The Remote Cabin Pt. 02


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Milla turned her head, looking at her with a bright smile. When she frowned, Angelica suddenly worried that Milla had seen the lust in her eyes, or the hard nipples despite the heat. Releasing her breath when Milla smiled, Angelica walked towards her friend. As she did, Milla said, "I know you sometimes do massages naked, but did you know how much this belt looks like a garter belt, and this excess length looks like an untied suspender?"

Angelica stopped walking and looked down at herself. Laughing, she nodded. "You're right! And no, I've never noticed it. Hopefully nobody else did!"

The light mood, as the two girls laughed together, helped Angelica to clear her mind for a few moments. But as soon as her hands touched her friend's skin, all of her professional experience and training evaporated. "What's wrong with me?" she thought, aware of the fact that she had massaged Milla countless times in the past, without any problems at all.

Each and every time she had been fascinated by her beauty, had definitely felt some lust as she did it, but today... Once more she looked at Milla's ass and had to resist the temptation to bury her face between those buttocks. She did her best to concentrate as she felt every inch of that pale gold skin under her fingers and palms.

At one point, when she used her forearms to massage her legs, she leaned forward over Milla and very nearly kissed her thigh. She knew that the elbow massage on the thighs was one of Milla's favorite moves, and she had to do it. But damn, it was hard to concentrate! She knew that her own body was hot, not just warm, and that she was beginning to sweat. Closing her eyes, taking yet another deep breath, Angelica did her best to survive the following hour.

Midway through the massage, she paused; it was time to ask Milla to turn on her back. Sighing, she asked. Her friend woke from a relaxed daze and turned around. When Milla closed her eyes with a faint smile as soon as she was settled, she gave Angelica exactly what she wanted, and feared. Standing there, looking at her friend's body glowing in the sun, Angelica knew she could look and stare as long as she wished. She began with Milla's feet, trying not to look up at her thighs, pussy, soft belly and breasts. Or even her calves, hips, arms or that glorious mane of blonde hair overflowing down the table.

For a while it worked. Milla had pretty nice feet, but Angelica hadn't the faintest trace of a foot fetish, so it was safe. On the other hand, she knew she was stealing glances at her friend's completely shaven pussy. Normally Angelica hated that new fad. But now... Now, as she moved upwards on Milla's calves and thighs, she simply couldn't take her eyes away from that nude pussy. The long silence becoming too heavy, Angelica tried to change tactic and asked her friend, "So, what's up with that shave?" She tried keeping her tone light and probably succeeded.

Milla opened her eyes, grinning. "I knew you'd ask about it... Well, I don't have any deep philosophical reasons for it my dear. It just crossed my mind yesterday. I did it on the bank, under the sun."

"Hmm, impulsive decision? That's sooo not like you Caryamia!" Angelica replied, laughing.

Milla laughed with her friend. "Haha! Touché! But I swear Angelica... you really should try it. You may be offended by what I'm about to say, but you've never been as naked as I am right now..."

"Ha! that's not right... It's just that you have a convoluted notion of nudity. Nudity is not showing skin, it's showing your body for what-"

"Oh I know Angelica..." Milla interrupted her friend. "But you know that feeling when you remove all your clothes after a long day and sit in a couch? That amazing and liberating feeling that you're finally all naked? Well, shaving my pussy had that effect for me..." Milla paused, closed her eyes yet grinned as she said, "Aren't you game? I could lend you my razor."

Angelica laughed at her friend's weak attempt at goading her. She simply shook her head, smiling. "Well, you know that won't work... But I do confess that it's not all that bad. In fact, Karina, one of my old lovers, would have loved it. She tried to convince me to shave mine, in vain... She really tried her best! If you ever meet Karina, don't mention it, or let her see your pussy! She'll spend the rest of the day trying to seduce you!"

Laughing, Milla said, "I'll try and remember this if I do meet her. But I wouldn't worry; if any woman could ever seduce me, it would be you."

Surprised, shocked even, Angelica replied in as calm a voice as she could muster, "Thanks... That's the strangest compliment I ever received!" Looking at her friend's body on the table, it was all she could do to refrain from opening Milla's thighs and eating her shaven pussy until she came!

