All Comments on 'Vigilantes Pt. 01 of 02'

by FrancisMacomber

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LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 11 years ago
This Is A Outrage (- ously suspenseful Cliffhanger) !

Well I'm eager to know what the runaway mom has to say for herself. I wouldn't say this is a groundbreaking, innovative story for this author nut it's been awoke since his last submission. He's been missed.

From the look of this one and past track record, Mr. Macomber shows minimal rust from layoff & will deliver on a intriguing premis. never deigning to go beyond PG-13 . Jimmy Stewart could have played virtually all the male leads in his stories.

"If I had my career over again? Maybe I'd say to myself, speed it up a little. "

J.S. . I hope this author keeps thie noted actor'a advce in mind, in terms of putting out the sequel.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

the author has a knack of putting themes into stories that leave the readers imagination on hold to the endings, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

The "WIFE" Ran away with the "BABY DADDY", and has been banging the crap out of him for the last several years....."HE" was getting a little Mother/Daughter action, until something spooked him.....

PLEASE don't make us wait weeks or months for the follow up like more than a few author's have been doing lately!! (I know that you're pretty good about fast follow-ups, so keep up the good job!!!!)

newjaynenewjayneover 11 years ago
I'm always

a sucker for cliffhanger endings!

Stylish, engaging and absorbing. Who could fail to enjoy something as good as this?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
A little

Light on emotion so far, but good

karan9876karan9876over 11 years ago
too early to predict

Too early to predict as the story can go anywhere from here. I personally would love to see Lori suffer and get her ass kicked. I hope there is no wimpish ending out here with The husband taking her back. For that matter he should not support her at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
One of the best authors on this site!

Though slightly predictable (mom/boyfriend disappear same day) the story still held my attention, didn't drag on, and completely addressed the authors intention. Well Done!!!!

bruce22bruce22over 11 years ago
Nice Cliff Hanger

Probably the author did not want to have people complaining about how long his stories are.... but I certainly would prefer to read it at one sitting. Next time I will wait for the second part before opening! It it had said Ch 01 then I would have opened it hoping for a twenty chapter 120 page story....

Just about everything so far was forseeable except for Emily taking a letter written by her mother along to the Police Station. He really should have gone visiting the old boss of his wife and rubbed his nose in that letter. I wonder if Lori knows about her granddaughter ?

Thanks FM!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

a story that fufills all the requirements of a good novel....more please

shuttlepilotshuttlepilotover 11 years ago

she killed the daughter's lover or not, she's still a bitch for just taking off and leaving him behind without a clue as to where she went. I agree that he should just leave her by the door. He doesn't need someone like her back in his life. He could have been in jail by this time if that letter hadn't arrived. And even then, it might have come too late to help him from going to jail and becoming the target of others.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Just slam the door in her face,

Then call the cops if she doesn't leave!

hansbwlhansbwlover 11 years ago
Of course,

Lori eloped with Brendon!

JusttooldJusttooldover 11 years ago

Good mystery. I can't wait for the second part. I think I know where this is going but I'm sure there will be a surprise or two to come. Keep writing I love your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
close the door

after telling her to go find her real far as id be concerned the divorce is final...there is a good hotel somewhere close..and if she did leave with brandon...tell her he now owes child support to her grand daughter who im sure emily will tell her to go back to brandon as if i was her family and she did what she did id never want to see the bitch this point i probably would really want to kill her

user110user110over 11 years ago
let me guess

lori ran away with brandon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Hope you do better than Katmai....

And not make people wait a month or more for the next part!

LeFrog08LeFrog08over 11 years ago
I'm looking forward... see how he's going to deal with the cheating slut! I hope he puts her thru the ringer!.

Sidney43Sidney43over 11 years ago

Brandon and Lori ran off together and now Brandon figured out she is really older than she looked. Why the husband never figured out that the two disappearances were related is somewhat beyond me, but he sounds a bit slow for a history professor, so he never even mentioned it to the police. Now she is back and hopefully he has enough sense to continue with Bridget and tell Lori to hit the road again. Maybe she can go live with her idiot father, they should get on well together.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 11 years ago

you are back on your game. A great story so far. Hope the next chapter is not too long in coming. This reader will be thinking about the story until your next chapter is printed.

dinkymacdinkymacover 11 years ago

Thanks for sharing!

ttom76ttom76over 11 years ago
Very good, but ...

