All Comments on 'Does Honesty Pay? The Aftermath'

by ohio

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Risq_001Risq_001about 18 years ago

Gotta say, I liked the ending. I know there will be a few folks that pull the "Two wrongs don't make a right" but the original story was so "Out there" where the wife was so wrong it wasn't funny, I don't see how if the scales weren't balanced some way that they could stay together.

I liked the story regardless of what others may say negative (if they even do) about it. >=)

Nice, and way to go

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Finished at last!

You get a five just for finishing the story.

I don’t agree with having revenge sex because two wrongs, as previously said, can never make things right. But in this case, it does fit the story. This story does illustrate how something seemingly harmless can escalate to an out-of-control situation. Alcohol, inappropriate flirting, a practical joke, an attempt at honesty and confession, dishonesty by the jokers, revenge sex by the wife, the truth finally comes out, and then revenge sex by the husband. It was a series of events that should never have happened.

Securing him to the bed and then leaving him unattended is unforgivable. Phone, key, and security system would be of no value if he would have had a heart attack while watching the video. This is unforgivable behavior.

Considering what you had to work with, ohio, I think you did a pretty good job. I look forward to more of your work.

juanwildonejuanwildoneabout 18 years ago
A Question of Balance

Revenge - smreevenge. This is not a story about revenge. It is a stroy that has revenge in it. What Susan did, that was revenge (the action of inflicting hurt or pain on another who hurt you), misplaced as it was.

Kieth and Jane's actions were those of spouses attempting to re-balance their marriages due to the actions of their spouse's who had plunged those marriage's into chaos.

Is this really a story for a simplistic answer - two wrongs don't make a right? Tim was wrong, Susan was wrong, John and Robert were wrong. What they did was wrong. Those four did plenty of hurt and harm - with intention.

So Kieth and Jane have sex ( plus a couple of tune-up sessions) in front of their spouses - was their intent to harm or injure? No. You could catagorize their actions fall under "this may hurt - but it's for your own good." You could even say their actions were educational. Sometimes people need to learn the consequences of their actions.

Kieth and Jane did not act out of revenge. I do not see their conversations or subsequent actions intending to inflict harm or pain on Susan or Tim. Keith and Jane are trying to salvage their relationships.

Wouldn't the real wrong, the real hurt have been divorce? I doubt that Tim or Susan would have seen divorce as the answer to their problems. Nor a continuation of the stullifying emotional isolation and guilt that Susan and Tim were suffering?

Love and happiness - talk about life's great mystery. Hard to find, hard to hold on to, damn near impossible to get back...once it's trully gone. If this "Aftermath" works for Kieth and Susan, Jane and Tim - good for them.

If not, well that's another story.

Isn't it Ohio? - great conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Real good finish.

I especially liked the part where he broke his "friends" nose and roughed Tim up. He never should have let John off though. Hey when someone who is supposed to be your friend fucks your wife he needs to get the shit wopped outa him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Guilty parties got what they deserved! Of course I don't think either marriage would survive and I can't imagine any man wanting to be married to a vengeful bitch like Susan, but, still a good story, thanks for finishing the story.

rooster1rooster1about 18 years ago

what goes around comes around. though i liked it that would not be my ending, kick the bitch to the curb, since somewhere she'd just do it agian for the same misguided reasons i see no reason to wiat for even more pain at a later date.

wetapapwetapapabout 18 years ago
great story,

the only thing i would have done different, all three husbands along with his wife would have been in those chairs. the other two husbands got off too eazy.

instead of live, it would have been a video tape of an hour with each wife. let them all sit and watch the three hours of not only their wife but also the other wives getting screwed.

then the scales would have been balanced. his wife had sex with three men and he would have sex with their three wives.

excellent story. a fan always.

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 18 years ago
I'm torn about the ending but not the story

I think Wetapap hit my feelings the closest as to leveling out the pain and reconciliation his scenario is closest to what I believe would be right. You story has sure given me pause as to what is right in this scenario. Do two wrongs make a right? One wrong was by mistrust and blatant revenge. The other is thought out need to have self-respect restored. Does this serve a marriage of love or cause even more turmoil? Something was needed for this particular husbands own self-respect.

