Heart Is Where the Home Is Ch. 04


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"Bye, Jen." Lainey looked broken after hearing Kate's comments. I wanted to chase after her but Kate started up with her demands.

"Jen, why don't you make sure everything is set with hotel security. I don't want any issues with fans on the way to the limo."

"I spoke with the security manager an hour ago. Everything is set."

She smirked and said, "Check again. I'll see you back at my room."

Something didn't smell right. I watched her until she got on the elevator and caught her grin as she waved.

Something wasn't sitting well with her sending me off on a useless errand. I saw the elevator stop on her floor and I walked over to security.

I spoke to the manager George and confirmed the arrangements again. As I was leaving the office I saw Kate at the registration desk. She got a key and spun around back to the elevators. I looked at the counter and saw the desk clerk smiling as he put something in his pocket.

While I was trying to process what was going on, I saw Kate get on the private elevator to the penthouse level.

"That bitch!"

"What happened, Miss Greer?" George asked from behind me.

"We need to go to my brother's suite now. Take me up there."

"Yes ma'am. Is everything okay?"

He was worried about a security problem but he was going to have to worry about me when I kicked Kate's ass.

"No. I saw a stalker pay your desk clerk for a key before she got on the private elevator."

He didn't need to know who it was. He would've blown it off if he knew it was a celebrity and I had to stop Kate from messing up Ken and Lainey's relationship. I completely trusted Ken, but not Kate. Just her being in his room would set Lainey off.

"Oh, shit!" George gruffed.

"Yeah, let's go."

We got off the elevator and didn't see anyone in the hall. We ran to Ken's door and I heard Ken yelling.

"Open it!" I shrieked.

He opened the door and we found a naked Kate being yelled at by Ken.

"Get the fuck out of here, now!" Ken shouted as George pulled out his taser. Kate had her back angled towards us.

"Step away from Mr. Greer, now!" George shouted.

Both Ken and Kate snapped their heads in our direction.

"Jen!" They shouted in unison.

"Kate, get the fuck away from my brother before I kick your ass."

"Fuck you, he's mine!"

"George, get her out of here. I want her arrested for bribing your clerk for a key and accosting Ken."

"Miss Greer, are you sure? She's..."

"I know who the fuck she is. Do I have to get you fired too?"

He was scared shitless at the situation I put him in, he was in a no-win situation. I would have to smooth things over with the hotel manager so Kate didn't get him fired.

"Miss Ferrell, I'm sorry but I need you to get dressed and come with me."

Kate was screaming incoherently as Ken backed away towards the windows.

I watched as George walked over to her and she screamed at him until he raised the taser. I hoped he lit her up but I knew it was an idle threat. He would never do that to a celebrity, the hotel would be done for, as far as elite clients were concerned.

Thankfully she stopped and got dressed in her leggings and t-shirt.

I laughed as she stormed past me with her braless, sagging tits flopping around. As if she could ever compare to Lainey, what a joke.

She stopped at the door and said, "You're fired, bitch!"

"I laughed and said, "You better pay me the full term of my contract or I will tell all. Fuck your non-disclosure agreement."

She spun and left as George said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Greer. I'm sure the manager will want to speak with you once I talk with him."

Ken nodded as George hustled after Kate.

"What the fuck was that, Jen?"

"She bribed the desk clerk for a key. I saw her and told the manager she was a stalker and we had to get up here."

He sat on the couch and shook his head.

"That was a bit over the top wasn't it? If you'd have knocked it would've been over a lot easier."

"Where's the fun in that?" I laughed and sat next to him.

"She's obsessed with you and I've been keeping a close eye on her. She was never a physical threat, but she saw Lainey going into the spa and she probably figured she would come up here and get caught with you so Lainey would dump you."

"I never would've done anything with her. You know that, right?"

"Yes, little brother, but I didn't want Lainey to find her near you."

"Thank you, Sis. I owe you one."

"Well, you can put the word out that I need a job."

We laughed and he said, "I can help with that. Give me a couple of months and I'll have something for you."

*** Ken

It was a crazy situation. When I walked into the main room of the suite and found Kate standing there naked, I panicked.

I couldn't have Lainey walk in and find a naked ex-girlfriend, it would be the end of us. There was no way I would screw Kate, no matter how naked and willing she was.

