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One uninhibited lady.
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This tale popped into my head because of a question my wife Debra asked me a few weeks ago, and what happened after.

Usually if I write anything at all it is because something happened to give me an idea. I know the times I actually sit down and TRY to write something erotic, something made up, it just comes out as drivel, I can read the comments, see the votes.

Besides, when you have a wife like mine, there really is enough happening that there is no need to make crap up. Debra is just plain... naughty. Part of what I love about her.

So, story ideas, add in a lifetime of memories and no shortage of ammunition.


Debs and I had some upsets awhile back, damn near broke us up. It is odd how secrets seem to hurt worse than any actual act. But yes, there was an incident while she was 2000 miles away in school.

Being mature, the wife and I sat down and talked. I would have said we already did that, and we were open and honest about everything. As it turns out, that was not 100% true. I don't think any relationship is totally open, unless something happens like it did to us to force the issue. We could have called it quits, but that would mean I would be back to being.. alone.

I just did not want that, so we talked. I mean, we REALLY talked. My Debra had some flaws, it seems. Well, guess what?

Me, too.

I ramble when I write. Just the way I am, the way I talk, everything in my life rambles. So if that bothers you, wander on, fine with me.

I will try now to not do that.


"So, Danny? I am curious. How many massages have you had in your life?" Debra asked me one evening a few months back.

Not completely out of the clear blue sky, the two of us were looking for a new Massage therapist, things had changed, like I mentioned.

Debra and I both love massages, and with her being a Doctor at the local clinic, she usually knows who is available, who will do what and how good they are at it.

Now first you need to understand, my wife Debra is the most different female I have ever known, she might just be the only female like her on planet Earth. A Doctor, she seems to know everything about people. The deepest and darkest secrets, even if they won't come right out and share those, she sees all of it anyway.

"Sexuality is just a part of life." Is something I have heard her say so many times. Quite a few clients show up in her office just to be checked out. Exhibitionists, voyeurs, the surprise might be how often. She usually knows instantly, and obliges with limits. She never does more than look and touch, always with the gloves. She often tells me about some of that when she gets home, laughing.

Not supposed to, ethics. Yeah, sure. But I know a lot about people in our little town.

We were having a bit of a time finding the right person to massage us. I even went so far as to try a couple of the local therapists, trouble there is they are used to working on the area Crab fishermen and one actually left me with some bruises.

Plus no "fun" involved, no way in hell. Licensed, legitimate, laws and all of society's bull shit. Hell, we are adults and it's consensual, what IS the big deal? THEY don't want to so WE can't. Way it is.

I have gotten rubdowns all my life, beginning some 40 years ago. Usually once, twice a month. Most are just that, massages and nothing more, just the truth there.

But remember the good old days? "Massages" actually CAME with happy endings, they even advertised that. Your "therapist" worked naked, at least some of them did. Just plain harmless fun. Touch, voyeurism, exhibitionism, a climax. Service provided, their rent covered, everyone happy. Just fun, urges satisfied.

But we are supposed to DATE, buy jewels or fur coats, then fun is fine.

Give them CASH and you are a criminal, a "john."

OOPS. Rambling, sorry.


"Beats the hell out of me, Babe. I have probably been rubbed down by 300 or so different therapists over the years, I guess, why?"

"So then? How many have been willing to do everything?" Her voice changed to that naughty tone I am so familiar with, the fingers of her left hand slid between the buttons on my shirt as she scooted closer.

I thought about that for perhaps just a couple of seconds. Debs and I both love to get a rubdown, and we both love it when we get what folks call a happy ending. That to us is just hands, getting to feel good, while not actually engaging in sex with someone other than our own mate.

Does that make sense at all? To me, it does, and it does to my Debra. To her, a human body is something to enjoy, part of life. But then, she is a Doctor, that was something I had to learn, something that to be honest, she taught me to accept.

"Oh, I guess maybe 15%, something like that." I told her. The truth again is, I really had no clue, but it has happened a lot over the years

"Really, just 15%? I would think it would be higher than that." Debra by now was fiddling around with my belt. I had my hand cupping one of her nice boobs, lord does she have a nice set of those for her age. Both of us use the local gym is why, plus I walk out onto the jetty near our house to go fishing at least once a week, more if it isn't raining.

It was later when we got back to the conversation.

We were looking for new gal to come by and give us massages.