First, I gave this 5*s.

My only peeve is that too much has been telegraphed and is formalistic -

1) She's run off wit Brandon (telegraphed, but not formula, rather a nice twist) - well, I'm assuming it. It flows from your build up of sibling rivalry between mother and daughter. One note: it would be easy to find him as a 3rd year law student would need loans and such so would have quite an extensive trail. Oh, and mean old daddy would have found him ASAP, a good detective would have found out about the affair because (s)he'd be looking for it as a possible explanation for Lori's disappearance.

2) Hubby always finds his new love shortly after beginning divorce proceedings.

3) Child always pushes reluctant dad into new relationship.

4) Husband is clueless

5) Wife leaves no trail, no witnesses, no one knew of affair. Some authors avoid this by making the clues slight enough that husband misses them at the time. I hope that you explain how husband was so easily duped.

If this continues to follow formula:

a) wife (Lori) admits a mistake and wants back, or

b) needs money and wants to complicate the divorce (but its over?)

c) Husband will get together with Bridget

I did like the Lamaze Class touch, the police interrogation, the reaction by the community and especially the school. If Duke and Colorado have taught us anything, it's that knee-jerk reaction of righteous indignation that has nothing to do with reality. For instance, the 80 professors who signed that letter at Duke, as far as I can tell, none have apologized.

Thinking about it, you've done something unusual, you made a character who three dimensional, I'd like to know him.

Finally, I really liked how you tied his class to his life.

Again, a 5 star effort,

You would have to stretch things to have any sort of reconciliation of this marriage.If you do, the formula is that husband was unaware of certain facts, most of which were his fault, so they get back together. I don't see that here, you are too good a writer to rewrite the story in the 2nd chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
A very good read so far.....

I gave you a 5 because you deserved it. Can't wait for the next installment.

theaquarianpentheaquarianpenover 11 years ago
Some are trying to write the next installment for you

I Know there is going to be a twist or two they don't expect.

MortonGrangeMortonGrangeover 11 years ago

Enjoyable story and look forward to the conclusion.

cw159cw159over 11 years ago
Needed a good read today.

First of all, I gave it 5* only because there is no 6,7,8,9 or 10*. Now, that being said, it was pretty obvious that Lori had di di'd on out of town when she didn't get home the same day Emily broke up with Brandon and that she was going to show up before it was over. After all, it wouldn't be very interesting if the ex didn't make an appearance to get either shot down in flames or be there for reconciliation (I hope not but it's your story). Now the question is, did Lori run off with the same scum bag that got her daughter pregnant or did she vamoose with someone else we haven't met? Her car being found at the university (Ga. State, Emory?) would make you think the first but one thing I've learned is that some Literotica authors are good at throwing in a twist that would make Martin Cruz Smith proud. I guess we will see what happens in the next installment and I hope the wait isn't too long.

By the way, has Miz Sarah been up to anything interesting lately?

energystarenergystarover 11 years ago
very good

The one mystery for me is what did they (wife and boyfriend) do for money? Curious to see how that isresolved.

rjordanrjordanover 11 years ago
Thanks for nothing

I thought I'd pop into Literotica and see what new stories were posted today. Just a quick look. But NOooo, you had to post a new one. And I always have to read yours immediately. So now my whole afternoon is fucked trying to rearrange things to fit around you.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Just Excellent

As usual you have done a masterful job of telling this story and presenting the characters with many difficult decisions. I look forward to Pt 02. Five stars from me.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 11 years ago
This is very well written.

The plot may be pretty obvious, unless we do get a twist. Imagine having some prick knockup your wife and your daughter. Imagine the father of the daughter's baby being the father of the baby's little sibling as well. That way, both the daughter and granddaughter will be half sisters to the bastard the wife will be bringing into the world. How cool is that? The daughter's brother is also the grandaughter's brother.The kids would be siblings as well as uncle-niece. Let's hope that don't get married in twenty years! The product of that union would be really inbred! I enjoyed this story.

njlaurennjlaurenover 11 years ago

as always,Francis.The story looks cut and dried,wife ran away with scumbo law student (proof that even in school they are scum) ,etc yet the title implies there is more to this then the stupid wife falling for the jerk....something is gonna happen I think,to make this less then formulaic....Francis knows Ms.Sarah is watching:)

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago
Good work, TTom

Three coincidences are two too many, especially in a story. There is ONE glaring error (sorry FMc) - no rookie cop in a Missing Person case would forget to interrogate an offspring who is old enough to talk. Certainly not a college-aged daughter! That would very likely create some additional investigation which would be more easily tracked!

