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Paul Childs had started off as a roughneck on an offshore oil rig. It was grueling work but it paid wages that made the nineteen year old boy goggle. By carefully saving every penny he could, Paul set up a healthy nest egg for himself. An accident caused by a drunken coworker laid Paul up for three months; Paul lost his left leg to mid-thigh. Laying in the hospital, Paul decided to take the nest egg and whatever his lawyer Jesse Johnson could get for him and start his own drilling company.

Trish Childs was able to overlook Paul's lack of a leg. As she told Bethany, her best friend, for a few million dollars, Trish could put up with anything. She gave Paul three sons and a daughter. She set about to raise four of the most entitled, spoiled brats she could and succeeded.

Chad Childs, the third oldest Childs child was ripe for the plucking by the St. Genevieve cartel. Dismissive of his father and resentful of his older brother and older sister, Chad was only too happy to provide the cartel with arrival and departure schedules of the Childs Offshore Drilling boats.

Now behind schedule, the captain of the fishing charter boat took three expeditions out, even though the weather was less than ideal for fishing. The deliveries of the first, second and third submersibles went off without any problems. But on the third day, the choppy waters capsized the small craft just after the passengers demanded to be returned to shore. The accident happened so quickly that the captain did not have time to radio for help. And since no one was wearing life jackets, there were no survivors by the time a Honduran cargo ship happened upon the boat the next morning.

"A tragedy," Francoise said coolly when he was notified of the boat's accident.

The next day, another chartered fishing boat was slowly cruising the international waters, ferrying two forty-something blondes out to fish the Gulf. The captain smiled indulgently as the heavy-set women called him 'The Skipper' and demanded to know where Gilligan was.

"Hey, Skipper, mind if we get an all-over tan?" one of the women chortled, already freeing her flabby breasts from her bikini top.

"Oh, but of course Senorita, of course," the man smiled. "We are in international waters; we do not need to worry about any laws out here."

"Oh? So, we could maybe do a little coke? You got any coke?" the other blonde asked, freeing her pendulous breasts.

"Cocaine? Of course, of course," the man smiled and produced a small plastic envelope of white powder.

While the two women amused themselves, the captain went to the cabin and used the cell phone to guide the submersible on its way. After alerting his contact of the success of the mission, he casually dropped the cell phone into the waters and joined the two American women on the deck. He smirked; both women had blonde hairs on their heads and thick brown bushes between their very thick legs.



The following morning Candy woke up late and saw she had forty five minutes to make it to the Elgee store. On a good day, the commute from Baylor Lake to Elgee would take just over forty five minutes. This was not a good day, made all the worse by coming down off of a cocaine fueled night. Candy's nerves writhed as she tried to navigate around a school bus, only to be stymied by the bus stopping to pick up yet another snot nosed kid.

The moment she scampered into the stockroom of O'Neil's Furniture & Appliances to clock in, JJ waved her into his office. Wordlessly, the man pointed to the chair in front of his desk and sat in his large office chair. For several long moments, JJ stared at Candy.

"Mrs. Walsh, maybe under your father, or your uncle your conduct was tolerated," JJ finally spoke, voice well-modulated, devoid of any emotion.

Candy opened her mouth, then realized she did not have anything to say. She closed her mouth and sat, nerves on edge.

"And that is understandable," JJ continued. "However, since Thibodaux Investments is now the owners of O'Neil's..."

After informing Candy that she was on a ninety day probation, JJ then sent her home to change into more appropriate clothing. Candy forced herself to politely thank the manager for his guidance and his words of advice.

At home, Candy took the time to take a quick shower before dressing for a day's work. She took care with her makeup and her clothing. Her appearance was met with a nod of approval from JJ.

She hustled to make a few sales. In between customers, Candy read through the inventory, familiarizing herself with their current selections. All of this was what she had done in the past, when she was trying to prove to her father that she could succeed. At lunch-time, Candy sent a text to Jimmy, asking if they could grab lunch together.

