All Comments on 'Smoke and Mirrors'

by jack_straw

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angiquesophieangiquesophieover 17 years ago

i have to believe she loved her job so much that she threatened her marriage for it? why else would she be scared about what the boss had over her? what on earth did he have? her husband knew all about it. she only got into liking the sex later...and of course after the first time, there was the video...but that was all later. i really dont think a clever woman like she would fall for it. really...

the story is nicely written, but i cant get over her motive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
why was he STILL fucking her if he knew weeks ago

Its a good story but after the 1st sex scene the other ones were not REALLY needed even for a site like Lit..................................................

Hubby gets suspicous b/c of her change in sex habits so the details of the 1st NEW sex actvities by the wife is needed. Maybe the 2nd to a lessor degree.


but if all this sex is causing him to say whoa soemthing is really wrong Why is he STILL fucking her ?

Most men would of stopped banging her a long time befoire he did. In the final confrontation scene Hubby mentions the STDs boogeyman. But if that is his concern ... why was he STILL fucking her when he knew she was LIKELY cheating WEEKS and WEKS ago? Wasn't he STD threat just as big weeks ago???

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
she was whoring and he still fucked her

good story ,but you came up a little short this time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Jack...don't you know that many

myself are tired of the guy getting away with murder...Oh he went to jail and all that but there isn't anything as satisfying as a good old fashion ass kicking... Well I would have made sure that he met Bubba in prison and graduated with a very large ass hole and a penchance for big black cock up his ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Unreal story

Just how many real men exist in this fucked up world that would have sex with their wife after what this asshole knew about her. Very poor characterzation.

CarlM69CarlM69over 17 years ago
No suspense

Normally I'm a big fan, but this story was over by the first paragraph. There was no tension created or resolution solved. We all knew what had happened and what the outcome would be in the first few lines. Jim came across as cold and, although I felt some sympathy for his wife, I also couldn't determine her motive for falling so far. Losing her job? Big whoop.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Continuing Sex

Like some of the others, I have a problem with the husband being dumb enough to have sex with her after he knows what's going on. He surely knows he is being exposed to std's! And I would have liked to have heard more pain and anguish from her about destroying their lives like she did.

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
cockolding story

The husband should have known right away when she denied him her pussy and wanted to suck him off in her mouth.



AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
he he

who can refuse sex w/ somebody you love? maybe if you cant get it up. LOL. liked the story. well written. and i do agree, it's not easy being in such a situation. especially, if its someone you love.

NucleusNucleusover 17 years ago
Not pleased

My opinion is as like angiquesophie and carlm69. The suspense left at the point of story he had the first vague suspicion. He knows, but he does nothing to clear the situation of their marriage. I think, it's not a normal behaviour. Because I am german?

I would have expected a big bang


* By the way, I like your writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Bland Content

Not much of a story. Does anyone know what a "story" is anymore? If the story is written with proper punctuation and uses good grammar, I'll read darned near anything. But to keep me interested, there's got to be something beyond that. A story has a pace, a tempo. Things happen and characters react to them with emotions and actions. Jack, old bean, this story has one tempo -- a steady drone that never changes and ends just about where it started. Very disappointing to see this from a writer with your talents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
re: Bland Content

That pretty much says it for me: well written, but a little one note.

The only other thing is the same as the one marked "why was he STILL fucking her if he knew weeks ago." Suddenly he's worried about STDs, after fucking her all that time.

Orion623Orion623over 17 years ago
Less Than Satisfying

Generally I have liked the writings of Jack Straw, in particular the stories 'Jealousy' and 'Marriage on the Rocks' come to mind. But 'Smoke and Mirrors' just didn't have the tension that it needed to be really good. We knew from the start and from several hints along the way that the marriage was doomed. If the hints weren't enough the over the top sex in the motel with multiple partners foretold the demise of the marriage.**** One other thing was the hold the boss had over Ann. Apparently the fact that she had done a little coke 9 years before coupled with the potential loss of her job was justification in her mind to engage in extramarital sex. Ann was portrayed as a strong woman, the straw that stirred the drink. Why would such a woman allow herself to be blackmailed into sex because of some coke usage almost a decade in the past? It just didn't make sense to me.****Nevertheless I will continue to look forward to any offerings by Jack Straw.

