League of His Own Ch. 02


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I looked smug when I walked into the kitchen the next morning, taking a seat at the table. Kim followed me, limping slightly. My sister's returned knowing glances in my direction as Kim sat next to me, leaning against my shoulder, totally out of it. She had what I already called 'great sex hair'.

"Good night, guys?" Kyla asked.

"It was good fun," I replied, "Dinner was nice. I was a gentleman and let Kim win at bowling." Kim scoffed but cuddled into me tighter. "Then we returned home and went to bed."

"Uh-huh," Aimee mocked, "And what about those noises we heard from your room?"

"Oh, that was me getting laid," Kim replied, "This morning was Danny utterly fucking me. Sorry if I made too much noise, but damn... For a first time, he's got a lot to live up to now."

The kitchen fell silent before my mother burst into laughter behind me, my two sisters glancing at each other before they joined in. Mum delivered a couple of plates for us to share, kissing the top of my head before she hugged Kim. "You're welcome to stay any night you want, Kim," Mum assured her before she sat down, "You've been a fixture around this house for over a decade."

"Thanks, Lauren. I appreciate it. But we're not... um..."

"You're friends with benefits?" Kyla asked.

Kim nodded. "It works for us both. Danny would be a wonderful distraction, but I don't want a relationship right now. I need to focus on my studies, and what I plan on studying at university will require absolute dedication, taking up nearly all of my time. But..." She looked at me. "He would be wonderful stress relief from time to time."

Kissing her softly, she kissed me back immediately. "I'll be there anytime you need me, Kim."

After breakfast, Kim and I dressed before I walked her the short distance back to her house. Saying goodbye on her doorstep again, that kiss carried far more feeling than any we'd shared before. I'm not sure we'd fall in love. I don't think either of us would allow it to happen, not yet. Or, if we did feel that way, we'd simply keep it to ourselves until we felt ready.

"I'll be heading to the clubhouse soon as we all arrive by bus," I explained, "Mum said she'll take you along if you need a lift, unless your parents..."

"I'll go with your mother. Shame you're not playing today."

"I'll get my chance soon enough."

Kissing me again, she wished me good morning, but more importantly, good luck for later that afternoon, before disappearing inside.


"Daniel, it's Brian."

"Hey coach, how can I help?"

I was sitting in the cafeteria with my friends so when he asked I was sitting down, I assured him I was as I was focused on fill my growling stomach. "Danny, Graham tweaked his knee in training this morning. The physio has checked him out thoroughly and told him he's not playing this weekend, at least. It's only week five, and I know what I told you, but... When I release the team list to the media on Friday morning, Billy will be at half-back, you will be playing at stand-off. Friday Night Football, Daniel."

"I'm starting?" I asked quietly.

"You're starting, kid. Full debut on national television against the Canberra Raiders."

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, not even recognising that the cafeteria immediately fell silent. "Holy shit," I whispered.

"Look, I know this is a big moment for any young man your age. Nerves and shit like that. Whatever the case, your teammates have your back. I've already spoken to your principal, you're on half-day Friday. When you finish, come straight to the clubhouse, we'll go over a few things. Billy will be there to guide you as well."

"How the hell am I going to concentrate on school now?"

He laughed down the phone. "That's for you to figure out. As I said, it's a little earlier than planned, but sometimes, it's a case of sink or swim. I know you won't let me down, kid."

"I won't, coach. I'll do my best."

"That's all I ask from any of my players. I'll see you on Friday."

"You will, coach. See you then."

Hanging up, I glanced around to see everyone at the table looking at me. My hands were shaking like crazy from the adrenaline that had just filled my body. Clearing my throat, I couldn't help grin as I spoke. "That was Brian, my coach. He just told me something."

"Well, what is it?" Mark asked.

"The Rangers are playing the Raiders on Friday night. I'm in the starting line up at stand-off next to Billy. I'm making my full debut on the televised game."

There was a moment of silence before the table erupted, finding my hair ruffled by everyone, slaps on the back and shoulder, plenty of cheers. I should have known that news would spread like wildfire, as Kim appeared within a couple of minutes, giving me a long hug.

