Ashley's Campaign Ch. 08


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Riverdale ran the ball the first set of downs. Jordan got stuffed in the backfield on the second down. On the third down, the big guard Daryn threw a block and sprang Jordan for a first down. On the next down, Jordan managed just a single yard. Ryan called for a pass. Josh ran a delayed crossing route over the middle. Ryan hit his other tight end Daniel, who got open when another receiver pulled a defender with him. On third down, they needed 2 yards. Ryan faked a handoff to Jordan and kept the ball for 3 yards and another first down.

On the next play, Josh faked to the middle and then ran toward the sidelines. He caught the pass and was pushed out of bounds just beyond the first down marker. It was Josh's first reception in high school football and it felt wonderful. Ashley and Emily were screaming their lungs out with joy. Riverdale stalled on the fifteen-yard line and had to go for a field goal. The kick was good and the score was 8 to 3.

Their opponents ground out another long series of running plays to make it 16 to 3. There were only 3 minutes left in the half. Riverdale managed a first down, but they were a long way from the goal. On the next play, Ryan had Josh go deep along with the wide receiver. Josh ended up with single coverage. The defender was matching Josh stride for stride, but he was watching Josh and not the ball. The pass was slightly underthrown and Josh slowed his pace and pulled in the reception. Josh was tackled on the 28-yard line. Robert turned and waved at Ashley and Emily, but they were celebrating too hard to notice.

With the short amount of time left, their opponents expected nothing but passes. Ryan dropped back to pass and the defense committed. Ryan sprinted for the flag sticks and was pushed out of bounds well past the first down marker. They had well over a minute left on the clock and the ball was on the 14-yard line.

Their opponents blitzed on the next play and Ryan had to throw the ball out of bounds since everyone was covered. The coach sent in a play from the sideline. Daniel, Josh and both wide receivers went into the end zone on the next play while Ryan scrambled to avoid tacklers. Jordan broke for the goal late and caught the ball on the three-yard line with a full head of steam. He plowed over two defenders to score. The point after was good and the score at half time was 16 to 10.

The band came onto the field at halftime. While the band marched in formation, the cheerleaders performed stunts. Ashley was impressed when Ellen balanced on the top of a pyramid with one bent leg raised. Ellen was stunning and her big smile showed that she knew it. Ellen dismounted with a back flip into the arms of her fellow cheerleaders. Ashley fantasized about balancing on one leg at the top of the cheerleader's pyramid. Only in her daydream she was wearing only her skimpy Brazilian swimsuit.

In the locker room, the Riverdale coach discussed defending against their opponents running game. They were avoiding Riverdale's big guard, Daryn and basically ran the same two running plays over the other side of the line. The spotter up in the box had observed a way to tell which running play they were going to use. He had the defensive backs key to this action.

Riverdale shut down their opponents running game in the third period. They didn't seem to have much of a passing game. However, their opponents had also learned how to slow down Riverdale's offense. Every time Riverdale got over the midfield line, their opponent's defense stiffened and forced a punt. Riverdale had better field position but could not even get within field goal range. Halfway through the fourth period the score was still 16 to 10.

A series of quick short yardage pass options mixed with Jordan's running got Riverdale down to the 25-yard line. The coach sent in another pass option. When Riverdale's receivers were covered, Ryan was forced to scramble. Josh and Daniel's routes crossed in the corner of the end zone while Jordan hung out on the other side with the wide receivers. Ryan threw a pass to Daniel attempting to thread a pair of defenders. One of the defenders tipped the ball. Josh caught the errant pass and barely managed to get both feet down before running out of the end zone. Riverdale kicked the point after to make the score 17 to 16 in Riverdale's favor with barely a minute left.

Their opponents caught Riverdale by surprise and completed a pass on their first play after the kickoff. The receiver ran it out of bounds at their 45-yard line. Their opponents tried another long pass but Riverdale's defensive end Matthew intercepted. Ryan took his knee for the next two plays and ran out the clock.

The next morning, Ashley slept in until well past 8. She finished reading 'Tuesdays with Morrie' before getting up and eating a hearty breakfast. Ashley sat at the dining room table and started her calculus homework. At 10 o'clock, Emily and Josh finally rolled out of bed. Ashley told Josh that their Dad had cooked some sausage, onions and peppers for an omelet. While Josh prepared two large breakfasts, Emily grabbed a cup of coffee and sat across from Ashley.

