The Return of Molly Minx


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"Right." He gestured for Malcolm to come down to his level and whispered something to him.

Malcolm burst out laughing, "Oh, don't worry about that, Brian! Sarah will help you out, she'll put those red lips around you and you'll be harder than you've ever been! Trust me, that girl could suck a dead man hard."

"Nice." I muttered as Brian turned beet red.

"Not only that, but," Malcolm gestured to me, "That's Molly Minx, Brian." He whistled, "Molly fucking Minx! Look at her! She's the hottest, sexiest, woman you've ever seen isn't she?"

"Yes." Brian said softly, "But..."

"No buts!" Malcolm cut him off. "Know why she's here, Brian? She is here to fuck you! Molly Minx is going to do every damned dirty thing you've ever seen her do and to you! Right here, right now! And she's going to play your favorite woman while doing it."

"Brian, I want you to think about it. Think about her going down on you, fucking you in every position, giving you the wildest ride of your life! Best part? Its up to you! Slower, softer, harder, she's all yours, Brian. Want to cum in her mouth? On her face?"

"She's right here." I sighed, earning a grin from Dan. Christ, Malcolm sounded as bad as Brad right now.

"No, I wouldn't treat my mother like that." Brian said so seriously I would have laughed if Malcolm didn't look like he was losing his patience.

"Fine, no money shot, it's your show." He rubbed his hand through his hair in exasperation.

"Brian, imagine down the line your friends see this video. They're going to see you, yes you, fucking Molly Minx. They're going to see plain old boring Brian getting his cock sucked by the hottest milf in porn!"

"They're going to see you licking her pussy, see her cum for you! You fucking her, pounding her, giving it to her good and her loving it. You'd be a goddamn hero! Brian, life doesn't get better than this! You're going to get laid with a woman tens of thousands of guys have whacked off to, come on kid, let's do this!"

Brian looked down at his feet and then looking up nervously said, "It's not about the sex."

"What?" Malcolm shook his head, "Of course it is! I know it's about other stuff, but you didn't come here to..." He stopped when Dan, sensing the impending explosion, grabbed his arm and shook his head.

"This isn't going to work, Malcolm, kid's way to green. You've been doing this so long you think anyone can do it."

Malcolm met his gaze then, his shoulders slumping, he sighed, "Okay, this isn't working. You can get dressed Brian, I'll see you get home and forget about the money, the price of learning a lesson on my end."

"I'm sorry, I just didn't think it would be so...real." He looked around, then giving me a sad smile said, "It's not you, Molly, you're beautiful."

"Thank you, sweetie." I beamed at him.

"Um, what about pay? Molly did spend some time here." Dan spoke up.

"We'll work something out." Malcolm said something else, but all I heard was Brian's words as he continued to speak to me.

"You look a lot like my mom; she's all I think about. I just wanted to love her somehow even if it wasn't real."

Between the sincere emotion in his voice and the look on his face, my heart melted. I wanted to go up to him and take him in my arms. Hug him; tell him it would be okay, just like I would Paul when he was upset. All moms's always made it better for their sons, but in Brian's case he wanted it in a way he could never talk about and his mother could never know.

I'd always thought the mother thing was twisted; a sick plot device to appeal to perverts looking for the ultimate kink. But seeing his frustration and the lost look in his eyes, I realized it was real. Real and painful, the ultimate unrequited love.

"Hold on." I spoke up, "Malcolm, you and Dan go sit down." I pointed off set. "Let me take care of this."

"Don't worry, I'll pay you something." Malcolm said.

I took a couple more steps back and beckoned for him to follow. When he reached me I spoke quietly, "Go sit down, I'll make this happen."

"Look Molly, you and Dan were right. I screwed up and I know it may not seem it, but I feel bad for Brian. Its not just about the shoot, I thought this would be good for him in a way."

"I agree, but you can't get him to perform, I can." I looked back over at Brian who was talking to Dan, but still had that sad puppy dog look on his face. "This needs a woman's touch; a mothers."

"Interesting choice of words." He cocked his eyebrows.

"Don't read anything in to them." I warned. "In fact you want this to happen, you stay quiet."

"Okay, no more questioning your mother status."

He gave me a sly smile, that made me think of walking off the set and saying screw it, but another glance at the dejected Brian once again pulled at my heart strings and I brushed off his remark, but delivered my terms.