As I was screaming at her to get out, Jen and hotel security came in and got Kate out. At least at the end of it all, I had an opening to break the news of the spa to Jen and Cindy, since Jen lost her job. I chickened out though. It would have to wait.

Lainey walked in and found me and Jen chatting about the wedding.

"Hey, guys!"

"Hi, Lainey," Jen said as she walked over to her. "Cindy will be here in a few minutes to do our hair and makeup. I'm going to meet her in the lobby and bring her to mom's room."

I handed her a key card and watched my sister hug my fiancé before she left.

"How was the spa?"

A frown came over her face as she said, "That bitch Kate showed up and called me an ugly farm girl again."

"Honey, you know she's just jealous. You have what she wants and can't have. It's not you, it would be anyone I was with."

I debated about telling her what happened but decided not to do it. If it came up, I'd bite the bullet.

"I just wish she would leave me alone."

"Me too, baby. I'll see what I can do about that."

I thought maybe I could get a restraining order against her? I'd have to talk to my attorney and see if her stunt with the key card could help do that.


Later that night, as I was listening to the nominees get announced for my award, there was a camera was in my face from the aisle. When Olivia Coleman said my name I mouthed "Hi, Mel," and blew the camera a kiss. I hoped my future sister-in-law appreciated it. Lainey kissed my cheek and giggled.

"...and the award for Best Actor goes to—Miles Perry for DreamKnight."

Damn! I thought as I plastered a fake smile for the camera and clapped my hands for the winner. He's a pompous ass, but a great old actor. Good for him.

I was disappointed. I felt the commiseration pats on the shoulder from the people around me. Amy Adams was sitting behind me and said, "You get used to it after the third or fourth time you don't win," then she laughed sadly.

Lainey kissed me and whispered, "You were robbed." I nodded and kissed her cheek.

I didn't think I was robbed. I never expected to be nominated in the first place, but I messed up by allowing myself to believe I had a chance. I got my hopes up and was shot down from the sky. I would have liked to go out on top.

Mom and Jen each patted my arm and we all went back to watching the stage.

*** Lainey

The beginning of May brought warm weather and the construction was completed on Ken's house. The only thing left was the large deck, the landscaping, and the finishing touches on the inside.

Jen helped us with a lot because she hadn't found a job in Hollywood and Ken kept telling her he'd have something in May. Cindy would be wrapping up her film that week and coming home for their wedding which was coming up.

Ken and my dad were getting together a lot. I asked both what they were doing but they told me the same story about Ken exploring business options. I hated being left in the dark and wished Ken wouldn't be so secretive.

As I was putting our new kitchen together, Ken walked in and said, "Lainey, hon? Jen and Cindy are coming over in a few minutes. I'm going to give them our wedding gift and I'll need your support when I do."

"Um, okay? What are we giving them?"

"A spa."

"They live in an apartment. Where will they put a spa, Ken?"

"No, Lainey. A resort type of spa."

"Oh. Let me guess, it's located somewhere out here. That's what you and my dad have been up to."

He nodded.

"We break ground on Friday. I want Jen to run the business side and Cindy to run the services side. I've got the partnership forms ready to sign and we will all be partners. I secured the financing from your dad's bank."

"That explains the cruise then."

My dad got a big bonus and took my mom on a two-week cruise for their anniversary in April.

"Yeah, he got a nice bonus due to the size of my business loan."

"Now I understand why you need me. Jen is going to be pissed."

He nodded. I was not looking forward to the meeting.

*** Jen

Cindy and I sat in Ken's beautiful living room looking over the furnishings. Lainey outdid herself in decorating it, as it was elegant and tasteful.

Ken and Lainey came in with coffee and sat across from us.

"Ken, we hope you didn't go too crazy with our gift. We can wait until the wedding for you to give it to us."

He looked at me and I knew it wasn't good. I recognized the look in his eyes—fear.

"Well, I did go crazy."

I noticed Lainey roll her eyes.

"I lied to you about needing time to find you someone to be a PA for. I had a job for you all along, it just wasn't ready yet."

My anger was rising. I couldn't figure out why he would lie. "What's the job?"

"I'm opening a destination spa about a half-hour east of here."

Cindy asked, "A spa. Like massages and facials?"

"Yes, exactly. The works."

"What does that have to do with us?" I asked.

