Ashley's Campaign Ch. 08


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Ashley turned to Mister Wilson and said, "I think that is it."

Mister Wilson took his time examining what Ashley had written. His eyes kept darting to the gap at the bottom of Ashley's dress. He tried to estimate just how few millimeters of dress there were left hiding her pussy. He was surprised that he did not see any pubic hair. Mister Wilson leaned back in his chair and addressed the class. He kept Ashley at the front of the classroom while he provided extensive commentary on the significance of the problem Ashley had answered.

Ashley stood facing Mister Wilson as he rambled on. Every time he mentioned her name his eyes shifted back to her crotch. Ashley pressed her thighs together as she felt a drop of her nectar start trickling down her leg. Finally, Mister Wilson finished.

Mister Wilson said, "Thank you, Ashley. I look forward to future expositions by you."

Ashley looked down at the floor as she carefully walked back to her seat. Every eye in the class was on her. Several guys slid down in their seats hoping to see Paradise beneath the gap in her dress. Ashley was breathing hard and felt incredibly turned on. She had to repress an urge to lift her dress and caress her soaking wet pussy in front of Mister Wilson and the entire calculus class.

When the next problem was being addressed, Josh leaned over to her and whispered, "You've really lost your mind. At first I thought you were just wearing a small thong. But I could see your pussy lips in the gap between your thighs. I thought that was extreme, but then you stumbled and flashed your wet pussy to the whole calculus class. I though Mister Wilson was going to have a heart attack!"

Ashley whispered back, "It couldn't have been that bad."

Ten minutes later Josh handed Ashley his cell phone. It showed a video of her in front of the class that had just been uploaded. Ashley hit play. At first the video just showed her butt cheeks. Then the video zoomed in on the gap between her thighs. It was obvious she wasn't wearing underwear and her pussy was getting wetter by the minute. When she stumbled trying to write at the top of the board, her leg shot out to the side revealing her bald pussy. Camera flashes glistened off of the moisture dripping from her aroused pussy. Ashley felt her stomach tighten as another shot of adrenaline coursed through her trembling body. She felt another wave of moisture soak the bottom of her dress. Ashley almost dropped the phone as she thrust it back into her brother's hands. For the rest of the class, Ashley struggled to regain her composure.

Ashley was grateful when Calculus ended. She felt Mister Wilson's eyes boring into her as she left his class. She met Emily just as she was entering their third period English class.

Elizabeth Ainslie sat on her desk and asked some questions about the book she had assigned. After Ashley had kept volunteering to answer her questions, the teacher called her to the front.

"Ashley, I need someone to go to the library to get this list of books. My sister Susan will help you. Here are the list and a hall pass."

Ashley said, "Happy to help."

As Ashley started to leave with her shoulder bag, Ms. Ainslie said, "Sorry students are no longer allowed to carry packs or purses while using a hall pass. The principal said too many students were going for a smoke or doing drugs. You can leave your bag with your friend Emily."

Ashley gave the bag to Emily and said, "See you."

Ashley was able to take longer strides with the bottom button of her dress missing. She was still placing one foot in front of the other as if she was walking a tightrope. The longer strides emphasized the swinging of her hips. Ashley was pleased with her progress walking with high heels. She was lost in thought as she recollected the affair in her calculus class. It had been an exhilarating mixture of humiliation and sensuality. She had observed with delight Mister Wilson's erection and the lust in the eyes of her male classmates. Just thinking about her bold exhibitionism was making her excited. When she felt the dampness grow between her thighs, she forced herself to think of something else. Her thoughts were interrupted as she turned the last corner to the library.

"Hall Pass please."

Ashley looked over her shoulder. Behind her, a vaguely familiar boy was slouched in a desk chair that was much too small for his tall, lanky frame.

Ashley said, "I'm on my way to the library. Here is my pass."

As the boy studied the hall pass, she asked, "You look familiar. Do I know you?

He replied, "I'm on the cross country team. The other day you and your friend Emily were doing stretches nearby when we finished our run. Maybe you saw us then. Everyone on the team certainly saw the two of you."

Ashley blushed as she remembered how the whole cross country team had gawked at her and Emily as the scantily clad girls performed their cool down stretches. Emily had convinced her to go to soccer practice without underwear beneath her halter top and loose shorts. By the end of soccer practice, her shorts were nearly falling off. After the girls had finished stretching, Emily had pulled Ashley's shorts down. After exposing Ashley's curvaceous ass, Emily had flashed her pert tits to the cross-country runners. Ashley was sure that the cross-country team would not forget her and Emily.

