Interstellar Impregnation Pt. 08

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Grayson and Emma.
3.4k words

Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/24/2022
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Everyone in this story is over the age of 18.

Grayson had been friends with Ben for as long as he could remember.

They lived across the street from each other. Their moms had given birth at around the same time and had become close. So, of course, Grayson and Ben also had to spend time together. Fortunately, they got along perfectly. More like brothers than buddies.

They wore matching costumes at Halloween. Had group birthdays. Celebrated Christmas and Easter like one big family. In elementary school, Ben famously refused to attend second grade unless Grayson was in the same class.

They made a good pairing. Ben was blond and broad shouldered. Fiercely loyal and protective. Grayson was wiry with dark hair that refused to take any shape but wild. He was creative and just the right amount of different. Grayson liked to laugh. Ben liked to win. They balanced each other.

As they got older, as their friend groups burgeoned and life changed around them, they naturally became more distant. But they both played soccer in the fall and baseball in the spring. They ate at the same table at lunch and played videogames on the weekends (their moms thought it was funny that they were across the street from each other but still had to meet up online). And they were both going to the same college in the fall.

Only one thing had ever come between them. But Ben didn't know about that.

Despite that secret, Grayson thought he and Ben would be friends for the rest of their lives. Any issues would be smoothed by the passage of time. They'd grow up, get jobs, and raise families. Joking and arguing all the way to the nursing home. The world didn't make sense any other way.

But Grayson wasn't in the stall with Ben.


Grayson determinedly tried to avoid looking in his own enclosure. Instead, he forced his eyes to go elsewhere. He told himself that he was searching for his best friend. And, in a sense he was. But it was more than that, and he knew it. It didn't help that Grayson's blond buddy was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, Grayson looked out on a spread of stalls, populated by his classmates. All of them naked and paired boy-girl. The women were forced up on all fours. The boys stood behind them. Some of the couples were already going at it. Grayson couldn't blame them.

His own body felt like it was on fire. He had an erection so insistent he swore he could feel it pulsing along with his heartbeat. His balls ached something awful. Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to fuck. Anyone. Anything. All the more reason then, that Grayson couldn't look at his own space and who he'd been paired with.

"Come on, Grayso, I'm right here," Emma said.

Her voice brought his attention back to their stall. To her. To Emma.

He'd met her their freshman year of high school. Emma played soccer, too (for the girl's team), along with volleyball and softball. The day they met, she was already on Ben's arm. Apparently, the two of them had met at some sports camp that they'd both attended for a week the July before.

Ben had never mentioned meeting a girl that summer. But there they both were in the high school hallway, grinning dopily at Grayson as he stood by his locker.

It wasn't a passing thing, either. Ben and Emma had stayed together all four years of high school. The dyad of Ben and Grayson had undergone mitosis and added a third.

"Please Grayson," Emma said, back in the stall, "This is bad enough."

Grayson took a deep breath. He turned to look at Emma. Forcing himself to hold on her face only. As if that was going to make everything better.

She'd always been so confident and strong, and yet he was shocked to see that her eyes were red. Her cheeks tearstained. Of course, this had to be heartbreaking for her, too. The love of her life was somewhere else, and she'd been locked into place with the goofy sidekick. Like Veronica finding herself stuck with Jughead. Although, admittedly, Emma was more of a Betty.

Ben was a popular jock, so of course he'd found the stereotypical popular jock girlfriend. Emma was girl-next-door pretty with big blue eyes, long brown hair, and the word's warmest smile. Sports meant she was in excellent shape. She had an athlete's body with a tight ass, shapely legs...


Grayson forced his eyes back where they belonged. Impossibly, his dick had managed to get even harder.

"It's OK," Emma said. Her usual smile returned for a moment. "I'm feeling it too. Whatever they gave us."

"I know," Grayson said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," Emma said, "It only makes this worse."

For a moment, Grayson had the urge to rest his hand on her shoulder -- to provide some kind of comfort -- but he held himself back. He knew that was a slippery slope. VERY slippery.

"Sorry," Grayson said, "I mean, not sorry. I mean. Fuck."

Emma giggled, despite herself.

"This is so wrong," Grayson said.

Emma's expression turned sullen, as if his pronouncement reminded her of everything that was going on around them. Already, the room was filled with low moans, the slaps of flesh. The heady mix of pussy and semen. Constant reminders of what they'd been put there to do. Of what their bodies demanded of them.

"Well, it could be worse," Grayson said.

"How?" Emma asked.

