All Comments on 'To Love a Stray Ch. 05'

by Mygypsy

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

So tired of Rosie's whining! She has the maturity of a preteen and for every step forward, she takes two back - will she ever grow up? I can't for the life of figure out why any of the clan care at all about her, she has no redeeming qualities. I have read enough, no more for me.

christyw744christyw744almost 13 years ago

I must agree I am a little tired as well. I love the story, but we are back to the beginning. You would think that some point you will just let it go, I mean really I blame it all on Wade. Mitchell was right, they put too much on her at once. This story was so good, until this point. But I will keep reading it though

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Huh? Still good but

Killing off Alex and the babies? Risky choice. (Alex was a fav of mine!) I agree that all this back and forth between Rosy being okay with everyone to her being freaked out every minute she is awake is getting a bit tiresome...but I get why it's in the story. I can't wait for your next installment. I love this story, keep up the all the surprises and the good writing!

rissa200204rissa200204almost 13 years ago

i think her reactions to several years of abuse shouldnt just vanish over a period of a few weeks myself. multiple rapes starting at a young age will leave some severe trauma's to a human much less someone whose instincts are part animal and who has seen enuff to know that its dangerous and life threatening for a stray on clan turf. if she was male they wouldnt be trying to include her, and other then alot of threats they havent been explaining much to her. now add in the death of alex and the wounding of the others who she was bonding to and the loss of her babies even a pure human would be withdrawn and backslide into paranoia and old habits. but the story is still as good as it was in the beginning imho.

ushergalushergalalmost 13 years ago
they don't seem...

to know how to treat a pregnant woman at all even with all the clues that has been given 1 they know she has been mistreated before and has some tramua 2 the doc told them they need to keep calm around her 3 if they send away all the people she only trusts and then keep breaking thier word to her of course she wont trust them

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 13 years ago
It's a setback, for sure.

I salute Mygypsy for having the gumption to let tragedy into her Literotica story. For me the loss provides depth and texture we seldom get to see here. It's writing on a different level---not a three-chapter wonder where everything turns up rosy (no pun intended).

I also see a bit of a chess game going on as Gypsy is gently herding Rosy in the direction of a mate. I'm left wondering what happened to the young she-wolf that Micah seemed to have gotten engaged to.

I love getting five pages at a time. I'm enjoying the story so much that I'm not anxious to see it resolved while there are still interesting things to be learned about the werecats. I'm also continuing to enjoy the prompt succession of chapters. I think we're being spoiled here, but I don't want it to end!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Jasper was the dead body was he not? I just hope it wasn't quick and clean like Wade offered for a confession!! Any mongrel who abuses a female whould suffer the old rusty barbed wire and blunt spoon treatment IMHO.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I agree with some of the others

It is a great story and the reactions (by her!) are understandable. The alpha isn't quite what we are used to in these stories and the mood swinging reaction by the males who one second are nice and the next are jerks is a little frustrating for the reader. It would be good to become a bit more focused on where (or to who) this story is heading now that the confusion of the pregnancy is out of the way. Tragedy is great but I wouldn't push it any more now, which the tone at the end here seems to suggest. The length and frequency of your chapters are great by the way.

On a technical point I really dislike the use of 'yous' all the time, it's grammatically incorrect and language wise it's inconsistent with the other vocab in the story.

WerewolfEnthusiastWerewolfEnthusiastalmost 13 years ago
i like where youre going with this so far

i must admit i didnt like how the alpha treated her it really irked me an made me want to punch him out. then you know for her to loose so much in such a short time is heart all honesty i want her to end up with micah an theres a show down between the two females. then micah an her start there own clan with steven, donovan micheal differing to there clan.

but anyway keep up the brilliant story looking forward to reading more from you.

missylove43missylove43almost 13 years ago

Pretty pretty please can something good happen to Rosy for once.. I love all the toms and want them to be happy :(

bearmad1963bearmad1963almost 13 years ago

This chapter made me cry, Especially when Alex died and poor Rosy's pain and then losing her babies. Why can't something good happen to Rosie for a change. She needs to stay with the clan cats and needs to find a true mate amongst them.

Please write a new chapter soon.

