All Comments on 'Second Chance, Book 03'

by coaster2

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
in one story recently

the author used death by "fast spreading cancer" in the cheating wife --- who gang-banged 4-5 men in one night --- when she was approaching 40 and was feeling not pretty any more and needed compliments from adoring biker types. <p>

in this one, the fast/unknown brain cancer --- "neurological disorder" --- is gonna be used as the red herring to solving the original problem of this story, IN WHICH the to be 40-year-old wife/mother who, one day, at the insistence of her 4-times divorced sister, got up in front of a biker type crowds to drop her clothes, to dance, because she said the money/supplemental income was good. <p>

I wonder if it is possible to read about a story in Literotica land where writers don't use gibberish psychological babble to explain away why men and women cheat. why not write these characters as complex, feeling, and yet troubling characters who KNOW EXACTLY what they're doing?, so that when they are caught, they simply confess: <p>

I know my sin; I know it was wrong, but it was thrilling and I did it ONLY BECAUSE I have you and the children, all making it the illicit activity MORE THRILLING. But if I were an old hooker, I doubt I would do it; but even if I did it, no one would want to watch, much less pay, to watch me undress. <p>

But, here's another truth: thrilling as I thought such illicit acts were, there's no way I am willingly going to live apart from you and the kids, to grow old, unloved and abandoned. I am no Gloria Steinem, and even Gloria needed a man towards the last years of her life, when it's too late to establish family and have kids... <p>

Why not write about intelligent and complicated and contradictory characters like that? Why is it always, "Okay, honey, let's go to see Mr. Marriage Counselor, because you fucked up but I am too torn, love you too much, to want to divorce your sorry ass..."?? <p>

And, my God, do marriage counselors talk like these idiots portrayed here in these silly stories?, anyone knows any real marriage counselor, who would find any imaginary thing to explain away simple and calculate behaviors and acts we, as adults, partake in??? why are people willing to $100 to $250, or even $600, an hour to hear these idiotic Freudians talk about mumble jumble for weeks on end?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

It's so human, it's a real great story. These days, with all the technically advanced equipment available, detecting and treating tumors gives the patients a much better chance than before. Nevertheless, the moment when you or the ones you love, unsuspectely, are being told that you/her/them have a fast growing tumor it is indeed like the world comes to a sudden standstill. I had a similar experience and I can understand how her "Wheel" adventure has suddenly lost it's importance, even though not all questions have been answered (like her BJ-name). I also don't believe in psycho babble as the solution to all problems, but even if it only serves the purpose to make them think or rethink about their attitude, their reasoning if any, the input from a third party may bring a new insight, one which may may purposedly have been ignored to justify what has been done. I think it's the merit of this author to place what happened in a broader and human context, just like life is, sometimes direct and straight forward, sometimes more complex. Often, the difference is only how we react to the facts. If her sorrow is genuine, I can very well see that the second chance, as the title says, would be the right step to take. Love isn't just an of/off switch. ***** As for being told her blowjobs were something special, this has not yet been confirmed nor denied. It would have been easy to find out if he had returned to the Wheel and asked for her, for a lapdance or for a blowjob. She didn't know he had seen her until she came home, likewise nobody else would recognize him as her husband unless some were in on the plot and were observing him. But that's not likely, because she wasn't tricked to be there, she was doing her usual routine, and it wasn't about her, it was about bringing him there to see her on stage. ***** On the other hand, I feel she hasn't told the complete truth yet and because of the tumor, the counseling has not been completed. So there could be more to it. This tumor just enhances the story and makes it more complex because of the emotional aspects. I'm anxious to know. G.Belgium

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969almost 16 years ago
Some good points.

As one of the readers said, why is it that there always has to be medical reason, why not have someone honestly say " sorry I wanted a bit of strange ", "I wanted someone different to compare you with" something of that nature. She had to do something before she died, or worse hit 40. I don't know about any one else but do people who cheat use the mid life crises as the biggest cop out of all time. "I didn't feel loved" "You didn't pay enough attention to me" "I wanted a strangers opinion of how I made love" the list is endless and trust me it's not just in these stories every day someone cheats in their marriage and some comes up with a silly exuse. And no we have some one who may or may not die because of a tumour. I actually knew someone who died from a tumour so I am no tmaking light of it. I just find it hard to believe that just when we the readers were about to get some answers this tumour crops up. I know these things do happen but in the context of the story it does sound like a red herrin. Anyway keep writing we will be here for the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

That came out of left field. This is really keeping me in suspense as to where the story is going. Great job.

