Forced Entry

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A man forces his way inside to pleasure her.
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This is a short stroke story - one of the shortest I've ever written. Still, I hope you'll enjoy it and feel free to leave your comments and votes at the end. Ada

Word count = 3k. About 1 Lit page long.


Copyright (c) 2019 Ada Stuart, All Rights Reserved.

This work may not be published whether for fee or free without this copyright.


The heat wave had lasted the entire week. It felt so hot inside that Allison had let go of all worries and left her bedroom window open. She lived on the first floor and there was a little stretch down to the pavement.

Anyone fit enough and determined enough could climb that distance and enter through her window, but right now the need for air trumped her fear of being burgled. Nevertheless, if she was going to sleep at all she needed air. Cold air.

Laying in her bed she drifted into a dreamy sense of sleep. Dreaming about the hunky guy that lived upstairs from here. She had met him when she moved into her apartment and he'd even helped her carry the few items she owned.

He was impressive and so muscular that earlier that day she had gawked on his naked chest as she had passed him in the corridor. She had tried to collect her mail and he'd greeted her with that broad smile of his. He must have a girlfriend somewhere she had thought for the zillionth time.

A man like that would never lack company. Still, even if she didn't stand a chance with him, he could have the main role in her dreams at any time. In her fantasy she could imagine what he would look like without his clothes on and she felt her arousal build just by thinking about that.

She spread her legs wider and started fingering her clit as she envisioned how he would come between her thighs and push his hard organ inside of her. It would make her feel so full and almost stuffed if he was as big as she imagined.

That was what she liked about fanaticizing. She could always arrange the scenes and the body parts as she wanted them to be. She rubbed her clit a few more times as she imagined how he would erupt inside of her, sucking her nipples as he forced her to climax by rubbing her clit.

She moaned as she climaxed to her own rubbing and she closed her mouth to muffle the sounds. She didn't want to alert anyone else of what she was doing. It was hardly a secret. Everyone did it, she supposed, but she had no intention of flaunting her need to masturbate in want of a man.

Doing the job herself would never feel as good as having a real man in her bed, but since she lacked that key ingredient right now it was the best substitute she had. She wondered maybe she should retrieve that dildo that she had stashed somewhere.

She just couldn't remember where she'd put it when she'd packed up her belongings and moved into this larger apartment. Well, she still had a lot of boxes that she hadn't had the time to unpack so it will probably be located when she did.

Still, it could wait until the morning. She was finally relaxed and ready for some sleep before the heat became any worse.


A few hours later a dark clad man wearing a ski mask climbed up to her window and opened it easily. Quietly he climbed inside, making his large framed body move in an effortless ease that bespoke of his athleticism. He placed his foot on the floor inside of the bedroom.

He could see the woman was sleeping. She was naked except for a thin sheet that covered her mound. It was perfect. He moved into the next room and unlocked her front door creating an escape route if that was needed.

Returning to the bedroom he unfastened the string on his shorts and lowered them to the floor. His cock was already erect, and he felt relief at removing the clothing that had held him contained. He retrieved the package of condoms he had brought with him and sheathed himself while he stroked his cock with his hand.

It was a lesser joy than what he would soon find inside of her, but it suited him just fine as a warmup. He laid a few items next to the bed. He would need them when she started to become difficult and he knew that this one had spirit.

Now the action could begin. He looked at the woman on the bed. The light from the lamppost outside provided him with just enough light and made it easier to view her. Her position was perfect. She was laying on her back with her legs spread wide.

The heat wave made it all that much easier with the open window and the naked woman. This would be a memorable fuck. He was sure. She was small. He liked that. Small women had tight sheaths, making it more enjoyable as he fucked them. Making his large cock fit like a tight glove.

He moved closer to the bed, noticing that she was warm and was moving her hand toward her pussy. He helped her remove the sheet. She moved her hand toward her clit and started to stroke herself. That must be some good dream, he thought as he scented the female arousal coming from her.

He spread her legs wider, before he climbed into the bed and moved his body between her legs. His cock was fully erect now, full of blood and aching for him to give into every urge that he had. He raised her knees, making her pussy available to his eyes.

She had shaved as if she was a young girl instead of the grown woman she was. It made it easier for him for find the right spot. There it was. The opening to her inner channel. The warm and tight sheath that would soon be his.

He guided his cock directly to her cunt and slowly pushed inside while he leaned forward. The feeling was intense. She was so tight. He grabbed her hands and pushed deep inside of her.