Emily said, "You barely escaped losing the bet yesterday. I just missed that shot on goal. Monday's game should be a shooting fest. Our opponents are a small school and we usually slaughter them. I'll probably get two or three goals as well as some assists. I'm looking forward to you wearing that sexy dress to school."

Ashley said, "Don't get too cocky. There is a good chance Marylin will be healthy by Monday. In that case, you won't have a chance. I'm already dreaming about things we can do in a three-way with Josh."

Josh brought in two plates heaping with eggs and toast. He went back for coffee and jam before joining the girls.

Josh asked, "What's this about a three-way and a sexy dress?

Emily said, "Ashley and I were going through some of her old clothes. We found a beautiful summer dress that Ashley can just squeeze into. She looks ravishing in it. So I made a bet that if I score more points than Ashley in our first two games then she has to wear the little yellow dress to school commando. If she wins, then we do a three-way with you. I guess I should have asked you first if you were OK with having sex with me and your sister at the same time."

Josh laughed, "How could I refuse sex with the two prettiest girls on the planet? Sorry Emily but I hope you lose."

Emily said, "Well with Ashley playing goalkeeper, I am in control of the wager. All I have to do is get a goal or even just an assist and you are toast."

Ashley said, "I'd rather change the subject. Ryan and I are going to see Insurgent tonight. Do you guys want to join us in a four-way?

Josh and Emily laughed and said they'd love to go. Josh volunteered to drive so Ashley could have some time with Ryan in the back seat.

Ashley closed up her calculus book and said, "I have an interview for Big Brothers – Big Sisters. I need the activity for my college applications. I'll see you guys later."

Ashley drove down to the Riverdale Recreation Center. She met the director of the program in a small meeting room.

"Hello Ashley, I'm Patricia. Please sit down while I show you the available 'littles' you can choose from."

Ashley said, "Oh I thought the interview was to see if I was qualified."

Patricia said, "Oh we already reviewed your application and did a background check. You will make a wonderful Big Sister. I hope this starts a lifelong association with the organization."

The woman selected some folders from a stack. She opened one and held it up so Ashley could not see the contents.

Patricia began to read, "Tamiko is a nine-year-old girl. She is bright. She enjoys soccer like you. Unfortunately, her father is not in the picture. Her mother works as a cocktail waitress most evenings. She has two older brothers by a different father. Her oldest brother is in prison and the younger brother has been in regular trouble at Riverdale High School. I'd really like to make sure Tamiko has a chance in life. A Big Sister could make a world of difference. To be honest, Tamiko's unstable home life could make this a challenging case."

Ashley said, "Soccer and smart sounds like a lovely combination. What do I do next?"

Patricia said, "The next step would be for you to meet Tamiko and her mother. If you are sure, I'll call and make an appointment for you to meet them. Her mother doesn't leave for work until 7 at night. I can set it up for later this week."

Ashley said, "We get done with soccer practice by 5 during the week, I have a game on Monday and Thursday. I have a test on Wednesday. Could we make it for Wednesday at 6?"

Patricia said, "Wonderful, I'll make the call. Oh and here is a picture of Tamiko. I think she is darling."

Ashley looked at the picture of a cute nine-year-old. Tamiko seemed to be a blend of Asian, Afro-American, and Caucasian. The picture showed a shy girl with a hint of a mischievous grin.

Patricia said, "Yes her father was Japanese. Her mother is part white and part black. Tamiko is a bit exotic and has some self-esteem issues. I think you can make a world of difference."

Patricia handed Ashley a sheet of paper, "This is a list of Tamiko's interests from her application. Oh and you can keep the picture. I'll call you as soon as I can set up a date for you to meet. It should be soon."

Ashley was excited. She had always wanted a younger sister. In some ways, this was better than a real sister since she didn't have to visit if she wasn't in the mood.

Ashley had time to study some before dinner. They drove over to Ryan's house to pick him up. Ashley cuddled with Ryan as they drove to the theater. Ryan groaned in pain as Ashley hugged him.

"Sorry Ash, my ribs are sore from being hit. I'll be OK but watch the ribs on my left side."

Ashley said, "I'll make sure I sit on your right side in the movie. If the action on screen gets slow, I plan on making a move. I certainly don't want to cause any more pain than necessary."

