All Comments on 'Conversations 07'

by SleeperyJim

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Holy teen girl drama Batman!

She did the crime but I have to pay the time? No wonder she cheated on him! He’s a pansy, he’s one step removed from being a teenage girl with her first crush.

Get over your shit, man! Women don’t want done loser who’s all sad and shit because he was dumped! They want a man who they can go to as well, they want a man, not a pansy.

etchiboyetchiboyover 4 years ago


5-stars & Favorite

PowersworderPowersworderover 4 years ago

A well written story... it was sad she let work turn her into a cunt.

Bebop3Bebop3over 4 years ago
Thanks for posting

As usual, I enjoyed your story. Post again soon.

MichaelFitzgeraldMichaelFitzgeraldover 4 years ago
At least she didn’t lie about it.

Many times, when she cheats, then when she’s caught, she lies. Whatever respect for determining the course of her life even if it ruins yours, is gone. So which is worse, lying or cheating or are they the same thing in the end? Well written. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Great read. No drawn out PI navy seal shit. He figured it out and took action.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 4 years ago
Very thoughtful.

I enjoyed this story although I wasn't able to completely buy in to the reasoning expressed by the German friend.

afanoffanlitafanoffanlitover 4 years ago

That was fantastic.... An ideal combination of reality and hopeful vengeance.

nestorb30nestorb30over 4 years ago
Excellent, well written

An unusual and original storyline. The sexual economics was different and an original explanation

bllhllsbllhllsover 4 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

that was good. the very end convinced me.

he is going to MAKE SURE other men and women know her value every time she decides to find happiness. he only needs enough evidence to prove how she left her first marriage. a liar, coward, and serial cheater.

it's exactly what she deserves. cheaters don't feel nearly the same level of torture the betrayal causes. they can usually move on very easily. but now she's stuck in limbo with him. her new friends will like her less. her own daughter will one day find out. that'll put a strain on that relationship. her new boyfriends will see her as party girl, not to ever bother exclusivity with.

and maybe he'll let her go, after he's fully healed. and he can move on towards trusting others and starting new happy relationships. but...until then....her ass is grass. and i love it. it's not even illegal. it's even virtuous. because he wont be lying, he'll be disclosing truth for others.

hell, if MORE people did this....cheaters would never do it. the price would be too high. the only cheaters that'd remain would be harmless party people that don't settle down and betray their vows of exclusivity.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

There's actually another reason why a wife might put her husband to her friends: To make him less appealing to potential rivals!

Why the hell would she admit it The first rule of cheating: Deny, deny, deny!

"I could never do anything spontaneously anymore." - THAT old excuse! That's part of being in a family. Wasn't it the same for him? You want to be spontaneous? Stay single!

"There should at least be more punishment!" - Why, and who cares about those details? She's losing her family, the respect of friends and extended family and money, and she's going to experience her greatest fear, being alone. That should be punishment enough.

"A great husband. Just ... just not for me." - Not the husband for her? I thought it was just her need for "spontaneity," now it's somehow his fault?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This might be the first story that I have read in the BTB category that actually has a core of psychological truth to it.

I don't mean the psycho-babble explaining why the bitch is a bitch. I mean the two sentences that describe the so-called victims in this category.

"mistrusting all women from thereon out"

There it is, in one phrase, the impact of one experience. This is followed by

"I'd very quietly and anonymously make sure of that."

This is the relentless vindictiveness, the emotional core of so many BTB stories. The wronged man unable to escape from the hell he finds himself in: unable to put the past behind him, he lives in his hell, unable to escape and without success tries to ease the pain with stories of revenge.

Finally, a glimpse into the mind of the 'wronged' man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

he needed more revenge she was a whore that he didn't need

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 4 years ago

I've seen it so often over the years. Women cheating is so prevalent these days. No fault divorce and courts giving them custody have made sure of it. I have tried to raise my daughter better than that. But society is giving her different messages.

