The Devil's Pact Pt. 26


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"Sorry," Mary shrugged. "Alice has been bugging me all week to get together. There was nothing going on today, so I told her we could get together."

"Well, cancel and spend the day with me," I said, putting on my most winning smile.

Mary kissed me. "I'll only be a few hours."

"In that motel room?"

"Yeah," Mary frowned at my tone. I hadn't meant to come off cold, but I did. "What's wrong, Mark?"

"Oh, nothing, my fiancee's just all dolled up to go see her lover," I said, trying not to sound bitter.

"She's just my friend, Mark," she said, her voice tight.

"You don't spend hours in a motel room with someone who is 'just a friend,' Mary."

She drew in a deep breath, her face reddening. "What I do with my friends is none of your business, Mark."

"Well, I don't want you to go."

That was the wrong thing to say. Her face went red. "I'm not your slave, Mark! You made that choice and there's no going back."

I winced, guilt and hurt flooding thorough me. That one day where I controlled her like the sluts, the one day where I realized just how wrong it was. I freed her and she came back to me, but she never forgot. "Controlling you was a mistake. I'm sorry. Fuck, Mary, why can't you just drop it?"

She laughed, an angry, mocking laugh. "Then don't treat me like one of your whores! I can go when I want and do what I want, Mark."

"And I'm just supposed to be happy when you I see you all dolled up and off to see your lover?"

"I don't care about all the whores you fuck, Mark!"

"I don't love those whores, Mary!" I sucked in a breath, not sure how either of us became this angry, but the fury gripped me. That fucking Alice.

"How many times do I have to say I don't love her, Mark?"

"Maybe you should tell that to Alice."

She blinked, her forehead furrowing. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's as plain as day that she loves you, Mary. Open up your fucking eyes!"

Her nose flared and she tossed her mane of auburn hair. "Goodbye, Mark. Hopefully you want be such a dick when I get home." She slammed the door hard as she left the house.

"Goddammit," I muttered to myself.

The moment she was out the door, I regretted the entire fight. Why had I been such a jealous ass? I knew Mary loved me. I knew I shouldn't be jealous of Alice. But that memory of Alice glaring at me while I hugged Mary that day still galled me. Alice had been so possessive of Mary. Of my Mary. I wanted to track Alice down and set her straight, but that would only make Mary even angrier at me.

Mary didn't want her friend controlled, and I promised not to use my powers on her.

Fuck, I should go apologize to Mary. I walked to the door and burst out into the noon sun.

Her red Eos convertible raced down the street, her auburn hair blowing behind her in the breeze. I had seen her drive off angrily like that once before, at Spinnasse in Seattle, when I called her ugly. That had been the nun's foul spell talking, not my real feelings.

This time it was all me.

"Fuck, I'm an idiot."

* * *

Mary Sullivan -- Parkland, WA

I couldn't believe Mark. I wanted to claw his eyes out for being such a pigheaded fool. How could he be jealous of Alice?

She was just a friend. Sure, we had sex. But I was fucking my entire family now, and Mark's family as well. Sex had just become a way of showing any sort of affection for me. And it was Mark's own, horny fault I was this way. He showed me my true passions that day he controlled me. Yes, he showed me his love, but he also unveiled the taboo to me.

Wild, crazy, uninhibited sex. No boundaries. It was addicting using women we never met, watching them make love to each other, savoring their bodies. I went back to him as much for love as for his power and the sex.

But he wouldn't control me. I would do what the fuck I wanted. If I wanted to fuck Alice, I would. I would fuck her so hard. I would summon Lilith someone and get that dick I could have had instead of freeing Mark.

Then I would fuck Alice so hard with my dick.

I was furious the entire drive out to Parkland and the Blue Spruce Motel. Alice was already at the motel, in Room 15 according to her text. I parked my car and knocked on the door hard, he lock rattling.

"Ooh, someone's eager," purred Alice when she answered the door. She wore a black teddy trimmed in red lace. The material was transparent, her nipples shadowy-pink through the fabric. Both nubs hard.

Before she could say another word I was on her, kissing her, pouring out all my anger and frustration at Mark into her sweet, juicy lips. She moaned into the kiss as I pushing her back to the bed then gasped as she fell on it.

"Wow, someone is eager," she groaned, her thighs spreading.

"I am," I said as I reached for the flimsy, black panties she wore.


I ripped off her panties, exposing her shaved cunt. Without preamble, I dove into her tangy, sweet pussy, lapping angrily with my tongue. I took all my frustrations with Mark out on her delicious pussy, licking hard, making her gasp and squirm beneath my assault.

