Paradise Found Pt. 01

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Two best friends fall in love in Hawaii.
23.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/21/2019
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Sabrina vowed to never again become seriously involved with another man after her second divorce in ten years. She spent months with heavy depression attempting to find a reason why two different husbands felt the need to cheat on her. She was always faithful, loving, honest, and very attractive. It made no sense to her at all and the more she tried to figure it out, the less sense it made to her.

Now that Sabrina was thirty five and a successful photographer, the desire to have a man in her life was gone. She had plenty of other relationships to keep from becoming a total introvert, none of them male, and she was perfectly fine with that. Sabrina had no kids, no pets, a small house in Lancaster Pennsylvania, and a photo shop she had built from the ground up.

Sabrina started her own local photography company after graduating from Shippensburg University in 2003. By 2015, Sabrina was one of the most popular American photographers in the entire United States. Sabrina was most popular for her extensive collection of Amish photographs. She didn't take pictures of the people persay, but the more iconic images associated with the Amish lifestyle: buggies, barns, horses, etc.

Sabrina had an enormous fan base and constantly got offers to sell her business. Now that Sabrina had over a dozen other photographers working for her, all she did now for the most part, was to simply keep the business running. Fortunately, neither of her ex husbands were entitled to any piece of her business. Sabrina was both smart and savvy, two qualities that men apparently don't care for in a woman.

Nearly a year after Sabrina's second divorce was finalized, she decided to go on a much needed vacation. During that year, husband number two had convinced Sabrina that her obsessive work ethic and no desire for children was why he cheated on her. Sabrina knew better though, he cheated because he was a gigantic douche pickle.

Now was the perfect time for a big destination vacation. Pennsylvania was wonderful and all, but Sabrina needed something to distract her from the reminders of her every day life in Lancaster. Being that it was February, some place much warmer and much less snowy was what she had in mind. Her only real problem with taking a vacation was deciding if she wanted to go alone, or take one of her many friends along.

Most of Sabrina's friends were successful and didn't need much notice to drop everything and join her in a week long get away. Her only stipulation she made to herself was no men allowed. It wouldn't be very hard to remember that rule, because Sabrina only had two guy friends, and they were both already happily married. Still, a no men allowed weekend with Sabrina's wildest and most outgoing friend could prove to be a fantastic idea (or the worst idea ever).

First, Sabrina was going to need a killer destination. This was the time of year that Mexico was a very popular place to go, but Sabrina wasn't looking for a 'spring break' kind of getaway. The Bahamas were also out since that was where her and husband number two honeymooned. Once Sabrina realized she had no desire to mess around with passports and customs, the choice was obvious; Hawaii. Sabrina, being the savvy business woman that she was, knew that this could be a business write off if she brought her camera gear. Brilliant.

Sabrina had never been to Hawaii, surprisingly. She had been all over the rest of the world pretty much, but it never dawned on her until now that she overlooked Hawaii her entire life. She didn't know why, but Sabrina had never once considered going there. Maybe fate was saving that beautiful part of the world for her until just now. Whatever the reason, the universe was telling her to go there now, after two failed marriages and at the young, wise age of thirty five.

After spending the entire week booking flights, notifying her employees and renting hotel rooms, it was time to spring this on her life long friend, Julie, who would never say no to anything Sabrina would ask her. Julie and Sabrina had been friends since the third grade. They graduated high school together, went to college together in Shippensburg and had been really close friends nearly their entire lives. That is, until Julie admitted to sleeping with Sabrina's first husband, only six months after getting married to him

Julie agonized for weeks about how to break it to her BFF that she slept with her husband. Julie was a bit of a nymphomaniac ever since puberty, but had never let herself get involved with any of Sabrina's past or present boyfriends. When Julie did finally tell Sabrina what had happened, she was devastated. Not only had her husband cheated on her, but her life long friend had essentially stabbed Sabrina in the back.

Apparently what had happened was Sabrina's first husband had went out for drinks with Julie while Sabrina was in Chicago for the weekend on business. It started off innocently and it wasn't the first time they had gone out for drinks together. They were all close friends at the time and way back before Sabrina started dating the guy, the three of them had a drunken one night stand threesome together. Sabrina and Julie had done that sort of thing bunches of times during college together.

