Their Way - Andrea and Jay Ch. 06


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“Did you think this up at work mom?” he smiled at her jokingly.

“Maybe...” she replied pulling him closer to her ass. “Now you know the deal.”

“Yup. I put some pressure on your hole and you do the rest.”

She smiled at him and then got this serious look as he pushed his cock in her asshole. Straining back at him, she opened her sphincter and his cock head slipped in. She gasped as she looked up into his eyes and waved for him to lower his face close to her. She gasped again as she felt his cock fill her to the brim.

Jay kissed her and pulled back to watch her face as he fucked her.

“How does it feel?”

She closed her eyes and exhaled.

“’s so big...but so good. I feel so full. And you?”

Jay pumped slowly looking at her with that loving look he reserved for when they felt really close to each other emotionally. Did his eye just tear up!

Jay stuck his face next to her next so she could not see his rear.

“Are you ok?” she asked turning to look at him.

“More than OK. I am in heaven. I never thought you and I would be doing anything remotely close to this with you.”

“Me too baby. Me too...” she said as he continued his slow deep thrusts in her ass.

“I know we say I love you all the time, but I think we are past that aren’t we?”

She pulled his head closer to hers and kissed him deeply choosing to answer him this way. After a few minutes of them joined together she let go of his head and looked up at him again.

“There has been no one...NO ONE that has ever made me feel the way you do. Do you understand Jay?”

“I think so,” he replied. “You would know more than I would.”

“Hun take my word for it. I am so heads over heels in love with you...I...I can’t breathe sometimes. You are all I can think about all day.”

“I thought it was just me,” he said still moving in her with slow thrusts.

Andrea responded the same way by holding her legs wide apart and holding him to her with her heels on his muscular behind. She kept pulling him to her with her arms wrapped tight around his body. She could feel every inch of his greased cock as it penetrated her forbidden place. And each time his groin touched her spread open ass, she felt shivers. Not just from their raunchy sex, but from their growing emotional bond.

At that minute Andrea didn’t want their time together to ever end. She wanted to stay in his arms and have him rock her world until she fell apart. Why had she never felt this way for anyone before? Had she ever felt this way for his father? She knew the answer to that, and it scared her. No. She was past the point of resistance and rational thinking about their relationship. All the negative questions about their love would have to find answers in time. She was sure of it. As sure as she was of loving him and never willingly giving him up.

Jay felt himself begin to cum and briefly thought of edging himself. But saw no point to it when he gazed at her loving face. If anything, Andrea’s look was one of utter contentment from what they were doing.

“I’m close,” he said warning her. Not asking if he should cum. Just letting her know he would. Doing so as a man confident in his lover wanting him.

“Cum in me...” she said. “Cum whenever you’re ready.”

And Jay did. Holding each other close and kissing while between her legs, he spilled his seed deep in her ass. Andrea held him as he thrust deep and groaned while tensing. Deep in her rectum and bowels, she felt not just his thickness, but a warmth as his cum filled her depths. It was the most erotic experience in her life. And definitely the most erotic thing they had done in the last month. She held him not wanting to ever let go.

“Oh baby, I can feel you deep inside me. Stay there please.”

Jay fought to catch his breath as he felt her sphincter muscles massage the base of his dick. It was buried deep in her as she held him and kissed all over his face.

“I love you so much,” she whispered in his ear.

Jay answered her by kissing her. Words were not needed. She knew.


As the first month of her being on the pill had not passed yet, they continued their play with oral and anal sex daily. But both were excited at the thought of them fucking soon. Every time Andrea rode him by placing her cunt and clit over his dick, they played with fire. They would look at each other’s eyes knowing how much they wanted to.

Andrea thought of using the condoms she had bought but decided not to. She was very fertile and if one broke, she would get pregnant. She just knew it. She had gotten pregnant on their first try with Leslie and had gotten pregnant once again the same way. Only there had been a miscarriage that time when she fell down some icy steps in Germany. As much as she was tempted, she couldn’t chance it.

Then Andrea had her period. For a week, she wore a tampon and Jay watched that string hanging out of her pussy jealous of it. An inanimate object was in the spot he most wonted to be in. Not for the same reasons, but his mind was going crazy with thoughts of fucking Andrea and it was not going to let up until he did. Until they did.