Risq_001Risq_001over 17 years ago
While I basically liked the story, I have to agree

<p>....With a few posters.</p>

<p>The first thing that crossed my mind when I saw this was "Ewww, how could anyone keep having sex with thier wife if they knew she was having sex (and if you didn't know for sure had to assume unprotected sex) with someone else you didn't know?" And if it bothered you enough to divorce her, why would you keep doing it till you got all the sex you could stand out of her? I mean one thing the main character said that I noticed was that he asked her "how she could put his life at risk" by having sex with multiple different men, but it wasn't till he saw her with 4 other men (and at one time 3 men at the same time) that this thought seemed to cross his mind. That would have been my "first" thought not last. Specially after the time she decided to "allow" him anal and he though how loose she felt. I don't believe I could have kept having sex with her till it was impossible for me to deny it any longer. And then he did it again the Thursday after he "saw" her allowing different men to keep coming and going out of the hotel room she was in then went to the gym like nothing was wrong???</p>

<p>What else didn't make sense to me at times, and a lot of authors like to gloss over it, is if the innocent party's in the story are really worried about putting the kids first why don't stop sleeping with the cheating mate when they find out that the wife/husband is cheating on them and start some routine testing for STD's? I mean if they <b><i>both</i></b> get HIV or Herpes they will have those diseases for the rest of their, possibly, short lives. And it limits their dating choices in the future if they decide to move on with their lives. Why would they want to take those chances and leave their kids to grow up the best they could without them?</p>

<p>I agree with some that you gave the outcome of the story way at the begininnng, but maybe next time if you decide to go this path maybe say something like "Let me tell everyone a story of how my marriage collapsed with the love of my life"? or something like that. Just a suggestion, but it didn't really bother me much. But to be honest I didn't mind that I knew the outcome before I got to the end, because when you kept saying over and over the marriage was dead in the story I was curious what made it be over.</p>

<p>I liked the story as a whole, but the whole "I knew she was cheating, but until I was beat in the face with the fact that I could no longer ignore the cheating, I kept having sex because it was the best sex I've ever had in my life" rational just seemed out of place given the ending. It was like "I could have handled the cheating and the other men, but when you started pulling a train it killed the marriage." Because if she hadn't crossed some unknown boundry they would have stayed married through out all of this.</p>

<p>Thanks for the intresting read though</p>


gatorhermitgatorhermitover 17 years ago
Well Written Story

Interesting that both Jack and Ohio post non-wimp, been-done-wrong husband stories at about the same time (see "Brisket"). Differences in approach by the two protagonists, but very similar no-nonsense attitudes and no reconciliation in both stories.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 17 years ago
Oh, well, it's her loss

Really? I think AND the kids have a major loss, too; that of a loving wife and mother. Plus he mentioned that raising two kids as a single parent isn't that easy. Men aren't hardwired that way, anyway.

Good story but with some cooling off time for him and resolution for her maybe they could start over and try dating??

Lv2hvefnLv2hvefnover 17 years ago
Loving Wives?

What does this have to do with loving wives? Its a story about some poor blackmailed woman and a vengeful small-minded man. Why didn't she come to him right away? Becasue she knew he was a tightass jerk.

NeedYouNeedYouover 17 years ago
Dear Lv2hvefn only a true bitch could say what

you did about the man. The fucking whore of a WIFE even said she loved it!! And that's why shewanted to fuck her husband. So sit down and shut the fuck up! Stop bashing the man it was the WIFE who broke her vows you dumb slut!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Some people still dont get it. For some things

there is no excuse good enough, no reason good enough, and no time long enough to forget it and and get back together. These forgive her and get back together people are the same ones that say, well the apologized not forget it and get going. Wrong an apology means I wronged you and I am sorry, it is not punishment, it is not for forgives, it is not for forgetting. The woman destroyed the family, nearly destroyed her husband, and is the one that has ruined the home life of the children. It is not the man's responsibility nor duty to let her pay some penalty and then let her back into the home. She chose to become a whore for something that if the boss had broudht it up she could have sued for illegal termination. She was not a slut, she was not a cheater, she was a whore. Whores take money for sex, when have sex as a part of your job, as a condition of employment, or to provide services for customers or your employer, you are a whore. In for a penny, in for a pound, makes no difference. What makes no sense is this is a small town and she is being pimped out of a small motel with men going in and out and the bank boss is hiring the room. Everyone in the town knows about it. She would already be known as a whore and hubby would already have been discussed in the town as a cuckold. the entire family would be held up to ridicule and talk and the kids would have heard about it in school. The other point of contention is diseases that come up. Unprotected sex with anyone means you have had unprotected sex with everyone they have had sex with. In so stating, she as a whore, is being used by men who use whores and sluts. The odds of STDS, AIDS, Hep C, and everything else is now almost 100% in this day and time, even using condoms no matter what town you live in. All involved need to notified by legal means of their highly likely chance of being infected by one disease or another and these letters would also be given to the wives of the men involved, this is a legal and health issue (lots of fun will come out of this). That should have been one of the conditions of the divorce agreement before the legal divorce. Testing of wife, husband, and children will be necessary for years for delayed sppearance of the diseases. Actually I am in agreement with one critic who says if you are afraid of diseases and suspect why touch and in the regard I agree totally, find excuses, delay responses, avoid kissing, yes kissing. Makes a fun life with a cheater doesnt it. The woman was a slut and it seems weak willed, after all she used drugs and now has a sex need with many men. In her case she doesnt need counselors, nor therapist, she needs medical and phychological help for years to get rid of her addictive behavior. No you dont take cheaters back, they can and will cheat again if the opportunity arises and the excuses offer themselves. And no you dont want a whore raising kids. Out with the trash time to move on and up in life. Thjis is a loving wife tale, story of a loving wife who went astray and a husband who loved her.