"I've secured the financing and the construction firm. I need you and Cindy to come on as partners and run it."

He looked afraid and he should have been.

"Are you nuts? We live in Burbank. We don't..."

He looked at the floor. The big bad movie star was nervous.

"Jen," Cindy said cutting me off, "he wants us to move here."


"Jen, hear me out."

I sat back and folded my arms petulantly.

"I've created a company that I want you and Cindy to take part ownership in. This is my wedding gift to you. 40% ownership each. I'll have the remaining 20%. You two will have complete control and my thought was that you would run the operations side and Cindy would run the spa side."

I was about to scream but Cindy sensed it and took my hand.

"Ken, it was presumptuous to do this without involving us from the beginning," Cindy chided.

I nodded my head but stayed silent. It was all I could do to hold back from assaulting him. How dare he try to manipulate me!

"I knew you'd never go for it. I even kept it a secret from Lainey and Mom. Look, Jen, you need a job, Cindy, you're between movies and I know this is a dream of yours. You've told me many times you wanted to leave Hollywood."

She nodded and squeezed my hand. That was the moment I knew she was in and was going to do it.

"Ken, Lainey, I know it's your home but could you give me and Jen a minute to talk alone please?"

"Of course," Lainey said, pulling Ken with her.

I was watching them walk out of the room when Cindy spoke, "Why not do it, baby? You know I hate traveling and worrying about where my next job is coming from."

I sighed. I knew I was done. "I hate that he keeps on giving me things. I want to be on my own, I want to stop being Kinsey Greer's sister."

"It seems to me this is that chance. I'll grant you that he set it up, but if we are majority owners it's our baby."

Baby! I thought about our having a family soon and how it would be nice to be near Mom.

"Jen, we can do this. Let's move here and raise our family in a good place. A place where we have a support system."

I pulled her into a hug. "I love you so much, Cindy."

"I know, and I love you too. You were staying in Hollywood for just me. Would you please follow me here?"

I whispered, "I'll follow you anywhere."

We cried and held each other for a long while. I pulled away and Cindy gave me a tissue she pulled from her purse.

"Okay, let's do it, but Cindy? Let's have Lainey design the interior. Look at this place, it's amazing."

She laughed and agreed.

We walked into the kitchen and found Ken and Lainey putting things away.


He looked over with his mega-watt smile.

"Thank you, for the wonderful gift. We accept."

Lainey clapped and Ken walked over and gave us hugs.

"I love you, Sis and Sis-in-law."

*** Lainey

Ken was relieved that Jen didn't kill him and they accepted his gift. He didn't want any part of it, it was all for them. I found out later that he was planning to give them 100% ownership once it started to show a profit. He didn't want them on the hook if it failed.

Later that night, Ken was sitting on a lawn chair behind the house. There would soon be a patio with water features and other landscaping there, but it was just a patch of dirt.

I decided that I was going to give Ken my anal virginity that night. I know it was for the wrong reason, but I couldn't let that bitch Kate have anything over on me. I had to show him that I'd do anything for my man.

I took a shower and used an enema kit from the pharmacy. I did a lot of reading online to prepare myself and I watched a lot of videos.

I found that one has to be careful when searching sex tips online. You have to be specific. I was grossed out by some of the anal sex videos I found until I figured out to search instructional videos. Lesson learned.

I lubed up and inserted a butt plug I bought and had been preparing with. It wasn't as large as Ken, to be sure, but it made me feel better about stretching for his size.

At first, it felt strange, but as I adjusted to it I enjoyed the feeling.

I dressed in black thigh-high stockings, a matching black lace bra and panty set, and four-inch black heels. After I checked myself in the mirror, I set the lube on the nightstand.

I walked out the French doors and grunted to get Ken's attention. I didn't want to walk onto the soft dirt, so I struck a pose leaning against the doorframe.

He turned and the cigar fell out of his mouth when he saw me. I can't even describe how good it feels when a man drops a Cuban cigar on his lap when he sees you.

Like a scene from a sitcom, he jumped up and brushed the embers and hot ash off of his crotch.

"Your presence is requested in the bedroom, Sir."

He smiled and walked toward me. "Very sexy, baby."

I turned and walked into the house putting as much wiggle into my walk as I could. It was probably too much and I must've looked silly.

I didn't make it far. All of a sudden, I squealed as I was lifted into his arms and carried to the bedroom.

