My Catboy Boyfriend

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Tiffany’s boyfriend is now a catboy. So cute!
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Elizabeth here: there are not enough cute catboys on Literotica and I'm going to fix that: enjoy!

~~~~~ ~~~~~

Simon and I had met in college, back in those pre-catboy days. It wasn't very long ago, but even back then he was cute; short, blonde, and just obsessed with bug collecting. We were both English majors, and we liked it, but there was something about going out into the woods and finding a really nice little bug, you know?

The year after we graduated, we were looking for rhinoceros beetles at the edge of this big field outside of town. I was a lot taller than him, so I looked up in the trees at the edge of the field while he looked under some fallen logs, where the larva were likely to be.

"Tiffany, look at this, I found some elytra," he said. He stood up and held an inch-wide piece of beetle shell; it was brown with black spots. His blue shirt and jeans were speckled with dry dirt, and I was already looking forward to having a bath with him when we got home. We had a big tub in the upstairs bathroom, and although I know that a lot of people think sex in the bathtub is problematic because of the water and how it messes with everything, we thought it was fun and I was looking forward to it.

Over the next half hour of searching, the sky quickly became overcast. It wasn't supposed to rain, but the beetles didn't know that, so we thought we could catch one scurrying around or flying with its little wings.

While I was shaking a bush to see if any beetles came out, my back was turned to Simon, and he was checking the underside of a log forty feet behind me.

Then I heard an ear-shattering explosion behind me.

I jumped and almost stumbled. Birds flew out of the trees above me, and two chunks of wood flew past my head with a loudwooosh. I turned around and Simon was face-down on the ground next to a pile of scorched timber.

"Are you okay?" I shouted. I ran to him; it wasn't even raining, why was there lightning?

Simon groaned and rolled over on his back. That was a good sign. I reached him, and his clothes weren't burnt either. His blonde hair was intact, but there were two big spikes of hair sticking out of the top of his head. And his hair looked a little yellower than before, though it could have just been my imagination.

"Nya! What was that?" he said. His voice sounded frightened and high pitched, and I didn't know what that yelp was.

"Are you okay? I think that was lightning. Are you hurt?"

"I didn't see any lightning," Simon said. "Don't worry, I'm okay!" He looked up at me with a cute smile.

The two spikes of blonde hair on top of his head wiggled a little. They almost looked like cat ears...

I looked at them again and realized that they really did look almost identical to cat ears. When Simon stood up, I saw something sticking out of the back of his jeans. Something long, fuzzy, and yellow, gently shaking in the air behind him. And where were his normal human ears?

"But I dunno what's happening to my tail," he said. "It feels funny. Why are these jeans so tight around the base of it? I don't remember them being this uncomfortable..."

"Your what?" I asked. I was concerned for a completely different reason now.

"My tail. I think something's wrong with these jeans, there's no hole for my tail to go through! Are these even mine?"

"Uh..." I just stared at his fuzzy tail as he turned around and waved it at me. It was two and a half feet long, hanging out of the top of his jeans, and it scared me. How did this happen to him? Lightning wasn't supposed to do this to people.

But apart from those oddities, he looked fine. No scars, no burns, not a single singed hair or piece of charred clothing, even though the ground near him was charred black and a few little chunks of rotting wood were still on fire nearby.

"Nya!" he said. "This is embarrassing. Have I really been walking around all day in someone else's jeans? Who even owns these?"

"They look like yours," I said.

"I wouldn't own a pair unless it had a tail hole, these can't be mine." Something brown moved in the corner of my vision, but Simon turned his head faster than I could. "Beetle!" he shouted as he crouched down and got on all fours. His body tensed, his tail pointed straight up, and he leaped towards the beetle. His jump startled me; he pounced a whole six feet towards the beetle and gently grabbed it in his hands.

"Nya! Got it!" He stood up, smiled, and displayed the two inch long beetle to me in his hands as the beetle's arms flailed and tried to escape.

"Um, good job?" I said. "Let me get a jar for it."

~~~~~ ~~~~~

We had our bug safe in a jar and I was eager to get all this dirt off me. Plus, I was looking forward to having bathtime fun. It was going to be a twenty-minute drive home. As I drove the truck through the narrow country roads, Simon kept pawing at the pine tree-shaped air freshener that hung from the rear-view mirror. It was distracting, but I didn't want to say anything.

I silently asked myself if this was good news or bad news. On one hand, he had suddenly changed into a catboy, but on the other hand, he really was cute. There was something about those fuzzy ears, that tail, the way he excitedly pawed at things...