The other two husbands and so called friends need to feel the wrath of what they did to their wives and friends, as they are adults and to follow someone’s suggestion is a copout. I think Wetapap hits all these concerns.

This was great writing and a wonderful story finally.

Thank you for this wonderful and step back and ponder, mind challenging story.

With respect.


gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 18 years ago
Well done, Ohio

Very logical conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Solution Nah But It Is A Start

In the spirit of what went on - this was a warm up.

Two more tapes would be delivered and watched by all. Fuck John - Just say I lied - live with it.

Then a copy of the master to a lawyer to begin the process to sanitise the bedroom of a lying cheating whore without conscience. Twist it, torque it, contort it - But anything less than that is just masochistic and absurd.

She's not worth it nevermore!

louguy35louguy35about 18 years ago
About the only solution.

The sex between Keith and Jane was about the only way the story could be concluded. But is it REALLY concluded?

Of course it all depends upon what Ohio (or Hansbwl for that matter) want to do. But there are a lot of interesting twists or issues that could be explored.

For one thing, marriages involving revenge sex seldom survive. It would be interesting to see how Susan could live with Keith and Jane's sexual trysts, especially as she came to realize that Keith thought that Jane was a really great lay.

And Keith's awareness now of just how good Jane is/was is likely to lead him to seek further coupling with her, and probably her with him. It could lead to an eventual dissolution of Keith and Susan's marriage as well as Tim and Jane's union. Could Keith end up with Jane...for life?

And surely John and Robert got off much too easily. At a minimum their wives need to find out, through some contrived means, that their husbands fucked Susan. (Let's say that Susan, in a fit if pique, let the cat out of the bag.)

Anyhow...there are a lot of possibilities if Ohio or Hansbwl, or someone else, decided to extend the adventures of the vicious vixen.


RandallRRandallRabout 18 years ago
Good sequel by a great writer!

I agree with those that the subject was bit flawed in the plotline dept, but the original and this are both well done. Ohio achieved great consistency of character and plotline development, in trying circumstances.

Sequels could go a dozen ways from the point where hansbwl left it, will be interesting to see his version.

Keith could twist that knife a little more though, cause on the revenge scales of justice and retribution, he is still owed two romps with another two ladies! We all know that's folly, just as this fictional marriage was trash from the point of Susan doing over three of his buddies. Reality is he needs a divorce, and new friends.

Well done Ohio.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

he should have done it with all three wives

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
I Also agree with Wetapap

Not one of your best. I hope the original author does better.

At the end, I would have Susan asking Keith if he was also going to fuck the other two wives PLUS Judy to get even.[and I'm surprised that Jane did not mention her situation to her friend Judy].

On the way out, I would also have Tim arrogantly mention to Jane, that he hopes John and Robert will be ok with it when Keith fucks their wives for also fucking Susan. This alerts Jane on how sluttish and revengeful Susan really was and what a gentleman Keith really is. Then Jane tells the other wives and together gather for a field day with Keith with Susan present. Then on another day, Judy would show up and ring Keith's doorbell for some of her own action.

Keith is left mumbling to Susan "thank you your gift that keeps on giving"....again at Susan's expense.

Otherwise, get a divorce....who needs friends like that.

But that's me.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Perfect Ending!

I admire the style & context that this author uses to get the point across. Fantasic revenge & ending for cheating wife. Hat's off to Ohio!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Two thoughts

One, the wife's behavior was so out of control bad that I really have to question him getting back with her. Most stories like this, I root for reconcilliation, but there are times when things are so broken they can't be fixed. If the revenge sex wasn't bad enough, her knowing the truth and continuing to act otherwise was actually much worse. I don't think that was properly dealt with. Maybe one gets over the revenge sex with the revenge revenge sex, but how does one get over the lying after she knew the truth? I don't think that was addressed at all.

The idea that she would tell him in a few days is total BS - she'd already concluded that telling the full truth was not wise. When she came home she didn't back down even an inch from what she would have done if she didn't know. That shows such a stunning lack of compassion that if I were they guy I would end the relationship in a heartbeat.