I pray she is a better woman than the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Most Realistic

I can relate. Anger, an emotional outburst, all the cards on the table, divorce, move on. No need for PI's, 6 months of videos/pictures/recordings and drastic revenge steps.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This was an absolute pile of horse shit.

rainbow001rainbow001over 4 years ago
Fantastic Job

Writing is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
three stars

the point of these stories if you arent a cuck, or worse a RAAC, is to enjoy the cheating cunt's losses as her world falls apart

a ten minute conversation and half a paragraph about how hard it is for him to move on is not emotive

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
One sided conversation

No meeting of the minds here. Just a fantasy, as a woman would never give up her reputation without a fight, or money, position, child, etc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Technically the writing was good

But the story simply wasn't very good. He assaults a man. And lots of witnesses will testify that his assault was unprovoked. How is he going to take care of a child while sitting in jail? What Family Court Judge is going to grant custody to a violent felon? So he loses his job while he does jail time. He ends up divorced with very little because of the jail time. He gets neither custody, child support or alimony. What's he going to do with his life? The ending of this story was both unfinished in that you left out a LOT of the details in their divorce and because what you wrote was both improbable and unbelievable. The ending ruined any chance the story had of being an entertaining read.

2 stars

enderlocke27enderlocke27over 4 years ago

about gossip lol thats a new one. i liked how the wife accepted her fate, all the LW stories always makes the women beg and plead a lost cause, makes the look dumber than their cheating did

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

How on earth can anyone think this mess was 'excellent'. The guy is certainly going to gaol!

ThematchthatBurnsThematchthatBurnsover 4 years ago
So did you sue the employer?

Very public divorce, big legal action to their employers.

Make life as unpleasant as possible!

Lots of social media! Cut them up and make them bleed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good Conversations

I'm really enjoying this series, please keep them coming.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 4 years ago
I liked the scenario, but not the writing

A lot of the lead up to the confrontation was vague. Speaking to the German Human Resources guy was convoluted, and confusing. I never saw what the signs were that she was cheating. Was it the way she tore him down in front of the other wives? I don't see how that could indicate cheating. Most of the parties I have been to end up with groups of women complaining about husbands, while groups of men are complaining about wives. I would have rated this story a 4 or 5 for scenario and plot, but the story telling problems only rated a 1 or 2. So I give the a 3 Star Rating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Yawn! I skipped through this 'conversation' very one sided, with unnecessary filler bullshit I skimmed through. No wonder she cheated on the ass 1*

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 4 years ago

Very well played plot and interesting ideas.

Top ratings from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
It's called an "exit affair."

Which is why she was ultimately able to admit to him so easily why she denigrated him and cheated on him: she knew for a long time that she wanted out of the marriage, and decided to blow it up with a meaningless affair, so that there would be no discussions, no arguments, no counseling, no hope implied for him. Apparently it's not an uncommon strategy for ending a marriage.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 4 years ago

I finished this one. Can’t say that about 5 and 6. This one was entertaining

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Another very good conversation . SBrooks and Kalaximos both made good observations. I don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said, so thanks for good story.

andyinozandyinozover 4 years ago
Thanks SJ

I hadn't considered the sexual economics aspect before. Makes good sense.

Rob5373Rob5373over 4 years ago
Good story

A little different from the norm but I’m not devoted to BTB stories . I like both those and RAAC stories. To the reader who thought he would go to jail. Just tell Moustache if he files charges, he will eventually get out and next time he will disappear.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 4 years ago
Shit and double shit

My wife has never ever said anything negative about me to friends. Shit, shit, shit, she wants to get rid of me to one of her friends.

Hmm, can I pick which one?

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
not bad at all

she has to pay to for her freedom, about time some put the female on alimony and child support with out all the cuckolds coming to her rescue.

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleover 4 years ago
Well, now I have read the entire series to date.

SleeperyJim, you have not failed to impress.

Thanks for refreshingly different, complex and entertaining work.

