Annie's Transmigration


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He grinned, "I was so right about you!"

In a rapid motion he was inside her, filling her to overflowing. She squealed and cried out Richard's name. When she was back in the here and now, he was smiling broadly at her.

"My turn, enchanting one."

She suckled his manhood, almost but not quite matching his instructions. He held her head fast when he came and ordered her to swallow. Richard had never asked this of her, and her first taste of male ejaculate was quite disconcerting. He praised her and held her close until he was ready to go once more. He had her lie on her belly. His fingers sought her rear entry. They were coated with an oil or something similar.

"Sir?" she asked in trepidation.

"Trust me, Sunshine."

He had her shift positions slightly. In the large mirror by the bed, Annie watched as Lord Acton's manhood, ever so slowly entered her rear end millimeter by millimeter. He stroked her and encouraged her to relax. It was only because of the copious wine she had drunk that she did not scream and run away in panic. He was inside her, pumping away. Annie had no reference point. It was sinful yet it was undeniably arousing and enjoyable. He came deep inside her rectum and his flaccid cock withdrew from her. Annie was in a daze. He massaged her off to sleep. Her dreams varied between a vision of a butterfly caught in a spider's web and of a sunlit cruise in a small boat on the river that ran through town. She hoped that the daylight would resolve the question of which dream was to be her future.


In the morning, he took his straight razor and removed every follicle of hair on her body from the collar down.

"Slaves are not permitted body hair. I will shave you every morning. It won't always take hours as it just did now."

She ran her hands over her skin. It felt so odd without hair. Her underarms, her legs, her arms, her cunny, he had taken it all. He had changed her, given her a new skin, a new identity. Her father's warning that she would not even own her own skin echoed through her head. What had she done?

He handed her one of her silk oxford shirts to wear.

"I'll send Taffy into town with a list of selections for dresses and intimates, shoes, etcetera. I'll pay a premium to make them work fast, but my shirts will have to do as your garment for a few days."

They ate a leisurely breakfast. He supplied her with a pair of thick hunting socks, and they toured his estate. At the stables, he promised her a horse of her own while providing her lumps of sugar to feed the thoroughbreds. Annie was impressed with the estate. Everything was beautiful and in order. Still, she wondered why Lord Axton had so much while his parents and Richard had to struggle. The lord was obsessive about his property, at one point he harangued a groundskeeper for an irregular mowing of a path. It was clear that the man had quite the temper. That fact gave Annie pause.

They retuned to the manse. They went to his office. While he worked on bills and other things, he gave Annie a book to read. Annie's jaw dropped. It was full of dirty stories and smutty pictures! Annie slammed the book shut but Lord Axton made her read the first story out loud. It was an account of a new bride's first time. After a halting and stuttering few minutes, the impact and power of the words reached something deep inside her. Annie found herself flashing back to her honeymoon with Richard and the night before with the lord. Both men became a jumble, replaced by a third new individual inspired by the story. Annie's voice became increasingly steady and caught the emotion of the story. When she finished, she felt tremors of pleasure emanating from her intimate area.

"Excellent reading, Sunshine. Now continue in silence while I work."

To Annie's surprise, the hours whizzed by.

"I can tell that you enjoyed yourself, Sunshine," he said, breaking her revery. "I have plenty more books just as enthralling."

Annie involuntarily grinned. She caught herself and donned a sober expression but not before Lord Axton noticed.

"No shame in being a woman, Sunshine."

She looked at him. How little she knew about everything, including herself.

He extended his hand. "Come, I have need of you."

Annie was not surprised that Lord Axton led her to his bedroom. She was however, surprised by the sensitivity and bliss she felt in her loins when he explored her shorn sex with his lips, teeth and tongue. As she sighed with pleasure, Lord Axton stroked her all over.

"Revel in this sensation, Sunshine. It is something that I can give you time and again that is truly yours. I cannot experience what you experience, I can only enjoy its effect on you."

When he said those words, for the first time, Annie got a sense that he had spoken sincerely and honestly from his heart. He was her lord and master, her literal owner, yet there was something uniquely hers that he envied! It was a staggering realization to a young woman of nineteen years. She knew she must remember this moment, that it was vital to both her present and her future.