Pretty fair start!

College Dean as vigilante? Sure! People who write a dissertation on cetaceans don't call government misspending 'pork', instead it's 'blubber!'


JonATaylorJonATaylorover 11 years ago
Great Writing and Story

Every reader breathed hard and said NO! when Lori reappeared. You will have to come up wiith a terrific story to resurrect Lori at this point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
post part 2 now

i cant wait another day for it. you are one of the best.. thanks for the read

brujaybrujayover 11 years ago
Damn Good Writing............

Anxiously waiting for part 2.

Thank you for another great story.

chytownchytownover 11 years ago
Thank You*****

For this gem of a story. Great read looking forward to Ch2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Your Usual Five

I'm not going to grovel, kneel and bow to you - it's good, you always are so.......Please - Don't make us wait forever for the next part of the story.

BTW, I'll bet most of us don't care to have Lori back. Curious about her conduct - maybe the young lawyer that dated his daughter but - who cares.

Does Bridget become the new Mrs?...don't know that it matters - might be a little too cliche'!

Thanks as always, always good!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
Excellent Tale

Well written and very captivating. But why is the bitch Lori back? I guess I'll find out.

LBuddGLBuddGover 11 years ago

....your not going to make 'your reading public' wait 3-5+ weeks for the next part are you?....and did she take off with the 'almost' lawyer boyfriend schmuck, get pregnant with their child; her daughter's half-brother/sister, her granddaughter's younger aunt/half sibling....(like the country song "I'm My Own Grandpa"; I just love figuring the endless possibilities....maybe someone is their own cousin somewhere in there.) Speaking of which, does that mean the schmuck/former boyfriend also becomes the daughter's step-father and his OWN daughter's father/grandfather? You'd netter hurry up or I'll explode.

By the way, regarding the vigilante movies, Fonda's Ox Bow,, how about "Clint's" homage to his Spaghetti western roots' homage to Ox Bow, "Hang 'Em High" He at least managed to 'get even'.....and....don't forget an example of vigilante avoidance (the anti-vigilante?)....Boo Radley of Mockingbird fame...who might have had to deal with all the town's ladies making a hero ruckus over him in spite of his "quiet shy ways".

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

a new story from FM. That alone makes me happy

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 11 years ago
This seems very . . .

. . . much like real life. The elements are all in place: wives do run off, daughters do get pregnant, media often jumps to false conclusions and so do police, facts don't have the same appeal as lurid supposition. You have weaved a really fine story with an all too common set of facts. Lori ringing the doorbell, probably just returned from running off with the suitor who impregnated her daughter, makes a nice twist to lead to the next post.

Good job!

DunaDunaover 11 years ago

Good story, and he went back to date............

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I'm Late To The Story

but I always read when I see "Mccomber", and I haven't read ahead, but I'm guessing Lori ran off with Brandon Hilton.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 11 years ago
OK then -

So this is how I expect this to go LOL -

Mom is screwing Brandon, screwing Randal over, her sister is her daughter from when she was 16 and now she has been dumped and wants back -

We will see how close I get -

Nicely done so far BTW

RealDocRealDocover 11 years ago
Excellent story line and well written!

This needs a follow up otherwise would have given you a HI "5".

RealDocRealDocover 11 years ago
My bad. I see you already did the followup.

Now I'm going off to read part 2. Hope it is as good as part one.

connoisseur29connoisseur29over 11 years ago
Vigilante! Bully for you!

Excellent reading! As many others have surmised, Lori ran off with Brandon. That did not detract from the story, however. Cheers!

tazz317tazz317about 11 years ago

always return to the scene of the crime, TK U MLJ LV NV

HardFeltHardFeltalmost 11 years ago
Good story....

I REALLY don't like cuck stories. I have not read the second part but if it's going the way I think it will then it will probably be a cuck wimp husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I Just Don't Get It

Redheaded people only make only 1-2% of the population, but they seem to pop up in nearly all stories on this site. Is this some sort of fetish I'm unaware of? Personally, I don't find them attractive...

rightbankrightbankover 10 years ago
a whole lot of build up

and nothing to show for it.

foreshadowing, hinting, and . . . .