Our house was this old stucco building with Spanish influences, complete with orange clay roofing tiles and all. I parked on the street outside, and we grabbed out equipment, stepped out of the car and went inside the house.

I set my backpack and the trapped beetle on the glass coffee table in the living room. "I've been waiting for a bath all day," I said. Yes, Simon had changed, but more urgently, we were covered in dirt and needed a bath. I thought he would want it too.

He trembled, and his ears perked up with fear. "Bath? Like, with water?"

My heart sunk when I heard those words. Of course cats didn't like water, and of course that had to be one of his newfound cat traits.

"We do it all the time, remember?" I said.

"I know, but I don't know what I was thinking those days. Water is the worst! It's cold and slippery and it gets everywhere. I'm really sorry, but I just can't do it today."

"But we have to get that dirt off of you somehow. And, you know, having baths together is fun! And don't worry, I'll use warm water."

"I'll just use that big brush in the bathroom. I would lick it off, but there's just too much."

"Are you really that afraid of water? And please don't lick yourself, you shouldn't swallow dirt. Anyway, what can I do to get you to take a bath with me? I'll be right there with you the whole time."

Simon trembled for a moment, then his eyes brightened and his ears perked up. "A big salmon!"

"A what?"

"If you promise that after the bath, we'll go out and buy a really big salmon to eat for dinner, I'll get in the bath." He closed his eyes and purred gently. "Mmm, salmon..."

"Don't worry, I'll get you a salmon. Come on then," I said. I reached out and he grabbed my hand, and I slowly led him to the bathroom. He still shivered, but he was also salivating as he thought about that salmon I promised him.

Our bathroom was lined with red-brown ceramic tiles, and we had a deep white tub that looked beige in the yellow light. Simon had always kept it clean, and there weren't any stains in it.

I pushed the checkered shower curtain aside, plugged the drain, and turned on the water. Simon jumped and let out a cute yelp when the loud water hit the bottom of the tub.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just... that water was loud."

"While we wait for the tub to fill up, do you need anything to calm you down?"

"I, um... some milk would be nice."

I brought him to the living room again and had him sit on the leather couch.

"Wait here," I said. I went to the kitchen and filled a glass with the cold milk we bought the day prior.

I sat next to Simon and handed him the glass. His shivering stopped as soon as he gripped it in both hands.

"Oooh! Thanks!" he said as he brought the glass to his mouth and started licking up milk. His ears fluttered in time with his gulps, and he looked so cute as he drank it.

I couldn't help but bring both of my hands to his head to rub his ears. Surely it would calm him down, and he was cute...

I touched the tips of his soft fuzzy ears and he froze. I pulled my hand away, fearing I did something wrong.

"No, please, keep going," he said. I did as he asked and kneaded the tips of his soft, supple ears in my fingers. They were fuzzy and warm, and massaging them was oddly pleasing. I moved down, rubbing my hands from the base to tip of his ears as he gently purred and he drank his milk.

Simon finally finished his milk and he sat the glass on the coffee table. "Don't stop," he begged. He closed his eyes and smiled.

But the warm bath was probably ready, and I couldn't wait much longer or it would overflow. I took my hands away and stood up.

"The bath's ready," I said. "If you come with me, I'll give you more head rubs." I smiled seductively at him. "I might even stroke your tail if you're up for it tonight." That was enough to motivate him. He quickly sat up and followed me to the bathroom.

When we were in the bathroom, I closed the door behind us and turned off the water. The air was damp with steam and I couldn't wait to get clean.

As I pulled off my dirt-covered shirt, Simon followed along and removed his own. His tail perked up when he looked at my bra-clad chest, and it only went higher as I unbuttoned my bra and it fell to the ground.

But Simon looked so cute shirtless; looking at his short, slender body filled me with a happy buzz, especially since the yellow light of the room went so well with his golden hair. And maybe the cat ears made him more attractive, just because they made me want to grab him and just hug him in the bath and rub his ears all night.

We stripped out of the rest of our clothes and kicked them towards the door. He pulled off his blue boxer shorts and his lovely, aroused erection hung in the air, but I was more captivated by those cute ears.

I climbed into the deep tub and sat on the end opposite of the faucet. The water went up to just below my chest. I rubbed my thighs and invited him to join me with a smile.

He stood by the edge of the tub and gently stuck his hand into the warm water before finally climbing in. He shivered for a moment, but when he sat on my lap, the shivering stopped.