Two, as other people point out, the two other husbands got off way too easy. If they thought that he had actually slept with the woman, that would be one thing. I could see cutting them some slack. But given the fact that they did know and still fucked his wife anyway, I don't see how they are any less guilty than the ringleader. If they'd taken part in a crime, according to US law all three would serve the same sentence.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
crime does pay

after reading some of the comments ,the only thing I have to say is that some time crime does pay and some time you do get away with it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
This was lacking...

Keith and Jane became no better than the spouses who betrayed them. Their behavior ruined the story for me. When they both declared to one another that, they really loved their respective mates they lied, to themselves and their spouses.

Troubador’s “Hildy” still stands as the classic model for this story. Hansbwl provided a stale alternative while this story is a piss poor substitute.

MinigalesMinigalesabout 18 years ago
Not so Good

There is a huge problem here. The wife is a moron. If you somehow teach her to avoid her moron thoughts regarding cheating or revenge, how many other things do you have to teach her to avoid her moron mindless state? This means the wife cannot be trusted to make any mental judgement. Why keep her? We do not know what is so special about her.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 18 years ago
Was it worth the effort?

You put a good faith effort to finish and save at same time the original story. Yet, it seems to me that the burden of the original inheritance proved too heavy. The requirements to suspend belief were just too frequent and just too great for my tolerance, to be able to take the premise and walk with the rest. What a parade of rarities and/or incredible circumstances are we asked to accept by putting our judgment and commonsense on the shelf? What would lead a trustworthy wife to suddenly act in such crazy way with the combination of not one, not two, but three friends who all agree to betray their friend AND jeopardize their marriage all at the same time!

I admit that I enjoyed on a basic level when some form of revenge was taken on the bad people. I am always for justice, even if it’s a steaming mug of coffee being poured into one’s crotch or even if it involves ritualized tying together of two adulterers to watch a rehearsed sexual performance. I said Yea! There’s revenge! But then I felt, Gee but this is so silly, it’s just carries from the initial story on. You take incredible and you patch it – it is still incredible. Sorry OHIO, I don’t know if under the circumstances you could have done a better job saving that story, which makes me wonder if all stories are worth the effort.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 18 years ago
Your WORST story ever OHIO

Boring and predictable... I loved the first half... but the forcing them to watch scene is crap..

and of course the hubby takes her back...

even after he finds out that he knew he did not cheat when she came back to free her husband

amazingly stupid

hansbwlhansbwlabout 18 years ago
Not bad, but not my choice.

I am guilty of writing the first unfinished story, and thank you ohio for taking up the challenge. Before your story appeared I submitted my own version, the readers were so mad. So when my version appear, I'd like your comments.

ddpmanddpmanabout 18 years ago
Honesty? What is honesty

I like the way you think and write. You have a diabolical mind. The way you treated the selfish whore of a wife and the way you treated Susan and Tim mkae me smile.

Hope to read more of your writings

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
poor alt.conclusion to Hansbwl's original story

that's especially true in light of the fact that the original also submitted a conclusion of his own

Ohio's is not only predictable, it is plainly idiotic,,,

whereas before ONLY ONE partner --- Susan --- was a complete shallow idiot who had little or not deep understanding of love, trust, faithfulness, etc.

NOW both the wife and husband (as well as Tim and Jane) are shallow idiots.

Whereas Hansbwl's protagonist husband was a loveable guy whom we could easily empathize with;

now he's just another smirking idiot no better than his "three friends" who reamed his wife's ass: only difference is, they showed their idiocy BEFORE and he showed his AFTER (later, matter of just days; and as Ohion told the story, he and Jane, Tim's wife, now intended to do "a few more rehersals" of the cheap thrills that they think have in all possible ways have tipped the scales in their favors LOL)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
why just Jane?

who here will take the wife and the "friend" back to their life? i know, i wont. the pain alone would drive ppl crazy. life, as you know it, is over. and if it was me, i would take those 3 bastards w/ me to hell.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
piss poor

two wrongs definately do not make a right, these are some fucking pathetic characters in this version of an ending, I really expected better ohio

daluentdaluentabout 18 years ago

Hey piss poor two wrongs don't make a right,but 3 left's do. Ohio this story stinks badly. Everybody here sucks big time. Whjat kind of fucked up marriages are these people gonna have after all this bullshit. Might as well have an open marriage after all this bullshit. I could never touch this stupid bitch ever.Braindead spouses are very disposable. The next time something happens she will probably kill him on a whim.This is one crazy fucked up bitch. good writing, but please put a god damn brain in these stupid women Regards Luis

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Great sex with a surprtise ending

ery complicatedbut a very well written story.