Allison awoke with a scream as something large was pushed inside of her. The pain was intense and sudden. A mouth was placed on top of hers and her scream was swallowed by the person on top of her. She tried to push him away but realised that her arms couldn't move.

He was holding her arms on each side of her head as he kept pushing deeper inside of her. The pain was still there, and she fought him violently as she tried to push him away from her. But he held her in place with the use of his larger body.

He retreated his cock almost all the way out of her body before returning, fucking her to his own satisfaction. She tried to bite him, but he seemed to understand what was coming as he moved his mouth in time.

"Relax. I won't hurt you," he spoke in a gruff voice.

"Get off me," she screamed before he placed his hand over her mouth.

He pushed his cock deep inside of her and she gasped at the pain as he filled her flesh. She hadn't had a boyfriend in quite some time, and she was not accustomed to his size. She wheezed out in pain before she realised that he had handcuffed her hands together.

She tried to hit him with her hands, but he fastened them to the headboard with something. A rope perhaps. He had obviously come prepared.

"Now, we can do some serious fucking," he said in a voice that all too pleased with the situation.

"Get off me, you scumbag!" she repeated herself.

"No, not before you come so hard that you will scream the house down for all other reasons."

"You're delusional. You're hurting me."

"That might be true right now, but you will enjoy this. Trust me," he said before he adjusted the angle of his pelvis and pushed his cock against her g-spot.

He moved his right hand to her clit and started fondling her. Allison knew that he'd heard the hitch in her breath as the unexpected touch. She wiggled her lower body. Trying to throw him off her. Instead he leaned forward and took her left nipple into his mouth and started sucking.

She shook her entire body, listening to the sound of rattling chains from the handcuffs holding her arms above her head. She lifted her legs and tried to kick at him. He held her down, forcing her to endure his sucking for her other nipple, noticing the wet sound as he switched between them.

She could still feel his flesh lodged deep inside of her and as he kept fucking her in long and slow strokes, she could easily figure out how large he had to be. In a surprising moment she realised that the pain inside of her cunt had lessened.

The suction of her breasts made her body produce the coating needed to ease the pain a little. He would soon be finished with raping her, she gathered.

"Aren't you done yet?"

She couldn't prevent herself from throwing out the insult. She had no sympathies for a man that was so cowardly that he had to attack sleeping women in order to get laid. No sympathies whatsoever.

He laughed as he fucked her hard a few times.

"No, not yet. I'm enjoying this too much."

"Well, I'm not."

If she could put a puncture in that ego of his he deserved all her scorn, she decided.

"Then I must be doing it wrong," he said, before he rubbed her clit a few more times.

He lifted her legs and wrapped them behind his back, before retreating his cock and started to only fuck her with shallow thrusts. Pushing his cock only in a few inches before retreating. The motion made her body heat up despite her objections.

No, she didn't want this. She couldn't want this, she almost screamed at herself.

At the same time, he pushed deep inside of her and she let out a groan at the unexpected push, filling her up and rubbing against all her inner walls. She clasped her muscles around him. It felt too good to resist. She wanted to fight him, to push him away and scream at him. But he had cornered her.

Immobilized her arms and filled her cunt, making it impossible to escape. The feeling of having all this pleasure being forced upon here was tremendous. It was like she had secretly wanted a man to come and relieve her sufferings. She felt like she was going crazy.

She knew that everyone would blame her. She would blame herself, and at the same time she could not help being aroused by what he did to her. He rubbed her clit some more and she could feel the moisture gather between her sex lips, making her itch at the feeling.

She tried to close her legs, making herself squirm as the itching became worse. Now he was returned to do the shallow and slow movements. Allowing her to feel the tension as every hard inch of him was slowly rubbed against her.

"Are you using a condom?" she suddenly remembered to ask.

"Yes," he said hoarsely. "One with a lot of ribs and dots. To increase your pleasure," he gasped before he pushed himself inside to the root.

Who was this man this seemed so determined to make her enjoy her own rape? Did she know him?

A content look was displayed in his eyes and his sign attested that he took great pleasure in what he was doing. She made an involuntary moan at the enjoyment of being filled deeply again. The shallow thrusts were only teasing her, making her want to shout at him and urge him to go deeper.

To push himself as deep as he could come. But the shallow thrusts were probably meant to make her come as well. As if it was important to him that his victims had release. It wouldn't help at all, she was sure. It would be better if he would just speed up the process and go away.

Back to the hole where he came from. Or back to seeking the shrink that he surely needed.