sanman52sanman52over 17 years ago
Good story with flaws

I thought that the story as a whole was decent but that there were a number of issues which detracted from what could have been a better story.

Coming up with a good reason for cheating in a blackmail type story, which this is, to me is always difficult. In this story, the driving force for the wife to submit was the fact that she had used drugs in the past. So what! Her drug use was in the past and she had dealt with it. Not a good reason to submit to a blackmailer for sex.

Then to allow yourself to be videotaped having the sex is also ludicrous. Filming the sex could only perpetuate the blackmail. The wife would have to be crazy if she ever expected to get out from under being blackmailed. The drug use was a done deal and wasn't going away and a tape of her having sex would only cement her to her blackmailer.

The wife's change in her sexual behavior, both in sex acts and in agression on her part, could only serve as a red flag to her husband. She might as well have started wearing a tee shirt with the message "I'm fucking around" on it. Very dumb.

The husband accepting the wife's new sexual attitude for so long, just because it was good sex, is also hard to believe.

The husband should also have insisted in the divorce that she discontinue her sexual activity and get tested for STDs. After all, he was insisting on custody of the children because of the wife's sexual behavior. If the behavior continued, she would be just as bad a role model divorced as she would be married.

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Well told but flawed

Well-written with jack_straw's usual flair. His prose is compact and reads easily.


I agree with some of the previous posters: the story's pacing is off. It's slow and somewhat tedious. Perhaps it's due to the lack of narrative drive because the plot is staid.


Like another commenter pointed out, the reason for her acceptance of Spradling's blackmail is weak and, moreover, in today's office climate, the barest hint of sexual harrassment puts HR departments into a frenzy. I just can't accept that his wife would allow an earlier dalliance with drugs to influence her thinking when all she had to do was to document the abuse to get Spradling tossed out on his ass.


Sorry, jack_straw, the story doesn't fly for me. I like the writing but can't give the tale top marks. I thank you for your efforts.

toesmantoesmanover 17 years ago
Good read, as always

Jack-straw; unlike so many other posters, I liked the story. Although the ending was almost pre-ordained, nonetheless, I liked his comments about how many years of marriage, how good a mother she was, so many good qualities that might have allowed him to seek to forgive her & move past what she had done. While I'm certainly no fan of reconciliation at any costs, the more egregious the behaviour, the more certain it should be that, any other factors notwithstanding, the husband should kick that slutty ass to the curb, and move on. I could see how he could have attempted a reconciliation if she had come to him at the outset, but after weeks of that behaviour and her admitting that she "loved it", he had no other choice. So, all in all, a good read for me

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Well told but flawed

I think Alvaron53 summarized it well. You write well and most of your stories are great ,but his one lacked any suspense or any emotion. It was obvious from the beginning that something was amiss, but Jim appeared to be too dumb to face the problem until it was much too late. Looking for your next story.

the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

so, for years, he's been begging her to allow him her ass and she's always said NO! and no sucking him off either...

then one fine Wednesday, she comes home, howlering, "Honey, I am SO WET and I want to SUCK YOU OFF, dear beloved,,," and she does just that,,, making his eyebrows raised in a quizzical way,, hmmmm, he said,,, what's gotten into her?

and then more INCRDIBLE sex the following few nights,,, and then the NEXT Wednesday, after her regular fuck sessions (she said's its blackmail first but now her butt's so lose, she's starting to enjoy it a lot; but of course, HE won't know it until when it is already too late),,, anyway, the next Wednesday, it's "Honey, I think I'm gonna let you have what you've always asked for,,, my butt!!! But I wann suck you first! Gosh, I love you so much,,, here, touch me,,, see how wet I am for you, dear beloved?""""

and by NOW he's PRETTY SURE she's been fucking around,,, but, my gosh, he jumps right into bed and sucks her to multiple orgasms!~ and thene they got the oil/lub and they lubed her butt and he sinked right in,,,, uh????, it's kinda loose, don't you think, honey? (but he didn't say it, because no matter what, NOW she's allowed him IN her butt, so he's not gonna bitch about it, even if it seemed, well, really not that necessary to use lubbing oil,,,,

and then, BAM!, "This is what I want you to do: You have 4 minutes to get up stairs, pack a few bags and head out. Our marriage is over and I don't want to hear any thing about it, or see your tears, okay?"