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 13 years ago

They claim to only want to protect her, but they are smothering her. She lived independently, had a career, and was putting herself through collage. She has been forced out of her life and is being ordered to follow their rules. I really think that they could have offered her protection and introduced their lifestyle slowly as she came to trust them. I can't blame her for being depressed and wanting to run.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Rosy seems to be on the rollercoaster ride to nowhere, bouncing from one tragic situation to another. I am not sure I like the world of werecats... too much conflicts. Wade's show of dominance didnt sit well with me. In nature female cats (domesticated or wild) are a dominant lot. Why is the threat of punishment the only way to deal with a female werecat who was having a high risk pregnancy and who continues to be traumatised over and over again. One minute kindness then bullying. She get comfort from being around Mitchell, instead when she needs it the most she gets thrown into Micah's room. She can't bond with Mitchell because he is not strong enough to defend her; yet she has been on her own for years making a life and defending herself, right in their own backyard. She cant claim the toms as her clan because she not the alpha, yet she is living with them and is under their protection. Micah has claims on her because he is among the strongest or is it because they share a kiss. One kiss should not a mate make and from what I am reading she doesnt even understand that he claims her as his own, and this rubs me the wrong way. And there is the major problem that she is only getting bits and pieces about how their world works. It seems to me that no one is taking the time to fully explain their world to Rosy. And now she loses her babies. So much pain. I hope Wade blames himself for that one. Something positive must happen to Rosy soon and I am hoping it is not only some tom laying claim to her, but she finds a rightful place in their world. And one more thing I know they are into protecting their property and defending themselves. Did I miss it while reading, but how exactly do they fit into the human world?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

absoultly LOVE this story pppppplease write more!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Wade does not seem like a good alpha to me. He shows a lack of trust towards Rosy by forcing her to defend her actions when she's helping Alex. Wade knew she was a vet aide but yet he questions her then punishes her for sticking up for herself. It is no wonder that she wants to leave considering the complete lack of trust the clan shows her. They still have not sat down and talked with her and told her the way their world works. I would think that would be Marissa's responsibility or maybe her daughter can do it (I believe she has a daughter)Either way at this point she might be better off placed in No Man's land. Also, They off Jasper but don't even discuss it with her, even though he admits to knocking her up in front of them. They only act like they are concerned about her when it is convenient for them. This just reinforces in her mind what the strays have been saying about Clan cats.

(I don't have a Lit account, so sorry for doing this as Anonymous)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Please complete Rosy's Clan Info Blanks

Your "Enter the Cat" story and this "To Love a Stray" appears to present 2 completely different characters for Tawny aka Rosy. In "Enter the Cat" she is intelligent, thoughtful, has goals, and thinks through situations as they are presented into her life. In "To Love a Stray" she purely reactive - everything happens to her - mostly of a negative nature - she doesn't understand why and she can do nothing about it, except to run/escape.

The Rosy of "To Love a Stray" has been presented with resources to become a participant in the werecat clan life,if she chooses to do so. Rosy never asks questions to get full info about what is happening in situations that get her in hot water. It has been demonstrated time and time again that her best interests are being promoted. The biggest setbacks to me have been --- her fear that she holds too tightly, her inability to incorporate new information about the clan werecat lifestyle (she is given info, but is resistant to understand and re-educate herself about the truth vs. the strays' lies), and her need for a bond (she seems to deny any close, loyal family/friend bonding after causing her father's death that she caused). Marissa is an example - she always was warm, informative and congenial to Rosy. It felt as though she had taken Rosy to be a daughter.

I feel that Rosy should "woman up". She doesn't need to be snarling (bitchy) or submissive. She does need to find out the true basis for the werecats clan life and understand its high place of esteem for its she-kitts and queens.

AngelePoemAngelePoemalmost 13 years ago

Rosy/Tawny's reactions are very believable as a survivor of years of sexual abuse, as well as having it drilled into her head that Clan Cats kill strays. I like the character and her development. Its the actual Clan toms that I'm having a problem with. Wade is not much of a leader and aside from Mitchell, none of the Clan toms seem willing to look past their own preconcieved ideas of how a she-kitt should behave. While she was prenant they were less interested in her as a person and more as an incubator.Now that she has had a miscarriage, they're back to basically treating like the outsider. Honestly, they need a collective attitude adjustment. I would love to see Rosy show them that she is more than just the frail cat that they need to protect. I would love it even more if they would understand that she's their equal.

Irish_LassIrish_Lassalmost 13 years ago

That got me, made me tear up a little bit. I do agree that Rosy is very beleivable. Saddly I can see that the Clan Toms loved her for her incubation services and didnt really get to know her (even tho she wasnext to impossible to get to know.) and now that she is no longer pregnant she is of little use. I beleive that part of the reason that they treat her as being so weak is the younger she-kitt Jasmine, she was overly protected and weak. I feel very bad for her becasue of the Wade incedent. But I see the nessisity of it. And Alpha is an Alpha but If that had happened to me it would have set me to a bad place with him to and then combined with Alexs' death and the miscarriage no wonder Rosy slipped back into being a stray. For a while there she tasted being a she-kitt and enjoyed it. But now I worry for her. keep writing Im totaly hooked!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Emotional rollercoaster!

There's a part of me that want's to yell "Please give her some fun and happiness", however there's another larger part that just says to continue on and wait patiently to learn the path of your story. I have to agree that Wade as an alpha isn't at all like similar "alphas" that have been portrayed in other stories. Congrats, it's SO refreshing to have a different slant on such topics.