He kissed her deeply, affectionately. After that she had little trouble seeing to his needs. He went on at length as to how she had to learn to relax her throat so that she could take all his manhood in at once. He said he would teach her that skill and others that she needed and which he demanded of her. Annie's mind was muddled. When Lord Axton was kind to her and satisfied her sexually, she felt if not affection, at least respect for him. But when he upbraided the maid or spoke angrily about the peasants who occupied his estates, Annie truly feared him. She wondered how long her honeymoon window of limited demands would last. Lord Axton had very definite ways of doing things and was quite particular as to how they were done. If she could not meet his demands, would he lose his patience with her and yell at or perhaps strike her? Now that she was a day in, all sorts of questions she never thought of before assailed her conscience. Things that Richard and her father had tried to explain to her were crystal clear now. There could be no going back, her contract, collar, and the ceremony saw to that. One of the things she did know was that her position as property was permanent. Not even the king could liberate someone from their collar. Even the lowest peasant had more autonomy. This was only the first day of the rest of her life. "To think it all ends at nineteen!" she thought bitterly.

He left her sleep for a while. When he woke her, he wore a sober expression.

"Get dressed, Sunshine, the assessor is here."


"Yes. Under the law I cannot leave you unassessed or uninsured. Mr. Potts was kind enough to call upon me rather than requiring that I meet him at his office downtown. That's better for you as well."

Annie threw on Lord Axton's shirt and used a brush to straighten her hair in the mirror.

"What does assessment involve, sir?"

"Well, Mr. Potts is like a doctor..."

Annie stopped listening at that point. Her fears had been confirmed.

In a room on the first floor stood an avuncular, older gentleman who reminded Annie, a bit, of her favorite uncle, only fatter and ruddy cheeked. He bowed to Annie and took her hand and kissed it. She liked that.

Mr. Potts had brought some apparatus with him. Some of it, such as the scales and anatomy charts, Annie recognized. The rest was a mystery.

"Take off my shirt and step up on the scale, Sunshine."


"For heaven's sake, girl, you are not a shy villager any longer, you are my property, and you will do as instructed and live as I tell you!"

Annie saw the anger and potential for violence in Lord Axton's eyes. She unbuttoned the shirt and let it slide to the floor. She tried to imagine herself anywhere else.

"Oh, Sir, she is truly remarkable!" enthused Mr. Potts.

"Thank you! When I encountered her in the wild, I knew I had to have her."

"You were wise to swoop in when you did. Childbearing and drudgery would mar that perfection unalterably."

In many ways Mr. Pots was just like a doctor. He weighed her, measured her height, took her measurements everywhere, even the length of her fingernails and toenails. He examined her skin and her teeth and hair.

"Physically, Sir she is one of the finest I have ever encountered. But looks are not, of course everything."

He hefted a cylindrical object with wire attached to a Leyden Jar.

"Hold her securely, Sir."

Annie had no time to react. Lord Axton grasped her from behind while Mr. Potts strode forward and inserted the cylindrical object into her cunny. He turned a switch on the Leyden Jar and Annie found herself somewhere else. The tingling was like what Richard or Lord Axton gave her but far more intense by many manifolds. She heard moaning from somewhere. It seemed as though the ceiling and the entire sky flew away leaving a sensation of supreme pleasure and bliss, as though she was kneeling before the very throne of God!

When Annie returned to herself Mr. Potts stood open mouthed. After a long interval he stated, "Sir, I am afraid to say that your premiums on a policy to insure this one will be prohibitively expensive."

"That, Potts is not bad news in the least."

Dazed, Annie put the shirt back on while her master and Mr. Potts dealt with some paperwork in the corner. The shirt offered no relief from the profound nakedness she felt. She did not know what Mr. Potts had done to her other than it exposed something deep inside her, something that most women never reveal even to their husbands. Her loins continued to throb with pleasure.

"What is coming over me?" she mused aloud.

After providing him with a considerable wad of bank notes, Lord Axton shook hands with Mr. Potts after accepting some documents from him. Some of his field hands entered the room to help Potts clear his equipment away. The lord of the manor threw his arm over Annie's shoulder and said, "You are nearly flawless, Sunshine, just like your name."