She packs, walks out the door, looks back, with tears in her eyes, and says "I will always love you, you know that, don't you? They blackmailed me, you know that! I didn't wanna do it, especially multiple guys, at first, but they threatened to expose my past cocaine use, you know that,,, so I did it to shut them up,, you also know that. But I love you so much!"

A bit exaggerated, but that's essentially what happened. I mean, come on!

zed0zed0over 17 years ago
I LOVE a Happy Ending

Gotta give it a hundred just cause it's a no wimps ending. To bad he can't get past it, find a good women and get on with life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I do not get it...

you wrote an outstanding story with great emotion and realism but still the reconciliation-at-all-cost crowd speak about them getting back together. What does Ann have to do to end all talk about reconciliation? Does she have to use hardcore drugs? Does she have to pull tricks as a part of her job? Does she have to fuck unprotected such that she may give her husband a STD? Oh -wait Ann did all of those things!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Divorce is a very good solution for two people who can not live together. I know siblings who would give their life for their other sibling but who can not live together. There is no doublt that Jimmy at the end of this story still loved and forgave Ann. But that is not the point. Ann's actions fundamentally changed their relationship. Even when she knows that Jimmy knows about her cheating on him she still go out for her Wednesday afternoon fun? She had a week to see how this situation was negatively affecting him and still she carried on. She lied when confronted about it. She wanted to be "forced" into being a slut so she would not have to take responsibility for her actions. The fact that their sex life only got supercharged when she cheated and then fell off also pointed to Jimmy's inadequacies as her lover._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

But hey a few months in therapy and a few "I am sorry"s is all that is needed according to the reconciliation-at-all-cost crowd to let them date and get back together again. Never mind that Jimmy could never trust her again (that is just male insecurities). Never mind that if he takes her back Ann would know that Jimmy would take her back if she made a "mistake" again. Never mind that Jimmy would always know that he is her second class lover._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Thanks for not having Jimmy as a single parent to pick up a young hottie so soon after the divorce. Overall, an outstanding story!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Predictable but perfect ending for this slut!

Great job on the story. Somewhat predictable but still it is great to read about justice being serviced on these slut-wife characters. If it cheats like a slut, lies like a slut, then "no doubt" it is indeed a "cheating slut-wife". LOL The only thing we could add is if she somehow manages to disappear and kill herself so the poor kids do not have to grow up with a slut-mother. Thanks again for your efforts, author - you are really appreciated!

jack_strawjack_strawover 17 years agoAuthor
Interesting comments

An unusually high quality set of comments here, and I thank all of you for your input. Almost everyone who commented did so in a civil, constructive manner. I'm one writer who doesn't mind seeing my stories picked apart, as long as it is done without engaging in personal attacks. Regardless of the quality of the writing, us authors put a lot of time and effort into these stories, and at least we have the guts to put our work out there in the open for it to be picked over. There were a lot of issues raised about a lot of the elements in this story that weren't apparent in the writing process. I really thought this was going to be one of my better stories, but obviously it fell a little short of the mark, and for some of the reasons that have been brought out in these comments. Looking ahead, this is probably going to be the last cheating wife story I do for awhile. I seem to have run out of truly original ways to make this sort of thing interesting, and maybe that affected the way the plot seemed to drag in places. At any rate, thanks to all who took the time to read this, and all of my other work. I do appreciate you. We'll have better days soon enough.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
not good

I agree with Alvaron53,there is no 'story' because the tension/suspense is destroyed in the first paragraph. Also, the wife is completely unconvincing as she is pushy and intelligent and would just have gone fo harrassment and blackmail complaints.

My real annoyance, as in many stories here, is the husband's comments about the children. Any man who just regards his kids as a bargaining chip, a way of punishing his wife, is beneath contempt. Jimmy has no thought of the best interests of the kids, who they should live with, and thereby loses any sympathy I may have had for him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A good story

Not one of your best but I was entertained.