Cobbler1023Cobbler1023almost 18 years ago
Well written, but...

I love your stories, ohio. You have a gift for writing. They are smooth, easy to read, and logically written. Thanks.

There is a lot that I prefer to your ending over the one written by hansbwl, but there are two problems.

First, as others have said, No logical reason was given why two husbands should be given a "free fuck". You do the crime, you do the time. That didn't work for me. Keith should have been a much busier boy--unless you intended for him and Jane to get together in the next chapter. [Hint, hint! Go for it!]

Second problem--and much bigger. Much as I enjoy a good "happy ending" story, I don't buy this one! Susan was so far off the mark that it would destroy any shread of trust any husband would have for her. In the unwwritten "pre-story" she would have to have been an utter saint--and a rich one at that--in order for Keith to even consider it. All I can see resulting from a reconciliation here is a loveless partnership. Both persons would be better served for Keith to get out of bed with Jane, shake hands with Susan, and tell her "have a good life" and exit the scene a single man. Somehow I doubt even the pope would see in what Susan had with Keith to be something that "God had joined together"!

The Cobbler

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

two truly fucked up individuals/couples that don't give a shit about marriage

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
This is your basic "you reap what you sow" story.

And at that she was lucky to get off with her marriage intact.

As always with stories from Ohio: well written! More convincing than the original.

Regards, DJ

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Perfect ending!

Well done, just be careful not to hang around JPB to much in the event that author starts to lead you down the "wimp-husband" plot lines. [Keeping in mind, some of your stories have already gone down that "bullshit" path].

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
The old saying

Is what susan doesn`t know wont hurt her Tim and Jane was great Ohio i loved your version the best.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Is Cobbler like OHIO's homosexual lover

Jesus cant you say anything else besides "Ohio I want you fuck me in the ass...?"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
fuckin' unbelievable

one of the dumbest stories ever, by a decent writer

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Stupid Concept

Dumb and dumber.

Martyr2002Martyr2002about 16 years ago
I give it 50% due to the talent of the writer

The plot of the story is completely boneheaded. There is no way in hell that any wife or husband would stay with spouses like these two, but Ohio has Keith and Jane still in love and married to these self centered vindictive assholes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Fun read. But I wish it would be so easy to do something like that in real lfe. tit for tat and it ends just like that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
not enough

all the husbands went along with it, so all should have been treated equally. as for susan, he still should have left her after it happened, even taking his secret with him

IrrumatioIrrumatioover 15 years ago
By far the best ending to this story

Though that may be faint praise, considering. Thanks.

bruce22bruce22over 15 years ago
Well written

But I felt that Hansbwl ending was truer to life and the persons that he created.

I will go along with those who stated that two Wongs do not make a Wright. Furthermore, revenge never ends and because of this is not a good solution. How in the world could he go on living with Susan or with himself for that matter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
imperfect ending

she is so over the top, as were his 'friends'. perhaps i am being too unforgiving, but reconciliation after all that?

there is this matter of degree of revenge and losing something important with her in the process.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Revenge is a two headed monster. Now the betrayed are as guilty as the betrayers. They are all equally guilty, now. Hans' ending is better.

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
He's still a Wimp

He let the other two off way to easy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
an idiot

an idiot wrote this

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Not bad - good to see another one of these self-centered slut get some decent consequences.

Well done author and keep the "non-wimp" stories coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Belongs in the Humor section

You can't seriously expect us to believe ANY husband would take back a 'wife' like this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Ass hole way would a REAL man take the cheating slut bitch back. A great deal of revenge on all is required! Retract the story asshole.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Totally agree with 10/25/10 comment

Retract the story you pathetic shit hole author.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
WOW what a span

of comments -

I liked it a lot - nice follow up on the original - good story line - great ending. A true sense of equity - my integrity filter is a bit strained by the practice session admission.

As for the wimp and the rest - she acted stupidly out of revenge and got carried away bad but survivable right or wrong until she knew the truth and failed to own up but still with the knowledge common to the group the option used does tend to give him back some "face" and if that was enough to over come the rest that is their business. Not just ok but actually somewhat plausible.