While I sit in the BTB camp, even your reconcile stories were so well delivered, and your lead characters so insightful, that I just had to give them a flying pass.

It's just that those characters are better examples of humanity than I am.

Special mention goes to your protagonist in Conversations 5, the paramedic. He is trying to make the world a better place than the one he started with. In doing so, he has given his marriage a chance, his wife a chance, and made his son into a better person to boot. If it all works out, he's a hero.

Very brave man, and you are a very good author.

GeorgeAndersonGeorgeAndersonover 4 years ago
Ja, it was a joke...

Until it wasn't. I don't know if you intended it or not, but you really had me set up for it all to have been a big mistake, and for our Hapless Hero to have to kiss all kinds of derriere to haul himself out of the soup. Which would be amusing, and give Dear Margot even more about which to trash him to the Ladies of the Club. At least now we know why she suddenly became comfortable with them. Then came the sad ending, and it was sad, especially for poor Bethany.

Very well imagined and written. Thank you for writing and posting.


KingBandorKingBandorover 4 years ago
Was there any actual logic to this?

First of all, I see housewives sit around and talk shit about their husbands like that all the time. It's fun for them and nothing is seriously negative. They do it to bond and vent. What I don't understand is if he heard her talking shit about him, and it wasn't true, why didn't he just ask her about it?

So the super-wise explanation of why she made up lies to bad mouth her hubby to the other hens was if she degraded him, they would understand why she divorced him. What? But, she was planning on leaving him. She also said she never really got on that well with the hens anyway. Why would she care what they think? Why would their opinion matter at all??? That makes no sense? Once she divorced, she would most likely move and not even hang out with them anyway!

Plus, what are all these horrible lies? He beat her? He molested their daughter? He cheats at backgammon? No. He makes funny noises when he cums. Who cares???

I was following the story ok until the psycho-babble nonsense with the German HR dude. And there seemed to be a huge jump. The only comment I could find that she related was he made funny noises when he cums. How did it go from that to accusations of her being called a slut? He never related a conversation where that happened. So, I really could not find any reason for him to suspect anything other than paranoia.

The other thing is there was seriously 0 reason for him to have known it was Mr Mustache. His figuring it out was just the writer working magic. He said hello to her last. They smiled briefly. He MIGHT have had a smirk. And he had an itchy shoulder. So what. That is just too easy.

This guy must be the world's greatest expert on body language and human behavior! He is better than Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot combined.

So, there was no reason at all to suspect cheating in the first place. Then, there was no reason to suspect Mr Mustache. He assaulted the guy and lo and behold he was right. Yeah, only because the author made it work, not because there was any logical reason for it.

So, how much time did he serve for assault and battery? What happened to his daughter while he was in prison? Did mr mustache sue him?

So, at first she denies it. She doesn't even acknowledge knowing the guy. She asks, "why did you hit that guy?" That is how you refer to stranger. Then suddenly and unemotionally she admits the affair. She is as passive as possible. She does not seem at all concerned she destroyed her marriage and harmed her child. But, that's ok because the author turns her into a cold, heartless, self-absorbed person, when there was never any indication she was that way.

Her reason for the affair and everything made 0 sense. She was afraid of being alone. She wasn't alone. She had a family. Then it was she couldn't be spontaneous. But it sounded like she never tried to be spontaneous. So, her logical plan was... Fuck a coworker.


Because she was afraid to be alone? She said she knew she didn't want a relationship with him. She just wanted to abandon her family. And she was going to leave hubby. What???? So afraid to be alone. Leave husband. Not be with lover..... Uhhh doesn't that mean she was choosing to be alone??? None of it fits together.

You were a great husband just not for me because I suddenly decided I don't want to have any relationship (but am afraid of being alone.)

By the way, when the hell was she fucking Mr Mustache? He said she never worked late, never traveled and never had girls nights out or went anywhere unexplainable. So they had to be doing it at work. Don't they have JOBS to do at work.