Thank you


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
the wife was a slut

if she had of told her husband, he couldve helped her sue her boss, but since she didnt. but sued the boss after the divorce, she knew what she was doing

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Couldn’t care much about either of them

Both main characters were unappealing and did not leave me with much reason to care for what happens to them. Frankly, I prefer that at least one of the main characters is at least either intelligent or has an appealing personality. Here there was nothing to hold into in either of the categories. *****

The husband is one of the most compartmentalized male characters I can remember reading in L.W. It seems that the neuro- transmissions between the parts in his brain responsible to thinking and those which are responsible to feelings and then between each of the former and the rest of his body (especially his sex drive) are few; far between and very slow. It would be very much like him to consider: ‘Hmm, I just came to the conclusion that in all likelihood my wife is cheating on, but I am hanging out and talking with my wife and it feels very pleasant that suddenly she is so solicitous of sex with me; wait a minute! I feel some unexpected development is taking place under my belt. It’s all so amazing; I’ll stick around with myself and see what I am going to do next’... *****

The wife on top of being as dumb as they come (blackmail to sex at the workplace by her boss because of past drug use? She is either very dumb or came up with a lousy lie (Then she is dumb again…), she also cares so much for her husband that she has to continue the cheating. He is lucky that she pretty much wrote the road map as to how to catch her (he would never get to it on his own): Tuesday is for pre-performance nervousness; Wednesdays are for guilt - sex (turned later into free tutorials for the husband. Few unchanged repetitions – and voila! He finally gets it. *****

So when, even if for different reasons, both main characters are predictable, slow to think and to act, and the wife does not even have the one redeeming quality of being minimally tolerable as a character - there is not much left to worry about one way or another when the story ends. *****

I appreciate your effort and your writing in general and looking forward for your next story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
a slut for a wife and dumby for a hubby

eating her and fucking her after he found out she fucking men is signing his dead warrant with aids and stds.hubby to weak in his dealing with the lover.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Pretty dispassionate, huh?

Damn, Jack...that was damned dispassionate for the guy to just toss out about fifteen years without apparently even lengthy consideration. I'm picturing a gorgeous woman, totally fucking hot, the mother of your kids, strong, confident, and suddenly seduced into some God-awful behavior. But NO extenuating circumstances? Have at least a smidgeon of patience to find out what the fuck happened and why!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Justice was served!

Stupid slut deserved the outcome!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Thank you

Well written story with logical ending.

bornagainbornagainover 16 years ago
Give her a second chance

Jack the husband should at least give her another chance suppose he was drugging her and while they were together with Spratt so he can control her did Hubby ever think about that?

The judge should have given him 20 yrs for what he did to her

and her family and Hubby should give her some consideration the length of time they have been together and stuck with her by trying to get her into a institute for drug counceling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Give her a second chance - WTF?

First of all, a great story with a "realistic" and justified ending. However, the comment prior to this one wanted to know why he did not giver a second chance? This slut wife got off way to easy the way it was. Lying, cheating and being a whore is grounds for permanent removal from the gene pool. Perhaps that person should read the whole story again.

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
No price paid

The husband is a wimp. He knows something is wrong and because he is getting great sex does nothing about it. Wimp. As for the wife paying a price. She paid nothing. She still probably does a gangbang a week. She got paid six figures for her fucking. And she got to blame cocaine for it all. Sorry not buying that one. It was a deliberate betrayal of her husband. She is a common slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I like the wife. Kick the husband out! hehehe

He is a wimp. Kick him out of there! hehe

I'll take her for myself! hehe

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I want that woman! Kick the husband into the sea!

Wimpy fool of a man! Keep the woman! hehe

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
liked it but...

js..good story until the end. IT was underwhelming. It was like a hole in the bag just happened and the whole story just leaked out. Sorry. Jim

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Looks like HE should haver had less drinking and sports, tail-gating and kept a eye on his wife. You lost wimp--the boose tank rehab for you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Oh, well It's her loss ...

... and the children's loss and his loss, too. But take heart and remember the Literotica motto: To forgive is to be weak! To confront and offer a chance to reform is to be weak! To consider the children's needs is to be weak! To be anything but self-centered in the face of cheating is to be weak! This husband fucked up, and, in the process, left sadness for himself, for his wife, and for his children. He loses! But at least he wasn't a wimp!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I love a happy ending as much as the next guy but no one would get over this. She loved it, wanted to do it and didn't worry about her kids or her husband, had plenty of chances to stop but wouldn't. Perhaps after therpy and finding out what she is she could move on and have a relationship with someone, but for now she is toxic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Back to the drawing board??

incestor007incestor007about 14 years ago
Hubby at fault...