Worst case it is a story with some question marks get over it -

FD45FD45about 13 years ago
You pulled it off in the end

I could not imagine a couple being able to have pubic sex comfortably and enjoyable. The practices make it much more plausible.

It might have been even more effective if Tim and Susan had been tied in another room with a speaker. Their imaginations would have done far worse damage to their self esteem. Then lead them into the room, show them the wet spot, let them smell the sex, fondly one another openly and let them go.

This was the best of the three endings that I've read (if you buy the premise, which is a stretch but not your fault). Well done.

RedbeakRedbeakabout 13 years ago
You've written some great stories, but this is

total crap.

OldHidekiOldHidekiabout 13 years ago
Evened things up? I don't think so...

The problem is that I would never trust Susan again. She went too quickly for revenge, and didn't check out what actually happened that night. The problem is that Keith may still have feeling for Susan, and I guess there had to be some compensation.

If I were Keith, I would never let her tie me up, ever again. I would probably end up constantly thinking that my wife might drug the food. The trust would be lost, and I am not sure it could be recovered.

justplainjoejustplainjoealmost 13 years ago
What a sorry ending!

This is really a pathetic ending. Susan is obviously a slut and totally untrustworthy! How could ANY normal person receive the treatment he did and than wimp back to her. And, if you think having a "revenge" fuck evens the score, than you, too, have a problem. Ideal ending would be for Steve to tape confessions of what really happened and then send copies of the video and the confessions to her family and all her friends. Finally, tell her to "pack sand" and divorce the bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
after the sex acts in front of he should have said

Well I have decided we cant live together any longer. Your betrayal, anger, and revenge were over the top. So I have contacted a divorce attorny, given him the video, and told him to file for adultry, and if you agree to a divorce with you just walking away I wont send copies of the tape to all our families, friends, and people at your work. Have a great life.98E6

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I like this ending better and gave it a 5***** rating.

I would not have done the violence of hot coffee which could result in second degree burns or the hitting. I may have made a bunch of CDs or DVDs and given one to each of the three guys and said, "I have decided yet if I am going to give copies to your wife, employer and coworkers, parents, and in 15 years any children you might have.

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
i gave it a one because it made me want to barf

I guess I am not that forgiving, you tie me up, fuck 4 guys because I cheated. Then you find out I didn't cheat and after I fuck of the wives to let you see how it feels. Now were even, he is a fucking wimp in my eyes and she is nothing but a gangbang slut.

Northern_WriterNorthern_Writeralmost 13 years ago
Thanks for the alternate ending

It was interesting to see how you completed the story, I think I prefer your ending. The only problem I have is that the wife's "over the top" response to his "infidelity" should have had him packing his bags immediately and forever. If breaking a few noses or knees seemed appropriate it would be understandable.

Bigmanx31Bigmanx31over 12 years ago

This ending was a pretty good ending altho I would have like to have seen where he told the other 2 wives and had revenge sex with them the same way before going on in his relationship with his wife. But like I said better ending than the original author personally

Johnny1MJohnny1Mover 12 years ago
I don't believe the scenario--but it's not Ohio's scenario.

I liked what he did with it. Although I don't really see why the two others were spared. Coffee in the lap and a punch in the nose does not seem to me to even things up. I still maintain that of all the off the wall plots on Literotica, this one is one of the least likely to actually happen. For one thing, handcuffing a guy is actionable. The police could get involved and then the guys' marriages would really go down the tube, even if they weren't convicted. The wife's reputation would be nil. Her friends would hear about it. I venture to say that a jury would have no problem awarding damages if the husband decided to sue. Plus, in these stories, the wife is always portrayed as loving her husband and just going temporarily crazy. Well even a crazy wife would know that there's only one chance in a thousand of a divorce not happening if she actually made her husband watch this. Now an angry wife running off and having a revenge fuck, that I would believe.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago

Yes he got his revenge but he didn't divorce the slut. That tells me one thing. She'll do it again. Fucking slut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I'm with the lady on this one. Male or female doesn't mean much to me, it's actions that count, not gender. He did the right thing in telling her, that much has to be conceded. He offered her a choice. He didn't attempt to deceive her. That has to do with honesty and his morals, it doesn't have to do with potential benefits or rewards. He did what he 'had' to do to keep his union from becoming a hypocritial farce with hidden skeletons. That said, it's not as if in telling her he has done something for with he should feel proud of. The most that could be said is that he didn't act in an even more appalling manner by lying to her, outright or by omission. After that, she had every right to do what she wanted -to forgive him or not... again, not something you are necessarily 'entitled' to, after an apology-. Drunk or not doesn't make much difference. A little, certainly, but then again, he was the one who ended up in that situation, it's his responsibility (and his partner's, of course). The point is that it doesn't mean that she suffers any less, and it doesn't mean that he should use it as an excuse, or that it should entitle him to a misguided sense of moral superiority. Then she retaliated and things went on, and it's not as if she is faultless, but frankly, it's a little difficult to picture him as the 'innocent' victim -the events are connected, even though in his mind they shouldn't be, and maybe they really shouldn't-.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20over 11 years ago

Never ever volunteer information to anyone cause it will always come back to bite you in the ass. And if you do, it just might be you drinking a beer with the devil the next time. You might think this is cold but I'm happy and I sleep real good.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
well i have to remember

i have to remember that ohio writes cuck stories. as long as you know that you will not break computer key boards banging them into the fucking furniture when you read his endings.

PolyLvrPolyLvrover 11 years ago
To anonymous in July

You seem to have missed the point. Drunk or not, he didn't cheat on his wife until after she got her "revenge."

My problem with this conclusion is that it focused on the sex. It didn't really address the fact that she didn't give him the benefit of the doubt until she could really ascertain the truth. Or the fact that she went so far overboard in getting her revenge. To me it looked like she was using his infidelity as an excuse to fuck these guys, rather than as simply revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Wow, what a hypocrite.

He goes on and on about how what she did was beyond the pale, cheating as a form of revenge; and all based on the fact that he was honest, even if he was guilty. Basically, he felt that she had no right to revenge even if he had cheated on her.

But then he goes and does the exact same thing she did for revenge? Yeah, that's kinda bullshit, and even more so when you consider the fact that the fucking moron turn it into a serial affair.

Kind of unusual to see a marriage where the wife isn't the only dumb bitch involved. I'd give you extra stars for that creativity, but I'm thinking it wasn't deliberate and that you actually see his behavior as a normal, reasoned response.

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanover 11 years ago
This line from the story is a load of shit

"I know Tim can be a jerk sometimes, Keith, but he's MY jerk, if you know what I mean." Jane grinned at me. "And I know he's sorry as hell—I would really bet that he wouldn't cheat on me again if a naked Playboy model jumped all over him."

Once someone gets away with something they will do it again and worse. It is called escalation. Someone who does muggings then turns to rape and finally murder. So the above statement is a slap in the face of reality. These two marriages are over then are just walking dead. ***

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

It's the old "two wrongs make a right?" Their lack of communication has led them down a destructive path and I don't see how the husband would EVER want to take his cheating wife back. Not to mention that all your friends are now gone. Time to divorce the bitch and move away. Start over. Too many bad memories that will constantly be revisited here.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

You picked up on elements that that the original authors conclusion ignored - excellent insight - but the ending was not as good as his. Yours was much better written, but I just don't see how they stay together. The original author picked up on one element that you overlooked - she wanted to control him and was clearly willing to do anything to that end. This is no longer a relationship of love, as evidenced by his having multiple meetings with Jane (which will undoubtedly carry on). Their relationship is held together by mutual blackmail - do it again and this is what will happen. The revenge was fitting, but he should have walked away from her after giving her the show.

illjoyilljoyalmost 11 years ago
. . . ...

2 wrongs don't make a right . . . . . But if anyone is counting there were 3

fanfarefanfarealmost 11 years ago

I was casually reading through a number of these LW genre stories and it suddenly struck me what all the commentators avoid {and I guess the authors too} is facing up to the consequences of abusing alcohol and often drugs.

Thinking back over my life and those people I have personally known, bad behavior is often linked to overindulgence. I am of the opinion that alcohol and/or drug use are NOT the cause of evil acts but are an excuse to commit those deeds we will be ashamed if we ever sober up.