Friday morning assembly saw the news announced. It was still a little embarrassing, but at the first two home games, I'd noticed nearly half my year group had shown up just to watch. I'd head out onto the field in my suit and there were still plenty of cheers. My family was offered the chance to watch the game from a box but my mother and sister's always preferred to sit in with the crowd.

To say my mother was excited was an understatement. As soon as I told her, she cried. Nearly got me going. Kyla and Aimee had nothing but pride in their little brother. They'd always been proud but it was now something more entirely. Kim was more excited than I'd ever seen. All my school teammates assured me they'd be front row to watch the game.

Before I left on Friday, Lisa summoned me back to the principal's office. Walking side by side, she took my hand and held it for a few seconds, interlacing our fingers. "Good luck tonight, Danny. We'll all be cheering for you," she said quietly.



"Not at the moment. Will probably hit me later."

Stopping outside the principal's office, I was surprised when she kissed my cheek. It was brief but had me turning to her in surprise. "Hope you return on Monday after a good game, Danny."

"Me too."

The meeting with Principal Symonds was what I expected, asking me how my studies were going, considering how busy I was in addition to schoolwork, she wasn't the only one who'd be worried I had too many pies in the oven. But I assured her I could deal with it. Other than that, she wished me good luck for later that night, and that many teachers would also be at the stadium.

Walking me to the door, I received my second kiss on the cheek within a couple of minutes. Meeting her hazel eyes, I decided to let the confident young man out for a moment. "You know, ma'am, if you let your hair down to frame your face, I think you'd be stunning." I enjoyed the blush that formed immediately, the shocked smile on her face as her jaw dropped. "I might see you at the game later tonight, ma'am."

Before she could reply, I was out the door and walking to the car park. I figured I might pay for that Monday morning, but the shocked smile on her face suggested she liked what she'd heard, even if it was from a student.

Returning home to get changed, Aimee was home as she didn't have classes on a Friday. As soon as I was naked, she strolled into my room and dropped to her knees. Before I could say a word, my cock disappeared inside her mouth. "I need to go," I finally said.

"I'm going to make you cum to relieve some stress."

"Oh... Well, okay then."

She wasn't wrong. I felt rather light footed twenty minutes later during my drive to the clubhouse. I wasn't the first to arrive, but the news of my debut had already been released to the media, so I was greeted by smiles and handshakes. I was the youngest player of the first grade squad by three years. Little wonder the coach was constantly calling me 'kid', while others liked to call me 'Danny Boy', emphasis on the boy. It was all good-natured, typical footy player banter. Once everyone arrived, it was a team meeting to discuss the game that night, last minute tactics and expectations, the line-up for the opposing side and reviewing the previous game to assess how to nullify their attacks while exposing their defence.

Friday night games kick-off at 19:30, so we would aim to get to the ground around ninety minutes before the game was due to start. Boarding the coach at around 17:30, it wasn't a long journey regarding distance, but traffic in Sydney was always horrific, so it was simply to give us time. Once the bus pulled up by the player and officials entrance, I was one of the last to step off, no surprise my mother, sisters and Kim were waiting nearby. I think they did their best not to embarrass me too much.

One of the greatest moments of my life to that point was walking into the home changing room, to the locker where my name was. On a hook underneath my name was my jersey I'd wear that evening. There wasn't a number six on the back, numbers were assigned at the start of the season, and Graham was the regular stand-off. As I was a part-time player, and would spent more time on the bench than not, I was number nineteen. The coach explained it would mean something as that would be the age I'd be a permanent member of the squad. Otherwise, my shorts and socks were with sat underneath my jersey, I carried my own boots, tape and mouth-guard.

Heading out to warm-up around forty-five minutes before the game started was an experience. I tried to ignore the building crowd and the noise, focusing on our trainers as they put us through our drills, mostly warming up the muscles before some passing and tackling drills. Billy and I, being the halves, were the smallest on the squad, neither of us reaching five-ten. Being the two players who organise the play, we'd rely more on speed and skill than physical power. The coach told me that I'd also be the back-up goalkicker in the event the regular kicker was injured.