I'd like to learn more about the clan, as I'm not sure we the reader or Rosie understand the interactions and rules as yet.

Can't wait for your next instalment... length of chapter and frequency is brilliant :)

Sorry it's anon, can't remember my login details :(

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
i haven't commented so far, so this sums up the story so far.

the characters are confusing, their actions as well.

you as an author will probably have to find a way to downgrade your plots and make what you maybe think makes sense in your head, translate into a cohesive work so the readers will know what drives a person to in just a second change completely. there are multiple points per chapter where i had to stop and go back to re-read because things just didn't make sense.

this extends to your other story with this characters. i'm also getting distracted by repetition of "i". understandable, you are writing from her point of view, but one of the 1st goals in writing is to avoid having things like :"i turn... i pass... i race... i give... i find... i wait... i curl... i pull" in just one 5 sentence paragraph.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I think I finally get it..., There is no one person that get's Tawny/Rosie..., not even her.

I have been following this story trying to decide what was troubling me. It is not the story, it's the complexity of a sexually abused person. If I read this correctly, all of this turmoil began when Tawny was not even a teenager. The death of her father which seemingly was her fault. The rape, which was not her fault. The repeated physical and psychological abuse..., also not her fault. Her quest to be alone is because being alone means being safe from her abusers. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THAT. How would anyone even Tawny/Rosie be able to process that. Her abusers have taught her to be fearful. Her ingenuity has taught her to be safe at least for a time. If there is someone she could trust I imagine it would be Pete or Mitchell even Micah who she is attracted to but can't work that out for herself. Wade is an alpha, but just how is he supposed to handle an outsider that is very unstable? I have to agree with one of the other readers that said Marissa or some female should have attempted to tell her about the ways of this clan. Granted the opportunity to approach Tawny/Rosie in any way had been a problem. But why would a female be a threat to her? Her mind confuses me. She is an adult that has lived half her life in ongoing trauma and severe abuse. That abuse started when she was a child. Her existence does not even make sense to the clan. And to top it off she may be going insane. Tawny not Rosie seems of sturdier stock. Rosie seems akin to an alternate personality..., but she is not an alter. She is just the mad and easily riled untrustworthy persona that Tawny seemingly is choosing to deal with her day to day. There is no Rosie to me, only Tawny. Tawny has more to deal with than any of the clan has even a clue about. The trouble is how does the clan deal with someone who hates who they are? There needs to be someone or something that gives Tawny the strength or will to live beyond her abuse. I have no clue if or how that can be. It might be a good wish or it might be a fantasy on my part. I am not mad at Wade. How much do you cater to a volatile unknown? What exactly does she respond to other than fear? Maybe Rosie is born and accepted because Tawny in her mind had been killed many years ago..., but how can that be after a month long incarceration with her abuser. And why tell us that she was married to Jasper. It has no reference. Other than maybe he told her that this is what is expected of her. She needs a shrink. The clan had better find one. Interesting that she claimed her "Toms" when she wants no one to claim her. I like this story, but it hurts to read because although it is fiction..., the long term abuse seems like real life. One of those horrible stories we read about in the paper. I am not angry that she had a miscarriage because she is barely able to cope on her own and offspring of your abusers is a whole other psych evaluation that is more than I can think about. Soooo, now that she is not carrying any babies..., and no one is catering to her..., how will she respond to that. There is also a high paranoia factor with her. I am interested to see where this story goes. I too want Tawny/Rosie to find some semblance of peace if it is possible. Her anxiousness and fear is so disconcerting. Maybe alone in the forest is where they should leave her if she is on protected land..., but what happens when she goes into heat? This is an intriguing story. I can't wait for an update? Sorry I got so wordy..., but your writing really makes a person think about a lot of things.

popparazzipopparazzialmost 13 years ago

That was a sad chapter,I felt Rosy's pain and confusion.She was slowly]y coming around, and then Alex;s death sets her back,also the miscarriage.

Ahh, so sad. Hurry with the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

This chapter was very sad however she declared them her toms. I feel as if she may be progressing. With support from those around her hopefully she can learn to trust. Hopefully with time and understanding no matter how long it takes she will be okay. I hope the clan does not give up on her because she needs to fight and learn where her boundaries are in relation to this clan.

I love your plot and I hope you continue; The story line is complex yet understandable and very intriguing therefore I feel that if you keep up the excellent writing and story line this can become one of the best stories I have ever read anywhere both on this site and from novels from the bookstore :)

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 13 years ago
A Good Discussion

It's nice to see a good discussion going about this story. Of course, we don't all agree with one another, but that's part of the satisfaction of reading something together. I can't help myself from reacting to some of the comments as a co-reader.