There is no logical reasoning for how she changed from being a loving wife and mother to a woman who is afraid to be alone, but wants to be.... Alone. And this huge metamorphosis took place in what, 3 weeks?

The lame excuse of I became a manager... Means nothing!!! What does that mean? Being a manager means you don't want a husband and kids? Being a manager means you want to have clandestine sex at work and nobody to go home to??

So, point by point the story made no sense. Behaviors have no justification. Conclusions are made with no evidence. It's all just impractical, illogical and imaginary.

So, her punishment is.... Uhhh... She gets what she wants??? Oh some veiled threat of telling every guy she dates that she is a cheater. Huh? He is planning to stalk her for the rest of her life just to cock block her dating????

I don't get it.


oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 4 years ago
Sleepery Jim, this is an absolute GEM. A solid 5 among the Fives! Original, Compact, well reasoned, evocative, and Complete.

The stuff of greatness, Thanks so much, for a fine little read after an exhausting and challenging day!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Innovative Inspection

This was one of the more introspective stories written rather than simply suck and fuck approach to being unfaithful. It doesn't make simple sense but then, that is the point, isn't it?

Well done!


SlipperySaddleBumSlipperySaddleBumover 4 years ago

Excellent insight and writing. I did note in some of your stories that the central character's damning information is almost magically attained. (hard stretches of reality)

bruce22bruce22over 4 years ago
Smooth Interesting Story

The author seems to be making a case for not letting women into management because it will ruin their capacity to love and nurture. This subject needs to analysed in MBAs' at least so the gals know what they are getting into.

swedishreader1swedishreader1over 4 years ago

You think the Germans are in fact funny and the claim of them being as a group painfully unfunny is not true.

I take it you have never been to Germany.

There are some very funny Germans........and they are incredibly rare.

Write what you know, not what you want to be true,

mattenwmattenwover 4 years ago
You can also outsmart yourself!

There is no better way to pick this story up than "KingBandor"! It is a single assumption and not a single proof! Even the assessment of German virtues doesn't work! A bad job! Normally your work is better!

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

A little different from the first few, but just as good. What a great series of stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Didn't like this much, in spite the insight into the conversations of a group of females meeting regularly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
She Was Ordered

To pay support to me for our two young daughters but of course she never pony'd up the money and no one connected with court system gave a damn. My ex-wife that is, a dead beat mother, they do indeed exist. As for the way he finally figured out who she was cheating with in this story being not realistic, women aren't the only ones with spot on intuition, somethimes the fog lifts and the sun shines bright. Signed: BTW

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 4 years ago
Whole lot of hurt in her future. 5*****

She lost a loving husband and daughter because she needed independence, but then wants someone to keep her from being lonely? She has a world of hurt ahead of her. Good story.

Artie88Artie88about 4 years ago
A great series... not the best though

Her actions and attitude are difficult to fathom, but plausible.

kirei8kirei8about 4 years ago
Good ending as long as he throws

Pain, humiliation, and being a despicable mother into the info packs also. Then allow only very limited exposure of his daughter to her parents to keep their anger at their daughter fresh, very fresh. My only criticism is lack of serious payback.

tazz317tazz317almost 4 years ago

is in direct proportion to the cost and price of what was lost. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


OnethirdOnethirdover 3 years ago
One ending

Of course, hitting a guy who sneered at you could have meant he was just a douche bag. How embarrassing. The wife is a composite of the standard cheating wife model: not motherly (willing to dump the daughter on him), drawn into infidelity at work, etc. He never figured out where her trysts were: the washroom at work over lunch break? The remarkable thing was that the guy could actually stomach listening to the girl chat all that time. Who’d want that?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Huh? Lost me with german philosophical or whatever discussion.

Didn't buy or whatever!