On the way home, they talked about the movie. The guys definitely identified with Four. The girls were happy to have an action movie with a young heroine. Emily liked Beatrice's pixie hair style. Ashley had read the books and thought it was a reasonably good transition to film. Watching the movie with Ryan's arm around her shoulder had made the movie even better.

Sunday they all studied hard. Emily couldn't believe how hard Ashley worked. She decided to use Ashley as a role model. Maybe she could get her grades up enough to get into the local two-year college.

Monday's soccer game was Riverdale's first league game. It was against a much weaker team. Riverdale was one of the larger schools in the league and had nearly three times as many students as this competitor. Leagues in upstate New York are formed based upon geography to lessen travel requirements. Unfortunately, that results in some serious mismatches. Hannah told the team that if they built up a substantial lead, she would bring in players who didn't get much play time. Hannah liked to substitute often to keep everyone's legs fresh, but even so there were some girls on the team who were not in the standard rotation.

In the first half, Riverdale scored six goals. Ashley had so little action she thought about lying down and taking a nap. That would be bad sportsmanship. Besides Ashley wanted to keep an eye on Emily. There was too good a chance that her friend would get a goal or an assist.

Ashley watch in dismay as Emily drilled a hard shot off of the crossbar and out of bounds. As Emily jogged back to defend against the goal kick, she waved at Ashley. Later Emily chipped a ball into Beth and Ashley watched as Beth took a shot on goal. The goalkeeper blocked the shot and Taylor put the rebound into the back of the net. Ashley breathed a sigh of relief since Beth got the assist. Toward the end of the half, Emily took a corner kick and placed it perfectly into the attackers in front of the net. Beth got her head on the ball, but it bounced to the ground and Lauren, Ashley's replacement at forward, tapped it into the net. Again Beth got the assist. The girls all gave Lauren high-fives and a hug. As they ran back to the middle for the kickoff, Emily grinned and shrugged at Ashley.

During halftime, the girls grabbed their drinks and sat in one of the goals. They listened to Hannah discuss tactics. Emily groaned when Hannah asked her to sit out the start of the second half.

Ashley punched her in the arm and said, "So much for you scoring a ton of goals. The bet looks like a tie. Still if you want, we can do the three-way. Bet or no bet, all you had to do was ask."

Emily said, "Don't get cocky. The game's not over yet."

The wind picked up as the second half started. Soon a fresh rain began to fall making the field slick. Emily got another chance when her third-string replacement got tired late in the game. There were only two minutes left. The rain had taken the aggression out of the players. Most of the Riverdale girls were happy to settle for a 9 – 0 win. Emily tried to whip up her teammates. She told them she felt left out since both forwards and the other midfielder had scored. The girls pressed forward and Emily shot a hard ball at the net. For the first time in the game, the rival goalkeeper got to the ball and pushed it up over the net and out of bounds. Ashley thought she'd have a heart attack when she saw Emily's shot.

Emily took the corner kick. The rain was coming down horizontally as the wind picked up in intensity. Emily whipped the rain out of her eyes and made a run at the ball. She slipped as she got her boot on the ball. Emily fell to the ground and missed seeing the rest of the play. The ball started out on a trajectory that seemed to be too far in front of the goal. The wind caught the ball and carried it in a sharp arc towards the far top corner of the goal. The defending keeper may not have even seen the ball as it sailed untouched into the back of the net.

Emily was surprised when her teammates picked her muddy body off of the grass and hugged her in their excitement. Ashley could not see clearly with the rain, but she knew that Riverdale had scored when the teams went to the center for a kickoff. Riverdale kicked the ball to their opponents and the referee blew the whistle to end the game.

Emily came bounding toward Ashley shouting against the wind.

"Great game, Ash! You got a 10 - 0 shutout and I got the final goal."

Ashley's stomach had a knot in it. She said, "Seriously? Don't you think it's unfair that I had to play keeper? I think I should get a point for the shutout."

Emily said, "Come on Ashley it was fate. Don't be a poor sport."

Emily and Ashley grabbed their sport's bags and headed for Ashley's Miata. She was glad she had put the top up before the game. Thank goodness for weather apps. She had to listen to Emily excited prattle all of the ways home. She couldn't believe she had lost the bet.

The warm shower felt wonderful and Emily's selection of music was loud and stimulating. Ashley's mood improved when Emily joined her in the shower.