"Hang on, I'm thinking," Grayson said. She laughed again and it was musical. Grayson winced.

"That's not helping," Emma said, not in a mean way.

"Ben was always the optimist," Grayson said, "It'd be better if he was here."

Emma made a strange expression when Grayson mentioned her boyfriend, his best friend. He couldn't read it, so he assumed she was wistful. Missing the man who was supposed to be there with her.

"I haven't seen him," Grayson said. It hadn't occurred to him till that moment, but Ben was also in a similar situation somewhere. Paired with some girl he didn't love. This had to be breaking both their hearts. "I keep looking but I can't find him. Do you see him?"

As an answer, Emma gestured to the position she was stuck in. She couldn't see much of anything at all. Except for the face of another girl, one he couldn't quite place -- a blonde with tight curls -- getting railed right in front of Emma's face. Taunting her with what she must desperately want but also frantically fear.

Emma tried to look at Grayson, to meet his eyes. He knelt down to make it easier on her. Again, he forced himself not to look below her shoulders. To her surprisingly full breasts and taut stomach. To the swell of her shaved pussy further down.

"You have a great body," Grayson said, before he could stop himself. Emma flushed and looked away.

"Sorry," he said, "It was just a thought I had. That came out. This sucks. I suck."

"You don't," Emma said, "For what it's worth, thank you. You also, um, look very nice."

Grayson knew pity when he heard it, but he wasn't going to react. After what she had with Ben, Grayson's spindly body, covered in dark hair, wasn't going to be all that exciting. But at least she was trying to be polite.

"So, what do we do?" Grayson asked.

"What can we do?" Emma said. She did her best to give a resigned shrug.

"I can't," Grayson said, "I won't. You're my best friend's girlfriend. I won't do that to him. To you."

Emma let out a long sigh. Her pretty blue eyes fluttered closed, like lost in prayer.

"I know this is awful for you," Emma said.

"For you too," Grayson interjected, but Emma kept speaking like he hadn't said a word.

"But I don't see what other options we have," Emma looked down pointedly at Grayson's penis, "I can see what you're going through. It's less obvious on me, but my body is amped up the same way."

Actually, when Grayson allowed himself to look, he could tell that Emma was feeling it as badly as he was. Her little nipples, oddly small on her large breasts, were taut as pinpricks. There was a shine on her thighs from her juices. And she kept shuffling herself around as best she could. Like an animal in heat.

"Grayson," Emma caught his attention again.

"Sorry," Grayson said, "Like I said, you have an awesome body."

"You sure that's not the drugs talking?"

"Positive," Grayson said.

Emma blushed. Like really blushed. From the top of her bare chest all the way up to her cheeks. It was maybe the sexiest thing Grayson had ever seen. Quickly, before that thought could catch, he shook it out of his head. Damn but this was dangerous.

"At least there's that," Emma said.

"What?" Grayson asked, confused. He was still kneeling by Emma's face. The position suddenly seemed so intimate.

"I just mean, at least you can find me attractive," Emma said, "Physically I mean. That makes it a little easier."

"Of course I can," Grayson said, "Emma you're... Fuck it. Emma you're absolutely beautiful. I always thought so."

Emma's face shifted. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Then why do you hate me?" Her words came out as a sob.

"What? Emma, I don't hate you."

"Come on," Emma said, "At least have the guts to admit it. Here. Now. With everything happening please be honest with me for once. I see the way you act around me. How you always glare at me when you think I'm not looking. You barely even talk to me when I'm around. I saw it the first time we met. That look on your face of utter disgust."

"Emma that's not true."

"You can't even look at me now," Emma said, "Am I so horrible? So cruel and broken? Did I say something that hurt your feelings? What did I do wrong? I swear I never meant to do wrong."

"I don't hate you Emma," Grayson said.

And for the first time since they woke up in that awful place, he let himself look in her eyes. Really and truly. Even red from tears, the blue of them was so deep. Whorled with different shades of azure. Like looking into the world's most beautiful abyss. He could drown in those eyes. He had. So many times.

"Emma, I love you," Grayson said.

"What?" Emma startled. She stared back at him. Her sniffles slipped away.

Freshman year of high school. Ben walked up to Grayson with a girl on his arm. Grayson had never seen her before. But as soon as he met her eyes, he was knocked off his feet. The girl was gorgeous. Like something out of his dreams.

Worse, as he got to know her, Grayson only found himself falling harder. Emma was competitive, sure, but she was kind and caring, too. She was funny, whipsmart -- intuitive about people and empathetic.