Made more sense than some ramblings I have heard but not by much


lukeey90lukeey90over 3 years ago

He should have just hired a P.I to know more rather than wonder

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 3 years ago

I certainly wouldn’t have he patience to hear lies over a span of weeks, and say nothing to her. As far as her admitting her lies to the other wives, I’d have to witness it; and I’d insist that the other husbands witness as well. It’s ok to bitch about laziness, sloppiness, and skid marks, but lies about sex lives just doesn’t sit well- and they’d deserve to understand what may be said about them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Sadly this is a way more realistic situation. Not the slagging off the husband to other wives but the staying in a marriage because the partner it to scared to leave and admit that it has failed. I think in real life there would have been other signs not necessarily cheating but growing distant with each other. The problem with this sort of marriage is that although the love might have gone it becomes like a comfortable pair of slippers that are hard to throw away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Good writing but......

Unfinished at the end. You sucker punch a guy in front of a ton of his peers and you're probably going to jail. It's a felony. No way he would get custody in any court in the land with a felony on his record. Especially with a violent felony. So what happened to that MOST important item in the story???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

After reading 8 of these conversations I Mr. Sleepery is one of the very best writers on this website

PierremanvisPierremanvisabout 3 years ago

Sad... I hope she wakes up one day, sad, lonely, unloved by her daughter, and old.

Actually know not policy of the author, but this story deserve another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Is all the moral outrage in the comments, asking how could she be so low and horrible as to walk out on her child? Declaring that she should stay in a loveless marriage for the sake of the child?

Or is that faux outrage reserved solely for male characters that leave, rather than being trapped in a marriage they don't want?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It is not realistic as this author, even though being imaginative, is not writing realistic stories. As pointed out here, the violent outburst would put him in jail with felony record to boot. All the rest of "evolutionary psychobabble" would be secondary to that fact - jailtime with criminal record. The author is very fond of this "pseudoevolutionary" nonsense as he keeps on repeating it in other stories.

Female character is unexplained either since author did not bother to develop that character at all. Women become disillusioned with their status in marriage but it is always motivated, for example husband losing physical appeal .... Unfortunately, the author is spending a lot of time on psychobabbling instead of developing characters. Nevertheless, the story is better than standard garbage in LW.


ErotFanErotFanalmost 3 years ago

A very different plot line and outcome from so many stories in the LW category. Most cheating wife stories don't use the affair as a means to blow up the marriage by goading the husband into violence.

Most of these "Conversations" seem to be the framework for more extensive stories. Ones where character development and plot holes are not left up to the reader. Are you self publishing also?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Interesting story but I felt the ending was incomplete.

dgfergiedgfergieover 2 years ago

The revenge was left hanging in the wind and at times it seems like a necessary thing. You want to cause the cheater as much pain as they caused you. You may want yell about it or you may want to keep it quiet. Then you remember the line from Karate KId: "If you wish to seek revenge, start buy digging two graves, one for you and one for your enemy." Early in my second marriage a young man was causing my wife pain because of his abnormal pursuit of our daughter. I wrote him a short note. Well, everything in that came true that I warned him about. It took a few years but it all came true which proved to me there is Karma out there and the old phrase "What goes around comes around" does usually happen with out any help from us. Good story, another one of those dumb smart women. Proves the old adage we (men) lost control when we have them (women) birth control pills and tennis shoes!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What's the implication for the "right time"? Right for what, to take her devalued self back?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ok story, but deserving of a more robust ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What was there to enjoy in that story??? 1*

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveabout 2 years ago

I feel sorry for her. She will realize that her love for her husband was real, and being a wife and mother far surpasses the emptiness of "freedom". But maybe, just maybe, she can find her way back. It's not impossible, but she better not wait too long

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I suppose the lesson here is you will be lonely and broken if you stand up to your cuckolder.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Just love Sarahwithlove's optimism! But she is right. In a few years when the bloom of youth has worn off, Margot will find that her Freedom is not what she imagined! Then will come the regrets and self-examination, followed by self-recrimination. Good story.