Ashley said, "Aren't you rather tall for cross country? Most long distance runners are short."

The boy replied, "Actually a bunch of us are from the basketball team. The coach has us run cross country in the Fall to build up stamina for basketball. So yeah, basically our cross country times suck but it definitely helps us during the Winter."

Ashley said, "I heard that the basketball team is solidly behind Ellen so I guess it wouldn't be worthwhile trying to get your vote."

The boy said, "Yeah, sorry we are all pretty committed to Ellen. Meanwhile, you have to sign the log."

Ashley leaned over to sign the paper and got an overwhelming dose of Axe cologne. Ashley had an intense dislike for Axe and this guy had evidently bathed in it. Ashley inhaled deeply and sneezed violently into her elbow. The first sneeze was followed by two more racking sneezes. On the third sneeze, the top two buttons of her dress popped off and the boy caught them as they bounced on his desk. The modest scoop top of the dress was now open all of the ways down to the third button just below her ribs.

He laughed and said, "Are these campaign buttons? A couple more buttons and I might change my vote."

Ashley felt warm and flushed as she bent over to sign the clipboard. When she looked up, she saw the boys eyes fixated down the opening at the top of her dress. Ashley was flustered as she stood up and the boy handed her the Hall Pass. She fumbled the note and a breeze from an opened door at the end of the hallway carried the note away.

The boy said, "You better get the pass before it blows away. You will need it to get back to class."

The pass was now ten feet away. Ashley scurried over to the note and pinned it beneath her foot. Ashley felt a sudden urge to give the boy a show. She spread her feet for stability and bent over from the waist to retrieve the pass. Ashley felt a breeze on her ass that wafted between her legs. She shivered as the draft cooled the moisture on her aroused pussy. She pretended to have trouble retrieving the errant pass. She flexed her knee to make her ass jiggle. A flash from his camera phone confirmed that she had his full attention. She grasped the note and stood up. Ashley tugged the bottom of the dress down over her ass cheeks. She looked over her shoulder as she walked away.

The boy said, "I hope to see more of you on the way back."

Ashley laughed to herself as she sauntered away with as much hip action as she could manage. What was coming over her? Teasing the boy had aroused her so much she could feel the moisture beginning to leak from her pussy. Ashley hurried to the library.

Ashley was greeted by Susan Ainslie as she walked up to the front desk of the school library. Susan was Ashley's French teacher and the identical twin of Elizabeth Ainslie. Ashley liked the Ainslie sisters. They were young, pretty and they dressed more like students than stuffy teachers. If Ashley had an older sister, she wished it could be Elizabeth or Susan.

"Ms. Ainslie, Elizabeth asked me to pick up these books. I'll try to be quiet."

Ms. Ainslie said, "Nonsense Ashley. I don't have anything to do so I'll help you. It'll go faster and you can get back to class. Oh and please call me Susan. I think of Ms. Ainslie as my mother."

Ashley smiled, "Thanks, Susan. It might take me forever to find all of these books."

Susan said, "Fine just follow me."

Susan walked into the main room of the library. It was deserted except for another of the basketball players that Ashley had seen with the cross-country runners. He was sitting at a long table next to an iron spiral staircase that led up to the stacks. His face brightened with recognition when he saw Ashley. Once again, Ashley felt a warm glow build as the boy's eyes lingered on her body.

Ashley read out the title of the first book.

Susan pointed to a shelf and said, "It should be on the middle shelf."

Ashley quickly found the book and put it on the table well away from the boy. She read out the second book and Susan pointed to a bottom shelf.

Ashley walked over and squatted on her haunches. She felt a little unsteady on her heels. As she reached for the book, she felt the back of her dress ride up exposing a considerable amount of her ass. Ashley wobbled to her feet and tugged her dress down. As she set the book on the table, she looked at the boy. His eyes were fixated on her legs. Ashley turned to Susan and saw that she was also watching Ashley intently. Susan looked excited and had a playful smile. Ashley fidgeted with the list and stammered out the name of the next book.

Susan pointed out a high shelf and said, "It's over here. I think you can reach it without fetching the ladder."

