Extra Credit

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Miranda gives in to temptation and trades an A for a lay.
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Author's Note: Welcome to my entry in Heyall's On The Job story event. 12 years ago, I wrote a student teacher fantasy 'After School Special' based on the idea of 'we all had that one teacher we thought of." This one is based on thinking do teachers say, "We all had that one student?" So, here we are, enjoy. LC68

Chapter One

Miranda looked up at a light tapping on the frosted glass of her office door.

"Come in," she replied while leaning back in her chair and rubbing her stinging eyes.

She'd been grading essays and exams for the past three hours and whoever was at the door, and whatever they wanted, would be a good excuse to take a break.

"Hey, girl!" Susan came through the door, and Miranda could have kissed her when she saw the Extra-large Dunkin Donuts Coffee in her hand. "Brought you some inspiration!"

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Miranda plucked the coffee from her hand.

"What if I told you I had them add a turbo shot?" Her fellow professor and longtime friend asked.

"I'll kiss you right here, with tongue." Miranda took a sip and rolled her eyes back.

She really shouldn't be getting this much pleasure from a coffee, but not like she'd had much else going on her life lately.

"Can my husband watch?"

"If he brings me food, he can join in." Miranda took another sip and sighed. "You'd think after a while you'd get used to grading the finals."

"Nah, no matter how many times you do it, it's still panic and crunch time just like it is for the students." Susan sat down in one of the two chairs in front of her desk. "But hey, this is your last time, at least here anyway, so enjoy the rush."

"True," Miranda nodded, brushing her long curly blonde hair from her face. "You'd think I'd get lucky and on my last go round I'd get some decent essays. New year, new kids, same topics and meh writing."

"I still can't believe you're leaving us." Susan tapped her chest. "Leaving me, we started teaching at North Providence High the same year, and you came here to URI a year after me."

"Maybe you can follow me now," Miranda suggested.

"I don't think Tim wants to go down to Florida, he hates the heat." She took a sip of her own coffee and gave her a knowing smile. "You were never a fan either, but you need a new start, I get it."

"You're right."

"Even though that's not fair. That scumbag cheated on you, gambled away almost everything you two had in the bank, and you're the one that's leaving." Susan scowled. "He should be going somewhere, like with bars and no windows."

"We've been over this." Miranda rubbed her red rimmed brown eyes. "He cheated on me for years, and with Linda my goddamn best friend next to you, and all his friends knew it. A lot of people knew it. He made a fool of me."

"I know, but I hate that it looks like you're running."

"Susan, I'm a laughingstock to a lot of people. Miranda was too dumb to know her husband's sticking it to anything that moves, especially if it was half his age."

"That's why I never knew where Linda fit in, she's your age."

"Linda has money, well her family does. He wasn't just using her for sex, but as a stake once I made it hard for him to get his hands on anything I made so he needed a new source."

"Ugh. I'm glad your lawyer managed to get you what was left from the sale of the house after his debts were paid and he couldn't touch any of it."

"Shame it's just enough to get me moved down there and into a condo, but I guess that's enough," Miranda shrugged.

"You leaving just because of the people who knew?"

"Mostly. He was banging his interns, scoring girls at club by flashing money around when he won a bet. Fooled around with Linda. For fucks sake, Sue, I found out he'd been screwing the girl at Starbucks that I saw every morning on the way here for months before I found out."

"That's why I brought Dunkin," Susan forced a smile.

"Everywhere I look I wonder; did he fuck her? Does that person know Nick was cheating on me?"

"You're right, it just sucks."

"Yeah it does." Miranda agreed and went back to sipping her coffee.

"Know what really sucks?" Susan leaned forward. "You never got even."

"This again?"

"This again," Susan repeated. "You and Nick hadn't been having much sex, he kept saying he didn't feel good, and wasn't what he used to be, and you were understanding, and truth was he couldn't get it up anymore from..."

"Really, Susan? I need to hear what I already know?" Miranda waved her hand in disgust. "See? Another reason to leave. I kicked him out six months ago, divorce was final two months ago and you still talk about it."

"Sorry, I'm mad for you. You should have gone out and fucked someone and made sure he knew about it."

"That's mature," Miranda scoffed.

"It's payback. You should have found some kid half his age and gone for a real ride and rubbed it in his face."

"So he can try to say I was cheating? Knew the kid all along?"