I didn't think that Wade, the clan alpha, could afford to let Rosy's aggressively protective behavior go without consequences. She out and out challenged him. He has to maintain control by being undisputed leader and successfully putting down all challenges. In characters like Edwin, you can see plenty of dominant behavior percolating in the background. They are all warriors, after all. This is an incident that supports those commenting who say that someone needs to give Rosy the werecat rulebook.

On another topic, I think some readers may be overlooking how much some part of Rosy is yearning to be part of this clan. She is attracted to the toms, Micah especially. When things are going well, she enjoys the communal living, the meals and the video games. She even developed the possessiveness about "her" toms.

While "be alone = be safe" is currently Rosy's default position, I think that the switch to "be with others = be safe" is ultimately the goal of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I never cried so much from reading a story before!

I loved Alex's character and I was sad he died.

Its understandable that Rosy lost the babies.

And I can see how she had a breakdown after his death.

I really love this story and I can not wait to read the next chapter.

feelinromanticfeelinromanticalmost 13 years ago

you made me laugh with the image of rosy laying in cat form with her legs in the air. You had me in tears when alex died. And now im really worried rosy will lose it completely. They really should make this into a tv series (a movie would be too short!) its so compelling. Thanks for sharing

NightpleasureNightpleasurealmost 13 years ago

This was a really good chapter, I wish Rosy could see they didn't want to hurt her. Maybe she will become stronger in time but I hope soon.

bellertruebellertruealmost 13 years ago

I cried and laughed reading this story. I cant wait to read what happens next for Rosy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
This Chapter

Ok, so I found this story really good and while I can understand the complexity of having a character likey Rosey you have to wonder when enough is enough. How many times is she going to freak out? A leaf would run past her and she freaks out yet all of the sudden she claims four toms as her own? She didn't seem to be all that impressed with them before they left. She wasn't even really dealing with the other Toms that stayed behind and then all of the sudden they come back and they're "her toms"?

It would be nice to see her finally get some direction and realize that she doesn't have to keep hiding. I just wonder how many more chapters will be her running though. I mean even if she runs away (again) and they go after her or she returns home it's still putting us in the same spot it did before.

catman71catman71almost 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

i can't help but feel bad for rosy. she has gone through so much and now she just can't cope with it. i just hope she gets better, mentally and physically

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Enough already!

Enough with Rosey already! Her character is grating on my nerves and has been for the past few chapters. I keeo reading each chapter in hopes that something will change in the plot or storyline but I'm afraid you've lost me!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Tear jerker

I think it's fabulous... Sure a lot of others are commenting on how she's reacting but think about it people... Stray for over 10 years and all of hhis is happening within a few months! How would she react?! How would you react? It's her fight or flight in her body that's arguing with her mind... Not to count her not receiving help for her dad and being 'abandoned' as a kid in a completely different form and we found out she's been captured and raped mutiple times! Who the hell can blame her? It's not her fault she makes progress and someone decides to screw it up!

Can't wait for your next update! Keep doing what you're doing... It's really good and I'm hooked... Sad that someone passed but it has to be done; I love the character you have Rosie playing- she's like a real life person with major issues that needs to some how trust before she accepts help. I hate how they don't realize they get close and push her away but it's your story and I'm viewing it through your eyes! Keep up the great work and can't wait for your next update!

P.s. I was a rape victim at 13 and it's taken me 10 years to come to terms with it and that only happened once... I don't trust easily so kind of see where rosie's coming from

MazuriMazurialmost 13 years ago

I'm going to start by saying that, regardless of the rest of this, I do like the story. Immensely. I love that she doesn't meet the love of her life and it instantly erases years of torment and serial rape. I love that she's skeptical of what the clan cats tell her when they act so obviously opposite to how they're wanting her to view them. Great job! The rest is just me blowing off steam since I can't pull the characters out of the story and beat them to make me feel better lol

I'd love to punch Wade in the nuts for being such an ass and raising an equally ass-ish clan of pussies...I mean cats. For a clan who claim to love females, this one seems to love to emotionally abuse the one who needs them the most. She feels comfy with Mitchell; they prevent her from seeing him. She wants to return to her house; they hold her prisoner. She needs time to get used to so many male cats around her; they force her to remain in a room just oozing with testosterone. At no time has anyone even attempted to sit down with her and explain how clan cats act, how they'd like for her to get integrated into the clan, what her role would be if she did, nothing. She's been chased multiple time by cats in THAT clan yet told that she should trust them while being given absolutely no reason to. On top of it all, the whole crew is mental. Except for poor Mitchell.

* Mitchell is the only one with two brain cells to rub together and so he's punished for that and made to keep away from her for daring to suggest that a multiple rape victim just might need a bit of time and space to heal and learn to trust. (wow that was one hell of a run on sentence)

* Wade's obviously threatened by her else he wouldn't have come down on her hard when she was doing the JOB she'd been trained to do: be a vet tech. He knows she's scared shitless of him already so, in his vast intelligence, he decides the best way to win her trust is to threaten, hurt, and humiliate her. hmmm...yeah, I'm feeling the love. He won't win any Alpha of the Year Awards.