"No, I mean you don't say a word the rest of the shoot and you tell Dan the same."

"I'm the damned director and I'm paying everyone here for what I want." He said testily.

"And I am the only person here who can get you what you want, but it has to be this way." I sighed, "Malcolm this isn't about whose dick is bigger, okay? You scare the shit out of the kid; the camera guy makes him nervous for God's sake."

"You want this to be real, right? Well let it be real. I did over fifty shoots before I was that kids age and over a hundred before I quit and a couple dozen since I've been back. I know what I'm doing."

"Literally yes, but..."

"I can lead him along, Malcolm; I can make him come to mommy to use an expression you'd like. But I won't be able to keep him going if you're barking orders and telling us to stop. The cameraman knows what he's doing, right?"

"Josh is one of the best."

"Then he doesn't need your help either. Trust me, I will get you what you want. I will get you a hot sexy shoot that looks more real than anything you've seen, but only if you let me handle it my way. He'll respond to me and not just between his legs, but here." I tapped my breast. "He wants a mother figure who's also a lover and I can be that."

"Okay, I'm coming around." He nodded.

"Speaking of coming around," I continued, "That coming in my mouth and on my face shit, may not happen. You want real? What kid who's that in love with his mother blows a load on her face? At least first time out anyway."

"Fine." He rolled his eyes, "But I'm not paying for a damn vanilla lovemaking session either."

"You'll get your money's worth, Malcolm. I'll make sure it's hot, but don't expect him to be calling me his damn whore."

"Agreed." He shrugged, "Anything you can get is better than nothing; it's your show, Molly."

I smiled tightly wondering why the hell I hadn't just taken the out and wandered off with a few hundred for showing up and trying. Malcolm waved for Dan to follow him and watching Brian sitting there looking as if someone had told him there was no Santa Claus reminded me I was doing this to try to help him over an unhealthy obsession that would eventually taint his love for his mother.

"Stay close, we'll be rolling again soon." I said to the cameraman.

"Take your time." He gave me a deliberate look up and down and winked, "You're one of my favorites and this is my first chance to watch you."

"Always nice to meet a fan," I remarked dryly.

I walked over to Brian and squatted down between his legs. It was a sexy position and I'd chosen it on purpose to give him a chance to look down into my bra and get him thinking about something other than his nerves.

"Hey, Brian, I know you're upset, but I'd like to talk to you for a minute, that okay?"

"Sure." He nodded, and to my delight his eyes immediately fixed on my cleavage.

"Would you like me to put my dress back on?" I smiled up at him, "So you'll feel more comfortable?"

"Uh, no you can stay like that." He blushed, "I mean if you're more comfortable."

"I am." I nodded, "Do you like how I look, Brian?"

"Oh yeah." He nodded with comical enthusiasm.

"Think I'm hot?"

"You know you are." He gave me a small smile, not much, but a start.

"I guess I do, but only because young guys like you love to watch me. Would you like to watch me, Brian? Would you like to watch me with you?" I put my hands on his thighs and gave them a squeeze.

"You're pretty hot yourself, honey."

"You're just saying that."

"Not at all, come on, be honest you do just fine with the girls don't you?"

"I used to." He looked away, "Haven't been with anyone in awhile."

"Why not?"

"Because I just keep thinking of my mom." He lowered his voice even more. "I'd think about my mom when I'd have sex with my girlfriend and that's not right. Not fair to her so I broke up with her and can't be with anyone, she's all I think about."

Again the sadness in his voice made me simply want to take him in my arms and not in the way Malcolm wanted me to. Then again, why couldn't I? He wanted real. I stood up and sliding back onto his leg put my arms around his neck pulling him into my embrace.

"Aw, honey." I said softly in his ear, "You're so sweet."

"You think that's sweet?" he asked. I felt his hands on my hips, but he moved them as quickly as he'd placed them there.

"You can touch me, Brian. I'm here for you to touch me anyway you want and I'd love a hug from such a sweet young man."

Brian paused, but then caused me to smile when he put his arms around my back, returning my embrace.

"Roll." I heard Malcolm call out, "We'll edit later, I want this shot."

Brian tensed at the sound of his voice and quickly removed his arms from around me.

"Good work." I heard Dan crack.

"Ignore him," I whispered, "Please touch me again? I liked you holding me."