Early June 2006 Savanah, Georgia.

As graduation came closer, Andrea wanted to know if Leslie would visit. They used to call each other at least once a week. Andrea would still call, but Leslie would not. And the conversations became strained. Eventually, Andrea got the hint and called just once a month. In spite of knowing that her now dead husband had fucked their only daughter, Andrea reminded herself that Leslie WAS her only daughter and only child she ever bore to life. She didn’t want them to drift apart. So, she took what her daughter would offer and tried to avoid arguments.

Leslie had not visited since Thanksgiving. On Christmas brake she went to her boyfriend’s family. When Andrea asked if her and Jay could visit, Leslie declined. She was busy with exams, had work. There was always a reason. Andrea was hurt. Leslie was pushing her away.

First losing her husband, now her daughter. And no explanation. She left messages on Leslie’s voice mail, but no answer. She called the University and they said she was still listed as a student and taking courses. They would not release her grades. Andrea decided she had to make a trip to her campus. She debated if Jay should come or not. She decided this was best handled between them alone. Andrea let him know she was going the week before his graduation; early June. Jay wanted to go out of curiosity at first but decided to trust his mother’s judgement.

It was Friday and Andrea packed after work. Jay and she had dinner after a good sixty-nine session. She joked that she already had dinner. Jay said he did too. They laughed. He was not happy she was leaving for the weekend. So, he wanted their evening to be a good one and spent time with her.

After dinner Andrea did some bills and Jay put on the news. A habit of theirs in the old days but now occasional. Andrea could see the screen if she looked up but was busy. It was Jay who was actually paying attention. They had a story about an anti-war protest in DC. The camera panned across their line, the reporter spoke the canned commentary and then said moved the camera introducing two protesters. One was a young man with long blond hair, the young woman next to him...was Leslie!

Jay took a second to get his bearings before he spoke.

“Mom, look!” And when she didn’t yelled “ANDREA!”

Andrea snapped her eyes up over the laptop and stared at the image of her daughter on the screen. What was Leslie doing there!

As the young man next to Leslie droned on about how bad the war was, Andrea spoke to Jay but never took her eyes of the screen.

“Where is this again?”

“Washington D.C.”

As the young man proceeded to give his antiwar comments, Leslie nodded her head in agreement.

Reporter: “And what do you think about the accusations of atrocities by our troops in Iraq?”

Protester: “Its typical behavior of brainwashed killers our military establishment has been using since Vietnam to terrorize, rape and kill unarmed civilians in war after war.”

This was nothing new to Andrea or Jay. They had seen biased reports like this before. But what shocked them both was how Leslie looked at the protester and nodded along in agreement. Andrea pursed her lips angry that her daughter would be nodding along to this trashing of troops. Troops like her father who died in the war. Jay turned to look at her.

“What the hell...” but he saw Andrea raise her hand, so he turned back in time to see the microphone turned toward Leslie.

Reporter: “Do you have anything to add?”

Leslie: “Our government and the military are lying to us as they kill women and children. They send people there to die like my father...”

Reporter: “Your father died in Iraq?”

Leslie: “Afghanistan. But it’s the same war, by the same lying administration and lying military.”

Reporter: “Do you know if your father was involved in any of this?”

Leslie: “I don’t think so...” Leslie replied.

Andrea’s jaw dropped. Jay was shaking his head. Both wondering how Leslie can say such things.

The reporter asked her for her father’s name, but Leslie must have thought better off it and turned to disappear in the crowd. The protester was asked the same question but said he didn’t know who she was or who her father was.

“Do you believe that?” Jay asked after the station went to commercials.

Andrea just stared at the screen. Her face a portrait of disappointment. Her lips trembled and a tear ran down her cheek. Her girl, the girl raised to respect soldiers, to see her father as a hero, that girl was on tv badmouthing soldiers and damn near implicating her dad in atrocities. In thirty seconds, Leslie had destroyed everything Andrea and Jay thought of her. Andrea continued staring ahead.

“Mom, are you ok?” Jay asked concerned what she must be feeling. He himself was pissed beyond words at Leslie. He had friends who were against the war, but none trashed soldiers; not to his face.