I think it was hubby who threw away his perfect marriage, he tried to get benefit from her cheating. If he knew from very first day , then they were perfect for each other. She was weak but you were supposed to help her out. If you were really so proud man you would not have been with her when you first time find out. No one should try to get benefit from cheating, she could have been fallen for her lover. Hubby in story was really trying to get rid of her in first place , i think. You know she is cheating, you should have given her some hint what she could lose, but no you have to wait you have to see with your eyes. Really wimpy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Dissappointing Really...

We expect better from you, What type of character it is? Once it was ok and then it was not ok. You knew she was having an affair and you did not stop it, you went along it for MONTHS, what type of of asshole hubby was? He made me sick. I liked wife, she was week, she was stupid, you ought to know people once addicted to something are very weak to any persistence, they need to be taken care of. People who can be addicted are those who does not have enough strength to fight, and it not something you need to remember, you will come to know about these people when you live with them, you will easily agree that they really were weak, I dont say what she did was not wrong, but you ought know she did not cut her hubby off like other cheating wives. First she was forced, and then she was blackmailed, and then she slowly become addicted, does not it show her willpower. Isn't that boys got into smoking, isn't that people got into drugs, at least she was not pulling any crap like, middle-age or lust or drunk, she was telling complete truth. Both at fault, both should have worked it out. We test people when nothing was at risk, but hubby went well with cheating when it gets out of hands, he want out, he did not even tried to help, not even once, she need a stronger man, who can give her some strength to fight, she is better off without willing-cuck. When you love some one you fight for one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
great story

great story, he did everything right except for giving her anything. She showed ewhat kind of mother, wife and person she was, she got away easy and i feel sorry for the next fool.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
she knew jack

She had a weakness that was exploited by jack. It fed a need in her, and she (happily?) went along with the wednesday program. Clearly, she balanced out the wednesday tryst and coming clean, and she made her decision. There was a portion of her settlement set aside for the kids?

OldHidekiOldHidekiover 13 years ago
Thank You

Enjoyable story. Simple. and the guy picked up on the signs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
That story despressed the he'll out of me

You constructed a no win situation and just fed it more and more pain. Thanks for not giving them any way out. Also thanks for the crappy depressed feeling you gave me too.

I think I'll skip you other stories. Your not a bad writer, but frankly real life is hard enough without wallow fiction adding to it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
A very good story;

My only oposition to this one is the time it took to do something about the problem. This exposed the husband to VD and a lot more humiliation. However he grew a solid set of balls and took the necesary action. The story was a dark story with a depresing ending,, which I was expecting when I started reading it and I was able to enjoy it to the end. R.T.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
secret cuck fetish?

Why continue to fuck a stupid whore (one who copulates with strangers w/o protection) when it risks not only your health but the health of the children?

FD45FD45about 13 years ago
I liked this one better.

You have a problem with paragraph length. For example:


For the most part, Ann was easy to get along with, as long as she got her way. I wasn't a pushover, but I learned pretty quickly that the best way to keep the peace in our house was to let Ann at least think she was getting her way.

Because when she didn't, she could be a bitch, and she wasn't above using sex as a weapon. It was a formidable tool in her emotional arsenal, because Ann was a walking wet dream, especially when she really worked at looking good, which was most of the time.


This is actually one paragraph IMO. If it is two, the first sentence of the second paragraph belongs on the prior paragraph. My opinion. I also wouldn't start a sentence with 'because' as normally because it indicates that what you are saying is actually a phrase that belongs tacked onto the prior sentence.

Quibble 2: Bugging the room. Most hotels don't rent out the same room. It should have been established that it was a regular rental by Spaulding primarily for it's privacy.

What I liked: That the man didn't moon forever over his lost wife. It begs credibility that most of these sort of stories have one or both partners pining forever for that one love. No. You can and do find other people. Sad but true.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
Old folks are not sexy

so I stopped reading and gave it 1*

size14shoesize14shoealmost 13 years ago
Why wait?

I always wonder when I read a story like this, why did the husband wait to find out what was off with his wife. HE had as much to do with the marriage failure as she did. She was being blackmailed. He was being a wimpy asshole.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

depending on if they were severe enough to be considered. TK U MLJ LV NV

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 12 years ago
wow size14shoe

14 must be your IQ, she was a slut plain and simple. so because so slut decides to cheat, you call the husband the asshole. She was a cheating whore and he dumped her, not unlike the person that dumped you on your head.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
No Whore

She was addicted to cocaine and with a little nudge (horny - drugs) she succumbed to the blackmail and then it got easy. For drug users, especially coke - sex is great and an exciting part of it.