"Within two days of finding out he cheated you had legal separation papers filed. It would not have been cheating."

"It wasn't going to make anything better or change what he did." Miranda pointed out.

"It would make you feel better. You were going to bed alone and killing batteries while he was picking up hookers out of town on his 'sales meetings'. You should be out there getting what you need, and just happen to make sure he knew about it."

"Like he'd care."

"That type cares," Susan told her. "They think it's great to bang everything that moves because they're the man. But they find out their estranged wife is getting it from someone? They get mad and butthurt, like you're still his ride. You being alone is what he wants. Thinks he ruined you."

"Financially he almost did."

"Don't play tough girl. He broke your heart, betrayed your trust, humiliated you and now you're leaving everything you know to start over. That's winning in his eyes."

"Maybe," Miranda mumbled, but already knew how her friend would respond.

"No maybe. He's living with Linda, and God knows what that woman is thinking, but snakes like him are like car salesmen, they sell a lemon like it's a Cadillac."

"Getting laid doesn't take away anything you just said."

"But you'd get what you need!" Susan's voice rose with her frustration. "Miranda, you're 45 not 65 and you need to get some of that frustration out." She laughed. "Boys aren't the only ones who have to drain the poison you know."

"Okay, mom."

"What's the problem the last couple of months? Divorce is final, you're staying in Mary's inlaw, so you have your own space."

"I'm not jumping right back in. I want to be alone for a while."

"Who said dating? Get dressed up and go get messed up! I joke about the young kids but find a guy and have fun. Get some of that anger out, cut loose and go wild. You always said even before Nick started turning you down he couldn't keep up with you. Go be someone's porn star for a night."

"Then what? I end up with someone who keeps calling. Who wants more? Maybe they're married? "

"You're leaving in two weeks. You really care?" Susan raised her eyebrows.

"That will be part of my new start, how's that? Once I get down there, I'll hook up."

"Then you will have to worry what you hooked up with. You're out of here soon, go out with a bang, girl! Find them, fuck them, and hop on a plane and forget them."

"A true romantic you are."

"No romance needed. I'm talking coming home with your mascara down your face your panties in your purse and walking funny." Susan sighed dramatically. "Maybe I'm living vicariously through you."

"Then you need batteries too," Miranda laughed. "I appreciate you wanting me to get laid, but I don't know, who says I could even find someone."

"I did not just hear that," Susan looked genuinely offended. "You don't think you're attractive?"

"I'm okay, I guess, but you make it sound like I'm all that."

"You are!" Susan shook her head. "Add lowering your self-esteem to Nick's transgressions and reasons he needs a slow death. Miranda you are, as the kids say, hot as fuck."

"Cut it out," Miranda replied. "I'll pay for the coffee; you can stop schmoozing."

"Honey, you don't have a line or wrinkle on your face. You could pass for ten years younger and I want to smack you for it."

"Thanks, I think."

"Just that long curly honey blonde hair screams sexy. Especially when you wear it down. Has a wild look to it," she laughed, "Tim says you have porn star hair."

"I always thought of it as big eighties hair." Miranda joked.

"Tim grew up watching eighties porn, what can I say?"

"I'm glad your husband likes my hair, tell him for another coffee I'll brush it in front of him."

"Honestly? Tim told me him and his friends talk, and they all agree about how your wife always has that one absurdly hot friend, and he says hands down that's you."

"Do you trust Tim?" Miranda asked. "He seems to talk about me a lot."

"I trust him completely and we've all known each other for years, he's said this over time, he's not obsessed with your big hair self. I'm telling you so you know guys think you're hot."

"Apparently my hair is."

"And those dark smoldering eyes. You have bedroom eyes, Miranda. Even I can see that and when you get mad or intense they're pretty sexy."

"Should Tim trust you?"

"Stop it, you're not a homewrecker, and we're not inviting you for our next threesome."


"Kidding." Susan put her empty coffee cup on the desk. "Of course, we'd invite you and your hair." She rolled her eyes. "And those long legs and that goddamn infuriating rack of yours."

"What's wrong with my boobs?" Miranda looked down at the T-shirt she'd changed into once the students had left and she knew she'd be staying a few hours until they kicked her out at seven when they closed most of the building.

"That they're big! Look at me!" Susan cupped her smallish breasts through her blouse. "I'd give anything to have half of those things."