* Marissa's only job as the Alpha Female is (obviously) breeding since she's made zero overtures to Rosey beyond bringing her a single meal. Well...maybe she doubles as a waitress.

* Micah supposedly falls for her, then gets engaged to someone else less than a month after meeting her and now seems to have thrown his fiance over now that he knows she's really a cat. Oh...but he hasn't told Rosey anything about it or mentioned the fact that he has a fiance while he's cozying up in her bed. Perhaps he needs a shrink and meds for multiple personality disorder?

* Edwin is obviously bi-polar: nice and gentle one minute then in the midst of male PMS the next. Maybe he'll accompany his good buddy Micah to the shrink and pharmacy?

* The warriors get pissed when Rosey accuses them of killing all strays but then turn around and kill a bound and captured stray while the others are hunting to kill 4 more. have more denial than Egypt.

* Pete gets his undies all in a twist because she's been captured and, wait. That part is ok, I guess, because what he's pissed about is the fact that she's lived near him and he didn't know she was a cat. I guess he's pissed at missing his chance in the rape conga line.

So, yeah...sterling clan of cats you got there, Rosey. My advice is to join a Convent before they pick your mate for you and have you pregnant before the end of the month.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Run, Rosy, RUN!

I hope she takes off and runs so fast and far away from this crazy bunch of toms, they NEVER see or hear of her again!

How the HELL is she supposed to get a handle on herself when these guys can't stay consistent with their own personalities? The only ROCK I have found here is Micah, Pete, Mitchell and Steve. The others flip from mean and heavyhanded dastards to charming, playful and caring too much for even me as a reader to trust!

I hope she gets some time to heal herself emotionally and mentally, finishes her education, using her scent masking abilities and tricks, and finds a nice place to settle down and work as a top notched vet before she finds some toms to bond with and cherish.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Unfortunate turn of events

First I would like to say I love this story Rosey has a very complex personality. True to form as any wild animal suddenly in captivity she is extremely skittish and we have all seen/ heard of strays lashing out especially when previously abused in their fear they don't always realize someone is trying to help. In a human/ pregnant aspect she is very moody petty and distrustful. Mind you if someone is attacked as a child and has survived only through independence and the instinct for self preservation they are not going to submit very well as we saw with the alpha Wade. Mitchell is totally right they are pushing her too far too fast and she is rebelling. The toms should try a different approach like educating her on clan ways starting with elementary things like they would a child she only knows what that pig Jasper told her and they really need to explain the whole reason behind hunting down strays and what decides whether they live or die. She obviously wants to be part of the family she is calling them her toms she just needs a breakthrough something that opens hers eyes so she can see the clan toms are far different from male strays. I was sad for the loss of Alex and the babies I'm hoping that they find a way to comfort each other and grieve. Keep writing my dear let all those naysayers move on I am ready for more!

TahoeCatTahoeCatalmost 13 years ago
Oh god Please Finish.

You know you have to finish this story. The fact that she losses so much, and is planning on leaving. Please, please finish it.

canndcanndalmost 13 years ago

I'm starting to get frustrated with how she goes in and out of knowing they care and stuff and then starts acting like they are the strays that hurt her again and act like they'll hurt her again. It's too strange. I also don't like how she's been friends with Pete for so many years and yet she has treated him awfully and didn't even try to tell anyone he wouldn't have gotten her scent. I get she's had too much loss. I hope you'll have her break down at someone mentioning the babies. She's clearly not even acknowleged the loss and I thought she was starting to accept and protect them. I understood why Wade had to put his foot down with her but did they have to further hurt her wrist? Wade seems like a real nasty brute. How could Edwin do it to her when he likes her so much? I guess he was compelled by his alpha.

It's just too wierd how one minute they're her strays and then she's not talking to them. It seems like every time you have her start settling in she goes back to this. I hope she evens out a bit and can move forward. Maybe a threat to the clan will bring her to realize she wants to protect them?

that was strange about Jasper...mentioning he was married to her. what the heck? when would that have happened? and why? I'd have liked to see you clarify her past a bit. You let us gather he helped her adjust in the beginning. But the later rapes...why the hell did she care he was killed? Maybe it just confirmed her feeling stays die by clan cats.

I can't get a read on if she'll settle down let alone consider taking a mate. Hope she can.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
.......Put her on a treadmill or something!

no more running, no more running please. Ive never been this annoyed with a story!!! this character has ran a triathlon already. make her confront her problems and act like a logical being. It seems like rosy has no common sense, none what so ever. Shes supposed to be the heroine of this story, not some dumb ass running around a huge house screaming, crying, being an irrational lunatic. your doing great with the rape victim details the touching, fear of crowds. but there are some things your writing that just are ridiculous. I'm not asking you to make her all better like nothing has happened to her, but make her seem like she has usage of her brain? Seriously she hasn't had one talk with any of these clan toms. theres been no real character development. Just her running around like a chicken without a head.