Frankfiredawg06Frankfiredawg06over 1 year ago

To quote a country song

“Freedom feels like lonely “

Great story

Helen1899Helen1899over 1 year ago

With a better ending it would have been 5*. However it was truer than most stories you read on here. People's minds do become entangled, people do sometimes feel trapped like her. I feel sad for them both, he deserved better,,but according to her he was a good husband and father. So there was chance he would meet someone also nice, who could reward him with a happy life. Sadly for her, I could see no future happiness, she would avoid any meaningful relationships, frightened that she might get trapped again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, I feel guilty for rating it lower than 5--which is what I've rated nearly all the other Conversations to this point. I'm pretty sure the reason for the lower rating lies in my inability to follow the convoluted psychological labyrinth that the MC followed to get to his conclusion. My bad.

But the style and substance, as always, were quite good.

On to the next.

parenthesisparenthesisover 1 year ago

I'm not intelligent enough to follow this, I'm afraid.

Laurentius0150Laurentius0150over 1 year ago

This was interesting but not to the caliber of the other Conversation stories thus far.

demanderdemanderabout 1 year ago

She seems to have given up her daughter without too much of a fight. Bitch. D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very sad. What a despicable slut! Why not just be honest, doesn’t want to be alone, what the hell does she think is going happen, I would also let the bosses know why I decked someone

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Insightful analysis of a woman's moral and ethical decay on the road to self-destruction. Her, actually a commonality of such women, rational is the essence of female logic. It is not rational which is one reason men can't understand them. This enables them to emotionally divorce themselves from any moral quandary and carry on as they please. That ability is one defining aspect of a sociopath; they know what they are doing is wrong but they, quite literally don't care. They have no moral conscience to cause them guilt. This is why they have no trouble lying and with deception. This enables a capacity for duplicity, and self delusion that is beyond shocking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Don't see the purportedly obvious rationale that such behavior is solely the province of women. Men also fall out of love with their spouse. However, what really gets me is her abandonment ofnher child. She has real mental issues, possibly borderline NPD. However that is rare to just blossom out of nowhere simply because she got responsibility and a taste of power ans entitlement in management. Her actual strategy was stupid but then again he picked up on her adultery waaaay earlier than many husband's would. Would have been curious to know her plan. Obviously to get out of the marriage, but to go where, with who, and when.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This one could have been a little longer, but story wise it was excellent.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

sounds like she'll need some intense therapy to cope with her obvious mental problems ??

TrambakTrambak7 months ago

It’s all limbic system that controls the instincts. Usually its common sense that we call psycho analytics.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

One sad lady, even a beautiful young daughter doesn't enter into her thinking except how to be rid of her. She needs some serious therapy

Pappy7Pappy77 months ago

I sometimes wonder if the concept of chivalry as set forth by women to cover just such situations as this. I applaud the husband for immediately standing up and knocking the shit out of the guy who thought it was okay to fuck his wife and then rub his nose in it like the husband had no recourse. But as we know the real villain in this piece was Margot so she should have been the one whose nose was turned up to let the rain in. But thanks to chivalry that kind of behavior just isn't done these days so we have to settle for the smirk to be spread all over his face. I am really enjoying these conversations again, thanks for sharing them with me. I have disliked some of the stories but never the set up and the writing.

imhaplessimhapless6 months ago

Original -- I like original -- 5*

TajfaTajfa5 months ago

An epilogue a few years later would have been appreciated. How did they fare? He should have given her custody of their child and see how that interfered with her life.

A very good story but as I said I felt there was a bit more to tell. 4.

usaretusaret4 months ago

Too much psychoanalysis, not enough drama.

pukgpukg4 months ago

did you use much Oxygen doing this ?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This is sad and actually pretty powerful. God she is cruel. I dont like it but it is 5 stars.

Norseman123Norseman1233 months ago

So typical of today's entitled women. 5*****

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Good first 1/2 of a story. Now just need to finish it.

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