I pulled the shower curtains closed, and unwrapped a new bar of soap that was on the edge of the tub. I threw the wrapper under the curtain—I could get it later—and started lathering up the bar as I rubbed water onto my chest and Simon's back.

His tail brushed against my belly, and I wanted to reach out and stroke it so badly. But I wanted to get both of us clean first. He sat calmly as I rubbed soap onto his back and shoulders, then purred when I reached around to clean his chest.

After his whole body was lathered up, I rinsed the soap off him, and his smooth arms looked much, much nicer now that it was free of dirt. He almost glowed in the warm light.

"Now do me," I said. He turned around and sat on my legs again, this time facing towards me. I closed my eyes as he scrubbed my back, my dirt-covered arms, and then I shivered a little as his soapy hands brushed against my sensitive chest. He purred with a little bit of excitement. His erection stayed stiff the whole time, as did his tail.

He reached underwater and gave the insides of my thighs a rub. He looked down at my pussy and stared helplessly at it. Maybe it reminded him of salmon?

I gave his ears a quick rub and he snapped out of it.

When we were done getting clean, I smiled at Simon and glanced down at his tail.

"Still afraid of the water?"

"I'm still afraid of my head going under, but actually, having everything else below the water feels nice... still a little anxious, though."

"What if I made you a little more comfortable? Maybe your tail and ears could use a massage."

"Yes please," he said. His underwater tail wagged with excitement.

Still on my lap. I guided his head to my wet chest and put his face snugly between my breasts. His erection pressed against my stomach. He purred into my chest as I slowly reached for his excited tail. His tail calmed down, allowing me to grasp it at the base. I reached up to rub his ears with my other hand. I stroked the tips of his ears while gently squeezing the base of his tail over and over. Simon purred.

I stopped squeezing his tail and began stroking it back and forth, like I was giving him a handjob. His body tensed up. "More," he begged. I happily gave him what he wanted and stroked his tail faster. Even underwater, it was soft and fun to hold. His cock twitched a little against my stomach with every stroke of his tail and rub of his ears. The touch of his warm body against my skin and the soft fuzziness of his tail and ears were almost heavenly for me, and even better for him. Simon's tense body melted with happy relaxation; the only part of his body that got stiffer was his cock. I swore I could feel his heartbeat through it.

Simon started letting out a gentle purr. "So... hot," he moaned between purrs. Did it feel that good? Was it really arousing him that much? I kept stroking, curious to see what would happen. Would he come? The thought sent shivers down my spine.

As I stroked him harder, I pressed my body against his. Simon's cock was squeezed between my stomach and his body. My chest pressed into him. Simon's body melted in relaxed bliss. He felt almost like jelly. Before turning into a catboy, he always got more tense when he got more aroused, but this was even better.

"Ah," Simon moaned. He closed his eyes and started whimpering. "I'm.. I'm..."

Every part of his body went limp, save for his tail and his now-twitching erection. Warm jets of cum shot against my stomach. I kept stroking him, and he moaned and gasped in orgasmic bliss while his cock twitched and let out release after release. He started tipping over, and I pulled him back against my body while stroking him. The feeling of his soft body against mine, the petting, his adorable orgasm: it was all so cute and arousing.

His orgasm went on and on for what seemed like ages. Finally, I felt his body start to grow tense again, and his orgasm started to die down. I slowed my stroking and petting and eventually came to a stop. When he was finished and he opened his eyes again, I smiled at him.

"I... I think I love water now," Simon said.

"I think I need to pet you more often."

We held still in our embrace. It was just me, the tub, and my cute kitten. When we finally got out of the bathtub, Simon's stomach growled.

"Salmon?" he asked with a smile.

"That too," I said. "But first... do you want to go to the bedroom and lick something else?"

Simon's mouth watered, and I knew it was going to be fun.

~~~~~ ~~~~~

Thank you for reading. I have other stories on my profile; check them out, and don't forget to vote!

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

That was so darn cute and adorable while still being incredibly erotic. I can just imagine how wonderful that kitty tongue would be on my kitty with it soft and wet hike still remaining lightly sandpaper rough. Utterly brilliant.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 2 years ago

11/10 on the Kawaii Scale!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I loves dis :3

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Awesome story. But you missed an opportunity with him having a cat tongue to pleasure her with.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomealmost 4 years ago

I have returned and re-read this story. It is still extremely cute. Also, Lit is still lacking in sufficient catboy stories.

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