Emily said, "On my god, Ashley the game was so exciting!"

Ashley replied, "Well, it was pretty dull for me. All I did most of the game was watch. To be honest, I was hoping you wouldn't score. I'm really nervous about tomorrow."

Emily wrapped her arms around Ashley and gave her a firm hug. Ashley returned the hug from her shorter friend. The top of Emily's head only came up to Ashley's shoulders.

Emily said, "Tomorrow will be delightful if you just go with the flow. This dress can do wonders for your campaign. Most of the students don't know you and the ones that do think of you as a stuck up nerd. The dress shows you are outgoing and fun. Meanwhile, we need to work the stress out of your body. Let me wash your back."

Ashley's muscles felt tight from standing around in the cold rain. Emily scrubbed Ashley's back firmly but didn't stop there. She massaged Ashley's muscular ass before kneeling down and washing Ashley's long legs starting from the bottoms of her calves. Emily slowly worked her small hands up Ashley's legs as Ashley leaned her back against the shower wall. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she felt Emily erase one knot after another. Emily stopped at the top of Ashley's thighs.

Ashley said, "Please don't stop."

Emily soaped up Ashley's chest and cupped her slippery breasts. Ashley caught her breath and moaned as Emily ran her soapy fingers over her erect nipples. Emily rolled each nipple between her fingers before lowering her hands to wash Ashley's trim stomach. She brushed the soap over Ashley's stomach before beginning her assault on Ashley's pussy. Emily ran her fingers down the outside of Ashley's pussy lips. As she drew her hand back up, she swept her palm across Ashley's clit. Ashley's legs started to shake. Emily grasped Ashley's wrists and pulled her hands over her head to the base of the showerhead. Emily tilted the shower spray down to wash over Ashley's body hanging against the wall.

Emily said, "Hold on tight, I'm going to take you for a ride."

Ashley moaned as Emily's hand ran over her clit again. Emily seized Ashley's clit and rolled the nub between her fingers as she had with her nipples earlier. Ashley gasped and her body shook as an electrical spark radiated through her core.

Emily knelt in front of Ashley and gently pulled Ashley's clitoral hood back. Ashley moaned again as the warm water cascaded over her pussy. Emily gazed at Ashley's pussy in anticipation before licking from the bottom of her pussy up to her clit. Emily seized Ashley's ass with one hand and ran her fingers up and down her butt crack. Emily sucked on Ashley's clit as she pushed two fingers into her wet vagina. Ashley gasped as Emily drew her clit into her mouth and flicked her tongue over the sensitive bud. Ashley writhed in Emily's grasp and her world exploded. Ashley screamed in ecstasy.

Slowly Ashley's breathing calmed. She could not understand why Emily's fingers were still in her vagina.

"Thanks, Emily. That was fantastic, but I think I'm done."

Emily said, "We have to get you in the mood for tomorrow. So hold on. This roller coaster has one more peak."

Ashley said, "I don't know if I can handle another orgasm like that one. You're turning me into jello."

Emily replied, "We have to get you past this senseless fear you have. You'll see. Tomorrow will be fun. So we definitely need to get you more relaxed. Besides I want to see if I can get my whole tiny hand inside of your snatch. Mary used to go wild when I wiggled my fingers against her cervix."

Ashley gulped as Emily rolled her clit between her fingers. Then Ashley felt the tips of Emily's fingers push against the entrance to her vagina.

Ashley shook her head from side to side and moaned, "No, no, no!"

Emily applied more pressure and twisted her hand against Ashley's vagina. Ashley stood on her tiptoes and raised one foot off of the floor to escape the pressure of Emily's hand. When she pulled her leg up, it opened up her vagina and Emily's hand thrust into Ashley's core. Ashley grunted under the pressure in her womb. She was surprised at the lack of pain. Emily paused and before flicking her tongue against Ashley's clit. When Ashley's breathing calmed, Emily began to saw her hand into Ashley's vagina. Ashley started to pant in ragged breaths as Emily's fingers brushed against her G-spot. Ashley jumped when Emily pressed a finger into her anus. Emily sucked Ashley's clit into her mouth and gently bit her on this most sensitive organ.

Again Ashley screamed as her body shuddered against the shower wall. Her hands lost their grip on the shower pipe and she would have fallen if Emily did not have her body trapped between her hands. Emily continued to brush her tongue over Ashley's clit as her victim shook.