He set me onto the bed and began to undress. He saw the tube of lube and asked, "Lainey?"

"I want this, Ken. I trust you'll take your time and be as gentle as possible with me."

I knew he was sold when he went from semi-hard to rock-hard.

"We're going to do it right. Nice and slow, a lot of playing with fingers to get you ready before I try to penetrate you."

"You didn't feel what I bought for you, did you?"

He looked at me confused. I stood and slid my panties off, making sure to bend over in his view. There was no doubt of his seeing the gem butt plug inserted into me for him. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

"I've been preparing for you for a while. I wanted to make sure it's perfect, our first time."

We kissed and made out for what felt like an eternity. I was so anxious to get to the main event, every second of delay was torture.

When he finally brushed his fingers along my clit, I shuddered. It wasn't an orgasm, but damn it was close. He worked his fingers through my lips and penetrated me while using his thumb on my clit. In a few minutes, I came and bit into his shoulder as I tensed and shook.

When I came down, he rolled me over and pulled my hips into him, driving his hard cock into me until I accepted it all.

"Fuck, Lainey. You feel so good."

His constant, rhythmic strokes slapping into me, had me screaming into the pillow under my head. Each thrust pushed on the plug and the sensation was incredible.

Then, as if reading my mind, he pulled the plug out and the sensation sent me over the top. He pushed it back in, slowly, and it sent shocks through me.

"Are you ready, my love?"

Was I? God only knew, but I was desperate to give him what his ex gave him.

"Anything for you, Ken. I love you."

As he pulled out the plug, he said, "I love you too, more than you'll ever understand."

I heard the click of the cap on the bottle of lube and felt the cold gel drip down my crack. He caught it in his fingers and rubbed it around and into my tight hole.

He took care, using two fingers to get more lube into me and I surprisingly missed them when he pulled them out. I looked back and watched him coat his thick penis with the lube and I quivered with anticipation coupled with fear.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes," I moaned as he touched my hole with the head of his member, slightly opening it.

"Tell me what you're feeling and if you need me to stop."

I barely heard him as the rush in my head was deafening when he broke through with just the tip and then the whole head.

"Whoa, fuck!" I whispered to myself as he stopped to let me adjust.

"Go ahead, baby."

He pushed an inch at a time, then pulling back and pushing forward until I felt his balls touch my dripping pussy.

I felt stretched, a little pain, but mostly full. Then he started fucking me. Oh my God! It was incredible as the little bit of pain subsided into full-blown pleasure.

He stroked slowly and asked, "Doing okay?"

"Yes. It feels great, you can go a little faster."

He grabbed my hips tighter and started going faster but using more shallow strokes. "God, Lainey! You feel amazing."

I moaned into the pillow as I felt a tingle in pussy. I wondered if I could cum from anal sex alone, but I didn't want to wait to find out. I lowered my hand and fingered my clit.

"Holy shit!" I shrieked. Ken smiled and drove deeper a little harder. I started cumming and it was one of the best orgasms I ever had. Intuitively, he stroked deeper and harder. The sensation was driving me crazy.

"Lainey, I'm close."

"Cum inside me, baby. I want to see if I feel it."

I did feel it as he groaned and shot spurt after spurt deep inside me.

He stayed inside me but fell forward taking me into his arms.

"I love you so much." He kissed my ear as he softened and slipped out. I missed him as he did and couldn't wait to do it again.

*** Ken

Time went on as it tends to do and Summer came. My sister's wedding went off without a hitch and the construction of the spa was on schedule and within budget.

When they returned from their honeymoon, we began the process of moving them halfway across the country. Jen wanted the moving company to do everything, but since I was bored, Lainey and I flew out to help them pack and drive with them to get their cars to Illinois.

We could've had the cars shipped, but a cross-country drive sounded like fun. Lainey and I drove Jen's Lexus SUV, while Jen and Cindy drove together in Cindy's Honda.

We hit all of the landmarks on the way, and some out of the way, including national parks and Mount Rushmore. Lainey and I grew closer, if that were even possible, as sitting in a car for hours at a time would tend to do and I couldn't wait to become her husband.

She was, for all intents and purposes, living with me already, but we decided to make it official and move her in completely when we got home. I briefly worried about Ryan and Angela's reaction to that, but Lainey assured me they were fine with it.