All Comments on 'Not My Type Ch. 06'

by firstkiss

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NorCalGirlNorCalGirlover 16 years ago
Thank you for the update!

I love this story and have been patiently waiting for an update. Thank you!<br><br>

I am a little disappointed in Lily, even though I suppose that's not fair. After all, she's only known Adam for 3 days. But thinking of all the work and care he put into that special evening, and she just couldn't even accept it. And it's not like he's an escaped convict - he did serve his time. <br><br>

On the other hand, I know I would want the details too -- like, did he assault a man or woman? If a man, why? Was he attacked, did he think it was self-defense? Etc. She seems too ready to think the worst, rather than really ready to listen with an open mind. <br><br>

I think she should have called off the date, asked him to meet her someplace quiet yet public for a coffee, and then talked to him. Getting all dressed up and letting him work his ass off all day, to show up scared and imagining the worst - that wasn't the right way to handle it, no matter what he did. If Adam wants to try to salvage what they have, he'll have to tell her the whole story. And I think Lily owes him an apology and to at least listen to his side. (Wow, you really wrote Adam well, because normally I'd be telling the girl to just make a clean break, and avoid the ex con!)

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I am so glad to see this story again! welcome back!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I agree with NorCalGirl. I think Lilly handled it very badly. 3 days is a bit soon to become angered that Adam had not confessed his life story to her. Especially given the intense attraction they had towards each other and the caring way he has treated her since their first meeting. Also, she told herself she would go into this with an open mind but she did not. He told her how much he loves working at that place so she knew how important his job is to him. She saw how the employees treated him with respect, and she saw how much work he put into the dinner and date, all for her. I think she showed tremendous selfishness and immaturity by ruining the evening and shaming him in front of his co-workers by running out leaving the meal to go cold. Yes, she has a right to know, and he explained reasonably and logically that he was going to tell her. He's believable. She's frustrating and has too many issues. I've really enjoyed this story until this chapter. Hope she pulls her head out of her behind and like her friends said, either give him a decent chance or move on. Adam obviously cares deeply for her and the fact that he has to tell her about a past that he has already paid for I'm sure is humiliating to a certain extent, but she could have made it easier if she truely cared for him also. Sorry for ranting. Please continue. Your writing is very good.

Thanks, Lisa

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

it ended too soon!!! i absolutely *adore* this story, it's one of the best on the site, really. i hope you can find the inspiration to finish soooooooooooon! merry christmas :)

dragoncarddragoncardover 16 years ago
Thank GOD you're back!

I was starting to think you were never going to post again...

llllllove this story! Very descriptive and sexy... but I have a thing for men with anger issues. :)

dragoncarddragoncardover 16 years ago
jerks shouldn't tell you what to write...

Ok, these other people definitely shouldn't tell you what to write, but... while we're on the topic...

.....make him chase after her so they can finish their sexy date and have lots of sex!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Welcome back!

So glad to see you back! I'm loving the story, and like everyone else, I can't wait to see where this goes next! And to some of the other readers... No, the story doesn't always go the way the reader wants/thinks it should, but that's one of the many things I enjoy about reading the stories here - you don't always know what to expect and the twists/turns are part of the joy of reading the story. A person can only predict what he/she will do in any given situation, but until you're really faced with the circumstances, who can say for sure?

NorCalGirlNorCalGirlover 16 years ago
Might I add?

Part of the beauty of on-line fiction, which allows comments from readers, is the almost immediate interaction provided between writer and author. If you think I was a jerk for writing the comment I did, so be it. However, I wrote it respectfully and as a real fan of the story. I basically wrote out what was going through my head as I read this chapter. It was not intended to direct the author in what she chooses to write next. I respect firstkiss' writing. I gave the update a score of 100, and I posted some true thoughts that went through my head. As a writer myself, I know that I appreciate hearing what my readers truly thought of my story line. I also love it when readers get so caught up in a story, that they really feel strongly about what happens in a characters life. <br><br>

Which is better, getting truly wrapped up in a story so much that you groan when you think a character you like/love could have handled a situation better? Or posting a generic comment, such as "nice update!"; or not posting a comment at all, leaving the author no clue what you thought about the story line at all? <br><br>

So, firstkiss, I hope you know that I meant no offense to your writing by my remarks.

evanslilyevanslilyover 16 years ago

Hey you, welcome back!

I thought long and hard about to write here, having read the comments below this one. And it comes down to this, I s'pose. Would I react like Lilly? But I'm <u>not</u> Lilly. And even though she's only known Adam three days, her reaction is, well, <u>her</u> reaction. Maybe she's got some reason to be particularly suspicious of anyone who's spent time in jail. Up-bringing plays a huge part too. But I think I get it. She feels betrayed. She met this amazing guy who turned out to have a deep dark secret--and she'd already started to think he might be <I>the</I> one. So somehow she's got to get past her own preconceived ideas. And hey presto, you get character growth--now that's a proper story. :)

I loved it, hon. Can't wait to find out what happens next! Hope you have a great Christmas and New Year :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Oh yes!

its worth it. of course i want more, but this is your story and you have to tell it when and how you like it. im patient and i do appreciate a well written story. yours is always worth the wait.

pouncingtigresspouncingtigressover 16 years ago
so glad!