The reason we were looking is that July, the first gal that came by our house moved up North, Nikola met some guy and got married off, she lives in Cincinnati now. Rwanda and Rachel, the two 30 somethings that were part of the recent troubles Debs and I had, both hooked up with that Todd guy and were running a spa and massage parlor in Portland.

There is Charlene, that is the lady down at the local hair salon that does waxing and after she gets "friendly" I guess is the term. But pop in there for just the friendly part and she will kick you right out on your ass.

Grow some hair, she yanks it out and then doesn't mind making you feel better about it all. Weird?

Yep. Some kind of nutty ethics I guess.

Here is another one nobody is going to believe. At the medical clinic Debra runs, there is one nurse on staff that really will "assist" if a client is having problems giving a sperm sample.

Yes, I know. Some will claim that such a thing never happens, it was a surprise to me way back during my Medicare physical.

"Sexuality is a part of life." My Debra has spouted off so many times I have lost count. But then, Debra has never personally ever done sperm samplings, how do I know?

She told me, that's how. But she sure as hell has had a LOT of male members in her hands, part of her job as a Doctor. She used to be a Registered Nurse Practitioner, but with the very real shortage of Doctors, her medical system sent her to finish her schooling, even paid for it, plus a fat raise. It seems old Doc Barker died, and they were having one hell of a time keeping a Doctor on staff.

Sorry, rambling again, way I am.

Anyway, Debs and I were looking for someone to drop by the house maybe twice a month, get rubdowns. THAT of course we could get done, just call someone.

But we wanted someone we liked, and we wanted someone that was not adverse to doing those few extra things a "therapist" might be willing to do.

Think about this, folks. You are lying on a massage table, some nice looking person is rubbing your legs, your butt, and you are thinking how nice it would be if they would reach just a little bit further up and maybe give some more personal attention.

I know, YOU would never even dream of thinking like that, right? Especially if you are married, right?


This old man likes getting a happy ending, my wife doesn't mind one bit and she also likes getting one herself. For me, it has to be a female, to Debra, she does not care, one is as good as another.

Maybe that makes her... bisexual? Probably, I am not sure and I don't care.


It was Saturday morning, I was wandering around the internet, reading the news boards, trying to avoid the sites that demand I pay money to read their bullshit. Newspapers can't afford paper any more it seems, even our local newspaper is now about the size of a magazine.

"Newsflyers" should be the new term.

My email went off. It was a response to an ad I posted on that site I won't mention that starts with "craig" and ends with "list". Yeah, I know. 90% of any responses from there will be from someone wanting to send you dirty pictures or click some link so they can access your system.

But 2-3% are real.

"I do massages, usually 90 minutes and I charge $75.00" was all the email read. It was signed Amelia.

Normally I would have emailed back and forth, suspicious. Instead I told her we were an older husband and wife, had our own table, and would love to give her a try.

(Rocks in my head, right? Give out our address, some muggers show up, or while we are gone the inside of our house goes, lord know what comes from the internet.)

"Sure, thank you. Just tell me when and where." Came right back.

So, I did. Sight unseen, no interview, no talk at all about what we wanted, nothing.

I told Debra what I had done as soon as she got home.

"Really? Well, I guess it will be all right, we will both be home."

"She will probably turn out to be 90 and weigh 300 pounds!" I giggled.


Noon, on a Sunday. How is THAT for an appointment time? I saw the tiny blue car pull up, the door opened and this tall lady got out. Slender, pretty, probably 35-40 years old. She reached in and grabbed what looked like an overnight case.

"Hi! I am Amelia, here for your massages." Big bright smile, I let her in.

I was showing her our spare bedroom we converted into a massage room ages ago. She went right to work setting up, Debra came in from the kitchen and I did the introductions all around.

"Go ahead and do Danny first, I am making a cake." Debs told Amelia.

"OK." Another bright smile.

"I will go wash up, go ahead and undress and hop on the table." Amelia left and I did as she asked. I noticed she had placed a small pillow on one end, and a top sheet to use for a drape so I figured we had a straight one here. Oh, well, what the hell.

Amelia came in, shut the door, then placed one hand between my shoulder and the other just above my butt.

Then she started in.

In 60 seconds I realized that this woman knew exactly what she was doing. Her hands found that perfect pressure, first she did long strokes over the drape, then down to my feet. Each toe, worked out, the soles of my feet, the calves, the thighs, right on up and into my.. balls? Just like that? No shyness here at all, it all went on, over and over and over and by the time she was doing my other leg the drape was clear up and over my ass and she was at the foot of the table doing both legs.