Angelica tried to clear her mind. But to her surprise the mental image of shaving her pussy with Milla next to her out there on the bank seemed appealing. Immediately her mind tried to rationalize it. Milla was right; she had never tried it. What's the worst that could happen? If she didn't like it she'd simply have to let it grow back... And all those people at the colony that would see it, well they'd just have to deal with it. A few minutes later, in the silence, Angelica simply said, "Ok, I'll try it."

Milla smiled as she heard the answer, then settled down to enjoy the massage. And think about what had happened during the the last hour. Earlier, just before the massage when Milla had seen Angelica walking out of the cabin, the first thought that had crossed her mind was that Angelica had decided to wear a garter belt. A moment later she had recognized her friend's massage harness. She had laughed as she had made the comment, but now admitted to herself that for that brief moment, something had stirred inside her. The sight of Angelica walking towards her dressed in an overtly sexy way had, for the very first time, kindled something new.

During the flood of questions she had asked her friend earlier, Milla had found herself extremely intrigued and fascinated by the answers. Sometimes Milla allowed herself to fantasize about a threesome with another woman, and even had a few lesbian fantasies. But never had the thought of actually living them even crossed her mind. But now... It was as if Angelica's answers had removed a veil, revealing a very real world of love and lust between women.

When Angelica had replied, "Blonde, of course..." with that smile, Milla had been shocked. Not by the answer, but by the way her body reacted to the answer. She had been absentmindedly playing with one of her very own blonde locks as she asked, and laughed with Angelica. Usually, she never really thought about Angelica's bisexuality, nor the possibility that her friend could be attracted to her. She knew Angelica thought she was beautiful and desirable; an intoxicated evening a few years ago had made that pretty clear. Yet now, for the first time, she really thought about it.

After the harness-garter belt comment, Milla had looked right into Angelica's eyes as her friend walked towards her. And there it had been. Angelica could argue, dissemble and play devil's advocate with the best of them in a discussion, but she couldn't hide her eyes. In that brief moment, maybe three seconds before she was too close to look, Milla had seen desire in her friend's eyes. Yet more than simple lust.

That one discovery had changed everything for Milla. It was not because it had bothered her; she had many male friends whom she knew for a fact were in love with her. As long as they kept those feelings for themselves it wasn't an issue. And Angelica had never revealed anything. Anything at all.

No, what had changed was how Milla felt. In her little box of toys she had male masturbator; an awful name for a fake pussy. She'd bought it to play with one of her boyfriends a while ago. Since then, during the few times when she fantasized about having sex with women, she'd grab it and imagined that she was eating a real pussy. Or feeling one against her own.

Right now, lying on the table with her head sideways, looking right at Angelica's very real pussy, her imagination went into sudden overdrive. Her faceless and nameless female lover was suddenly very real, in the naked flesh right next to her. "Oh dear Gods..." she thought. "Now is the very worst possible time to be thinking about this."

When Angelica had placed her hands upon her, with all that lube, Milla had had to contain a strange laugh. She had wanted to express and contain pleasure, she had felt nervous and lustful all at the same time. Yet as time went on, Milla had relaxed knowing that Angelica had no idea what was going on in her mind. Nevertheless, Milla had stolen quite a few glances at her friend's pussy and ass as she moved around her, something she had never done in the past. Well, maybe not never, she admitted to herself. But never this often, nor this intensely.

When Angelica had asked her to turn around, she knew she had to be careful. Her pussy had already been moist, and she'd had to clear her head of any stray thought. Angelica hadn't been about to massage her there, but since she was shaven, it was quite possible that, if ever she became really wet, that it would be visible. Oh dear... When she had briefly rubbed her breasts after having them squashed under her, she had realized that her nipples were hard. Despite the warmth.

After a relatively long silence, Milla had been thankful when Angelica had begun talking. Yet when she had understood that Angelica had wanted to talk about her pussy, Milla had known she was in trouble. She had done her best to try and control her voice. Then, to her dismay, she had somehow said to Angelica that she was the only woman who could ever seduce her. "Damn it, what's wrong with me?" she had thought, half angry and half ready to laugh at herself.