'Can't' was Jimmy's answer.

"Can't? Or, won't?" Candy whispered before heading to Casa Del Rio for their lunch buffet.

An exhausted Candy arrived home before Jimmy did. She decided to fix chicken breasts stuffed with artichoke hearts; it had been one of Jimmy's favorite dinners. While the breasts cooked in the oven, Candy used a mandolin to slice zucchini and sautéed the vegetables in a cast iron skillet.

Smells good," Jimmy said when he entered the kitchen.

"Thanks," Candy beamed happily. "Go take a shower; it should be ready by the time you finish."

"Sounds like a plan. So, you staying home tonight?" Jimmy asked.

"Why? Why you got to be like that?" Candy snarled but he'd already left the room.



The one thousand 42 inch flat screen televisions were loaded into the trailer. After the trailer was locked, the driver carefully negotiated the streets of Lafayette, Louisiana until he could merge onto I-10.

After the clean-up was completed, one SUV left, heading toward Youngsville, Louisiana, another left for Crowley, Louisiana, and the third left for Baylor Lake, Louisiana.



Jimmy sat down at the table. Candy slammed the oven door shut and slapped the cookie sheet onto the countertop. Two plates were forcefully slapped onto the countertop and she slapped food onto each plate. Jimmy sat, regarding Candy silently as she angrily served their dinner.

He ate slowly while she aggressively chomped her way through her meal. They said nothing as they ate; Candy's heavy handed use of knife and fork providing the only sound in an otherwise quiet kitchen.

"This is good; then again, this is always good," Jimmy complimented as he ate the last bite of his dinner.

Candy made no response, just chewed her dinner. After she put the dishes into the dishwasher, Candy aggressively, noisily cleaned the baking sheet she'd cooked the chicken breasts on. She didn't even bother with an excuse, just grabbed her purse and slammed the kitchen door with a loud bang as she left the home.

With a shrug, Jimmy grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and silently toasted his deceased father in law. The man had insisted Jimmy and Candy sign a pre-nuptial agreement to protect Candy, protect Robert in the case of a divorce.

"Pre-nup works both ways, Robert," Jimmy smirked as he gulped the ice-cold St. Elizabeth Lager. "Pre-nup works both ways."

While Jimmy kicked his feet up on the large ottoman, looking on his phone for local Family Law lawyers, Candy was energetically riding William's cock. William was astute enough to recognize an angry fuck when he experienced one. But, in truth, he had no curiosity about the reason for Candy's anger.



The SUV pulled into the driveway of the unoccupied house across the street from their target house. The Carmen Davis Realty sign in the yard announced that the price had been lowered, looking for a quick sale.

"Nice house," one of the men said.

"Nice neighborhood," the other man agreed.

The two men got out of the SUV. They glanced around at the other houses in the neighborhood. The street was silent. They crossed the street.

At the front door of the house, both men again looked up and down the street. No one was paying any attention to two men dressed in long coats with gloves on despite the oppressive heat that hung in the still summer night.

"Jesus, shitty security, huh?" one of the men said as the door swung noiselessly open.

"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition," the other man quipped as they entered the home.

Entering the bedroom, the two men were treated to the sight of a beautiful brunette's shapely buttocks as she rode the man. The man groaned that he was coming and the girl cried out in pleasure.

The two men emptied their full clips into the two lovers. They took the time to collect all shell casings before dropping a charge onto the mutilated bodies.

It took a moment to locate the home office. The two men dropped a few charges around the room. A fifth charge was tossed into the garage, skittering across the floor until it came to rest just beside a gleaming Mercedes-Benz. Then they left the home again.

"And..." the passenger said as the driver started the car.

The passenger made a call on his cell phone. Just as the car reached the corner, five distinct rapid fire thumps could be heard. A moment later, a sixth thump was heard and flames could be seen behind them as they turned, heading toward I-10 West.

The following day, Chad Childs broke into a cold sweat as he heard about the destruction of William Carter's Baylor Lake home. Two bodies had been discovered but as of yet, authorities had no identification on either body.