Annie looked up at him. He kissed her and said, "We've worked through lunch, it is time for dinner."

"Sir? What just happened in there?" asked Annie when they were in the hall.

"You were assessed, Sunshine and appraised for very pleasingly high price."

"No, sir. That ...thing."

"It's a special test to see how much of a woman you are. Mr. Potts said he has rarely encountered as much pure woman as you."

"No offence, sir but that doesn't clear anything up for me."

"Don't worry tour pretty little head about it, Sunshine. All it means is that you are very special but we both already knew that didn't we?"

He embraced her and ran his hands the length of her firm young body.

"More satisfying than a sculpture or a painting, not as permanent as gold but a hell of a lot more fun!"

"Sir! You, mock me!"

"Not at all, Sunshine. Not at all."

In his dining room, Lord Axton smiled at Annie all through dinner and was especially nice to her afterwards. He produced a jewelry box bursting with gorgeous gems and pearls and told Annie she could take any three things she wanted.

"Everything is so lovely! I will have difficulty choosing, sir."

"If you don't pick, I will select for you."

Annie picked an emerald ring, a string of pearls, and a gold bracelet.

"Excellent choices, Sunshine. I'll have your ears pierced so that you can wear all these fine earrings."

"Really, sir?"


Annie kissed him on the cheek. The only jewelry she had ever owned to this point had been her wedding band and that was on the hand of its fifth generation of wearer and was thin to the point of almost being worn out. When she dated Richard, she would have to beg her older sister or mother for a bauble to wear around her neck or wrist. Now, she owned things as finer than those of the vicar's wife.

"If you are a good and obedient slave, Sunshine, I will give you even more things from this box."

"Oh, sir!" She kissed him on the other cheek.

He took her on an evening walk about the manse, his arm over her shoulder.

"I can't wait until your new clothes arrive. I designed many of them myself."


"I'm a fair artist, although I use it mostly for cartography. I drew most of the maps on this wall. There is no way to get a better sense of the land you own than to plot it and map it yourself. I didn't do all the surveying, of course, though I do have the training."

"The maps are beautiful, sir."

"Thank you. To be honest I have no talent for figures. I can do an adequate still life, but my attempts at people all turn out the same, men, women, children, all come out a muddle. I suppose if I had that inclination, I could have improved my skills by taking lessons, but I don't have the patience for that."

"You could draw me, sir."

"Perish the thought -- I will not have you made hideous, especially not by my own hand!"

This caused Annie to giggle. Sometimes he could be so wonderfully charming.

They spent some time in the gardens admiring the flowers and blooming trees, before retiring to Lord Axton's study. He took a book from his shelves. It was filled front to back with pictures of men and women engaged in coitus in an astonishing array of positions!

Annie flushed red and shut the book, but curiosity got the better of her. It helped that the male figure was incredibly handsome and fit. He had broad shoulders, a wide chest, and was heavily muscled. The female model, Annie realized, looked a bit like herself. She could not understand the words typed under the pictures. She asked Lord Axton.

"It's in both Latin and French, Sunshine. You don't have to use the terminology of the book. It is to serve as an inspiration. I am sure we will come up with our own names for these positions."

Annie studied the book for some time. It made her feel that way inside, although she did not feel especially that way about Lord Axton. Her mind was focused on the much younger male specimen from the book. Richard came to her mind as well. This time of day, he would just be coming home from the forest. She would have already had his meal ready. He would come in the front door, and she would fly into his arms, and he would give her one of his wonderful kisses. They would eat because both were hungry, but often, the dishes would wait for washing until the next morning as husband and wife enjoyed an early bedtime. Oh, why did she give all that up? She looked at the emerald ring on her finger, and somehow it was not quite as beautiful or enchanting as it had been just a few hours ago.

"Sir? What am I to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I can cook and clean, I can darn, and I can sew, and do needlepoint. I tat fairly well."

"Peshwa! No need for you to do any of that! I'll teach you to hold a conversation and you'll be flirting with my male visitors and the businessmen who stop by. I expect you to be pretty, obedient and enthusiastic. I'll introduce you to an entirely new class of people."