This is one of my favorite stories here, and I'm glad to see that it continues! I'm so looking forward to the next chapters.

pshelferpshelferover 16 years ago
wonderful update

I've been checking back on this story atleast once a week since July, btw I hate cliffhangers. While I hate them they are necessary and build tons of drama. I also agree with the other people that think Lilly handled the situation all wrong. While Lilly the character handled the situation wrong, I think you wrote it beautifully. If everything went the way it was supposed to then it wouldn't be a great story, I mean we can all predict what may or may not happen. I for one was not planning on him scaring the hell out of her when he got angry, and again I wasn't planning on her just up and walking out without a dang explanation. GRRRR please keep up the awesome work.

As a side note, Authors post stories hoping for feedback. While the feedback is not always what they are wanting to hear they still get to know what they're readers perceive is going on. So if you dislike someone's comment keep it to yourself and give your comment to the author about how you feel, not how you feel about other peoples comments.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Of course, the story is good. Of course, it's far too long between chapters (especially since the two most recent chapters have -- in essence -- ended as cliff hangers.

But that's not, to me, what's fascinating. Pick any fifty or, even, one hundred stories at random here and you'll find -- almost throw-away -- comments that barely make it past a second sentence. Those that do are so often suggestions to extend the storyline to incorporate a personal fetish.

Now ... read the comments here. They discuss the characters! The readers are involved. FirstKiss brings to life people we'd like to know in real life. They are interesting people. Adam has frailties in his character -- but so does Lily. But they are such different frailties and such different characters. Adam has learned lessons, matured, grown, move on and passed his past. Lily is still the product of her environment (she seeks others' advice for things as simple as how to dress or for how she should react to her new-found knowledge of Adam) instead of being the product of herself (her choosing to dress up -- and then merely seeking advice on the barely relevant details such as clothes and manicures).

And now the question is: will Lily mature? I hope against hope for two things here: she does mature and she does leave Adam. Staying with Adam is too "Hollywood" and there are dozens (dozens? hundreds! thousands!) of stories like that here. Will FirstKiss make the difficult -- but so clearly the right -- plot and character decision?

(In the preview it doesn't show my para breaks ... well, if you don't see several paras in my comment and you know how to put paras in, please leave a comment telling me how to do this. Thanks.)

michchick98michchick98over 16 years ago

Wow, this was worth the long wait. The emotions and reactions between Adam and Lily are perfect. This is by far my favorite of your stories (okay, well this and Writer's Block, and oh yeah, Hell Yeah and I Thought I Hated Him)<BR><BR>I hope you continue with this story as well as Writer's Block.<BR><BR>Happy Holidays!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

This was absolutely amazing. I really hope the next chapter is out much much sooner than this last one b/c I can't wait to find out what happens. Please continue writing this story because you are sooo talented.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Great chapter. I hate waiting so long between chapters but as long as you finish the story eventually I'm happy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Loved it!

Although I was a tad disappointed that the chapter was so short I loved the story anyway. You left us totally on edge now til the next chapter! I can't wait!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Wonderful chapter, this one. Please continue ASAP!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I am DYING for the next chapter

I am so in love with these characters, and I'm dying for the next chapter. Keep 'em coming!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I Found The Next Chapter!

Hello again. I'm so glad that I found your stories here also. Please finish this! It's wonderful, I love your characters, they're so real.

Please don't wait too long to finish their story.


Skyhawk69LSkyhawk69Lover 16 years ago
Best written

Your stories are all great.

They all have great characters and great plots.

But they are the best writing I have read in ages.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Best Christmas present ever!!

Please update again soon! I love this story so much!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I cant wait for the next chapter! plese dont keep me waiting too long, I'm dieing to know what happens!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I've been waiting...

...I suppose you'd call it patiently. I even considered offering to be your interim spelling checker with the hope of helping get this chapter out sooner. Selfish I know, and that's part of the reason I never offered. I really like your writing and I eagerly look forward to this story's continuation.

