he has no reason to say a damned thing." She paused again, her eyes gazing into mine. "Then again, I'm looking at my son in my bed and thinking some very naughty things myself. I haven't had sex in far too long, Mark."

Moving my hand down to her pert little arse made her smile. "Have you had thoughts too, Mum?"

"You've had them?"

"Katie likes to tease me, suggesting Mum might need her little boy to give her some pleasure too."

Mum shuffled closer, moving my hand to her back, stroking her smooth skin as we both got comfortable. I'd cuddled with her like this plenty of times already though never when she was only in underwear while I was in just a pair of boxer-briefs. Lifting her head, she gazed at me again before I left a soft kiss on her lips, stroking her cheek as I earned another sweet smile.

"She was an idiot," Mum whispered, "I have no doubt how you treated that woman, Mark. And the thing that really surprised me is that I saw how she looked at you. I could see the love, which makes her betrayal even more bizarre."

"Don't worry about it, Mum. What's done is done. I'm now looking after my family."

Waking up the next morning with Mum spooned against me, it had happened more than once, and she was used to feeling my morning wood pressing into her. She would tease me a little bit and my hand would eventually give in and cup one of her breasts. When I felt her start to move against me that morning, I moved my hand slowly down her body until it reached the band of her panties.

"I'd love nothing more, baby," she whispered, "But I'd need to ask Katie for permission first." Turning her head, she asked, "But thank you for the suggestion."

Getting out of bed, we joined Katie and Natalie in the kitchen. I was still sporting at least a semi-erection. Katie glanced at it and smiled, Natalie glancing and blushing. Mum stopped and turned to face me, running a hand down my cheek before leaning up to kiss me. Then giggling to herself, she asked what we wanted for breakfast.

Sitting down later, I sat next to Natalie. She'd found a new job and was now living at home full-time again, having given up the apartment she was renting, but we also knew she struggled with depression after everything. More than once, I'd cuddled with her on her bed as she needed a little cry, clutching onto me ever so tightly. I let her know every day that I loved her, as did Mum and Katie. She'd been in therapy, and it was helping her deal with everything that happened to her.