Why was she not a whore - becasue - she was straight, loyal and happy when she didn't use it - for years!

Actually, with her libido, she could turn out to be a 'Hotwife, of course, with the right husband.

Anyway, so she liked sex - a lot, the author didn't take us that far down the road to see if she started random fucking and then - she is single now so - how would we ever know.

I respect our hero and his conviction but can't understand, for an educated man and father, why he screwed around and let things really get out of hand instead of jumping in earlier and taking some action that may have resolved everything. Well, it's a story!

Thanks Jack.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
listen to huecuck if

you want the down-low on what it means to be a cuck; he is an admitted cuck and knows first hand everything there is to know about living as a cuck, cuckhood, cuckoldry and cuckdom.

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 11 years ago
no his loss

And the children's loss. She's free wealthy young and attractive. I'd call that a win for her.

javmor79javmor79almost 11 years ago
Forgive does not mean reconcile

I actually liked the story. It was an interesting plot and I actually liked the husband. I also liked the fact that he actually FORGAVE her. Forgive does not mean reconcile. It means that you release that person of what they did to you. By doing that you release the hold that the person has over you. As long as you are angry with that person, they will always have a hold on you. If you are having a great day, and you see your ex, or your children tell you a story about your ex, and you are suddenly angry, then your ex has power over you. They didn't even have to do or say anything to you to ruin your day. That is what you release yourself from when you decide to forgive and let go. That is what the protagonist did in this story. In the end, he has a better relationship with his kids. That is a happy ending

tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

if its not a 2way mirror and there is no wind, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

She could have been outed to everyone and the Courts still would have given her custody and the house until the kids graduated High School. Because that's the way we roll in this country. This story was delusional.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
It may be delusional.

But it's makes more sence then the way you're fucked up country rolls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Not a factual statement..

Women do not always get custody. In the majority of cases yes, but certainly not always. That being said she gave up custody in this story, again rare but it does happen.

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
one glaring inconsistency

The reason for the quick signature on the divorce was to prevent the details from becoming public. Yet, she took her boss to court, during which the details would have all come out.

As you so eloquently said, oh well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
She would have gotten a GOOD lawyer with the kids at stake

And he would have gotten a restraining order for all the illegally obtained tapes. And then he would have opened up the can of Whoop Ass on her Boss and made him the bad guy. In the divorce hubby would have MAYBE gotten Joint custody, but she would have stayed in the house with him paying alimony and child support. I like your ending but it was simply too unbelievable. He lost.

calflashcalflashalmost 10 years ago

the tapes and evidence could easily have been challenged in court probably resulting with her retaining at least joint guardianship. The smoke and mirrors was the author's, not hers

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
The last two commentors are so full of shit...

that they stink even on a laptop screen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
She Paid a Price

She gave up custody to prevent the incriminating evidence being used against her then used it against her asshole boss while she was the victim rather than the whore she would have looked like if hubby leaked it. Besides, its fiction. its not real.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

is only good for decoration. TK U MLJ LV NV

xtchrxtchrover 9 years ago

The underlying premise in the story is that she was in rehab in her past. If this wife actually loved her husband and family, why didn't she tell her boss to let everyone know that she was in rehab and to shove the job up his ass. It was a real weak idea for blackmail. She was in rehab years ago, so what. She has been off drugs for some years. She spread her legs and became a whore too easily.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

it makes the subject think what could be. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
were is the revenge

were is the revenge on the asshole spradling you let him get away not doing anything to him when you knew he forced her into doing this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Too generic,woman cheats they divorce pretty much tells the whole story

seekerazseekerazabout 9 years ago
no resolution. no emotion.

and what of Spaulding?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
What a total crock of horse manure.

So after being afraid that her husband will smear her name (he's actually blackmailing her) she sues Spradling and the Company bringing everything out into the open? That made no sense. And it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Any Court in the land gives her custody, use of the family home until the kids graduate, big alimony and child support (remember she doesn't have a job) and a big part of his retirement. I don't recall anything about a pre-nup so she would have gotten a share of the hardware store or used that as leverage to get and even bigger split of their marital assets. While this might have been a nice little fantasy, the reality was he got to see his kids every other weekend, 2 weeks in the summer and maybe on a few holidays or their birthdays - if she didn't really stick it to him. And she had him by the balls. This story was totally unbelievable and implausible. Couldn't enjoy it knowing it was just so far out there and wrong. No stars.

ErotFanErotFanalmost 9 years ago
Ended with a whimper

The story started off well but you seemed to lose intrest after the first hotel spying.