For four years, Grayson did his best to keep his distance. The fact that Emma was with Ben, his best friend, nearly broke him. Grayson dated other girls, did his best to forget his feelings. But nothing ever changed. Instead, he found himself condemned to this place. Hating Ben for being with Emma. Hating himself for feeling that way. Round and round the widening gyre.

And now this.

"I thought you hated me," Emma said. She tried to reach her hand forward, but it was cruelly snapped back by the invisible field holding her in that lewd position.

"No," Grayson said, "It's the opposite. I couldn't trust myself with you. So, I tried to stay away. But I couldn't, Em. No matter how hard I tried. You drew me in, like metal to a magnet."

"Please come closer, Gray," Emma said.

Grayson was confused, but he brought his face right up to hers. She looked so good. His heart thrummed in his chest as the girl of his dreams tilted her head and kissed him, like her very life depended on it.

The world seemed to tip forward. That kiss, her lips on his, was his whole universe. Everything else fell away.

"I don't..." Grayson started to speak when they broke for breath. "It's the drugs. It's OK. You're not betraying Ben."

"It's not the drugs, Gray," Emma said.


"Do you remember the first time we met?"

"In the hallway by my locker, yeah," Grayson said, "You were with Ben."

"I remember thinking, wow, that is the most handsome boy I've ever seen," Emma said, "And you were so funny. And smart. I knew I was with Ben, but I couldn't get over you."

"So why did...? I mean. I'm so confused. What about Ben?"

"Ben's fine," Emma said, "He's a good guy. He treats me with respect. He's a great boyfriend. But he's not you."

"Only, you thought I hated you," Grayson said.

"Despised me," Emma said, "With every ounce of your being. I was sure I must have done something wrong. Said something stupid or... Finally, I figured out that it must be me. There was something completely awful about me, down to my cells, that you couldn't bear."

"I didn't look your way because I was afraid if I did, I'd never stop," Grayson said, "I'd be lost in your eyes forever. I didn't talk to you because I was worried the words would slip out."


Emma pulled him out of his monologue. He saw something new in her eyes. A strange determination. Like she'd get when it was match point and she had the ball.

"This is great and all?" Emma said. A little guilty smile played on her face. "But I need you to fuck me now."

"Oh," Grayson said. His mouth formed a matching, goofy grin. "Oh yes."

The reality of what had just happened hit him. Rolled him over like a tidal wave. What Emma had said. What it meant.

"First I need you to say it, Emma," Grayson said.

"Fuck me, Gray," Emma said, her face an almost frightening mask of desire. "Stick your cock in my pussy and make me scream."

"Um, OK. Wow. Holy... That's amazing. But, um, I actually meant the other thing."

"Oh," Emma said. She giggled. Then she met his eyes with an expression that was almost fiercer. "I love you Grayson. With all my heart."

Grayson practically leapt where he stood. For the first time, he let himself, truly, take in the wonder of Emma's naked body, splayed out before him. The amazing rise of her ass. Full breasts with pink, distended nipples, hanging down. Her muscular legs and rounded calves. Fuck, how could this girl he'd lusted over for four long years turn out to be even more beautiful than he'd ever imagined?

Grayson stood behind Emma, looking at her sex so exposed. The scent of her was overpowering. Clean and womanly. Heady and lusty. Her prominent outer lips were already peeled back, revealing the pink of her center.

He reached down and traced his hand, lovingly, over her bare bottom and legs. Feeling the slick, smooth heat of her body. Soft flesh and hard muscle. He squeezed her butt cheek and they both sighed -- a chorus of affection and appreciation.

"Do you need me to...?" Grayson asked, unsure of himself.

"Warm me up?" Emma said, "No I think I'm good and ready."

"I kind of want to though," Grayson said.

"Gray, honey," Emma said. The little affectation warmed his chest. "I think there'll be plenty of time for that."

Grayson couldn't keep the grin off his face. Emma. His Emma.

Grayson grabbed his aching dick and aimed it at her center. He meant to go in slowly, but she was so slippery, he practically filled her with one thrust.

"Oh FUCK!" Emma cried out.

"Sorry," Grayson said, "Too fast."

"Grayson! Stop apologizing and fuck me! ffffFFFUCK that feels so good."

Grayson almost laughed. But the seriousness of Emma's words took the humor out of it. He drew back, then shoved himself in the rest of the way.

"OH!" Emma shrieked. "So DEEP."

"You OK?"

"Yeah, just... Not used to having it be in me so much," Emma said, "Feels like you're stirring my guts."