I wanted to slap Mark.

I growled into Alice's pussy, digging my tongue deeper, my nose bumping her clit. She bucked and shuddered on the bed, loving what I did to her. Alice's hands grasped her tits through her lingerie, squeezing them while her thighs clamped on my cheeks.

"Oh, yes, Mary. Oh, yes. Eat my pussy! I love it! You're so wonderful."

My tongue licked up to her clit. I sucked hard on it, bringing another gasp from her lips. Then I jabbed two fingers deep into her pussy, fucking them in and out of her so hard. Her pussy clamped down on my fingers as she bucked and gasped again.

"Oh, fuck!" Alice moaned. "Oh, yes, Mary! Fuck, eat my cunt! Oh, fuck! Oh, sweet Jesus, fuck!"

I assaulted her pussy, letting my anger with Mark vanish into her steamy cunt. This is what friends were for, helping each other deal with their problems. And right now, I needed to deal with the anger at my fiance. Feeling Alice's fingers in my hair, her sleek thighs on my cheek, and her juicy cunt on my lips dulled away my anger.

Replacing it with lust.

I kept tonguing her, my fingers slowing down. I didn't suck so hard on her clit, but she still loved it. She still moaned and gasped. My tongue kept licking her as my thoughts drifted from what I was doing back to Mark.

He was only jealous because he loved me. He just wanted to spend a quiet day with me. Maybe I could have just seen Alice another day? And maybe if he hadn't been such a dick about it, I very well might have.

"Oh, yes, Mary."

Alice's moans brought me back to her pussy. I was here to make love to Alice. Mark could wait until I returned home.

I pumped my fingers faster. Alice trembled and bucked. I sucked on her clit as I watched her breasts heave in her nightgown. Her dark hair tossed about her face as she writhed back and forth. And her moans. Such sweet moans.

I loved making a woman cum.

"That's it, slut," I grinned at her. "Mmm, let me hear you cum. I love making you cum."

I sucked on her clit again. She bucked. Her pussy clenched on my fingers, spasming with delight. I sucked harder on her clit, loving that I made her cum. Her body writhed on the bed as the pleasure burst through her.

"Oh yes! Oh, god fucking yes, Mary! Oh fuck, that's so amazing! Keep doing that. Oh, my sweet Mary, yes!"

Fresh juices flooded my mouth. I drank them down.

"Oh, my sweet Mary! How I love you!"

I blinked, my fingers freezing in mid pump. What did she just say? That she loved me?

Could Mark be right? No, that couldn't be it.

She only cried out that she loved me because I was licking her pussy and making her cum so hard. It was only the heat of the moment talking. I crawled up the bed and gave her a kiss on the lips, letting Alice taste her delicious pussy.

"Wow," she panted. "What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing," I sighed, nuzzling her neck.

"Tell me, I can see somethings bothering you."

"Just Mark," I said in irritation, not wanting to talk about it. Her words echoed in my mind, mixing with Mark's. They both gnawed at me. "We had a fight."

"Oh," she said, a hint of something in her voice. Hope? "What did you fight about?"

"About you." I swallowed. I needed to know. "Mark suddenly got real jealous and possessive. He told me not to come see you."

Alice reached over and touched my face. "Maybe it was a mistake that you got back together with him. I mean, he did dump you for that other chick. And said those mean things about you."

"That's not what happened." If I explained what happened, I would have to tell Alice about all of it, the devil's pact, mind control, demons. And I didn't want to. With Alice, I could almost pretend like I was a normal person. "It's not a mistake. We love each other."

"Then why is he telling you what to do?" Alice asked. "Why is he trying to control you? That doesn't sound like love."

I winced. He didn't do that. He set me free. Yes, he could be an ass sometimes, like today, but I was my own person. "It was just a stupid fight, Alice, He just wanted to spend the day with me and was disappointed that I made plans. And he's a little jealous of you. He thinks you're in love with me." I forced a light-hearted laughed. "Silly, right? I tried to tell him we were just friends."

I tensed, waiting for her response.

Alice bit her lip, but didn't laugh.

"Right, we're just friends, Alice?" Please, don't let Mark be right.

Alice suddenly kissed me. "Oh, Mary. I've loved you ever since I saw you naked that day when I slept over." She kissed me again. I was too stunned to resist. "I'm leaving Dean. It's over between us." She clasped my hand.