My poor dick got hard, and I squirmed a bit to find a comfortable place for it, next thing I knew she had a small bolster placed under my stomach. She reached in and swung my dick over to the side, went right back to work. A tiny little titter escaped her lips, other than that she acted like she had not really just had her hand on my dick.


Up my back, I was beginning to head off into some other world. Back down to my loins, back up, if she kept that up very long I was going to...

"Ready to turn over?" I heard her whisper. I looked at our clock, it had already been over a half hour. As I rolled over, I glanced and she was looking down at my groin with a smile. She folded the drape, tucked it in around my chest.

"There, this will help keep you warm." She smiled. I realized I was bare from the navel down. Before I could say anything, she was working on the front of my legs.

"Looks like you are enjoying this!" She said with another small giggle.

"Go ahead and stop me if I do anything that is too much." She said.

"OK." I had no plans to stop her from doing about anything.

Magic hands. Until you have felt magic hands you can have no idea at all what it is like. In my long years, I know I could count the ones that have Amelia's ability on the fingers of one hand, and I am lucky in that I am married to one of those.

Somewhere in there her left hand cradled my testicles, one finger was very gently brushing my perineum, that tiny area between the base of the penis and the rectum, and as I began to grow to what for me are enormous proportions, her right hand wrapped around me.

Stroking, twisting, squeezing, over and over and over until I blasted off at least a foot into the air. She didn't stop, kept right on and wow! A second one, even more powerful than the first. Her hands slowed, became soft and gentle as my erection faded.

She produced a towel from somewhere, wiped me up. Then she leaned down and lightly kissed me on the forehead.

"I just love to do that." She smiled. Then she went right back to rubbing my legs, my hips, finally up over my chest. She took each one of my nipples and gently rolled them, I swear she spent a good five minutes doing just that.

"Wow, I bet your wife just loves you!" She said with another giggle. I realized I was half erect again. I watched through slitted eyes as she slid my foreskin back, used the tips of her oily fingers to encircle the sensitive end of my cock. Her breath was a bit ragged, it was clear that she was enjoying doing that.

"OK. Well. We are neglecting your wife, let me go wash up while you get dressed, then I will remake the table for her, OK?" Amelia patted my chest.


"How was she?" Debs asked, studying my face. Then she grinned, I had no way to hide that.

"You are in for a treat." I told her.

Other than a few times back with Rachel and Rwanda, and down in Reno when we have Jack and Terry up to our room, I don't watch Debra's massages and she doesn't watch mine.

What I did was go out and sit on our couch, and promptly fell asleep.

Debra woke me up, snuggling up to me. We cuddled for a few minutes, saying nothing.

"So? How was she?" I finally asked.

"Wow! She is a natural, amazing. You found her on the internet?"


"I booked her to come back by in two weeks, OK?"


Like I said, some women are special, but every once in awhile, one comes along that is far and above the rest.


It really is amazing how fast two weeks go by at my age. Back when I was in my 20's, it seemed like time moved at a snail's pace, now I wake up on Monday and suddenly it's Friday.

The knock on the door was exactly on time, I let Amelia in. This was in the middle of August and it was probably close to 90 degrees out, which is kind of miserable for the Oregon coast.

Amelia was wearing a conservative halter top and white shorts, I looked her up and down, she smiled at that.

"I hope you guys don't mind, it's pretty warm out today." It was warm in the house too, here on the Oregon coast 70 degrees is a heat wave, we don't have air conditioning.

"No problem, fine." I told her. She went into our spare room, quickly set up her table.

In short order, I was on my belly and her hands were working away. It all was a repeat of the session a couple of weeks back, and I felt myself begin to doze.

"Danny? Say, would you mind if I undress? It's really warm in here." Amelia asked.

That got my attention.

"Really? I.. sure, I guess so." I said.

"Good! I love to be naked anyway, and it really is more comfortable." Just like that, the halter top was gone, the shorts slid down her legs.

Now I have had women massage me while nude before, but Amelia was completely different. It was like this was perfectly natural, normal.

I guess maybe it was?

She did have lovely breasts, capped with rather larger than normal nipples. She was unshaven, her loins covered by a light brown tuft of pubic hair. Easy to see that when she stepped to the head of the table, my face was level with her crotch and her pubes were right there, inches from my face.