When he had been approached by the man with the heavy French accent, during their conversation, the man from St. Genevieve had casually mentioned William Carter's name. The man stated that William had failed them, therefore was no longer of any use to them.

"Drug Enforcement Administration; Graham speaking," the man said.

"Hi, I uh, yeah, this, this is Chad," Chad stammered into his cell phone, sweating heavily. "Chad Childs. I, uh, I need to talk to an agent, please. This is about what happened to William Carter. Uh, you know, last night."

"Where can we meet, Mr. Childs?" Agent Graham asked, voice calm and modulated.

An hour later, Chad Childs was seated in the far pavilion in Mouton Park. He looked around, sweating in the sweltering humidity of a DeGarde, Louisiana summer day. He fidgeted, putting his hands in his pockets, taking them out again, putting them onto the rough-hewn table top, putting them into his pocket again.

"Mr. Childs?" a well-built young man approached, dark classes hiding his eyes from view.

"Yes, yes, you're Agent Graham?" Chad asked, trying, and failing to keep his voice from squeaking.

"Yes sir," the man smiled, pulling a pistol with suppressor attachment from the back of his suit trousers.

He put three bullets into Chad's surprised face, the suppressor diminishing the sounds of the shots. Then, with a quick glance around, the man turned and walked away. He got into his SUV and pulled out a burner cell phone. He hit the number one and waited until a heavily accented French voice answered.

"Oui," the man said and ended the call.

"Oui? C'est bon" Francoise agreed.



Identification of William's body was established relatively quickly. After all, it was his home that had been destroyed. His funeral was lavish and very expensive; anyone who knew William smiled; he would have wanted it no other way.

William's life insurance policy listed his two nieces, Riana and Elizabeth Carter and his nephew Andrew, Jr. as his beneficiaries. This unusual act of thoughtfulness and foresight did surprise all that had known William.

It took another twenty four hours for the Baylor Lake Police Department to put two and two together in identifying the body of the female guest. Dental records was of no help and her purse and all contents had likewise been destroyed.

"There is a fucking Lexus parked right out front; any of you geniuses think to run the plates on it? Captain Richard Himmer thundered after the second day of investigation.

Jimmy selected a pale ivory casket with gold leaf trim. Even though no one would see the inside of the casket, Jimmy paid extra for a plush pale ivory satin interior and placed Candy's favorit pillow into Lynn Labbe's hands. He also placed the silver and crystal rosary Candy had been gifted by her maternal grandmother on the day of her First Communion into Lynn's hands. Lynn promised both items would be placed into the casket with the dearly departed. Candy's head would rest for eternity on her goose down pillow and the rosary would be clutched in her fingers.

If anyone had been callous enough to ask Jimmy why he was going through such expense on a grossly unfaithful wife's funeral, Jimmy would have said, unashamedly, "Because I love her."

The reason, the motive for the brutal murder of Chad Childs remained a mystery. The call to the Drug Enforcement Administration led back to Agent Graham who admitted he'd made arrangements to meet with Chad Childs in his office but Chad had never arrived for the appointment. Agent Graham said Chad never disclosed the reason for the call other than he had some information about drugs being sold in the St. Ann Parish housing projects.

"When he did not show up, I simply marked the file as a 'no show' and closed it," Agent Graham said, showing the investigators the closed file on Chad Childs. "And truthfully? It is not a secret that drugs are being sold in the Waters Street Project. What we want to know is where these drugs are coming from; how are they getting into this country."

"May we hear the phone call? You did record the phone call, correct?" Agent Graham's supervisor requested.

"Sir? Per your direct orders, any 'no-show' is closed. There is no recording; it was deleted," Agent Graham said.

"Damn, damn, damn," the supervisor said and left the agent's cramped office.



The runner recognized the SUV as it turned the corner. His two bruised ribs still ached from the unwarranted and savage beating he'd received. The SUV came to a stop and the rear passenger window slid down.