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great Story, Francis

I got tired of reading other stories on this site so I looked for one written by an excellent author who contributes to this site. I reread this one. I enjoyed it a lot yet again and thank you for taking the effort to share this with us. I naturally gave it a 5 and looking at the results I want to say that it well deserves the hall of fame score that it got. Congratulations!

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago

10 to 1 Lori ran off with Brandon.

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

the reaped returns to the sty, TK U MLJ LV NV

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago

some ways disappointed that Lori is still in the story, but it isn't my story. I was pleased with the way he handled Lori's letter. "Okay, I'll file for divorce." I would hope that I could have done that. Now what with Lori?

krosis666krosis666over 9 years ago
It was obvious

on the first page that Lori was fucking her daughter's boyfriend. Obvious that they ran away together.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago

I was going to say the same thing, that Brandon was Lori's lover.

They both disappeared at the same time.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

guess she's gone a-slumming. TK U MLJ LV NV

ohyessssssohyessssssover 9 years ago
no problem

Just slam the door.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 9 years ago
I agree with the door slamming comment.

Don't let her see the kid, don't let her into the house. It can come to no good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
wow, you're good!

When you get to the end, hang a sharp right, or maybe a 180? Anyway, I just gotta find out what happened next.


sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Not Sure I Buy This One!

“Um, I'm the father." – Oh, come on! Even as a slip of the tongue, EVERYONE knows that when a man in a pregnancy situation says, “I’m THE father,” that he is saying that he is the baby’s father.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Good Read

You do good stories.

I keep getting very angry at the authorities and media ignoring peoples democratic rights. Why has he not instructed his lawyer to instigate legal action against every person and government official who embarked on a campaign of victimisation?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 8 years ago

Nit-Pick "I've already made a note of your call, so the clock is now ticking on the seventy-two hours" - I'm far from an expert on police procedures, but I would think if a person has already been missing for 24 hours when the police are contacted, that only an additional 48 hours should have to go by to meet the 72 hour requirement, not 72 hours from the initial report to the police!

I think others have said it, but he should just slam the door in her face!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Lost me at...

... "Oh daddy! I want to have the baby!" Fucking pro-lifer authors.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
After page 1

We ALL knew that Lori ran away with her daughter's boyfriend! A woman that thinks she is still a teenager? A woman that is in constant competition with her own daughter? Of course she would seduce her daughter's boyfriend! Maybe she ran because she got pregnant too???

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Fucking pro-baby killing cunt.

Your own mother made a huge mistake, by letting you live, instead of digging you out one piece at a time.

What does every single pro-death baby killer have in common?

They weren't killed before being born.

1wrngrght1wrngrghtover 7 years ago

...we seem to have some anger issues. I've always marvelled at "pro-life" zealots and their fanatical rage at anyone who doesn't march in lockstep. Even more inexplicable is the threat (and unfortunately the carrying out) of physical violence, even death, for those who believe and act otherwise. Sad, not to mention sociopathic.

It's why the decision should be private and made in a medically uncomprimised environment where facts and consequences can be discussed and understood. Not the government deciding, and certainly not the church, nor a group of strangers (yeah, I mean you.) Feel free to disagree. But ask yourself this -- where are the "pro-life" pre natal centers, the post natal support groups, day care/pre schools, etc. Hmmm.

It appears you're position is not so much pro-life but more akin to a fetus fetish and/or a birth fixation. Because if you were truly pro-life you'd understand that life extends far beyond its birth. And yet once that's occurred...everything changes, that precious child is now a burden on taxpayers, a juvenile delinquent in the making, it's a good thing we have enough jails...blah, blah, blah, blah.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Why not sue the newspapers?

The suits would make front page headlines. Who knows if he could collect damages but it might make him feel better. A jury of his peers might award lots of money. And with Lori here, his next call should be the Police. She's guilty of wasting the taxpayers money and might have to pay restitution and serve jail time. At least her coming back would be front page news and more redemption for him. This chapter left a lot of questions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
A little research

A little research would show that there is NO waiting period to file a missing person's report, and that you have the right to be present for ALL searches. The warrants also have to have SPECIFIC areas to search, so hauling the car off is a no go. Sorry, those little details that are easy to find bothered me, lol. Otherwise, fun read so far.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 5 years ago

I thought this story was about somebody being kidnapped but it turned out to be abandonement. Was vigilante added there because of the classes he was teaching? All that drama didn't make sense as I'm sure the second part won't either. Lori showing up in the end can be nothing else but her coming to gloat about her affair.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
Some rather silly stuff

Pretty much predictable, obviously the wife has run away with "Brandon."