DoctorWolfDoctorWolfalmost 13 years ago
Poor thing!

I can feel her terror, considering how she's been treated her actions are very appropriate. I love the fact you've avoided being predictable. She's finding her own way in a world she's not comfortable in. It is a fascinating story! Thank you - DW

warmicw30warmicw30almost 13 years ago
O for god sake

get to the point where she trust then and learn to live like a normal cat(mate,have baby and feel fit into the pack)it like she alway the frigging are at chapter 5 and it like i am still reading chapter 1 all over again.GET TO THE POINT or THE GOOD PART SOON!!!!!!!!!!!

jenni_tujenni_tualmost 13 years ago
you write quite well..

You write quite well. I like this story but it would be nice to have some positive elements come in..maybe? It's your story and so your decision but would love to see some trust come into Rosy so she can begin to heal.

goodwillmagicgoodwillmagicalmost 13 years ago
Good story

She is back to the beginning as far as trusting any of them and lets face it, I don't think she should. Doc warned Wade that she could go crazy from what he did. She is held down by Edwin who she had began to like and trust, Edwin hurts her injured wrist, Wade threatens her, and then people expect her to suddenly see the light? Bull!! Wade is her prison warden and the warriors are her prison guards. She had started to care about some of them, but because they were the weaker/younger ones Wade punishes her. Think this would be a good place to end the story, they have driven her crazy!

WellsywifeWellsywifealmost 13 years ago

I agree with other commenters...the running thing is getting old. Why does she never have a constructive, substantive conversation with any of her trusted 'toms'? She seems to make little to no progress, which is frustrating as she is the main character.

Your actual writing style also appears to be regressing...later chapters have more spelling and grammatical mistakes than earlier ones, as well as less clarity. The timeline of when she became a were, when she supposedly married Jasper, etc is very muddled. You have made Wade seem like a bully, Edwin like an indecisive and prejudiced ass. Why, when she is supposedly so welcome and so cherished in this clan, is she consistently referred to as "Stray" instead of by her name?

Also, how is it that when she runs from Quarters she is able to elude the clan cats in their own woods? They should know them better than her. You said at one point that she used her own shampoo and lotion after finding her things in Micah's room...were those the ones that masked her scent? Is that how she evades them in their own forest? If so, how do they not notice her scent changing after her shower?

It is a good idea for a story, but it needs definition, polish, and editing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Really like it

I think it makes total sense that she continually runs to feel safe since that is all that she has known. Maybe at some point Micah or Mitchell with talk to her about another way to feel safe or if she lets them know that she wants to be alone.

Keep writing and I'll keep reading!

trysexychocolatetrysexychocolatealmost 13 years ago

stick to the story you wrote because im sure its great

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
get your original editor back

the one you have now is worthless. Even if they did the first few chapters, do yourself a favor and get rid of them. The first chapters have been the same over and over, she gets scared and runs, over and over again, and if this is what we have to look forward too then I will just not read anymore. Can't you think of any thing to do with your main character except have her run away? She was so strong in the beginning when living on her own. You have wasted this story in less than 5 chapters. Yes, women of rape have a hard time, but not to this degree - not for 5 chapters of 5 to 6 pages each. Give us a break - either shit or get off the pot and give us a decent story here. You seem to have been a decent author otherwise? What gives this time?

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 13 years ago
Reader Reply

An Anonymous Commenter wrote:

"Yes, women of rape have a hard time, but not to this degree - not for 5 chapters of 5 to 6 pages each."

You speak from experience?

I didn't think so.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I'm really disappointed she lost the babies... I think it was the thing that really bonded her to the clan.

I am enjoying the story though

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
to gimletedge

As a matter of fact, I was raped at the age of 14 by my drunken father. It took me some time and counseling to work through it but not at the lengths this character is being written as going through. My point was that the author has no other plot line through 5 chapters now - other than to have her run away. A true rape victim would be getting over it. The Toms are giving her counseling of a sort by reassuring her all the time that they will not hurt her. In my opinion, this story makes rape victims appear weak, helpless and unable to overcome their attacks. This is not true to life as most rape victims over come the stigma after counseling. She should, as others have pointed out, be questioning what were cat life if abou and how things work. A true rape victim would not sit there and wallow as this character has. We tend to be proactive and want to take back our control as soon as possible. Been there and done that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
To Anonymous Complainer

First off, you say it is not "True to Life". Well, its about werecats. I love this story, but how is a werecat; or even a were wolf "True to Life"? Think that one thru.