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Great Story Telling

This is apparently going to be a relatively short novel.

I was hoping for one of those long ones that Coaster has

done in the past. Truly a fine read. I am astounded by the ability of some of our commentators to diagnose illnes without even laying hands on...

Thanks, Coaster

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
Next it was ALL a dream...

So The Brain Tumor excuses ANYTHING the wife did as a whore/ stripper. OK Got it... Note that the sister has YET to be told the wife has Brain cancer.


Yawn... this was easily telegraphed and NOT out of left field. AS soon as the Lady doctor order a full medical scan we all knew this was coming.


still I wonder how the wife's sister KNEW about Brain Tumor ? (sarcasm) clearly she didnt. So why did the sister strongly suggest hat it would be really good idea for a 40 year Mother / wife to become a stripper and give customers BJs? ?


Its petty clear that Brent will never ask any questions or never have ANY confrontation with evil sister.

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 16 years ago
A very interestin story line continues

Looking forward to the next chapter. Not much else I need to say as the story grows.<P>PT

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Enjoying Story!

With so many bad stories on here I am just really enjoying a good one. My mother had a brain tumor and had some bizar hehavior before it was found. She never really recovered from surgery, tumor killed her 6 months later, so I am hopeing for a better result but enjoying story. Thanks for your talent.

BigFtHunterBigFtHunteralmost 16 years ago
Good job Coaster

Please keep writing, great job.

Risq_001Risq_001almost 16 years ago
Well I did say..........

<p>....that I hoped you didn't use a tumor as a cause for her actions in my comment before. And darned if she didn't have a brain tumor (^_^). So I guess when its all said and done the doctor, excuse me, "psychologist" will point out that this was the "secret cause" all along for her decision to get up and strip for money, and she really wasn't to blame. Like I also mentioned before I wonder if the vehicle to get us to feel sorry for Jeanette in the end will be her death? I hope not, but just curious. Because clearly the tumor, to me at least, is being used as a factor. But I wish it was because of her actions that I started to like her again. </p>

<p>Oh and I did like the character Charlie Verano. I mean you gave him a decent role when you had him ask: <i><b>"Is this something his wife is prone to do?" Charlie asked carefully."</b></i> This made him seem like the only one who was curious if he was letting himself in for more than he wanted. And not out for Sainthood like every other character that heard about her stripping and tried to explain it quickly away.</p>

<p>And at least Brent seemed more likable. I still didn't like how his wife's stripping wasn't resolved, but I could understand why he would flip out and then be worried once he found out his wife had cancer, with nothing else really mattering at that point.</p>

<p>And we're still waiting on why she had a stage name of "BJ". And why Rick seemed to think it was funny and say she was good at Blowjobs. >=)</p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Brain tumors CAN cause behavior changes

Now if you had given her a "brain cloud", I would be concerned. So far, we have a very well written story.

I note that most of the criticism of this story is by a couple of individuals who are bitching about what they are assuming that you will write, rather than waiting to see how the story evolves. They want her to deserve and receive a public flogging, and you doggone well better write the story that way, or they will write an nasty comment and capitalize odd words at random.

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalalmost 16 years ago
Sorry again, coaster