Andrea closed the laptop. Wiped her face with her hands and breathed out. The disappointment and sadness never left her face.

“The bills can wait. I won’t be going anywhere soon.”

Jay could feel her pain. His mother was the daughter of an Army veteran. Her grandpa had been a decorated Army Green Beret. Had served three tours in Vietnam. Wounded and decorated for bravery he recovered, only to come home to demonstrators spitting at him at the airport. Andrea had heard all the stories as she was too young to remember them. Jay grew up idolizing him and his grandfather Tom. Respect for soldiers and the country was part of the family DNA.

“It’s a good thing your father, great-grandfather and your grandfather are not alive to see that.” She said turning to look at him shaking her head.

‘She must have been thinking the same thing,’ Jay said to himself. ‘After all, we are a military family.’

He sat by Andrea, giving her some distance, not wanting to crowd her. But to Jay it was two years ago all over again. As if his father died all over again. Only this time his sister had done the damage.

Andrea looked up and saw the concern on his face, but she knew it wasn’t masking his anger. Jay was shacking without realizing it.

“Jay...are you ok?” Her mind went from the shock of her daughter to concern for her son. Jay had almost gotten expelled when he told a teacher off who made antiwar comments. Her demeanor changed as she got up and sat next to him. Her arm went around him.

“How could she do this to dad?” Was all he said. Andrea pulled him close, but he was too agitated to sit still. He stood and tried pacing. Realizing he had snubbed her, he sat back down and looked at her apologetically. She shook her head at him with a smile to let him know she wasn’t upset. She reached over and kissed his forehead. They were mom and son again. Only they both had a dreadful feeling that they were more alone.

Her grandparents were both gone. Robert’s parents were divorced but didn’t like Andrea and were estranged from them. She had not talked to her mother and brother for a few years now as well. And now her daughter; Jay’s half-sister was as well as lost to them. Each other was all they had.

Now Leslie’s behavior made sense to Andrea. She hooked up with anti-war people and had turned against everything she had been taught. Not the first child to do so, but this was Andrea’s oldest and only daughter. The girl she carried inside her, raised from a baby through school and until she was ready for college. Worse of all, Andrea was mad at herself for agreeing to the down-state institution. Leslie had trouble fitting in locally and Andrea thought the change would do her good. Instead her daughter had drifted and turned in to someone she didn’t recognize.

“Who knows Jay. One can spread the blame around or take it all upon themselves. But in the end, Leslie chose her own path.”

“I’m sorry mom,” Jay exhaled. “But that made me so mad.”

She nodded and let her head drop on his shoulder.

They got quiet after that. Eventually Andrea said she wanted to go for a run alone. Jay understood. She dressed quickly and went out. He made sure she had her phone and had her promise she wasn’t going far. He was downstairs lifting free weights when the phone rang. It was his friend Rick.

“Dude, did you watch the news?”

Jay froze. He hadn’t thought about others seeing it in town that knew Leslie. Rick had a crush on her since forever. Jay wondered if Rick had befriended him so he can come over to be near her. She acted like Rick didn’t exist. But Rick still came over and got tongue tied. He would talk about her like she was a goddess. Now, there was a different tone to his voice. Almost disdain.

“What about?” Jay didn’t want to acknowledge what had happened.

“ the demonstration in DC.”


“Dude, she shit all over soldiers. How can she do that?”

“I don’t know Rick. She sure didn’t learn that here. My mom can’t believe it. And neither can I.”

There was a small uncomfortable silence.

“Anyway, I just wanted to say that bitch sister of yours is a fucken traitor.”

Jay had enough.

“Hey fuck you asshole.” And hung up.

“What a prick!” His voice reverberated in the basement. But inside he knew that his sister had crossed a line. Treason was a bit over the top. Betrayal was right on point. Still Rick was on his shit list for saying what he did.

“Shit, shit... SHIT!” Jay yelled out in frustration and pounded his fists on the floor mat.

Andrea came home after that, but Jay spared her the extra grief. She didn’t say much, took a shower and then went to her bedroom with her laptop. Jay took a shower and went to check on her.