What was going on here? My jaw dropped. My stomach squirmed.

"Mary, I love you so much. More than Mark could possibly love you. I wouldn't need any other woman but you. Or a man. We can be together and be happy. I would never make you cry and cheat on you, like Mark."

The way she said his name, so full of contempt and hatred. I loved Mark. How could she despise him so much? "But..." I tried to think, to wrap my brain about what was going on. "You can't..."

"I'm tired of meeting in motel rooms," Alice pressed on. "I want the world to know about us."

"But I don't love you, Alice." The words hung between us for a moment, so I quickly added, "I mean, I had a lot of fun with you."

"Fun?" Alice had an icy tone to her words and she let go of my hands. "That's all this was? Just fun? What about the connection? The intimacy? I thought we meant something to each other."

"That came out wrong," I said, struggling to find the right words to calm Alice down. Why had I said it so flippantly. "We have something. We're friends, we help each other out. We make each other feel better."

"Well I want more, Mary," she said, grasping my hand again, clutching me with desperate longing. "I need you, Mary. I can't share you with him." She made "him" sound like a dirty word. "To think about him on you, inside you. I thought I finally had you last week, and yet you stayed with him. He's wrong for you, Mary. Can't you see that?"

"And you're right for me?" I demanded, suddenly angry at Alice for putting me in this situation. "Christ, Alice. We just meet in a motel a few times a week to fuck, and you want me to run off with you? You want me to give up the person I love most in the world for someone I just fuck?"

There was hurt in Alice's eyes. "Please, Mary. You have to see what a bastard he is. He uses women. How can you love a man like that?"

I frowned. She wasn't wrong. "That doesn't change how I feel, Alice. I love him."

"Then go!" she shrieked, her eyes wild, hurt. "Go back to him and be his whore! Go and let him drag you down into his filth! I won't be there to catch you when he casts you aside for whatever cunt gets his dick hard next week."

I couldn't believe I had to storm off for a second time today. Why did she think she could seduce me from Mark? How could she not see how much I loved him? Why couldn't she just be my friend instead of wanting more?

I slammed the door of my Eos and squealed the tires as I tore off out of the parking lot. This was supposed to be a quiet, relaxing Wednesday. Not the frustrating and confusing mess that it had become. Behind me, the bodyguards were racing to catch up, their sirens blaring as I floored it down Pacific Avenue.

* * *

Sister Theodora Mariam

I took in a deep breath. The slamming door announced the time had come for me to act. The argument in Room 15 ended. Now I had to do my part to defeat Mark Glassner and his whore.

I stood from the bed and walked out of my motel room. I had waited in the room just like the angel Ramiel had instructed me. Now, as the angel predicted, it was the time for me to act. The maid's keys jingled as I pulled them out of my pocket and clutched them in my sweaty hand. The maid was gagged and handcuffed in the back of the motel room, being babysat by Duncan and Irene, two of the SWAT officers under my control. King and Dennis, the other two, waited in the SWAT van around the corner.

Last night, my Sisters and I took control of the remaining eight SWAT officers, giving us four each. Isabella and Agnes waited near Mark Glassner's house with their men. There was only one thing left to do to set the angel's plans into motion.

Today, Mark Glassner's villainy would end. He and his whore would die for their sins, and I would free Sister Louise Afra from their foul clutch.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping out into the sunny, June day. I was dressed in the maid's clothing, a gray smock with a white apron, the type of uniform a maid would wear at any motel. I took the four steps to reach Room 15's door.

I took another deep breath to calm my roiling stomach, and then I slipped the maid's keys into the lock. I twisted the key, my palms sweaty. The SWAT officers were the back up. The spell I would cast in this room should lead to Mark's downfall.

"Housekeeping," I announced, slipping into the room.

On the bed lay a woman in a black teddy, her thighs spread apart and naked. She gasped and yanked up her covers across her lap. She had beautiful, black hair that framed what would have been a pretty face.

Instead she was a puffy mess from crying, black mascara leaving unsightly streaks down her cheeks, her hazel eyes were bloodshot. She wiped at her eyes and sniffed loudly, staring at me with shock. "What? Don't you knock?"

"Sorry," I lied. "Oh, sweetie, what's wrong?" I asked, using my motherly voice. It had been so long since I comforted my own daughters. Tears misted my eyes. I blinked them away as I sat on the edge of the bed. "Huh, sweetie?"

"Nothing," she said, wiping at her tears. "Just, just leave."

"I'm Theodora. What's your name, sweetie?"