As she was still reeling from this, Angelica said that she wanted to shave her pussy. Milla didn't know it, but the image that appeared in her mind, of her and Angelica shaving her pussy on the bank, was very nearly the same that Angelica herself was having. For the first time in her life, she wanted to see another pussy. Another pussy naked. In fact, she specifically wanted to see Angelica's pussy naked.

A deep breath later, she tried her best to think of something else, anything else. When she heard the strange, wet sound of Angelica's empty bottle of lube, she thought she'd have a few minutes alone to gather herself and clear her mind. Boy was she wrong. Instead of a quiet moment, she found herself staring at Angelica's curvy body as she walked towards the cabin.

The long and thick curly mane of brown hair, the delicate line of her waist and that ass... Her eyes devoured the very nice buttocks of her friend, with her smooth dark skin, generous hips and that line beneath the round flesh... The apple of her ass, that line between the buttocks and the thigh, appeared and disappeared with her every step, making her ass melt into her thigh then reform. That wave of flesh on each side, each mesmerizing, each mouth watering...

Despite her wild sexual creativity with her boyfriends, despite her toys and all the rest, Milla realized that she hadn't explored every facet of her sexuality. She was now burning inside for a woman, like she had only burned for men before. In the few moments she had while Angelica was out of her sight, Milla wondered if she should put and end to the massage.

But then Angelica got back out, a goddess walking on the earth's green grass. With that mane of hers pushed back by the breeze, Milla could see her friend's breasts in all their glory. They were big, nicely proportioned to her frame, and right now they seemed to be dancing with her every step. The bounce was just flawless. Usually, women with large breasts had to find bras that were just firm enough to give that magic bounce. Milla cherished the bras that did that for her. But Angelica seemed to have breasts that did this naturally. If Milla didn't know, better, she'd wonder if they were fake. But they were not fake... They were glorious.

Looking down, overlooking the soft belly with just enough of a curve, Milla's eyes fell onto her friend's pussy. Her mouth opened slightly, barely believing what she felt. Broken out of her reverie by Angelica's fumble, she saw her friend trip on the brach of a bush and drop the bottle of oil she was unwrapping.

Milla saw Angelica, without even thinking about, drop on all fours and reach inside the shrubbery to try and get her bottle. Milla, unable to turn away, had a perfect view of Angelica's ass, pussy and asshole. The thought that her friend did shave part of her bush passed fleetingly through her mind; she had no hair on her inner thighs, nor around her anus.

But soon a firestorm bloomed inside her mind as she sat up on the table to get a better view. She began breathing deeper and faster, knew that her heart was beating faster as well. Cutting through all the surprise and hesitation, the image she saw in her mind was very, very clear. For the first time in her life she thought about using her strap-on on a woman, this woman. Right now. When Angelica finally got up, Milla quickly turned around and lay back down on her belly. She feared that Angelica would notice the warmth of her body, notice her increased breathing or the glistening of her pussy. As Angelica returned, Milla tried smiled innocently, but doesn't say a word.

Because she was so focused on her predicament, Angelica only realized that she was offering quite the view to Milla as she straightened up. A bit self-conscious, as there were limits to nudism, she grinned as she walked towards the table. She was surprised to see that Milla was now back on her belly, and glad that she most likely hadn't seen a thing.

It was strange though, as Milla usually loved when she worked on the front of her thighs, her belly and even pectorals. Few massage therapists agreed to work on the pectoral muscles of women, and those who did were usually uncomfortable doing it. Or, for male therapist, some of them wanted to do it a bit too much... Usually Angelica didn't mind doing it, but today, if Milla didn't want it, all the better.

Sadly, what little hope Angelica had of getting through this massage all-right vanished as soon as soon as she put her hands back on her friend's skin. She really tried her best: closing her eyes, trying to do it while thinking about something else, imagining that Milla was one of her ugly clients... Nothing was working. She was just about ready to confess everything to her friend, apologizing for the fact that she couldn't do it. And it's then that her hand slipped too far across Milla's back and she ended up feeling most of her friend's breast under her fingers.