Secondly, on the basis of the story; she is a young girl that was raped. Yes. But not by another human. She was raped by a rogue werecat. She not only has to deal with the stress of being raped, but also being transformed into a werecat. As a stray, with no one to teach her what is right or wrong as a werecat. So all of that combined is why she runs.

Get it? Got it? Good!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Please continue

I am enjoying this story, and unlike some of the other comments, it is very appearent that she is in the midst of or headed for a serious breakdown. I hope Micah can help her through it. Having read your other stories, I am quite anxious to see how this will play out, and look forward to the comming chapters. Thank you for sharing your writing with us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Please, please, PLEASE continue this story!!!

Don't let some of those other comments stop you. If they don't like it, they don't have to read it, but you obviously have a huge following who is dying to read more.

Rosy's in a dark place right now for very legitimate reasons. How could she not have some kind of break after all she's been through? People deal with traumatic experiences in lots of different ways. She has survived by withdrawing and running. I'm very interested in where you're taking this story. Congrats on what is obviously an addicting read!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I agree with the comment below please continue! It would be great if you can update us about when you submit a chapter

willerileywillerileyalmost 13 years ago
Anonymous Reviewers

Ya know, I don't know why there are comments by "anonymous'." It's free to register here as a user. All that's needed is an email account. Only cowards make comments that way. Provide the author with your email address. Commentary and questions can't all be one sided. Are you a coward?

I believe anonymous readers are vicious. They are disrespectful, jeering, lack civility, and make inane comments about what should be and should not be in an imaginary role. What? As if these "non human" stories truly represent our universe. How many werecats have you met? None, funny that's the exact same amount that I have met SINCE they don't EXIST. Duh, like are you stupid!

Those other readers who think they're english school teachers I find particularly pitiful - the grammar- & spelling-maniacs. Is there a special degree program somewhere titled, "Critiquing Free Online Erotic stories"? Is it a bachelors or masters program? I think NOT. I find english language comments completely worthless since I'm here to read a story not study for a graduate exam in English. I'm here to appreciate good storytelling. I want a story to entertain me.

I think its brilliant that these writers spend time creating new universes, whole mythologies and histories for our reading pleasure. I think they "eroticize" it. Do yous (LOL) know how hard this is? Sit down and do it. It is to be hoped that you will quickly recognize that it's not possible to criticize someone else's creativity (ideas that burst forth from one's (1) brain).

Remember it's their mythology not yours. And, then again, don't read the story just move along. Only sadists leave cruel comments for their own personal entertainment. Sad, Really sad!


Soul_childSoul_childalmost 13 years ago

I think you have a great story here but in the first few chapters everything was I this or that and He this or that, now it's Yous... And there hasn't been much progress other than her being scared and skittish.... More build on the story rather than one aspect would be great. Good luck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Challenge Yourself

I love this story. Even the best writers on this site follow a similar outline when writing NH stories, but you've completely defied conv ention and come up with something special.

There is one suggestion I'd like to make. Every now and then it seems you take the easy route when faced with writing a particularly difficult scene. The best example is the miscarriage. Instead of drawing out what could have been the most powerful part of the tale you completely skipped over it. Writing the emotion in a scene where finds out about losing her babies would further connect readers with your heroine and probably make you an even better writer.

chevy_countrygirlchevy_countrygirlover 12 years ago

okay i have to admidt i cried when alex died.... he was one of my favorites :'( the story is great please keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Call the cops

As I read this I keep on thinking that she should get the police involved. True it may cause the were population to come out, but that would just make for a new way to move the story.

kitteh_katkitteh_katover 12 years ago

i love what you've done with the story, i think it's really realistic. Rosy is really tempremental and i think that's actually what a woman/werecat would be if she had been through all the stuff that Rosy's been through.

I'm just sayin' thing i'd really like to happen is that i want Rosy to come up and kick the shit out of Wade! He is REALLY annoying me! I mean he claims he wants the best for Rosy but then he goes and does all that crazy shit on her?!


Great story though, keep it up!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

If she does end up with Micah, who cares? So far there has been very little, to no interaction or chemistry between the two. There seems to almost be zero to no relationship there except for a kiss in the beginning and a mention she is now sleeping in his bed. Most of the story is about her being a victim which is getting old. I don't mind seeing what the character is going through but that's the whole story basically. I'd like to see how she deals with it and moves on. Real victims go through stages. Tawny's been stuck in the same stage almost the entire story. While I appreciate that it's not your typical, predictable story all I've gotten is that she's suffered traumatic abuse and can't recover and it's getting old and predictable in that aspect. If I'd known most of te story was going to be about her non recovery from abuse I'd have stopped reading long ago. There is no love story at all in all these chapters outside of on kiss.The story is only about Tawny's abuse and inability to move on up this point at least, which is too long. There are no other important characters than Tawny.