The energy went out of it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

She aggrandized her sexual encounters. Any sane woman who loved her husband and kids the way she professed to love them, would not have said what she said. Also, I don't see any woman, no matter how compromised she was, doing what she did. The plot makes for a good story but it ain't real life. Formulaic all the way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Helena Montana serial cheater


Details about serial cheating wife on her 3rd husband available on Facebook profile of

Former college instructor lost her job because of that info

Husband stayed with her. Not sure why. Do know he is a panty sniffer and for almost a year she made sure her panties were filled with two loads of one of her students seed. He would watch her bathe in prep for his Friday night bj with her panties pressed to his face. She expressed her delight in that fact in emails and IMs to her lover

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

U could have done a lot better than tie crap. And to tru storey bullshit. Y don't u take a smart pill and quit writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Anyone who spells TRUE STORY AS YOU DO tru storey is the one who needs a smart pill

I have researched the facts and someone is just giving karma an assist

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not a good ending

I like the way you write and have just about read all of the loving wives you written.

This one had a bad progession of things that is not very believable if he suspects something is going on. She was being blackmailed into doing what she did. Makes a big difference if he loved his wife like he professed. A reasonable person would have made her sit down and told her how the cow ate cabbage and what would happen if she didn'f tell him everything. Not pussy foot around saying I don't know what to do. He is just as guilty as she. This should have ended with after a period of time and counseling they would try to get past it. If they didn't so be it. Mainly because of the blackmail and the children. I think this deserves another and more appropriate ending. The stories don't have to end in divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Ending Was A Little Lacking

Why do people, especially women, fear the blackmail more than going to their husbands and together fight the scumbag behind the blackmail? To put the blackmailer ahead of her husband, children and marriage signals her willingness to forfeit them. Your ending needs some improvement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
To "the ending was a little lacking "

That's an interesting question. I don't think in real life a woman who really loves her husband and family would submit to blackmail. But I can say that I have experience with an ex who kept secret some things because she thought it would change how I felt about her. Ultimately it was her trying to hide who she was and how I found out what she was hiding from me that split us up. I honestly don't know if, had she just been upfront with me in the beginning, it would have worked out and we would be together. But the lack of faith to tell the truth is what ended it. I'm curious about what the women readers hear think.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Bullshit story

The whimp husband did nothing to the blackmailing Spradling! A real man would have beat the shit out of Spradling and his friends with a good alibi.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 7 years ago

Saying 'I have x years invested in...' as an argument to stay with a spouse who is a cheater makes as much sense as saying something like:

'I have x years invested with Enron, I'll stick with them no matter what.'

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Well that was a cluster fuck

Any dolt knows that she gets the house, full custody, alimony and child support in a divorce. Her adultery has nothing to do with the divorce. It's a no-fault world these days in divorce court. So unless he can show she's an alcoholic or a drug addict, he's toast which made this story ridiculous, even for a fantasy.

MartyMBMartyMBover 6 years ago
This one was painful to read

Its always fun to read that "She should have done...", especially since this is a story. But if I were recommending something, it would be that Ann needed to decide which was easier: getting a divorce and losing custody once her cheating was confirmed, or telling her husband and going through a really rough time, but *solving the problem!* I'd hope it was the latter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
1* Wimpy Cuck Crap

Wimp obtuse author just like the husband character.

Quadman07Quadman07over 6 years ago
Needs second chapter

needs more pages, in my opinion it is not a complete story

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Not really like this one. Reading three pages just to end up depressed is a drag.

JbRobertssonJbRobertssonabout 6 years ago
Sad story, but well written...

Can't see why she would succumb to his blackmail scheme: Husband already knew about the coke thing and she'd stopped doing it years before. So she did all that to save her job? Please. She agreed to do it because, in her mind, she could have some strange and it wouldn't really be her fault because her boss was making her do it.

It wasn't true, but she could rationalize it that way and not feel as guilty about cheating. He needed to give her the boot; sooner or later, she'll get over the divorce, start feeling good again, and start looking for some more parties. Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
This story really doesn't work

First of all her giving up the kids without a fight.2 . That Coke issue was a non issue. How could he use that as blackmail for sex since it was never documented and was in her past.3 then he brings other to fuck her and she goes along ,makes no sence . 5 years for blackmail ? And sex. .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Stupid story, unbelievable story line, unbelievable ending.

Just plain stupid through and through.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
No stars

He is a pompous turd

cub4acougarcub4acougaralmost 6 years ago
well done almost

cheaters should always know that there will be consequences

although i am disappointed that he let the asshole off and only punished the wife

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
She got blackmailed and he divorces her?

Wow. What an asshole.

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