That the fictional character in this story of Keith, is obviously an alcoholic, incapable of controlling his behavior when he drinks to excess. And I include passing out, that was an important plot point. That his "friends" who know of his lack of self-control have contempt for him and take advantage of him for their own impaired nastiness. That his wife is contemptuous of him for being a drunk.

I suspect that is an important subconscious motivation underlying the BTB/anonymousie commentators and a number of the authors. So much easier to put a fist in a woman's face as a masculine communication of dominance. Then for any of you, any of us, to stand up and admit that you, me, us, I, they, we are unable to control our consumption of emotional altering chemicals.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I think it is so morally wrong to not tell the other two wives that it made me despise this story. What makes him think he is any better then the rest of them? You are a real piece of shit if you don't let the other wives know they are married to piece of shit betraying assholes. Also, no real friend would do this so this story belongs in fantasyland!

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 11 years ago
Anon 'Really???' scores a 3-point bucket

Better writing, including dialogue. But the trust and respect EACH has for the other is infinitesimal. If Sweetie respected Hubby's integrity and trusted his honesty, she would not have done her version of revenge! Hubby would NOT have been party to THAT punishment against the wrong-doers (any more than taking advantage of the offer of free pussy earlier) if he had any respect left for Sweetie, and trusting her after Sweetie admits to not telling him of her overheard conversation is well-nigh impossible!

Adios, muthafucka!

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 10 years ago
good finish

But there should have been no need to cuff Tim and Susan to the chairs; they should have been required to voluntarily stay...

imhaplessimhaplessover 10 years ago
Cute and entertaining

Definitely worth a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
no love

How could anyone stay in love with a piece of shit like her.......and after they told me their stories I would have shown the other wives the video.....fuck them. I can't understand you weak ass cucks who choose to stay together at all sure as hell wouldn't be hard to replace that cheap bitch. Grow some balls .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Only a woman could love this story. Men don't put up with cheating like this, especially revenge fucking that wasn't deserved. No, a man, a real man, would have make everyone pay with an extreme BTB finish. Actions such as like this slutty cunt took, are unforgivable. Ever.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
"a man, a real man"

And what the fuck would a virgin eunuch know about real men? Get help closet cucky, everyone is laughing their asses off at your hilarious denials, nothing funnier than the internet hard man closet cuckold.

chytownchytownabout 10 years ago
Good Read****

Thanks for sharing.

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
It all started with the three guys/jerks

They set up the practical joke and didn't have the integrity or character to fess up the next morning or when Susan came to them for her revenge.

They let her believe a lie they created and took advantage of her for their own bit o fluff on the side. and two of the three did not tell Susan the truth about that night and took advantage of her losing nothing. btw, why shouldn't their wives learn what they did?

Tim did not act alone, but he alone suffered some consequences.

And, the story just proves twice again that revenge sex solves nothing. And revenge sex to seek revenge for revenge sex is even worse.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Great Ending!

I loved his final remarks about their "rehearsals"!

Three things bother me:

1) I can understand her not believing him, but did it ever occur to check out his story?

2) Why choose friends for her revenge? If they don't split up it's going to be a wedge between them.

3) For the "friends" to take advantage of the situation, when they knew the truth is BEYOND reprehensible, I don't care how HOT Susan is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

This women is way to unbalanced to stay married to. Just the leaving Keith handcuffed for hours when she went out and partied should land her in prison.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Why do people think... will hurt a spouse to tell the the TRUTH about their partner? Sure, at the time there will be pain, but you're not the cause, just the messenger.

I'll never understand that reasoning in any of these stories. If they blame you for telling the TRUTH then you don't need those people in your life anyways.

auhunter04auhunter04over 9 years ago

A good story about some bad things.

Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Clever, funny, sexy

Congrats. Great story. It was clever, funny, and sexy. Four out of five stars. (You don't get the fifth because the first half wasn't yours.) I would have liked it a bit longer and to have seen what happened to Keith and Susan. But I am just being greedy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Another cuck

Just another fucking stupid cuck story...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
i would have told the bitch

i had fucked her friend 3 times for practice.. she ucked three dudes so it evens out

Tim413413Tim413413about 9 years ago
Very, very good.