"Sorry, we get what we get."

"And I've seen you around your house without a bra, the damn things don't even sag!"

"They do a little," Miranda told her, but with a slight smile. She'd always known her breasts were impressive and was proud of the fact that in her mid-forties she'd seen minimal effects of gravity. "They jiggle more than they used to."

"Poor baby." Susan playfully flipped her off. "How you suffer."

"Ass does too," Miranda griped. "Thighs are getting a little soft."

"Nothing wrong with a little curve, and you've always had those. Nice hips too, and those legs are to die for."

"I am getting worried."

"We work out together, I've seen you in yoga pants and you still rock them. Guys don't mind a little junk in the trunk, fun to spank."

"Okay, this is getting awkward, I'll give in and say my looks aren't a problem."

"Good, that saves me from talking about your blow job lips. I've had people ask if you use Botox."

"I'm all natural," Miranda gave her head a toss, sending her hair, which she'd let down, flying about her face. "But not good enough I guess, Nick was screwing..."

"That's not on you, that's him being a fucking dog!" Susan snapped. "You are beautiful, intelligent, make good money, and as we just discussed, you're a brick shithouse."

"A middle aged one."

"The young guys love them some milfs."

"If you say so."

"Miranda, you don't remember we found that poll the seniors had going around back in high school and you were voted the teacher they'd most like to fuck?"

"Ten years ago."

"You don't think the kids here think the same? You see us other teachers and professors? You're still the hot one."


"You've told me you've caught some boys looking." She flashed a sly smile. "I remember a certain big breasted 80's porn star look a like telling me it turned her on."

Miranda looked away.

"Yeah, no denial there," Susan clapped her hands. "One night when we were out with the girls you even said you thought about having one under your desk while you spread your legs and let them go down on you."

"I didn't!" Miranda argued, then grinned. "I said I wanted to sit on my desk with my feet on the arms of my chair while they did it."

"I stand corrected."

"Yeah, not proud of it, but I've thought about a few over the years. Especially since I started here. I feel better thinking about boys without teen at the end of their age."

"We all do it. Show me a teacher, male or female, that's taught older kids for years who says they have never run the student teacher fantasy through their head, and I'll show you a liar."

"When I was a student I always thought it was the guy teachers who were pervy, had a couple of them," she scrunched her face up. "Dirty bastards, I even had one offer me an A instead of my B if I would suck him off right there on the spot."

"Get that A?"

"Hell no," Miranda exclaimed. "It's not just pervy, its unethical. We're teachers, these kids look up to us."

"They look up at you when they're going down in your fantasy." Susan smirked.

"What happens in my head stays there."

"Good answer, but I've been there. I've had some juniors and seniors here I wouldn't mind bending over my desk for. Instead, those stupid giggly little tarts get all that good fucking and they don't even appreciate it."

"They don't drain batteries, they drain balls." Miranda nodded.

"Oh, that was dirty," Susan looked impressed. "Sure, it's not time you did some draining?"

"You know after I locked Nick out of the house when one of his friends who finally felt bad for me sent me a picture of him and his latest tramp, I started going through all his shit and found a bottle of Viagra."

"You'd think girls that young would be all the Viagra you'd need." Susan frowned. "Sorry, didn't mean it that way."

"No worries, point is these trollops have no idea what's waiting for them at our age. Batteries, blue pills if you want a second round, and sixty nine becomes you do me I owe you one, and they never pay that debt."

"Its time, Miranda." Susan grinned. "You hear yourself? You have sexual frustration on the brain."

"Not saying you're wrong, just don't think I could." Miranda changed the subject from her. "What about now? Have any studs this year you thought about?"

"One or two. This year I found out one of my female students had a thing for me."

"Must like small tits."

"Bitch. But this semester there was no one that really did it for me. I know they're legit hot when Tim becomes them when I close my eyes."

"Classy," Miranda grinned and drained the rest of her coffee. "Wow, I needed this."

"What about you? Have any hot ones?"

"Not really."

'Liar!" Susan pointed to her. "Tristan Brit?"

"Oh, right," Miranda nodded. "Him."

"Yeah him, Mr. dark perfect hair, green eyes, cleft chin and abs you could break a walnut on?"

"Sure, he's okay."

"Okay? Are you going to lie now? Why are you getting all funny with me?"

"Fine, he's," she couldn't hold back a smile. "Damn fine."