Ten minutes to go, the coach is going over last minute instructions. Some of us are continuing to stretch. Some of us are sitting quietly. I'm nervous as fuck. It just hit me like a tonne of bricks. I was about to run out with my teammates to play professional footy. It must have shown on my face as the coach crouched in front of me.

"You've played before, Danny?"

"Yeah, coach. Most of my life."

"So what's different to tonight than any other night? The crowd? Ignore them. The opposition? You're better than them. Your teammates? You've earned your contract to be in this room and on that field by their side. So what are you worried about?"

"Fucking it up completely."

"We all make mistakes. Just keep yours to a minimum and you'll be fine."

"We're going to kick some Raider arse, Danny," Billy added.

Taking a couple of deep breaths, a sip of energy drink, I met the coach's eyes and nodded. "Thanks, coach."

"You'll do fine, kid. Just fine."

After we gathered for what I learned was the pre-match ritual, we lined up alongside our opposition before running out onto the field. The roar was almost deafening, but when I heard them announcing our line-up, the cheer when my name was called had me grinning. Billy turned to me, chuckling away. "Fan club of yours, Danny?"

"Think half my school is here to watch tonight."

"Well, I think it's best we don't disappoint them then, right?"

We'd won the toss so elected to receive the ball. I didn't touch the ball during the first set of six tackles, Billy kicking down the field on the fourth for field position. I had my first touch during the second set, taking my first hit up in professional footy. That first collision of bodies was something else. Made my teeth rattle. Ran into two players, both six foot, around one hundred kilos. Felt one of my own forwards immediately behind me to ensure I didn't lose ground.

Billy spent most of his time organising plays. Received the ball from him to pass onwards more times than not. Occasionally, if he was out the play, I'd organise something. We alternated kicking duties, keeping the opposition guessing, and I think I impressed with the distance I could put on the ball already, but I was also accurate. When I kicked a forty-twenty in the thirtieth minute, the crowd roared and I received plenty of pats on the head from my teammates. It gave us great field position.

We headed into the changing rooms at half-time in front, ten points to six.

I hadn't wanted the first half to end, the adrenaline flowing after that first hit-up. I'd been crunched in a tackle more than once. Took a palm in the face from one of their forwards as he finished tackling me. "Welcome to the NRL, kid," he stated with humour. I simply got up, played the ball, and smiled back at him. I wasn't going to be intimidated that easily.

Heading out for the second half, Billy told me we'd cause more confusion as I'd help more with organising our plays, particularly later in the set when we started to move the ball around the field. Fifty-sixth minute, players are starting to tire. Receiving the ball from Billy, I approached the defensive line and saw a slight gap. Throwing a dummy, the outside defender moved with the ball.

Side-step, and I was through! Sucking in deep breaths, I could hear my heart beating in my ears. The roar of the crowd. The presence of other players chasing me. Their full-back was in front of me, coming in to tackle and stop the break.

"Outside! Outside!" I glanced and noticed our winger with free space to the try-line in front of him. Just before the full-back crashed into me, I passed the ball, keeping my eye on our winger as he ran all the way to the try-line, placing the ball underneath the posts. With an easy conversion, it was another six points.

Billy came to help me up before we jogged down the field to join in with the celebrations. I'd just scored my first assist in rugby league, plenty of pats on the shoulder from my larger teammates. "Great fucking line break," Mike said, the winger who'd scored the try, "Thought you'd throw a dummy or side-step him."

"Nope. Always told that if there is a man free, pass and take the tackle. Plus, the coach would have been pissed if I'd blown that opportunity."

The Raiders threw everything at us in the last ten minutes as we held onto a slim lead. We were desperate to win our first game of the season. With five minutes to go, they had us pinned to our own try-line, trying to break through with a series of hit-ups before spreading the ball one way then the other. Watching the passes, their full-back was now in the line. Seeing one of their centres looking for an open player, he threw the ball too far that close to us.

Interception! I pinned my ears back and just ran as fast as my legs could carry me. "All the way! All the way!" I heard Mike shouting. Checking behind, at least half a dozen of their players were closing on me. I tucked the ball in my arm and just focused on the posts and try-line. I felt like it took forever, but I probably ran the ninety metres in... Well, not as fast as Usain Bolt, but fast enough to score the winning try.