First, what is strange in the story is that the main hero does not think he needs to find "Brandon" for child support payments. PI can do that easily. A father can avoid marriage but he cannot avoid child support payments once it is brought to court.

Second thing about "academics" which I think our writer has no idea about. "Vigilante" topic is not a history topic but rather social science topic like Sociology. Of course, a historian could be interested in teaching something like that but curriculum in college requires labeling for the course and I doubt one can get "HIS" label on something that is apparently "SOC".

So couple of this messed up things combined with the lack of suspense because of predictability of the plot lowers the value of the story. I think this can be easily re-written into a lot better story. 3 stars from me.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

Great first chapter with another heartless cheating wife. Asshole got daughter pregnant and stole his.wife. Hope retribution comes chapter two.

SanzegoSanzegoabout 5 years ago

The unfaithful ex wife returns. My guess is she left with Emily's ex bf and has come back to make amends. Predictable but fun. Looking forward to reading pt. 2

calibammacalibammaalmost 5 years ago
Now let’s get that bitch and the kid’s father

Now let’s get the tramp and the daughter baby daddy... this better be good Author😂😂

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Why Do I Still Have That Feeling

That I had in the very beginning when Lori trusted Emily's older boyfriend and then was happy when he dumped her? Just like in the other comments I'm betting the farm on who the cunt is with, any takers on the bet?. Hell, I'll even give good odds and cover the point spread. Lots of deep, cold old quarries in Texas. Signed: BTW

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 4 years ago

Regarding Missing Persons reports, I'm certainly no expert, but I would think that while the police might not take action for 24/48/72 hours, whatever, but they should still take the report, so that you're on record as having reported it. Otherwise you leave yourself open to accusations like, "Your wife was missing and you didn't do anything about it?"

Without a court order, they can't tell him not to leave town. At MOST, the can ASK him to inform them of any travel plans. If he already has an attorney, he should tell them to contact his attorney for any further questions. If he doesn't, he should get one and have the attorney give the police those same instructions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Boyfriend of daughter and ex-wife

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Reading again. Even knowing what is coming, I want Brandon and Lori burned down. What an incredibly despicable pair of cheaters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Unlike the idiot stories

written by almost all authors about "egos", "big cocks", "stretched cunts", etc., this writes intelligently. There's actually something intellectually interesting here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The ending is is incomplete ends with Lori sho up Why

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very good, well written, good story. Let's hope Part 2 is as good; please no reconciliation with Lori.

miket0422miket0422about 2 years ago

To make some of the plots work it's amazing how clueless the characters in LW stories have to be.

Not a single person in the story thought it odd that Emily's BF and Lori disappeared on the same day? It never crossed anyone's mind for even a second?

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyalmost 2 years ago

And then I slammed the door in her delusional face.

The End.

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

Poor MC stuck with not one but two stupid sluts with absolute shit for brains. And yes I mean his Dipshit daughter as well and the husband is an absolute waste of space 😎😎

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Lori was a delusional nutjob. And a slut. Surprised Emily would keep the baby, but at least the MC was supportive and caring. Heh but Lori. Wooow!

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 1 year ago

I hope the slut gets what's coming to her in the next chapter. Like some other commenters, I'm thinking that maybe the disappearance of Lori and Emily's boyfriend wasn't just coincidental. If that's the case then Lori must know that her daughter was pregnant with dick heads baby. Maybe she'll get the loving mother of the year award... NOT!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

The wife is really self centered and insecure to rival her own daughter. The father must have had more unconditional love than his more mature daughter, (than common sense?). Nurse Bridget was heaven sent. Imaginative tale.

EgregiousEgregious8 months ago

Good story looking forward to the second chapter. In hindsight John should have taken out an advertisement on the front page of the local newspaper and published Lisa's revealing letter for all to read. It would be worth the price.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I don't know why this story was rated so highly. To me it'd just an ordinary story.

tsgtcapttsgtcapt6 months ago

So far, so good... Lori and Brandon need to be sued for child support w/o visitation rights. Looking for next chapter. Thanks.

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