Julie had tried telling Sabrina that it was purely a physical thing between her and Sabrina's husband. Sabrina couldn't really blame Julie for having sex with her husband, given her propensity for men. Her husband on the other hand, should have known better. Shortly after the incident, Sabrina filed for divorce and her friendship with Julie became estranged for a while.

They remained friends, but they weren't anywhere near as close of friends as they had been. When Sabrina married for a second time, their friendship became more of a once a week phone call and maybe twice a year visit. But when Sabrina was cheated on for a second time during her second marriage, Sabrina and Julie came much closer to one another again. Julie was a very strong woman and Sabrina needed someone like that to lean on after divorce number two.

Julie never married since she had such a gigantic appetite for sex. Julie never had a serious relationship with another female. She was only ever drawn towards men and was a truly genuine nymphomaniac. To look at her, it was no surprise she was with someone new every other day. To put it bluntly, Julie was pornstar hot. She was tall, thin, naturally blonde, big breasted, tattooed everywhere, and had a huge bouncy ass. Julie was always tan and wore clothes so revealing sometimes, she may as well have been walking around naked.

Julie was a professional escort for rich men that paid her to be eye candy at big events. If they paid well enough, she would have sex with them, and they always paid well. Her standard rate for an evening out, with a happy ending, was $2,000. Some of her regular customers that had fetishes, would sometimes pay $5,000 for a weekend with her. Little did those men know, but Julie was such a nympho that she would have escorted for free with most of them.

Sabrina, who was not a nympho, did enjoy the occasional sex romp with a completely random, unknown guy. However, she hadn't done anything like that in a very long time. The last time was before husband number one, but she remembered it being highly enjoyable at the time. Sabrina couldn't connect with another female in an emotional way like she could with a man, much like Julie, but if she could, then she would've sworn off men completely before marrying one.

Sabrina wasn't pornstar sexy like Julie, but finding a date was never a problem either. Sabrina was just a smidgen shorter than Julie, but just as thin. Her breasts and butt weren't quite as big as Julie's either, they were a little more proportioned to her body size. She did have a few tattoos that accentuated her favorite parts about herself. She had a flower on top of her right foot, a butterfly on her left calf muscle, and a pattern of hearts on the small of her back.

Sabrina had red bushy hair that she kept short, freckles all over her chest and back and naturally rosy cheeks. She never wore makeup because of her already cute complexion. Her best feature that drove men crazy admittedly, were her perfect eyebrows that couldn't have shaped her face any better. Julie always commented on Sabrina's eyebrows and was incredibly jealous of them. Sabrina liked to dress modestly, but she never wore sneakers or shoes that covered her feet. She only wore sandals or flip flops, even in February.

The last Friday in February, Sabrina was ready to message Julie to see if she was able to go with her to Hawaii next weekend. Sabrina knew that Julie would cancel anything and everything to go on a weekend getaway with her best friend. Sabrina was so sure Julie would go that she had already gotten plane tickets for two people and made hotel accommodations for two people as well. The only real problem Sabrina could see was in getting Julie to leave Hawaii with her when the vacation ended.

Sabrina texted Julie asking her, "hey girlfriend, you busy next weekend? I'm planning a four day getaway from this damned February weather in Pennsylvania."

Julie called Sabrina about ten seconds after getting the text message. "Hell yeah, where are we going? Please don't say Mexico."

Sabrina laughed and said, "like you wouldn't go to Mexico if that's what I said. I've booked four days in Honolulu starting Thursday. You can pay for dinners and alcohol."

"Hawaii???!!! I'm so there. You already got plane tickets? What about a hotel? Let me pay for something more than dinners and alcohol. I've had an exceptional few months since Christmas. I had a couple pay me $7,500 to go with them to Barbados for their anniversary. We did some sick nasty shit, let me tell you."

"I'll bet, you can tell me on the plane to Los Angeles Thursday. $7,500??? That's insane. I can only imagine what the three of you did in Barbados. I just had lunch so don't tell me right now. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for you to blow some hard earned prostitution money."

"Escort money babe. You should get into it too. I've seen what you're working with before, you'd make a killing. Trust me."