Holy shit, I didn't know what to think as I turned to see my teammates running towards me. After Andy converted the try, the full-time siren sounded. West Sydney Rangers had just won their first game of the season and, on debut, I'd scored the winning try. The entire stadium erupted to celebrate the victory. Our team came together, unable to stop the broad grins and almost sense of relief that we'd already won a game. It had taken fifteen games last season before they won their lone game.

"Danny! Danny! Can we have a word?!"

"Uh-oh, the media has a new darling," Billy said into my ear as we embraced, "Better go talk to the waiting public, mate. And buy a newspaper or two in the morning."

I knew I didn't stop smiling during the entire interview, and winning the man of the match award on debut was just a cherry on top. "How did it feel out there?" the interviewer finally asked.

"Unbelievable. I've dreamed of this day for so long, since I was a little kid. Not only was it my first game tonight, but the players at my side were sensational tonight. And Billy, I can't say enough about him. Full of advice and I'm going to learn so much from him this season. But scoring the winning try in my first game? Feels a little unbelievable, the things dreams are made of. I'm just glad we won the game in the end. Um... It just feels really good, mate. Really good."

"Anyone you want to say hello to out there?"

"Yeah. Everyone at Northern Meadows High School. Thanks for your support, the teachers, administration and students. All my mates, you know who you are, still by my side. Kim, you're fantastic and I love you. My sisters for their continued love and support... and..." I took a deep shuddering breath. "Mum, Lauren Cole. Thanks for everything, Mum. Your unwavering support and unconditional love got me to this moment right here."

I shook hands with the interviewer before heading into the changing room. As soon as I walked through the door, there was a loud cheer and I was quickly covered with beer. The coach let it go as we sang and danced like idiots for a few minutes before he sat down and gave his speech. I looked around and could see how much it meant to everyone. We'd beaten a side who had played finals football the season before.

After showering and changing, we eventually filtered out back to the bus that would take us to the clubhouse. It was a quiet ride, most of us now away with our thoughts as the adrenaline wore off. I wasn't surprised that my family and Kim was waiting to meet me. As soon as I stepped off the bus, I found myself hugged. Mum was beside herself in tears as I have no doubt she'd heard what I said. So had Kim, who kissed me as passionately as I could remember. "I love you too, Danny," she whispered.

"You've all got tomorrow off but light training on Sunday, guys," the coach announced

Kim joined me as I drove us home, following Mum and my sisters. Parked up, I took Kim by the hand and led her inside, dumping my bag in my room, before we headed outside. Mum walked outside with a bottle of champagne, popping the cork and pouring us each a small glass, before she raised hers.

"To my son," she said softly, "And Mum loves you just as much in return."

"We all do," Kyla added, "Our little brother is going to be all over the news tonight and tomorrow."

"I'll have to go down to the newsagents in the morning," Mum suggested, "Are you staying the night, Kim?"

"Definitely. I'd stay all weekend, but I do have a lot of work to do tomorrow and Sunday."

"Danny, look after your fuck buddy tonight."

"Yes, Mum."

To say I fucked Kim that night wouldn't be an understatement. Since that first night we hooked up, we probably got together every three or four days. Sometimes it was just a bit of nookie before we went home, but she'd stay overnight in my room at least once a week. Each time, we explored a little more, having a lot of fun together. She knew I was fooling around with others but didn't get jealous, but that night, while giving the interview, was the first time I'd publicly said I'd loved her. Hell, I'd said it on national television. I knew school would prove interesting on Monday.

With her ankles by my head, my hands near hers as I bent forward, I was pumping her nice and hard, having already ensured I'd made her cum. "Fuck yes, give me that big cock," she moaned.

"I think we should make this a standard victory fuck. The Rangers win, we fuck afterwards."

I loved the smirk that appeared as she said, "Well, you'd better win more often then."

"I'll do my best."

We'd worn each other out by the time I came inside her a third time. I did make her giggle, suggesting it was a very good idea she was on the pill, as it was likely she'd already be pregnant. That made her smile as we showered together. "I'm focused on what I want to do with my life regarding my career, but part of me would still like a family too," she said.