Ashley walked over to the shelf and stretched her right hand up to reach the book. Again her dress rose up in the back. As she pulled the book down, she looked over at Susan who was standing to Ashley's right. Susan was relishing the sight of Ashley's breast displayed through the open top of Ashley's dress. As Ashley set the book on the table, she glanced at the boy. He was holding a book, but his broad grin was a sure tell that he wasn't reading the book on economics.

Ashley read the next title to Susan.

Susan said, "We will definitely need the ladder for that one."

Susan walked over to a ladder with wheels. The ladder was attached to a track on the wall. Susan rolled the ladder close to the boy and pointed to a shelf high above the floor. Susan held the ladder rail to prevent it moving.

Ashley was afraid of heights. The steep ladder looked secure but still the book was high above the floor. Ashley brushed against the boys chair as she started to climb the ladder. She held on tight to the rails to avoid slipping in her high heels. She took one step at a time and carefully rested with both feet on a step before proceeding. When she got to the top, she had to lean over to grab the book. She held it against her chest. She could feel her heart pounding as she gasped for breath. Her free hand was squeezing the railing.

As she lowered her foot and felt for the step, she looked down. Both Susan and the boy were smiling up at her. Both of them were staring up her dress. Ashley felt the familiar warmth spreading through her body. Her arousal was enhanced by her fear of falling. Ashley felt her pussy gush with her juices. It tickled as it ran down the inside of her trembling thigh.

Ashley lowered her foot to the rung below. She carefully brought her upper foot down to join it. She slid her hand down the rail. Ashley took a couple of deep breaths and then repeated the process. Ashley was shaking by the time she reached the bottom. Susan had helped on the last two steps by putting her hand on Ashley's hip. Ashley thought for a minute that she would collapse into Susan's arms. She leaned against the ladder and caught her breath.

Ashley managed to carry the book over to her growing pile. She picked up the list and read the next title.

Susan said, "How many more books do you have on the list?"

Ashley said, "There are only two more." Ashley read the title of the last book.

Susan said, "Both of those books are in the stacks above us. We have to take the spiral staircase to get there. Do you feel up to it?"

Ashley looked at Susan who was smiling warmly and said, "I think I can manage those stairs better than the ladder. Still I'd feel safer if you were behind me."

Susan laughed, "I am not sure if I could catch you, but I'll be glad to walk behind you."

Susan walked over to a wall switch and turned on lights and fans in the stacks.

Susan walked back to the stairs and said, "After you, Ashley."

Ashley grasped the railing and started climbing. When she looked down, she realized that the stairs were a metal grill that you could see through. As she climbed, she looked down and saw the boy grinning up at her through spaces in the stairs. Ashley knew he could see her pussy clearly. His smartphone of the table indicated that the camera was running. Ashley shivered as she became even more aroused. When she was directly overhead of the boy, she paused as if to take a breath. She had one foot on the stair above her offering the perv a perfect view of her dripping pussy.

At the top of the stairs, she walked over to a shelf and waited for Susan. The librarian led Ashley deep into the stacks. She pointed to a case by the back wall.

Susan said, "It should be on the top shelf. Sorry, but I don't think I can reach it. If you stand on tiptoes, maybe you can get it."

Ashley steadied herself with a hand on the bookcase. She reached as high as she could and her fingers brushed against the book. She raised herself up on the toes of the high heel shoes. She felt the dress rise above the curves of her ass. Susan put her hand in the middle of Ashley's back to support her. Ashley inhaled sharply as she felt a jolt of pleasure pass from Susan's hand. Ashley grasped the book before twisting and falling into Susan's arms. Susan's hand on the small of Ashley's back drew their bodies together. They stood staring into each other's eyes as Ashley's body trembled against Susan's curves. Susan placed her other hand behind Ashley's head and pulled her into a kiss. Ashley melted in Susan's arms and moaned as Susan plunged her tongue into Ashley's mouth.

Ashley dropped the book and put her arms around Susan. Ashley whimpered with desire. Susan began to grind her body against Ashley. Susan moved her hand lower on Ashley's back and grasped Ashley's ass. Ashley shivered in delight as Susan ran her fingers up and down the sensitive valley between her ass cheeks.

Susan whispered in Ashley's ear, "At first when you bent over, I thought you just had a very narrow string for the back of your thong. But walking behind you up the stairs, I saw your shaved pussy glistening above me. You got me very aroused. You little tease, you took forever climbing the stairs. But now I have your magnificent body in my arms. Will you please let me pleasure you?"