Hmmm. Odd that someone would accuse perhaps myself as well as others of anticipating what you will write next. Curious that he doesn't realize that he is guilty doing exactly that himself.<p>I expected that the plot would move forward in this chapter/book. But you practically brought this story to a standstill. Oh, the introduction of 'Jeanette's' brain tumor was a new element which you introduced, but other than that I don't see how this story was truly advanced. To me, much of what you presented here was hardly more than filler. You seem to have elevated the status of importance of "Brent's" employment situation to a position commensurate to that of his marital difficulties. I fail to discern why such a detailed history of "Charlie Verano's" business is so integral to the story line. And "Lloyd" and "Henry" now appear to have footing nearly equal to that of the husband and wife. <p>It would seem that you are preparing us readers for ascribing 'Jeanette's' behavior as being a symptom of her recently diagnosed brain tumor. Using this malady to account for her actions is comparable to penning the literary version of paint-by-the-numbers. This plot device is simply too tired and just too languid a method to resolve the dilemma you have posed. While not intending to slight the trying experiences of those who have dealt with loved ones and others afflicted with this terrible disease, I will not accept "Jeanette's" diagnosis as a viable excuse for her conduct. I believe the influences of her sister's urging, the encouragement of her fellow dancers, her susceptibility to the doubts accompanying her mid-life concerns, and the subsequent furbishing of her self esteem by performing carried much more leverage as causes for her actions.<p>For me the story has gotten off track. Two seemingly very important characters at story's beginning have all but disappeared. I would have rather followed the actions and been acquainted with the motivations of the antagonist, "Rick" and of "Jeanette's" sister, "Joanne." Since it was her idea, why did "Joanne" decide against joining "Jeanette" on stage? Is "Rick's" knowledge aforehand of "Jeanette's" dancing meaningful? It appeared to an important factor early in the story. Instead, you provide prolonged exposure to "Lloyd" and "Henry." Reading dialog between these two is about as stimulating as my drinking a glass of lukewarm water. To this point you have dangled as a carrot before us readers an explanation as to how "Jeanette" acquired her nickname, "Beejay." When you choose to reveal it, the impact of the <i>why</i> will have been blunted by your having added the 'brain tumor' ingredient. Because of that, I doubt the drama that could have been will exist in future addition(s) to this story.<p>coaster, I have enjoyed other submissions submitted by you. That you possess the ability to submit a polished and pleasant read cannot be in question. I just haven't found this effort to be representative of your skill. Thank your for your continued effort.

DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 16 years ago
Very good!

I think this is a great story. Thanks for doing it.

bornagainbornagainalmost 16 years ago
"Jeanette's recovery

I pray that she pulls through my mom had a scare almost like that once but it was not like hers I do hope you continue with another chapter coaster2.


GenghisKhanGenghisKhanalmost 16 years ago
Bizarre Behaviors Don't Equal Calculated Acts

5Enjoying Story! <p>

07/11/08 by Anonymous <p>

With so many bad stories on here I am just really enjoying a good one. My mother had a brain tumor and had some bizar hehavior before it was found. She never really recovered from surgery, tumor killed her 6 months later, so I am hopeing for a better result but enjoying story. Thanks for your talent.


+++++++++++++++++++++ <p>

Having a brain tumor, or any other such "surprises" in life, is okay, normal, and sometimes inevitable. Including the "bizarre" behavior.... <p>

Being 35, 40, or 45 --- which young to teenage children and respectable spouse --- and stripping at the local strip joints (including having nick names like "BJ"), because your many times divorced sibling pointed it out to you, in one of the city's local porn papers, as a "good way to make some good cash" (to supplement the spouse's income) ain't very "normal", or okay, by the local neighbors or your children's schools or your church friends. <p>

But for an author to use SUCH A BEHAVIOR as an explanation for some fast spreading tumor, he/she had better be very clever. And resorting to some half-baked, fake psycho babble ain't gonna do it!

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
Sorry about the cancer

Still no reason for Brent to be acting at all like he is. His wife as much told him he is not enough for her. Their life was to boring, not enough excitement. Other men should be able to look at her with desire. She craves that. And along comes cancer to make everything right. I hope she does not survive. For his sake and the sake of the readers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

the wife is giggling at him when they fuck?

then she is up on stage as a stripper?

how is that sort of thing explain by a umor ?

Danger09Danger09over 11 years ago

I've noticed this theme in most LW stories--- the writers gives the lying cheating spouse a brain tumor or some other bullshit to justify/and or wipe the responsibilities off the lying cheating party. You can't just give her a brain tumor & try to force me as reader to forgive & forget the spouses actions. A wife pulls a gang a shrink diagnos her with a chemical imbalance..... Come on get real. Something's just can't be explained away by psycho babble.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Tumor re Behavior

I realize at this point her recovery is the main issue, but I'm a little surprised that there has been no discussion of how brain tumors can influence behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
An MRI....

In 4 B.C. not likely!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
It wasnt me it was a tumor!

The tumor was pressing in the slutty center of her brain. Right. I have to give you this: this must be the most bs original reason to cheat I've ever heard.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This CUCK WRITER attributes the wife's stripping for men to a brain tumor....all sluts/skanjs should then get a full medical!!



AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Who cares about the past! She's now a known stripper with a tumor!! Sooner she dies, better for all

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