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 12 years ago
Makes you wish that they understood PTSD

It seem so clear that Rosy is suffering from a whopping case of post traumatic stress disorder. Poor thing gets shunted around all those toms like a pinball.

It's hard to work up a lot of empathy for Wade.

The story is just as captivating the third time around.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I agree with the post on 02/25/12

... this isn't much of a romance and there are whole sections without Micah which is a terrible way to exclude the love interest (if he is the one). It has become boring with Tawny/Rosy/Whatever going around in circles psychologically and no real plot points or character arc five chapters in. To whit, it's become boring after a good, interesting start. Such a disappointment. And to be honest, I'm bored of rape stories. You need to move the plot along quicker. There are two many characters with too much descriptive prose and not enough plot development. This story has potential but needs serious pruning from a good editor. I'm bailing, which is a shame because I think you have some talent, but need better planning and less meandering.

ForonceForoncealmost 12 years ago
everyone should be dead

With that much male aggression, they all should have killed eachother already. And erotica? Not so much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Only two

I think there're only two characters I really "like" - Doc and Mitchell.

Doc's not done anything annoying yet, and he was pretty understanding 'bout everything. Mitchell's just . . . nice.

Sam is okay, I think.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I realize that the story is already complete. However, after spending the last couple days reading to this point, I wish I could have made a comment while you were still writing. The story has gotten stale because Rosy only has one dimension. I realize all that she's been through, but her actions have become too wearing. It's all about her, even when Alex's all about hoo. She doesn't do anything to help around the house or with the clan...just eats, sleeps and has everyone fuss over her. Gah! Unfortunately it has driven me to the point of no longer wishing to continue. It's a shame too, because you are a very talented writer, just the content needs adjusting...make it a love story, maybe a couple great sex scenes with Micah...something.

southernmisfitsouthernmisfitalmost 11 years ago
I agree with some other comments

This story started out wonderfully promising. But after several hours of reading I find that the endless meandering of Rosy's psychological problems is beginning to grate on me.

She started to make a tiny amount of progress but by the end of this chapter we apparently got a set back to zero again. Sigh....

It's really a shame because the prose is so much better than what one gets in most of the stories on this site. And you manage to come up with compelling characters, too, and don't shy away from a realistic depiction of an abuse victim. But the non existant plotting and the ever repeating "psycho-stuff" that doesn't make any progress is making it really hard to read. And the clan continuing to pester Rosy, even knowing what she has been through, knowing that it will get her to panicking just for some additional drama is getting old after a while.

This story has too much depressing stuff in it and too little hope and positive progress to balance it. Hey, that's not something I have to read a story for, I can turn on the news to get myself depressed about cruelty and abuse and hopelessness.

I will continue to read for a while, but if this story doesn't start to go somewhere soon, I'll be out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Is it too late?

I never know if it's too late to make comments on an older story especially when it's been complete for years now. Well here I go anyways. As much as I agree with many of the previous comments about Rosy's constant 1 step forward 2 steps backwards syndrome... it really is consistent with everyone else's conflicting actions. One minute she's this precious poor victim they all want to help and next she's being drugged and bullied into fulfilling their own needs to procure a breeder for the continuation of their clan. A reader can get whiplash from all the rapid contradictions. In the same paragraph she is referred to as Rosy in the sweetest of tones and then STRAY as if it's a racial slur. That leads to my one observation that no one else has mentioned or picked up on. Why is that the seeming majority (Clan Toms) claim to have the moral superiority and all the strays rapists and killers? Yes this is the fictional whim of the author but every population has good and bad elements. It's the one very true to life premise I wish WERE only in fiction but nothing demonstrates more how easily vilified minorities are. If the females are worth rehabilitating/saving why not some of the others. Wouldn't Rosy's twins have had some kind of moral defect being fathered by a stray? If a genetic deficit isn't the cause of the stray's penitent for violence then it really is the model of racism since the beginning of time. With Wades example of having Rosy physically harmed and threatened unless she except his authority and the conditions of her captivity with them was shocking! Not exactly a paragon of virtue. All that said I still have hope for this story just as bad still have hope for the rest of us.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Re previous comment: "Why is that the seeming majority (Clan Toms) claim to have the moral superiority and all the strays rapists and killers?"

It's clear from the story they don't see most strays as problems. Those just have to make a call to be allowed to pass through the clan territory etc. The story just focus on the ones that do cause problems. When it comes to claims of moral superiority, that's all too realistic. Most people tend to view themselves that way and fail to see their own flaws. For an outsider Wade is an arrogant asshole who rules by fear, but in his own mind he probably thinks that's what he has to do. I do wonder what he would have done if Rose had decided she had had enough and chosen to be exiled to the border since I think he thought it obvious that she would just submit to his show of force.

One oddity too is that this clan seems to consist only of an alpha and a bunch of warriors. How do they make a living? There has to be other people araound that are totally invisible.

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