"No thanks. I don't really want to get paid to pee on someone, or worse, get peed on."

"You're still bringing that up? That was a long time ago and I'll admit, it was pretty sexy at the time."

Sabrina couldn't even respond any more and tried changing subjects. "Anyway, I'll pick you up Thursday morning at seven. Pack for four days although I'm sure you'll be naked for most of the weekend."

"You will be too if I have anything to say about it. Do they have any nude beaches?"

"Oh God, who knows. Just be ready at seven. Ok?"

"I'm all yours girlfriend."

Sabrina disconnected the call and immediately started questioning some of her most recent decisions in life.

Thursday morning couldn't come fast enough for Sabrina. The excitement of leaving Lancaster during sleet and a snowstorm allowed Sabrina only a few hours of sleep Wednesday night. Lancaster was supposed to get six to ten inches of snow over the next twenty hours, but that was perfectly ok with Sabrina. She would be departing from BWI at 9am where there was no snow to ruin her weekend.

Sabrina was always very punctual with her arrival times. 6:59am and she was pulling into Julie's driveway blaring the horn so she didn't have to get out of her nice toasty car. It hadn't started snowing yet, but it was definitely cold enough for it. 7:05 and still no sign of Julie who was now throwing Sabrina off her schedule. She laid on the horn one more time before trying to call her. This time she was successful.

Julie came out with two huge suitcases and dressed like an Eskimo from Alaska. The sight was too funny to not laugh so she let it out as Julie was trying to stuff her two bags in the backseat of Sabrina's Ford Explorer.

Once Julie was finally ready to get into the front with Sabrina, she could here her friend laughing. "What the hell is so funny?"

"You. Look at'cha. You know, we're going to Hawaii and not Russia."

"I know that. It's cold as balls out. I may just stay in Hawaii, permanently. Fuck this weather."

"That's my only fear for this trip."

"If that's your only fear, I'd say that's pretty good. My only fear is you being a stick in the mud at some point. I know you said no men this trip, but how do you feel about young Hawaiian cabana boys?"

"I'll play it by ear. Don't worry about me girl. I brought plenty of condoms and a few of my favorite personal toys just in case things get really crazy."

Julie grabbed Sabrina's head and kissed her on the cheek saying, "that's my girl! Crazy is definitely the mark to hit on our first day. You should've gone to the tanning salon with me this week. This fair skin of yours is going to burn within an hour of our plane landing."

"You know, they did make this stuff called 'sunscreen', it's pretty amazing stuff."

"Smart ass. Come on! Let's go! I'm trying to ruin at least forty different cabana boys this weekend."

Sabrina rolled her eyes then took off for BWI and a much needed weekend getaway. Once they were on the highway and well under way, Sabrina decided to ask about Barbados, now instead of on the plane. God only knew what kind of awful things she had done with the married couple so maybe it was best to hear about it now in private.

Julie got excited and began telling Sabrina all the little dirty details. "Oh my God. So yeah, the couple were celebrating their twenty fifth wedding anniversary. Now, this couple have an open marriage so they both have multiple sex partners on the side. Being that it was a special anniversary, they had both expressed interest in sharing someone while in Barbados. That's where I come in."

"I'm already regretting asking you about it, but I guess it's no worse than the shady stuff you and I used to do in college."

"I know!! I miss those days, and I miss that birthmark you have right above your vagina."

"How the fuck do you still remember that? That was like fifteen years ago."

Julie laughed then said, "I'll never forget that little sexy pussy of yours babe. Ok, so anyway, the minute we get off the plane, we all go straight to the suite they had gotten for the weekend and waisted no time in letting the fun begin. Here's a picture of the couple I have on my phone so you can visualize it better."

Sabrina was impressed. Not only was the couple extremely sexy, the guy was like all muscle with tattoos all over him. His wife was just as good looking as Julie, but she had these enormous fake breasts that looked completely ridiculous on her.

Sabrina laughed then said, "wow, those are some huge fake tits. The guy is a total stud though."

Julie looked Sabrina dead in the eye and said, "you have no idea. That dude had a dick the size of my arm and that's no embellishment. I normally enjoy anal sex, but there was no way I was letting him put that thing in my ass. The wife could take it like a champion though. But you're right, her tits are very fake."