She wiggled beneath him. Realising that she had forgotten to fight him for a while. She was not going to go down easily. At the same time, she felt that her body was highly aroused. It was embarrassing. She didn't want to feel anything. Didn't want any enjoyment out of the activities that was forced upon her.

"Just let yourself go," he urged her as he sucked her nipples again.

She refused to. She tried to move her clit away from his skilled hands, trying to roll her upper body away from his mouth but the handcuffs were reducing her possibility to move.

When he pushed his cock deeper inside of her, she realised that his hard pole was effectively holding her in place as if she was the ice cream that surrounded the wooden stick. He had her just where he wanted her. And she had no choice but to receive his invasion and trying to prevent herself from climaxing.

Still, it was proving more and more difficult to resist. She gasped and she felt herself breathing harder. She tried desperately to think of something as completely nonsexual as she could think of, but his presence and his insistent fucking made it impossible to ignore the push against her pleasure zones.

Eventually she failed. Her defeat felt complete as his sank his cock deep inside her just while he rubbed her clit hard. She closed her mouth but still her muffled scream came from her mouth, making him fully aware that he had succeeded.

The contractions deep inside of her only emphasised what had happened, and he celebrated his triumph by fucking her faster and harder than before. Spreading her legs wider as he worked his flesh deep inside, retreated and pushed himself to the hilt once more.

She could feel his body sweating by his adamant workout, making her fully aware that he was a young man with an impressive stamina. Finally, he emitted a roar as he emptied his load inside of her. He fucked into her a few more times as if he could not help himself from prolonging the pleasure and stoking his orgasm even higher.

"Fuck. That was awesome," he groaned.

"Go away!" she commanded him.

He chuckled softly.

"Didn't you enjoy it? You seemed to take great pleasure of it. You were clasping my cock like a tight glove as you orgasmed."

"I want you to go. Now!"

"Sure. I got what I came for, and you were even better than I had imagined."

"You've watched me?"

"Of course. And I'm ready for a rematch soon."

He moved his cock suggestively inside of her.

"No way!"

"Next time I want you on your knees, taking my cock doggystyle. I know you will like that. Your tight cunt will feel even tighter as I pump inside of you, holding on to your waist to make sure that I'm all the way inside."

His voice was mesmerizing and the picture he was describing made her feel aroused again.

"No. I don't want that," she stuttered.

"We'll see," he chuckled as he retreated from her cunt, giving her an immediate sense of something missing that she wanted to have back.

The flow of her sexual juices followed at the same time, making it more evident that she had enjoyed the rape that he had forced upon here. She could see him dressing himself quickly before he moved to the door.

"Hey!" she shouted.

"Changed your mind already?" he asked.

"The handcuffs. You can't leave me like this, you bastard."

"Oh, sure I can." He smiled broadly. At least it seemed that way with the mask he was wearing. "But I won't."

He came closer to her and loosened the cuffs.

"You'll manage the rest yourself. I'll see you soon."

"No way!"

"Oh yes. I will be back. Such a lovely pussy is just begging for another visit," he said before he turned and walked away.

Soon after she heard her front door click shut. She removed the handcuffs and ran into the hall outside her apartment. There was no one in sight. She hurried over to the staircase to see if anyone was walking upstairs. There was no one. He had vanished just as quietly as he had appeared.

She shook her head before she realised that she was completely naked. She gasped and hurried back inside of her apartment. She locked the door firmly behind her before turning on all the lights, trying to find anything he had left behind. There was nothing.

No sign of anyone or anything, except that her window was more open that it used to be. She placed it in the locked position where it should have been all along.

It had been stupid of her to leave it open like that. Utterly stupid. She was never doing that again. No matter how warm the weather would become.

The only proof that there had been anyone there was the pair of handcuffs he'd used to secure her arms. He had even removed the condom. She cursed. There went the best chance of a DNA sample.

And he thought that he could just trample back inside and help himself. He would regret the day he was born, she vowed to herself. If she ever found out who he was he would pay for this.


In another apartment of the building, a man was removing his ski mask and his shorts. She had been everything he'd ever dreamed about and more. It had been one of the best fucks in his life. If she hadn't been so stubborn about it, he would have settled down for a few more hours and fucked her repeatedly. But there would be other chances, other nights and he already longed for their next encounter.




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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I’d love for there to be another visit.

3StrawberrY63StrawberrY6over 1 year ago

This is the stuff of many wet dreams.

coolstrangeravenuecoolstrangeravenueover 2 years ago

please, more. and cum inside her

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

my fav story from my fav writer

5 stars

BelshonBelshonabout 3 years ago

Awesome story. Well worth reading a sequel.

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