Grayson had a sick, selfish thought. Not at all appropriate. But he couldn't stifle it. He was fucking Emma deeper than she'd ever had before. Oh HELL yeah.

He didn't pause any further. He couldn't. Grayson began sawing back and forth in Emma's pussy. Feeling the walls of her cunt clamp down, like they couldn't bear for him to move. He pushed into her. Her tight, slippery wetness. Fuck, he'd waited his whole life for this moment. And it wasn't going to last long.

"It's OK," Emma said, "Feels so good. Stabbing my cervix. FUCK. Rub my clit. Please. Get me there."

Grayson nodded like a bobblehead. He reached around Emma's wonderful leg and found her special spot. It was small, almost nothing under his fingertips. But once he had the right place, Emma let him know.

No words this time. Just an unbridled, wanton shriek.

"OhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHOOOOOO!" she tossed her head back as far as it would go. Her hips contracted. Like she was trying to ball herself up. Only the restraints around her held her back. If anything, the act of fighting against her bonds only seemed to extend Emma's orgasm. Sharpen it. Her whole body trembled. Like one massive, radiating shock.

"Oh fuck," Emma gasped out. Her breaths coming ragged. "Oh fuck me. Fuck your best friend's girl. Give it to me good."

"You like that Em?" Grayson said, playing into it. "You like that long cock?"

"So deep," Emma said, "Like nothing I've ever felt. I luh-love it. Love you."

"Such a bad girl," Grayson said, "So wrong. Cumming on my cock."

"You're a terrible friend," Emma said, "Fucking his girl. Taking her like this."

"You're mine now, Em," Grayson said, "I'm making you mine. Knocking you up."

Emma let out a passionate moan. Like the thought of what they were doing abruptly caught up to her. And it turned her on beyond belief.

"Oh Gray," Emma said, "You're gonna cum in me. Fill me up."

"Yuh-yes." Grayson found his ability to speak was failing him. Every push now was taking him ever nearer to the edge. The act of being with Emma. The feel of her amazing body. The sounds she made as she surrendered to her pleasure. It was all too much.

He buried himself as deep as he could go.

"Em," Grayson said, "I'm gonna. I'm close."

"Cum in me, Grayson," Emma said, "Own me. Love me."

"I love you, Emma."

"Fill me with your love," Emma said, "Please. I need it."

"Ohhhhh FUCK!" Grayson cried out. He gripped Emma's perfect ass. Shoved forward. And finally, burst.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Emma screamed as she felt his warmth fill her. "Oh FUCK YES!"

Grayson felt the pleasure overwhelm him. The bliss of everything. Like his entire soul was rocketing out of him. An ecstasy so hard it almost hurt.

Distantly, he heard Emma gasping and sighing. Felt her body strain around his own, desperately sucking up the seed he'd put in her. Grayson had never cum like this in his life. His dick pulsed. His balls throbbed. His head buzzed. It felt like it would go on forever.

Finally, it slowly started to recede. Like the ocean shifting tides. Gradually less. Grayson held on to Emma. Like trying to squeeze every last bit out of that moment. Aching to live in it forever.


The two of them spilled to the ground, one great, painful tumble. After the warm happiness of that moment, the floor felt extra cold. He bounced on the hard metal, and it shocked him back to reality. His elbows and knees aching from the fall.

Emma found him and their eyes met. For one horrible second, Grayson wondered if it had all been an act. Unreal. Because a universe where Emma loved him back had to be impossible.

Then she kissed him, and he felt like all was right. Warm and wonderful.

"I love you Em," Grayson said, staring deep into her eyes.

"Love you, too," she said.

Grayson felt a tug on the back of his brain. He looked up, instinctual. Staring over at him, sitting by himself over by the far wall, was his best friend.

Ben glared back at the both of them. His face contorted with rage and horror.

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Comentarista82Comentarista8212 months ago

You nailed this one, while Grayson nailed Emma and made her his! Well done, super hot and uber sexy!

Will be funny to see what Ben does once the results of these pairings complete. 5

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I'm loving this story. Been dreaming about how hot the Sienna/Adam chapter will be for a long time. Hope we get it sooner rather than later.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

This is a sci-fi thriller with great characters and marvelous romantic scenes. It really needs to be continued. Five stars!

ca_daveca_dave12 months ago

There are 60 students and 2 teachers so if my math is correct that's 31 pairings. So there are a lot more to come, or is it cum. Glad to see you back with this series. It has been fun so far. Keep them coming.

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