"Ok, so what happened?"

"Little anxious are we? How long has it been since you got some decent dick?"

"Longer than I will ever admit to. Keep going."

"Well, the wife wanted to us to get acquainted while the husband watched for a little bit. So the wife and I get on the bed and start kissing while undressing each other. The husband remained fully clothed the entire time. The wife was sexy as hell and had fewer tattoos than me, but she had some crazy fuckin piercings. Both her nipples were pierced her belly button, clit, AND her pussy lips had these huge hoops in them. It was a little over the top for me, but whatever."

"What were the hoops in her pussy lips for? I've never seen that."

"Hold on, I'm getting there. So we're kissing and playing with each others boobs when she asked her husband for her pump. Now, you know me pretty well and I've seen a lot of crazy shit, but this was all new to me. The husband hands her what looks like a respirator with a hose and pump attached to it. The wife lays down on her back on the bed and puts this respirator directly over her vagina and turns on the pump. So this machine starts sucking the life out of this woman's pussy which is nearly tripled in size now. The constant sucking it was doing was getting her off like crazy. After a few minutes she turns the pump off and removes the respirator from her pussy which is now fucking gigantic. Then, she puts her fingers into the hoops, there were two on each one of her pussy lips, and begins spreading her vagina open as far as she can."

"Jesus. That sounds incredibly painful. What the fuck is wrong with people? Normal sex isn't good enough any more?"

"I guess not. She then tells me to start fisting her engorged pussy. What can I say? They paid me very well. As I start fucking this woman with my entire hand inside of her, she starts cumming like a fire hydrant. Then the husband decides to finally join in. He comes over to the bed and starts kissing me while he grabs my arm that's halfway inside of his wife and begins fucking her like crazy with my hand. She's screaming and cumming like there's no tomorrow and I'll admit, by this time, I was pretty fuckin turned on. With my free hand, I undo the guys pants and see that he's going commando because this horse cock rolls out onto the bed and that's when we really started having some fun."

"You never cease to amaze me girl. Don't cut the story off there. This is too good. Horse cock, continue."

"Listen to you miss professional business woman. You're just as horny as the rest of us. Ok, so the wife needed a short break so her and I started sucking this monster dick together, but after a few minutes of that she let me have it all to myself while she went down me. It didn't take me long to get his dick really hard while he watched his wife get me off twice in like record timing. I was definitely not the first girl she had ever been with. Now, proper threesome etiquette involving a married couple dictates that the husband always fucks the wife first, but she had other plans apparently. The guy laid down on the bed on his back and the wife demanded that I get rammed first by this monster dick. So I climb on top of him, reverse cowgirl style, and try to get as much of this dick inside of me that I could. The wife plants herself down on her husbands face and proceeds to smother the guy with her still engorged pussy. Meanwhile, I'm cumming all over this man's dick which I'm pretty sure was hitting my lower intestines. The entire thing must've been too much for the guy cuz get what that fucker did."

"No, he didn't!"

"Oh yes he did. All up inside of me without warning. I mean it wasn't a big deal because my birth control is awesome, but still. What the fuck? The guys wife got so pissed and I'm pretty sure she tried suffocating him at that point. The rest of the weekend after that was kind of ruined."

"Damn Julie, that's some pretty crazy shit. I'm horny as fuck now."

Julie laughed hard then said, "yeah, me too. Now that we're on the subject, what are the rules for this weekend? I mean, are we trying to tag team some Samoans or what?"

Sabrina rolled her eyes and said, "no rules babe, I'm up for anything."

Julie leaned over and kissed Sabrina's cheek for a second time then said, "fuck yeah, good answer."

Just as the girls were walking into BWI, Sabrina got a text from her second in charge at the photo shop. Apparently the forecast changed from six to ten inches of snow and sleet to just twelve inches of heavy snow. Sabrina could've cared less about a foot of snow so she texted back telling her to close the shop for the weekend and to enjoy the snow days.

Julie asked what was up so Sabrina just said, "nothing, just the shop letting me know they're getting a foot of snow in the next 24 hours. I told her to close it down until Monday which I'm sure was good news to all of them."