I grabbed her hand. I needed to perform the Qannow spell on her when she was at her most emotionally vulnerable. It would turn her into a weapon against the Warlocks. I didn't want to do this, it felt wrong, but the angel's assured me it was the best way. All our other methods had failed.

So I scooted closer. I put on my most motherly smile. "You can tell me."

" girlfriend left me," she sobbed, her face breaking with pain. "I...we..."

"Oh, sweetie." My heart broke for her. I hugged her to my chest. Her tears wetted the front of my smock as I held her. "That's terrible. Why did she leave such a beautiful girl like you?"

She sniffed and answered with a bitter stain to her voice, "Her fiancee. She just wanted to fool around with me." She sniffed again. "'It was just fun,' Mary said." More sobs wracked the woman's body. I stroked her hair. "I thought we had something!"

"I bet you would do anything to be with her?" I asked, my heart hammering.

"I love her," she moaned. "I love her so much! I would do anything to have my Mary back!"

"Qannow," I whispered.

White light engulfed us both--the prayer's manifestation. Alice stiffened in my arms. The white light sank into her body. Her aura flared golden bright for a heartbeat before fading back into silver. She pulled away from me. Her tears stopped.

"I...I have to go," Alice said. "I needed to get something from home. And then Mary and I can be together."

I sighed in relief. I stood and slipped out of the room as Alice dressed. My stomach roiled with nerves. I couldn't wait for this to be done. No mission had ever stressed me out so much as this one. The angel Ramiel told me the plan should be guaranteed to succeed. Alice, under the Qannow spell would stop the Warlocks. Then I wouldn't have to unleash the SWAT officers and their van full of weapons.

I reached the motel room. "Let's go."

The two SWAT officers--dressed in their black fatigues and body armor, their MP5 sub-machine gun's dangling from straps across their torsos--nodded. They had black ski masks and black helmets and looked positively terrifying. Both were big, even Irene, and the body armor and gear only made them bulkier.

People would die if I unleash them. I didn't want that blood on my hands.

They followed me to the waiting SWAT van without a word, slaves to my will. It was cruel, but they were first made slaves by Mark. And once he was defeated, they would be freed. To defeat evil we had to use its weapons.

I stepped into the back of the blue SWAT van. King tossed me a spare flak jacket. It was heavy and tight on my chest. I velcroed the straps, hating how it squeezed my breasts. Then I put on the helmet. It felt even heavier than the body armor as I strapped it tightly under my chin.

"Let's go," I ordered and Dennis started the van.

It would all be over soon.

* * *

Mark Glassner -- South Hill, WA

I picked up the phone a dozen times to call Mary and apologize for the fight.

And set it right back down.

I didn't want her to get angrier with me for interrupting them while they had their fun. It still left a bitter taste in my mouth, but Mary was right. I had the opportunity to keep her as my slave and I chose to give her back her freedom. And that meant she could do things I didn't want her too.

I had to trust her.

"Master," Jessica said as she walked into the living room. "Debra Horne-Dannell from Q13 Fox is doing a story on you. She wants to get some B-roll of the house."

I frowned at Jessica, "What?"

"They want to film the outside of the house for the story," Jessica answered. "It's very common to collect B-roll. And the story will be a good piece."

"Yeah, sure," I said dismissively. I didn't give a flying fuck right now.

"Then I'll let the guards at the entrance know," Jessica said with a smile.

I grunted and stared at my phone again. What if I sent Mary a text message? I know it wasn't the most personal way to apologize. But I just wanted to let Mary know I was sorry. Plus, a text was less likely to interrupt her and Alice.

The front door banged open. I looked up hopefully at the small hallway that led to the front door. A moment later, Mary slumped into the living room looking miserable. It hadn't been that long since she left. I mean, it felt almost like an eternity to me, but really it was only an hour. Clearly her...whatever with Alice didn't go well.

I stood up, swallowing. For a moment as we stared at each other, an awkward silence choking the air. "Mare, I'm sorry," I said finally, beating down my fear. "I was an asshole. I can't tell you what to do. That's wrong. I'm sorry."

She sighed and rushed to me, her arms throwing around my neck. Her flowery perfume filled my nose--intoxication. She was in my arms. I hadn't fucked things up. Such relief flowed through me, melting away all the tension.

"It's fine," Mary sighed.

"It's not fine." I stared into her green eyes. "I love you and I have to trust you. I believe you when you say you don't love Alice. I'm sorry for getting jealous."