"But sir. That hardly sounds like work."

"Sunshine, I didn't collar you to put you to work, I collared you to show you off."

So that was it. She was just another fine thing for the rich man to show off and to lord over others. Like the fancy house, the expensive carriages, and the fine horses. Annie did not know why something so obvious should upset her, but it did. Part of her always knew that Lord Axton was only interested in her that way but to hear him admit as much stung. She expected that he would cloak his naked lust in romantic language or poetic allusions. Although she had no idea why she expected that of him. He was purportedly a gentleman. The whole town said it. So did Lord Axton. But he really wasn't. He could be charming, certainly, yet only two days in, Annie realized that he could be ruthless and mercenary just as easily and just as often. Annie had made a deal with the devil and there was no escape this side of the grave. Annie wondered if she would always her the imprecations against accepting Axton's collar in her head in her father's and Richard's voices. Now, all she could hope to do was to make the best of things. She tried not to get depressed over the matter as that would only make things worse.

"You look pensive," he interjected, "Let's have a diversion."

He led her to his game room and handed her a billiard cue.

"Teaching you chess would demean your sex, but if I can turn you into a fair billiards player, I can sharpen my game and play more often than I do now, and I do so love this game."

He leaned over Annie and instructed her on how to hold the cue and how to strike the balls. He was surprising patient with her and before long Annie had the hang of it. Lord Axton smelled of soap and masculinity as he leaned in and Annie felt positively giddy at learning something that was almost entirely a male domain.

After a while, Lord Axton stepped away and let Annie practice unassisted. As she leaned over the table, his shirt rode up, exposing her pert young bum. The sight of her entirely bared lower body, filled the aristocrat with desire. He approached Annie from behind and bent her over the table. It was quick, it was passionate, it was mutually exciting.

"SIR!" gasped Annie.

Lord Axton chuckled as he put himself back together. I'm going to make sure you are in skirts or trousers while playing from now on or you will wreck my game."

Annie laughed along with him. This Lord Axton she liked.

As the sun was about to set, they explored his green house. Among the beautiful orchids and lilies, Annie felt so alive.

"Take off my shirt, Sunshine."


"Do it, I want to envision what Eden was like when Eve arrived."

She stood there, still quite self-conscious as she posed as he instructed.

"Marvelous, simply marvelous!" he enthused.

He showed Annie his banana tree. He provided her with a ripening one.

"Try this, Sunshine."

At first, Annie bit the peel, but Lord Axton showed her how to expose the fruit inside. The small-town girl had never encountered a banana before. It looked like a penis but smelled much better. Annie took a bite. Her tastebuds lit up with pleasure.

"Oh, sir!" she cried, "These are wonderful!"

He looked intently at her. I will give you many wonderful things, Sunshine. Trust me. Open your heart to me."

Annie looked away from his piercing gaze. That much emotion was too much for her right now. Dressed once more, he led her to dinner where they talked about their day. Lord Axton was delighted. With just a few prompts, his Sunshine became a regular chatter box. His friends and peers were going to adore her. The envy he would generate amongst the literati made Lord Axton feel very good indeed. He was still in a mellow mood at bedtime.

She knew what was expected of her now. In some ways the titled gentleman was very much like Richard and had many of the same expectations. When he slid between the sheets, she greeted him with a passionate kiss. He was very kind to her that night. He took her out of herself once more. It was very nice, even if she didn't have the sense of being prostrate before God.


He had allowed her to sleep in. Now, he gently shook her awake.

"Make your morning ablations, Sunshine and then meet me in the parlor, the first of your many dresses and other clothing have arrived!"

"Oh, sir!" she bussed her lips against his.

There were so many crates and boxes to open. The butler brought down a large mirror so that Annie could try things on in the parlor rather than waiting for everything to be lugged upstairs to the bedroom she shared with Lord Axton.

She stood before the mirror. For the first time she was clad in under clothes that had never been worn by anyone else and which were tailored to her frame. Lord Axton peered over her shoulder.

"Very nice. But perhaps I should send it all back and keep you in my shirts."