She was sitting on the bed cross-legged in her pajamas. She closed the laptop as he came in and set it aside.

They both looked at each other. Both with the same concern for each other and a resignation about Leslie. She nodded and tapped the bed next to her. He sat down, towel around his waist and reached for her hand. They crossed fingers and sat for a minute each in their thoughts.

“I want to move and sell the house” Andrea declared.

Jay turned and looked at her. She looked back and then kissed his cheek.

“I’ve been thinking this house is too big for just us. I paid it off with the life insurance money for your father, but the taxes and insurance are a bit high. Still that’s not the main issue. While I have fond memories of our family here, I also have some I want to put behind me...I mean behind us. You ok with that?”

“Where do we move to?”

“Not sure yet. Am thinking an apartment by the university across town where you’ll be going. There’s a bank branch near there I can transfer to. It will be a fresh start for both of us. And we can save money. It will give time to look for a property to buy later.”

“So long as we’re together, I don’t care” he replied.

“I figure a two bedroom won’t raise anyone’s attention. I’ll call a realtor I know through the bank. We can sell the place furnished as is if that will help and we can get a furnished place or just bring some of our furniture. The house market is good here. We’ll get a good return and be fine. I handle loans at the bank, I know how this works.”

Jay listened intently.

“You sure you’re ok with this?” she asked.

“I am. What about Leslie?”

“I thought about that as well. She has a year to go to graduate. She would be an idiot not to finish her degree. So, I will make sure her tuition is paid, have her stuff packed and sent to her or stored. That’s that.”

“What does that last part mean? That’s that?”

“That means” she let go of his hand and stood to pace.

“It means my daughter, as an adult made her own choices in life and adults live with the consequences. I won’t tolerate what she did today. If she ever figures out, she did wrong and apologizes she can visit, but not stay. She stabbed, not just me in the back, but you father and MY father and grandfather!” Her voice got louder.

Jay didn’t say anything. His face was blank as he stared down at his hands. Then he turned to her. She tilted her head wondering if he would argue with her. He nodded and reached out to her again.

“Are you OK with all this, and us?” She asked. She was agitated and angry but determined. Another adversity tossed at her. She wondered how many more were on the way.

“I’m OK with it. Now give me your hand” he said reaching out, almost pleading with her. On the outside he was acting all secure, but on the inside, he felt her pain, her anger, disappointment and was scared of losing her.

Andrea smiled and reached out. Her hand close to him and then both arms as she sat back down. He sighed and reached to hug her. She fell in his arms and held him tight; then tighter. When she sunk her face in his neck, he thought she might cry, but she didn’t. Instead, she turned, faced him and kissed him on the lips. She kissed him lightly...her eyes looking at his. He looked back and whispered to her.

“I love you Andrea.”

She tilted her head, smiled at him and winked at him.

“I love you too, man in my life.”

It was a quick moment. A few words, but they said so much with them. Not: I love you mom, sorry for what you went through.

“I love you...Andrea...woman in my life.” A difference she noticed and reciprocated quickly. No doubts, no questions about it.

And with that, they melted in each other’s arms. They kissed hungrily to seal that deal they had both just declared to each other. They kissed again and again, open mouthed with tongues loving each other and each other’s wetness in their mouths. A deep lovers’ kind of kiss. But it wasn’t enough. They tore at each other. She pulled his towel apart and he tore the buttons of her top across the room. She didn’t care. She bared her chest to him and mashed her round tits into his body. His hands, fingers spread, caressed her back and pulled her closer.

They were grunting now. A primal urge overtook them. His hands came up and mauled her tits. His thumbs and fingers twisted and rubbed her nipples. The light pain excited her.

“Yes...yes” she grunted and reached for his cock. She grabbed his hardness feeling him harder than ever. She squeezed him and pumped him hard. No teasing, no delaying. She wanted him hard and ready. His mouth feasted on her nipples. He sucked harder, pulling the nipple up and letting it pop out of his mouth. He squeezed it with his thumb and fingers as he sucked the other.

“Yes...suck them...suck them hard.” She urged him as her hand kept pumping him.

Her nipples burned. Her tits enjoyed the mauling he was giving them. She wanted more. His cock in her hand was not enough.