I would have repeated the Jane scenario with the other two wives. She fucked three guys, so he should fuck all three of their wives.

kdcee79kdcee79about 9 years ago
Well done

I know that much of the story was not yours but I really enjoyed this ending; a little payback is always good, but to be able to enjoy it with a beautiful willing woman, in front of the cheaters - just pure bliss.

I don't understand how this story could attract so much vitriol, mostly from Mr " Anonymous ", his father must have been a very busy man, seeing how many assholes sons he had. How was this a cuck story, once his wife showed him the video he set about doing something positive about it. Perhaps the real meaning of the word cuckold has been lost & now means whatever the "Anons " want it to mean.

Very well done. 5 *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Since you stopped writing , this was a weak revenge story

I would have divorced the bitch.,

Pappy7Pappy7almost 9 years ago
Moral to this story is

if someone comes at you with a pair of handcuffs and they don't have a police uniform on, knock the shit out of them and run. Seriously, seems like all of the problems with video taped fucking starts and ends with being handcuffed to a bed or a chair. If you put yourself into that situation expect the worst. Saddest one of these stories was where she left him cuffed and he called the other wives over and they almost killed him. Again, women and handcuffs, not a good combination. Or the story where the wife handcuffs her husband to a chair and fucks the neighbor because she thought he was fucking neighbor's wife, when is was someone else. She threatened him enough that he was afraid they were going to kill him. Then when she found out the truth she just said oh well, no harm no foul. All of these instances call for killing the wife and the other men involved. What happens the next time she gets pissed? I imagine it gets easier each time so somewhere down the line he gets castrated and has to watch the dreaded "black" gang bang up close and personal.

Still, well written and as always the comments were funny as hell.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 9 years ago

Why did the other two assholes get away scot free? Their marriages should have gotten fucked up also.

sugnasugnaalmost 9 years ago
One Down Two to Go

Not for the other two wives. Fuck them, fuck them all!

sugnasugnaalmost 9 years ago
And Then Divorce

Because who needs a bitch like that? Get out before the kids come an she has hostages!

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

Okay, here’s my problem with this whole original story, and yes, I know this is Literotica, with ex-Navy Seals who eat pussy better than lesbians, etc, etc, etc!

The original practical joke is reasonably believable, as is his “confession”. I put it in quotes because he obviously had nothing to confess to.

Her desire for revenge is okay, though a bit over the top, even by Literotica standards.

But not ONE of his “best” friends, not only doesn’t let him off the hook with his wife but takes advantage of the situation and FUCKS her, never mind that she is also “best friends” with THEIR wives?

Again, believe me, I don’t read Literotica in general, and Loving Wives in particular for reality, but I need SOME help in my suspension of disbelief, and I’m afraid this story doesn’t do it for me.

Having said all that, I felt that this was my favorite of the follow-ups, and I LOVED the little twist at the end!

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 9 years ago
if the wife killed their child

Ohio would find some way to write a RAAC story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
That was umm......

All I can say is crappy start matched crappy end.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Further Thought

“And I know I deserved it, Keith." – Which HE didn’t, which means that they aren’t REALLY even!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

After something like that there would be no way I'd stay in that marriage. I would have been out the door as soon as the cuffs were taken off. I also would have ruined the other two marriages as well.

I didn't like the two of them getting their revenge. It makes them no better than the wife.

Seeker1107Seeker1107over 8 years ago
Can't fathom reconciliation

After everything is said and done, I cannot fathom them getting back together. Especially since she knew he was innocent! There are times when payback really is OTT, hers most definitely was and he should have shown the tape to the other two wives as well. Had this been me, I would have first called the cops and had her arrested with unlawful imprisonment, kidnapping, as well as depraved indifference! The other three deserved either co-conspirators charges, or as soon as they knew of his being bound they became accomplices after the fact, if they had no knowledge of it beforehand. It would probably be pled down to misadventure gone wrong or some such, but still. All the trust is gone. The biggest and strongest bond between them is out the window. Very very few marriages come back from that. I in my humble opinion, cannot believe that she loves him. She jumped on this revenge a wee bit too fast.

As far as the story goes, it was a well written piece of fiction and is due that credit. Thank you for the offering once again.

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