Later, after I turned over, she straddled my chest, sliding her body upward until her fat lips were almost right in my face!

Talk about a view! Now anyone who says woman are all pretty much the same down there just have not seen very many, because they vary from gentle curves to full masses of swollen flesh.

Amelia was one of those with huge masses of swollen flesh, even more so than my Debs has down there and she is spectacular.

OK. I admit I was enjoying this all very much, except for the fact that it was kind of heading towards some of that stuff that Debra and I had agreed was a NONO.

{Debra had a short interlude while back at medical school, she finally admitted it nearly six months later. That came close to ending us. Then, I found myself in a situation myself, Debra's idea of equaling things which does not work, to be frank. But we did talk all of it out, came to an agreement.}

Now, here I was with a naked female on top on me, her pussy in my face, her hands working on my erection and I was fairly sure next she would have her mouth on me?

Which was against the rules Debs and I agreed on.

"Hold on, Amelia? Wait, don't." I told her. She stopped instantly, slid off of me.

"What's wrong? Did I...?" She began.

"No, you are fine. It's just that my wife and I have some limits on what we will or won't do, is all."

Now think about that for just a moment. I was lying there on my back, naked. My erection was as hard as it ever gets, this attractive female was standing there also completely naked, and clearly quite willing to do whatever I wanted, probably up to and including intercourse.

And I was turning her down?

"I see. OK, I am sorry, I didn't know. I just wanted to please you, is all." She reached for her clothes.

"Don't be sorry, it's just that Debra and I.. we set limits on what we can and can't do."

"That's fine. You guys are fun, I like working on you. I won't do anything you don't like."

"Hands are fine, being... uhhh.. undressed is OK, we just save actual sex for just us is all."

"Neat, OK. But I don't go all the way with anyone either, just hands and a few I use my mouth, if I like them." She set her clothes back on the chair, grinned at me.

"I haven't finished that yet, do you want me to?" She asked, gesturing toward my groin.

"Sure, if you want to"

Amelia hopped right back up on top of me, straddled my chest, facing my feet. Being on the tall side, she had to slide her fanny very close to my face to be able to reach my dick, her butt was close enough I could have stuck my tongue out and licked her, but I didn't.

Once again, amazing. This gal was a natural, no doubts there at all.


"How was she today?" Debs gave me a knowing grin when I came out.

"Lord, that lady is something else." Then I proceeded to tell Debra what all happened, one eyebrow went up when I got to the good part.

"Are you going to get upset if she does that with me?" She asked.

"Of course not."

Just then the door opened, Amelia stepped out. She was still completely naked. Big smile on her face.

"I guess that answers any questions I might have had!" Debra laughed, then they went in and closed the door.

I sat down in my chair, reached for my paper. In my rather long life, this Amelia gal was the most uninhibited one I have ever met.

I can't say as I mind one bit.

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Jim44444Jim44444about 6 years ago
Another fun short story.

Ah Danny me boy, you are a much stronger man than I. A beautiful woman naked upon you, stroking your dick and her sexy ass a tongue's length away and you resisted. I could not have been so strong, I would have tasted her.

I enjoy your style of story telling. It is refreshing compared to the senseless drivel of most wanna be writers.

Please continue regaling us with your insights to your life and ignore the vile comments of the anonymous momma boys.

prinnaveaprinnaveaover 6 years ago
Like I said before

memoirs.:) I like your stories, I enjoy your stories, they are realistic, real and to me quite erotic. I have given more massages than received. :( Oh well ,what will be will be. Have any humorous massage stories to tell. :) I enjoy a good laugh too.

gxnngxnnover 6 years ago
Sensible man in his arousal

It must have taken a big effort to hold back your erecting cock, perhaps you could have taken into consideration that the woman also needed a little fun for her long time working in such a hot weather. As we Chinese know, to have fun alone is not so nice as with company, and as another saying says, since you are on your knees, then why not offer a kowtow to show your respect because it doesn't cost you too much? Haha, for your reference.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
"Debs" and massage

That premise has been a favorite of yours. But you've beaten it flatter than hammered shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I didn't get it. I did read it, but I still don't know what was the point, the plot, the reason you wrote it.

If this is a lead up to something more then I will wait to rate the complete story. If this is the complete story then I missed it. Hope it was good for you.

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