"Really?" He sounded dubious, "This is a job for you, isn't it?"

"It is." I agreed, "I won't lie. But this is a special one, its one I can enjoy."

"Why would you?" He asked, but placed his hands on my hips and this time moved them up and down a few inches, caressing my sides.

"That's it, touch me." I purred, "Nice and easy, just get used to feeling me." I sighed in his ear, "I want you to feel me, baby and I want to feel you."


"Because this is my job, Brian. You've seen my movies, this is what I do, but I don't really like it. The guys I work with? I'm a piece of meat to them and they treat me that way. They get paid, but they get to fuck me and I have to deal with it. It's not very sexy."

"You look like you like it." He pointed out.

"That's why its acting." I replied while running my fingers up through his thick black hair, "But you? Honey, you're so sweet and I like that you're nervous, but best of all? I love how you look at me, like you really think I'm beautiful and you really want me."

"You are." He relaxed against me. "You remind me of my mom, not just you kind of look like her, but you look at me like you care."

"I do." I eased back from him, but kept my hands on his shoulders. "I want you to have what you want, honey."

"I can't." He sighed, "Not for real."

"And that's what makes you so sweet, Brian. You love your mom so much, want her so bad, but you won't tell her because you know it would upset her so you're in all this pain because you love her too much to hurt her."

"I guess so." he nodded slowly.

"And know what?" I gave him a sly smile and lowered my voice to Molly's trademark smoky purr. "That turns me on, honey. A boy that loves his mother that much is damned sexy to me."

"It is?" His green eyes widened, "Seriously?"

"Oh, fuck yeah." I cooed and working my hips rubbed my crotch on his bare leg.

I moaned and it wasn't forced. I wasn't blowing smoke up his ass, the thought of taking this sweet kid and giving him everything he'd fantasized about was turning me on. As had happened many times recently and all the time years ago, Mary was handing over the reins to Molly.

But in this case not completely, Molly was my porn persona, a sex driven wildcat looking to take Brian on the ride of a lifetime, but it was Mary's emotions driving this, my desire to make Brian feel better. The only way I could do it was for the first time I could remember let Mary and Molly exist at the same time.

"You feel that?" I ground my crotch harder into his leg, "Feel how wet I am?"

"Yes." The word was barely audible and his eyes had lowered to my tits where my now hard nipples were visible through the lace.

"Trade secret." I winked, "Most porn stars need lube because we're not turned on doing this so we don't get wet." I pushed hard against his leg, "I feel turned on to you?"

Brian nodded, then gasped when I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and tugged on it, "How about we take this off so I get to feel something too?"

With no hesitation he raised his arms, allowing me to peel his shirt off. As it was going over his head, I glanced quickly at Malcolm and Dan. Dan was smiling away and Malcolm gave me a silent hand clap.

I tossed the shirt to the side and rubbed my hands across his chest.

"Hmm, trust me, honey, this is a treat for me too." I placed my hand over his heart and smiled, "I can feel your heartbeat, baby. You're so excited for your mother."

"Gold." I heard Malcolm say then wanted to laugh when I saw Dan punch him in the arm out of the corner of my eye.

"But Molly, you're not really my mom."

"I know that sweetheart." I continued to gently rock my hips, my pussy sliding along his leg and keeping his focus on it. Putting my arms back around his neck, I pressed my breasts against him knowing even through the bra he could feel my nipples.

They were so hard they were aching and I had the feeling that when this was all over I was going to question why this had me so excited. The way Brian's eyes widened and his breath caught told me he was very aware of my excitement

"You can't be with your real mom, baby, but you can be with me and I would be proud to pretend to be a woman who's raised such a sweet loving boy." I brought my face closer to his and added, "Any woman would be proud to have a son like you."

Josh came around to our left, kneeling down on the floor and when Brian tried to turn his head that way, I whispered, "Right here honey, I'm right here."

I caught him by surprise with a kiss, not a lingering one, but just long enough to let him feel my soft lips brushing his.

"I know you're nervous and maybe embarrassed with these people here, so here's what we're going to do. You and I are only going to look at and think about each other. Ignore everyone else. I've told Malcolm to stay quiet, know why?"

"Why?" He breathed the word and I could feel his body trembling against me, but at this point in excitement, or at least I hoped so.