As far as what I think of this latest chapter, I disagree with some previous comments. I feel no one should condemn Lily for the way she handled the situation. Could she have handled it better? Yes, she could have, but put yourself in her shoes. She met what she feels is a pretty great guy 3 days prior to this chapter. She thinks that, despite him not being 'her type', he might be the one. Add to that dumb luck, fate or karma put him into the family 'audition' situation VERY early in the relationship and for the most part they are quite taken with him. Think back on your own dating history, how many people you've dated were you ready to introduce to your family after 3 days knowing them? Lily's a smart girl, she could have gotten out of dinner if she'd wanted to. (On a side note, don't be too hard on her brother yet, either. In some families it's the job of the oldest brother to fill the role of guardian to all his sisters and no man will have an easy time proving himself, even one meeting with his father's approval.) Imagine yourself being swept up in such a whirlwind of emotions and then having the information about his past handed to you like that. How well could anyone handle that? I don't think anyone should judge how this was handled yet. This particular episode in the Lily and Adam relationship is far from resolved and if Adam was history I think it could have been handled in a few more paragraphs and this story would be over today. It's not often I enjoy characters enough to say this but I could see this story going on and on for as long as people enjoy reading about them.

firstkiss, I truly enjoy this story and look forward to seeing how this continues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

i'm so sad.... it was bound to happen... but i hope they make up soon!!!

tj1982tj1982over 16 years ago

Your writing is amazing, when are you going to finish this story as i can't wait to hear what happens next!!!

Hopefully soon!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Aaahhhh, at last, do you know how many months your fans waited for this? anyway it was worth waiting superb writing as always. Eagerly waiting for your next chapter.

PrincessErinPrincessErinover 16 years ago

Love the twists and turns in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I felt like crying....

wow you really moved me with this chapter...


It was really well written!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
holy cow!

I never ever ever thought I would have tears from a story in Literotica! I thought the story was very smooth, and I liked the way the sex wasn't the culmination of the story, but the beginning of a relationship. Description of the family visit was great, esp the metaphor of Vi being like the kitten with the string ball.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
And Again

The set up was easy but the pay off was worth it. Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Wow - powerful.

I am so looking forward to what comes next, and, where you take them in this story.

celia82celia82over 12 years ago

This is so sad.. why did she act like such a chicken? There are a lot of reasons why good people can end up in prison.. why not sit down and listen to what he said after all he had done to make this evening for her?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
he's correct...

no one would give him a chance, if he started a conversation

with "i've spent years in prison,for assult".

i'm sure its somehow not as horrible as it sounds,perhaps there's

mandatory time to serve with this offense.

we shall have to read on

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I think she's being hypocritical: one minutes its ...hey let's write a story about welcoming the parolees onto the island. Writing a piece about how they've changed thier lives and the next she judging Adam without hearing the facts of the situation when she learns he's one of the infamous parolees. Although its wrong it's a typical aspect of human nature; we are all for being open minded until it concerns us personally. Suddenly we are not as openned minded as we thought.

KingCuddleKingCuddleover 11 years ago
Really interesting responses...

Without exception, they're focusing on Lilly...judging her choices.

I, on the other hand, am struck by the sudden shift in Adam.

A flash of something DARK occurred.

And he's blaming!

He's been Mr. Faultless. Now he's suddenly Mr. WTF.

Too sudden for me. Something's really suspicious about his behavior shift.

LOVING your work! Smoo-ooooches!!

LovableCherryPieLovableCherryPieabout 11 years ago

Come on, they've known each other for three days, she can't be mad he didn't tell her. But I'd like to know what he did exactly. She should've asked him instead of running away like that

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Nah. Another heroine who runs when she should stand and fight for what she wants. What's with all these wimpy girls? She should have said "yes, I want to know because I care" - how hard would that have been?

didntseeuxtheredidntseeuxtherealmost 11 years ago
She's overreacting....

Petty and wimpy heroine.... It's only 3 days. What did she expect?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

This story is good but the language seems like there from London, but its in Toronto,... Abit confusing , but I'm intrigued I like Adam's character...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

...It's not in Toronto, that's where Adam is from. I'm fairly sure it's one of the Maritime provinces. My best guess would be Prince Edward Island. I suppose it could be Nova Scotia, though it's technically not an Island.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Stupid bitch.

Yes, I said it, and she is one.

You've only known him for THREE FUCKING DAYS Bitch!

Why would you expect him to LEAD with that information!?

By that measure, she should lead with every nasty thing she has ever done, "just to clear the air".

To expect him to be happy that she throws it in his face after he works ALL DAY JUST TO PLEASE HER!?

What a selfish thing to do - to dress up for a date KNOWING she was going to destroy him? This woman is a bit mentally deranged.

The writing is superb, but the justification for her behavior is going to have to be beyond all measure for him to forgive her self righteous, judgmental and downright callously cruel actions.

She doesn't deserve him, and he damned well better not go crawling to her.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
still great...

But, It's ¨prosciutto¨, not proscuitto. italian for ham, whether cured or cooked. in italy one would be more specific, so prosciutto crudo, or prosciutto cotto. in the americas, from canada to argentina we say prosciutto when we mean the salt-cured, uncooked kind.

5 stars.

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A lot has changed since I began writing on this site 16 years ago as a wet-behind-the-ears 20-something — met an amazing partner, got married, started a business, and became a mom. Life with a kid underfoot doesn’t exactly make for much free time for sexy writing. I still da...

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