Ashley could not believe that this gorgeous woman wanted her. Ashley looked Susan in the eyes and trembled as she whispered, "Yes, please yes."

Susan knelt in front of Ashley and skimmed the yellow dress up to Ashley's waist. Susan put a hand between Ashley's thighs and separated Ashley's long legs. Susan gazed at Ashley's bare pussy and inhaled deeply. She looked up at Ashley and smiled before spreading the lips of Ashley's pussy. Susan ran her tongue from the bottom of Ashley's pussy to the top. Susan licked her lips and used her hand on Ashley's ass to draw her sex closer. Susan began to lap up the nectar trickling from Ashley's pussy. Ashley moaned as she desperately clutched the shelf behind her to keep from collapsing to the floor.

Susan lightly flicked Ashley's clit with her tongue. Susan pushed the hood back to expose Ashley's clit. Susan sucked Ashley's clit into her mouth and Ashley put her hand over her mouth to muffle her cries of ecstasy. Susan pushed a finger into Ashley's vagina. As Susan's finger touched Ashley's G-spot, the tormented girl came. Susan rode Ashley hard until the student's orgasm subsided.

Susan stood up and embraced Ashley to prevent her trembling body from sliding to the floor. Susan kissed Ashley deeply as her fingers frantically worked the buttons on Ashley's dress. Ashley heard a button bounce on the floor, followed by second one hitting a bookshelf. Now unbuttoned, the dress fell away from Ashley's front. Susan pushed the dress off of Ashley's shoulders and it dropped to the floor.

Susan cupped Ashley's right breast and pulled the erect nipple into her mouth. Susan ran her other hand down Ashley's firm stomach and grasped Ashley's soaking pussy. Susan caressed Ashley's clit. Ashley's body began to tremble and twist in Susan's arms. Susan lowered Ashley's naked body to the floor. Ashley lay on her back staring up at this lovely young woman.

Susan smiled down at Ashley and then pulled her dress over her head and tossed it aside. She unfastened her bra and dropped it beside her dress. She stuck her thumbs into her skimpy panties and pushed them down her slim legs. Ashley fell in love with the small triangle of well-trimmed hair above Susan's pussy. Susan knelt beside Ashley and ran her hand over Ashley's shivering body.

Susan asked, "Ashley honey, could you please pleasure me while I do you?"

Ashley reached out a hand to Susan and said, "I'd love to."

Susan straddled Ashley's face as she lowered her mouth to Ashley's pussy. She wrapped a hand under Ashley's ass as she began to drink nectar from Ashley's fiery pussy. Ashley looked up at Susan's sensuous pussy and pulled the woman's sex to her. Ashley was overwhelmed with Susan's enchanting fragrance. Ashley kissed Susan's pussy and savored the taste of her teacher. Susan groaned and proceeded to lick Ashley's clit. Ashley copied Susan movement for movement. Susan trembled as Ashley sucked her clit. Susan reached below Ashley's ass and pressed two fingers into Ashley's vagina. Again Susan's fingers rubbed over Ashley's G-spot and the student had another orgasm.

Ashley whimpered as Susan didn't stop flicking her tongue against Ashley's clit. Ashley struggled for control as her body writhed under Susan. Ashley found Susan's pussy and the student pushed a finger into Susan's pussy. Ashley sucked Susan's clit into her mouth and vigorously flicked her tongue across Susan's clit. Susan redoubled her efforts. Both women were thrusting their fingers into the other's pussy. Their beautiful bodies were glistening with sweat and the aroma of their sex filled the area.

Susan said, "Cum for me, Ashley. Please cum."

Ashley fought against another orgasm. She wanted Susan to come first. Oh, how she wanted to please her teacher. Susan's body began to shake. Ashley drew her teeth across Susan's clit and the teacher exploded. Susan's juices flowed over Ashley's face as she struggled to drink in all of her teacher's sweet nectar.

Susan whimpered, "Ashley, please, please cum."

Ashley let her orgasm overwhelm her.

The young women lay quietly in each other arms for a while before being startled by the bell indicating the end of the period. They both scrambled to their feet and pulled on their clothes. Ashley was dismayed to find that her dress only had four buttons remaining. The one she had mended was still intact as well as three others. All of the dress's remaining buttons ran from just below her ribs to a few inches below her belly button. The three buttons that had not been mended were just hanging on. The dress's two top buttons were gone as well as the three bottom buttons.