"I know, he was in my class two semesters ago." Susan went on. "Easy going too, he seems sweet," she licked her lips. "Made me want to ruin him even more."

"True, he doesn't seem cocky like a lot of the jocks. Good kid."

"I wouldn't mind his kid in me," Susan whistled. "He used to sit in the front row and in these tight ass jeans and I could see his damn bulge." She put her hands up. "Let's face it. we're as bad as the guys."


"So why didn't you just say him when I asked?"

"Don't you have tests to grade?"

"Aha!" Susan slapped the desk. "I know why. I bet you've thought about him. Maybe he's the one you were sitting on your desk for in your dirty little fantasy."

Miranda blushed, and Susan laughed.

"How cute are you, blushing like a teenager. Why? Its natural, especially in your state."

"I'm not in a state, and yes, I've had some thoughts about him, and you're right, it shows it's been a while. I've never thought of a student that way before."


"A passing thought, but never," she pushed away a few of the images she'd had involving her going full blown wild cat on a twenty year old student. "Other things."

"You get wet looking at him in class? Right at your desk?" Susan smirked. "Ever try to see if he looks at you?"

"No, I always dress appropriately."

"Sometimes damn frigid." The smile was widening. "But I do recall seeing you in some shorter skirts and tighter blouses, couple had a V-neck."

"Stop it. Sometimes I just wanted to feel a little better about myself, okay?"

"Don't get defensive, I'm only teasing," she winked. "And wondering if you were trying any teasing."

"Of course not!" she snapped a little too quickly and way too loudly.

"You have! Has he looked?"

She slumped in the chair. "I'm not proud, but one day I went over because I could see he was texting under his desk, and I had one of those lower cut shirts on and leaned over in front of him."


Miranda couldn't help smiling. "Let's just say I could have used the 'my eyes are up here' line."

"Cock tease!"

"Please, kid like that is banging any girl he wants. He might have looked because boobs are boobs, but he doesn't want a teacher his mother's age."

"Cougar, milf, teacher, all go to fantasies for kids his age. So would you?"

"Would I what?"

"Sleep with him or any student?"


"Try this way, you won't get caught. Free hall pass."

"Still think it's wrong."

"Even if they want it?"

"Why are we playing this game?"

"I like to play it out in my mind. Maybe I just want to know I'm not wrong for thinking I would if I weren't married and wouldn't catch any shit."

"Hate to make you feel bad, but I don't think I could ever seduce a student."

"I said part of the game is they want it."

"Still wrong to me. Its kind of like abuse of power."

"Some people like abuse, even pay for it." Susan rose from her chair. "But okay goody two shoes. You're a better woman than me."

"Goes without saying," Miranda quipped. "I got the boobs, remember?"

"What good are they when you're the only one touching them? Susan retorted. "You still coming for dinner Friday night?"

"Wouldn't miss it. Tell Tim I'll wear my hair down and even put some Aquanet in it for him."

"I'm getting some for sure!" Susan laughed. "I'm off to grade a few more then head home. Try not to stay too late."

"Not like I have anything better to do." Miranda slid back up to her desk and picked up her red pen.

"Who's fault is that?" Susan asked, then with a wave left the office, closing the door behind her.

"Nicks," Miranda said softly, then stared down at her long red nails.

She did her nails and went for a pedicure every week, still trying to look good and for what? For who? She wasn't ready to trust anyone again, but Susan was right, meaningless casual sex didn't require any commitment. Why couldn't she do it?"

She looked at the pen in her hand and muttered what she always told her students.

"No complaining about the grade. You're responsible for your work and yourselves."

Her frustration was her fault and no one else, and she was the only one who could do anything about it.

The question was could she?

Chapter Two

Miranda's eyes darted from the letter of recommendation she was currently working on to the time at the bottom of the screen. 4:20. At 4:30 her last appointment of the day, for that matter the semester, would be coming in.

She should be relieved, but instead felt the anxiety she'd been experiencing periodically during the day become a constant over the last half hour. The feeling wasn't the fault of the last student she would see after ten years of teaching at URI, but hers.

In ten minutes, Tristan Britt would come in to discuss his final exam grade with her. Nothing uncommon about that. Professors usually did everything they could to get students their final grade with a couple of days left in the semester to talk before they submitted the final grade at the end of the day on Friday.