"Because a mother doesn't need to be told how to make her baby happy, does she?"


"And that's what I'm going to do, I'm going to make you happy and you're going to make me happy too. You're going to let me pretend to be that amazing woman you love so much."

"I'd like that." He gave me another smile, this one more confident than the last.

"And I'm going to love it. So all we do now is enjoy, and baby?" I pointed two fingers at my eyes, "Right here. You keep looking right here. I'm all that matters to you now and you're all that matters to me."

"Okay." His hands were moving more firmly up and down my sides and getting closer to my breasts.

His fingers were trembling and his nervous excitement sent a thrill through me. This would be so different than any other shoot, this kid actually wanted me and at this point emotionally as much as physically.

I hadn't felt wanted since John and my body was responding to that. My breathing was picking up and my pussy flowing, now leaving a wet trail on his leg having soaked through the flimsy panties.

"So what were going to do, baby, is you're going to relax and let Molly be your mommy and show me all the fun sexy things you've been dreaming of and I'm going to show you how a mother can love a boy better than any other woman ever could."

I gave him another quick kiss, then asked, "You ready to have some fun, Brian?"

"So ready." He answered, his hands sliding up and this time touching the sides of my breasts.

"Hmm, there you go, honey." I spoke louder than before, "Go ahead and touch me. Touch your mother; show me how much my baby boy wants me."

Brian gasped when I grabbed his cock and I moaned at how hard he now was. No sign of nerves there. His hands slid to the front of my tits and when his fingers brushed my nipples, I lost control.

"Oh, yes!" I moaned loudly and grabbing his face in my hands kissed him hard, damned hard.

Brian whimpered adorably into the kiss, but unlike last time, he responded. He squeezed my tits as his lips pressed against mine and when I slipped my tongue out to tease his lips, they instantly parted for me.

My tongue darted into his mouth and was met by his. I worked my hips into his leg moaning as my slick pussy ground into the saturated panties and my clit throbbed in anticipation. Brian's hands left my breast and slid around to my back, pulling me deeper into the kiss.

I was dimly aware of Josh standing and zooming on our faces and eased back enough for him to get a view of our lips sliding sensually across each other and our tongues engaging during our steamy kiss.

Brian was moaning softly and his hands, his strong hands, were rubbing my back and when he slid them up into my long blonde hair, I groaned in real pleasure, loving the way his still trembling fingers ran through it.

I rubbed his cock through his shorts and his hips moved into my touch. Brian's lips slid from mine and I expected him to either await my move or perhaps go for my breasts. Instead his lips fastened to my neck and I released another heartfelt moan when they slid gently along the soft skin there.

I let my head fall to the side to give him better access and did the best I could to ignore Josh, leaning over to brush my hair over my shoulder so he could film Brian kissing me. Brian's lips trailed up and down to the top of my shoulder, then all the way back up to my ear where he playfully flicked my earlobe with his tongue.

The move sent a shiver through me and grabbing the back of his head, I held him to my neck.

"Oh, honey." I moaned to keep Malcolm from saying we needed to keep talking to some extent. "That feels so good!"

Brian's cock twitched beneath the shorts and I found myself wanting to rip them open and grab him, but knew I needed to go slow, not just for the video, but for him. I released his cock and put my arm around his shoulders, while I played with his hair, holding him close as his lips continued their journey along my neck.

Brian worked around to the front kissing the creamy skin of my throat and with a sigh I let my head fall back, my long hair flowing down my back and my eyes closed and my lips parted in a look of pleasure that wasn't feigned.

I'd done some shoots with kissing and touching, had guys linger on me with their lips, but they were stiff and it felt like what it was, staged, but I could feel Brian's lips trembling on my skin and his desire for me and it was fueling my fire.

Brian made his way to the other side of my neck and I released a sharp breath when his hands fumbled with my bra. He was nervous and after a few seconds couldn't even get one snap unhooked so I gently pushed his arms down and leaning back, smiled,

"You want to see your mother's tits, honey?"

"Please?" He asked, his eyes filled with desire, "Please, mom?"

"Oh, someone taught you some manners." I giggled, then added a sincere, "You're so damn precious!"

I slid the straps of my bra down my arms and sliding them through one at a time held the bra to my tits.

"You sure you want to see them?" I asked.

"Please don't tease me, mom." Brian whimpered,