Angelica was already hot, covered with a fine sheen of sweat, her heart was pumping faster than usual, her nipples were erect and her pussy warming up way too fast. When she felt the side of her friend's breast under her hand, warm and soft and intoxicating, every one of those things catalyzed. Before she could stop herself, she pulled her hand away and slid it all the way down her back until she stopped it on Milla's ass. She had touched and massaged it often, even in the last hour. This was different.

She had heard Milla's small gasp when she had touched her breast, but the blonde hadn't moved, nor talked. Now, as her fingertips slid just a bit too far between her buttocks, Angelica heard her friend's intake of air. But immediately after the surprise, she heard Milla moaning and felt her arching her ass against her hand. In a fraction of a second everything changed and Angelica pushed her fingers deeper, sliding directly against Milla's pussy. Milla moaned again and Angelica whispered, "Oh Caryamia..."

Angelica closed her fingers around Milla's bald pussy, feeling her friend's lips, surprised at their warmth and wetness. Angelica smiled as she realized that she hadn't seduced an innocent girl against her will. By this simple contact, Angelica learned that Milla had been fighting her own feelings all through this massage. For a long while, Milla moaned and pushed back against Angelica's hand, but didn't turn her head, keeping it firmly in the table's hole. As Angelica's mind managed to emerge from the overwhelming sensations and surprise, she began wondering why Milla hadn't turn around.

While she was doing her best to pleasure her friend and beginning to discover what she liked most, Angelica moved sideways and crouched. Very close to Milla's head, she whispered, "Are you sure about this my love?" She had never called her that before, and now did so on purpose. In this position she had less control over her hand and fingers, and Milla, instead of replying, grabbed her forearm and pulled her back to where she had been.

Smiling, Angelica stood up and focussed her entire being into pleasuring Milla as best she could. It didn't take long. Clearly, Milla had been keyed up and excited for a long while. Probably the entire massage. Angelica watched, amazed, her hand disappearing between the cheeks of Milla's amazing ass. She saw it pushing upwards, arching into the most mesmerizing flesh she had ever seen.

With her other hand, she kept massaging it, but now it was very different. She was drunk of the feeling of Milla's muscles, flesh and skin between her fingers, seeing the wave of flesh as she slipped her hand up and down. She even dared to graze her anus with her thumb, knowing that it was one of Milla's little fetish.

As soon as she did, she felt and heard her friend's climax hitting her. Even though she had both her hands on her skin and was the cause of this orgasm, Angelica was blown by the sight of Milla's body while she climaxed. She already found her very beautiful, but had never seen her this alive, this brightly exploding in lust and pleasure. Trying to match the intensity of the fading pleasure with her fingers, Angelica allowed Milla as much time as her body needed, helping her to stretch her orgasm as long as possible.

"Oh by all the dearest Gods..." were Milla's first words.

"Glad you liked it..." was Angelica's lightly spoken answer, uncertainty clear in her voice.

Milla finally lifted herself from the table and twisted on her side, supporting her head with her hand. Looking straight into Angelica's eyes with a languorous smile, she said, "Oh my dear friend... Why haven't we done this before?"

Angelica was taken aback by the question. "What? It's because you're straight!" she replied, laughing.

"Haha! Damn! I'm not anymore!... Or at least I don't think I am." After a pensive pause, she added, "How long have you been wanting to do this?"

"Would it be cliche to say that it was from the moment I met you?"

"Damn... I'm sorry it took me so long." Milla replied.

"Oh well, it's not the first time I've fallen in love with a straight woman!" When Milla paused and didn't answer, Angelica realized just what she had actually said. "Oh fuck..." she said, getting up and pacing, "did I really say that?"

"Yes you did..." said Milla, getting up and taking Angelica in her arms for a long hug. "But we'll leave that part for later... Tonight with a bottle of wine?" Instead of giving Angelica time to reply, Milla said, "For now, all I want to think about is how I want to fuck you. That orgasm was wonderful!"

Trying to hold on to the rocking boat this conversation had turned into, Angelica replied, "Well, you can't be a lesbian massage therapist and not get good at this..."

Milla laughed, hugged her friend again and kissed her on the lips. "Hmmm, I know I'll want more of these too!" she finished by kissing her quickly again. "But now, I want to throw you on my bed and take you, take all of you!"