"C'mere, boy," Lynelle ordered.

"What? Done told you, ain't your boy," the runner bravely said, but walked to the rear right window anyway.

"What you mean, mother fucker? What the fuck you mean you ain't..." Lynelle screamed, enraged.

The runner put two bullets into Lynelle's angry face and then swiveled and pumped two more bullets into the head of Lynelle's driver. Then he calmly waved another runner to take his place and walked through two alleys to arrive on another street. A third runner nodded in acknowledgement of the new man's presence as the first runner worked the west side of the street while the third runner worked the east side.

The killer or killers of a low level drug dealer and one of his compadres was investigated but no one expected to find any information that would lead to any arrests. The people of the Waters Street project tended to be very close-lipped around the po-po. And it wasn't a very high priority; the police were more interested in finding the source of the St. Genevieve or 'Genny' product that was flooding the streets and spilling from the projects into the surrounding suburbs.


The End

**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. Thank you for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that take the time to leave comments, good and bad. I also thank those that take the time to rate my works, those that 'Favorite' my work.

Irene Candace 'Candy' Walsh nee O'Neil is the daughter of Robert O'Neil, one of the two O'Neil brothers that opened O'Neil's Furniture & Appliances. She is introduced in 'Tuff as Nails' in the Loving Wives category.

William Carter, oldest son of Big Bill and Minnie Carter is introduced in 'Let Myself Believe' in the Loving Wives category. He also appears in 'Twist to Remove' in the Loving Wives category and is a primary character in 'Exposure' in Loving Wives.

Andrew, Natalie, and Minnie Carter are all introduced in 'Let Myself Believe.' The 'Diarrhea' that William snidely refers to is Ria, Andrew's wife. Victoria Carter and Andrew are the primary characters of 'Let Myself Believe.'

Delilah Roberts, William's personal assistant is introduced in Kindling & Tears' in the Loving Wives category. She is a primary character in 'Cast Adrift, The Portraits' in the NonHuman category.

Rick Blanchard, the employee that takes over William's position on a temporary basis is the primary character in 'Don't Poke the Sleeping Bear' in the Loving Wives category.

The security guard Edward Roberts, no relationship to Delilah Roberts, is introduced in the 'Edge of Breaking' series in the Lesbian Sex category.

The drug dealer Lynelle Turner is introduced in 'Ugly Uglier Things' in the Group Sex category. He makes appearances in 'Nudge' in the Loving Wives category as well as 'Five Trailers, Lot E.' in the Romance category.

JJ Hebert, the new manager of O'Neil's Furniture & Appliances is a minor character introduced in 'Dancing Lessons' in the Loving Wives category.

The Interior decorator, Denise Overton is introduced in 'John's Lament' in Loving Wives.

Candy Durmonte, the Executive Assistant that hires Denise Overton to decorate William Carter's home is introduced in 'Let Myself Believe' in Loving Wives.

Jade Garden Chinese Restaurant and the surly waitress are featured in quite a few stories centered in and on the greater DeGarde area.

The Baylor Lake Police captain, Captain Richard Himmer is introduced in the 'Men in Blue' series in the Lesbian Sex category. His election to the post of the Baylor Lake Police Department is detailed in 'Writing It Down' in the Anal category.

Have a swell day. And some of you, have a swollen day.

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cabbage01132cabbage011322 days ago

excellent as usual 5

Juca_cairJuca_cair5 days ago

uma merda total.....embaralhou tudo...complicou, deixou todos os personagens sem peso ou volume, uma merda total..lixo de merda!!!!

drycreeksdrycreeks21 days ago

I have enjoyed all ur other stories i have read. This might have been a good read but seems like it was a bunch of different people doing different.things with no rhyme or reason. Sorry but not good innmy opinion.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill6921 days ago

Sad, most likely truthful story.

crazycujocrazycujoabout 1 month ago
Adios William Carter

Dang! You sent him off in fine fashion JimBob44! Thanks for another great story!

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